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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 350 KB, 1226x1152, s-l1600 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9588703 No.9588703 [Reply] [Original]

do you guys still play your old games on CRT TV's or CRT Monitors?

>> No.9588752


>> No.9588767


>> No.9588778


>> No.9588780
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I don't know

>> No.9588782
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>> No.9588792

Ive never even bought a flatscreen. The 3 i do own were trash night finds and a 2000s vizio my grandmother had gotten to replace her 90s rear projection set.

>> No.9588807
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I purchased my CRT(s) back in 2004 and I've never purchased another television since.
I don't play video games on desktop or laptop computers.

>> No.9588865

I have a Phillips I got from an unknowing neighbor, but haven't gotten cables yet. Lazy.

>> No.9588898

is 480i or 480p better for older games?

>> No.9588902

I'd love to get a CRT with a VHS built in. I have a small space, so 2-in1 tech is always high on my priority list.

>> No.9588913
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I boot up my SNK collection on my PS2 and pretend I was a rich kid in the 90's

>> No.9588919

monitors typically are much more degraded than the tvs, can be hard to find one that doesn't suffer from bad phosphor decay.

>> No.9588928

I'd like to get a CRT computer monitor some day, but I haven't seen them out in the wild since thrift stores stopped taking them.

>> No.9588931

no and it wasnt that long ago that I stopped using them either. I played oblivion on xbox 360 on a 22" dell 4 :3 monitor for a year then I got one of those widescreen sony gdm fw900 monitors for $50 online from some ebay seller in arizona that had hundreds of them. then in like 2009 I got a 42" panasonic plasma and that became my gaming display to this day. sometime around 2015 I replaced the fw900 with 24" inch dell ultrasharp and have been crt free with no desire to ever own one ever again. I do regret having the city garbage collector take away that fw900. didnt know it was or would be worth something. was just glad to be rid of that back breaking face melter.

>> No.9588940

cool story bro

>> No.9588942

I’ve been messing around with projectors for gaming and it’s not that hard to adjust to the input lag as long as it’s not too bad. Definitely worth it for me and keeps my mind fresh by having to fine tune my playing. Focus

>> No.9588947

That’s cool. Can the Philips read burned discs?

>> No.9588951

anything that isn't a CRT is souless

>> No.9589149

Yeah, just started playing A Link to the Past on my 27" Sony Trinitron ProFeel CRT a couple days ago with 240p output thanks to Wii emulation.

>> No.9589176

thanks fren feel free to copy paste it

>> No.9589226

I have that Toshiba too! :D

>> No.9589258

There are less than a handful of people on /vr/ whose first display was a CRT

>> No.9589840
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I would, if I had one. All I have is a 6 inches novelty crap. Sure, it's brand new, color and contrasts are good for what it is, but not really playable save for quick tests.

>> No.9589864
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>> No.9589882
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The last "modern" game I tried to play on a Panasonic Quintrix 32" HD Crt (it could output up to 1080i) was Red Dead Redemption on the PS3; but the problem was that the small text in-game was almost impossible to read. Maybe it was something to do with the component output?

>> No.9589953

component can only do 480p so yeah that's why

>> No.9590062


>> No.9590082

Yep, just beat Goldeneye on 00 Agent and playing Radiant Silvergun now

>> No.9590094
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Of course, there isn't any better way.

>> No.9590192

No, Read Dead Redemption text is just fucking terrible, why the fuck AAA games make the text so SMALL

>> No.9590416

The soulless will eat bugs and play on LCD. Whist real humans will continue to use CRTs and hunt long pig.

>> No.9590563
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Yes. Dad's friend gave me some low tier Sharp for free a couple years ago. I love it

>> No.9590592

I play on plasma.

>> No.9590620
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What are the benefits to you for playing on plasma? Doesn't it just look like a colorful lcd?

>> No.9590627

No, it has true blacks and multiple resolutions. Also repairing them is not an option.

>> No.9590872

Are you still stuck on that part?

>> No.9590874

You're fucked once the VCR packs in, better with one connected individually.

>> No.9590875

But seriously no. Fuck that shit.
When the last CRT is dead I will finally be at peace.

>> No.9590881

VHS has no redeeming features. It’s just about okay using a CRT for retro games but how can you pretend those shitty things have any redeeming features. What can you even play that wouldn’t have been out on DVD at the very least. Terrible medium.

>> No.9591017

>he doesn't know

>> No.9591043

Not that guy but, I do know there are sole movies and some weebshit exclusive to VHS and LD but, other than that dunno.

>> No.9591049

Can someone show me a screenshot of a save room in symphony of the night on a crt? And/or a transition hallway

>> No.9591052

Why are you playing that garbage?

>> No.9591061

One of the big ones is the original, unedited versions of Star Wars are still only found on VHS.

>> No.9591067

Doesn't StarWars77 solve that?

>> No.9591152

I don't think they finished the trilogy yet

>> No.9591193

>still play
No. If you still play video games past the age of 12 you are a total loser.

>> No.9591316

On a TV of course.
Got a PVM too but barely use it, some day I want to get an old 2000 PC witha CRT monitor for some nostalgia gaming

>> No.9591329

480p anyday. With 15khz tvs I either play in 240p or with a flicker filter. My preferred way of playing is a gbsc on a vga monitor.

>> No.9591703

>i brag about being retarded

>> No.9591716

>can't experience the best of both worlds because marketing

>> No.9591865

no I would never do that. that's retarded. I plug my old consoles into my OLED screen so they get upscaled and look better.

>> No.9592152

RGB SCART changed my life

>> No.9592537

Plasma is not the best of anything

>> No.9592547
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>> No.9592597

That isn't true at all, component can carry a 1080p signal but it's analog and just isn't as clean a as HDMI's digital signal. The problem with text was likely a low TVL count in the TV, which many consumer sets suffered frm and was a big reason why higher priced sets looked better. Or like another anon stated just exceptionally small text, which it is.

>> No.9592653

>low TVL count
I've read somewhere that those HD CRTs rarely exceeded half of the horizontal resolution of 1080i, so that's a probability.

>> No.9593772

Holy based

>> No.9593957

i know there is at least one scan of a 35mm theatrical release of star wars, not sure about the others, but the only reason we have the holiday special is because at least one person recorded the broadcast, maybe on vhs

>> No.9594069

i have 9 crts

>> No.9594089

i watch movies almost exclusively on vhs. i like the aesthetic. if your entire opinion and appreciation of media comes down to "higher number better" then you're kind of boring and stupid, and you should probably just go hang out on /r/pcmasterrace

>> No.9594102

On occasions.
Right now is finding some decent converters/scalers for stuff like my mini or newer consoles, not to mention the room for everything

>> No.9594132

480p is better, but I still use 480i for the most part. I mostly use my SSM to play old console games which can only do 480i. If I'm using my old VGA monitor I use 480p.

