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File: 140 KB, 271x369, Mega_Man_X_Sigma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9616808 No.9616808 [Reply] [Original]

>punches Zero in the face

>> No.9616817

The burden of hurting someone was too much for Sigma's pure heart.

>> No.9616824

why did they make him a virus around the same time they started more directly exploring the political implications of robots? one would logically have to counteract the other there

>> No.9616840

He digitized his own mind into a virus at the end of X1, in the post credits scene.

>> No.9616860
File: 62 KB, 488x325, I had no idea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also got robo-dementia

>> No.9617058

i'm willing to blame this on capcom having a nonexistent translation staff during that era

>> No.9617062
File: 328 KB, 2048x1914, fa39156be7e995ffa8a89284f81d9631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it takes another century to develop a counter-measure against his bullshit
> actually makes things worse

Can we just say that civilization in Mega Man universe is the most clueless bunch ever? Both human and robot side. They're just living on happy little accidents and luck that pulls them through

>> No.9617064

That's also how we got the infamous "I hid myself while I repaired myself" isn't it?

>> No.9617089

>it takes another century to develop a counter-measure against his bullshit
There's no Dr. Light around to figure one out.

>> No.9617104

>They're just living on happy little accidents and luck that pulls them through
when's dr ross gonna come along and make the world a utopia then?

>> No.9617135

It's a typical deflection tactics. You can't have the villain makes too much sense, so you tack on some atrocity on top.

>> No.9617147

> Wily somehow manages to transfer his mind into reploid body and persist through the ages
> Light doesn't

Some genius he is

>> No.9617154

Light put his mind in the armor capsules.

>> No.9617265

Whatever happened to Wily?
Did he ever become Weil? I know Inafune I think said they aren't the same person but fuck his canon

>> No.9617270

don’t forget “What a polite young man she was!”

>> No.9617343

I hate Sigma

>> No.9617387

It is implied that he became Serges in X2. Wily's legacy keep carrying on throughout the X series, even without him around, and it seems like he has descendants/followers of his ideas in distant future as well. Weil is a different guy, but he's close to Wily in terms of ideals and thinking. He may be a relative, though it's unconfirmed.

>> No.9617397

He might be Serges in X2. Sigma meets him in X5. He might be Isoc in X6.
That's about it.

>> No.9617420

Yes, I meant to say I am aware of his presence in X2, X5, and X6. Just wondering after that and relation to Weil

>> No.9617472


>> No.9617540
File: 135 KB, 864x576, 1675023123438285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The plot taking a hard left into "a virus did it" ruined the series


>> No.9617635

>around the same time they started more directly exploring the political implications of robots
But they didn't, X2 was about some robot mad scientists stealing Zero's parts.

Typo, the question mark isn't there in Japanese.

>> No.9617640

>It is implied that he became Serges in X2.
Hackafune said that was the original plan but then dropped it as a plot point so it was an intentional red herring. The actual canon answer is "Wily died but somehow brought himself back to life which is how Sigma met him in X5"

>> No.9617646

mad scientists aren't inherently political, are they? i mean they can be sure but that's like calling classic wily a political figure

>> No.9617654

My point was X2 didn't really have anything to do with that. The most we get is Overdrive Ostrich's reason for joining Sigma which was because he was damaged and couldn't fly (of course he can't, he's an ostrich) so he went with Sigma who values his speed. But that's really dumb when you know, you can just slap a flight pack on a robot. As expected of a bird brain.

>> No.9617656

There is no actual moral grayness in the series until X4. And X4 did it really, really badly because of how poorly-written it is and how every character is a giant retard.

>> No.9617657

oh, my mistake for not elaborating. what i meant was in x3, ya know, the game where a doc got waco'd. he was technically a virus in x2, but he really wasn't, it was just there to showcase the technology of one of the snes's chips

>> No.9617662

I'm not against the idea of Sigma being corrupted by the virus but the games really should've explored the idea. Maybe having Sigma's good, original self resurface at one point and try to sabotage his plans or self-destruct the body.

>> No.9617669

The problem is according to canon, because Sigma was fairly advanced it took a really long time for the virus to slowly corupt him, and by the time it did him and the virus were one and the same. It was no longer the Maverick Virus, it was now the Sigma virus, a viral extension of his own twisted will.

>> No.9617673

Eh, when you find out Doppler was evil all along and never actually developing an antivirus then shit makes sense. Classic later did the same with the whole "robot revolt" which turned out Wily just flipped their switch from "peaceful" to "revolt" so that he could sell everyone a solution.

>> No.9617689

Unless you get the Doppler Ending where he regains his sense of self and tries to take Sigma with him.

>> No.9617763


>> No.9617921

>that pic

>> No.9618117
File: 150 KB, 1177x1280, 8140060_00_005_21_1280x1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't Zero wear headgear?

>> No.9618290


X just needed a Twitter to find his gang.

>> No.9618295

If you had a pretty face, would you like to hide it? A flower must bloom in the open, where everyone can gaze at its beauty.

>> No.9618360

could have printed a 3d likeness of his face on his helmet.

>> No.9618497
File: 70 KB, 201x166, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you had a pretty face, would you like to hide it?
Of course, have you learned nothing from vidya

>> No.9618742

It probably would've gone better if they had more voice samples for the AI to work with.

>> No.9619525

If the OP knew what he was doing, he has three games and an OVA to work with.
Still impressive if that's AI.

>> No.9619807

it's more like a flower must be cultivated within a pot, to make itself even more beautiful and eventually you can show it off to others by taking it outside.

