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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 219 KB, 1024x1024, mega-man-legends-1-button-1641282007051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9635653 No.9635653 [Reply] [Original]

>game is universally considered bad when it was new and damages the series reputation for years
>suddenly according to zoomers it is a classic
What are some other examples?

>> No.9635660

No idea, I remember it being considered good in 2004.

>> No.9635661

Roll Caskett and Tron Bonne are true hotties

>> No.9635662

Not quite hated as it was ignored: son

>> No.9635663

I hated it when I played it as a kid but after playing it as an adult I like it a lot.
Maybe opinions change over time, I don't know. Crazy concept.

>> No.9635675 [DELETED] 

Literally just got memed because of autistic list wars in recent years and because antitendo posters wanted a 3D action adventure they can pretend is better than Zelda

>> No.9635678

It gets worse and worse as time passes with how inacceptably bad the controls are in 1

>> No.9635681

>universally considered bad when it was new
Nah. Loved it as a kid when it was new and so did my friend.

>> No.9635684

It was always a good game, especially in its original release. It's the N64 and PC versions that were recieved not as well. The criticisms were also pretty ridiculous, given that they focused on the controls and anime aesthetic - both of which completely, and utterly mogged a lot of other popular 3D games. I cannot fathom how someone would prefer a game like the OG Tomb Raider games over Legends.

>> No.9635687

There aren't many retro games you can say this about because reviewers actually used to be artists like us who got things right most of the time in the 80s and 90s

Souls is the best example of it to me, Famitsu first giving DeS a 20/40 and after the DaS hype giving even DaS 2 a perfect score

>> No.9635690
File: 8 KB, 450x401, 1365295920307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never played this game but I very distinctly remember /v/ in 2011/2012 having an absolute shitfit over the 3DS sequel getting cancelled. There were threads about it for like 2 years. So I presume the love for this game goes back at least as long as then.

>> No.9635694

>It's the N64 and PC versions that were recieved not as well.
even the ps1 version barely got 70% and was criticised for it's bad gameplay

>> No.9635695

Can you show proof it was considered bad?

>> No.9635696

Yeah the controls are absolute jank I can't deny that, but other wise it's fine.

>> No.9635698

>people have different opinions
>people can change their opinions over time
>different people can have different options
>suddenly according to op everyone is actually the same person because he's a mindless sheep who must follow the mainstream on everything
what are some other examples of this? aside from the monkeys who don't know what the definition of "revisionism" is

>> No.9635701

I liked it as a kid and think it's trash today

>> No.9635704 [DELETED] 

Shame controls matter a lot more than a cute mall corridor and cutscenes

>> No.9635706
File: 1.73 MB, 1600x2107, GamePro Issue 110 September 1998 page 116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9635708

No? The gameplay isn't bad either. The gameplay in Legends mogged MGS1, Tomb Raider, and even plenty of big budget N64 games like OOT. People were filtered by the controls, which were fine.

>> No.9635713

70% metacritic usually means pretty bad or rough in a huge franchise

>> No.9635715

>Legends mogged MGS1, Tomb Raider, and even plenty of big budget N64 games like OOT.

>> No.9635717 [DELETED] 

Controls are literally fine, if you're struggling just go back to Switch and PS4.

>> No.9635718 [DELETED] 

>waaah you didn't agree with me enough
Stop bitching, you stupid fucking faggot.

>> No.9635720

yes? what do you think why it has such a low score when the presentation is great
actually read reviews if you are a zoomer and can't remember them

>> No.9635724

Well yeah, how does it not? The boss fights and enemies aren't complete pushovers like in OOT, which is a game that I love. You move way faster, jump way higher, and have plenty of intense battles. Plus the customizable buster, unlockable abilities, unlockable weapons, etc. are great.

What does Tomb Raider and MGS1 have in terms of gameplay that Legends doesn't? Tomb Raider is ugly, janky shit that's never been fun. MGS1, while I love it, is barely improved from the MSX2 games.

You're calling me a zoomer when I played all these games since their release. Pretty retarded of you. Additionally, imagine holding up review scores like they mean much when they just wanted ""realistic"" 3D games.

Tell me, from your own experience with the gameplay, why it's apparently worse. I'm waiting for you to say something of actual substance instead of bringing up review scores.

>> No.9635727

>Controls are literally fine
No they are fucking terrible and not even your typical tank controls but something much worse...
>Mega Man always performs actions in the direction of your camera and not where you are actually tilting the stick/where he is looking
>turning around with shoulder buttons (or the even worse variant)
It feels like purposefully degenerated art in video game form.

