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9648269 No.9648269 [Reply] [Original]

What advice would you give to someone playing this for the first time in 2023?

>> No.9648271

Zelda 1: Draw a map
Zelda 2: Don't be a retard, talk to the NPCs

>> No.9648290

Look up and read all the official art and guide books and stuff. Helps seeing the world how it was intended and adds free soul

>> No.9648316

Lower your expectations.

>> No.9648343

This is generally a good rule of thumb:
If you want to play a game of an era, play other games of that era first to see how good they actually are in comparison and to get that mindset. Play Willow and Rygar

>> No.9648349

Read the fucking manual.

>> No.9648351

pretty much this, that's what everyone did back in the 80s.

>> No.9648418

>Zelda 1: Draw a map
Comes with the game.
>Zelda 2: Don't be a retard, talk to the NPCs
Not useful.

>> No.9648419

The point of the game is to get lost and solve it yourself. Using a guide is the antithesis of a game that tossed you to a vast world and said "it's your choices now".

>> No.9648447

>Comes with the game
Only in the American version, because they knew how stupid the average American is.

>> No.9648493

>drawing a map in a simple game with well-defined areas
Do you need your Alzheimer's meds?

>> No.9648521

face it dude

the zoomies here dont actually play games

i have no idea how anyone could struggle with zelda 1 let alone need to draw a map. every dungeon is a basic labyrinth except for lvl 9

>> No.9648563

Zelda 1: "Play second quest, you casual."
Zelda 2: "Absolutely nobody ever tells you to press down+B on random shit to """solve""" puzzles in towns."
At least Zelda 1 is actually reasonable with most of its bullshit since you can talk to people and get hints, no matter how vague. Zelda 2 never tells you that you can do this shit and nobody would think to do it because why would you.

>> No.9648756


Got one with my copy in AUS.

>> No.9648764

Zelda 1 - Find out where death mountain is beforehand
Zelda 2 - Ugh I never even finished this game. Prepare to get your ass kicked.

>> No.9648783

Ducking down and pressing B to look under a table in the only house that's otherwise empty is not some sort of "holy shit how would anyone ever think of that?" moment.

>> No.9648875

It is for modern players because they're not used to try shit out and look for secrets naturally like we were.
If the game doesn't explicitly tell you something it's a "how were you supposed to know" moment.

Sometimes even if the game explicitly tells you it's still a "how were you supposed to know" moment.

>> No.9648996

zelda 2 isnt winnable unless you look up what to do (literally no one here has beaten it blind, yet they will all tell you that the game gives you enough info (it doesnt))

>> No.9649008

i did, got all the upgrades too

>> No.9649057

It's okay to be stuck, and find a manual PDF for each if emulating.

>> No.9650286

In both games, use a guide when stuck. They're too cryptic and you'll end up rage quitting if you try to figure everything yourself.

In Zelda 2, make sure you grind your stats till they're maxed out before attempting the last palace

>> No.9650294
File: 40 KB, 600x374, 1661004618487724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9650350
File: 949 KB, 1322x1080, Zelda II - Adventure of Link (patched)-230203-195953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try a re-translation that makes things clearer by using more words.

>> No.9650356

Zelda 2: Grind for XP every so often. Start drawing a map when you get to the final temple because that thing is huge with multiple interconnected rooms.

>> No.9650490

Telling someone to proactively solve their problems rather than be braindead and look up someone else's solution later is admirable.

>> No.9650613

Don't collect the extra lives (the link dolls) in Zelda 2 when you fins them. They don't respawn so it's a waste to use them early in the game. Save them for the final palace run.

>> No.9650652

>name game The Legend of Zelda
>make second quest, the hard mode, accessible by naming you character ZELDA
How many people do you think played the second quest and never even realized? That's an insane oversight in my mind.

>> No.9650812

If you are implying it's a worse zelda clone, then fuck you it was kino for me back in the day.

>> No.9650829

Play A Link to the Past instead.

>> No.9650867

>Back then every game was a puzzle game
Yeah I hate to be a grump but that's true. Exploration and problem solving was in almost every game. However, Minecraft doesn't make any sense immediately either. Who punches a tree? We also had the pleasure of a physical manual, magazine articles, and guidebooks. Hell, if you were rich you could call Nintendo and have someone hold your hand on the phone. It wasn't more help as much as it was setting expectations that you needed to figure things out.

>> No.9650870

I'm about to get my friend who's only played some of BOTW to start the whole series from Zelda 1. They're not a particularly hardcore gamer. For Zelda 1 I linked them a PDF of the original manual. For Zelda 2 I sent them the Zelda 2 Redux patch. So that's what I would give them: the originally intended manual to give some guidance to Zelda 1, and a rebalanced version of Zelda 2.

>> No.9651223

As you play, don't be fat. If you are already fat, then instead of playing, stop being fat. After that, play these fun games.