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9632357 No.9632357 [Reply] [Original]

ITT it’s about Final Fantasy 1-6

>> No.9632391
File: 10 KB, 465x261, 167335481973.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT it’s about Final Fantasy 1-6
Today OP was a pretty cool guy. My bread contribution. Pic related re-post.

>> No.9632392
File: 155 KB, 280x228, Famimaga Dec 1987 White Mage Shop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9632393
File: 88 KB, 642x1443, OP is a fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today OP was a pretty cool guy
>Op pic taken from some garbage remake

>> No.9632395
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More like this

>> No.9632402
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Maximum kek. No hairs split here, friendo.

>> No.9632409


>> No.9632426

The first 3D Final Fantasy was 10 though?

>> No.9632454
File: 15 KB, 161x137, B40F2951-AF9D-426E-BC00-CCA8FA6B17DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The first 3D Final Fantasy was 10 though?

>> No.9632465

Welcome to Corneria!

>> No.9633041

i dont have a screengrab
but the title screen from nes ff1 still gets me
it pops up after the first dungeon around 20-30 mins into the story

i never fully finished the game
but got far enough to have a boat

>> No.9633046


Excuse me, anon. . .

>> No.9633248

Good timing, I just started playing FF1. Feels very Ultima inspired with the big castle and king in the beginning, very comfy. And so far I actually like the lack of MP for the magic, it's a bit more Vancian like you have to rememorize the spells.

>> No.9633254

I like swords!
8bit theater has been finished for over 10 years

>> No.9633270
File: 306 KB, 597x559, 1674389680827288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright dudes, I've been wanting to marathon them for a while, so I gotta ask:
What is the best version of each FF game, and why?

>> No.9633272
File: 434 KB, 3840x1140, 1259169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The original Final Fantasy is still the most impressive one, to me.
Pacing? Phenominal. Structure, map design? So memorable for an NES RPG. Everything feels so meticulous. Incredible soundtrack. Such distinct bosses.

>> No.9633280

Unbelievably based.

>> No.9633282

I'm finally playing FF6 T-Edition. Not far enough to really experience much different. In Zozo, so I'll see if they change how Espers work. Game seems slightly harder than I remember, and I'm not sure if T-Edition rebalanced stuff.

>> No.9633308

>What is the best version of each FF game, and why?
The originals.

>> No.9633323
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>> No.9633338

What is FF4 supposed to be? Can't make out what the yellow and blue stickers are supposed to be

>> No.9633341

Oh wait, is it the crystal cave in Mount Ordeals?

>> No.9633342

Dark Knight Cecil fighting Paladin Cecil, they just colored paladin Cecil's hair weird.

>> No.9633345

Each remake gets increasingly babified to protect zoomers from the possibility of dying in a video game, which basically turns them into boring "hold down A for an hour until the next cutscene arrives" sims.

>> No.9633357
File: 33 KB, 640x354, final-fantasy-iv-snes-jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah was just looking at that. Guessing they were going for a box art Cecil which looks nothing like the sprite.

>> No.9633361
File: 5 KB, 1280x720, final-fantasy-iv-mt-ordeals.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9633367

Actually wait, who the fuck are any of these people. I'm guessing the blonde is supposed to be Rosa and Edge behind her but then just generic black mage, white mage, and chocobo? There were mages who dressed like that in the villages and you do ride chocobos but seems like a weird inclusion.

>> No.9633380

For English translations of the SNES/SFC games I'd go with the Namingway Edition for FFIV, the RPGe translation from '98 for FFV, and for VI just use the regular Woolsey one or you could use the Ted Woolsey Uncensored Edition rompatch.

>> No.9633403

>but then just generic black mage, white mage, and chocobo? There were mages who dressed like that in the villages and you do ride chocobos but seems like a weird inclusion.
It's almost like they're iconic or something

>> No.9633405

ok retard

>> No.9633447
File: 697 KB, 1024x768, Souls of Chaos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably PS1. NES needs to be patched and GBA onwards until PR changes the magic system to a standard MP system.
FF3's versions are all so different they may as well be different games. The "smoothest" experience is probably the Pixel Remaster. The 3D version has charm, but has the most differences of the three versions and be ready to grind for job points (which is easy if you know how to do it, but still).
has so many versions it's hard to tell really.
SNES needs to be patched because the english version made some changes to make the game easier.
GBA version takes a graphical hit, but allows you control over your party comp towards the end of the game and has some bonus content (of questionable quality)
PSP has "RPG Maker graphics", but retains the GBA version's content.
3D, much like with FF3, has enough differences that it qualifies as its own game.
Outside of the PSP version I'm not sure if there's a particularly bad version of V outside of the PS1 version (glitched menus and an 'interesting' script) and the ugly mobile version.
SNES FFVI is buggy, but its either that, the PS1 version or taking a hit in graphics and audio in exchange for bonus content of questionable quality in the GBA version.