>> No.9635734

They aren't though. You can strafe with the trigger buttons and turn with the analogue stick. That's completely functional, and you're gonna be strafing for most of the fights as well.

You were just filtered. It came out before dual analogues were a thing anyway. What it did made complete sense. If you weren't a zoomie, you'd know that was a typical control scene from the day.

>> No.9635735

>The boss fights and enemies aren't complete pushovers like in OOT,
They are even bigger pushovers. Were you 5 when you played it?
Also way to prove >>9635675 right

>> No.9635737

>turn with the D-pad
My bad.

Nope, that isn't going to work. You're full of shit.

>> No.9635741 [DELETED] 

but it's just like I'm playing a haremshit tranime!! SOVL

>> No.9635742 [DELETED] 

>I like shit! you are a zoomer zoomer zoomer

>> No.9635747 [DELETED] 

>comes to retro board to screech about how much they hate retro games
Why are you here?

>> No.9635748 [DELETED] 

>/vr/ falling for another bait thread
this same autist spams "Mega Man Legends BAD" every week and you all fall for it every week

>> No.9635749 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 400x300, Bossfeldynaught.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fight with the bonne mechs in the city are harder than any boss or enemy fights in in OOT. Hell, even pic related - an early boss fight in the game, is harder than anything in OOT. Especially when you're trying to minimize collateral damage

>I have no arguments! Nor have I played any of these games!!
That's you. You still have not brought up a single point as to why the gameplay is bad, other than being filtered by turning because you're shit.

>> No.9635750

>Nope, that isn't going to work.
Is this a self-suggestive coping strategy? lol what kind of comeback is this. You target enemies and aimbot them and get overpowered bombs and other shit for potentially annoying enemies. Some bosses are
>boss about to attack so walk 1 step to the left
Even Gohma requires more thought than that and Zekda is about puzzles and not even fighting

>> No.9635751

Yeah so you're retarded.

>> No.9635753
File: 190 KB, 665x948, Wrath_of_cortex_pal_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't say it's considered a classic now by any means, but its reputation has somewhat recovered thanks to all the garbage that came followed it. That, the plus the loading times also got improved on ps2 greatest hits and xbox versions. When it came out, it was downright the worst crash game (not counting bash), but today I would say it's at least middling. I replayed it twice recently, having way more fun than expected. Definitely goes in the "not as bad as I remembered" category.

>> No.9635759

>harder than OOT
Not meaning much, they are both easy
>That's you.
You are the one ignoring arguments. I explained how the controls are awful and how Mega Man prioritizes the camera over your own inputs which leads the whole controls ad absurdum and is so bad that no game today does it anymore

It's a 30% game on PC and a 70% game on PS1. Keep crying

>> No.9635761

>he struggles with MML difficulty thus I am retarded

>> No.9635765

>Zekda is about puzzles
Only a retard named something like Beiji Baonuma would think Zelda is some sort of game about puzzles. Thank goodness such an idiot doesn't exist or is in charge of the series.

>> No.9635768 [DELETED] 

Once Ocarina of Time came out, it became apparent that MML was a shitty first gen title like Bubsy 3D. It aged poorly incredibly fast.

PC Gamer - 25/100
>this game neither realizes the brilliance of its predecessors nor takes advantage of the PC’s vast graphics potential.
>But in this awful iteration the evil Dr. Wily isn’t around to stop you, nor are his colorful robot henchmen. Instead, Mega Man faces pirates and cave critters in a droning, zero-personality quest to save humanity.
>It’s a 3D world, although it’s fairly obvious that the series was never meant to transcend that third dimension. Every element screams the pathetic choked cry “console port,” from the bland textures to the monotonous gameplay. Mega Man spends almost the entire game running through rectangular caverns and empty fields, shooting at the same enemies over and over. Gone is the ability to absorb your opponent’s weapon, a feature synonymous with Mega Man titles; in its place is a coin-collecting scheme. Wow.
>With levels that look half-complete and a storyline more mind-numbing than a C-Span marathon, Mega Man Legends fails miserably as a PC game. Hardcore Mega Man fans should grab themselves a PC version of the superior Mega Man X4, a much better effort available in bargain bins everywhere.

GameSpot - 3.6/10
>Mega Man Legends is an unembellished port of a forgettable 3-year-old PlayStation game.
>Unsurprisingly, though, the graphics that weren't noteworthy in 1998 haven't gotten better with age.
>Many much, much better games exist in the same genre.

