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File: 89 KB, 640x640, 21049_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9636435 No.9636435 [Reply] [Original]

Why do a lot of people prefer this version over DX? I've pretty much only ever played DX because lol color.

>> No.9636449

more authentic

>> No.9636458

If you've never played it, then why not try it for yourself?

>> No.9636460

You can skip all those annoying text messages like the ones when you pick up an acorn.
DX made them unskipable.

>> No.9636465 [DELETED] 

Because it was first and remakes are turn-offs.

>> No.9636486
File: 233 KB, 1168x1506, 1674037893439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all I know is that playing the original Link's Awakening on one of these gameboy altars in a dimly lit video game section in 1993 while your mom went clothes shopping was like a religious experience

>> No.9636487 [DELETED] 

You're using the word wrong, they didn't start the game over, they just adapted it for the Game Boy Color to colorize it, then altered/swapped some assets and added a few new things. Link's Awakening has an actual remake on the Switch, I don't know if it's any good or not, I kind of don't care.

There's a certain pretty charm to how the original one looks with the Super Game Boy color sets though. However, the DX version has some cute touches for the SGB as well.
Here's some random fag's video:

>> No.9636491 [DELETED] 

>then altered/swapped some assets and added a few new things
And took away a few things. It's not just a colorized and enhanced port, anon.

>> No.9636494 [DELETED] 

>they just... altered/swapped some assets and added a few new things
That's what a remake is.

>> No.9636505

>fully skippable dialog boxes ("Wow! This looks pretty heavy! You won't be able to lift it with just your bare hands...")
>high contrast monochrome looks much nicer and moodier than the garish GBC color palette and contrasts well against the lighthearted tone to create more sense of unease
>DX version changes some tiles and makes them look worse
>owl statues are gay, stone tablet is cool and mysterious
>red and blue tunics are OP
Between the two, the original is the better version. I understand the argument for the Switch remake based on quality of life improvements like having more buttons for better item management, but if you're going to play one on Gameboy then go for the OG.

>> No.9636508

That's a cool demo unit. My first experience with LA was through emulation, Pokémon was rumbling at the time, and I got to play it before it launched around here, which was cool. A number of kids at school emulated it before it was official, actually, I guess the word of mouth from overseas together with easy emulation did its thing.

Besides Pokémon, I then start to wonder what else I could get? Link's Awakening, heeey, a Zelda game, I had heard about those, but never played one. It was weird and wondrous, I really enjoyed it, playing A Link To The Past Later, also emulating, I liked that one a lot as well, though I was almost a little disappointed that it lacked a number of the weird touches of Link's Awakening.
Inexplicably, I DON'T emulate Wario Land, in spite of having played it on my big brother's actual Game Boy and found it sweet as fuck.

>> No.9636512

>>owl statues are gay, stone tablet is cool and mysterious
Fucking this.

>> No.9636513 [DELETED] 

By modern terminology, it's a remaster at best. I remember calling it a GBC port because the concept of game remasters didn't exist back then. No one ever called LADX a remake of LA, it's simply not.

>> No.9636521 [DELETED] 

It's an enhanced port at most, it's 95% identical. Remake is like with Resident Evil or Shining Force, where they used the original game as a frame of reference but then altered/"updated" it, for better or worse, making an all new game based on the original.
Saying that Link's Awakening DX is a remake is like saying an old black and white movie getting colorized is a remake, it's fundamentally incorrect because you aren't making the entire film again, you're just editing a copy of it.

>> No.9636524

LA is a superior game to LttP in every way. Wario Land is just a hard game to play these days. I don't mean like it's difficult or bad or anything, but it's like playing a game for babies. There's no challenge and even the secrets are super obvious.

>> No.9636539 [DELETED] 

>it's a remaster at best
It's a fucking travesty, at best.
It's a blatant scheme for Nintendo to make money by making the same game three times for each generation, making gullible people believe they're playing a different game each time... for over two decades.
That's why I stopped playing after Gen 2.

>Saying that Link's Awakening DX is a remake is like saying an old black and white movie getting colorized is a remake
Shitty analogy. DX is more than just a colorized version of the original.

>> No.9636546 [DELETED] 

Speedrunning cancer and/or cope.

>> No.9636563 [DELETED] 

I know you're a double digit IQ monkey living in a destitute apartment with brown water running through your taps and the penetrating scent of heroin immersing the atmosphere, but a remake, re+make, is when they MAKE IT AGAIN. A REMAKE IS WHEN THEY MAKE SOMETHING AGAIN. MAKE. MAKE. THEY MAAAAAKE IT. A port is when the game is ALREADY MADE and they PORT it.

>> No.9636568 [DELETED] 

>a remake is when they MAKE IT AGAIN
And that is what LA DX is.
They made Link's Awakening... AGAIN.

>> No.9636570 [DELETED] 

It's a perfect analogy if you throw in some other small edits. You're simply completely incorrect, if the game isn't started over from the ground up, then it's not a remake.

>> No.9636572 [DELETED] 

But they didnt make it again. they just added a few lines of code.

>> No.9636573 [DELETED] 

God, shut up you obstinate faggot retard, they didn't make all the assets again, they didn't fucking redo all the designs or make the levels or bosses again, shut up SHUT UP; I FUCKING HATE YOU YOU MOUTHBREATHING SHITFUCKER

>> No.9636578 [DELETED] 

>It's a perfect analogy if you throw in some other small edits
But that's not what colorized film is.

I'm just repeating what you're saying.
You literally said "a remake is when something is made again", which is basically what I'm saying.
It's not my fault you're retarded.

>> No.9636579 [DELETED] 

Yeah, let's scrap the original codebase and write it all over again from the ground up. Even though both systems use Z80 architecture and all we want is the game to be functionally identical aside from colour and some new content, I think it's completely necessary that we make it all over again instead of porting the existing source code.

You are a retard.

>> No.9636580 [DELETED] 

That's my point
LADX isn't a remake

>> No.9636581 [DELETED] 

>some new content,
Thus, a remake.
This was before DLC was a thing, so they had to remake the game to update it.

>> No.9636583 [DELETED] 

What do you suggest was made AGAIN?

>> No.9636584 [DELETED] 

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.

>> No.9636590 [DELETED] 

So you believe the whole game was made again, instead of the existing source code for the original game being appended with a handful of new features?

>> No.9636593 [DELETED] 

>So you believe the whole game was made again
The original and DX have different release dates, yes.

>> No.9636601 [DELETED] 

>the existing source code for the original game being appended
How would you describe this phenomenon, then

>> No.9636605 [DELETED] 

That would be an alternative definition of a remake.

>> No.9636616 [DELETED] 

Is the fucking Hillary Clinton patch for GTA SA a remake?

>> No.9636623
File: 200 KB, 380x329, warioland coins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LA is a superior game to LttP in every way.
Arguably true. I love LTTP a lot, but I think my favorite is the Oracle games, because they're like LA but far more vast and comparatively more challenging. Played them for the first time a year or two back when recovering from surgery, and fuck me, they were so much better than I ever expected.

>Wario Land is just a hard game to play these days. I don't mean like it's difficult or bad or anything, but it's like playing a game for babies. There's no challenge and even the secrets are super obvious.
Heh, well, it's not particularly hard, no, (though I'm pretty bad at most platformers) but I find the game irresistibly charming for its overall design and character. I love Wario as the anti-Mario, greedy, crude, violent, two-faced, he's really just in with whatever he does for making money so he can live in great comfort, he's not noble at all and he's not ashamed of that.

The first Wario Land gets it so well, fucking with Mario didn't really pan out, but hey, what if he besieged that pirate den island to then rob those fuckers for every penny and pretty trinket they've got? They're crooks, he can't get in trouble with Mario for that, right? This makes it yet better that Wario Land 2 starts with said pirates breaking into his castle when he's sleeping to rob him of the money he robbed from them (also flooding his basement), and thus begins his quest of getting back his stolen-stolen shit.
Wario being this absolute lout preoccupied with money makes him a lot more fun and interesting to me than Mario, and they figure that out even with the gameplay itself, Wario being less about jumping on top of enemies, and instead bumping them over to pick up and throw them, or giving them a running/jet assisted tackle sending them flying out the level. Optionally groundpounding them flat with his big ass, which slams down with such force that the earth quakes for a split second.

>> No.9636624 [DELETED] 

Did Rockstar have to pool resources to release more physical copies of GTA: SA with the patch or was the patch a download for an update?
If it's the latter, then it's not a remake.

>> No.9636627 [DELETED] 

They took the game off store shelves until discs without Hot Coffee were printed. As if the medium in which the content is distributed has any bearing on whether it's remade.

>> No.9636630 [DELETED] 

An update is not a remake.

>> No.9636632 [DELETED] 

So, it was a remake.

A physical copy of the game was remade.

>> No.9636641 [DELETED] 

Do you have a way to disambiguate the reprint variety of remake eg GTA SA from the Zero Mission or Resi1 variety?

>> No.9636663 [DELETED] 

The definition for "remake" itself can be ambiguous - that's the point I've been trying to make.
Any game that gets a new physical copy for a patch/update is a remake.
For retro consoles, a video game NEEDS to have a physical medium in order to be played. A new physical copy will need to be made if the game gets an update, thus it has to be remade.
So, yes, San Andreas' patch, since a physical copy had to be made, was a remake, as is Zero Mission is a remake for the original Metroid, and whatever subsequent patches and upgrades the Resident Evil has gotten. You can call them rereleases, remasters, or ports, but all in all, if it had to be released in a new cartridge or disc, apart from the original, it's a remake.

