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9621787 No.9621787 [Reply] [Original]

How the hell did they even pull this off with the Genesis hardware?

>> No.9621805

To be honest, I don't think it looks *that* hard to implement. the tiled floor has just 2 colors, technically it could use very limited number of different frames for this animation. rest is Space Harrier-tier pseudo-3D.
tl;dr: Blast Processing, Does What Nintendon't

>> No.9621813


Doesn't seem that difficult. The 3-D Battles of World Runner was on the NES. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTbH25YNxE4&ab_channel=WorldofLongplays

>> No.9621841

That song is a banger.

>> No.9621859


The music was composed by Nobuo Uematsu, who would later go on to do a lot of Final Fantasy stuff.

>> No.9621862

Forget sonic, the fact that elite got a port on the nes is mind boggling

>> No.9621863


>> No.9621865
File: 31 KB, 1500x1062, rotating.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The classic Space Harrier-type "infinite checkerboard" was done using scanline operations, which are strictly horizontal; you could also "skip" lines to fake a vertically shifting point of view, and more sophisticated implementations like Out Run could use those basic techniques to create elevation changes and "hills" perpendicular to the view. Combined with hardware or software-based sprite scaling you get that basic framework popular in the late 80s and early 90s

The way Blue Sphere visualize the ground actually involves curved lines and the checkerboard can visually rotate as the player changes the axis of movement (pic related); even games like Panorama Cotton --which may be the apex of the scanline approach-- don't do that sort of thing. I'd love to get some real dev insight of how they pulled this off, but the info in interviews is generally pretty shallow.

>> No.9621871

Why did Sonic need the rings?

>> No.9621874

It's 2D animation made to look 3D. The tiles repeat like a Flintstone background to make it look like it's moving.

>> No.9621889

Usually involves animated tiles or sprites, thats also how they did the halfpipe in sonic 2 or those mazes in sonic 1

>> No.9621890

Sonic stands for

Solomon is using a vemina in the shape of sonic to collect enough rings for his 700 wives and 300 concubines

>> No.9621891
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>> No.9621914

The developer from Traveller's Tales who also worked on Sonic 3D Blast did a video on it


>> No.9621961

Thanks! Yeah this explains everything neatly; I thought it was some sort of code-generated visual wizardry, I never imagined they could have actually bruteforced it by storing the whole floor animation and rotation as tiles as they did.

>> No.9622109

no it wasn't. it was written by jun senoue.

>> No.9622148

jun senoue is an anagram for nobuo uematsu due to refusal of game companies to properly credit their workers at the time

>> No.9622151

genesis does, what niggersdon't

>> No.9622297

oh wait i thought he was referring to the blue sphere's stage theme. am i retarded?

still, space harrier did it first.

>> No.9622351

The music in question is the World Runner music here: >>9621813

>> No.9624257

It's piss easy compared to the stuff they pulled off in Lawnmower Man, The Lost World, Duke Nukem 3D, Zero Tolerance, Red Zone, Ballz 3D, Vectorman, Street Racer, and Kawasaki Superbike.

>> No.9624271

They put Super Nintendo hardware in the cartridge.

>> No.9624273

Based Solomon what a ladies man.

>> No.9624307


Why is the nes more powerful than the super nes?

>> No.9624765
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>>9621787 >>9621865
Looking around in the VDP via emulator, it appears to simply be a fuckton of tiles.
The regular walking forwards/backwards section is shaded in a way that makes use of a rotating palette, to save space.

>> No.9624824

They pulled it off but it required some clever stunts like pre-rendered graphics pieces since the NES does not have a free-form frame buffer like ZX Spectrum or whatever. Also it was never released in NTSC regions because they couldn't get it to work. The game utilizes the longer PAL blank to perform additional calculations.

>> No.9626502


>> No.9626524

Reasons why Megadrive is better than PS2.

