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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 205 KB, 1024x1024, god-of-war-1---button-1546990917232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9645038 No.9645038 [Reply] [Original]

-You just hack and slash and spam overpowered special attacks.
-QTEs, literally the exact type the gaming community ubiquitously agreed on being rubbish but somehow doesn't mind in these games.
-Button mashing you have to do all the time to open things or to get health from enemies, which couldn't be more annoying and user-unfriendly.
-The stick dodging is rather awkward and has an annoying endlag so it's not even worth doing for the occasional sense of versatility.
-Occasional platforming segments that are as clunky as they are unfitting and tacked-on with a rather detrimental time-to-solve-in-your-head/time-to-actually-execute ratio
-The much lauded 2 literally starts with a QTE like in a party game:

What also doesn't help is that they tried very hard to make Kratos the most unlikeable protagonist of all time. Even ignorign the bald-angry-guy stuff, it's like they were catering to a 12-year-old who just discovered Shadow the Hedgehog GMVs and just likes things that are edgy for the sake of being edgy, like in the cutscene where Kratos doesn't care enough to save a random person's life he could easily save but...cares enough to let him know how little he cares:

Why would you write such a terrible character? I have no idea why I should care about his fate. Not to mention that it intricately pokes holes into the whole story and writing: The biggest piece-of-garbage asshole continues being caught off-guard by people backstabbing him? Alright

Then there is the presentation which you could say was the reason this series took off. Honestly, though, it's not that great. There is a lot of trickery going on with static camera angles and the weird flat visuals throughout the entire game that look like they forgot to add polygons. Almost as shallow as the gameplay

What does /vr/ think about this series? I rarely ever see any threads here

>> No.9645043

1 was always shyte. 2 is okay for a 3D bemu but came out too late. Both are a joke if you want to compare them to DMC or God Hand.

>> No.9645045

>Not playing the based PSP games instead

>> No.9645046

I don't know why you are surprised. God of War was always a gimmick series - the gimmick being it was 2000s edgelord insanity dialed up to a million. Violent and nasty as it gets, with very simple gameplay accompanying it. God of War 1 & 2 are quaint novelties, but yes, they were never particularly great.

>> No.9645047

>What does /vr/ think about this series?
Typical overrated Sony cinematic cringe fests

>> No.9645053

>I don't know why you are surprised.
This series was hyped to the point of hysteria in the 2000s

>> No.9645058

But you can have sex in it!

>> No.9645080

>Button mashing you have to do all the time to open things or to get health from enemies
This is what kills it for me. I want to chill when playing

>> No.9645105

everyone with half a brain knew that god of war was for people filtered by devil may cry. this was the opinion at the time and it's still true today.

>> No.9645107

>hold up
It was never all that good. It was well paced and had high production values, it was just one of those AAA games that you play because they're AAA. Much like modern God of War, not really good at anything but too expensive to ignore. At least GoW3 had great eye candy, that still looks great

>> No.9645116

>I rarely ever see any threads here
There's a good reason for that. If you want threads like that you should go back to your cancerous containment board.

>> No.9645271

I never met a person irl who likes this

>> No.9645282

good games, can't mindlessly button mash and have to pay attention to your environment, a nice twist on the classic adventure formula. Not meant to be devil may cry, meant to be zelda but fun (and it succeeds!)

>> No.9645285

Zelda is supposed to be open world... The non-open Zeldas are abominations

>> No.9645291 [DELETED] 

>Not meant to be devil may cry, meant to be zelda but fun (and it succeeds!)
Why do Snoys compare literally every single game on their system to Zelda, no matter how unfitting?

>> No.9645295 [DELETED] 
File: 146 KB, 600x341, you-dont-say-f589ee1c4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There is a lot of trickery going on with static camera angles and the weird flat visuals throughout the entire game that look like they forgot to add polygons.

>> No.9645301 [DELETED] 

Piggybacking the superior IP

>> No.9645306

Kratos would still mop the floor with Dante

>> No.9645323 [DELETED] 

OoT was definitely an influence on God of War. Though it's primary influences were DMC and Onimusha.

>> No.9645343 [DELETED] 
File: 125 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally a zelda puzzle
I know every action game with better gameplay than zelda is "like devil may cry" to you types, but really they aren't remotely alike, they aren't supposed to be.

>> No.9645351 [DELETED] 

GoW is a clone of Rygar, you really don't need to think too hard about inspirations here

>> No.9645389 [DELETED] 

Unironically meds

>> No.9645392 [DELETED] 
File: 1.31 MB, 1800x900, 1653063352272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but its OK when capcom does it! its wacky!

