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File: 85 KB, 1200x628, yume-nikki-header.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9623354 No.9623354 [Reply] [Original]


somehow Toby Fox of all people managed to reach Kikiyama for an interview, what does /vr/ think?

>> No.9623607 [DELETED] 

WTF KIKYAMA INTERVIEW (posting before reading)

not retro btw, came out 2004

>> No.9623639 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself. >>6775606

>> No.9623821

>Toby Fox of all people
You mean one of the most popular indie developers in Japan?

>> No.9624561 [DELETED] 

>Undertale is now one of the most renowned indie titles in Japan
I guess japs having good taste is a thing of the past now.

>> No.9624572 [DELETED] 

I'm sick of hearing about Toby Fox.
Like, really sick of it.

>> No.9624576

>only yes or no questions
why am I not surprised

>> No.9624595 [DELETED] 

>not retro btw, came out 2004
there was a thread for a wii game that came out in 2009 up for days, and jannies instead of deleting the thread kept deleting the posts that pointed it out, this board is just slower /v/ at this point

>> No.9624609 [DELETED] 

BUT IT'S A REMAKE OF A GAMEBOY GAME... even though it shares nothing in common with it lmao

>> No.9624657 [DELETED] 

yume nikki is retro by board rules cope and seethe

>> No.9624668 [DELETED] 

>Like, really sick of it.

I'm...LIKE, really sick of people talking like faggots

>> No.9624675 [DELETED] 

Stop squabbling over extraneous nonsense.
The story should be "Yume Nikki creator answers questions" but instead it's "Toby Fox, that's right, TOBY FOX, does the impossible."
... FUCK OFF. Homestuck was an abomination that never ended. This is the worst fandom I've ever seen in my life. They literally never stop fellating, and every errant thought is treated like secret genius. Stop fucking worshipping people in general.

>> No.9624680 [DELETED] 

sure. but even if it wasn't they are allowing actual non retro games to be discussed

>> No.9624682 [DELETED] 

Bad reply. Not witty.

>> No.9624695 [DELETED] 

not related to this thread fuck off

>> No.9624696
File: 649 KB, 1280x960, are you winning son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rice Casserole with 3 Types of Cheese & Shrimp

>> No.9624697 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry I'm derailing your e-celeb thread

>> No.9624702 [DELETED] 

i'm sorry that your father left you at a young age

>> No.9624705 [DELETED] 

if that were the case I'd probably be making faggot e-celeb worship threads in 4chan

>> No.9624718

>Only answers yes or no
Awful interview.

>> No.9624730

No kidding,the only interesting piece of info was that Yume Nikki was influenced by LSD
You're both spergs, no i will not elaborate.

>> No.9624738

It's possible kikiyama wasn't capable of answering more, they seem to have some really extreme agoraphobia from everything i've seen about them.

>> No.9624750


>> No.9624924

Holy shit, nice. Why in the fuck hasn't he asked the most important question besides the Osamu Sato influence one: does he like Mother?

>> No.9624953

>does he like Mother?
He modeled the 8-bit world after Mother 1, what do you fucking think?

>> No.9624978
File: 14 KB, 665x547, Kikiyama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I think I found a picture of Kikiyama...

>> No.9624984

Doesn't look like an interview and the questions are too vague to actually conclude something. At least we can confirm that he's alive.

>> No.9625001

>of all people
quirky earthbound inspired RPG developers are a clique

>> No.9625007

I have agoraphobia. It fucking sucks. Yume Nikki was a great game about it

>> No.9625052

Besides the Toby Fox faggotry, I'm glad that Kikiemer's alive and doing well; I wonder what he does nowadays.

>> No.9625068 [DELETED] 

I don't really understand why people are mad at the mere mention of Toby, I'm more interested in the interview content. Yeah it's just yes/no questions but a few of them are interesting, mainly that its confirmed that the game was not even close to finished. I wonder what else kikiyama was planning and why they dropped it. Interesting 0.10 is the only patch that doesn't have any official notes on the website.


>> No.9625069 [DELETED] 

Not a particularly informative or interesting interview, lmao. It's just Toby Fox trying to ask detailed questions, with Kiriyama only giving brief affirmation or denial, providing zero insight or elaboration.
I'm sure he was hoping for a better engagement, but Kiriyama seems way too buttoned up to do any kind of interview with anyone. Maybe he could be convinced to try to write some stuff on his own terms, but it seems unlikely.

I virtually never hear about him.

He barely answers the questions, lol. It's not very well worth reading, beyond the veritable stonewalling being funny.