>> No.9594145

My mom gave me a cheap projector for Christmas and I've had fun playing stuff on it too. Mine is surprisingly responsive; never really noticed much input lag.

>> No.9594148

I agree with this guy. I played RDR over HDMI and genuinely had to squint to read some of the text when playing at a reasonable distance from the TV.

>> No.9594245


Crts for emulation is stupid when filters exist. Not worth the hassle. But for actual consoles its the best

>> No.9594250

>Crts for emulation is stupid when filters exist.
Extreme levels of filter copium detected

>> No.9594297

Old and new games.
Played War Thunder at 1024x768 this week.

>> No.9594313
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>> No.9594315
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>> No.9594316
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>> No.9594429

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.9594523
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hell yah

>> No.9594593

nice. how many of them see use?

>> No.9594597

Which halo is this

>> No.9594614

>can't not cope because marketing
Top kek kid

>> No.9594851


>> No.9594863

I was gonna beat it today but apparently it doesn't have infinite continues. Fuck that shit. If it wasn't for the terrible platforming with the worst jump in videogames I'd go for it.

>> No.9594904

3 regularly and 2 occasionally

>> No.9594965

You could still probably beat it, it gives you lots of continues (at the very least there's an option for lots of continues) and it's really not that hard, not until you get to the final stage of the second loop anyway. I still haven't beaten the game because of that one.

>> No.9595365

Imagine being so retarded you can't even use a cheat

>> No.9595383

hey Benny...looks like youre on the wrong side of the RIVERR

>> No.9595643
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I bought a 9-inch Ikegami PVM, only supports s-video and has no scanlines to speak of but I love it.

>> No.9595653
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I sure do. My little Philips TV+VHS Combi is marvellous.

>> No.9596753

my tv starts buzzing really loud when there's a lot of bright colors (and sometimes goes further and the image starts flickering) and also it looks like it's experiencing some horizontal blooming / bleeding when i get the logo on screen for example. Anyone has a solution for this?

>> No.9596761

what kind of name is Shin Skazama

>> No.9596830
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>> No.9596864

Turn down the brightness (you may want to turn down the contrast too when you do). The background should be black, yours is very much gray. The ghosting should be gone too.

>> No.9596865

Caps most likely
The loud buzz is the cap vibrating
Might be a good idea to open it up and have it on with one of those bright scenes to easily locate the offending capacitors then mark it and replace later after discharge

>> No.9596872

brightness is at about 50% now, contrast around 30-40 , color about 40-50 and almost no sharpness

>> No.9596879

it is most likely the capacitors, cause when i turn it on it's nice and silent, until i start playing and then it gradually becomes louder, and when it gets really loud it starts to flicker. If i turn it on and off, again, same thing happens.

>> No.9596952 [DELETED] 

CRTs are blurry, heavy, take up too much space, emit radiation that makes you go bald and sterile, can't do HD resolutions, flicker, make annoying high pitched noises, are hard to find, are too expensive, don't have HDMI, have burn-in, and only for autistic trannies.

>> No.9596973 [DELETED] 

there he is
wanna link the misconceptions reddit page again?

>> No.9596985 [DELETED] 

not the hecking hdmi

>> No.9597289 [DELETED] 

but will i have sex in 2023?

>> No.9597381

How else am I supposed to use my light guns?

>> No.9597385

I have a shitty old CRT in my wardrobe. I got it to watch VHS tapes, but I also used it to play my pre-HD consoles for a while. It wasn't really worth the effort. 8bit and 16 bit games look good on it, I guess. Also, it hurts my eyes if I look at it for too long.

>> No.9597392 [DELETED] 
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This guy's posts are one of the many reasons I love CRTs so much.

>> No.9597859

>brightness is at about 50% now
That sounds like too much. I have my Trinitron at 3 ticks out of 24 or so, while keeping contrast around the middle of the scale. There is some really slight black crushing, but I get almost true blacks this way.
Remember that "brightness" is the black level setting, and "contrast" is the actual maximum brightness. This has been mislabeled for decades, confusing people to no end. Fortunately some manufacturers have started to change this naming convention to better reflect what those settings do, like LG with their last year OLED models.
Now, to do this adjustment properly you'll need to sit in a dark room and bring out a brightness test pattern of sorts, for example the color bars in the 240p Test Suite. Then you turn down the brightness all the way and make your way up until the bar nearest to black gets barely visible (is a bit brighter than black). Similarly for the contrast, you want to avoid near-white highlights getting blown out, so you should be able to differentiate the value that's nearest to white from pure white. Realistically, you'll probably have to settle on some sort of compromise between true blacks and a bit of black crush as no display is perfect. But hey, that ghosting should be gone at least.

>> No.9597950
File: 32 KB, 680x606, 06a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>build gbsc, forget jumper
>plug it into pc crt
>crt goes berzerk "117khz 240hz out of range" with green flashes of light
>fix gbs
>now pc monitors makes progressively louder high pitch squeal at 640x480, gone in other resolutions
di...did I fuck up?

>> No.9598045

>fuck up
>ask if you fucked up
lol. why?

>> No.9598059

cheers, i'll try that out later

>> No.9598074

Yeah but did I fuck up enough to where my crt will die?

>> No.9598121

What model is pic rel from?

>> No.9598176

Infinite is good fun

>> No.9598265

Yeah. I got a Commadore 64 monitor I bought off my buddy in the 90s for 10 bucks. Still works.v

>> No.9598324

could be the flyback too.
see if it's still screwed in well.

>> No.9598351

don't be a wimp that thing looks perfectly playable for NES

>> No.9598369

Does it have component?

>> No.9598448

hdmi is sus, what if your tv apply digital processing to analog inputs too?

>> No.9598487
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No. Your CRT will live forever. It will survive the end of the universe.

>> No.9598508

based mummy enjoyer

>> No.9598580 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 933x700, It's a Sony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.

>> No.9598654 [DELETED] 

imagine thinking that crts are the blurry ones. this is a video game board, why are you only looking at static pictures on your monitor?

>> No.9598742
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>> No.9598780
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>> No.9599005 [DELETED] 

imagine thinking that post was note satire

>> No.9599119

Ok now the sound goes away when I tilt the monitor. I made the sound stop but I dont know if I shoukd be worried.

>> No.9599541

Of course. Old games look horrifying on new screens. I’ve never seen a shader making a game look better than it does on a CRT.

>> No.9599620

I got 2:03 on Facility in 007 Goldeneye
finally after all these years

>> No.9599734
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>Philips tubes

>> No.9601164

What is this game?

>> No.9601170

Looks like Rayman

>> No.9602918
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>> No.9602921

based twinfami bro, does your disk drive work? i have changed the belt on mine but cannot get it calibrated spent hours fucking with it

>> No.9602961

No. The whole CRT thing was a big inside joke to fuck with kids trying to fit in but then it got way out of hand.