>> No.9645396

But everyone was hating on this forever

>> No.9645443 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 512x512, 1404507169168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9645446

Only when it came to PS2.

>> No.9645451

A friend of mine in high school, whose house essentially served as a central hub for our group on the weekends, became obssessed with this game. Two or three saturday nights in a row of watching him play this mindless trash basically killed any interest I had left in modern gaming. I started to get into retro after that so this game is basically the reason I am here.

>> No.9645465

>That entire Krauser cutscene
I never had trouble with it, but it's a damn CRIME to make players to go through the whole thing again if they fuck up just once.

>> No.9645476

Lolno. Plenty of RE4 cultists constantly excuse RE4 QTEs. It's even worse in RE4 since a lot of them can result in your death, even better when the game takes control away from you in the form of a cutscene and then springs a QTE onto the player.

>> No.9645478

At least that's a few meme segments and not built into the core gameplay, unless you count the roundhouse kick which you shouldn't. What's worse than the QTEs in GoW is the button mashing, though. Imagine thinking this is somehow a good idea

>> No.9645480

I liked 1, 2, and 3, and the PSP games, mostly as a cheap guilty pleasure like Zingers(the hostess cakes).
Without the music and Greek backdrop I wouldn't have bothered though.

>> No.9645485

Some boss finishers and opening doors are required. Regular enemies are optional to perform QTE finishers on. As said before you don't die for failing them in God of War compared to Resident Evil 4.

>> No.9645487

I still prefer slightly shittier over way more often

>> No.9645497

>doesnt hold up

homie this shit was always flavor of the month garbage

notice how they just shifted the flavor for 2018 (aka what sony does for all their big games) to match whatevers hip

absolute bottom of the barrel crap, the gaming equivalent to what scorcesse is referring to when he calls modern cinema guttertrash

>> No.9645508 [DELETED] 

>western console gae
>does not hold up

many such cases!

>> No.9645534

>western console game
>does not hold up
many such cases!

>> No.9645715

>hold up

>> No.9645750

As opposed to Jap games that were shit the day they were released....

>> No.9645756

The first game is very rough, especially because it has way too much dodgy platforming puzzle segments, the games that came after were right to tone that down.

>> No.9645758

You have to be a special needs person to fail QTE's in RE4 because you can just press all buttons at the same time.

>> No.9645767

The biggest misstep was making it into a series.
God of War on its own works as a Greek tragedy, albeit a rather poorly written one (but that's to be expected - all video game writers are hacks).

>> No.9645784

played them through for the first time couple months ago, last time I played them was 18 years ago or something, put them down after 5 minutes since I wasn't fan of the hack 'n slash genre.

It was pretty fucking good, I can see why they're regarded as ones of the best games ever made, the attention to detail is unparalleled for its time.

Especially the second one, the level making and riddles are top notch.
Most memorable parts is the Kraken battle, the battle with the time sisters. Ascending from Hades , being inside the Titan's colon.
Damn there's so many good ones it's hard to count.
It's one of the few games where the first level is the worst one and it takes off from there.

>> No.9645847

>I can see why they're regarded as ones of the best games ever made
I don't even think normie websites still do that. They moved on to pretending over the shoulder Soulsbrone shit is good while hating the toxic masculinity in the old games

>> No.9645904

no idea what's soulsbrone, I don't keep up with gaming, just read it in the wiki.
And compared to a bunch of other ps2 games I've played GOWII is miles ahead in level design.

>> No.9645962

God of War rode on its presentation of a dumb power fantasy. I wasn't a fan of the games but I respected them for how upfront they were about it until the reboot which turned into the video game equivalent of oscar bait.

>> No.9645975
File: 64 KB, 652x325, F918ECB7-F377-433F-8E80-F23842E267DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure these games have always been ragged on by 4chan

>> No.9645978

It's a glorified beat'em up.

>> No.9645982

Unlike Devil may Cry, it isn't a mindless 3d beat um up. Despite the levels being linear, it rewards exploration by hiding secrets behind the fixed camera angles. The puzzles aren't the most complicated, but they all have clever solutions and many are optional.

I agree that the actual combat isn't as deep as Dmc but there are many ways to interact with the levels to trivialize the most challenging combat encounters. My favorite is the wooden gate in the Athens level being pushed by minotaurs, which you can destroy with the ballista to then kill all the minotaurs from a distance.