>> No.9619867
File: 184 KB, 515x295, metaphor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A flower must bloom in the open, where everyone can gaze at its beauty.

>> No.9619892

I mean it is implied throughout 1 through 3 but not very heavily at all

>> No.9620176
File: 209 KB, 860x629, 455-4553136_nelson-hahaha-simpson-lucianoballack-simpsons-nelson-haha-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha he died for nothing

>> No.9620181

i mean moron mismanaged mighty number nine and im glad he hiding so fuck what he says, head canons make more snese than his stupidity anyway

>> No.9620668

>haha he died for nothing
Lol? He died at the peak of his beauty, and will be forever remembered that way. If dying for beauty is nothing, then what's something?

>> No.9620685

He is being sarcastic.

>> No.9620689

He was mind broken by the fine craftsmanship of Dr. Wily.

>> No.9620694

It's because the world becomes such a shithole that it halts progress. People are more concerned about finding the means to live to the end of the day. They don't have the time do science.

>> No.9620696

So the peak of his beauty wasn't before the other two times he died?

>> No.9620719

Probably as an AI like Light.

>> No.9620765

This is the same series that chose to have DNA and Souls both be things AIs have.

>> No.9621370

>Initiates a flashback where he reveals Zero's history
>The translators fuck it up and Sigma is surprised by the content of his own flashback
This shit was one of the funniest things I have ever seen in a video game, it's so fucking funny

The English version of X4 is honestly hilarious, I can't imagine playing the original or without the dub, it just wouldn't be the same

>> No.9621372

You can't have oral greyness in a series with a protagonist like X, it just doesn't work

>> No.9621405

What can we do if, just like a phoenix, he always rises up prettier than ever? The guy just strives for physical perfection, even after death.

>> No.9621669

>The English version of X4 is honestly hilarious, I can't imagine playing the original or without the dub, it just wouldn't be the same
I don't know, there's some actual emotional impact to Iris dying. But maybe that's because Yuko Mizutani was in a lot of stuff I like and now she's gone too ;_;

>> No.9621836

Jesus Christ the MMZ/ZX designs are so fucking bad.

>> No.9621848

While it is corny, it's easy for me to look past the production aspects and see the really ambitious storytelling for an action platformer. My primary wish is that there were more anime cutscenes because way too much stuff is implied off-screen. As a kid, I didn't entirely understand what was happening.

>> No.9621925

The nature of software in the Mega Man world is weird. It can take on a physical form, manifesting as weapons, armor, or sentient beings. The Maverick Virus behaves like an actual virus, spreading through physical space.

Legends abandons this altogether. There is no teleporting, equipment is more physicalized, Mega Man doesn't even copy weapons anymore. Perhaps one explanation is that this technology is so advanced that it isn't even apparent and much of the world is already software.

>> No.9621940

>The Maverick Virus behaves like an actual virus, spreading through physical space.
It gets even stupider when the MMZ website says what the virus actually was

>> No.9622020



>> No.9622034

>It can take on a physical form, manifesting as weapons, armor, or sentient beings. The Maverick Virus behaves like an actual virus, spreading through physical space.
The Maverick Virus mutated from the Wily Virus, which was based on the Evil Energy that Wily found in Megaman 8.
According to Duo in MM8, the Evil Energy is actually a sapient alien substance that absorbs evil within robots minds and then multiplies as to infect more robots. Dr. Light found out that performing a full analysis of it was impossible (much like Zero's system). An entity made out of pure energy is an interesting concept since it can be a power source, be translated into electrical signals (and be transmitted as a virus) and even be converted into mass. Due to this method of replication, the original source can only be harnessed by beings of pure evil. The Wily virus made from it probably works in the same manner, "absorbing" Zero's destructive programming when he fought Sigma and had the migraines, and then spreading to Sigma and the rest of the reploids. Only someone who's pure evil could have it in their system and not die from it (like Wily in robot form).

That's why the Maverick Virus is so unorthodox and can do shit normal computer viruses can't.

>> No.9622036


>> No.9622090

it was aliens guy.jpg
shame hackfune nver did something with it besides leaving it to the fans to speculate
preach it brother

>> No.9622141

YouTube pls

>> No.9622217

That's an interesting connection. It explains why cyber-elves are living software, and why Sigma can live without a body, as they seem to be derived from Zero. However, it doesn't explain why X could become a cyber-elf. Is it because he was deeply exposed to the Mother Elf for a long time?

>> No.9622386

As I said, it gets even dumber. According to the MMZ website (yes it was written after the fact but apparently this is canon)
>Wily built Zero
>Zero is too violent and uncontrollable
>he was sealed away in a capsule filled with the a computer program whose purpose was to purge Zero of his violent tendencies so that he would actually obey instructions, and the it would be contained to the program in his pod
>this is shown in the one ending of X5 where the true Virus merges with Zero and he becomes serene of mind and believes only in his original objective of destroying X
Everything went wrong because at some point the virus-filled program started leaking out of his capsule and affecting other robots. When Sigma punched Zero in the head, he broke his brain enough that after Dr. Cain fixed him, Zero wasn't violent anymore but also couldn't remember what his purpose was so he joined the Hunters. As for why it makes robots nuts, the virus's purpose was to flush Zero's mind of his violent tendencies, which means the virus was taking it out of him and holding it in the capsule itself. So what people are actually being infected with by the virus is Zero's own need to destroy. Zero is literally so bloodthirsty that he doomed reploid-kind.