>> No.9603007

There he is

>> No.9603056

My god damn crt is arcing I'm gonna have to open that bitch up and figure it out before it dies.

>> No.9603617

is there any drawbacks for watching bluerays on a crt instead of dvd

>> No.9603650

Not that they aren't pretty awful on HDTVs too but I'm pretty sure you desperately want to avoid upscaled BD releases, although I don't know how common those are outside of a particular time period of anime.

>> No.9603741


>> No.9603895

Are Trinitrons worth it, no matter what the situation? I found what I think might be a KV-36FV15 model, but when I Google search it, I see some stuff talking about the picture being off, or tilted, and seeing quite a bit of overscan. I'm wondering if this is a common problem with this model, and if it's even worth $300.

>> No.9604094

Holy shit, I pity you American anons. CRTs are free or next to free here and there's a lot of them. Don't pay that.
>I'm wondering if this is a common problem with this model
That totally depends on your particular set. Unless the factory workers were drunk when doing the whole series, lol.

>> No.9604213

480p is obviously better but finding 480p TVs is not as easy as a 480p monitor and at the end of the day, most people played on 480i just fine, so ehy shouldnt you? you could even argue its more authentic if you care about that

>> No.9604216

480p is not better for old games pre-6th-gen

>> No.9604227

Most games pre sixth gen aren’t 480 resolution

>> No.9604228

He is right

>> No.9604289

240p is strictly speaking an implementation of 480i, with a caveat. 480p is nice at least in principle but it's a pretty narrow subset of displays that can do it and handle 240p input timings properly through the same input (Dreamcast and PS2 are the only consoles with both 240p and 480p games, and not a hell of a lot of the former discounting backwards compatibility, and Dreamcast has issues with games and/or resolution modes outright not supporting certain connectors itself, but still) I don't know a lot about the Dreamcast, but PS2 and Gamecube tend to lower color depth for 480p so it's not an absolute upgrade and probably depends on how your display handles each and your personal preference. On an LCD with bad deinterlacing 480p is going to shit on 480i obviously.

>> No.9604298

That’s a long winded way to agree

>> No.9604310

i bought my monitor as i assumed it could do 480p its a studio monitor with 750tvl only does 480i though which sucks kek

>> No.9604315

There are very few multiformat CRT’s

>> No.9604320

yeah it has component which made me think it could do it but doesn't seem to support anything higher than 480i

>> No.9604326

Multiformat would explicitly say that on the front of the monitor usually

>> No.9604685


I still find them for free all over the place, but the second you start asking for them specifically the price skyrockets

>> No.9604697
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>> No.9605186

Rayman for the PS1

>> No.9605228

The problem is that you need to get pretty close to actually see anything, and at that distance, eyes start itching pretty fast even in the lowest brightness setting.

Ironically, it's ideal for nes since it only has composite video inputs.

>> No.9605432
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14" tubes make for handy TATE gaming

>> No.9605509

what version of Datana!! TwinBee has a TATE option? I've only played the x68000 version on mister

>> No.9605636

this was a dumb question

>> No.9605679

This is the only good mega man game.

>> No.9606510

>he doesn't know about D-VHS

Unironically prefer that shit for some movies over the garbage masters that they used for DVDs

>> No.9606628

strap it to your head like a virtual boy

>> No.9606635

I bought one for my gamecube, but after years in storage my gamecube doesnt read discs any more. I hooked it up to my pc, which was a battle in itself, thinking I could use it as an extra monitor, but the resolution makes it hard to read anything and it's only good for movies and emulation snes games. However, the geometry on it is just a little off enough to annoy me since between the pc and the tv there's some slight overscan that is off center.
It works, but I'm keeping my eye out for a crt monitor to replace it with.

>> No.9606725

You know you don’t need to use discs to use a GameCube
A Wii is also a good alternative as I think hooking up to a PC has subpar results unless it’s 31khz

>> No.9606805

I got a crt a few weeks ago from a coworker
its a sony wega
she said she barely used it and bought it right before flat screens came out.

none of the yellow plugs work i can only get YPBR and svideo working. is it worth trying to get it fixed?

>> No.9606826

Are you sure?
Just plug a yellow one into the green, should work fine
But unless you want composite there’s no point

>> No.9606832

i mostly use is for ps1 and n64. i bought an svideo to (yellow)video dongle to use my nes on it. i think i tried that and for NES and it was blk and white

i just thought it was weird 4 rows of video channels and 3 rows of composite the yellow doesnt work

>> No.9606841

Ah, then it might be a NTSC/PAL issue or the svideo to composite dongle might be causing the issue

>> No.9606883
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I need to get an NTSC Super Gameboy. I don't get why Nintendo did not bother with a decent pal version, instead of giving us bad black bars.

A 60hz and rgb mod for the pal snes would be cheaper, but I have given up on learning how to solder.

>> No.9606905

It's odd that the composite is what fails. With pal systems the problem should be the other way around, as Pal Snes and N64 is that rgb scart cables won't work without modifying them or the consoles (it willl look extremely dark, rather than no signal), bur composite video should not be an issue.


Maybe there's a setting on the tv for changing the accepted signal / format?. The 6"crt I posted some days ago has a pal / ntsc selector for the composite input

>> No.9606936

Like I said it could be the adapter
I do know my CRT has an option to switch VHS and SVHS which essentially switches between S-Video and composite, but that’s because it’s Only got SCART inputs, I would think a dedicated input wouldn’t have that issue
Composite comes in black and white when viewed through NTSC and Vice Versa

>> No.9606939

PAL composite rather

>> No.9606941
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>What can you even play that wouldn’t have been out on DVD at the very least.
VHS chads rise up

>> No.9607013

the black bars were just an issue with calibration on my screen i had them on everything, fixed it yesterday as i managed to find a service manual
>A 60hz and rgb mod for the pal snes would be cheaper
just order from japan i got my super fami and super gameboy really cheap using a reshipping service

>> No.9607143
File: 3.89 MB, 4032x3024, 9115BA59-1E45-4FD2-A6FA-2D51C40C8D9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally found good crt in okinawa got this for free but no controller and you can’t change it to video without one… hopefully they I can find a universal remote in this island…

>> No.9607190

Surprisingly big set for Japan and isn’t Sylvania an American company?

>> No.9607197

I wouldn't have thought any nips would still hold on to a big CRT

>> No.9607239
File: 1.60 MB, 3439x1723, 0A41234B-106E-4279-823C-D6897F3B987C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before this I had a shitty JCV also for free. This Sylvania was a fucking pain in ass to find, the only people that still have a crt are other fucking americans stationed here hoarding them. Picture is previous tv.

>> No.9607265

Looks like they have red push and colour contrast is too high, also brightness is a tad too high

>> No.9607310
File: 1.07 MB, 2692x3586, 2CB2A3A3-54D4-49CC-B855-2623B03C49CB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing on a cool old TV is the only way to go. If I had the room, I’d have each console paired with a TV from the same era.