>> No.9636672 [DELETED] 

MOTHERFUCKER, if I make a cake, but then I add some strawberries on top the next day, did I make the cake again?

>> No.9636674 [DELETED] 

Apples and oranges, anon.

>> No.9636714 [DELETED] 

When you say apples and oranges, you also have to demonstrate why they're not comparable you fuckwit, this platitude isn't a get out of jail free card

>> No.9636717 [DELETED] 

You're only making one cake.
Adding a strawberry is only patching the cake, which isn't what LA DX is.
LA DX is remaking the cake to include the strawberry.

>> No.9636757 [DELETED] 

You can fixate your autism on how you can literally define a "remake" all you want, but in the context of video games there are clear examples of what constitutes a remake or not. I get the point you're trying to make. By your logic any revision or rerelease of any game ever is a "remake," like the different cartridge revisions of OoT, and nobody would claim those are "remakes" except the most insufferable of spergs.

Same shit with "2.5D platformers." It's basically agreed upon by everyone that it's a term for a 2D platformer with 3D graphics, but you always have that retard who insists it's something else just because it doesn't fit what THEY THINK it should mean. Same shit is happening in this thread. Doesn't matter how many people try to explain the shit to you. It doesn't fit what you want it to be so you just stick your fingers in your ears and ignore.

>> No.9636763 [DELETED] 

>By your logic any revision or rerelease of any game ever is a "remake,"
Not ANY game ever.
Only the ones that needed a new physical release of the game, for an update/patch/whatever.
Once games were able to be updated online, the definition for "remake" changed for normalfags.

>> No.9636769 [DELETED] 

You yourself said a patch is a remake if it's on a new disc
What happens when I put the cake on a different plate and store it in a different fridge?

>> No.9636770 [DELETED] 

>What happens when I put the [disc in] a different [case] and store it in a different [shelf]?
You will end up confusing yourself.

>> No.9636781 [DELETED] 

The plate and the spoon are the medium with which you consume the cake. The Gameboy and Gameboy Colour are the medium with which you consume Link's Awakening
U r not clever

>> No.9636796 [DELETED] 

>U r not clever
I was never trying to be.
You just keep trying to argue over nothing because someone's opinion over something is making you emotional.
So, the plate is the console and the... spoon - really...? You eat cake with a fucking spoon, instead of a fork?
Anyway, the UTENSIL represents the controls.
You decide you want to put a strawberry on the cake but... the cake will no longer be completely compatible for the plate it's in, so you'll need to make a new plate that will be compatible with the new cake. You realize with the updated cake on the new plate appears to be improved but the strawberry ends up ruining the taste of the cake.

>> No.9636834

Teleport glitch fun

>> No.9636837 [DELETED] 

That's like calling FFVII International, FFX International, Kingdom Hearts Final Mix, FFX-2 International, Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix, FFXII International, Pokémon Yellow, Pokémon Crystal, Knuckles in Sonic 2, Sonic 3 & Knuckles, MGS2 Substance, MGS3 Subsistence, etc. remakes, when they weren't actually re-created at all. They just had new stuff. Just like how the Star Wars Special Editions aren't remakes.

Now something like Mario All-Stars would be a remake, because it was actually remade. MGS Twin Snakes, Wild ARMs Alter Code F, Pokémon FireRed/Leaf Green, Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories would all be remakes because everything about them was actually remade. New assets, graphics, programming, etc.

>> No.9636851 [DELETED] 

Do Americans really fucking eat cake with a fork? Not surprising, this is the same country that says "as fun as kissing your sister" to praise something

>> No.9636859

DX has somw glitches on DMG mode tough.

>> No.9636870
File: 214 KB, 1200x1600, 1_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lile the screen one better, what was connected anyways?

>> No.9636884 [DELETED] 

>the chad game boy altar
>the virgin "now we can market to multiple people at once" crt kiosk

>> No.9637205
File: 18 KB, 704x448, vanilla_DX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9637226 [DELETED] 

left: soul
right: soulless

>> No.9637235
File: 1.62 MB, 1289x769, 1659310557849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how it actually looked

>> No.9637248

Some people overblowing meaningless things and making a big deal out of optional content + sheeple repeating those meme words

There is no reason not to play DX, even the "I want to use the warp glitch" arguement doesn't work in favour of this debate considering most versions of the original do NOT have the warp glitch. It's only in the 1.0 version, and doesn't work in any PAL version either.

>> No.9637256

oh and the "censorship" argument doesn't hold either because some non-DX versions were also already censored.

DX is one of those games that suffer from a bad reputation due to clueless people misunderstanding things and overblowing others, that or being deliberalitey unfair (using some things against DX, like the censorship and fixing the warp glitch, that already existing in most versions of the original) while the sheep repeat those words without checking on them. It's like Final Fantasy 2 and 8.

>> No.9637259

The original is better looking and has better gameplay (you can skip all text messages).

>> No.9637262

I assume he's lumping the text skipping in with the "meaningless things" remark.

>> No.9637283

For the life of me, I have no idea why they did that.

>> No.9637304

That's actually a pretty accurate looking shader aside from the widescreen

>> No.9637337 [DELETED] 

Oh look, it’s another thread where some weirdo pushes his definition for a word that only he uses and understands. Why does this happen on this board so often?

>> No.9637360
File: 105 KB, 1280x721, zelda-gandw.large[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about the Game & Watch version?

>> No.9637398

Except that in the actual original (Japanese version) you can not skip messages. So again, not DX's fault.

People also complain about the Genie boss being made easier. That was also a change done before DX came along. Also it's a good change because that boss is the hardest difficulty spike in the game.

>> No.9637413

That's just a ROM of the original.

>> No.9637414

>Except that in the actual original (Japanese version) you can not skip messages. So again, not DX's fault.
It's DX's fault for un-fixing a problem which was fixed in a previous version.

>> No.9637419 [DELETED] 

Game Boy Color version is peak soullessness

>> No.9637429

left better than LttP
right ugly as sin

>> No.9637432 [DELETED] 

>Pokemon Blue is a remake

>> No.9637434

all you're doing is ignoring every good reason not to play the original. the absolutely unequivocal truth is that there's ABSOLUTELY NO REASON TO PLAY DX. there's merit in the OG, and there's merit in Switch, but DX is the most soulless rehash of all time. and it's ugly.

>> No.9637454

those messages should pop up one time the very first time you grab the power up then never again

0/10 game design ruined the game

>> No.9637479

I think popping up once per play session would be reasonable in a portable game where you might go long stretches between short play sessions and need a couple reminders here and there.

>> No.9637496

Plenty of reasons to play DX

- colours that look good for the most part (the counter example provided above isn't enough to dismiss all the other parts of the game that look good)
- extra dungeon with good fights (was it 2 or even 3 bosses?) and good puzzles. Entirely made of new graphics and new enemies, so it's not just lazy rehash shitty dungeon like so many ports have (Final Fantasy GBA games, Chrono Trigger on DS, etc)
- Extra tunic if you want them. Note that you can very well ignore them: play through the entire colour dungeon, beat the final boss, and exit through the front door without picking up either tunic.
- Photograph quests that adds new cutscenes that in some cases help build identity for characters that lacked it, and the photo graphics are comical and full of soul

Meanwhile all the anti-DX have against the game are:
- a choke full of stuff that DX itself didn't start and which is also true found in this or that version of the original.
- "it looks bad", usually trying to "prove" it by focusing on minor details nobody had noticed when playing like >>9637205. And even if you don't like the colours, guess the fuck what, you can play DX in black&white. So that doesn't hold either.

Link's Awakening was my first Zelda, I had one of the non-DX European version. After I discovered DX there was no reason to come back to it.

I have no idea why the internet is so intent on shitting on DX. Usually people will pull up with a tons of shit for a bit "extra content" of dubious quality (again, those ports of FF/CT I mentionned). Here you have extra content that's actually original, true to the game and well designed; and instead people will go through lengths to use unfair arguments against the game.

>> No.9637563 [DELETED] 

Because you normalfags allow your emotions get the best of you over little things, making shit a bigger deal than they actually are.
DX is a remake.
Pokémon Blue is a remake.

>> No.9637580

>extra dungeon with good fights

>Here you have extra content that's actually original, true to the game and well designed;
Is this a joke? The color dungeon is absolute ass

>> No.9637582

The fact that it wasn't handled by the people who made the original should tell you to steer clear

>> No.9637584 [DELETED] 

You guys are fucking retarded.

Remaster: you take the old master copy and you adjust it. You have now re-mastered it.
Remake: you don't use the old master copy and you flat out make another game. You have re-made it.

I seriously hope all of your parents get lung cancer.

>> No.9637592 [DELETED] 

"Remaster" is a meme marketing word only used in modern days for "quick cash grab ports".

DX is a port from GB to GBC

I bet you also praise Final Fantasy on GBA or the PR version at the same time

>> No.9637613


tldr, no reason to play DX

>> No.9637618

Nintendo at the time was increasing tedium in their games.

