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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9624547 No.9624547 [Reply] [Original]

>Game about going fast
>Second world already forces you to go slow
What did they mean with this?

>> No.9624552

sonic was never fast. screen scrolls about the same speed as a mario game. the "fast" moments where you go through loops and stuff are essentially on rails set pieces where there is no actual danger or input required other than holding right.

>> No.9624557

Sonic was never good.

>> No.9624560

People keep forgetting that Sonic was about TWO things. Speed was half the game, the other half was your ability to curl up in a ball. Marble Zone's all about that second part, with breakable floors and that caterpiller robot that you have to roll into instead of jumping on.

>> No.9624568

Fucking truth.

Sonic was always shit. Only loser virgins owned a segabox.

>> No.9624570

>game about going fast
It's about being able to go fast while platforming.

>> No.9624578

>actually riding the block
Jump across the platforms, retard

>> No.9624591

The whole premise of the level is that it resembles a spoky mansion filled with traps, which is a fun change of pace to me. Problem is, the rest of the levels in this game are as slow or even worse and are only carried by music.

>> No.9624641

sonic is a long game. Clearly they forgot that the premise of the game was to go fast while developing it. If you were making a game that long you would probably forget too, i know i would

>> No.9624652 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9624659
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>Second world already forces you to go slow
lmao git gud faggot

>> No.9624665

Poorfag detected

>> No.9624679

Delete this you piece of poop

>> No.9624714

>dude just memorize everything offscreen lmao

>> No.9624739

Which TAS is this

>> No.9624746


Gid gud using momentum to skip lava block rides, lol

Case in point >>9624659

>> No.9624846

gotta admit that was nice, but after finishing the 3 main sonics, I'm with the "sonic was always shitty" bros, no offense

>> No.9624857

Sonic 2 and 3 were pretty good, but yeah Sonic's popularity had nothing to do with the quality of his games.

>> No.9624942

none taken, sonic is just too hard for modern audiences

>> No.9624949

only where you would normally push the block into lava are you jumping for an offscreen platform. you're dumb as fuck.

>> No.9624952

>>dude just memorize
it's a video game yes

>> No.9624954

He said he finished the games though

>> No.9624960

The beauty of the ring system is they allow you to beat the game even if it's way too hard for you and you're getting hit every five seconds. You can play like complete and utter garbage and never improve your skills even one iota, but you still get to feel like you beat the game.

>> No.9625036
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They meant to make an actually good game. It was never only about the speed.

>> No.9625065

>They meant to make an actually good game
they failed at that too

>> No.9625073

its not 1991 anymore anon. nobody wants to replay a shitty platformer over and over to memorize the levels in order to go le fast for no reason.

>> No.9625081

They thought it wouldn't be wise to have a game full of just speed - not only was that a part of US marketing only, but also playtesters were finding the speed so sickening that Green Hill had to be toned down. With this, they decided that the game should switch between fast zones and slow zones. They did intend the players to find ways to gain speed in any zone, as, for example, there are barely any sections where pushing blocks is actually required to proceed in Marble, and in Act 3, there's a large shortcut with rewards for finding it, but it's obvious that the pacing and design of Marble, Labyrinth and Scrap Brain are different from Green Hill, Spring Yard and Starlight.

>> No.9625087

The beauty of the ring system is it allows you to design a game full of cheap shots and shit you couldn't see coming and you still can't lose.

>> No.9625091

t. filtered casual

>> No.9625212

>having Alzheimer
sad bro

>> No.9625215

everyone has the right to have an opinion

>> No.9625216

You suck at a game for babies

>> No.9625386

Yeah that's literally how getting good at video games works, faggot. You learn a level layout, you learn boss's moveset, you learn game mechanics, etc.

>> No.9625389

I don't think you can get more casual than Sonic games.

>> No.9625750

going fast was a marketing thing more than a design thing. The game is more designed off of pinball than off of racing cars. Sometimes the ball moves quickly, other times the ball moves in a tricky way that must be mastered through practice and focus. That's why momentum is more important than speed. If you just make a sonic game with nothing but speed, you get the boost games.