>> No.9607323

Pretty sure most retro games are in the same era

>> No.9607339

>shitty JCV
JVC is an infinitely superior brand to Sylvania, that's probably a great set if you know how to calibrate

>> No.9607362
File: 3.49 MB, 4031x2733, 13646E2D-1F60-44E6-A59F-B7FED5F63B19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah i’m aware but the Sylvania has component and s-video alongside audio output, The JCV only had composite so this is an upgrade for me.

>> No.9607365

technically you don't need to plug audio into the TV at all, but yeah having more inputs definitely improve your options

>> No.9607381

Do you have a hometheater or what? What type of speaker would you even fucking use in a crt nowadays. You either have to place them 20 ft away from the tv or try to find an old pair of speaker that are crt safe.

>> No.9607410

I haven't used my CRT in years, but I still hold onto it.
I just emulate old games on my computer or on my Vita now.

>> No.9607420

Old pc speakers are shielded and usually an improvement over the built in ones. I use a pair of harmon-kardons.

>> No.9607476

I recommend gigaworks speakers if you want quality for a cheap price

>> No.9607893

Play Castlevania on the Sylvania, in a castle

>> No.9607987
File: 1.01 MB, 3072x1536, Akomajou Dracula X68000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need one.

>> No.9608058

>Sony meme.tube emulation

>> No.9608082
File: 3.53 MB, 4096x1536, Final Fantasy IX Beetle PSX HW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9609214
File: 347 KB, 1280x960, F81A625D-3409-4AE9-A177-D016FFA41771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have spoken to soon about this being an upgrade… the image does look better than JCV but there are black spots in the tv. They are not noticeable on the picture but they are in person. Anybody know how to fix them?

>> No.9609225
File: 1.37 MB, 3459x3024, 377thqst2sw41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The 2006 Star Wars DVDs have the Laserdisc transfer on the second bonus disc. Other than that, the only way to watch the "originals" is fan edits, VHS or Laserdsic.
They still haven't finished the Empire Strikes Back but the Despecialized Edition is a good current alternative.

>> No.9609227

Sadly, no, my CRT broke. I'll probably find a small one and put in on my desk for my PS2.

>> No.9609228

I forgot how awful the CGI recreations of the old posters look, there's no way anyone really looked at that and said "aw hell yeah"

>> No.9609232

It's just George being George. To be honest, I miss it. We were really too hard on him about the PT.

>> No.9609280
File: 461 KB, 1280x960, 7FEA846D-BB25-439D-957B-5284FDD0E1FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different lic

>> No.9609289
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>> No.9609295

This, I use the PC speakers I've had for 10 years. They're not great but better than the TV speakers

>> No.9609312

Lucky bastard

>> No.9609328

Purity issues it seems like, u need to degauss that bitch. get a degaussing ring.

>> No.9609346
File: 60 KB, 1280x536, Jen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when trying to get a decent photo of the screen

I'am I doing the wrong settings or something do I need to push the ISO to max what's going on here......?!

>> No.9609360

It's JVC, not JCV
the problem is most likely gaussing, if not you might just have the contrast too high

>> No.9609741

hoarding bitch let me have one

>> No.9609867

ISO as low as you can, 1/60 or 1/30 shutter speed (1/25 or 1/50 for PAL).

>> No.9610027

Worst part is that’s not all of them kek. What state you live in?

>> No.9610073

>240p is strictly speaking an implementation of 480i
They just happen to require a similar scanrate

Practically no video game hardware from the old days adhered to the NTSC spec

>> No.9610102

Im still using the same 14" Tandberg seleco I had always had

>> No.9610150

>VHS has no redeeming features.
Fast Forward/Rewind on VHS is sick
I wish computers someday will become powerful/fast enough to recreate the same effect

>> No.9610163

It seems you have even less redeeming features than VHS my radical dude.

>> No.9610223


>> No.9610269
File: 3.19 MB, 4032x3024, 387DC514-89F8-4E02-B983-C29462798640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherboard is done for, right? What the hell is this sticky shit?

>> No.9610286

cigarette smoke/tar residue

>> No.9610290

Weird. I found this tv from goodwill for $3. Doesn’t turn on so I guess it’s busted. I have no idea where to start on this.

>> No.9610292

most of that's probably just rosin residue from the flux used to soldering in all the components. They don't usually clean that shit well on cheap TVs but it is harmless albeit sticky.

>> No.9610296

Not really sure what point you're trying to make there. It's not just the scanrate, it's the way that color information is encoded too. 240p is just 480i without the even/odd field offset. Old game hardware was designed to run on TVs that used NTSC signals.

>> No.9610302

This is a mitsubishi tv.

Does anyone know if when I first plugged it in that there was a slight sound in the back somewhere when I plugged it in, but pressing the power does nothing. When I took the plug out and put it back, there was no voltage sound the second time. Could it be a blown fuse?

>> No.9610310
File: 1.29 MB, 1225x811, SONY FD Trinitron WEGA Super Fine Pitch KD-34XBR960 34'' ATSC with stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9610345

Those laserdisc to DVD ports were terrible, badly aliased/interleaced picture and horrobly compressed, these are called, the "goutted" dvds.

Domesday captures of the actual old laserdiscs would be a lot better, if they dont pull a Kinekovideo on them.

>> No.9610353

If pvms suddenly stop working are they easy to fix?

>> No.9610404

not really?

>> No.9610501

Based fellow panasonic plasma chad

>> No.9610516

For 6th gen games though I do component into my monitor and that's it. For older stuff I do have a CRT but it only has RCA

>> No.9610542
File: 140 KB, 736x981, 1649083120797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw a great deal on a Triny
>seller hasn't responded in 2 days after he said it was working fine
Fucker totally forgot about me.

>> No.9610865

As someone who sold stuff on Marketplace before, this happens a lot. Just message them again asking if it's still available.

>> No.9610878

I agree, they are pretty bad. Sadly, that's really the best official way to watch the original films currently. George seems to have put in the least possible effort porting them over for the release. At any rate, I am happy to have them. I bought the tin at Best Buy all those years ago, not even comprehending how nice it would be to have them, warts in all. I know many fans were unhappy about the bonus discs when they launched.

>> No.9610898

I got a YLOD PS3 with my last CRT purchase, I can't get it to boot after a thorough cleaning and re-pasting. What a fucking piece of shit console, no wonder it took three revisions and they still couldn't fix nvidiots huge mistakes. (I know it's not retro but /v/ doesn't care and you're my only friends).

I don't want to seem needy though, I'll contact him tomorrow.

>> No.9610926

might be a dead capacitor in the PSU

>> No.9610934

Unlikely imo, it turns on for 5 seconds, yellow light comes on with 3 beeps, then flashing red light. No image on screen. Gonna have to operate on it and solder some stuff but I'll just leave her in the backburner for now. Maybe in the summer.

