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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 463 KB, 2750x910, Game Center America's Awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9609856 No.9609856 [Reply] [Original]

Newest Episode:
Season 26: Episode 16 (#352) Night Trap {Mega CD} premiered on Thursday, January 26th.

Season 26: Episode 17 (#353) "An Irem game" premieres on Thursday, February 9th.


Youtube Page:


>> No.9610330

What are the chances of Holy Diver?

>> No.9610870
File: 764 KB, 1280x720, 1663703938728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marchen Maze subs when?

>> No.9611420

What subs are being worked on at the moment?

>> No.9612094
File: 91 KB, 474x648, Ninja Gaiden NES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching Season 4 at the moment, and holy shit, is this the hardest season ever? They start him off with Ultraman which has a 'one chance' ending, Final Fight on SNES, then go to Adventure Island which is supposedly notoriously difficult.
Act Raiser probably isn't too hard, but it seems like a pretty long game to do in one day. Poor Arino can't catch a break AND THEN he has to play Ninja fucking Gaiden near the end of the season too.

>> No.9612136

Arino says Adventure Island will be easy since it's just a Famicom game. Famous last words.

>> No.9612751

Perfect logic.

>> No.9612778

>They start him off with Ultraman which has a 'one chance' ending
Actually, the "one chance" is based off of how many extra lives you had remaining. If you finish the game with more lives, you get changes equal to your lives remaining.

>> No.9613303

The ending for the Adventure Island episode is legendary and sets the standard for certain things in the series.

>> No.9613498

Oh! That makes things different. Still, the game seemed pretty tough.

Interesting, you mean the fact that he just straight up quit?
Also it was cool to see Arino genuinely just enjoying Act Raiser to the point he was just playing in content silence for long periods.

>> No.9614227

He means Urakawa's Challenge you lobcock.

>> No.9614416

Looks like the Twitch channel finally got nuked.

>> No.9614447
File: 50 KB, 400x389, COVER-Mr_Heli[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are the chances of Holy Diver?

Heli-bros it's our time to shine!

>> No.9615030

Yeah, it's not live right atm. Probably got the axe. I've lost count of how many times this has happened. Wasn't even the original streamer anymore either. Even though I rarely tune in I do hope a replacement will go up. It's just nice to have the option fire it up once in a while. Miss all the unsubbed eps though. This stream didn't have them anymore.

>> No.9615070

How do I watch these episodes?

>> No.9616221

The pastebin usually has all the links you need.

>> No.9616234

It's more annoying that people report the streams just out of spite.

>> No.9616750 [DELETED] 

And you do you know a viewer reported it? Motherfucker! It was you, wasn't it?

>> No.9616760

And how do you know a viewer reported it? Motherfucker! It was you, wasn't it?

>> No.9616839

We constantly have redditors say they report it, unless it was you now trying to shift the blame.

>> No.9617508

How does this mediocre show get away with astroturfing for free? Shouldn't 4chin charge them for a banner instead?

>> No.9617818

go be an underage somewhere else

>> No.9618874


>> No.9619804

Watching the Doraemon and Dragon Ball NES episodes makes me realise a lot of love was seemingly put into the licensed games back then, or at least some of them. The way they manage to implement things from the manga is really cool.
I was impressed with the boss in Dragon Ball that you beat by breaking a wall, or the items in the last level of Doraemon for example.
Lots of cool implementations of the IP to add to the gameplay.

>> No.9620603

Doom when

>> No.9620802

After the entire series gets fansubbed.

>> No.9621018

lol never. too gory, scary, or motion sickness inducing for the japanese.

>> No.9621236

What are some of your favorite episodes? I want to get back into the series and could do with some recommendations.

>> No.9621272
File: 1.72 MB, 1762x991, 1652549446874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been picking through the series trying to find good episodes I haven't seen yet and I really have to recommend Derby Stallion. Wasn't expecting it to be such a great episode.

>> No.9621297

quiz episodes like nanairo dreams are always a good time
And some of the recent subs like ape escape are pretty good too

>> No.9621304

Thanks for reminding me of the Ape Escape episode, I've been meaning to watch that one so maybe I'll start there.