>> No.9635770

I didn't struggle with Legends, it's just not insultingly easy like OOT.

>> No.9635771
File: 6 KB, 106x107, IMG_20230204_020732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MegaMan Legends plays considerably better that most games with tank controls like Resident Evil.
This thread is full of hypocrite faggots

>> No.9635774

>The controls are bad
Anyone saying this never even tried the 2nd control option in the menu, and they also probably never dodged or quick turned.

>> No.9635776
File: 37 KB, 530x298, aHR0cDovL28uYW9sY2RuLmNvbS9oc3Mvc3RvcmFnZS9hZGFtL2ExNTJjNTc0Y2QzOTUwYjBmMzE1MzA1YjM2ZDY0MThkL3ZhZ3JhbnQtc3RvcnkuanBn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has 4 directional inputs in a 3D action adventure, of course the controls are shitty. It also lacks any kind of camera AI or focus button so you are constantly dicking around with it while the camera is clipping through all the walks in the tiny corridory dungeons. Many PS1 games felt more intuitive.

>> No.9635781

>lacks any kind of camera AI or focus buttons
The game literally has targeting--have you even played the game?

>> No.9635795

Except it is and doesn't require you to actually have your brain turned on, memorize big temples and manage a lot of key items. OoT has a death counter so you can also always challenge yourself trying to avoid Game Overs and if you are very autistic even do a 3 heart run which is an intentional difficulty slider which is why you can ignore them and brag with your state select screen. I doubt you did that, much less in Master Quest

>> No.9635796 [DELETED] 

Man, journalists never knew what they were doing huh?

>> No.9635798
File: 304 KB, 912x1371, john-carpenter-the-thing-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Contemporary critics raked Carpenter through the coals for The Thing, calling it boring, poorly characterized, with the special effects being over the top. Even the director of the original Thing From Another World came after him. It was a financial and critical bomb. Nowadays it's considered one of the greatest horror films of all time and a masterpiece of practical special effects, because the passage of time's allowed it to find an audience who are able to judge it on its own merits.

It's like all those great 2D PS1 and PS2 games that critics shit their pants with rage over, and panned for not fulfilling their polygon fetish, but are now considered classics.

>> No.9635801 [DELETED] 

No? It does have that? No way. Next thing you'll tell me is it doesn't have tank controls. Was I lied to? Should I play the game?

>> No.9635806

Manual targeting isn't camera AI and only works when there is an enemy.

>> No.9635814

>is so bad that no game today does it anymore

this is the height of disposable opinions, check yourself literally every time you think this.

>> No.9635824 [DELETED] 

>dead ghost town you can't enter any buildings in
>shallow combat
>graphics overrated, all the underground stages the same repeating tiles
>sometimes the cringe voices are 500% the sound of the rest
>a million tutorials always asking you if you want to hear it again and you answer with yes by default like that Zelda owl
>jumping mostly pointless, wasted button to make the movement less ass
>boring cutscene and dialogues you can't skip
It's a babby game but no babby could stomach its janky mechanics so it ended up a manchild game because it has candy colors and waifus.

>> No.9635828

My buddies and I loved it. Kick the can was based and red pilled.

>> No.9635830

Doesn't almost every game today have a 100% player controlled camera like mega man legends?

>> No.9635835

I wish Ocarina had come out 1 or 2 years sooner so more games would have taken note because of devs fearing the comparison. Would have made a lot of already good fifth generation games even better

>> No.9635837

>a million tutorials always asking you if you want to hear it again and you answer with yes by default like that Zelda owl
hahaha how fucking dumb do you have to be that you just mash X without reading and then your big brain solution to seeing repeat dialogue is to just do the same thing again and again and again like you're going to break the game's will

people that get mad at this are literally too stupid to play games

>> No.9635842 [DELETED] 

One of the most zoomer posts I've read in a long time. "Cute graphics are the most important things in a game, since I only watch longplays!"

>> No.9635848

every time you say that something is bad because modern games don't do it anymore is exposing that you are the stupid person that modern games are designed for. it's asking why everyone isn't as stupid as you are

>> No.9635850 [DELETED] 

I wish Ocarinards would get out of their comfort zone and realize not every game needs to be the same and other games do well with their own approach. Zelda went into its worst years because every game was just an ocarina rehash.