>> No.9637626

Cool memories anon, genuine thanks for sharing. GBC era still feels so weird and wonderous to me.

>> No.9637674 [DELETED] 

Most sane /vr/ poster

>> No.9637685

>you can play DX in black&white
With updated shit looking tiles introduced by DX, as seen in: >>9637205
Those ugly, busy, badly-blending tiles are still in the game if you play it on a regular Gameboy and it looks like shit.

>> No.9637687

not that anon but that's not true, it reverts to the original tiles.

>> No.9637703 [DELETED] 


>> No.9637725
File: 233 KB, 294x392, stoneslab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's far from the most egregious remaster but it still shows cracks that will always make me prefer the original even though I grew up with DX.

For example with the stone slab vs owl statues, with the stone slab it makes you excited to find what's gonna be THE clue of the dungeon, there's a very indiana jones-like explorer type feel of putting the disjointed pieces back together so you can read the full message. They changed it to owl statues so they can up the handholding this way they have multiple ones on each dungeon so suddenly it just becomes a way to get various hints, since it would no longer make sense for the same stone piece with letters to read completely different phrases in different spots they came up with the beak that allows statues to talk back to you. It feels contrived and that's because it is.

It's the little things...

>> No.9637734

I just tested it with BGB and you're right, but you still can't skip text boxes so it's automatically worse than just using the OG rom/cart.

>> No.9637754

this guy knows

>> No.9637762

I know they're infamous for doing that, it's just that I can't understand WHY they feel the need to.

>> No.9637786

Probably misguided fears that kids would accidentally hit B to skip vital information and then become lost or confused.

>> No.9637820

>with the stone slab it makes you excited to find what's gonna be THE clue of the dungeon, there's a very indiana jones-like explorer type feel of putting the disjointed pieces back together so you can read the full message
100% this. The stone slab is a really neat concept that encourages the player to seek it out and use it, and the hints themselves are often riddles so it's another fun puzzle layer to the dungeon. Once you use a couple owl statues that give you an obvious solution to a room you'll likely feel discouraged from using them because they just feel like spoilers that ruin the puzzles and just start avoiding them.

The problem is that if you start avoiding all the owl statues because you think they're spoiler hints for dumb kids, then you'll ALSO skip that ONE owl statue which replaced the original stone slab and in some cases render the dungeon un-solvable unless you already know exactly what to do because you won't get the riddle-hint that the developers expect you to have.

It's unreal how poorly thought out and badly designed the owl statues really are.

>> No.9637840

>at the time
>modern zelda
>pick up fucking anything more important than a green rupee
>gives you a fucking three paragraph explanation
>every single fucking time you pick one up

>> No.9637860

I never said we left that time, they've simply continued to increase it.

>> No.9637986 [DELETED] 

>The definition for "remake" itself can be ambiguous
no it can't, you're just a retard who can't speak english properly. the word you're impotently grasping for is 're-release'. a game with a second release date has been re-released.
>Once games were able to be updated online, the definition for "remake" changed for normalfags.
never happened. you're just a dumb faggot. learn to english ESL retard.

>> No.9637991


For real though, thanks to both of you for bringing up these points. I've played both but because I started on DX I never gave it much thought, even though I always wondered why some owl statues repeat the same thing even though this mechanic existed. I thought it was a localization thing. Like, NOA didn't like what they said in Japan so they duplicated the text. Now I see that they were just throwaway text.

>> No.9638003 [DELETED] 

No, he's right. Maybe you should go back to school and learn how to follow propositional logic if you don't see how a patch changes a game. Dumbass.

>> No.9638034

>- Extra tunic if you want them. Note that you can very well ignore them: play through the entire colour dungeon, beat the final boss, and exit through the front door without picking up either tunic.
God I can't fucking stand these bullshit excuses people make. ITS NOT THE PLAYERS JOB TO GO OUT OF THEIR WAY TO SIDESTEP CONTENT THAT BREAKS THE GAME, it's just bad design. Not only is the color dungeon terribly designed and messes up the pacing of the game, do you really expect first time players to ignore something like that? It's not like the fairy warns "just so you know this stuff makes the game extra easy so only grab it if you really want to breeze through and bulldoze everything the game throws at you from this point forward, okay?"
It's just like how DX changes some treasure chests in later dungeons to contain Tracy potions. You people are like "Dude just have your first time experience where you don't know any better gimped and then memorize which treasure chests to avoid for following playthroughs, it's completely optional ;)"

And don't you try to equate this to the heart pieces from the bosses, that's a case of grabbing it as obviously expected for the intended difficulty and if you wanna challenge yourself you avoid it. With the tunics/extra potions you grab them as obviously expected and get the very easy difficulty and if you bend over backwards to avoid them you get the intended difficulty. If they were so hell-bent on adding these extra perks they would have the enemies extra challenging because as it is it's just bad design

>> No.9638060

>It's not like the fairy warns "just so you know this stuff makes the game extra easy so only grab it if you really want to breeze through and bulldoze everything the game throws at you from this point forward, okay?"

Everyone knows about the extra tunic before playing the game itself. In fact, it is pretty hard to find to find the dungeon by yourself as soon as it's available without outside help telling you what to do; which invalidates your other complain as well ("ruining the pacing half way through the game"), besides I don't see how extra unlinearility and secrets in an adventure game exactly when the game starts to open up "ruins the pacing" unless you like your "adventure" games to be straightforward

>> No.9638078 [DELETED] 

>every port is a remake
That's you right now. According to your logic.

>> No.9638084

In fact, the extra dungeon is designed in such a way that a first time player is likely to miss it completly without outside knowledge, yet someone who has already played the non-DX version or someone who's already played the game will pay attention to it
>what's up with this book? I don't remember this from the original game..
>what's up with this book? I completely missed it on my first play

Whereas someone playing it the first time is likely to see the book at the start of the game and forget about its existence.
It was made this way specifically to offer a bonus for replays and to offer a different experience than the first time with the tunics as a reward if you figure it all out.

So the only way you "ruin your first playthrough" is if you're looking up a guide; and someone who did manage to figure out how to get to the dungeon and beat it as soon as it's available, on his own, isn't likely to consider the reward "ruining the game".

>> No.9638097 [DELETED] 

Apparently, you need to take reading classes.
What part of…
… did you fucking miss? Because ports are indeed remakes.

>> No.9638104 [DELETED] 
File: 41 KB, 640x628, E-CxXzZWUAACOze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone knows about the extra tunic before playing the game itself. In fact, it is pretty hard to find to find the dungeon by yourself as soon as it's available without outside help telling you what to do
As someone who grew up with DX and it was my first and only Zelda game, you're a moron

>> No.9638108 [DELETED] 

Fucking delete this post and reply to the proper one.

>> No.9638116 [DELETED] 

No, dont care

>> No.9638127 [DELETED] 


>> No.9638128

Me, a stupid first time player at 9 years old
>Hey I just made the boss fall down from the ceiling by running against the wall with the boots, let me try it on this

>> No.9638240

the photograph quest is actually good though which the Switch version replaced with the boring Zelda Dungeon maker

>> No.9638549

I prefer the black and white graphics, and it's not just nostalgia because DX was the version I owned back in the day. It's a great game regardless and anyone telling you to play one over the other is just splitting hairs.

>> No.9638568
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>> No.9638597

Cute novelty. Looks good too.

>> No.9638662

Delete this garbage.

>> No.9638993
File: 2.79 MB, 400x300, L20mMc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talkin' about lewd, here...

>> No.9639026

Post hippo booba

>> No.9639068

you're not going to forget what the powerup does and even if you did it'd be obvious real quick

imagine if every time you got a powerup in mario it gave you multiple dialog boxes explaining it

>> No.9639087

Nie ohne Kondom!

>> No.9639106

>imagine if every time you got a powerup in mario it gave you multiple dialog boxes explaining it
Pretty sure that was in Super Mario Galaxy.

>> No.9639159

>Everyone knows about the extra tunic before playing the game itself.
Not that anon, but this should not be assumed, the game needs to be judged on how someone with no outside knowledge would approach it.

>In fact, it is pretty hard to find to find the dungeon by yourself as soon as it's available without outside help telling you what to do
I don't know if anything is changed in regard to the Color Dungeon from DX to the Switch remake, but when I played the remake I stumbled on the Color Dungeon so easily during normal play that I don't even remember specifically how to access it. It just came and went with absolutely zero effort on my part so it didn't even stick in my memory.

>> No.9639191
File: 862 KB, 724x1024, 1651828308730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn be drugged and raped by crazy tracy for weeks on end
it's not fair bros...

>> No.9639229

is or where there ever be a canon connection between mermaids and the Zora?

>> No.9639232

>minor details
"Why is the ground white?"
Thunk about it.

>> No.9639249
File: 31 KB, 409x415, 510754DE-978C-44BF-97FF-EAFBA2E8C285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The Secret Zora is a character that appears in both remakes of Link's Awakening.

>> No.9639270

Why is she on the switch if there are no photos?

>> No.9639281

Are you an idiot? The Zora is male and there’s a picture of him in that page.

>> No.9639282

What are you talking about? That's not what it says.

Because it still gives you the hint about where to get the boomerang.

>> No.9639287

>That's not what it says.
Fucking kek

>> No.9639296


Anon has a job to do.