>> No.9645992

3 wasnt that good but 1 and 2 were perfect for their time. A simplified DMC sprinkled with a few puzzles and angryman turned to 11. Sex minigames, qte kill animations, lots of things that have no place in modern gaming. Liked it way more than DMC1/2 as a kid

>> No.9645996
File: 5 KB, 399x368, 1391649879871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As said before you don't die for failing them in God of War compared to Resident Evil 4.
True, but that doesn't excuse how GoW handles them when you fail them during combat and if you suck, they can end up killing you at low health. 2 and onward fixed it, having enemies/bosses NOT recover a 3rd of their fucking health. Seriously.
The amount of times I've correctly done a quarter circle QTE during that metal Minotaur boss or on Medusas and the game's like "LOL NOPE".

>> No.9645998

Well it's not bad, it's alright but it's no masterpiece like everyone claims it to be, it's no Shadow of the Colossus basically
not bait but a jab at that one faggot from the other thread

>> No.9646005

didn't Colossus sell something like 50,000 units. I think

>> No.9646108

No it sold a fuckton, Ico was the one to not sell a whole lot but become a cult hit like Earthbound

>> No.9646195

So what's the complaint? That the games use a different controller?
Lmao what a retarded pic

>> No.9646197

So you're just a contrarian with a rando living in his head rent free like a schizo.

>> No.9646320

>rolling isn’t worth doing
If you spam the square button while rolling, you can evade quite quickly. Rolling is absolutely worth doing.
Never gave a shit, and I don’t know why people bitch about them so much. Executing enemies is optional and the button mashing isn’t that much of a nuisance (unless you have arthritis). The only annoyance is the GOW 2 Zeus boss QTE
Chains of Olympus is the worst of the originals and Ghost of Sparta is average. People ham up the psp games for whatever reason.

>> No.9647230

>Never gave a shit, and I don’t know why people bitch about them so much
Because it's the lowest form of gameplay

>> No.9647253

The lowest form of gameplay that takes zero effort to perform. Just press a button. If the rest of the game is fun, I don't know how you can have anything more than a nagging indifference towards them. As long as the QTE isn't 1 second followed by an insta-death for missing it, who cares

>> No.9647261

>God Hand
Ahhh yes, the absolutely shit-tastic brawler that only gets memed as good because of its quirky, 13-year-old humor.

And franchise who's only good games consist of DMC 1, and DMC 5....Wow, amazing.

>> No.9647346

One is more arcade-y, 3D beat 'em up with clunky controls, the other focuses on stylish performance and the last is an adventure game with a mish-mash of several elements inspired by other games. Comparing action games is like comparing Space Invaders to Centipede or Pong to Breakout. You can't in good conscience believe someone's arguing in good faith when they make comparisons like that.

Is GoW a good action game? No.
Is it a good adventure game? Yes.
Is it a good arcadey game? No.
Is it a good puzzle game? Yes.
Is it a good game OVERALL? Somewhat.

>> No.9647379

>only good games consist of DMC 1, and DMC 5
Yeah I can't even think of another good DMC game. None come to mind. A third good DMC game, what could that be...

>> No.9647384

I agree with all you wrote and it's why to this day it's one of my favorite series of all times. And it has aged like gold kek

>> No.9647451

>This game sucks because *I* play it shittily
So that's your argument? It sucks because YOU suck?

>> No.9647454 [DELETED] 

>go to /vr/
>old bad! thread
>leave without vaguely explaining a thing

>> No.9647485

There are many such cases

>> No.9647493

Ironic how one is selling millions and getting new entries and the other only exist through infinite numbers of ports no one is buying.

>> No.9647645

>And franchise who's only good games consist of DMC 1, and DMC 5....Wow, amazing.
Those are the worst ones besides 2

>> No.9647708

You're a retard and should play on Very Hard for the true and only experience. If you can't appreciate the strong elements of the combat system there then there is no saving you.
>b-but muh QTEs
Who cares. They are a miniscule fraction of the total game and the ones that have to do with executions are optional.
>The stick dodging is rather awkward and has an annoying endlag
You can cancel it with square and roll again immediately after. The fact that you didn't figure this out on your own (very basic animation cancel) tells me all I need to know about you and the retards who attack this series without any thought whatsoever.
>to make Kratos the most unlikeable protagonist of all time
Kratos is the villain in the original trilogy, and it's cool and unique to play such a role in an action game (with gameplay and animations reflecting that).

>> No.9647763

>template threads shitting on Jak, SoTC and GoW in a span of a week
Gee, I'm sure it's a funny coincidence.