>> No.9635851

>hahaha how fucking dumb do you have to be
Not dumb enough for the game as it expects me to gratefully and attentively read all the tutorials

>> No.9635856

I just prefer how characters move in 6th gen

>> No.9635864

FF8 and all PS2 FF games and soon FF13

>> No.9635874

>is a fagboy in every game except X which is a different character

>> No.9635881
File: 38 KB, 711x315, sotnbad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Mega Man obsessed friend always liked it. Critics may have disliked it but critics never mattered.

>> No.9635897

There is NO excuse for it not having free controls instead of the retarded turn around own axis shit when pressing left/right.

Do we know who the director was and what other games he was responsible for? I have a feeling it was Capcom's c team.

>> No.9635902

Dude, I do 3 heart runs and randomizers at 8x damage with master quest and regular dungeons mixed. Mixed dungeon entrances. Keys on the overworld.

Despite all of this, MML is still generally a more challenging game because the enemies and bosses aren't pushovers that require a "do x 3 times" to kill. The only times I'll die in OOT randos are when I lose focus.

>> No.9635917

The Zero games and Dead Rising (if the comfy mall but terrible controls didn't clue you in)

>> No.9635971

>game is universally considered bad when it was new
Gaming "journalists" said that about every Mega Man game. That literally means nothing. The game sold over 800,000 units, that's nothing to sneeze at and it was successful enough to get 2 sequels before the franchise pivoted to their new cash cow on the GBA.
>suddenly according to zoomers it is a classic
It's neither sudden nor according to zoomers. The game has been regarded as a classic for years and MML2 was already expensive over 10 years ago when zoomers were literally kids and didn't even have money to buy retro games yet.

>> No.9635980

>Despite all of this, MML is still generally a more challenging
Clearly you know OoT and particularly its puzzle solving just too well then. You might also have a rare illness that makes playing MML harder than it is when it's very shallow with occasional difficulty spikes that, typical for the series, come from jank or unfair design. Very hard mode makes a difference but has to be unlocked and is pointless otherwise

>> No.9635985
File: 102 KB, 442x357, mml.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the negativity MML got at the time was
>EW it looks like a cartoon for BABIES I'm not a baby!
>These voices sound like a cartoon, like a cartoon for BABIES I'm not a baby!

>> No.9635989

>Gaming "journalists" said that about every Mega Man game. That literally means nothing.
It was always the prevailing opinion that MM games are flawed with a lot of bullshit but overall still good

>> No.9635997

Hard to believe but there was indeed a time where average adult men didn't seek out the cutest and dinkiest things to hide from harsh real life

>> No.9636002

It was more about justifying playing games as a serious hobby since (imagine this) they were seen as childrens toys.

>> No.9636004

It DOES gave bad childish humor though. Like not in the charming 'this anime is enjoyable for both young and old' way but bootleg cornflakes mascot tier comedy

>> No.9636006

>literally says the controls suck and the unskippable dialogues are annoying right there

>> No.9636007

who are you quoting?

>> No.9636009

And yet he chose to bitch about the graphics and one of the voice actors first.

>> No.9636010

But but he also doesn't like the childish style so his opinion is immaterial

>> No.9636017

His own specters haunting him again

>> No.9636019

mega shite legends is fookin bollocks man

>> No.9636046

Poop Man

>> No.9636051

The entire series with the exception of X4 imo. Zero finally gave it some variety and punchiness.

>> No.9636061
File: 16 KB, 220x161, The_Legend_of_Zelda_-_Majora's_Mask_Box_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been saying this for years. These "people" calling it a long time cult classic are gaslighting us.

I also present another example.

>> No.9636079

Based Major Mike. The quality of this is heads and shoulders above the Youtube videos and two-cent Metacritic reviews that replaced it.

>> No.9636080

Same with Tomb Raider today and Rayman 2 to counter Mario

>> No.9636082

I think it's just that when I was younger I took it for granted that my favorite franchises would grow with me, and a lot of times they didn't.

>> No.9636091

It wasn't hated, no one played it or the time mechanics scared people. Also sandwiched between OoT people were still burned out from and the new consoles with WW announced a year after

>> No.9636096

So that's why Nintendo lets fans wait 5 years nowadays

>> No.9636113

>considered bad when it was new and damages the series reputation for years
That's why it got a sequel and a spinoff, of course. That's what Capcom does when games are received horribly, you stupid cunt.

>> No.9636120

You gotta love how the idiots here just go with whatever they're told, no matter how incorrect or stupid it is. First 20 or so posts are pure peer pressure diarrhea.