>> No.9621646

I actually meant super monkey ball, not ape escape. ape escape doesn't have subs yet as far as I'm aware

>> No.9621825

Fug, Monkey Ball it is.

>> No.9621998

>"Irem software"

Maybe Sqoon? I forget when they last did a game without an ending.

>> No.9622015
File: 514 KB, 1680x2138, 8133343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to believe

>> No.9622167
File: 36 KB, 545x297, Game Center GOGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon Ball NES
YuYu Quiz de Go
First Samurai
Castlevania Bloodlines
Castlevania Rondo of Blood
Super Monkey Ball
Resident Evil

>> No.9622180

Heli chads vs. Legend bros. Who will prevail?

>> No.9622330

>pastebin retard translated ソフト as "software" rather than "game"
but why

>> No.9622348

I see them write game when the hint says ゲーム and software when the hint says ソフト like this time. It barely matters.

>> No.9622352

Yeah, it just looks like they're hyper ESLs that think people actually say shit like "my favorite NES software is Super Mario Bros". It just looks weird.

>> No.9622365

Why do they write "software" and not "soft"?

>> No.9622371

What I don't get is why this OP keeps bothering to change it.

>last hint was ナイト〇〇
>paste said "Knight ______" or "Night ______"
This is accurate.

>OP put "A game which title starts with the word 'Night' or 'Knight'" in two straight threads
This isn't what the hint said and isn't even proper English.

>> No.9622375

In this context, ソフト means (game) software.

>> No.9622384

In this context, "soft" also means (game) software, so... why change it?

>> No.9622415

It's not really a change if it's one of the definitions of the word.

Would you prefer that they write "sofuto" instead? That's technically exactly what the kana says, but you don't see people wanting that.

>> No.9622417

Pastebin is updated by someone translating out of a dictionary I guess.

>> No.9622419

>It's not really a change if it's one of the definitions of the word.
It's not, it's shortform. Just like "soft" is short for "software" in English.

>> No.9622438

Maybe once or twice a year, I don't really like what they chose to write, and I do let them know. I had no problem with this one or the last one.

>> No.9622461

I had no problem with the previous one, but translating ソフト as "software" in the context of video games just makes you look ESL. Nobody calls console video games "software" other than badly subtitled Japanese people.

>What's your favorite SNES software?
>What software do you think Arino will play next episode?
>How much software has Arino beaten so far this season?
Come on, nobody talks like this.

>> No.9622506

Okay, then tell them to write "game" whether the hint says ゲーム or ソフト if you want. If they choose how to write that depending on the word the king uses in a hint, it doesn't bother me. If it were conversational, I would agree with you.

>> No.9622510

Nigger, they call a crane machine a 'UFO Catcher'. Do you even Engrish?

>> No.9622516
File: 985 KB, 1920x1080, sofuto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fansubs translate ソフト as "game" constantly too, do you think that's wrong too? Should pic related have said "software" instead the two places they say game?

>> No.9622524

>Nobody calls console video games "software"

The Japanese do, and frankly it's better terminology.

>> No.9622537

I like how you left out the second half of his line

>> No.9622541 [DELETED] 

>I like how
I like THAT you're a dumb 100 IQ nigger.

>> No.9622619

No, that's fine. All I was saying is that it doesn't bother me in the hints if they choose "game" for ゲーム and "software" for ソフト.

>> No.9623120

Holy Diver it is!

>> No.9623131


>> No.9623384

Is the big ass torrent with all the old eps still around? Tried to find it to no avail.

>> No.9623397

I presume this means someone will dress up? Will the FujiTV music rights include the actula song?

>> No.9623540


I think this is still the most recent. It has links to some newer subs in the description but is still probably missing some of the latest ones.

>> No.9623545

When was the lsat Ogawa sighting?

>> No.9623696

just started watching this, most kino eps?

>> No.9623701

Quiz Feudal Lord's Ambition.

>> No.9624337

Apparently she was a regular on something called 'Controller x Family' or something. i haven't seen the latest episodes that feature it.
I also heard she looked reaaaaal sexy.

>> No.9624341
File: 80 KB, 1024x576, Game Center Maybe I'm Horny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my list is here >>9622167
Hope you find some you like amongst it.
The most kino are often the games you enjoyed or struggled with yourself though!