>> No.9639310

Looks good to me.

>> No.9639351

The only people who dislike the remake are losers. You loser.
I'm going to imagine that the shadow on her crotch is pubes.

>> No.9639372

I always imagined her to be busty.

>> No.9639378

What a nicely organized list.

>> No.9639387
File: 25 KB, 256x256, 1673994280241025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owl is for hand holding normies so they don't rage quit.

Which completely ruins his character, far from being a wise sage with hidden knowledge, he's a tard wrangler.

>> No.9639390

It's just that one tile autist, but people with severe autism get stuck on little things like that. DX is superior in every way.

>> No.9639391

What was censored in this game?

>> No.9639396

>DX is superior in every way.
"Wow! That looks pretty heavy! You won't be able to lift it with your bare hands."

>> No.9639404
File: 183 KB, 680x362, 1665467698583920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw Nintendo made a cable to connect your Gameboy directly to your TV and never released it to the public forcing you to buy a SNES and Super GB of you wanted to play on the big screen
Has anyone ever dissected one of those units?

>> No.9639406

stop running into rocks retard

>> No.9639407

Agreed. This is cousins with “its just cosmetic bro”!

>> No.9639429

You find a lost bra for a mermaid at one point >>9638993 . The US version (and all releases of the Switch remake) censored it to a missing necklace.

>> No.9639435
File: 3.92 MB, 4032x3024, 131E5393-6127-4423-B524-25F4D492AEA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason i have both of these but I cant remember why.

>> No.9639436
File: 209 KB, 706x709, 1675203558297118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only necessary post to read in this entire thread.

>> No.9639439

dont forget the hippo

>> No.9639448

Should've read even the first few posts in this very thread before making this embarrassing post.

>> No.9639453

Kek true. I think they did this for Ocarina of Time Zelda newbs to feel like LA is a tie-in or sequel to OoT, since the owl is back in that game.

>> No.9639570

if it makes you feel better I have 4 copies of pokemon silver in my childhood game collection and I don't remember ever buying/receiving even a single copy of the game or playing it

>> No.9640051

I patched it so mine doesn't do this at all.

>> No.9640372

Because it's okay to like different versions of the same game?

>> No.9640403
File: 290 KB, 786x800, 1346649703252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are "I can't skip the text on an optional pick up", "the toddler hint system is different", and "the reward for clearing the completely optional dungeon is too OP" the only actual complaints about this game? The color palate complaints are null and void thanks to it reverting to the original tile set if you play it on an original GB (which is what you ought to be playing regular LA on if you're wanting the "best experience" anyway).

>> No.9640435

>drops constantly right when you're fighting forcing you to go out of your way to avoid it so you don't have to stop playing for 15 seconds just to click through useless dialogue
>drops right in the middle of the 1-tile wide path you have to go through half the time

>> No.9640438

>LA is a tie-in or sequel to OoT, since the owl is back in that game
>this fucking meme again
The owl statues have nothing to do with OoT.

>> No.9640569

"can't skip text" is also true in some versions of the original

It's only pinned on DX because these people are desperate to come up with points.

>> No.9640868

The owl does, tard brain. They replaced the stone tablet with owl statues because "the" owl (now in this game and the megahit OoT) was now more recognizable as a advice feature than the "generic" wall of stone.

>> No.9640874

>It's only pinned on DX because these people are desperate to come up with points.
>are desperate
Hence why there have been several other points posted just here in favor of the original Meanwhile, the points for DXfags are
>um like, color?
>absolute trash unlockables and a very short "dungeon" with muh classic song reference in it
>I played it first

>> No.9640969

Are you genuinely that bad at playing the game? Literally break your streak or use other damage dealing items that give you space. Literally want part of the game forces you to keep going in a straight path if it drops to where you can't just momentarily leave the screen and come back.

>> No.9640981

>break your streak

>> No.9641018

DX predates Ocarina

This poster >>9637725 does a good job explaining why they changed it to owl statues, it's so they can give multiple hints per dungeon, with the stone it's a phrase on a mural, the beak makes the statue talk to you so it can say different things

>> No.9641030

But muh epic permanently missable photos that force you to become a THIEF to complete!!!

>> No.9641037

>permanently missable photos
It's a short enough game that you can easily just play it again.
>force you to become a THIEF
Just never go back into the shop after stealing the bow and you won't be branded THIEF.

>> No.9641051

You still get branded THIEF. Never going back to the shop just means you won't have a death on your record.

>> No.9641071

what y'all think of the switch remake? please be gentle and I'll fuck off if you insist

>> No.9641106

An insult to the original game. Gross

>> No.9641108

>Just never go back into the shop after stealing the bow and you won't be branded THIEF.

>> No.9641183

I could have sworn that was a workaround.

>> No.9641193

It's not completely wrong. Some name entries get branded as THIEF right away, while others only after you come back to the shop.

>> No.9641218

>Some name entries get branded as THIEF right away, while others only after you come back to the shop.
What determines it, then?

>> No.9641229

What I mean is, some instances of the player name must be going through different code. IIRC you have the save menu, the name NPCs use to call you, and the end credits name. Some of these get rebranded right as you steal from the shop, while others only after you come back and get caught.
It's probably an oversight from the devs but I don't think it ever got fixed in any version.

>> No.9641257

>"can't skip text" is also true in some versions of the original
This claim got me curious, so I loaded up all the LA GB roms I have: Link's Awakening, Link's Awakening (Rev A), and Link's Awakening (Rev B). All of them allow skipping the rock text with B, so exactly which version doesn't allow it like you claim? Smells like bullshit.

>> No.9641320

Game is slower in general due to the inventory screen fading into a whole menu screen instead of swiping up quickly (no, b&w doesn't fix this).
You can skip the Game Over screen in some versions during Link's death animation by doing the button combo for the save selection, so you can have a file where you can reenter the shop safely and have 0 recorded deaths.

>> No.9641327

Wow this brings me back. I played so much Tetris on this while my mom shopped. Sears had a Genesis set up with Sonic too.

>> No.9641364

>>what's up with this book? I don't remember this from the original game..
>>what's up with this book? I completely missed it on my first play
You left out
>what's up with this book? It's located exactly like the one you need to get into the second dungeon in Link to the Past, I'll remember that for later

>> No.9641445

You get the Piece of Power for every 40 enemies you beat. You get the Defense Acorn when you beat 15 enemies in a row without taking damage. I assume "break your streak" is for the acorn, as the counter resets if something hits you.

>> No.9641454

Oh no, I need to steal from a story which I'm never going to use again after that! Nobody forces you to be a completionist.

>> No.9641473

I never knew this. I always though they just had a random chance of appearing like any other item drop.

>> No.9641480

>Nobody forces you to be a completionist.
This. I'll never understand why someone would think of this as, "the game requires me to ruin my save" instead of as, "the game gives a fun easter egg to people who steal from the shop."

>> No.9641481

Oh look another faggot who uses the "it's completely optional!" to justify bad design

>> No.9641723

It is unironically and literally completely optional. Not even in that, "you don't have to do it if you know ahead of time" way like the color dungeon tunics. It's a cute easter egg that you find if you happen to steal from the store and nothing more.

>> No.9641905

It's great, but it has no business having the frame drops that it has.

>> No.9641919

Terrible. Only thing that's better is the quality of life regarding item selection

>> No.9642080

If you're trying to actually 100% the game in the original, you HAVE to steal from the shop. If not, you're completely skipping out on an intended design feature.

>> No.9642081

>just play the entire game around avoiding power ups
dum dum

>> No.9642092
File: 35 KB, 322x314, 1276366965191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make this the second biggest complaint about the DX version
>didn't even know how it worked

>> No.9642098

Considering they're literally only there to help children play the game, yes. I don't need their help; same as not needing the coloured tunics.

>> No.9642136

What causes the drop has nothing to do with how annoying it is to not be able to skip the text when you pick it up. It's easier to avoid that version of the game than to research in-depth how the drops work and then actively manipulate them not to happen, plus that wouldn't help the text from the rocks before getting the power bracelet anyway.

>> No.9642174

The original was a fantastic game, when I got it as a child.
Although I thought it was interesting, I had no interest in playing DX when it was released.
The Switch version felt too childish for me, so I stayed away from it... but it does remind me of 3D Dot Game Heroes.

>> No.9642191

What am I looking at here?

>> No.9642204

Because some People are Autistic

>> No.9642292
File: 220 KB, 640x223, lagraveyard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A terrible representation of what the original game """actually""" looks like. The image makes zero sense because it includes 4 different "rooms" in a single screen.

Notice on a proper comparison how all the different tiles in the original blend together seamlessly while in DX there's a jarring clash of perfect squares that don't fit with eachother

>> No.9642315

What's the program though?

>> No.9642316

You only think it's seemless because its monochrome. Those are still jarring tiles because the grass and rocks still look like tiles placed haphazardly everywhere. There's still perfect gaps between each object. Every object that's not just a floor tile has an obvious border. The color just makes it more obvious that you're walking on a giant tileset. I genuinely hate when people point out tiles in general because it breaks the immersion for me.