>> No.9622398

The Evil Energy/Maverick Virus connected turned out to never be a thing, it just seemed like a really really REALLY obvious connection for Capcom to make that they decided to not do.

>> No.9622403

You know what the crazier thing is? There's no proof the Classic and X timelines are the same timeline. It's entirely possible that regular Mega Man never existed in the X series and that's why he's never mentioned, as well as none of the other robot masters aside from I think Auto. All we know is Light built X, and Wily built Zero. But are they the same Light and Wily?

>> No.9622414

I don't care what Capcom thinks, not after they let a taiwanese skinnerbox game make canon lore. Evil Energy being the source of the problem literally solves all the questions about the Maverick Virus in the entire lore, and it sounds metal as fuck to boot.
A bunch of faggots managed to infect the lore of the games with their dumb "Zero killed Megaman Classic's characters before MMX1" headcanon that will likely never go away, so I might as well carve my own.

>> No.9622418

It's not even consistent with MM8 though. When you use Evil Energy it doesn't just make you stronger and evil, it physically mutates you to a small degree like it's the power of Chaos from 40k.

>> No.9622420

>There's no proof the Classic and X timelines are the same timeline
There's the Power Fighters Bass ending, the scrapyard level in X2, Auto showing up in Dopple Town in X3, and the big Wily emblem in Sigma's bossfight room in X5.
X doesn't quite remember who Dr. Light is, let alone a blue bomber that existed a hundred years prior to his awakening.

>> No.9622427

>There's the Power Fighters Bass ending
We call that an Easter Egg
>the scrapyard level in X2
Again I would call those Easter Eggs
>Auto showing up in Dopple Town in X3
Definitely more concrete
>and the big Wily emblem in Sigma's bossfight room in X5.
X5's ending is....wierd. Like it's doing a timeline merge or something and because cyberspace is infecting reality, wierd shit is happening. That being said, there's no reason the Wily Emblem wouldn't be in X's timeline since you know, Wily built Zero.

>> No.9622439

>it physically mutates you
Energy can become mass and vice versa, and it can even form something akin to circuitry through material shape-memory, much like certain metal alloys. It's a space alien entity that'd admittedly so advanced that it can control its own physical properties, or meld with physical things at the atomic level. This even hints at a possible explanation for the true nature of certain characters in the lore, like Toxic Seahorse and his control over his own matter state.

>> No.9622445

Yeah but my point was that for basically every other maverick that doesn't happen, they just become evil and/or crazy. So even if it was based on evil energy, it has become extremely diluted.

>> No.9622452

>We call that an Easter Egg
Dude, it's an ending for a character's singleplayer story, not a tiny texture or brief line of dialogue hidden in a level. It's quite literally the proof you needed.
>there's no reason the Wily Emblem wouldn't be in X's timeline since you know, Wily built Zero.
It does appear for X when you fight Zero.

>> No.9622457

>Dude, it's an ending for a character's singleplayer story
Yeah in an arcade game that has little to no canonicity to it.

>> No.9622462

>Zero is literally so bloodthirsty that he doomed reploid-kind.
Yet reploids eventually wipe out humanity and inherit the Earth.

>> No.9622478

>even if it was based on evil energy, it has become extremely diluted.
Yeah, pretty much. Wily may be smart but he's not Godlike. Even Dr. Light, who is a better software engineer than him, couldn't analyze the EE. The Wily Virus is basically an attempt at transcoding the effects of EE into a digital form made by human hands, with EE at its core. No different than a particle accelerator's computers manipulating the direction of atoms to create an artificial black hole for an attosecond.

>> No.9622480

>Yet reploids eventually wipe out humanity
No, they just become one and the same, humans have reploid components and reploids have human biomatter. That's the world of ZX.
So yes in the most technical sense humans were wiped out, but by that same logic so were Reploids

>> No.9622482

I'll take that over "uuuhh no proof ackshually" from a series that actually has evidence on the contrary.

>> No.9622494

this stuff was made in the 80s and 90s, capcom wasnt thinking of timeline shit until battle network

>> No.9622535

I haven't played ZX but my understanding is not that they all become Carbons, but rather humans are given ways to elongate their lives while reploids agree to have limited lives.

>> No.9622569
File: 112 KB, 882x962, DVwIdnmU8AARghX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a production document made around the time of X1 which has the Classic characters on the same page as X and Zero. I think there was someone who worked on X4 who described it as an alternate future, but that sentiment hasn't really been reflected in other sources. Most of the time it's seen as one universe.

>> No.9622578

Carbons aren't a thing in ZX anyway, that's from Legends. In ZX humans were required to have shit removed from their bodies and replaced with robotics, it wasn't their choice. The idea was to end division by making humans and reploids the same, and it worked, everyone was called a Human at that point, including Reploids. The conflict came from Master Albert creating the Game of Destiny where all people who could turn into Mega Man were pitted against each other until the last one standing was infused with the last remnant of Dr. Weil's will, which Albert planned to take over that person and achieve ultimate power.

>> No.9622587

Also just in case you're wondering, the reason the Mega Men went along with it was because he didn't tell them that the W Metal has Weil's soul in it, they thought it was just biometal that made you super cool and powerful and it was all just a shonen tournament arc to them.

>> No.9623086

if that's your decision..................