>> No.9624369

Kacho x Family, it was a segment where Arino tried out various gimmicky addons.

>> No.9624401

Bless you anon, you're a lifesaver.

>> No.9624998

They said they shot 8 of those segments and have aired 5 so far. Night Trap didn't have one and neither will Holy Diver, so the last few episodes of the season after that will probably show them.

>> No.9625042

She's kind of a prop in those segments, but they also play up the classy "mommy" role so she looks stupid sexy as a rich lady. Pink haired teen is also stupid sexy in that segment too.

>> No.9625051

Which episodes?

>> No.9625059

This entire current season You have this pink haired "teen" character while the rich "mommy" sits in the back watching, all at some big fancy house. . It's the only segment that has a JAV vibe to it. Like you expect people to start fucking.

>> No.9625064

Can someone fill me in on what goes on in these threads?

>> No.9625093

1. try to guess new episode.
2. occasionally suggest some games
3. lust after ogawa-san
4. wait for translations

>> No.9625202

A screenshot would be nice.

>> No.9625242
File: 1.80 MB, 1756x987, 1643940311598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire current season
This isn't right...

>> No.9625340

Yeah, first half of the season was the cat corner. Second half is the Spy x Family spoof.

>> No.9625371

Waiting for Marchen Maze to get subbed

>> No.9625791

Where do you guys get the new, unsubbed episodes? I was checking on Nyaa but couldn't find non-subbed.

>> No.9625805

The pastebin usually has a couple direct downloads up within a day. Look in the news paste.

>> No.9625824
File: 117 KB, 1282x720, YImV7Mf[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9625867

That's one of the sites that the pastes post. The others are streamable if you prefer it.

>> No.9626094

Thanks guys, I dont' know why I didn't think to check the pastebin. I thought it wasn't updated that often.

>> No.9626105
File: 140 KB, 1471x759, Game Center Kacho x Family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9626165

The episode list and news are updated a lot. They don't do as much with the other ones.

>> No.9627212

Oh hell yeah!

>> No.9627219

>Nigoli is the main source of raws again
>No more bloated as fuck videos that cut the prize section

>> No.9627360

What's wrong with having alternate sources? Watch Nigoli's raws if you want, but having access to cleaner-looking videos is never a bad thing. Most of the early HD episodes of this show (Seasons 8 to 14) are only available as post stamp-sized YouTube rips because someone thought that they are "good enough".

>> No.9628459

Because that alternative source was used for subs where the file size was bloated and they cut content.
Worst of both worlds.

>> No.9628550

In my opinion, subbers should always use the highest-quality sources available to them. Sure, a lot of Game Center CX is just old game footage, but the live-action shots can look pretty bad on Nigoli's raws. I watched his rip of the Night Trap episode and the arcade trip segment looked like a 240p YouTube video at times.

>> No.9628652
File: 1.38 MB, 1401x1071, arinowomen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tokimeki Memorial
Any Quiz game
Derby Stallion
Go By Train

>> No.9629146

>Derby Stallion

Incest horse named after Watanabe is the most success he got in the game.

>> No.9630236

>Most of the early HD episodes of this show (Seasons 8 to 14) are only available as post stamp-sized YouTube rips because someone thought that they are "good enough".
Really? They were never made available in better quality?

>> No.9630683

I think some episodes did get higher quality rips, but since that was way after SAGCCX subbed them, no one really cared.

>> No.9631678

Is this JD? I haven't seen someone complain about how the old subs were done outside of him.

>> No.9632003

unprotected ogawa sex

>> No.9632212

No, I just think that having multiple raw sources to pick from is a good thing and it's something that should be encouraged, not shit on. Want a small, low-quality 500MB raw? No problem. Want a 3 GB 60FPS encode? You do you.

>> No.9632481


>> No.9633615

I think that's pretty common bro.

>> No.9634041

I don't see any links in the pastebin. Am I stupid? I don't get this

>> No.9634124

one of the pastebins literally says "episode downloads". Look at that one again

>> No.9634613
File: 273 KB, 1762x991, 1649987994387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9635586

what are some fun 3D games they could challenge?