>> No.9642370
File: 24 KB, 88x158, tiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only think it's seamless because it is. No shit you can still tell there are still tiles, that's in the nature of a 16x16 tile based game but at the end of the day there's a much higher degree of easing in the original version.
The mess in DX doesn't happen simply because it's in the nature of color, it happens because you're adding color to graphics that were not designed with color in mind replacing them automatically without taking the consequences into account. Had the graphics been designed from the ground up with the purpose of them being in color, the artists would have done a better job at minimizing this effect.

>> No.9642379

You're basically showing the same images twice as far as I'm concerned. They shouldn't be obvious PERIOD. There shouldn't be little dots or grass or any of this junk. Even the NES games knew better than to make shit this obvious. Just because one is more obvious that the other doesn't make the less jarring one better. It still makes it look amateurish.

>> No.9642383
File: 19 KB, 678x641, bugsbunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For instance here's Looney Tunes Collector, a tile based 16x16 Gameboy Color game whose sprite artists actually created with color in mind. Sure if you look really hard you'll see a bit of clash where the tiles connect(like if you focus on the tree trunk tile against the tree canopy tile) but it's nowhere near the degree you get in Link's Awakening DX

>> No.9642394

So you're excuse is the original was bad(it wasn't if you take into account all the technical limitations but whatever let's pretend it was) so that makes it totally okay for the remaster to be atrocious? LOL

>> No.9642401

I'm saying that both versions fucking suck. Zelda shouldn't be squeezed onto a Game Boy game because it was a shit system.

>> No.9642403

I would post a eyerolling frog but /vr/ jannies seem to hate those

>> No.9642413

I think you're just mad that you ran into someone more autistic about tiles than you. Personally, I like LA less and less every time I see these threads because no one actually talks about anything other that what they think "ruins" it.

>> No.9642417

the oracle games were made with color in mind, as they're GBC exclusives in 2001, also has these cutoffs.
I think you're trying to create a cause and effect that fulfill your headcannon of something that no one gives a fuck about

>> No.9642420

The oracle games literally steal the majority of assets from links awakening DX

>> No.9642470

DXir you're replying to is just using confirmation bias, bro. He knows the non-skippable text is gay.

>> No.9642482
File: 11 KB, 186x167, 1276365994442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is so bad at playing the game that he always bumps into the rocks and pots before the second dungeon

>> No.9642486 [DELETED] 

>(sassily) avatar fagging
Proving >>9642470's point.

>> No.9642503

I'm not denying it, but I am laughing at you for being so bad at a literal children's game that your biggest gripes about the game should only have to deal with once or twice.

>> No.9642507
File: 217 KB, 536x546, 1656812762596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9642705

umm, anon, it's a shader, I'm sorry you can't differentiate the presentation from the resolution, it's far more authentic looking than a simple palette choice like in your screenshot

>> No.9642708

the window would suggest it's running in unity so probably not something made for an emulator if that's what you're asking

>> No.9642838

>DX predates Ocarina
Mind posting the release dates then, zoomer? Though you made this embarrassingly wrong claim, even if you were right, that wouldn't change that it could be a tie-in as long as if the release dates were closeto each other (as they are, anyway).
>they changed it to owl statues, it's so they can give multiple hints per dungeon, with the stone it's a phrase on a mural, the beak makes the statue talk to you so it can say different things
Ad hoc faggotry. There's no reason a piece of stone can't be possibly used in multiple tablets, if at the very least to decode them.

>> No.9643068

>"the" owl (now in this game and the megahit OoT) was now more recognizable as a advice feature than the "generic" wall of stone
It's not even the same owl, the two are completely unrelated.
Besides, LA already had owl statues in the overworld before DX. The ones in the dungeons are merely a continuation of that idea.

>> No.9643073

The owl was already in the original game, helping the player progress AND explain the story. DX just emphasized what was already in the game; and it makes sense canonically (respects the story idea of the non DX version), while the slabs had no explanation whatsoever, pure 4th wall break for the sake of helping the player, so it is an improvement on that part.

And then desperate anti-DX fags be like
>waaah they just wanted to copy OoT!!

it's OoT that took the owl from LA to begin with. Just another desperate, unfair and completely false argument from the anti-DX kind.

>> No.9643178

>version of a game where a problem exists
>version of a game where a problem doesn't exist
Easy choice. The only reason that problem got so much focus is the suggestion of using an original Game Boy to avoid the awful colors and tiles, at which point playing the original version is objectively superior anyway, rendering DX pointless.

>> No.9643196

>the slabs had no explanation whatsoever, pure 4th wall break for the sake of helping the player
It ties into the idea that there are aspects of the dream coming from the Wind Fish's subconscious to help Link progress. The owl is one, the mural in the ancient ruins is another, why not stone tablets in the dungeons? Also you're ignoring the most glaring problem with the owl statues: Their frequency.

In the original, each dungeon has ONE stone tablet with ONE hint for some secret or puzzle in the dungeon, often necessary for progression. In DX, each dungeon has MULTIPLE owl statues, and all but one (the one that replaced the tablet) is completely unnecessary handholding that spoils solutions to puzzles for no reason. As I explained in >>9637820 that can easily cause someone to avoid the owl statues without realizing that they're locking themselves out of a hint from one of the statues that is required to complete the dungeon. It forces the player to listen to every owl statue and ruin their own enjoyment with needless hints just so they don't miss the ONE necessary hint. If they were going to add those extra owl statues they should have AT LEAST made the required statue look special in some way so players who didn't want bullshit hints could avoid them without harming their experience unintentionally.

>> No.9643203

And if you want to talk about fourth wall breaks, why do you need to find a new beak in every dungeon when all the owl statues are identical? It makes sense that you need a new fragment in every dungeon because it belongs to a single tablet and has words written on it.

>> No.9643421
File: 174 KB, 1750x1050, owlstatueVSstoneslab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They replaced the stone tablet with owl statues because "the" owl (now in this game and the megahit OoT) was now more recognizable as a advice feature than the "generic" wall of stone.
DX: December 12, 1998
OoT: November 21, 1998

So you're saying in the span of the 21 days between the release of the games they saw how much ocarina became a megahit and decided to change it real quick last minute? LMAO

>There's no reason a piece of stone can't be possibly used in multiple tablets, if at the very least to decode them.
IT'S A FUCKING MURAL WITH A GIANT HOLE IN IT, it's not to decode shit, it's to put the missing part of the sentence in place. In DX they wanted to be able to give multiple hints per dungeon so the stone fragment would no longer make sense, owl statues that can talk when they have a beak was their workaround, anyone with a working brain can tell that's the reason they had to change it.

Refer to the diagram for a retardproof(hopefully) explanation.

>> No.9643431

Disregard that retarded anon, there shouldn't be multiple tablets in the first place. By design, every dungeon has ONE tablet to provide ONE hint about ONE puzzle or aspect of the dungeon. Adding more than one is handholding bullshit that worsens the game.

>> No.9643454

the dungeon should auto complete when you put the beak in. you place it, and it should teleport you outside with the macguffin and the heart container.

>> No.9643461

>anti-DX fags
you dropped your tin foil hat.
the truth is there's no reason to play DX over the original or the Switch make.
they're both superior and DX is a soulless rerelease that fucks shit up.

>> No.9643465

>You only think it's seemless because its monochrome.
what're you, stupid?
the colors make for abrupt squares, but in the original it all blends.

>> No.9643471

there's no reason to play the shitch remake either because it's even uglier and runs even worse than DX

>> No.9643481

There are two stone tablet / owl statue hints in the first dungeon alone.

It's not inconceivable that a tablet can be inserted into two different reliefs and reveal two different clues. Just put words on multiple lines that align with different reliefs.

>> No.9643492
File: 111 KB, 1120x768, 4992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next false argument to debunk, please.

>> No.9643494
File: 57 KB, 972x529, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are two stone tablet / owl statue hints in the first dungeon alone.
Wrong. In the original there is ONE stone slab per dungeon. Pic related, 8 hints from 8 slabs for 8 dungeons. In the DX version there are multiple owl statues per dungeon because they were ADDED. You've clearly never even played the original, or else you wouldn't assume that each owl statue must have replaced an existing slab and not been new for the DX version.

>> No.9643497
File: 30 KB, 120x120, OFFICIAL_ART_stone_slab_and_fragment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that sounds even more contrived than talking statues

MY GOD ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID CONGRATULATIONS I'M MAD. Those slabs contain the exact same text:
"Turn aside the spined ones with a shield..."

>> No.9643519

The point is you didn't even know about that 2nd slab two minutes ago, stop making a fool of yourself. First "the owl which was already in the original was added to be more like OoT", then this.

All this to complain about something as trivial as added clues, clues most likely added because they've had extra knowledge of where players got stuck since the og released.
You really sound desperate to come up with flaws in DX

>> No.9643532

>All this to complain about something as trivial as added clues
Too many clues in a game about solving puzzles ruins the experience.

>> No.9643537

>The point is you didn't even know about that 2nd slab two minutes ago
Oh, by the way, you're talking to 3 different people in case you hadn't noticed that. I'm currently samefagging from >>9643532 and >>9643494, but >>9643481 is a different person and >>9643497 is yet another different person.

>> No.9643558
File: 57 KB, 636x222, noowl_owl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop embarrassing yourself. Those "2" slabs have the same text, they say the same thing, they tell you to use a shield on the spike enemies. There is only ONE clue per dungeon in the original Link's Awakening, this is a fact.