>> No.9636510
File: 45 KB, 320x320, Megamanbattlenetwork_boxshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, sorry I posted the wrong pic

>> No.9636516

You have to be really bad at maths to think 70% makes a bad game

>> No.9636517

>There is NO excuse for it not having free controls instead of the retarded turn around own axis shit when pressing left/right.
Why do people who didn't play the game keep trying to act like it has Resident Evil controls?
Literally just loaded up a rom to check if my memory was failing me, but no, you can freely run around, exactly as I remembered being able to. you only turn the camera with L1/R1

>> No.9636527

>listening to journos and salty fanboys

Literally anything is better than zelda though.

>> No.9636531

I remember not liking it then despite really trying and I don't see a reason to try it again

>> No.9636534

What the fuck am I even reading. Guess these retards think OOT had no targeting either.
This thread has made it blatantly obvious that the only people who "dislike" Legends are shitposters who never played it and possibly never even watched gameplay either.

>> No.9636543 [DELETED] 

adhd zoomer problems

>> No.9636550
File: 58 KB, 350x500, 1656306297762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually has a lot of soul, but at the time felt souless and lacked the nuance of 64. That's when I started to expect less of nintendo sequels being these huge evolutionary titles, when they couldnt measure up to sakurai's efforts

>> No.9636594

I asked my friend to get me a cd-r of the game, paid him $5 for it. He ended up making a copy for himself and he was so upset he demanded I pay him another $5 for the cd-r he wasted for his copy. lol too bad fucker. I ended up loving the game.

>> No.9636604

Mega Man is a series about defeating bosses of the same general size and ability as the protagonist (the best kind of boss that everybody likes) and unique levels loosely themed after the boss in question. Then you even get a power from that boss once they're defeated. Mega Man Legends has none of these things. It barely even has music. Most of the bosses are giant robots that barely move (the kind of boss that everybody agrees sucks).

>> No.9636608

>Mega Man is a series about defeating bosses of the same general size and ability as the protagonist (the best kind of boss that everybody likes)
The Monster Hunter series, Dragon's Dogma, Souls series, and even Shadow of the Colossus say otherwise.

>> No.9636618

None of those have particularly good boss fights.

>> No.9636626

>drab colors
>schmaltzy elevator music

>> No.9636645

What would you classify as a "good boss fight" then? Because the games that I listed are notorious for the quality of their boss fights.

>> No.9636710

If Monster Hunter has no good boss fights then good boss fights don't exist

>> No.9636753

What fallacy is this? Appeal to shit taste?

>> No.9636803

>you only turn the camera with L1/R1
That's the other control type which is also bad. You have to move the camera with the bumpers non-stop because it doesn't track at all and it stops for a brief moment every time your direction updates. It's hell inside dungeons and there is a reason why people report having trouble getting into Legends because they played 2 first, which at least has much tighter controls, better targeting and no more camera lags when changing direction. I know it required magic to make fully polygonal 3D games play well on a pre 98 PSX but MML plays like SHIT.

>> No.9636818

>This thread has made it blatantly obvious that the only people who "dislike" Legends are shitposters who never played it and possibly never even watched gameplay either.
This is the case for a lot of games though.

>> No.9636824 [DELETED] 

>No they are fucking terrible and not even your typical tank controls but something much worse...
Switch and PS4 player detected.

>> No.9636871

I cannot get used to the controls, first tried the PSX version but that was a turn off with how bad it moved, then I tried the N64 (because analog stick) but it still used the same garbage controls klof the playstation version.. the analog stick is used as a glorified dpad even.

Why capcom?!?!

And does it get better if you stick with it? I tried about 30min on each game.

>> No.9636894

>Literally anything is better than x
Having to permanently make yourself believe that about the most consistent critically acclaimed series ever, your brain must look like a multidimensional sandcastle that's always working and reshaping

>> No.9636902

They really didn't even try with the 64 version. Companies rather developig for the console where the gameplay will be much worse just because more $$$, PS1/64 gen is overrated and kinda the Dark Ages of vidya

>> No.9636916 [DELETED] 

Why is this? I remember Megaman Legends being on Screwattacks top 10 worst 3d transitions or something like that and it was at first place. Yet now everyone suddenly likes it.

>> No.9636921 [DELETED] 

"Comfy"/manchild invasion

>> No.9636927

Does this mean Mega Man X8 is good too?

>> No.9636937

Vocal minority

>> No.9636940

I really see the ps1/n64 gen as the 'nes of 3d' type of systems, just barely enough to do functional 3d without being actually great at it.