>> No.9635792
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, Burning Rangers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3D beat-em-ups seem like an obvious choice, stuff like SpikeOut on Xbox maybe?
More third-person shooters too maybe, would be fun seeing him play some American jank like Brute Force.
There's also some 3D platformers/adventures he hasn't done yet like Burning Rangers on Saturn or the Crash Bandicoot Games.

>> No.9635889

So are all of the episodes subbed yet or are most seasons still missing certain episodes/subbed at total random/etc? I'm in the mood to rewatch some old gccx and I'd like to watch in order if possible.

>> No.9636059

We're still stuck with shitty TNV subs for most of season 1 and 2, and their season 1 subs cut out all the non-Arino's challenge parts too.

>> No.9636076

Other than that, we're all filled out?

>> No.9636092

>So are all of the episodes subbed yet
Not even close, and I doubt we'll ever have every episode subbed.

>> No.9636112

That's rough. I guess it's a pretty niche show and 1 hour long episodes with no JP subtitles to work off of is a pretty herculean effort, especially since it's weekly.

>> No.9636128

Yeah, it's a miracle we have as much as we do.

>> No.9636198

No, it's just such a shame that anyone wanting to watch the show from the beginning gets 3 fully subbed episodes before having to deal with bad subs that cut 80% of the episodes.

>> No.9637785

Just to show you how far behind we are now.
Starting at season 17 there starts to be gaps in unsubbed shows. By season 19, the gaps get huge, like 7 episodes unsubbed long gaps.
We're currently in season 26, and unlike early seasons, all the later seasons have 18-20 episodes. Meaning there's like 120-150 unsubbed episodes.

People are bitching about AI translations, but that is the only way we'll ever catch up and sub everything.

>> No.9639450

Amazing how they made this one of the best episodes.

>> No.9640093

AI translations can work as a last-ditch desperate effort, but people just don't want subs where you have to guess most of the dialogue.

>> No.9640206

I think AI translations of things like this are even less feasible than manga, just because you'd need some way of even getting audio input to the AI. I feel like speech to text for english is already pretty bad, I can't imagine Japanese speech to text would be much better, especially with Arino's accent.

>> No.9642182


>> No.9642207

Wild they have NOT done Simon's Quest yet. It seems so obvious. I do want to see Arino-san struggle with the hints.

>> No.9642216

For the record, this is my last 5 years worth of suggestions I've submtted

- Cotton: Fantastic Night Dreams
- Ninja Again
- Contra 3
- tenchu
- Assault Suits Valken
- Magical Pop'n
- Twinkle Tale
- alien soldier
- Pocky and Rocky
- TMNT Tournament Fighters T.M.N.T ミュータントウォーリアーズ
- Sailor Moon fighters
- Contra Hard Corps
- Vietiful Joe
- Metal Gear
- Shin Kidō Senki Gundam Wing: Endless Duel
- Gunner's Heaven ガンナーズヘヴン - Rapid Reload
- Crash Bandicoot
- Incredible Crisis
- God Hand
- Devil May Cry
- Gran Turismo
- frog golf ps1 +ps2
- Neo turf masters
- remote control dandy - リモートコントロール ダンディ
- Shinrei Jusatsushi Tarōmaru ( Japanese: 心霊呪殺師 太郎丸)
- Elevator Action Returns
- RE remake
- Silent Hill
- Streets of Rage 2 - Bare Knuckle II
- Simon's Quest
- Time Crisis
- Lil samson - 聖鈴伝説リックル
- bionic commando
- Rocket Knight Adventure ロケットナイトアドベンチャーズ
- Clock Tower 3
- Lifeline
- Mr. Heli
- 『ASTRO BOY・鉄腕アトム -アトムハートの秘密-』 2003年12月18日
- Harmful Park
- Gomola Speed ゴモラスピード
- Deception (Kokumeikan (刻命館)
- Area 88
- Twilight syndrome special トワイライトシンドローム スペシャル
- Tekken3
- Toy Commander 突撃!てけてけ!!トイ・レンジャー
- Fushigi no Yume no Alice PCE
- Einhander
- Soul Edge
- Sound Novel Machi サウンドノベルエボリューション3 街 〜運命の交差点〜
- Download
- Sonic Adventure
- Evo search for eden 46億年物語 はるかなるエデンへ
- ゴジラ怪獣大乱闘 Godzilla Xbox 2002
- Kaze Kiri
- Digical League
- Blade Arts

>> No.9643026

Based taste, unfortunately they are way too busy playing platform games on the Famicom.