>> No.9623118
File: 25 KB, 480x360, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know nothing about the lore but can anyone tell me how dr. light prepared an upgrade for zero in x5? i thought he didn't even knew zero, let alone guess he was good

>> No.9623128

That's... quite an observation. I want to call it video game logic, but on the other hand
>Light put his mind in the armor capsules.
If true then maybe he could repurpose a capsule for someone other than X. He's a genius and all, even if his actions do eventually lead to an overall worldwide cataclysm.

>> No.9623135

>i thought he didn't even knew zero
He didn't. The capsules were retconned as containing an AI based on Light, instead of pre-recorded messages.

>> No.9623153

wait, so the ai in capsules themselves made the upgrades?

>> No.9623159

Capcom never bothered explaining, but it seems it was Light's AI who fixed X at the end of X5.

>> No.9623164

Capsule Light knew about Zero as early as X4 when he gets the black armor, then it got really crazy in X5 with it being able to save X from death altogether (and somehow appearing outside of a capsule, in the middle of a wasteland, which has some insane implications).
Just another reason why Inafune's canon is silly.

>> No.9623184

There's no capsule for black armor in X4, it's obtainable via cheat code only.

>> No.9623325

Shit, I'm misremembering things. Could've sworn you could get something from the capsule in Web Spider's stage but that's just the Ultimate Armor.

>> No.9623761

I get the feeling he knows that Zero was created by Wily.

>> No.9623775

>Zero was already as evil as possible so being infected by the virus made him good like a stack overflow/underflow.
Am I reading this correctly?

>> No.9623786

Remember Y2K? People thinking computers would reset because they wouldn't be able to understand the date going from 1999 to 2000? That's basically Zero, except real.

>> No.9623854

Yes I do remember. Does this mean Reploids have a base good/bad value?

>> No.9624240

Anon, Y2K is real. Hundreds of billions of dollars were spent over nearly a decade to fix it before any harm was done.

>> No.9624596

supposedly they are good by nature, something really dumb since thye whole point if having human level AI, and thye deciding to hate humans is considered malfunctioning and then in x8 when lumine decides to become evil is seen as something impossible....so dumb

>> No.9624637

I did say "Y2K is basically Zero except real" in that post though.
>Does this mean Reploids have a base good/bad value?
It's complicated. They are all "born" innocent like X was. Keep in mind that innocence is not inherently good or evil, but rather it is the abscense of guilt. X was put into a capsule for 30 (actually 100) years to learn about good and evil, so he won't accidentally step on a puppy out of compassion. If a reploid steps on a puppy, they might feel bad from some inheritance of X's knowledge of morality but not as strongly as he would. It's a bit of a weaker reaction since they don't really know the weight of hurting another creature. Some reploids with , like Vile, would probably go "whose fucking dog is this? I'm walking here!" and move along.

>> No.9624663

Do people like the conclusion to X's story in the Mega Man Zero games?

>> No.9624669

You mean that thing where he just gives up being robot jesus even though he always promised to fight to the end? Yeah that wasn't a good idea.

>> No.9624684

>thye deciding to hate humans is considered malfunctioning and then in x8 when lumine decides to become evil is seen as something impossible....so dumb
I think it goes back to Maverick as a term vs maverick due to the virus. In regards to X8, a lot of the new gen reploids actually do deny being mavericks which at first seems like denial, but once Lumine explains, makes it clear that "maverick at will" is actually not maverick.
As for why it's seen as a shock, it's because the new-gen reploids aren't given much of a reason to have gone maverick and to subscribe to Sigma's ideals, especially since they were created with the purpose of building the space elevator.

>> No.9624686

Stop the coup

>> No.9624764

no one in the x universe is smart enough to realize the inmortal super robot will have enough logic reasons not to serve the meatbags

>> No.9625096

I'm still incredibly surprised that Capcom never made a Mega Man X anime in the mid '90s. Capcom had fuck you money from Street Fighter and Resident Evil, Bandai was actively merchandising the fuck out of the IP, and Evangelion proved there was a market for dark, dystopian, science fiction shonen with an effeminate young protagonist whose primary character faults are emotional sensitivity and self-doubt. Ffs, Capcom literally kept commissioning J-Pop for the PS1 games that could effortlessly be transferred to anime themes.

>> No.9625098 [DELETED] 

Sigma balls

>> No.9625120

It seems that while the plan in the first game was for Light to be a recording, at some point they changed their mind and made him an AI instead.

>> No.9625126

I think the "alternate future" thing was an excuse to let every series go on as long as they wanted. Like, X takes place after some sort of theoretical ending to the Classic series, but those events will never actually happen in the games themselves, because if they did they'd have to stop.

>> No.9625153

God damn. I never knew I wanted this.

>> No.9625175
File: 102 KB, 540x405, 1673525114964911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i know nothing about the lore but can anyone tell me how dr. light prepared an upgrade for zero in x5? i thought he didn't even knew zero, let alone guess he was good

Light has been an ai since AT LEAST x4 where he has awareness of the repliforce/maverick hunter conflict. Makes alot more sense than several prerecorded messages that just conveniently show up in X's path while he's waging a one robot war.

>then it got really crazy in X5 with it being able to save X from death altogether (and somehow appearing outside of a capsule, in the middle of a wasteland, which has some insane implications).

x5 itself was insane, what with cyberspace materializing into the real world, obviously there was still some lingering cyberspace shenanigans that allowed ai light to materialize next to X, or maybe he can just do so at will.

Whats more crazy is that Zero has spoken to dr light more than X has.