Part of it also depends on if you take into account the historical aspect, in that you play them in order to to appreciate how the series evolved. In that case, the originals would be the way to go.

>> No.9633457
File: 20 KB, 539x447, There's probably reaction potential here..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant PS1

>> No.9633458

>NES needs to be patched
No retard

>> No.9633473

I mean, it's still playable unpatched, but considering stuff like the INT bug, it pretty much needs to be patched.

>> No.9633492

>but considering stuff like the INT bug
isn't that in the PS1 version too though?

>> No.9633498

Anyone have the screencap of that long ass rant about why the 3D version of FF3 is such ass? I've been looking for it but can't seem to find it.

>> No.9633557

I was planning to play all of them in order
I loved 1 and even 2 but I got filtered by 3. I hate the mini only section and that fucking giant rat

>> No.9633564

the originals, as long as you aren't too retarded to patch them

>> No.9634232

Nigga you literally have to back track like twice in the very first part of the game, that's awful.

>> No.9634260

It's Church, which was probably changed to Clinic.

>> No.9634264

It's kind weird. IV, VII and VIII were memorable events for the characters, but V and VI were just cute.

>> No.9634271

>. I'm guessing the blonde is supposed to be Rosa and Edge behind her
I'm assuming all of them are just supposed to represent classes instead of characters in the story.

>> No.9634370

>Fourth planet of the Lylat System
V best Final Fantasy
Best job system
Best characters
Best story
Best NPCs
Best loli

>> No.9634472
File: 29 KB, 380x261, Ff2cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SaGa Zero

>> No.9634475

I like Sakana's weird FFV art

>> No.9634519

Agreed, its kind of insane how well put together FFI is despite being so completely unfinished

>> No.9634524

Unfinished? How?

>> No.9634549

I did not know that at the time of typing.
So I guess patched NES is the better version.
It gets posted a bunch, but I disagree with it.
I will agree that it is quite grindy and the boss turn calculations are the most bullshit aspect, but I feel that the review underplays the tools that that version gives you. I can't remember, but I think it also underplays job level which is very important for the physical jobs, but is comparatively easier to level (especially in the versions that have autobattle).

>> No.9634639

Half the game mechanics do not work

>> No.9634897

Listen to my contrarian take
>FF1 and FF2
PSP, better monster sprites and also includes additional superbosses, dungeons and all the content from PS1
Pixel Remaster, I don't like the style of the PSP/DS versions
PSP, includes the after years content
Either the Pixel Remaster or an English patched version of the SNES
This is a hard one, mostly because people keep complaining about which translation is better, I'd recommend the original SNES version.

>> No.9634916

PSP FFI is piss fucking easy, unfortunately. Otherwise I basically agree with this list.

>> No.9635107

All FFs are piss easy, challenge is not a factor in their appeal. If you wanted challenge you would play a different series

>> No.9635117

>All FFs are piss easy

OG FF1 and 2 aren't, that's the point

>> No.9635119
File: 650 KB, 1826x1871, pixels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo I love these games

>> No.9635160

Bugs dont count as difficulty

>> No.9635264

I played it recently and I liked it, I don't know why it's so hated

>> No.9635309

You're probably the kind of faggot who says Star Fox on SNES wasn't 3D.

>> No.9635330

How do you not consider the opera a memorable event?

>> No.9635475

>you literally have to back track like twice in the very first part of the game
Except you don't. Travel to the Temple of Fiends, beat Garland, get teleported back to the castle, head for the bridge. You can OPTIONALLY backtrack ONCE to open chests in the Temple of Fiends after beating Garland, but there's also nothing stopping you from going and getting those chests before killing Garland or even just outright ignoring them altogether, so what the hell are you even talking about? There's no forced backtracking in the beginning of the game whatsoever.