>> No.9610995

lol don't ask if it's still available, ask when's a good time to meet up

>> No.9611010

You should watch the RIP Felix video on the YLOD that shit goes deep.

>> No.9611084
File: 875 KB, 2167x2448, pvmeme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just picked up a little 8' today to go with my other PVM.
A Mister and CRT are a match made in heaven.

>> No.9611572

Just reflow it with a heatgun for 15 minute, I have 2 ps3 phats that I brought back to life with that trick. Albeit both are not stable and will shut off when trying to play a game but at the very least they turn on.

>> No.9611582

Aim the heat in a circle in the highlighted part for 15 minutes

>> No.9611584
File: 898 KB, 2180x1635, 73310FD2-4A4B-4C1A-8CD9-63B6348AFE95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot picture

>> No.9611585
File: 252 KB, 685x539, 02391714-E1C7-4947-B593-2C8541B757AC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and if you really want to do the surgery you have to replace these 4

>> No.9611586
File: 307 KB, 1024x768, 7BBAFD90-7503-4F46-AE14-8CD7C6917CB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colored pictured

>> No.9611593

here is the website

>> No.9611713

watch the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0UMG3iVYZI
Tantalums are rarely the real problem. It's usually the substrate on the GPU and you have to replace the chip.

>> No.9611832
File: 1.80 MB, 4032x3024, DCCE3EB9-D7F2-47C5-A896-E3084FD7758E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve got it all setup and now I sleep with it on. That CRT hiss soothes my brain and helps me sleep it’s great.

>> No.9611834
File: 66 KB, 640x480, 1561536929131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally some a fabled Trinitron everyone talks about, a KV-27FS13
>decent price of $150
>it's 2 hours, 128 miles away
I wish I had the luck you guys do.

>> No.9611870

a plain old consummer set isn't worth that

>> No.9611893

Kek is the seller in Texas? I think that’s me who is selling it.

>> No.9612248

I live right on the border of arizona and sonora… and let me tell you! I have found various trinitrons for either free or like $10(200 pesos) at most. My best find was a Toshiba 14af44, that shit was immaculate. Anyways don’t cross the border unless you have someone that can take you around and knows spanish, I’m good since I’m mexican and like 80% of my family lives on the mexican side.

>> No.9612252 [DELETED] 

oh boo fucking hoo, you can't get a coffee and go on a nice ride for a couple hours? that's what deters you from getting what you want? you deserve your misery you dumb animeposting tranny.

>> No.9612254

>2 hours there
>2 hours back
>4 hour trip wasting gas to get a CRT that isn't even that great for 150 dollarydoos
OP's right, it's not worth it.

>> No.9612258 [DELETED] 

i don't know shit about CRTs and it may be a rotten deal but acting like a 2 hour car ride is some massive inconvenience is dumb as fuck

>> No.9612409

>150 dollars for a consumer TV
>AND a 4 hour round trip on top of that
lol, lmao even

>> No.9612474

Kek not any of those guys but I like this guy’s way of thinking. I drove from Dallas to Houston multiple times in the past for shit I like.

>> No.9612638

>acting like a 2 hour car ride is some massive inconvenience is dumb as fuck
Acting like you're old enough to drive is dumb as fuck. Anon probably isn't gonna ride while mommy drives kiddo.

>> No.9612643 [DELETED] 

i'm 31

>> No.9612837

is this supposed to troll people into thinking CRT adds information to textures lol

>> No.9612864

how bad are you at driving that the thought of taking a sunday drive for a few hours makes you this angry?

>> No.9612901

*4 hours

>> No.9612905

I don't mind driving 4 hours but that doesn't mean I would want to drive 4 hours for someone's overpriced worn out 20 year old mass produced junk unless I live 2 hours in the boonies and have no other realistic chance of getting anything locally. You bus riders realize gas isn't free right?

>> No.9612906

31 and your mommy still drives you around. Yikes!

How bad are you at English that you don't know the difference between riding and driving? How bad are you at life that you think someone mocking an underage shitposter is mad?

>> No.9613210

I got 4 of them, 1 of them in widescreen so why not

>> No.9613256

$150 isn't that bad nowadays, especially with the prices I've been seeing everywhere.

>> No.9613949

there was this youtube series about the workings of crts by randy fromm, but he's made the videos private, seemingly because he's started giving crt lessons. does anyone have a saved copy of the videos?

>> No.9613991
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1440, 1569391709420.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've heard that the simpler the symptom, the simpler the repair tends to be. it might just be a blown fuse that needs replacing. mind, a blown fuse could indicate that there are other problems like a short somewhere.

they're poking fun at gifs of crt shaders you see sometimes, pic related

anyone's free to spend their money as they please but i wouldn't do it unless i'd exhausted all my other options. sonys are overhyped anyway.

>> No.9614148
File: 68 KB, 450x405, 1649229894850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low end consumer television over RF or composite like I would've played it back in the day for maximum nostalgia

>> No.9614153

No I'm not gay

>> No.9614191


>> No.9614390

yes. thank you.

>> No.9614780

I found my CRT out back of my local Harvy's. It's astounding what some people just throw away.

>> No.9615568
File: 2.59 MB, 4624x3468, 20230129_092658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah.

>> No.9615709
File: 175 KB, 1000x700, 1664069452248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to recreate this cartridge to test on my SNES. Time to hit Aliexpress and see what I can find.

>> No.9615723

It’s a free program anon

>> No.9615740

should be pretty easy. If you don't find an already made cart, there's plenty of chink sellers that will just flash with whatever rom you want.
Although it'd probably be better to just get a flashcart

That said, IMO the SNES version of 240p test suite isn't ideal. There's the whole issue with SNES having an internal resolution with a 8:7 aspect ratio that gets stretched to 4:3 with nonsquare pixels. I'm not sure if 240p test suite takes this into account, meaning it's possible if you calibrate geometry using the SNES version it'll be wrong for everything else.

If you have other consoles there are easier ways to use the suite. You can run it off dreamcast since most DCs don't need to be modded to play burned CDs, or run it off a hacked Wii for instance.

>> No.9615776
File: 260 KB, 320x225, shadow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is, but the cartridge isn't.

>SNES having an internal resolution with a 8:7 aspect ratio that gets stretched to 4:3 with nonsquare pixels
You're right I didn't consider that at all, although I remember some games do take advantage of 4:3 like LttP iirc. It was just something cool to try and recreate.

>> No.9615782

It really all depends on whether the test suite makes sure to take the nonsquare pixels into account with its test patterns. Otherwise you might set up your TV for perfect circles and squares, but then you play any other systems and suddenly everything looks wrong.

>> No.9615894

>i have an opinion about something i know nothing about
Sounds about right for your kind

>> No.9615897

get a cheap chinese flash cart for 40-50 bucks and add that as a rom

>> No.9615928

> SNES having an internal resolution with a 8:7 aspect ratio
8:7 has exactly zero relevance to anything. TVs don't give a shit about square pixels. Also, there is no stretching, stretching implies that square pixels are somehow blessed and other pixel aspects as less valid.