He knows, hence why he told Zero not to worry about the old man in his dreams in x5

>> No.9625189
File: 265 KB, 800x616, zero_x_iris.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There were more than a few hoax websites in the late 90's early 00's trying to gaslight impressionable young minds like myself at the time into believing that there was a x anime using images of x3, x4 anime scenes. They even went so far as giving fake episode synopsis.

>> No.9625210
File: 70 KB, 400x400, X5 Gaea Armor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God damn I fucking hate fujoshi slags and their gay fanfiction so goddamn much.

>> No.9625270

>I did say "Y2K is basically Zero except real" in that post though.
I interpreted it the other way around, saying Zero is more real than Y2K lol

>> No.9625394

Do fujoshi even like the X series? BN, Zero/Zx seems more up their alley.

>> No.9625398
File: 116 KB, 824x678, Screen Shot 2020-04-02 at 9.01.51 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

X4 did it poorly because the details surrounding it were almost all Japan exclusive. That and Capcom USA's localization ability being questionable as always.

I hate most of that with a passion.

All of that just to dodge Dr. Cain repairing Zero's program and loosely justify the batshit insane writing that X5 had.

I'd say that the events of X5 upended a lot of things setting-wise.
The final area of the game is literally a site of cyberspace and reality merging together. Add to that, this Light capsule is unique in that it is the only one in the entire series that is found in a boss stage. This might actually be the AI itself that prepares the capsules.

Fun fact: The reason why Zero can get his armor upgrade immediately and X can't is because Zero is the only character who doesn't use a separate character slot for armors.

>> No.9625404

They make shit like this >>9617062 >>9625175 all the time. That fucking X4 dub did a lot of damage to the image of the characters.

>> No.9625430

>this Light capsule is unique in that it is the only one in the entire series that is found in a boss stage
X2's Shoryuken and X3's Gold Armor are in boss stages, aren't they?

>> No.9625502

>X4 did it poorly because the details surrounding it were almost all Japan exclusive. That and Capcom USA's localization ability being questionable as always.
Even then it's dumb
>General meets with Sigma for some reason
>Sigma tells him to rebel
>"no I won't betray humans like that"
>turns on a dime

>> No.9625563

I do.
I think the X games neglected him as a character, so having the Zero games give him a meatier storyline where he guides Zero and passes his dream onto him feels like a much better send-off for him than, say, X5 or X6.
I wish the X games had an arc for him like the MMZ games had for Zero.

>> No.9625624

True, I got that wrong without thinking. It is still the only one that offers an upgrade to Zero and seems actively aware of the current state of events.
Plus, the ending has Light's hologram materialize without any obvious sign of a capsule being nearby.

You're assuming that that is all Sigma did.
>Sigma fails to convince General to take action first to leave the idea lingering.
>Second part of Sigma's plan is now in motion.
>Contingent of Repliforce soldiers and Eregion turn Maverick and start attacking Sky Lagoon
>Meanwhile Magma Dragoon sabotages the floating city causes it to crash onto the Earth while blaming Eregion.
>X confronts Colonel, Zero rescues Iris and Colonel confronts him
>Colonel declares that Repliforce will not stand down, despite warnings that the Hunters will have to declare them to be Mavericks altogether.
>The plan was successfully carried out.
>General processes these events and determines that Sigma was attempting to warn him.
>Now Sigma is welcome to offer advice.
>The best way forward for peace with Repliforce is for them to declare their independence from an unfair system that has wrongfully judged them as Mavericks.

>> No.9625704

Effeminate might be the wrong word, but X isn't exactly Rambo as far as his personality goes.

>> No.9625756
File: 1.56 MB, 1736x1788, X (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's really just a selfless upstanding guy. He won't hesitate to help people or offer the peaceful solution but he also won't hesitate to kill the shit of troublemakers when innocent lives are in danger.
He may be robot Jesus but he's the robot Jesus who'll flip tables and whip Mavericks in the robo temple if he has to.

>> No.9625769
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>but X isn't exactly Rambo as far as his personality goes.

>> No.9625775

>Colonel declares that Repliforce will not stand down, despite warnings that the Hunters will have to declare them to be Mavericks altogether.
Wasn't the actual canon reason behind that something really, REALLY retarded?

>> No.9625818
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Here's the plot of X4 put plainly.

Repliforce was created to supplant the need to combat Mavericks due to the growing number of riots and rebellions perpetrated by Sigma and the virus, which the Hunters could barely control on their own, as evidenced in the past three X games. Repliforce's purpose was shown to be inefficient, and the Hunters were itching for a reason to disband them. Sigma noticed this, and began orchestrating the Sky Lagoon incident.

Magma Dragoon was a Maverick Hunter and prideful warrior who's always envied X's superior fighting abilities, believing the latter always hend back whenever they sparred during training sessions. This grudge he harbored against X allowed Sigma to convince him to sabotage Sky Lagoon and become a Maverick, all so he could force X to have a real fight with him, no holds barred. Still, Dragoon's motivation to betray the Maverick Hunters wasn't enough to cause the Repliforce war, as that would come later.

When the Sky Lagoon crashes, X and Zero find evidence of Repliforce presence in the rubble. They also find Colonel investigating the crash site, who claims to be looking for his sister Iris. The Hunters immediately demand him to surrender his weapons and follow them to the Hunter base for questioning (which often ends in imprisonment or decommission for Reploids, as someone has to take the fall until the real culprits are found, if ever. After all, the Maverick virus scare is a good enough prerogative to let the Hunters point fingers at just about anyone despite their own general ineffectiveness). The Maverick Hunters immediately grow suspicious when he refuses - the image of the second-in-command of Repliforce being detained would ruin public opinion on Repliforce and basically guarantee its dissolution through vox populi.