>> No.9643039
File: 267 KB, 794x720, mpv-shot0091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch I suggested have already been featured so i didn't list them. These include Rondo, Holy Diver, Demon's Crest, and a few others.

But totally trying to diversify the game's played - some racing, some shooters, some fighting games. Blade Arts is this obscure JP only Tomb Raider clone for the PS. I want them to do some more sports games too, especially PS era 3D ones.

I hope they do all the SFC Sound Novels too - total shame they only did one.

>> No.9643041

Most of what he plays on the show is by Sunsoft, Hudson, Nintendo, Namco, and Taito. With the occasional Capcom title here and there, too.

>> No.9643045

I assume they have long standing licensing agreements with those rather than having to negotiate specific games. Ogawa-san mentioned that it was difficult to get the license for the Dragon's Lair but it was highly requested so they did it.

>> No.9643047

They need to play Super Donkey Kong 3 already. It's been a decade!

>> No.9644392

Would it really be that fun, though?

>> No.9644767

>Get to test how good the original hints are
>Arino writes down clues and hints all the time, which is why he excells a tthese kind of games
>ADs can come in with robes spouting clues if he gets stuck
>Arino cracks jokes about "how was I supposed to know that?" at the ridiculous solutions
>alternatively, Arino-san stumbles upon them through guesswork stunning the AD's
>clear time 9 hours

>> No.9644787

>western audience obsesses over GCCX
>nobody gives a shit about GameWave and the other Famitsu shows
I don't get it. GCCX is just a let's play, GameWave actually covers the events of the era, and it's fun

>> No.9644801

you just answered it

>> No.9644806
File: 48 KB, 640x480, GameWave (ゲームウェーブ) 2001年07月25日.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But GameWave also has tiddies in most episodes
It's impressive how they always manage to shoehorn tiddies into a video game show

>> No.9644879

Given how far behind we are, we're at the last ditch effort stage. The only alternative is falling further behind and never having everything subbed.


>> No.9644885

>Contra 3
Never happening unless Inoko MAX comes back.

>> No.9644892
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, 1603416838855[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Office ladies are cuter.

>> No.9644947
File: 222 KB, 1280x720, 1664182057099[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't remember 3/4 of these

>> No.9644969

Almost all the ADs and APs do work behind the camera rather than play games.
Fat Watanabe is a perfect example of this where she was in charge of scouting TamaGe locations.

>> No.9645031

Black Kirby Watanabe still works on the show? Figured she moved on.

>> No.9645123

The subbers got the name wrong for the one on the right. I remember seeing somewhere that it's definitely Tetsuka.

>> No.9645171

Never heard of this show, but sounds interesting. Might look into it at some point.

>> No.9645250

Anon, there are barely any puzzles in the game, and one of them involves just combing every block in a forest until you find the one that has the right book in it.

>> No.9645270

She's no longer on GasCoin's

>> No.9645280

It's all on youtube, I've watched like 150 episodes so far, it's great. And it's full of historic moments, they did a special where they camped overnight for Dreamcast launch, they go to every TGS, they visit devs all the time, had episodes with Kojima, Shinji Mikami, etc. Also Famitsu's Editor in Chief is a guest in every episode, and he's the president of Enterbrain now so that's weird.

>> No.9645328

what's gascoin?

>> No.9645338

Get out

>> No.9645385

can you butcher a youtube link to a playlist i was looking for this and can't find anything that has episodes and instead developer interviews

>> No.9645395

This channel has all of them I think. There's also Game Catalog 1-2 before GameWave and Game Breaker after GameWave, it all goes on weekly from 94 to 03, haven't seen all of it myself yet.

>> No.9645404

thanks brother

>> No.9646642

>Season 26: Episode 18 (#354) "An SNK fighting game" premieres on Thursday, February 23rd.