6th gen fixed that.

>> No.9636948

>the most consistent critically acclaimed series ever
My ass. There's only 2 great games in the whole series, 2 decent games, and 2 "just ok" games.

>> No.9636959

Heard your contrarian opinion the first time

>> No.9637029

Why do blue mascots get spammed here

>> No.9637314

For me it was ok, but I hated the controls.

>> No.9637321

Legends sucks, it has no charm when compared to classic, X and even Zero.
Megaman games should be 2D side scrollers only.
Glad Legends 3 was cancelled.

>> No.9637339

I thought it was good then and I think it's good now.

t. 31 years old

>> No.9637357

Could've been so much better if they gave it actual analog controls and added something like z-targetting

>> No.9637363
File: 48 KB, 640x507, 4ro3lyv1qou51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like most stuff on PSX it was one generation behind what N64 and PC were doing at the time gameplaywise, but it had good production values and was cheap.
Sorry but i pity whoever thinks this was the apex of 5th gen 3D action-adventure.

>> No.9637395

>That's the other control type
That's the default control type, you can boot up any fresh copy of MML and that will be the default controls.
>You have to move the camera with the bumpers non-stop because it doesn't track at all and it stops for a brief moment every time your direction updates.
It doesn't stop when you move the camera, you can even freely move the camera while running around, its how people circle strafe, I don't get what you mean by this.
>Legends 2 has tighter controls
The controls are identical except for you being allowed to run around while locked on, which would be a total improvement if they didn't somehow fuck the priority for lock-on where it just randomly targets whatever the fuck it wants, even shit on the other side of a wall in a winding corridor, as opposed to the first MML where it would consistently target whatever was closest to you. The digger license stuff in MML2 would be a breeze to go through if the lock-on priority wasn't changed from 1.

>> No.9637405

>added something like z-targetting
That's literally in both games.

>> No.9637409

It's honestly kind of bad and good at the same time. It's an incredibly rough early 3D game, that largely stands on charm and aesthetic appeal.
I'd consider myself a fan, but objectively, it is like a 6/10 game.

>> No.9637412

sex with tron bonne

>> No.9637416

That was only ever considered bad by the kinds of people who were already fogeys in the early 00's.
>I remember when Megaman was a platformer! rabble rabble rabble!
>it's still a platformer. Play the Zero series.

>> No.9637443 [DELETED] 

Go outside man.

>> No.9637448

>except X
>the game with the largest fujo with Classic following
Want me to dump my Colonel x Signas collection in this thread?

>> No.9637458
File: 297 KB, 1408x1141, Zero_EXE (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They should have bought a wonderswan or NT on the GCN then.
Also kino coming through.

>> No.9637460
File: 91 KB, 313x311, 1674977898179612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is kino and no narrative you try to push will change that.

>> No.9637461
File: 126 KB, 743x855, 00154c1cc4c5f8a76255d6609e22f014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9637464

let me guess, you're actually a zoomer posing as not one?

>> No.9637480 [DELETED] 

>cherrypicking reviews of the pc port, like >>9635684 claimed you would

>> No.9637716 [DELETED] 

The reviews are pretty bunk as well. They're bitching that it isn't classic megaman, claiming that the world isn't memorable, or that the graphics are somehow bad (meanwhile, look at the shit they'd call good graphics at that time... lmao) and saying stuff like the story isn't memorable.

They're shit tier reviews. There's nothing specific being addressed.

>> No.9637795

You must not have played X5. I can't think of any Mega Man gayer than X.

>> No.9637802

How does a player even benefit from skipping dialogue and cutscenes in Mega Man Legends? Especially on a first time playthrough?

>> No.9637819 [DELETED] 

You didn't fucking play the games

>> No.9637836 [DELETED] 

>The gameplay in Legends mogged MGS1, Tomb Raider, and even plenty of big budget N64 games like OOT.

Troll post, fuck off back to /b or /pol

>> No.9637848

The Playstation games really do kind of ruin X as a character. He seemed to so cool and stoic in the original trilogy, and then suddenly he has a kid's voice, and he's like Zero's annoying little brother. Ugh.

>> No.9637987

I played this a couple years ago and still think it’s under rated even on this board.
It’s an absolute blast and the final boss was shockingly interesting
Playing this on duckstation upscaled with pgxp had it look like a GameCube game

>> No.9638006
File: 493 KB, 1410x1222, FniYLjzaMAIN7hf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>game is universally considered bad when it was new and damages the series reputation for years
>suddenly according to zoomers it is a classic
that's every Mega man X game after the first one

>> No.9638012

Did people actually think 2 and 3 were bad at the time? I definitely remember 3 being considered the best one at one point.