>> No.9625823

As far as the game dialogue is concerned, yes. The war happens because Colonel himself is too proud to accept the accusation as legitimate.

>> No.9625825

The Hunters then demand General to disband the Repliforce and turn himself in for inquiry. Years of experience fighting Mavericks fueled the Hunters' concern that Repliforce could become dangerous, should they become infected by the Maverick Virus or grow strong enough to overpower the Hunters themselves.

The Hunters had a solid reason to be worried, but their authoritarian "do as we say or else" attitude was a big fucking insult to a man like General. Before the incident took place, Sigma warned him that this would happen sooner or later, as human beings were growing wary of armed Reploids running around (though General did not recognize Sigma during their meeting, since everyone thought he was dead for good). Sending a Repliforce representative to talk it out with the Hunters wouldn't work, since the Hunters wouldn't even give Colonel, General's right hand man, the time of day. General then decided that Repliforce should simply leave planet Earth and build a reploid colony in a space station. It wasn't a declaration of war so much as a "you don't trust us, so we're leaving" statement. The Hunters, of course, regarded their disobedience as Maverick behavior, and then the fighting began. The "Final Weapon" was originally the space station they wanted to move to, and was only turned into an actual weapon after the Hunters started going after Repliforce.

Even after the war begins, Repliforce officers like Jet Singray were shown evacuating the civilians before carrying out orders to destroy certain locations. Storm Owl's brigade was attacked by the Hunters, including X, who found himself acting just how Sigma wanted him to, when he denied Owl's accusation that the Hunters were corrupt, before executing him with a charged shot to the face.

Meanwhile, Double was sent by Sigma to Hunter base as to disrupt the flow of information and prevent any chance of peace accords between Repliforce and the Maverick Hunters from happening. And so you have Megaman X4.

>> No.9625834

No I mean outside of game dialog, the stuff concerning him and Iris being one robot split in two.

Everything about Repliforce makes sense if you just see them as a stand-in for the Imperial Japanese Army, because they did everything you stated including refusing to surrender out of honor, sometimes even when the Emperor ordered them to. That's the thing about WW2, if you made a fictional setting which was the exact same thing with the serial numbers filed off, everyone would complain that it's filled with bad writing, characters acting irrationally, and bullshit superweapons appearing at the last second. Colonel's refusal to lay down his arms was basically a repeat of the assassination of PM Inukai Tsuyoshi during the May 15 Incident where a bunch of officers in the IJA staged a coup and when they burst into his office, he simply said
>If we could talk, you would understand
to which one of the officers there said
>Dialogue is useless!
before riddling him with bullets.

>> No.9625838

You know this whole conflict might be better if we ever saw a single human in it besides Dr. Cain.

>> No.9625886

>Storm Owl's brigade was attacked by the Hunters, including X, who found himself acting just how Sigma wanted him to, when he denied Owl's accusation that the Hunters were corrupt, before executing him with a charged shot to the face.

The way that's worded sounds like it could be used for some Max0r-style incorrect summary of the X series where Repliforce constantly professes it's innocence for legitimate reasons and X is just the most braindead person in it all.

>X: Finally, General. Surrender, and we can stop this madness right now!
>General: You have literally been killing all of my forces single-handedly.
>X: That's because nobody wanted to disarm!
>General: The last time you asked anyone to disarm, you blew their arms off.
>General: But in fact, I will disarm. Just for you.
>X: Oh good, we can finally--wait what are you doing.
>General: Disarming myself.
>X: You just detached your arms!
>General: I'm *disarmed*, aren't I!?
>X: Yes, but, stop punching at me!
>General: I'm not punching at you! I'm... *Disarmed!* (rimshot)

>> No.9626121

It's interesting how they're not portrayed in the games at all, almost as if they were the looming boogeyman in this series of games about robots.
>"Don't be disobedient or the HUMANS will ask for your head on a pike"

>> No.9626267

And if Mavericks who were brainwashed/mindcontrolled/virused/etc. weren't the majority of bosses we fight.
X's mantra about violence and peace falls kinda flat when most of the time the antagonist Reploids aren't acting out of their own free will.

Likewise, the idea of a Reploid revolution by Sigma (before the X4 reveal that he was infected) would be more interesting if we had an idea of the society he was resisting, and what points he might have that would make X pause to think. Mavericks getting destroyed while human criminals are presumably jailed is pretty messed up, but I don't think the games ever brought that up. It's just Sigma talking about how Reploids are stronger, so they should rule.

>> No.9626270

So like what was Sigma's purpose before he became evil? Because he looks pretty menacing. I'd surely think he was a villain if I saw him like just walking down the street.

>> No.9626279

>X's mantra about violence and peace falls kinda flat when most of the time the antagonist Reploids aren't acting out of their own free will
As a Maverick Hunter he really has no choice but to put them down. He'd be a worse person if he just let them roam free.
>would be more interesting if we had an idea of the society he was resisting
It's hinted at here and there. There's also the Day of Sigma OVA.

>> No.9626280

He was the supreme commander of the Maverick Hunters. The guy in charge of the organization.
The same Maverick Hunters who became a police state and locked horns with Repliforce over "ineffectiveness". Ironic ain't it?

>> No.9626810

Day of Sigma also shows that Hunters who are too extreme in their actions are jailed, like Vile.

