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/vr/ - Retro Games

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964971 No.964971 [Reply] [Original]

>earlier this afternoon
>at flea market
>stop by local game shop within the flea market
>they have a beaten up copy of Conker's Bad Fur Day (as well as a Goldeneye) sitting right on top of a counter
>out of curiosity, ask if that CBFD is for sale
>it's not
>what happened is, both games are defective, and the store's using them as bait for shoplifters

>> No.964978

I could see stealing a Conker's, but a Goldeneye?

>> No.965010
File: 1.47 MB, 320x240, 1351287118988.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most excellent.

What is their address, I will send any of my rare games there if they ever go unsalvageably defective.

>> No.965097


>> No.965146


sounds like someone's channeling The Gord here.

>> No.965154

Huh? Why would you PURPOSEFULLY invite shoplifters?

>> No.965158


Nobody invites shoplifters, they usually just show up and get caught because they fucking suck

>> No.965182

I think he meant it is either to trick a shop lifter into getting caught or to trick them into stealing a defective product.

>> No.965204

I think its wrong. You are creating the oppertunity for someone to steal. Maybe they have never shoplifted before but after seeing those 2 games their heart starts pounding and all of a sudden they begin to wonder what it would be like to steal and and get away with it.

So maybe he steals those defective games and makes it home only to lust for more. He starts doing more shoplifting and eventually craves more difficult challenges. So he starts burgalizing homes and in a panic he clubs someone over the head who caught them stealing from their home and threatened to call the police. They die from blunt force trauma and now the kids a murderer.

So you essentially to an innocent kid and turned him into a cold blooded killer.

Its also wrong because you are basically saying, go ahead, I want you to shoplift. because rather than business as usual, I want to create more touble than troubles worth by inviting someome to steal from my store.

>> No.965205


I could stare into lord fart quad's nipples for hours

>> No.965210 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 500x375, 1352539102431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe, just maybe they are placed there to trick a shop lifter into stealing something broken instead of anything valuable.

>> No.965213
File: 63 KB, 273x329, slippery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.965214

Why would anyone want anyone else to steal their stuff? broken or not you shouldn't be inviting anyone to steal things from your shop. Chances are defective games aren't going to deter them from shoplifing again. just probably not from your store anymore. And if you kept an eye on your stuff anyways then you wouldn't have to worry about shoplifters.

>> No.965216

>Why would anyone want anyone else to steal their stuff?

I don't think they want people to steal their stuff. It seems more like the idea is if someone is going to steal their stuff it may as well be something they view as junk.

>> No.965226

Or possibly he just wants to play a joke on any unsuspecting shoplifters.

>> No.965747

>both games are defective
What the fuck can you do to an N64 game that could make it completely unrepairable, aside from smashing it or opening it and destroying the internals? Something tells me that's bullshit, that the carts are only one fix away from being operational. Probably needs cleaning or a cap replaced inside.

>> No.965759

...what in the fuck?

>> No.965784

This is the same country where To Catch A Predator was a successful long-running prime time show.

>go to random chat rooms
>invite men over for illegal sex
>arrest them when they show up

>> No.965893

I swear... Look, the reason why they have bait games is to keep GENUINELY VALUABLE stuff from being stolen.

Shoplifters from small stores tend to get caught and prosecuted. A guy who robbed my local game store got popped for several counts of grand theft, and was ratted out by a Facebook lynch mob. Turns out he was stealing cell phones all across the county, too, and had a bunch of people out to kill him for it as well.

>> No.965901

Thats Technically entrapment and also technically illegal.

>> No.965905

Hardly. You are under no legal requirement to secure desirable objects, much like you are under no external compulsion to take shit that isn't free to the public.

>> No.965916

Technically, I think the predators have to ask for the address first, which skirts coercion laws.
If the officer provided an address without the predator asking, he would have a case for being invited vs. rape rape rape

>> No.965926

Not defending scumbags. But displaying CBFD and people knowing the price tag associated with it and using it as shoplifting bait is pretty coercive to said scumbags.


Its actually a really good idea. Catching shady people by beating them at their own game.

>> No.965928

It seems that many people think scruples are a disease, and they try not to have them.

>> No.965930

As well as tact and common sense.

>> No.965932

And common courtesy, and common decency. In fact, I think they're only called "common x" because they SHOULD be, not because they are.

>> No.965936

You can kill any cart with sufficient ESD. If you live in a dry climate you can even do it accidentally.

>> No.965945

Stores leave all kinds of expensive things on shelves and counters though

>> No.965951

What is that picture supposed to mean?

>> No.965952

Yea they totally put earthbound in with the sports games.

>> No.966000

Give it to james rolfe to smash

>> No.966027

This is a legit technique. Think of it as a sacrificial metal like the zinc you float along your boat. You don't let your boat get corroded...let the cheap metal wear away. +3 valence is as good as a fake game.

>> No.966034

Slippery slope logical fallacy
Philosophical stuff

>> No.966040

Flea market vendors are not notoriously the wisest or most responsible of business people. Check out my flea market experience from yesterday here
The flea market thread

>> No.966059

I have a sealed CBFD somewhere in my closet. I actually have 2 copies of the game. I thought i lost it, so my parents bought me another one, but i found it, and kept the other sealed for years now. I plan to sell it when im like 75.

and to be honest I never really liked the game to begin with, i always thought it was overrated, and never understood the appeal.

>> No.966075

It's got a fairly limited appeal, I'd say. You either like it or you don't. I thought the story was a bigger clusterfuck of pointless references than Family Guy, but that's just me.

The multiplayer isn't that good either.