>> No.9638018

2 is hardly playable

>> No.9638057

How? It's still a high tier SNES game, even if you don't think it's as good as the original

>> No.9638072

People were mixed on X2, and no one could ever find copies of X3 for some reason.

>> No.9638126

I knew some people that liked this and some people that had mixed feelings but I never knew anyone that hated it like OP says.

Oh wait. I see what is going on. It's one of those anons who lost interest in video games years ago and lurks around the boards out of bordem stirring up fights because it's the only thing that still is fun to him. I forgot. This is 4chan, everyone is like that.

>> No.9638136

The fact that you never even considered opening the option menu to see the different control setups and try strafing with L/R... shows your age.

>> No.9638183 [DELETED] 

Both control variants are awful. Read the thread. Stop coping. 30-70% game

>> No.9638208 [DELETED] 
File: 609 KB, 1440x1152, 1657918022994.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone translate underaged speak? Is it like, what's that other buzzword, "dabbing"?

>> No.9638241 [DELETED] 

Low T male.

>> No.9638245

Bought the 64 port brand new as a kid and loved every second of it. It's a fun game and if you hated it that's like your opinion, man.

>> No.9638246

Love this constant theme of confident players such as myself and others having no issue with game controls because we are adaptable and some mealy-mouthed naysayer will constantly be parroting how "the controls are BAD and you do NOT think they are good and therefore the game is BAD".

>> No.9638282
File: 206 KB, 750x650, Shinji Ikari asserting dominance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to harp on any further with such a pedantic point, so I'll just say that I agree that most of MML's difficulty MAINLY stems from wrestling with the clunky controls while having to rely on Rock's auto aim when not locked on or positioned properly, despite the autistic naysayers. MML2 fixed everything and is the better game so idk anyone's bitching or why this thread exists other than to bait a flamewar.

>> No.9638292

By "naysayers" I mean the the people bitching about controls bad = game bad.

>> No.9638316

Don't suggest my post is yours, "I".

>> No.9638321 [DELETED] 

You can always tell the zoomers because they're universally filtered by tank controls.

>> No.9638330

Anyone else not really a fan of 2? Personally, I really like the control of 1 (specially option 2), but I know that is a very very unpopular opinion. Besides that, the levels just feel so much more hollow? Each dungeon and the overworld feels bigger, but it feels less meaningful. There are less meaningful connections you make with the NPCs, you never form any connection with any area, and I really missed the progression felt by getting to new areas of the inter-connected underground ruins.

>> No.9638339

>born in late 80s
>first exposure to MM was MMX
>instantly became a hug fan of the series
>friend rents MM64
>play it
>"what the fuck is this, this isn't Mega Man"

>> No.9638358 [DELETED] 

>uh what are these strange slang terms and crazy fashions the kids these days are into? it was so much better back in my day
you are old now and have become your parents

>> No.9638387

I'm not old, I just don't speak ghetto monkey co-opted by suburban Whites. Also who are you quoting?

>Don't suggest my post is yours, "I".

>> No.9638393 [DELETED] 

Cope isn’t zoomer niggerspeak, it’s from old incel and pua forums

>> No.9638548
File: 200 KB, 640x640, k4mo7l19s7c71.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Now Mike your review blurb isn't very long so-"
>First of all, FUCK CANADA

>> No.9638560
File: 3.71 MB, 800x600, gwgxvbp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MM Legends
anyone else find this game kinda hard? like the bosses are not easy. for me at least. I think people complaining about the controls actually just getting filtered.

>> No.9638649


>> No.9638661

>Ahem. Attention all "Canadians"-- or as I like to call them-- Niggloos. Get the fuck out of my magazine, and while you're at it, this country too.
>Mega Man Legends - 5.5 / 10
What did the reviewer mean by this?

>> No.9638674
File: 436 KB, 900x648, 1656439217854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was hard when I was a kid playing my older brother's copy, loved it but never beat it. Bought my own a few years ago and found it surprisingly easy. Still love it.

>> No.9638696 [DELETED] 

I'm glad that site is dead.

>> No.9638830

One if these cases where the games are just as shit as the covers

>> No.9638865 [DELETED] 
File: 231 KB, 600x800, 1672967006206350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a kid i owned a gaystation and not aids 64 and megaman legends was my favorite game next to ff7.