There are a lot of these. Maybe one of the King of Fighters?

>> No.9647567

I was thinking Samurai Shodown or Last Blade for some reason.
He's already done Fatal Fury at least.

>> No.9647623

It's probably going to be the first installment in a series, so... gonna guess either Art of Fighting, World Heroes, Samurai Shodown or King of Fighters 94

>> No.9648180

Woah.... I was thinking they should do another SNK fighting game. It will probably be one of the King of Fighter Saturn ports, or Garou Mark of the Wolves for Dreamcast.

I hope to god their SFC fetish doesn't extend here and they play some godawful SFC port.

>> No.9648229

I can't imagine they would. Fingers crossed it's on a NeoGeo (or whatever later console it was for).

>> No.9648270

I'm incredulous at the idea that a TV show that's been running for 20 years wouldn't be able to collaborate with a collector to provide a Neo Geo console and cart for a few days. Haven't they already done that with some rare carts, like Castlevania Bloodlines/Vampire Killer?

>> No.9648297

They have a fetish for FC and SFC ports because those consoles make up the majority of retro video game nostalgia in Japan. However, they used a Neo Geo for Fatal Fury Final Bout when they challenged it like 15 years ago. So my guess is that it'll be either the Neo Geo or Saturn versions, since those are arcade accurate.

If they ever do Metal Gear, it's likely it'll be the FC port and not the MSX version. They could easily get it to run in the PS2 MGS3: Subsistance version, but probably won't.

>> No.9648338

Neo Geo was huge in Japan, they'll definitely go with that.

>> No.9648342

I think they just now watched the episode and saw the hint. They changed it slightly in the paste.

>Season 26: Episode 18 (#354) "That SNK fighting game" premieres on Thursday, February 23rd.

"That" makes me think it's something very notable and not obscure. A King of Fighters game seems likely.

>> No.9648353

Might be King of Fighters 98, or one of the most notable King of Fighters.

>> No.9648383
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot.2023-02-10 (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's SNKのあのカクトウゲーム, "A certain SNK fighting game", yeah.

>> No.9648435

I believe the last time they used "that" あの like that in a hint was for Portopia Renzoku Satsujin Jiken, so it probably is something groundbreaking or famous.

>> No.9648440

Yeah, that's literally what the word means. "Not just some random SNK fighter, a very specific one"

>> No.9648532
File: 294 KB, 1280x1851, 20200627014329[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's not that many huge SNK fighters.

>> No.9648669

Yeah, I'd say it's either that or the first installment in one of their bigger series.

>> No.9648782

It'd be fun if they let Arino try both a heavily compromised version and an arcade faithful port for comparison, like in the Space Harrier episode.

>> No.9648857

> KoF94
> arino has to learn 3 characters
> and beat rugal
I don't think he's beating this one

>> No.9648862

KoF94 has premade teams, so there's not that much experimentation, and he can always use something like the AoF team where all three characters play very similarly.

>> No.9649015

They should have him play Waku Waku 7

>> No.9650238

I guess they could do an oddball choice, but I think probably not this time.

>> No.9650456

As >>9648440 says, the hint says it's going to be something iconic, not something oddball.

>> No.9651134

I just noticed he stops eating the squid snacks around 2014 or so.

Or is it sooner?

>> No.9651209

I think he still eats them. IIRC he was told to cut down because of the very high salt content.

>> No.9651652

>I'm incredulous at the idea that a TV show that's been running for 20 years wouldn't be able to collaborate with a collector to provide a Neo Geo console and cart for a few days. Haven't they already done that with some rare carts, like Castlevania Bloodlines/Vampire Killer?

They have deals where they buy and rent games from local retro game dealers like Super Potato. Certain games are too high priced to justify them actually purchasing it - I'm talking games in the 1100 range - so they borrow them and then return them. The cheaper games they then give away to fans who enter their little post episode contest.

I want them to do Magical Pop'n, which is one of the rarest SFC carts. Price range in the 1000 for a complete good condition box, manual, and cart.

>> No.9652059
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>> No.9652946

Didn't expect much from Wing of Madoola but man what a great episode

>> No.9653209

Tomb Raider