Now take this example, in the face shrine both OG and DX have the clue to enter the "eyes" through the walls but DX adds an extra statue that tells you to throw the pot at the chest.

>First "the owl which was already in the original was added to be more like OoT", then this.
Why are you conflating posts that are clearly not from the same person when this post >>9643421 specifically mentions how fucking retarded it is to claim the added owls were to be like Ocarina and clarifies exactly the reason they had to change it.

The argument being had is because retards who may or may not be you started saying that it makes sense for the stone fragments to be used on different slabs and that the reason they were changed was
>"They replaced the stone tablet with owl statues because "the" owl (now in this game and the megahit OoT) was now more recognizable as a advice feature than the "generic" wall of stone."
>"it could be a tie-in as long as if the release dates were closeto each other (as they are, anyway)."
>"DX just emphasized what was already in the game; and it makes sense canonically (respects the story idea of the non DX version), while the slabs had no explanation whatsoever, pure 4th wall break for the sake of helping the player, so it is an improvement on that part."

So just to be clear here are the facts:
- It doesn't make sense for the same stone fragment to be used on different slabs(slabs with different hints, not "different" slabs with the same text so this >>9643492 moron gets it)
- The owl statues weren't added because of Ocarina of Time
- The owl statues were added so they could add multiple hints per dungeon

Point blank period

>> No.9643562

meant to reply to >>9643519

>> No.9643620

It's not. If you can tell that there are tiles, it's not seamless. That's what a fucking SEAM is. Just because you use white thread on a white quilt doesn't meant that its suddenly have a printed pattern on with no stitching. It's obvious in the monochrome because using tile based graphics on a Game Boy is a mistake. Thank goodness for Nintendo that idiots like you can't make out detail unless its in flashing colors.

>> No.9643635

So, is Link's Awakening such a pisspoor game that slow text and weird tiles render it completely unplayable? I knew it was one of the black sheep of the series, but I didn't know it was THAT bad.

>> No.9643646

>is Link's Awakening such a pisspoor game that slow text and weird tiles render it completely unplayable?
Only the DX version. The original is the best 2D Zelda game.

>> No.9643656

>Noooooo, you can't discuss the few differences the versions have in a thread that is specifically asking for it
Nobody is saying it becomes unplayable, the OP was literally just asking why some people prefer the original so people are providing reasons

>> No.9643661

The tiles are only a problem if you're an autist, and the text isn't bad either, with one exception - that unskippable extended description of the Compass. "This compass has a new feature - a tone will tell you if a key is hidden in a room when you enter." I KNOW, STOP TELLING ME ALREADY, YOU TELL ME EVERY SINGLE TIME I GET THE COMPASS AND I CAN'T SKIP THE FULL DESCRIPTION JUST STOP ALREADY AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.9643674

Literally the ONLY discussion I ever see about this game on this board is >>9637205 and how it completely ruins a game that doesn't seem to have anything special going on for it aside from the original having less ugly tiles or text speed. Even threads about the crustiest old DOS RPGs have people talk about the actual substance of the game. Even Zelda II threads talk about dungeon design and item utility. These threads make Link's Awakening come off as though it has absolutely nothing to talk about. Even the complaints about the Switch version are "well... I didn't like it." It sounds like its a hollow, nothing game that no one should bother to play.

>> No.9643683

Why not play it yourself and find out?

>> No.9643684

I really like Link's Awakening. The world is very whimsical and laid out in a really intuitive way to explore and figure out where to go without being handheld too closely. The subtle hints that Marin is a seagull that also got caught in the dream are a charming touch. It's a lot of fun to play and there isn't a single part of the game that feels like a chore.
Is that good enough for you?
(also I think both versions are fine but do prefer the black & white because it genuinely looks better.)

>> No.9643687

Anon, the issue is LA is generally considered a great game by anyone snetiant human who plays it. You can only talk about how great it is for so long, so us sad fucks trapped in this hole do what we always do; hyper fixate on a single tiny flaw and act like faggots about. No one really gives a fucking shit about the differences unless they are unironically autistic.

>> No.9643692

Unironically no. It sounds like I could get equal enjoyment out of Rolan's Quest.

>> No.9643696

The only reasonable answer in this entire thread.

>> No.9643725

I have them both. Original if you're playing on an original GB, DX on anything else.
It's tied for my favorite game of all time with Donkey Kong (1994)

>> No.9643743

>It sounds like
Just play the game instead of pontificating like a retard.

>> No.9643781


>> No.9643893

Why should he? "Whimsical exploration" isn't enough to convince someone that it's an all time classic.

Its funny, because the Tile Autist met his match with someone even MORE autistic about tiles and is now souring people to playing either version of the game.

>> No.9643907

>Why should he?
So he can actually form an opinion based on more than just what it "sounds like" when people intimately familiar with multiple versions of the game bicker with each other.

>> No.9643917
File: 13 KB, 512x299, Zelda-links-awking-origianl-pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grew up with the original so I'm probably biased, but imo the b/w graphics work a lot better than the sometimes rather garish colors of DX.
There's also quite a few subtle changes in the tile graphics like with the grass for instance.

>> No.9643932

Wait, was Zelda DX backwards compatible with the original GB? For some reason I always thought it was GBC only. .
What did that look like?

>> No.9643939

>What did that look like?
It just loads all the original tiles.

>> No.9643959

You're arguing in bad faith because you know goddamn well that nobody is saying the game gets completely ruined to the point of being unplayable because of those changes. Unfortunately the discussion of any game with multiple versions tends to naturally eschew towards which version is better, this phenomenon is hardly unique to links awakening but in this case OP was even specifically asking for it
>OP: why do people prefer [ ] version?
>Thread: we prefer this version because [ ]
There is literally nothing wrong with this. You saw that picture a few times because it's a useful aid in pointing out how the added color affects the game and yet in this thread alone there's discussion about owl statues, about the color dungeon... so its disengenuous to act like that's all LA threads revolves around and with the amount of pushback and back and forth these things create perhaps they really are topics worth discussing.
In regards to the Switch remake, if you're as up to date on Links Awakening threads as you claim to be, by now you should know the reasoning for liking/disliking it as also been discussed at length but that's not what this thread is about.

>Its funny, because the Tile Autist met his match with someone even MORE autistic about tiles and is now souring people to playing either version of the game
Stop pretending that's some kind of gotcha when you're just hang up on the semantics around the world seamless when the fact that the monochrome version blends far better than the DX is not an opinion, it's just a fact. "Ahaha no it's not exactly seamless either so there" doesn't change anything, not only is this probably you referring to yourself in the third person to make it seem like somehow that pisspoor argument changes people perceptions, you are probably not someone who hates both versions but actually a DX fanboy using these tactics to try to dismiss the whole argument with "they are both bad so it doesn't count xD"

>> No.9643990

Didn't they fix the glitch where you could open the map while moving between screens. You could get the fire rod super quick on the OG

>> No.9644204

I've played DX for most of my life but after reading some /vr/ threads the preference for the OG seemed to make sense so I gave it a go and now I've already beaten the game twice without even missing the color or the extra content, it feels like a cleaner experience if that makes sense.
The one thing I will say is to avoid playing with a pure black, white and grey palette which some emulators might default to, pick either greenscale or a custom palette as it's much easier on the eyes.

>> No.9644242

>You're arguing in bad faith

Stop arguing with the moron, then. Damn. What's that Rene Descartes saying about idiots?

>> No.9644403 [DELETED] 

DXchads keep winning

>> No.9644414

I don't even actively dislike DX all that much but I must admit it's kind of entertaining to watch DXfags get btfo at every step of the way

>> No.9644557

>Nintendo just announced Game Boy games on Switch
>includes Link's Awakening DX
>no option for the original
I hate Nintendo so much sometimes.

>> No.9644562

I like to think that was NIntendo specifically shitting on this thread.

>> No.9644580
File: 182 KB, 1080x1044, 1675783218416663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Zelda Lego is happening, first set is a Deku tree that can be switched between ocarina of time and botw versions. If they made a set based on links awakening what would you want it to be? I guess a good way to represent the game would probably be a beach diorama and it would include Marin and potentially the owl. Any other ideas? Keep in mind the limitations of Lego it's not like they can make an entire dungeon or the animal village or that uses too many resources like that

>> No.9644581

All you get it shader filters and you'll LIKE IT!

>> No.9644587

Switch emugames have optional shaders? I'm surprised at even that.

>> No.9644603

They only give you one per console (unless they added more). I only ever played SNES Online and that one looks OK. Not sure about NES and N64.

>> No.9644638

This is why it's so important for threads like these to push back and expose the truth, a follow up cash in version made by another team with several differences that have been proven to be potentially inferior is somehow being deemed without question the "true version" and a direct improvement that completely supplants the original so that there's no possible reason you would ever want to play it. It's gross and disrespectful how history gets so easily overwritten and misinformation lives on.

>> No.9644647

cheese gyuudon is great though

>> No.9644653

Every nintendo re-release is designed to be inferior to the original in at least one way. I believe they did this out of respect for the original games' creators.

>> No.9644657

Brickbuilt Windfish could be kino

>> No.9644660

my guess is they fixed it for the first western release but then never sent the update back to Japan, and so when Japan did the remake they used the JP version and then the western teams for DX didn't have the time or the orders or whatever to apply the same fix. Also, it wasn't nearly as big of a problem in Japanese because it was one text box for every message, so they probably didn't care anyway.