>> No.9639025

>anyone else find this game kinda hard?
I mean it's Mega Man, even if they catered to a wider audience. If the controls were more intuitive I think 50% of the difficulty would be gone though

>> No.9639053

I've gotten my shit slapped by the final bosses, I'll admit. But otherwise no. 99% of fights in both games are solved by firing while running in a circle

>> No.9639295
File: 54 KB, 650x1200, Tron-bonne-mml2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Played Tron Bonne when it came out and hated it. Tried it again last year and really enjoyed it. Maybe it's easier to appreciate as an adult?

>> No.9639315

I feel the save way when I replayed them a while back. While 2's lock on is nicer, it can be kinda finnicky and camera will spaz out if you end up getting knocked down. The thing with 2 is that you always need to lock on because your buster shots no longer homes in. This is mainly annoying against small enemies because you'll always have to focus on one as opposed to being able to rotate back and forth and blast them in 1.

Same except I got MML1 on the PSX and instantly loved it.

>> No.9639317

You realized that you're an ass man. Welcome home, brother.

>> No.9639354

Yeah, people were more insecure back then

>> No.9639462

What issue do people take with X2?

>> No.9639476

>That was only ever considered bad by
Bad by people who want to play an actual game. It's better than other JRPG's but that's not saying much. You know what would be even better? Mega Man Zero, fuck that's a good series. Needless to say MMBN is wholly gay, jacking into a bad dragon is less cathartic than MMZ

>> No.9639579 [DELETED] 
File: 343 KB, 1446x1080, 1673526626668883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legends was always kino and battleshart network will always suck the black penis. 1/10 post for lack of effort
It's definitely not drab, but the dungeons can be a bit monotone so maybe that's what he meant. I concede the elevator music point however
Kek. He will never recover emotionally from this sick burn
>Z Targeting
Yet more proof that shitters literally never played the games

>> No.9639642 [DELETED] 

go back to /v/ please

>> No.9639668 [DELETED] 

Why do Americans always get filtered by tank controls and PS1 games?
and why do they love N64 so much? Nintendo shitposters are always Americans

>> No.9639684 [DELETED] 

The only thing I remember of Screwattack is some video where they go "Dragon Ball Z characters? They're not ninjas!", like no shit.

>> No.9639708 [DELETED] 

Higher quality of living therefore higher standards

>> No.9639804

Link's Awakening, Oracle of Ages, Oracle of Seasons, OOT, Majora's Mask, BotW. That's 6 great games. The rest are just ok, none of them are offensively bad. That's a great track record compared to most franchises

>> No.9639835 [DELETED] 

>lemme pay $8000 to get an ambulance

>> No.9639983

>hat's a great track record compared to most franchises
Especially when looking at it objectively and adding ALTTP, TP, WW, Minish Cap and perhaps even SS which were all seen as masterpieces and arguably the strongest games of their genre in each gen. No other series does this for almost 40 years

>> No.9639995

No love for LoZ?

>> No.9640000 [DELETED] 

Can't really blame people who weren't playing games in the 80s to appreciate a lot of NES or Atari games. Unironically had to be there

>> No.9640007
File: 37 KB, 457x244, wateroflife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't really blame people who weren't playing games in the 80s for not appreciating a lot of NES or Atari games. Unironically had to be there. Also would suggest everyone who wants to dive into games of that age to first soak up all the official art and enchiridions--adds a lot of charm and lets you know how you are supposed to imagine things

>> No.9640016

>adds a lot of charm and lets you know how you are supposed to imagine things
The Japanese box art does that perfectly

>> No.9640172

I love that game. Did then, still do now. Don't remember the controls ever being an issue, but then again there's people who screech absolute fucking murder at resident evil's 'tank' controls so this doesn't surprise me

>> No.9640352

True for Atari games, but NES games are easy to get into. Reading the manuals first adds a lot to the experience though.

>> No.9640364 [DELETED] 

anybody who ends a statement with a question mark should be fucking shot. stop talking like a woman you wrist-flicking flit.

>> No.9640410

>Dear Abby, is using question marks gay?

>> No.9640430

Agreed. X7 even completely ruined his character and made him a huge bitch. I'm glad X8 and Maverick Hunter X fixed him before they stopped making X games.

>> No.9640527

The game is literally piss easy so the weird controls don't matter.

>> No.9641019


>> No.9641204

Imagine how easy it would be with perfectly working controls

>> No.9641771 [DELETED] 

Only Americans love it now because it has a mart