>> No.9625082 [DELETED] 

this is peak autism I don't care about Toby outside of guy who made undertale, its important to mention who's writing the questions since he's also notable and its significant that Toby Fox is the only person Kikiyama has ever been reported to respond to a contact to other than the people who made the 2018 game.

>> No.9625086 [DELETED] 

"So that's why I decided to put some voluntary restrictions on my questions. First of all the questions can't be about the game's content. Second of all they can only be answered with yes or no. Lastly, Kikiyama gets to pick how many questions there are."

Can you people not read? It seems like it was intentionally set up to be that way its not stonewalling.

>> No.9625143 [DELETED] 

>I don't really understand why people are mad at the mere mention of Toby
Have you experienced a SHORTAGE of them somehow?
How do you need this explained to you?
He's treated like he shits platinum bars.

>> No.9625145 [DELETED] 

>this is peak autism
No, peak autism is homestuck, its fanbase, and its spiritual successor fanbase who never shut the fuck up.

>> No.9625159 [DELETED] 

you're the only one not shutting the fuck up, this thread is about yume nikki not toby fox, stop having an autistic meltdown

>> No.9625163 [DELETED] 

Shitty retort. Really boilerplate. Try again, middleschooler.

>> No.9625167

>ITT: People fighting over the (n+1)th fake Kikiyama interview

>> No.9625291

Is there any confirmation that it's really Kikiyama? And if it is, why would you "restrict yourself" and make the person who made one of the most popular games of the early internet give simple Yes or No answers? What? For some reason, it feels like the person doing the interview wanted to be artsy or somehow different. I wonder why the worst-suited people sometimes manage to get a hold of interesting opportunities and proceed to shit all over them for no particular reason.

>> No.9625383 [DELETED] 
File: 5 KB, 219x230, 1674433934959237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you wanna answer questions?
Seems to me that Kikiyama is one of the few people who understand what art should be.
Along with Yoko Taro and Paru Itagaki to some extent.
Why does everyone wanna SEE and HEAR these people. Experiencing their work isn't enough for you?

>> No.9625416 [DELETED] 

lol you speak like a chuuni faggot.

>> No.9625428 [DELETED] 

And you speak like a very common person.
That's worse, btw. That will always be worse.

>> No.9625431 [DELETED] 

psssh...nothin personnel...kid...

>> No.9625445

> It seems like it was intentionally set up to be that
Which is really fucking insipid of him. He gets a rare chance to interview a reclusive indie dev, and instead of asking questions and actually getting some interesting responses, he goes out of his way to do THIS bullshit? I clicked the link to read about Kikiyama's actual answers and thoughts, but he is essentially just being used as an accessory to Toby's autistic splurging.

I'm not fucking interested in Toby's thoughts about Yume Nikki, he's a fan like any other, there's almost two decades of fans wondering about this game which I can go out of my way to unearth, but I don't, because I was hoping to hear some actual thoughts and statements about it from its mysterious author.
If I wanna hear Toby Fox's thoughts on something, it's gonna be about shit HE made.

>> No.9625465

>there's almost two decades of fans wondering about this game which I can go out of my way to unearth, but I don't, because I was hoping to hear some actual thoughts and statements about it from its mysterious author.
Do people not realize that this is exactly what such an author would hope to hang onto?
Once you lose it you cannot get it back.

Do people remember when Nintendo accidentally let it slip "Oh, yeah. We don't really have a solid Zelda timeline anywhere. We just sorta... wing it."
They tried to backpedal it a few days later but it was too late.
And that shit sucks.

>> No.9625489 [DELETED] 

Yes, actually, because I was unimpressed about Undertale, so I basically never interact with that fandom, nor do I interact with the Earthbound fandom short of occasionally taking part in threads here. I play very few JRPGs or indie games, and I've been mostly avoiding /v/ since like, 2009 or so.

Your experiences are obviously different, but in my own, Toby Fox and Undertale don't exactly come up a lot in conversations about Castlevania, Quake, Puyo Puyo, Elder Scrolls, Baldur's Gate, Sim City, Starcraft, Duke Nukem, Resident Evil, Wario, Diablo, Pokémon, or Harvest Moon. Particularly not if you primarily delve in conversations about the older entries and seldom, if ever, look at newer games and the conversations there.
I probably haven't seen his name brought up even a hundred times in my entire life.

>> No.9625505 [DELETED] 

i only know about toby fox because the internet wont stop talking about him. quit reminding me about his game i didn't play.

>> No.9625506 [DELETED] 

I seriously still don't know what 'Homestuck' is. Only that it had a weird obsessed fanbase.

