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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9627480 No.9627480 [Reply] [Original]

/vr/os i need your guidance...
which (J)RPGs are the best to start with? I mean with a nice story and mechanics that aren't too deep... I get often throwed off the train by cryptic gamemechanics that doesnt explain themselves at all. Whats a good point to start with?
Inb4 >if you want to actually have fun then don't play JRPGs
pic not much related

>> No.9627482

FF Mystic Quest on the SNES is perfect as a babby's first JRPG. Cool tunes too.

>> No.9627483
File: 456 KB, 1366x768, 1366_2000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrono Trigger is extremely accessible.
It triggers "true jrpg fans", so you know it's actually a good game.

>> No.9627484

Dragon Quest

>> No.9627542

>nice story
pick one

>> No.9627565

the most correct answer that is also going to piss the most people off would be undertale.
a more board-appropriate answer would be one of the paper mario games, or super mario RPG

>> No.9627589

Chrono Trigger

>> No.9627617
File: 188 KB, 2000x1500, 49968794-AC33-4A0D-8C06-BBA18E59F625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fantasy VI is easier than pissing and has one of the largest rosters in the main series, giving you plenty of varying character styles and skill customization. Just make sure to wait for Shadow for as long as the game takes, so you don't lose him permanently for the rest of your play.

>> No.9627620
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Bravely Default is a pretty good classical styled yet modern-ish jrpg. You'll need to hack or emulate a 3ds to play it tho. The game play is a pretty good recreation of older FF job systems to my understanding just more fast paced due to characters being able to expend turns quicker. The story is mostly just a classical JRPG affair done really well rather than anything ground breaking though

>> No.9627650

Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy 6
Super Mario RPG if you are a toddler.

>> No.9627712

can't wait for someone to make a JRPG where you can roleplay

>> No.9627729
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Hey forget player agency I just want a decent story that isn't pic related

>> No.9627761

Typical normie meme made by people who don't even play real JRPGs.

Name me a single JRPG that has that story and isn't from the Tales Of series or Dragon Quest or is from PS2.

>> No.9627765

If someone made a JRPG under ten hours with a semi decent story it'd be better than 90% of 100 plus hours grindfests with meeandaring plots. Also can't wait for JRPG writers to discover a 6th characrer type

>> No.9627771

Is that xenon?

>> No.9627773

Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter.

The game is only 15 hours long and it's from 2002.

You welcome.

>> No.9627774

Breath of Fire

>> No.9627783

should you play the first four before hand or can new players dive in?

>> No.9627787

Every BoF is a separate story, worldand cast.

>> No.9627792

plenty of Famicom RPGs take less than 20 hours to beat

>> No.9627794

Persona is currently one of the biggest JRPG series in the world sooo

>> No.9627795

You could beat Parasite Eve in less than 8 hours on your first try and with before hand knowledge, people can wreck it and beat it in 4 hours. Speedrunner faggots can do it in 3 hours.

>> No.9627806

Ff7-8-9, Chrono Trigger/Cross, Lunar 1&2

>> No.9627807

Dragon Quest doesn't have story like that. The gay villain trope only started in the late 90's / 00's, which is when a lot JRPGs started to become caricatures of themselves, and that trope existed in many other things, anime, manga, action games, even some movies. In the 00's, evil was gay.

>> No.9627812

Larges but still only selling only 5million in the best case. It's still waaay behind some of the FF titles.

>> No.9627813

Sick now i have my next JRPG lined up

>> No.9627818

yeah i know i'm just saying large JRPG series still often exhibit tired tropes as seen in the comic

>> No.9627820

I only played Breath of Fire 1 and 5, the first one I dont even think is a good game but, what the hell does that pic have to do with that game?? Nina doesn't end up with Ryu at the end nor they have some dumb love story, Ryu isn't some edgy loser, and you literally have to be a retard to need to grind in that game. BoF 5 only lasts 15 hours.

So at least you're talking shit abut BoF 2-4 I don't know what you're talking about.

Nah. Each Breath of Fire is its own story, and the first game is trash imo don't waste time on it, although if you are interested in knowing BoF2 is specially presented as a sequel to BoF1 as far as I know, BoF3 has connections with BoF2 but they aren't very relevant, both BoF4 and 5 seek to be their own individual story especially.

Also BoF5 has different gameplay than all the others, so there really isn't much of a reason to play the other ones first.

>> No.9627829

BoF was an example of a short JRPG not a JRPG like the comic. Sorry if that wasn't clear in the thread

>> No.9627836

Persona doesn't have that story, though.
Unless that's what you are getting at.

>> No.9627863

I think you reply the wrong dude on your last post, lol.

Again no one here plays real JRPGs?

Some basic ones like Final Fantasy 6, some cool ones like G.O.D.: Mezameyo to Yobu Koe ga Kikoe?? What about Bahamut Lagoon, that game literally has an NTR plot where the villain fucks the protagonist's love interest and she likes it, also cool Digimon mechanics. I really always feel like the people who criticize JRPGs are people who play just literal Anime JRPGs and then are blown away by how anime like they are lmao, and those tend to be the most grindy ones, amusingly.