>> No.9635501

I'd think anon was referring to the Earth Cavern fakeout, but
>very first

>> No.9635502

is this the definitive ranking? excluding 5chad opinions?

>> No.9635515


>> No.9635539

maybe someday I'll play 2, 3 and maybe some day I'll replay 1 and find out it's actually shit.

>> No.9635547

yeah the original Final Fantasy is a perfect game. The bugs are the only problem but you can easily fix them with a patch

>> No.9636514

is pr+ ds script the perfect way to play 4?

>> No.9636592
File: 66 KB, 800x742, 1654213620351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought that this was the ending and it was just a really short game as a kid

>> No.9637058

i just found out recently there is an MSX version of the original final fantasy, which is basically the same as the NES version but with a much better soundtrack

>> No.9637073
File: 82 KB, 680x497, 1421339409102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I love the prelude.

>> No.9637075

one of the few things most people will agree about for the whole series is how great the music is in every game

>> No.9637110

I played 6 and enjoyed that, but I'm wondering how far back it would be worth going in the series for me. NES-era games have to be pretty fucking smooth in order for me to be able to stomach them, whereas on like SNES I can handle a bit more jank, more difficulty, more lack of direction, etc.

Do you think I could probably make it through FF1? I don't want to start it if I don't think I can finish it.

>> No.9637116

>FF1, 2, & 5
- Pixel Remaster
>FF4 & 6

>> No.9637118

you'll definitely have to deal with more jank and more difficulty on original NES FF1. wonderswan colour and PS1 ports have some QoL upgrades but are essentially true to the original, PSP and DS versions are much easier and have simplified mechanics so maybe try those if you're a pussy

>> No.9637124

I’m ashamed to say my first time trying FF1 on the ps1 I got a party wipe within 5 minutes of leaving the castle

>> No.9637418

You should be ashamed. Did you not buy weapons or armor before going out?

>> No.9637594

Backtracking to the Earth Cavern takes exactly 1 fucking minute so even if that's what he meant, he's retarded

>> No.9638237

I just got to the boat in FF1. The difficulty feels great so far. More challenging and less hand-holding than later games but easier than something like Wizardry.

>> No.9638251

FF1 is harder than most of its sequels, but it's definitely a lot easier than the other JRPGs of the time, in the sense that it doesn't demand much grinding if any. Grinding may help you to buy equipment but it's not a necessity, in fact good tactics and management help more than grind. It's a really well designed game.

>> No.9638258

>pedophile likes the shittiest one
It’s like you just can’t make healthy decisions

>> No.9638275

Unless you have several mages on your team you don't really need money either, almost all good weapons and armor is found rather than bought. Money is almost exclusively used for potions (which are piss cheap) and spells.

>> No.9638278

Probably didn't equip it. It's actually fairly common for newfags to fail to realize you need to do this, since the game itself doesn't really make it obvious.

>> No.9638304

I guess I could understand if they've never played an RPG before, but I can't think of a single one where you don't have to equip what you buy. Maybe having to give it to a specific person at the shop confuses them, but still seems weird to assume anything you buy is equipped automatically.

>> No.9638372

I talked to the king then tried to explore the overworld and got wiped within a few encounters.

>> No.9638530

Yeah... you're supposed to take your starting gold into town to buy equipment before heading out.

>> No.9639423

I really want to like Final Fantasy V but it feels like the game is so easy by the time you finish getting all the core Jobs that there's very little meaning to the Job System. One Blue Mage or a Spellblade with Doublehand can solo most content in the game it seems.

>> No.9640614

>good tactics and management help more than grind.
Yeah the challenge lies more in figuring out what to do, which is a more fun challenge than just being forced to grind.

>> No.9640648

Same. The whole 'freelance job inherits stats from other maxed jobs' also seems entirely pointless as I don't think I'd even mastered a single job by the end of the game, you just don't get enough job exp and the game is easy enough to never require you to grind them. Really needs some sort of hard mode or something, half the systems don't make sense when the game is as easy as it is

>> No.9640813

for FFV download a gameboy rom and patch it with the snes sounds

>> No.9641002
File: 30 KB, 408x300, Bismarck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this nigga like you wouldn't believe