>> No.9644662

Lol funny

>> No.9644680

based on that anon's use of British/EU English, I would guess it's the Euro releases. I also played the JP cart a few years back (up to the 7th dungeon, fuck if I know where it is right now though) and it didn't let you skip either, but the boxes were much shorter so it hardly mattered.

>> No.9644701

I find there are a great deal of people, including myself on occasion, who find certain things in games that are permanent to be extremely irritating. For me it's usually when I just want to be able to revisit a certain element without replaying the entire game, ie. seeing funny dialog from an in-game event a second time, but it's halfway into a long game that doesn't offer multiple save files. It generally just boils down to "I don't want to have this happen to me so I will avoid it even if it is more work" or "I don't want to have to play half the game again just for this one thing".

I've also seen people get irritated that games stop them from doing 100% of possible tasks and situations in a single playthrough, which is ironic given those games are usually designed to let you do have a reason to replay the game. I think it's something for people who like the game enough to play it once but not enough to want to replay it. The prospect of not being able to see everything just drives them up a wall. That said, those people are likely also very self-deprecating completionistswho put way too much pressure on themselves to finish games and to act like beating a game is another checkbox on a grocery list. Kind of like backlog obsessors, they drive their play habits not by want of fun but by guilt of not having finished a game.

>> No.9644705

that's just staying accurate to the superior non-DX release :^)

>> No.9644712

frog posters deserve the rope, how fucking pathetic to keep that trash on your hard drive. 下げ

>> No.9644716
File: 544 KB, 717x678, 1431059826869.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since there's several romhack restorations, what then, is the problem? Either play the OG or DX with the fixes. I swear faggot OPs can't into basic internet search and /vr/igins can't into spoodfeeding.

>> No.9644748

>hard drive

>> No.9644773
File: 1.64 MB, 500x500, 1477287098799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He can access/post reaction images from his mind

>> No.9644790

He was making a smug joke about SSDs.

>> No.9644792

He's just being autistic over terms everyone intuitively understands.

>> No.9644903

I hated the shitty GB screen so fucking much

>> No.9645030

I know it will never happened but I'd like a piece of forest and the witch hut for the tarin/tanuki shenanigans. I don't know why but that whole quest where you have to use the mushroom to make powder was probably my favorite part of the game. As a kid those kinds of small whimsical interactions in the overworld were more enjoyable than the dungeons

>> No.9645072

Yeah I too have always preferred the starkness of just the egg on the mountain peak, without "le epic ring of clouds" surrounding it.

>> No.9645456

how come link to the past - the more famous, iconic and (arguably) superior 2d zelda - doesn't harbor this level of autism?

>> No.9645493

Which version do you think is superior then?

>> No.9645502

Probably because no one ever thinks about the GBA version of that game which leaves only one other version in existence to talk about.

>> No.9645572

We all played LA more because it's easier to find time to play on handheld systems, especially as kids. Also it's better.

>> No.9645868

Because pretty much the only thing the GBA version had going for it was portability and even that is gone now. You can easily just play the better looking and sounding SNES version on whatever handheld you want.

>> No.9646210




>> No.9646260
File: 1.29 MB, 1275x718, Screenshot from 2023-02-09 13-52-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they weren't simple cables you could just plug into your gameboy. search for stuff like "game boy kiosk teardown" and you'll see cables hardwired to a game boy PCB going into a dev kit which then outputs analog video to a tv.
pic taken from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BBbFyJg3Peo
look for "game vision" and "wideboy" to see what devices were used to display GB games on TVs back then.

>> No.9646336

obviously the gameboy doesn't have any kind of video output port so these maybe few thousands of demo units would've just been manually modded by nintendo

they weren't going to sell a conversion kit that required soldering so stuff like the super gameboy was the only way to realistically create a viable product, and it made sense to tie it to the snes to push more snes sales instead of releasing a standalone gameboy with video output

>> No.9646513

Bless whoever took the time to draw this

>> No.9646515

is this game really the best zelda version out there? even better than n64's oot and mm? i've heard that somewhere

>> No.9646523

It's alttp but better
obviously if you prefer 3d zelda it won't do much for you

>> No.9646617

I'd say from a gameplay standpoint it has the tightest and cleanest level design but obviously in terms of aesthetics and atmosphere oot and mm can do a lot more in 3D. I'd say Ocarina and Majora have higher highs but also much lower lows while LA is more consistently good. If there's a Zelda game you can just pick up and have a good time without much of an hassle Link's Awakening is the one and this is coming from someone who grew up with Link to the Past.

>> No.9646718

3D and 2D Zelda offer very different experiences and shouldn't be directly compared, but it's the best 2D Zelda for sure.

>> No.9646826
File: 99 KB, 222x474, Crazytracy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9646897 [DELETED] 

Will you leave us alone damnit.

>> No.9647023 [DELETED] 

>That thread
Autism incarnate.
How can ANYONE defend NOT having an e-celeb board cuz' "muh Kiwifarms" when you have anons stalking eachother? Sasuga...

>> No.9647265


>> No.9647459

If I want to play the original, which colour pallet is superior, the original geeen or SGB?

>> No.9647469

Just do your own custom palette. Any emulator let's you pick any color from the color wheel. Go for something kinda like this pic >>9637205 or get creative

>> No.9647478

Mermaids aren't real, silly.
It's but a dream of the Wind Fish.

Bet you feel silly now.
Believing Mermaids were real in Zelda. Bahaha

>> No.9647557

>the Wind Fish dreamed of a mermaid losing her top
I didn't know space whales could be such pervs.

>> No.9647609 [DELETED] 

its very Weird how Link Awakening and Majora Mask are the best Zelda Games dont have Ganon Zelda or Hyrule as the Main Plot and no that Ganon illusion in Awakening does not count

>> No.9647616

its very Weird how Link Awakening and Majora Mask are the best Zelda Games and dont have Ganon Zelda or Hyrule as the Main Plot and no that Ganon illusion in Awakening does not count the Original Link Awakening in Color is Good much better than the Soulless Remake on the Switch

>> No.9647664

How is it soulless?

>> No.9647674

Chibi Garbage

>> No.9647697
File: 221 KB, 1920x1080, zelda-links-awakening-nintendo-switch-remake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks good.

>> No.9647739

If people have an issue with DX slightly increasing the handholding and lessening the difficulty the Switch remake would make them explode in rage

>> No.9647817

If they really wanted to balance the game's difficulty, they could nerf the Boomerang. That is the most broken item in any Zelda game, easily. And that's in a game where the Fire Rod lets you shoot unlimited fireballs.

>> No.9647846

That's endgame stuff. The issues extend so much wider

>> No.9647873

It would look good if it didn't simulate the viewer needing fucking glasses.

>> No.9647876

The Switch version doesn't increase handholding over the DX version and it makes Hero Mode available from the start which actually INCREASES difficulty.

>> No.9647959

Jesus how clueless does one have to be?

>> No.9647967

What added handholding was in the Switch version that wasn't already in DX?

>> No.9647987

if we were still kids seeing this game for the first time we'd be shitting our pants, funny

>> No.9647989

And I'd have shit my pants even more if there wasn't vaseline smeared all around the edges of the screen for no reason.

>> No.9647997

I understand why they did it I think, it tricks the eye into viewing the models as miniatures; sells the toy look

>> No.9648015

I know why they did it, it's that not only was it unnecessary in the first place but it's way too aggressive for no reason. Between the top and bottom the blur takes up like 25% of the screen. It's incredibly distracting and covers up what are otherwise really nice looking graphics.

>> No.9648030

I never learned of the warp glitch but I did learn of the Moldorm jump out of pit glitch.

>Try it again a year ago
>No longer have the hand eye coordination to pull it off
Getting old sucks

>> No.9648049
File: 41 KB, 736x429, marin angel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn again watch the end credits for the first time
Such a simple song, yet it invokes such a strong feeling of triumph

>> No.9648058

I was such a dumbass kid when I first played LA, it's a miracle I ever beat it.

>thought that you needed Silver Arrows or something to kill Nightmare Ganon, spent days looking for a secret before my brother just rammed him with the Pegasus Boots
>tried the Boomerang against DethI immediately but botched the timing and so didn't find out about the insta-kill for YEARS
>didn't know that you can dodge by jumping, so beat DethI the ultra-hard way by shooting him with arrows and trying to avoid the spinning arms without a single jump

>> No.9648102
File: 163 KB, 800x796, 21051_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It surprised me that monochrome LA gained a new found following. I used to bring up here and there that I preferred the look of the original more and I was always kind of alone in that opinion as the canon opinion everyone had was that DX rendered OG obsolete.
I'm not a militant and won't say DX is bad, but OG deserves its love too.

>> No.9648156
File: 3.35 MB, 2000x2500, zeldatotallythesame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruh for fuck sake pic related is literally just the tip of the iceberg, maybe try paying more attention when playing because at this point for you to be spouting that level of bullshit is making me assume you're baiting or never actually even played the original/DX

>> No.9648330

same font. you must be link's awakening greatest fan

>> No.9648348

It hasn't though. It's the same three people on /vr/ trying to be elitist about non-issues.