>> No.9627875

i was saying persona sucks ass lmao I've only played 4 and its like hanging out with the most annoying teenagers you've ever met and kinda eh combat.

>> No.9627893

Wild Arms

>> No.9627901

Yeah Persona 4 sucks lol. I recommend to play SMT1-2 on SNES instead.

Although if I can say something positive about Persona, it is that the final fight of the second will always be funny.

>> No.9627907

final fantasy x was pretty nice. But the first jrpg I finished was Secret of Mana on snes. Generally I am not a big fan of jrpgs or rpgs, but these two i liked really much. I tried ffx-2 on ps2 also, but damn it was rubbish.

>> No.9627915

jRPGs in general but final fantasy games especially require an autistic mind of a teenager stuck in the pre-broadband internet era where time was endless in order to enjoy it

>> No.9627939

No they don't, what you need an autistic mind to be unable to understand how turn-based combat is played correctly and how the same is fun because your mind isn't able to think of strategies to use your resources to win battles efficiently, which is what the battles are about.

Do you know what is hella autistic? People playing Zeldas post SNES, and pretending that solving puzzles on Ocarina is fun. Yeah no thanks, I'd rather cast reflect on my own party to beat Asura than push blocks like a retard to open a stupid door. And FF4 is stupid as fuck but I would marry Rosa and that's how the game ends, Link on the other hand, he is gay and scared of women, because teenagers are afraid to get married.

Adult men instead marry and start a family.

>> No.9627967
File: 394 KB, 600x347, 53d2a83e29b7766f08765ec32c6e2dfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FF Mystic Quest on the SNES
I own this and I dunno it just feels too easy? I'd definitely give it to a kid or whatever, but I think its even more simple than pokemon. Anyone enjoy it?
>Chrono Trigger is extremely accessible
I think this is the correct answer. It's classic, but really playable.
>final fantasy x
ya agreed I think this is a good rpg intro. its not too complex and the battle system is pretty nice.
>Breath of Fire
Played 3 and 4 and a bit of 1 and 2. Do the first two hold up? I should really go back and play em.

>> No.9627974

FFX is a pretty good jRPG but the encounter ratio is on the heavy side.

>> No.9628010
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This one, relatively forgiving, simple, and little to no grinding required. Plus TurboDuo SOVL and nice music

>> No.9628027

Based proud autist. Good for kain and rosa.

>> No.9628070

>Kain and Rosa.
>look at me im so troll and funny

>> No.9628109

Seconding this. It has some depth if you want it, but it's pretty much balanced so that as long as you fight every random battle you come across during the normal course of the game (i.e. without staying in one place to grind) and equip whatever new stuff you come across, you'll be able to easily progress. About the most complex mechanic you're "required" to learn is how to make your party members learn Magic later on, and even then most characters don't even have to learn much if any.

>> No.9628119

Yes. Wonder what became of him. Shit, last thing I remember him doing is calling Tom Green on his show that one time and asking him to do a barrel roll.

>> No.9628148

The two best games to get you started are Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 6, so give those two a try. Play the SNES version of both games.

>> No.9628182

FFIV, V or VI. VII, X and IX are also acceptable. III is good but a little wack; I on PSP is pretty fucking basic but great presentation.
Bravely Default if you have a 3DS or emulator handy
Dragon Quest III, IV, V or VI
Fucking Pokemon gen 3-5. Hell, 1 or 2 if you don't mind a little retro jank.
Super Mario RPG. Paper Mario 64 and Thousand Year Door as well.
All of these are super approachable babby's first JRPGs.

>> No.9628539

>or is from PS2
oh ok so just don't name 90% of JRPGs

>> No.9628587
File: 619 KB, 1280x1966, i001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suikoden 2 is an accessible and easy JRPG but with a great story and soundtrack.

>Simple battle system and has many playable characters that you can choose from and can easily be customized into being powerful due to the rune system.
>Can easily level up low leveled characters in a few battles without too much grinding.

>> No.9628681

How many times have you played FFIV?

>> No.9628705

Suikoden 2 is so fucking good though I feel like giving it to a newbie is spoiling them.

>> No.9628740

Suikoden. Dirt simple mechanics, fast combat, pretty easy, only about 20 hours, and can transfer your save data to the arguably superior sequel. Just be ready for the roulette wheel in the first half, game really dicks you over in trying to solve it because of RNG bullshit.

>> No.9628759

>Fucking Pokemon gen 3-5.
These were terrible generations. Don't spread this shit beyond >>>/vp/ .

>> No.9628795

Dragon Quest V

>> No.9628814

Chrono Trigger is the #1 for first jrpg
Super Mario RPG
Final Fantasy 7

>> No.9628947

>normie meme
I mean, if you consider that other shithole /v/ as a normalfag central, then sure.

>> No.9629150

Why would you need to hack a 3DS to play it?

>> No.9629250

>It triggers "true jrpg fans", so you know it's actually a good game.
No it doesn't, you terminally online retard.