As for complaints of repetition, it's an arcade game with levels designed in 1991. It's a home console from one of the biggest arcade devs and one that routinely designed games around practice and memorization being key toward being able to beat a game or to get a high score. What did you expect to be doing in this game? Idiots act like having to remember something about the game or having to practice the layouts makes it inherently bad. Next you'll complain about having to remember the controls too. If anything, you should be happy; Sonic is by far one of the easiest games Sega ever put out. It would be sad to see you try and beat games like Space Harrier on Hardest or Streets of Rage 2 on Mania. Those games have baby modes on them too, but recognize that their baby mode is basically the same as Sonic's difficulty, only sonic doesn't have adjustable settings so you're always stuck on Infantile.

>> No.9625868

the music was

>> No.9625887

"The game is about going fast" was something the marketers came up with after the game was already done, so the game wasn't actually designed with this mindset.

>> No.9625894

Shitty advertisement. It's the same as Dark Souls being the hardest game
Sonic is a good platformer but the "fastest hedgehog" thing is a meme

>> No.9625926

Hey, we've never had this thread before....

>> No.9625948

>cheap shots and shit you couldn't see coming
sonic is not too hard. that is what you are saying.

>> No.9625953

Sonic 1, 2 and CD are the only good Sonic games.

>> No.9625956

>Sonic was never good.
Only true when, and if may be so forward, the franchise's made an arduous tranysition to the third dimension.

>> No.9625984

>i have to be good at everything without any effort on my first try! reeeeeeeee!!!

>> No.9625992

In a good game, you can be good at everything with lots of effort and skill on the first try.

>> No.9626007

you can be good at sonic on the first try with effort and skill. the game is not so fast that you can't react to it. just turn into a ball when an enemy shows up onscreen and you will kill them while still going fast. it's not rocket science and something you are taught in the first level of sonic 1.

>> No.9626012

The webms in this thread constantly show platforming between platforms that aren't even visible when you jump. No amount of skill will make you capable of that, only memorization.

>> No.9626026

This. It was marketed as a fast game but in reality was even slower (and with more secrets) than Mario. It was also a forced mascot from day one and not organically grown.
Then here comes the 3d era and everything went even more off a bridge because the fans wanted a game like the old ones, even if none was ever good.
You wanna know a good sonic game? The platform fighter for gba with the brass robot.

>> No.9626027

that's speedrun shit. you just ride the platform when playing the game normally and you'll still get a good score on the level as long as you hold onto your rings.

mario speedrunning forces you to jump to platforms you can't see either. see any stage about riding lifts through the sky.

>> No.9626028

If you do that the game isn't fun to play. If you do that you spend most of the level standing around. Most platformers don't require speedrunning to be enjoyable.

>> No.9626031

>Most platformers don't require speedrunning to be enjoyable.
considering you ignored what i said about mario, it seems like you're talking out of your ass here. Mario requires you to stand around on platforms as they move about unless you have the levels memorized.

>> No.9626050

Sonic was not about going fast all the time.
Going fast was for mastering the level design and finding the more rewarding routes. If you look at the levels, most of them have multi paths, usually the lower path is the noob path, and the higher paths are the get good paths, that require to use the speed, coupled with a good understanding of the game physics, to reach. Those are usually full of rings, 1ups and other p-ups.

And then there is curling into a ball, which as already stated, Marble zone is about. But Marble Zone is also a way to teach the player the physics, you have to understand how it works slow before you can take it fast.

At least that's what OP's mom says.

>> No.9626051
File: 4 KB, 256x224, Cheese_Bridge_Area.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen people on this board shitting on SMW for sections where you have to wait to be able to progress.
Even so, with a more mobile character and more obstacles while riding the platform, they're still more engaging than Marble Zone.