>> No.9625524

>Once you lose it you cannot get it back.
I didn't expect him to deconstruct and explain every single idea in detail, I was more hoping to hear about some of his inspirations and maybe some short answers about intents and goals for at least a few things. You can explain or clarify some smaller parts about a work without unraveling the entire thing.

>Do people remember when Nintendo accidentally let it slip "Oh, yeah. We don't really have a solid Zelda timeline anywhere. We just sorta... wing it."
I don't, because, for one, I only ever cared about the 2D ones, and for another this was patently obvious incredibly early on. Continuity and cannon always came across as a very tenuous and vague thing for the Zelda series at best.
Certainly some people are greatly invested in it, but I personally never found the story or mythology all that interesting short for the Game Boy games, where it still isn't earth shattering to me.

>And that shit sucks.
I'm sorry for your sake, really, but I don't see the big deal about Nintendo admitting to what always seemed like a foregone conclusion, even the James Bond movies have stronger continuity and cannon than the Zelda series.

>> No.9625528 [DELETED] 

>I seriously still don't know what 'Homestuck' is
I envy every cell in your body.

>> No.9625546 [DELETED] 

It was some popular internet comic and the author was a slut who hates their fans or something, I don't really recall. The fanbase is/was supposedly extremely prominent and very autistic and annoying.
Again, might depend on where you went, I used Tumblr between like 2012 to 2018, and I just almost never saw that shit, even though this was supposedly one of their dens. Maybe it was worse on /co/ or something.

Take it from me, it's nothing special, so don't ever feel like it may one day be worth it and give in.

>> No.9625571 [DELETED] 

I dunno how you avoided it because it polluted so many search results, no matter how unrelated.

>> No.9625583 [DELETED] 

You're being dishonest. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and give you a sincere response because it's possible that you aren't doing it on purpose. When someone produces a work of art that is so fascinating, distinctive, and enigmatic that it defines an entire "genre" and motivates and inspires so many others. It stands to reason that people would be interested in the opinions and views of the creator, who essentially deleted himself from the internet. This isn't rocket science.

>> No.9625586
File: 663 KB, 1434x645, 1608492039502b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a foregone conclusion
Dude. Broski. Muchacho. Aniki.
You really find it that unlikely that they had some ultra-nerd Grand Autist somewhere in Nintendo with pushpins and strings on corkboard weaving an elaborate tapestry of Zelda continuity that the other guys consulted with to avoid continuity landmines?

There's nothing foregone about something like that. There very well might've been some master plan shaman whose sole job it was to tune with the obsessives. Obsessives are CASHFARMS.

>> No.9625606 [DELETED] 

>You're being dishonest
Shut up goober.

>> No.9625614 [DELETED] 

>Why would you wanna answer questions?
Because the answers could be fucking interesting?

>Seems to me that Kikiyama is one of the few people who understand what art should be.
I get wanting a mysterious work, but sometimes it's actually interesting to hear an author talk some about it. Again, you don't need to unravel everything just to give some insight.
I'll set aside that your statement comes off as ludicrously pretentious.

Games can certainly transcend their authors, but that doesn't have to mean the author's ideas and intents completely stop being relevant.

>Why does everyone wanna SEE and HEAR these people.
"Why do people want to hear the thoughts and ideas of interesting authors who put aspects of themselves into the celebrated works they created?"

>Experiencing their work isn't enough for you?
People are different, you seem interested only in your own interpretation of a work in a vacuum, with a complete disinterest in the author or how they were colored by their own experiences and how that affected what they were looking to do.
I mean that more in general, Yume Nikki is obviously intended to be pretty vague and probably left to the player's interpretation, but that doesn't preclude the author from being interesting.

>> No.9625620 [DELETED] 

He's got you dead to rights.

>> No.9625657 [DELETED] 

I wouldn't know, I don't read from or give unnecessary oxygen to people who call me dishonest. :^) I mean what I say, simple as.

>> No.9625663 [DELETED] 

>Because the answers could be fucking interesting?
Infinite pondering is more interesting.

>> No.9625721

>You really find it that unlikely that they had some ultra-nerd Grand Autist somewhere in Nintendo with pushpins and strings on corkboard weaving an elaborate tapestry of Zelda continuity that the other guys consulted with to avoid continuity landmines?
Considering the series is like 90% self-contained stories which virtually never connect with previous or future installments, and which largely rethread the same ground over and over, including story beats, as if those didn't actually matter very much to begin with and the narrative was an afterthought, yes.