>> No.9648350

Wasn't their a Famitsu article a few years about where the Pokemon Company admitted that they had done market research and discovered that mobile games have made modern kids way to stupid to play traditional video games, so they've had to dumb their modern games down a bit to still keep kids on board?

>> No.9648414

I think it was some interview where they were explaining why battle frontier wasn't in Alpha Ruby/Sapphire.

>> No.9648567

I hate zoomers so much its unreal

>> No.9648607

in fairness, this took me weeks to solve 30 years ago, until I finally went nuts with my sword and stabbed every remotely plausible wall. that Engrish only made sense in hindsight. easily the most stuck I've ever been in a Zelda game.

>> No.9648690

Yeah. I like the doll aesthetic, but I hate the field of view, if there was an option or cheat to turn off the blur shit, then it would look very nice. Better than the original? I'm not sure about that, it's a completely different art direction and aesthetic, I can't really compare them directly, there's something the original has which this new one just does not.

>> No.9648739

They more or less said that they didn't want to spend time making things like the Battle Frontier because kids nowadays wouldn't have the attention span for it and would rather play simpler games on their phones.
I'm not saying they don't have a point but that kind of "why put effort in anything, kids will play mobileshit anyway" loser mentality is just shitty.

>> No.9648801
File: 2.60 MB, 2109x1513, zj62uz4gcor51_png(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was that actually blue, or just the phone's camera app messing the white balance? I haven't seen a kiosk palette like that in the gambatte packs.

Speaking of that, I need to find if there's a palette or shader that replicates the look of game screenshots in early magazines, prior to the release of Super Gameboy. That yellow look.

>> No.9648812

I hate those GB/C hybrid and GBC era stickers that would go progressively whiter with use.

My Non-Player's choice versión of Link's awakening has started to go greenish on a few spots.

>> No.9648821
File: 163 KB, 282x407, Screenshot from 2023-02-10 11-09-56.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely no eye-strain
absolutely absurd lies, lmao
afaik the devkits used in the kiosks actually output color, but the tv screens used were monochrome with a green plastic film in front to make it match the game boy screen.
i guess when they rolled out game boy pocket kiosks they just skipped the green film, and the bluish tint is just how those monochrome TVs looked.

>> No.9648832
File: 218 KB, 1600x1200, DKVYc4TVwAEd2UF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, I didn't know about the green film. Thanks for the tip of knowledge.

This is the only kiosk I have ever seen, the year it released in Europe and with Tetris inside. The queue to try it was insane, and you barely could see a thing with the incandescent bulb. I definitely remember how warm and loose the buttons were already

>> No.9648848

I'm coming in to this specific thread, at this specific hour, to inform you all that I just took a dump.

>> No.9648901

I got stuck there too but not nearly as long as some of the item trading. Some of those are really shitty.

>> No.9648921

Well, maybe some of them are extremists at saying DX is shit, but so are the people who say DX rendered OG obsolete.
I think OG really is still worth playing on its own.

>> No.9648939

You're a fucking idiot. There's a unique tile path that goes from the beginning of the dungeon all the way to the space in-between the two lights, you just "follow the yellow brick road". The room in the right side is already suspicious enough without further clue having literally nothing else of value in it

>> No.9649021

>You can skip all those annoying text messages like the ones when you pick up an acorn.
>DX made them unskipable.
Bullshit. I had the original and they were unskippable there, too. What crack are you faggots smoking?

>> No.9649024

>>fully skippable dialog boxes ("Wow! This looks pretty heavy! You won't be able to lift it with just your bare hands...")
This is wrong lol. Why do you faggots always pretend to know what you're talking about. Did one guy meme this and now you all just regurgitate it all the time?

>> No.9649047

*Well I have just emulated the game online and it seems they are skippable in the version there. I must have had the very first Link's Awakening 1.0 version like a true OG and they weren't skippable there 100%. GOML dumb noob tourists GTFO of /vr/.

>> No.9649050
File: 259 KB, 1600x1085, 1654122455244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>green film
the ones I saw as a kid were always just yellow plexiglass

>> No.9649061

The first page of text always has to load, but if you press B instead of A it will close rather than load the next page. It's this way on my physical cart as well as in every rom version I have on my computer from no-intro.

>> No.9649086

Good to know

>> No.9649098

yeah i never saw one myself. makes sense, film would likely have perished or been heavily discolored by now.

>> No.9649143

This. The tile path one comes first and teaches you that walls are bombable (if you hadn't accidentally discovered that in the first dungeon), so when you find yourself in what looks like a dead end, you bomb the walls to see if it opens something up.

>> No.9649160

It is a shitty mentality, but it has keep the money rolling in. I remember one of the few sane threads on /vp/ at the time saying that Pokemon Stadium should be brought back specifically for adult players, so they can focus on actual battles, breeding, and using all their Pokemon.

>> No.9649413

Of course kids won't bother with it if nobody offers it to them. They are the industry. Stupid bullshit excuse and backwards thinking.

>> No.9649660
File: 2.51 MB, 439x250, oprah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Switch version doesn't increase handholding over the DX version

>> No.9649812

I guess I just didn't notice because I was already so intimately familiar with the original it just didn't register as I was going through the dungeons.

>> No.9650075
File: 37 KB, 435x435, 4FA4D4F9-9FDE-41E5-8A5F-8769FCABA496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized this thread was made due to the Switch now having Game Boy emulators, and LA DX is one of the games you can play, so all of the kids who never grew up playing the games in the 90s, or the ports in subsequent consoles, are playing them now.
Since I hardly play on my Switch, these days, I am figuring this shit out, now.
Go fuck yourselves, zoomers.

>> No.9650084

that's been a common thing on /vr/ since the start, having threads for games with a semblance of news (sequel, remake, re-release, e celebs etc)

>> No.9650095

I do understand that; people have been playing the two original games, ever since the remake got released, but now that there’s a new platform to play the original game, there’s going to be more threads talking about it, along with other GB games on the Switch.
I am noticing more threads discussing Mario Kart Super Circuit.

>> No.9650113
File: 278 KB, 480x1071, Linky Kong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread was made literally 3 days before that announcement, and "OG better than DX because TILES" is essentially the ONLY kind of Link's Awakening thread this board ever has. Like, I've never seen an LA thread that's just about the setting or mods or even fucking artwork.

>> No.9650119

But the original game also had chibi graphics.

>> No.9650126

>"OG better than DX because TILES" is essentially the ONLY kind of Link's Awakening thread this board ever has
Because you guys made this thread to be that, rather giving a legitimate answer for OP’s question. It only shows how narrow-minded you guys really are, going ballistic over tiles not being perfect for a colored release and losing your shit when someone calls DX a remake.

>> No.9650132

The tiles argument IS the answer to that question, though. It always has been.Otherwise the answer would literally just be "That's the one I have the most nostalgia for" because they're 90% the same game, save for minutia that you can literally ignore.

>> No.9650169

Well, when you take into consideration that Link’s Awakening was one of the first original Game Boy games to be colorized and touched-up with extra content, it’s safe to assume there was little that Nintendo could do with what was already in the game, without remaking the entire game with a more consistent colored tileset, on a budget that probably wasn’t enough for a brand new game.
Although it’s not perfect, you can tell they have improved in that area when the Oracle games were released.

>> No.9650187

>Although it’s not perfect, you can tell they have improved in that area when the Oracle games were released.

yeah by subcontracting it to Capcom

>> No.9650190

Right, right.

>> No.9650347

This. Everything is made so cheesy in DX.

>> No.9650349

>So you're saying in the span of the 21 days between the release of the games they saw how much ocarina became a megahit and decided to change it real quick last minute? LMAO
Brainlet, do you actually believe that I was saying DX started development after OoT was released?

>> No.9650364

>It's not even the same owl
Hence the quotes around the. It doesn't have to be the same owl. Do you think Kaebora Gaebora is not based on LA's Owl?

>The owl was already in the original game, helping the player progress AND explain the story. DX just emphasized what was already in the game; and it makes sense canonically (respects the story idea of the non DX version)
No, it's just an example of laziness and shitty branding.
>while the slabs had no explanation whatsoever
t. Hasn't even gotten to the sixth dungeon.
>it's OoT that took the owl from LA to begin with
And OoT was a wildly more hyped and more popular game than LA was. Otherwise, there would be no point in replacing the slab. They could have just renamed it "the set of slabs" it, since some DX-only complete retards are too low-info to know that a single slab can fit into multiple contrived places (much less about the Rosetta Stone decoding things).

>> No.9650401

Increase the contrast

>> No.9650423

DX seems to tap into the ocarina design language. Death mountain has a ring, this does too durr Miyamoto is a jenius

>> No.9650450

I like neither. I'm the lone /vr/otherfucker who absolutely abhors LA, but it's better than the godawful Oracle games. Didn't really care for LttP all that much, either.
I'm an originalist. Z1 is the only one I really fucks with.

>> No.9651920
File: 383 KB, 1289x769, D39A07B8-7B61-449B-994A-834C8C05C8AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9652082

>It doesn't have to be the same owl.
Yes it does, because the statues are based on the LA one, not the OoT one.
>Do you think Kaebora Gaebora is not based on LA's Owl?
Whether it is or not is irrelevant.