>> No.9616113

240p Test Suite does take all the various PARs into account
You literally have a 256px wide mode for testing
Mega Drive also had many games which ran at 256px wide just like SNES

>> No.9616135

I have a CRT, but I'm the kind of person who's easily distracted by minor inconsistencies or imperfections. Frame timings, hitches, stutters, everything drives me crazy. And when it comes to CRTs, the slightest amount of wonky geometry ruins it for me, and Ive never seen a CRT with perfect geometry. Just cant do it

I've moved to OLED screens for retro games, especially now that you can incorporate things like VRR and HDR to get perfect frame rates, low delay and brightness for CRT shaders if you're into that kind of thing

>> No.9616161

>own equipment from multiple eras
>start setting up old computer to play games
>thing X doesn't work as well as I'd like
>decide to move on to newer machine because why should I gimp myself like this
>suddenly win 7 and lcds
>repeat until playing bing bing wahoo on my steam deck
Every time. Sometimes I think about just selling all my old junk.

>> No.9616170

Had the same problem. Plug it into a PC and fuck around with your GPUs control panel to change the resolution and refresh rate. Mine was doing that at 800x600@75Hz, but stopped once I changed to 800x600@85Hz.

>> No.9616175

If the deck were a little bit smaller and lighter, and had a nicer screen I don't think I'd ever game on anything else. It's really nifty

As is though I don't find it comfortable to use laying back in bed (which is my primary use case for handhelds) and the screen is pretty shit. I'm very looking forward to a steam deck 2

>> No.9616179

For me I think it's not even the games that interest me that much it's the tinkering and problem fixing, the modding, the optimizing. That's what I love the most, at the end of the day I've already played a shit ton of retro games and they get boring after while but trying to make something work can keep me occupied and focused for longer.

>> No.9616384
File: 396 KB, 1024x699, Akiba 1990s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice gear and very good taste in media.

>> No.9616770

So am I understanding right that model number sizes being bullshit is only a PC monitor thing so my so called 15" monitor and a 14" TV actually have about the same viewable screen size?

>> No.9616836

It does, I bought mine with the belt pre-replaced. Still need to pick up some more games for the disk system, only have Zelda 1 atm.

>> No.9616887

Just add more phosphor.

>> No.9617196

CRT sizes are a bit of a mess. Model numbers usually include the whole tube diagonal length, but then you see something like 14" TV (13" viewable). And in America the viewable size is usually (?) included in the model number instead of the whole length (thus all TV sizes being apparently 1 inch smaller over there). I've never measured my CRTs myself though, so I don't know if my 25" TV is in fact 25" or 24" or whatever.

>> No.9617208

Yeah, and sometimes I like to zone out while watching static.

>> No.9617217

>why should I gimp myself like this
You shouldn't. You should only be using old hardware because it's necessary to run what you want. Not to fit in with neets and weebs.

>> No.9617582
File: 870 KB, 2000x1500, DSC_0170_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not looking hard enough.

>> No.9617587

not that anon, but most second-hand stores near me won't even accept CRTs.
And when I do see them on say, Facebook Marketplace, it's either garbage sets with RF only, or "I know what I have" fags asking for $200+ for a half-decent 19in set.

>> No.9617594

Nice RF signal you've got there.

>> No.9617607

idk, measure it
I had a tv that called itself "27 inch class" which was actually 25"

>> No.9617619


No because I can emulate and use shaders while also having less input lag than original hardware. No need to buy a scalper-priced 30 year 70 pound old TV.

>> No.9617928

its not always the caps and can be a cracked solder joint on the cpu which is more common before doing the cap fix you should read the syscon error codes to find out what the actual cause is

>> No.9617931
File: 208 KB, 1198x1193, FIKULUaacAM4oB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck are you complaining about i drove 10 hours to the other side of england to get my crt

>> No.9618029

>people making two day road trips to get a crt
meanwhile I got a perfect condition trinitron a few hundred meters down the street for 20€

>> No.9618043

Especially considering that’s the most common one people use to calibrate displays and geometry

>> No.9618049

It’s as easy as using some measuring tape anon

>> No.9618051

congratulations something exceedingly rare that you can't reasonably rely on happened for you.

>> No.9618056

I’m the opposite
I hate how they look on modern displays and I despise the look of random unblended pixels that nearly everything uses up to 5th gen

>> No.9618075
File: 16 KB, 256x352, laughingelfman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exceedingly rare
you better only be referring to professional monitors, nigger

>> No.9618132

what sort of backwater country do you live in that people are still regularly upgrading from CRT's anon?
I havent seen one in the wild for nearly a decade, i see discarded flatscreens all the time tho

>> No.9618147

You're not the boss of me now!

>> No.9618259
File: 41 KB, 614x472, england.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>10 hours to drive across a little island

>> No.9618335

yeah 5 each way

>> No.9618682

>drove 10 hours to the other side of england
>5 each way
They don't teach maths and geography in England?

>> No.9618719

are you retarded the total journey was 10 hours

>> No.9618821

nah I got my retrotink 5xpro + oled, looks better

>> No.9618875

Not him, but I lived in the South for a few years before moving further north. Thrift stores with CRTs on the shelves down there weren't uncommon. It's important to note that each Goodwill has its own regional policy regarding them, and independent thrift stores will accept a whole lot more. You'll still find CRTs on the side of the road/dumpster just about everywhere. In my experience, they're usually in working condition.

When it comes to consumer sets, the overwhelming majority of people still consider them to be cumbersome appliances that they can't be assed to pick up and get rid of. If you just go around asking people if they've got old TVs they'd want to get rid of, chances are you'd find someone who'll give it to you so long as you can lift it out of their spare bedroom.

>> No.9618897

East coast near plenty of big cities.
Assloads of boomers still have CRTs tucked away in backrooms or basements since theyre often too heavy to bother hauling away

>> No.9619075


ah, the U.S. of course

>> No.9619194

Yeah I kinda have come to accept this, which is why my "retro" gaymen rig is some win 7 office shitbox with a quadro cpu from around 2014. It has enough performance to emulate what it can't do natively, and what it does natively it does pretty well. It hits a good balance between new and old imho. Hooked up to a nice 5:4 lcd from around the same time of course. Using something like this also means that I don't have to deal with things like blown caps, power hungry space heater tier hardware and so forth.

>> No.9619334

Just because people upgraded their main TVs years ago doesn't mean they don't have CRTs still hiding out in bedrooms, basements, or garages with all their other old crap, although it will somewhat depend on the demographics of your area. If you live in a new development surrounded by young families, yeah don't expect shit.

>> No.9619345

My parents still have a 36" toshiba HD CRT in the living room. The fucker probably weighs like 200 lbs so it's not getting moved any time soon.

