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9639614 No.9639614 [Reply] [Original]

Brazillians are porting Real Bout Special to Sega Genesis

>> No.9639662

>people are still adapting M68000 compatible games to the megadrive's limits for fun
i'm glad that somebody still gives a shit after everyone else has moved on

>> No.9639679

Rather see someone take the X68000 version of Fatal Fury Special and port it to the CPS1.

>> No.9639685

Why? Do you have millions of CPS1 boards on the market ready to be plugged and played?
>but emulation...
...makes this a moot point - you can just emulate Neo Geo version
There is a difference between porting for the sake of porting and porting to bring the game to one of the most popular retro platforms.

>> No.9639698

They’re also porting Metal Slug 1. It’s actually really neat seeing them do this sort of thing.

>> No.9639712

I came in here to cynically disparage this but I regret that. It looks true hearted and fun. I am glad this sort of thing is going on.

>> No.9639801

I watch this guy a lot, he is cool. You guys should take out Pigsy's. He also has some Genesis dev tutorials.

>> No.9639802

What's the point of porting to the Sega Genesis?
Why does being able to make a cart of it matter in any way?

>> No.9639806

> Why does being able to make a cart of it matter in any way?
> What's the point of porting to the Sega Genesis?
fun, both for the developers and people who now can play yet another game on their genesis for free.

>> No.9639818

Not good enough reasons to insult the notion of porting to the CPS1 like that.

you're still playing a gimped version of the game for ??? reasons when you could play the real thing any number of ways
same reason you'd port Fatal Fury Special to the CPS1

>> No.9639836

how many CPS1 boards are there versus mega drives?
the market for the mega drive dwarfs any market for a CPS1 port.

>> No.9639847

MUCH easier to develop then SNES and even NES.

>> No.9639848

How does that matter?
what difference does the "market" for something like this make? There is no market.

>> No.9639852

why make a gimped port of this game at all in 2023 other than as a technical showpiece and experiment?

>> No.9639853

Yeah, assuming there are that many people wishing to sacrifice working CPS1 boards and reflash the roms with some port when you can get Neo Geo mobo and cart for the same price. And then Genesis is much more cheap and disposable.

>> No.9639865
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are you retarded anon? you think the number of people who can play a game on a specific platform isn't a factor in choosing a platform?

>> No.9639878

Not in this day and age when even the poorest people in brazil have access to devices that can play any emulated game they want.

>> No.9639880

Pretty neat is it just gonna a straight port or something like the Final Fight port which is including extra stuff.
Music sounds good.

>> No.9639881

None of that matters. The idea that these ports *need* to be put on physical hardware is nonsensical. It's nice that they can be but the exercise is purely academic. Even in the most shithole countries no one is going to be playing Genesis Real Bout because that's their only option to play the game.

>> No.9639883

which brings me again to:
fun for the developers in porting it. porting is way easier when you actually have the hardware you're porting to, and what's more common in brazil than fucking mega drives?

>> No.9639907

I think the backgrounds look good too, considering limited palette. Compare to something like UMK3 with its grainy GIF stages.

>> No.9639913

Shit, that's highly impressive

>> No.9639927

>mk3 and mk2 source code and unused assets are leaked
>"surely some hackers would do something cool with these"
>*cricket noises*
>meanwhile brazilians:

>> No.9639938

>fun for the developers in porting it
>porting is way easier when you actually have the hardware you're porting to,
anybody who undertakes a project like this is going to have the real hardware for whatever it is. CPS1 boards are cheap and it's easy to replace the ROM chips on them with whatever ROM you want.
>and what's more common in brazil than fucking mega drives?
Irrelevant question. And why couldn't those people in Brazil play the real Real Bout on their phones, PCs, or via pirate Neo carts? Or on the real MVS. Not everyone in Brazil is dirt poor.

>> No.9639945

>anons on /vr/
>arguing whether n64 can run 2d fighting games or not
>meanwhile brazilians:

>> No.9639956

Oh everything looks great but music stands out, I love the Genesis/Mega Drive soundchip when it's used properly and the all the themes here sound great and I'm hoping the maker puts out the OST although I don't agree with the shade being thrown at the UMK3 port as we have a lot better compression tools nowadays.

>> No.9639962

It's amazing how a good SDK changes everything. IIRC, PS1 was the first console to have one. If only Genesis developers had these tools in 1989...

>> No.9640010

>what's more common in brazil than fucking mega drives
Tectoy states, "over 5 million Master System sales and over 3 million Mega Drive sales", so there's that.
There are even ports of Wolfenstein 3D and Castlevania 1 to SMS being worked on.

>> No.9640012

Audibly laughed out loud at this! You should post more.