>There's nothing foregone about something like that. There very well might've been some master plan shaman whose sole job it was to tune with the obsessives.
I really don't know what to tell you, I get finding the mythology appealing, but this is a series where most of the games adhere to a standard plot with precious little continuity with other entries, nor much diverting from the same core ideas.
The story almost always felt blatantly interchangeable and disposable, with little overarching stuff, with no proper progression, like Super Mario, but it doesn't matter because the gameplay itself is the interesting part.

>> No.9625751 [DELETED] 

Douche chills.

>> No.9625762 [DELETED] 

So you were being a retard and talking out of your ass on purpose. Gotcha.

>> No.9625779 [DELETED] 

Yeah but I'm right, so, shit in your hat.

>> No.9625780 [DELETED] 

A subjective statement. If you look at something like Lost, that was a TV show with a lot of mystery and intrigue, but it had this problem where new ideas and concepts were constantly introduced, but previous ones were virtually never resolved.

It turns out the showrunners were just making things up as they went, and they had no actual plan, so the vast majority of all questions the audience had turns out to never have had any answers of any kind, secret or not, and that it's essentially years of improvised red herrings. If these things people wondered about turns out to not have had any answers, nor really any intent ot substance beyond just briefly mystifying the audience, then they essentially were completely pointless to the story. Even if it had never been revealed that the writers were just fucking around, this wouldn't have made things much better, because that still leaves you with all these heaps of garbage which have zero or close to zero bearing on the story or its conclusion, it's all filler, and a very shameless kind.

The Zelda games are mostly an endlessly recycled excuse plot where they wing it as they go each time, but that isn't a problem because you play the Zelda games to go on adventures, the gameplay is the meat of the games, appropriately. The incredibly unsurprising revelation that there's no overarching plan for the series in terms of story doesn't hurt what the games are.

>> No.9625803 [DELETED] 

You're a pretentious faggot in love with your own thoughts.

>> No.9625812 [DELETED] 

Still right. Shit in your hat.

>> No.9625837

>There's nothing foregone about something like that.
Let's take a look at Resident Evil for a second.

The first game is a murder mystery in a big and weird mansion overrun with zombies and monsters, you need to find out who's the traitor, and then save who you can and get out. Second game, there's now an outright outbreak of zombies and monsters in the city, you're barricaded in big police precinct which used to be a bizarre art gallery, and you need to root out the traitors and save who you can. With the third game, the situation in the city is untenable and those who survived have to flee before the place gets bombed flat to contain the outbreak.
The fourth game goes onto its own story, which has some separation from the earlier titles, but there's a running plot thread from the previous ones which ties into it, and it's very obviously meant to set up some sort of conclusion for a future entry.

Resident Evil is, overall, not that well written, not that deep, and it's clear that there's barely an idea for where the overarching story was heading. However, the story actually does progress, the first three games are about making your escape, essentially, but throughout this it's also about trying to find some answers and some evidence regarding the Umbrella Corporation, which are responsible, and this ends up being concluded in the fifth game. VERY poorly, even by the standards of a series which wasn't well written and which was fumbling in the dark for an overarching plot, but nonetheless there was one and it was building towards something.

Zelda doesn't. It's a new Link every time, a new worldmap, a new Zelda, and a new Ganon, and Link has to go save Zelda from Ganon. This is always the case, it's practically like most games are a reboot of the last one, there's no overarching anything at all in terms of story, it's always starting over.
There's virtually NEVER been anything to suggest otherwise for Zelda, hence why your disappointment baffles me.

>> No.9626062

I skipped to the end to see your tone.
>There's virtually NEVER been anything to suggest otherwise for Zelda, hence why your disappointment baffles me.
Decided it's not worth reading the rest.
I'm still right.

>> No.9626872

>Toby Fox
Remember when he was called Radiation?

>> No.9626997 [DELETED] 
File: 1.58 MB, 498x371, transformers-megatron.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone, please explain it to me: Why is he so fucking popular? Why does everyone love him? I played through Undertale and every chapter of Deltarune, and they were alright indie games, but everyone worships this guy like he's a god and I feel like I'm missing something incredibly major. He's adored, respected, and beloved like no one else alive -- like no one else I can possibly imagine -- and I don't understand why.

I have to know his secret. Explain it to me in as much detail as possible.

>> No.9627085 [DELETED] 

Seek psychiatric help

>> No.9627165

Of course Toby was able to do that. I mean he's gotten to play Smash Bros with Sakurai himself and got him to put Sans in it.
He shows himself as a pretty shy person but he seems to have a silver tongue when he needs it. Plus it helps that Undertale/Deltarune are *huge* in Japan's gaming sphere.