>> No.9647771

Some nintendofag was very, very pissed off because people here threw shit at OoT apparently kek

>> No.9647775

>only gets memed as good because of its quirky
It's good because it has great enemies and bosses and a good combat system. It's not that complicated.
>And franchise who's only good games consist of
DMC1 and 3.

>> No.9647780

>absolutely shit-tastic brawler
bahahahaha FILTERED
mikami claims another scalp boys

>> No.9647783

>What does /vr/ think about this series?
It was a masterpiece in 2005, almost flawless, and it has aged like the Pyramids of Egypt. One of the best games ever made

>> No.9648078

>it has aged like the Pyramids of Egypt
It was completely outclassed by 2 in just a couple of years and pretty much totally forgotten. OP only played it because of the new games, surely

>> No.9648084

Don't care its way better than the reboot series. Nothing you said in your tldr nor what you would say changes this.

>> No.9648176

>It was completely outclassed by 2
God of War 1 is better

>> No.9648240

15 years later and anons are still seething

>> No.9648261

God of War is honestly one of those series that I can't believe so many people have bitched so much about. 1 and 2 are fun, well designed games with good combat and really pretty fantastic environmental puzzles. They're setpiece heavy and the bosses can be gimmicky, the story is edgy bullshit and you play as violence man, but they're not bad games, never were. If you don't like them, fine, but everyone pedantically nitpicks the gameplay and combat to absolute death over minor quibbles. It's perfectly playable, always has been. I can't imagine having an actual issue with the stick dodging? That sounds ridiculous to me.

>> No.9648824

>completely outclassed by 2
Not quite. While 2 is better 1 still has some cool quirks, like redirectable Orion's Harpoon and more ringout spots (while 2 has lots of invisible walls), which change the combat somewhat. Also people bitch about 1 not having many bosses but that's a good thing imo, since the ones in two are a waste of time at best.

>> No.9648904 [DELETED] 

>-You just hack and slash and spam overpowered special attacks.
so play a game?
>-QTEs, literally the exact type the gaming community ubiquitously agreed on being rubbish but somehow doesn't mind in these games.
not its not the same type here they were done well
>-Button mashing you have to do all the time to open things or to get health from enemies, which couldn't be more annoying and user-unfriendly.
how dare they not make everything automatic
>-The stick dodging is rather awkward and has an annoying endlag so it's not even worth doing for the occasional sense of versatility.
you're just bad at playing games
>-Occasional platforming segments that are as clunky as they are unfitting and tacked-on with a rather detrimental time-to-solve-in-your-head/time-to-actually-execute ratio
how dare they not include child friendly baby dificulty
>What also doesn't help is that they tried very hard to make Kratos the most unlikeable protagonist of all time. Even ignorign the bald-angry-guy stuff, it's like they were catering to a 12-year-old who just discovered Shadow the Hedgehog GMVs and just likes things that are edgy for the sake of being edgy, like in the cutscene where Kratos doesn't care enough to save a random person's life he could easily save but...cares enough to let him know how little he cares:
why didn't they make the God of War a compassionate mellow redditor like meee
>What does /vr/ think about this series?
One of the all time greats slashers with one of the all time greats protagonists, nu GoW is shit tho

>> No.9648907

Perfectly playable doesn't mean good though. There are core, foundational flaws with the combat that make all of the games really hard to enjoy unless you just don't pay attention or care when you play games.

>> No.9648920

>core, foundational flaws with the combat
Such as?
>inb4 square square triangle
Play on God Mode.

>> No.9649043

God of war is about square, square, triangle and ninja gaiden is about holding Y for a while.

>> No.9649046


>> No.9649102

The difference is that SST actually sucks, while UTs in Ninja Gaiden are the best moves on every difficulty.

>> No.9649382

>Play Ninja Gaiden Black.
>Don't really combo much
>Any weapon feels like shit in comparison to your starting sword.
>Basically Flying Shallow at anything and everything since it is both a safe as fuck move, has retarded reach and does mad damage.
desu I liked Dragon's Sword better.

>> No.9649385

>Flying Shallow

>> No.9649420

I have to assume this is a trolling attempt because there's no way you're this wrong about literally every point and don't realize it.

>> No.9649882 [DELETED] 

>all that text
I just play it because it's fun XD

>> No.9649887 [DELETED] 

no, i hate sony and you're supposed to be mad that i made multiple threads shitting on their games this week.

>> No.9649890 [DELETED] 

lol no I just play games because it's fun XD

>> No.9650196