If they did decide to somehow get rid of it, not sure if I'd bother taking it off their hands. HD CRTs aren't good for 240p but I could use it for 6th-7th gen stuff in 480p/1080i. But the TV line count also isn't all that great despite being HD, so in higher res everything looks like it has vertical "scanlines" for lack of a better word.

>> No.9619905

Where do you live anon? I live in a major city and I have seen CRTs at local thrift shops for years.

>> No.9619926

Have not* seen

>> No.9620032
File: 99 KB, 648x864, fghg45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9620646

The best CRT is one you got for free. I have a mid-range Sanyo I got after my elderly neighbour died. It was her guest room TV and had barely been used between 2002 and 2020. Her kids put it by the curb and it was in my living room about 15 minutes later.

Are CRT televisions rare in Japan? When I lived there from 2008 to 2010 they were absolutely fucking everywhere, it was almost like Elevens were afraid of flat panels.

I had one of these little guys as a desktop setup when I was in university. Also a freebie back before anyone knew what PVMs were. They're nice little sets and incredibly sharp.

>> No.9620690

>Are CRT televisions rare in Japan?
You should already know the japanese mentality, they don’t care about preservation and just consume. Buy a new tv and throw the old one. Since it’s japan you are not allowed to just dump the tv in the curb like in the states. Many of them have been recycled and by that I mean most crt have been mutilated because the garbage people won’t take the TV. You have to dismantle the TV so they can properly recycle the components like glass, plastic, and electric components. Then they will take your tv once it’s torn to pieces.

>> No.9620778

it's got to just be with crts, you mong. consider that they are literally obsessed with tradition and perfection. fax is still used widely there. used goods can be found in used stores in pristine conditions. you have to separate your trash precisely so it gets recycled.
maybe any particular jap on the whole cares more about new stuff, but there's plenty of old stuff to find.

>> No.9620787

based rf master race

>> No.9621054

CRT is still better in motion, you probably don't even realize what you're missing

>> No.9621076

I realised I didn’t want them anymore years ago after growing up with them. Why would I want them? Even if you think they are better in motion it’s so minimal as to be worthless.

>> No.9621083

>after growing up with them
>it’s so minimal as to be worthless
you didn't or you don't remember them at all
just say you're a woman that doesn't like the bulk

>> No.9621085

>Even if you think they are better in motion it’s so minimal as to be worthless.
Fuck you and your lies, cope king

>> No.9621116

the 15khz whine coming out of mine is pretty loud, not worryingly so but loud, no way I'd keep it on to sleep

>> No.9621154

I don’t that’s 15khz whine
It should sound like a mosquito buzz, easily drowned out by actual audio
People often mistake bad components vibrating as 15khz whine

>> No.9621165

>It should sound like a mosquito buzz, easily drowned out by actual audio
I'm familiar with the concept but I refer to it as the 15khz whine because that's exactly what it sounds like to me, just louder than other sets I've tried. I've listened to it and tried to pinpoint where it's coming from and it seems to be from the anode cap, maybe it needs a reapplication of dielectric grease?

>> No.9621170

Hmmm, I wonder if the rubber cap is actually damaged
Probably discharge and grease is to check first

>> No.9621180

I've been through this set pretty extensively, it's been completely disassembled and cleaned (I left all the grease that was on the back of the tube alone) and I know the rubber cap and the cable going to the flyback are in fine shape so if it's not an issue with just needing more grease I'm really not sure what else it could be. I tried pinpointing the sound at the flyback, that's initially where I suspected it was coming from, but nope, none of the caps around there either. Just up at the anode cap. There's always the possibility this is a set that just always ran kinda loud. It also appears to have seen plenty of hours. It's also not a particularly prominent or high end brand, Advent, which was Best Buy's in house brand.

>> No.9621189

15khz should be the same between all sets or at least relatively similar
You’re absolutely sure it’s not arcing like this

>> No.9621213

Yeah it's definitely not doing that. Like I said it is relatively similar to other sets I've tried, just louder. There's a small amount of hiss but only once I get really close to it and listen for it, and only if I'm in a certain position relating to it. More like the sound of electric current, similar to what you'd get from some cheap LEDs running hot, than what you hear in that video.
These components were very dusty when I got this set and I do live in a humid area so permanent damage may be possible, but it's been running fine for months now, it just isn't so quiet about it.

>> No.9621231

I used them from the early 80s to some time in the early 2000s. From a black and white fake wood panelled horror to some gigantic Sony Trinitron that weighed the same as a planet. Zero cope required. I don’t miss them at all.
The levels of aggression from you basically proves this is a cult mindset. They don’t give you much, if anything, over a modern screen. If you like them for nostalgia or being a misguided zoomer then fine but don’t try and pretend these things have much of a difference. If they were that superior they would never have gone away. It’s really only a blurry effect that people go for with these and that only benefits old systems. Visual improvements and speed? No, negligible at best.

>> No.9621468

>If they were that superior they would never have gone away.

>> No.9621486

> so minimal as to be worthless
You must have weird eyes. The difference in motion is massive and instantly noticeable.

>> No.9622235

>DP to VGA adapter switches between being "DCC display device" with the monitor name in monitor properties on cold boot and the adapter name with generic PnP monitor in properties on wake
Wow very cool.

Anyways it uses the same geometry settings for all non-default resolutions, so I basically have to pick between using 480p and 960p for emulation. 960p has the upside of not having native 480p scanlines on top of fake 240p scanlines but I'm not sure what to think in terms of tradeoffs. (also because it's also considered an unrecognized resolution I guess this means I can't easily use 1280x960 for modern pixel releases that won't go down to 640x480)

>> No.9622776

>240p is just 480i without the even/odd field offset

>Old game hardware was designed to run on TVs that used NTSC signals.
There's no such thing as an NTSC signal
There's an NTSC spec but no video game hardware ever adhered to it
No video game hardware adhered to PAL spec either

>> No.9622809

I like pressing my face against the screen and feeling all fuzzy

>> No.9622937

NTSC is a frequency as is PAL, so he’s not wrong there, and using a PAL console with an NTSC crystal will still not be the correct frequency for NTSC
And he’s also not wrong about 240p

>> No.9623063
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>> No.9623080

some places are like CRT dead zones i dont understand it. I found that same trinitron in 32 from craigslist for free with a stand that some old lady didnt want to move. other places i see online people are paying like 500 bucks to find anything with component in it. the problem is money grubbing hobbyist reddit fucks with storage for them are scalping the fuck out of the market now that the word is out.

>> No.9623127

I still don't get how sitting on a consumer trinitron for months years hoping to eek out at most a couple hundred bucks is deemed viable by these kikes.

>> No.9623162

its just a sign of what our neurotic and jew brained the society has become, people will waste time, gas and a friends time to help lift to grab a CRT so they could make a couple sheckles off it while depriving some fellow hobbyist out of a decent set.