>> No.9626829
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The thing is we're never given any indication as to how big of an organization the Hunters are, it's implied they're actually a very small police force and the reason Repliforce going rogue was a big deal was because that was an entire goddamn army.

You also have to keep in mind that the events of the games are very localized. In X1 it was only a single city attacked and all the locations you go to were places in that city. X2, a single island. X3, a military base and some factories around it. X4 it's 2 islands next to each other and a space station. X5 is the first game where you're actually globetrotting. Also I went and checked the dialog, as badly translated as it is, for both X and Zero's story after the first stage and General has the cutscene of him doing his big speech. In both cases they're not called Mavericks, just that a coup has occurred and they have to stop them. X says that Colonel is jumping to conclusions here, and Zero says Repliforce has forced his hand by occupying several cities already. Despite everything that happened, they are never labelled as Mavericks outside of the bosses who worked for Sigma and had infiltratrated Repliforce, so those 3 actually were Mavericks. They're labelled as just Repliforce rebels.

>> No.9626845

The wierd thing is even if you treat this series like each game should be taken like its own separate canon that ignores the events of previous games and if a game says something happened in a previous game it's only canon to that game you're playing at the time's story and doesn't actually affect any of the others....then X4 basically did that and it was still bad. Practically nothing in X4 comes from a previous game outside of the fact that the Maverick Hunters and Sigma exist, Dr. Cain isn't even around anymore. The idea of the hunters being shady as an organization didn't come up really until X6, where it's said that Ground Scaravich was marked for execution because he found X's original sleep capsule which was a state secret.

>> No.9626861

Anon, literally everything in X4 happens because the cast are retards
>General never tells anyone about his secret meeting with Sigma
>Colonel refuses to comply with orders because he's obsessed with honor (later retconned to him being literally incapable of choosing peace as an option because that aspect of him is all in Iris)
>General proceeds to do the thing Sigma wanted him to do even though he said he'd never betray humans
>General then proceeds to point a giant orbital laser at earth
>General is then SHOCKED that Sigma had taken over said orbital laser
>Zero kills his waifu that we have no reason to care about because she's had about 5 total minues of screentime.
>also the guy called Double is a double agent and no one saw that coming.
Gendering discussion doesn't mean something is well-written. Gundam Wing raises discussion about the morality of drone warfare, it doesn't change that it's a show where half the cast is either insane or irrational and the discussion around aspects of the show's worldbuilding is far more interesting than anything that actually happens in the show itself.

>> No.9626871

X3 was in Dopple Town, which is a city in an island, so it takes places in an entire island really.

>> No.9626874

The X series is a cautionary tale to not let archaeologists try to be roboticists.

>> No.9626880
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Kind of tangential but I really like Mega Man 11's intro where it shows a young Light and Wily arguing about robotics. It's obvious that Dr. Light was the only sane man who wanted to advance robot technology but foresaw all the consequences if left untethered from ethics.
Wily meanwhile is pic related

>> No.9626901

>General never tells anyone about his secret meeting with Sigma
Imagine you somehow have a secret meeting with Kim Jong Un, who snuck into your country without anyone noticing, and later you decide to tell the cops about it. What do you think the cops (and the feds) are gonna do to you when that happens?
>Colonel refuses to comply with orders because he's obsessed with honor
That is a legit thing that happened in history many times before, especially in Japan.
>General proceeds to do the thing Sigma wanted him to do even though he said he'd never betray humans
Sigma told him that he should use Repliforce to "stop the Hunters" from becoming the dominant reploid armed force. General instead chooses to take his bros and leave the planet altogether.
>gianat orbital laser
I get that it's goofy but consider that wasn't built before the war began as a deterrent and a guarantee that the Hunters won't attack the station as it leaves orbit carrying all of Repliforce off into space. The Hunters wouldn't let anyone build a fucking orbital laser right above their heads in any circumstance, be it ally or enemy. They even realize that it suddenly showed up during the course of the game, rather than knowing the weapon was always there, which lends to the idea that it was made during the conflict.
>also the guy called Double is a double agent and no one saw that coming.
To be fair a lot of megaman characters have names you'd be suspicious of but they are (or were) all normal.

>> No.9626910

Here's the fun thing about Wily: Prior to MM11 the canon explanation for his villainy was that he and Light were partners in the field of robotics, always making projects and building robots together as close friends, but Light was always given all the credit, being favored by the media and other enthusiasts while Wily was left in Light's shadow despite being half the reason their inventions were so great. This is a very humane reason to get fucking mad and lash out against society, and so he did. No one seems to remember this part of his lore nowadays though.

>> No.9626970

>That is a legit thing that happened in history many times before, especially in Japan.
Which is why I'll point to my previous post here >>9625834
>That's the thing about WW2, if you made a fictional setting which was the exact same thing with the serial numbers filed off, everyone would complain that it's filled with bad writing, characters acting irrationally, and bullshit superweapons appearing at the last second.

>> No.9626976

I mean it doesn't really change much, in the end it comes down to Wily being EXTREMELY petty

>> No.9626980

I mean, if I worked my ass off and graduated university to become a leading figure in robotics and STILL not be recognized for what I achieved I'd be petty too. What do these plebeians know?

>> No.9627693

You may not like it, but this is what an exceptional swordman looks like.

>> No.9627696
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He's a Sigma male.

>> No.9627701
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>Wily somehow manages to transfer his mind into reploid body and persist through the ages
He became the maverick virus itself.

>> No.9627707

>brought back by the virus
This can be interpreted in a multitude of ways, but holy shit.