>> No.9640038

>brazillians are making a shitty tech demo that will lead to nowhere... again

>> No.9640125

Well, they have made almost arcade perfect port of Fatal Fury already which puts old Genesis port to shame. And this one progresses nicely too. There are many preliminary tech demos for other ports like SF Alpha, Darkstalkers and KoF 98, but Real Bout looks like the one with the most active development so far.

>> No.9640217

SGDK is easy to use. That's the only reason projects like this exist.

>> No.9640290

what is it with brazilians and fighting games? actually, what is it with third worlders and fighting games? americans seem to love them too

>> No.9640323

What's with your question? Fighting games are popular everywhere, south americans are also more fond of SNK in general thanks to their cheap arcade cabinets back in the day

>> No.9640337
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>> No.9640346

What kind of question is that? Are you retarded?

>> No.9640761

im the 4th person to call you retard, and there will be more

>> No.9640781

>why couldn't those people in Brazil play the real Real Bout on their phones, PCs, or via pirate Neo carts?
Because they have nostalgia for the Mega Drive

>> No.9640834

>and what's more common in brazil than fucking mega drives
PS2. We have a fuckton of them.

>> No.9640837

Don't forget a port of Symphony of the Night for Mega Drive too:

>> No.9640841

are these forever a wip?

>> No.9640894

Why is it always Mega Drive? Why isn't anyone porting games to SNES?

>> No.9640937

>Why isn't anyone porting games to SNES?
Because the SNES is hard to code for.

>> No.9641032

And I have nostalgia for the CPS1.

>> No.9641034

Go make something for cps1 then

>> No.9641036

So just do it. They have nostalgia for MD and make games for it. You should do the same.

>> No.9641040

Shut up man, you are bring autistic AF, nobody fucking cares about CP1

>> No.9641047

Nobody fucking cares, retard

>> No.9641058

I accept your concession.

>> No.9641147

plz come to brazil

>> No.9641383

I think porting arcade stuff to the neo geo is possible from a lot of arcade boards, its not as easy to program as the genesis though.
X68000 could be ported to amiga 1200 easier since running in ram is way different on the 68000 than cartridge.

This guy is doing final fight, there is a demo but still needs a lot of work so the mega cd version is still better. One the engine is done it could mean a proper version of the punisher which was not the best.


I'm learning a bit. From my perspective sms and nes is easier than megadrive but c64 would probably the easiest to get started. I don't even think snes is that hard but 68000 has flat address space which I don't think even pc's have but especially not back then.

I started with sgdk but I find c confusing, all the context of commands doesn't relate to the hardware as much. I think assembly is easier to understand if you write it, its similar to basic statements on the c64 and you are directly controlling the chips so it helps to understand what you want to do.

Because lazy developers like acclaim made the console look bad so its interesting to prove them wrong. If you want to make a retro game that runs on a crt then one of the easiest ways to do it to make it for genesis.

Because its reddits favorite console. Its already taken away too much attention from everything.

its pretty fun

>> No.9641496

The MD scene is so fucking based.

>> No.9641607

its pretty crazy honestly

the fact Cave Story even exists on MD is fucking nuts

easier to code for
i wish pc engine also had a decent homebrew scene. there's several arcade games that would be very easy to port like Contra

>> No.9641624

reminder someone is also porting R-Type to MD

>> No.9641718


>> No.9641795

I imagine just for fun, coding practice and exposure.
It's not like anyone actually would want to play this over the arcade version beyond novelty, but it's probably q great exercise to improve ability and get some exposure for projects.

>> No.9641873

>first they take away darius from the pce
>now they're taking away r-type

pce homebrew scene needs to get active. that bubble bobble port never got finished, neither did the golden axe port

>> No.9641887

fukn CoOL!

>> No.9641909

How about instead of making extraneous ports someone could make an original game?

>> No.9642151

Dude, just listen to me they should port Real Bout to the MVS or make bootlegs for the MVS.

>t. retard

>> No.9642472

because the original pce homebrew that does exist, sucks dogshit compared to original genesis homebrew

>> No.9643262

God damn it's great more people know how to use the Genesis soundchip nowadays.

>> No.9643801

I'm doing Genesis dev and I decided to practice multi-sprite character animation by studying and ripping sprites and animations from SNES/SFC wrestling games with bsnes. I was not expecting the one big sprite and a bunch of single tile sprites thing. Not trying to console war or take anything away but it only took me 4 sprites to "port" over a 12 sprite frame.

>> No.9644717
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That is really impressive. The duller backgrounds with muted colors has a kind of NeoGeo Pocket color style to contrast with the detailed characters. It also removes the plane switching which I feel makes the game worse and why I liked the Special Dominated Mind version over more faithful ports. The communities making these Genesis games are really talented, and even though better was achieved with superior hardware I am still impressed with work like https://youtu.be/hMz1T0uTzLI and https://youtu.be/UuYFmIEtLLk