>> No.9626095

I finished the games 15 years ago tho, 2 is my favorite

>> No.9626123

Not gonna lie, this does kind of make me wanna git gud at sanic. I love being able to zoom through levels in Mario 1 and 3 through sheer momentum.

>> No.9626145

>It was never about being fast
>Peoples memory from 30+ Years ago is shit

>> No.9626156

sounds like a game that didn't try to challenge the player nor the boundaries of gaming itself. In other words, your preferred game is either a toothless endeavor or a tired also-ran. How impressively uninspired you must be to only want effortless enjoyment or more of the same. Maybe you're one of those journalists who cries about how life is too hard and how they don't need games to be hard too. Difficult to say, but from here it's difficult to not look upon your opinion of game quality and to find it wanting.

>> No.9626172

No you can't. If the game has any semblance of difficulty then you will die, regardless of what games you've completed in your life.

>> No.9626360

You don't like exploration?

>> No.9626380

That since the beginning they should have created two game modes: one Time Attack and the other one explorative, without the time limit (that is lame and stupid).

>> No.9626465

>Game about going fast
Sonic is fast, but Sonic is not a game about going fast. That's just what Sega of America's marketing team said. The changed a of the canon and marketing and everything because they didn't even like it.

>> No.9626593

>images you can hear

>> No.9626716

Sega of America said it was about going fast after they saw a tech demo of the first level. Sega of Japan and the development team never said that. At this point in time Sega of America was just a marketing firm and they really had no idea what they were talking about. They fought with Sega of Japan a lot about Sonic and changed basically everything they could.
Similarly, Sega of America also said Sonic is the fastest thing alive. Meanwhile Sega of Japan literally made all of Sonic's friends run fast like Sonic.

>> No.9626718

Blast processing was always a gimmick. The best Sonic levels were ones where you went slow.

>> No.9626725

going fast isn't the basic gameplay, it's the reward for being a good player.

>> No.9626751
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Sonic isn't about going fast, it's about a man who wants to go fast but the world is holding him back

>> No.9626762

>the chad Eggman
>knows his opponent's speed is their strength so puts a complex series of underwater labyrinths, volcanoes, awkwardly-shaped mountains and anything else that might slow them down between him and his enemy

>the virgin Robotnik
>puts boost pads, grind rails, and artisanal loop-de-loops in the middle of mundane areas so that your enemies can have more fun when catching up to you

>> No.9627096

You’re retarded if you think that random ass level design is better than 3 or Knuckles

>> No.9628339

Sonic was fucking AMAZING in 1992. Even better when 2 came out and you could play co-op. Sadly, that's where the series peaked and the only title in the franchise worth spending more than 5 minutes on today

>> No.9628554

CD has better landmarks and an easier to follow good route through any of it's stages than almost anything in 3&K, but both are great games

>> No.9628662

Yeah unless it's Labyrinth Zone 3 or the entirety of Scrap Brain, fuck that shit. Not even the ring system helps. The first two Sonic games are hard because they make you work for dem continues. But to earn them you have to be good enough to reach the end of the level with 50+ rings AND collect enough rings in the bonus stage. Run out of them and it's back to the title screen. Sonic 1 is not balls to the wall hard like Castlevania 3 or Ninja Gaiden but it's far from being an easy game despite what most people say

>> No.9628782

>have to wait
you don't have to
you have the cap in the pic, use it dumdum

>> No.9628783

cape, fuck autocorrect

>> No.9628806

Git gud and stop nitpicking a few sections of Marble Zone, spindashbabby of X-mas '92

>> No.9628824

If you have to play a level 10 times for it to be fun, the game is poor.

>> No.9628930

And yet Sega of America is the only reason Sonic was ever popular. Japan rightfully never gave a fuck about the IP.

>> No.9629084

The jp manual shows otherwise

>> No.9629093

This post filtered millions

>> No.9629125
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>> No.9629209


It's going the same speed off those too. Genesis was actually faster than other consoles at that time because they used less colors