>> No.9623857

>If they were that superior they would never have gone away.
Wrong. Dead wrong. You have some kind of group-think mindset and that's why people are reacting so negatively. Even if you are only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.9623906

This is going to sound like self aggrandizement but you have to think that for most users the braindead ease of digital display probably gives them a better outcome than analog in most situations regardless.

>> No.9624101

They have gone away. You can’t get a new one. You are just reusing corpses.
This is purely opinion. Most people don’t agree. In this thread sure but not overall, most will get by quite happily with a Switch emulating a SNES on a huge modern TV.
Either way is fine. If you like CRT fine but what there is really no point in pretending is that they are significantly better. It’s insignificant.

>> No.9624374
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does anyone use vcr/vhs still i was thinking of buying a dvd/vhs combo unit to record anime onoto

>> No.9624376

DVD yes
VHS not really

>> No.9624384
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Just a quick example

>> No.9624385
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>> No.9624387
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Or how about some simple 2D

>> No.9624389

I've never seen anyone connect speakers to CRTs

>> No.9624392
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>> No.9624408

I've been thinking about doing just that recently, because my CRT is mono and while it sounds great (honestly it's so fucking loud when you crank the volume up - it's unreal) I think I might be missing out by not having stereo in some games, say first person shooters.

>> No.9624414

I’d advise bypassing the TV and plug in audio directly from the console or switcher

>> No.9624438

Thanks anon. I mostly play on the PS2 nowadays, so that wouldn't be an issue. Also SNES, that might be trickier (don't think you can do separate audio output from the console?), but then again not like you really need stereo for any of the SNES games.

>> No.9624457

I’m not sure what you mean?
Are you using SCART?
You can get breakout adapters

>> No.9624469

Oh snap, I went full retard. Yeah, SCART, got so used to it that I forgot composite was a thing, lol. I actually have a composite cable for the SNES around too. Nevermind then, sorted.

>> No.9624490

I mean they both look fine to me but I’m viewing them on a LCD so there’s that. Sure the CRT ones have colors that blend into each other without a sharp effect on the edges but I can live without.
Also they aren’t moving and that’s a big part of a comparison.

>> No.9624502
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There's a new Triny in town.

25€, near mint condition except for the power button losing the paint.

>> No.9624897

My brother recently bought me a new unused CRT, shit looks amazing.

>> No.9626117

Why use composhit when you can just break out the audio from the SCART cable?

>> No.9626448

>. What can you even play that wouldn’t have been out on DVD at the very least
bruh thousands of things never made the jump just look at all the lost media

>> No.9626531

If you don't like composite then why bother with a CRT. Is it muh 1ms input lag?

>> No.9626681
File: 579 KB, 1280x960, BASEMENT6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, do you think "home theater systems" were never a thing???
You're out of your mind. There's ENTIRE markets for improving your living room audio from since a television was ever invented.

My family has always had surround-sound, amplifier, base set-up for every television. Granted, this pic is when we bought a big-screen, but hey.

>> No.9626693

He means people usually connect their audio somewhere in the chain before the TV instead of to the TV's output.

>> No.9626697

Terrific. Thanks, anon.

>> No.9626703

Hmm. Well. I guess I got jazzed at the idea of "no speaker system" but you're right, what's connected to the tv itself is the pre-amp.

>> No.9626765
File: 286 KB, 1344x1455, n64 online.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

n64 on switch actually renders at a higher resolution. pic related is what it looks like (taken from a playthrough on youtube, so there're some compression artifacts)

>> No.9626781

this just looks bad to me, it makes the textures blur and mismatch and it emphasises the low polygon count

>> No.9626793

Not him, but Amerimutt here. I can't find them anywhere near me. Every thrift store, pawn shop and yard sale only has old HD TVs. If I ask about CRTs I always get a "No, why would we carry that old junk?" as a response. All of my thrift stores started throwing out old computer hardware and software too. Now they only have trash like shitty old HD TVs and clothes.

>> No.9626868
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>> No.9626870
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A few examples, but many such cases.

>> No.9626897

Jesus Christ, for real? I can't even find a CRT.

>> No.9626916

I have never seen a Cablecard ever. I'm almost convinced they don't even exist.

>> No.9626943

I literally used it to pirate television broadcast while living in Germany. I had to update it every couple months because they'd encrypt it again, but it meant I had access to basically 300+ channels across Germany, France, Netherlands and Britain.

I started watching Top Gear literally as it started being broadcast. It was great to be a part of, despite being just some American military stationed "overseas."

>> No.9627196

I didn't say it wasn't a thing, just that I've never seen it.

You are wrong, I was referring about speakers being directly connected to the TV.

>> No.9627259
File: 889 KB, 2000x1500, zelda64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my N64 working again lads

>> No.9627379

honestly, gorgeous.

>> No.9627383

do you guys have one of them CRTs with startup sounds? I have a big gray sony tv since 2003 i believe that when you turn it on it sounds like a gigantic fart, always found it odd, why would the manufacturer add something like that? do you guys know what i mean?

>> No.9627414

>sounds like a gigantic fart
that's the degaussing coil
it usually only does that when you turn it on through the power button on most sets, but not standby

>> No.9627434

>that's the degaussing coil

>> No.9627535
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Doing a few swings and puts with my girl Plum

>> No.9627568

I'll never get rid of my CRT TV. Even if not for classic games, it's good for making low-res videos of older shows look great.

>> No.9627572

The degaussing coil is what resets the image if the tube is exposed to magnets and gets wonky colors/distortion. You can buy a handheld coil to do it manually but most of the later era CRTs came with it built in, which is a good thing.

>> No.9628548

Its a shame TV degaussing coils are so useless. That tiny little fart hardly does anything. Wish they used computer monitor style degaussing that actually worked.

>> No.9629375

>I got a VHS CRT combo player for $5 from a garage sale bundled with an in box copy of the original toy story a few months ago, where are you looking?

>> No.9629392

>CRT's are retro scams and make games worse
In the case of dithering original programmers designed and built their games on CRT's in a way where pixelated patterns could create the illusion of greater color depth. Digital filters have come a long way but old CRT's still dominate over their digital counterparts. Tv designers were looking for sharper and more detailed images, while retro developers used the limitations of the hardware at the time to create a better image. The Atari 2600 was never designed to be played in HDMI. Most of it's preference, but as a NES developer I'd recommend any CRT of an LCD display.

>> No.9629842
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i have 3, my grandma and parents just kept theirs so i swept them all once they bought LCDs

>> No.9629882

Holy shit, I had that exact TV for gaming growing up. Anyone know the model?

>> No.9630172

Small Trini is a cute


>> No.9630313

I'll look again when all of the yard sales start up again. I checked the locals, but all of the listings were for 5 year old HD TVs at over 100 dollars minimum (lmao).

>> No.9630601
