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9644328 No.9644328 [Reply] [Original]

When Iga got the English recordings for the SotN localization back, he found that Alucard's original reaction to Death stealing his equipment was inappropriate. Originally, Alucard was to say "No!" in response. However, the English voice actor got the tone completely wrong, sounding to Iga like "Noooo, don't take my stuff!" So, he went to Konami's sound department and asked for a stock sound they could use instead. The "What?!" present in the final version is the result.

>> No.9644331

OP's uncle works at Sony so he knows

>> No.9645805

I originally played this game in Japanese so I have no attachment to the english meme dialogue

>> No.9645825

Source: your ass

>> No.9645843


>> No.9645941

both those faggots just got btfo. cool stuff, didn't know that

>> No.9645957

So in other words, Iga didn't do his job properly as he failed to explain to either the voice actor, or the person directing the voice actor, the line, its context, and the tone it should be.

In the voice acting recording sessions I know of, either a director or a producer was always present, too. Someone who knows the game has to be there to explain things to the actor.

and then Iga be like
>ah, it's the voice actor's fault for messing things up!
>... and then I used a stock sound that sucks!!

As usual I smell bullshit the kind devs spout in interviews to make themselves look good. It's never their fault, is it.

>> No.9645979

Only difference is that Iga is saying that the "what?" comes from the voice actor, it's not a file from something else which is what the original poster sort of implied.

>> No.9646420
File: 1.21 MB, 1105x720, sotn64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SNES port possibility?


>> No.9646429

Sega was pissed off about DQ7 announced for the PS1 in 96 because they where talking with Enix for the last 3 years before it to it to be realeased on what it was going to become the Saturn, one of the talks even had a 3D model of a slime.

>> No.9646432

I took OP's implication of stock sound as a stock sound in Alucard's normal gameplay voice. "What?" is a voice clip he'll say when getting hit with status ailments or if you transform back in a crawl space and he gets stuck.

>> No.9646448

With the SFC, you can keep adding chips to the point where the system is only being used as an output for audio and video. If you keep it to just 1995 tech, you could use the SA-1 and make some pretty damn smooth looking Castlevania title. You'd be stuck with just synth music rather than full CD audio though. Voice acting would be gone too.

>> No.9646468

I wanna see someone put an Amiga-style PowerPC turbo card into a SNES cart

>> No.9646496

People have already jammed RPis in NES and SNES carts.

>> No.9646506

Robert Belgrade is the actor's name. Considering some of his other performances, I wouldn't be surprised if he turned in a bad take.

>> No.9646561

Wing Commander was a ground-breaking 3D space fight game at the time. It was very impressive for the weak hardware it would run on. It was also plagued by serious bugs almost all the way to launch. Then during the last week of development, they encountered a problem they couldn't find a solution for.
Every single time they exited the program, some part of it would crash and spit an error at the user, then head back to DOS. They tried work-around after work-around, digging deep through the code trying to figure out what was causing it. Finally, they had run out of time and it was time to ship the game with this fatal flaw.
So the lead dev went searching in the code for the error message itself. On finding it, he changed it to read "Thanks for playing Wing Commander!, and promptly shipped the game. That's right, it was never a thanks from the devs to the players, it was an error they couldn't get rid of before shipping and decided to hide.

>> No.9646938

>Using N64

Stop it, get some help.

>> No.9647003

They get away with quite a lot of casual racism that fans don't even see for what it is.
All else fails: blame westerners.

>> No.9647059
File: 164 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still one of my favorite vidya stories, involving Karateka for the Apple II:
>the original Apple II version included a delightful little easter egg from the early days of PC gaming — putting in the floppy disk upside down would boot up the game upside down.
>According to Mechner, the game’s developers hoped that a few people would discover it by accident, and think their game was defective. “When that person called tech support, that tech support rep would once in a blue moon have the sublime joy of saying, ‘Well sir, you put the disk in upside-down,’” Mechner was quoted as saying in a recent profile, “and that person would think for the rest of their life that’s how software works.”

>> No.9647063

>In the voice acting recording sessions I know of, either a director or a producer was always present, too
So because you read about one, youve extrapolated that every single recording in history had a director present. Fucking overconfident mongoloid.

>> No.9647067

This is one of my favorite games of all time, but the voice acting is notoriously bad kek so it was just another shitty moment on top of the cheesy voice acting

>> No.9647264

>Iga didn't do his job properly
This is how stupid you sound:
>There was absolutely no part of this project that demanded his time more than a single word spoken once in the game...
>And he couldn't possibly have been reasonably absent or distracted while working on the rest of the sound design, to the point that this one word spoken once in the game slipped his notice until too late.
>I know Iga's job so well!
Cumsider sewercide.

>> No.9647278

lmao gaped

>> No.9647347

Not specifically a videogame but somewhat related. There's a book called Showstopper that talks about the development of Windows NT. It was a very chaotic development, and there was a great deal of drama. One of the most memorable bits was a new hire coming into the office and meeting Steve Ballmer for the first time at a printer. He was hyped as hell to be working at Microsoft and be one of the big guys. Steve didn't so much as say hello, just glared at the new guy and yelled "Are you the idiot who fucked up the printer?!" Welcome to Microsoft, cunt.