>> No.9627262 [DELETED] 

You're correct to feel this way.
Everyone else will catch up with you in time.

>> No.9627263 [DELETED] 

>He shows himself as a pretty shy person but he seems to have a silver tongue when he needs it
Uh no no no.
Everyone wants access to his enormous cultish fanbase.
It's a lot of different wallets.
It was the only reason Hussie was put in charge of that weird Namco dating sim back in the day.

>> No.9627275 [DELETED] 

This thread is a shitshow. For the first time in 15+ years they managed to get some words out of Kikiyama but noo. I have never even seen gameplay of Undertale and hardly know anything about Toby Fox aside from the fact that some of his music is in Smash Ultimate apparently but holy fucking shit. A lot of people here outed themselves as complete retards. Like you know when you are in high school and then suddenly a fedora wearing faggot comes up to you and starts explaining why you shouldn't like popular thing. And what's funny about it is that 100% of the time your power level is higher than his and you literally know it but politely wait for him to finish his autistic manifest that makes him feel special

>> No.9627278 [DELETED] 

There's a lot of projection in your post

>> No.9627282

>he seems to have a silver tongue
Ha ha, yeah, no
>Undertale/Deltarune are *huge* in Japan's gaming sphere.

>> No.9627412

>It's a new Link every time
Not always, though. Some games like Link's Awakening are direct sequels.

>> No.9627428

>called Radiation
>causes cancer

>> No.9628348 [DELETED] 

I went to check what the Japanese think of Undertale and it seems to be just like how it is here in the west: channers absolutely hate it and complain about its popularity with normies all the time, while the normie Undertale fans act obnoxious and put everyone else off.
Here is an example, in this 5ch thread the OP asks if Undertale is any good and the vast majority of the posts says it's trash. I'll translate the first few posts in order without cherrypicking but feel free to check the thread yourself if you don't believe me. You can also easily find lots of threads like this one on Google.


First post (the OP): Is Undertale any good?

Second post: It's the kind of game you play for the atmosphere.

Third post: it's a boring puppet show.

Fourth post: Do the genocide route

Fifth post: Why is something this boring so popular?

>純粋じゃないと楽しめない なんjみたいなひねくれ者には無理
6th post: You gotta be pure to enjoy this game, that's impossible for twisted people like anons.

7th post (he is quoting post no. 5): It's probably only popular with little girls

Then the thread goes on like this for a while. Here is a post that appears later on complaining about obnoxious Undertale fans (they seem to be like this worldwide):

I don't care about the game itself but I hate its fans.

>> No.9628390

>Zelda doesn't. It's a new Link every time, a new worldmap, a new Zelda, and a new Ganon, and Link has to go save Zelda from Ganon. This is always the case, it's practically like most games are a reboot of the last one, there's no overarching anything at all in terms of story, it's always starting over.
>There's virtually NEVER been anything to suggest otherwise for Zelda, hence why your disappointment baffles me.

Up through Wind Waker/TP there's a lot of elements int he main games that tease a linked narrative. We know LoZ/AoL take place at a time where a past Zelda existed, and there are multiple Zeldas thanks to the manual. Then in LTTP, we know it takes place before the first two games. In OoT, we see the sages have names that tie into town names in AoL, which implies a tie there. We see the OoT link as a staue in Windwaker, and the whole story of Ganon returning and winning seemed to tie into Link disappearing in MM to another world.
So I don't see what's so unbelievable about people thinking there was some grand plan.

>> No.9628393

>He gets a rare chance to interview a reclusive indie dev, and instead of asking questions and actually getting some interesting responses, he goes out of his way to do THIS bullshit?

>> No.9628830 [DELETED] 

It's okay to have shit test, faggie. Don't worry.

>> No.9628840

this makes a lot of people mad because they don't want admit that there was a very loose idea of the timeline that zelda developers just didn't put much thought into, even when games like four swords adventures and the oracle games explicitly go out of their way to tie themselves to others. it has to either be all or nothing

>> No.9628847 [DELETED] 

>japs having good taste is a thing of the past
The far past, at this point.

>> No.9628852

This, anyone who grew alongside Zelda knows that the fans forced the timeline meme for YEARS before Nintendo obliged them, and I still don't understand why they did.

>> No.9628878 [DELETED] 
File: 606 KB, 870x644, 1610035856601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6th post hits close to home

>> No.9628979

I do, yeah. Doesn’t even feel like it was that long ago.

>> No.9629161

There's something incredibly cringe about Toby Fox's Japanese translated back into English.