1- Megadrive is so much light than PS2 who launches the slim version to copy the megadrive technology.
2- The PS2 use the cooler because is a fucking faget. The Megadrive is hot!
3- DVD got scratch so easy, and you can give the gamepack to ur dog chew and it ll still work.
4- Cartridge is MORE heavy than a DVD.
5- Megadrive has 64 powerfulcolors. PSP have million of collors. Megadrive respect the Daltonic people.
6- Your cousin will not want to stay on your house to play megadrive.
7- If you trow the megadrive on the wall, the wall will go up.
8- Trow both on the water and watch which will come up first.
9- DVD at light will make a Rainbow. The gamepack will show dribble.
10- The gamepack is brute. Direct Contact. DVD is faget, laser.
11 - Megadrive is the name of a Nuclear Missile. Playstation is the name of a playground.
12- Sony Copy the Sonic name. Sony = Soni = Sonic.
13- The Megadrive don't save the games. Finish without save is Pr0.
14- Megadrive has a earphone plug in.
15- Megradrive was a beautiful music composition because the sonorous deficiency and the Melody was so much more important.
16- PS1, PS2 and PS3 is a copy of Mega Drive 1, 2 and 3
17- Mega Drive 3 didn't needed a upgrade. Megadrive is perfect.
18- If a thunder up on your house, just the Font burns and you can buy it at any old scrap market. U don't need sent to the maintenance and pay for that.
19- Mega is less expansive.
20 - Mega is more hard.
21- Mega Controller looks like a bean. PS2 controller looks like ...wait WTF IS THIS?
22- Mega don't got shame to show the 16 BITS seal. PS2 never show the 128Bits seal becouse she got ashamed to have this much of bits and be more poor than mega.
23- Mega have 2 names (Genesis and Mega Drive): Twice times the PS2 names!
24- Cartridge have less memory becouse works NOW. DVD have long memory becouse works on past.
25- Mega when hot stink because it is a MAN

>> No.9626529

The more impressive thing is the sheer number of levels they packed into the S&K cart. Something like 128 MILLION unique levels. Randomly generated but still.

>> No.9626550

Mega Drive is best


Is black, the color of badassery
High Definition Graphics
Blast Processing
FM synth. The console itself is a musical instrument, not just a sampler.
Badass name ~!!!~ MEGA !!~~!! DRIVE ~!!!~
Genesis name taken from Star Trek. First sci-fi console.
Headphone port with volume slider
Backwards compatible
Highly upgradeable
Sega Channel
Comfortable control shaped like a boomerang for when you throw it
Mega Drive + 32X + CD looks like Borg technology
Lock-on technology
Tower of Power on Mega Drive reaches greater heights than on any other system
Yellow tabs on cartridges
Instant load times
Does what Nintendon't!

>> No.9626603


>> No.9626607

That's some 'tism but I agree

>> No.9626648
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>doesn't know what anagram means
>incapable of detecting absurdity
>calls others retards

>> No.9626772

Even as a joke your post is shit.

>> No.9626803
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>> No.9626819

Ya but it's still creative and impressive for that system. Those bonus levels get really difficult toward the last few

Baseball 2020 was too

>> No.9626826

[Baseball 2020 was creative and impressive too]

>> No.9627270
File: 162 KB, 640x960, OH-N--.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the impressive part of that is that they aren't "packed" into the game at all, they're algorithmically generated at random as you say yourself. I assume it's based on a limited collection of sphere layout "patches" that get mixed together (the same way games like Spelunky generate their levels), so it doesn't take that many base patches to generate an enormous number of technically different levels even as some will be highly reminiscent of others.

There's that old thought experiment about how a 52-card deck can be arranged in a 52-factorial number of different ways, and even a set of 13 cards results in over six billion possible arrangements.

Anyway, everything about this game is impressive. For me, the lock-on technology itself takes the cake.

>> No.9627294

>I assume it's based on a limited collection of sphere layout "patches" that get mixed together (the same way games like Spelunky generate their levels), so it doesn't take that many base patches to generate an enormous number of technically different levels even as some will be highly reminiscent of others.

You are probably correct. I was set to on beating every level, but after a while, each new level was re-using patterns I had already seen in previous levels, just mix matched differently.

>> No.9627328

>I was set to on beating every level
Realistically how long would that take

>> No.9627338

Was it Jun that did Blue Spheres? I've never really seen a soundtrack listing for S3K that credits the composer for each individual track the way later games tend to.