>> No.9628239
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>The maverick virus is evil energy
>Wily is the virus
>The zero virus went into sigma, then became the maverick virus
>whatever virus nonsense was written in MMZ complete works

Sasuga Japan, they never cease to amaze me with their insistence on preferring the most convoluted explanation for their poorly thought out story. Shit doesn't need to be that complicated

My own head canon is that the virus was one last middle finger to Dr Light's dream of human and robot coexistence. That it. Light went the extra mile of doing 30 years of testing on X to make sure he doesn't break bad, Wily went the extra mile and put a virus inside Zero to make sure any robot that isn't destroyed by Zero himself eventually breaks bad.

>> No.9628259

But he was recognized, he was seen as the second-best robotocist in the world.

>> No.9628307
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Putting it into order it goes like this:
>Evil Energy -> Wily Virus (EE + robot reprogramming algorithm) -> Maverick Virus (Wily Virus optimized to explot Reploid design flaws) -> Sigma Virus (Maverick Virus fused with Sigma's digitized AI at the end of X1) -> Zero Virus (Sigma Virus fused with the virus smuggled by Dynamo into the Eurasia space colony and Zero's AI) -> Nightmare Virus (Zero Virus + DNA Program successfully reverse-engineered by Gate) -> Copy Chip (DNA Program of Sigma and many other old Reploids rendered inert and implemented into New Gen Reploids as to make use of the abilities it grants users)
It may sound silly in a work of fiction, but do remember how many strains of COVID we've gotten in like 3 years.
Putting this into perspective, EE being a sapient entitity does lend to the idea that it keeps consuming hosts and evolving much like a virus, jumping from robot to robot, system to system, mechaniloid to mechaniloid, iteration to iteration. Given the X series' overarching theme of robot free will, it does seem like the virus itself is acting on its own free will in a very twisted way, by rending others of their own.
If Wily turning himself into a cyborg holds true or at least plausible, the virus may have even taken over him. After all, his real body was never found. It may even hint at the reason why X and Zero are not allowed to go near the locations where their capsules were found.

>> No.9628320

And keep in mind all this nomenclature is made by the Hunters to identify the effects of the viruses. For all we know it could literally just be the same Evil Energy that came from space adapting to Earth's robotic systems continously, like a demon with many names.

>> No.9628528


>> No.9628567

From wht I understand, that was primarily a western plot point. In Japan, Wily and Light went their separate ways after college until Wily reprogrammed Light's robots.
Though it was clearly a strong enough change to persist in the public conscious for so long (with the Archie comic using it for Wily's backstory).

>> No.9628586

You forgot the Colony Virus between Sigma and Zero

>> No.9628601

>It may even hint at the reason why X and Zero are not allowed to go near the locations where their capsules were found.
No that's because those capsules are apparently a massive state secret that are kept in absolute lockdown, and Ground Scaravich merely coming upon it got him marked for termination

>> No.9628610

Wily brought himself back as an AI/virus and transferred through robot bodies from time to time (Serges and Isoc).

>> No.9628624
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That's your nostalgia making you retarded. They look like Shitty Boxart Mega Man, only with a grimace and sharp bits added.

>> No.9628635

Let's be adults and admit that Inafune stopped giving a fuck once he began rising through Capcom. With the commercial failure of the Legends games, the series as a vessel for cogent lore was over. At least MML2 effectively puts an end to the story with the complete and definitive end of Humankind.

>> No.9628657


>> No.9628664

If you wanna be boring and ignore implications, sure.

>> No.9628685

That was never actually canon. They were colleagues, but not partners.

>> No.9628717

Is Powered Up not canon?

>> No.9628734

Powered Up is questionably canon, but it's as incomplete as Maverick Hunter X as far as canon goes.

Speaking of, I think Maverick Hunter X was setting up to make a whole new mess of problems for the Zero series.

>> No.9628761

They're both really ugly remakes, I'd prefer it if they weren't canon.

>> No.9628815

Powered Up is not canon until any future title confirms it. So far, every canon classic game accepts the NES game as canon.

>> No.9628842

did sigma talk to wily about Zero in X2 when he was serges? Or did sigma just find another AI version of wily?

>> No.9628882

>the ending has Light's hologram materialize without any obvious sign of a capsule being nearby.
So was Light's hologram just never walking out of the capsule because he was a lazy fat fuck or something?

>Zero kills his waifu that we have no reason to care about because she's had about 5 total minues of screentime.
To be fair they retroactively tried to fix this by giving her a supporting role in Xtreme 2

>also the guy called Double is a double agent and no one saw that coming.
Really? This isn't Shakespeare, man. A character can have a simple-ass name alluding to his motive. It isn't like people in universe are gonna suspect him because he has a funny name

>> No.9628954

>So was Light's hologram just never walking out of the capsule because he was a lazy fat fuck or something?

The acid trip final stages of x5 was actually cyberspace materializing in the real world.

>> No.9629028

Cyberspace disappears during the cutscenes with X on the ground. The capsules probably teleport because how the fuck do they always appear in convenient spots, in facilities built long after Light's death? He may have brought the capsule near X during the ending

>> No.9629037

>how the fuck do they always appear in convenient spots, in facilities built long after Light's death?
There are some that rise out of the ground (like the one in Sting Chameleon's stage in X1).

>> No.9629063

This shit is all a rip off of astroboy anyway

>> No.9629081

But some of them even appear on Reploid airships

>> No.9629082

Ya, pretty sick innit?

>> No.9629096

I always just assumed that Legends is meant to be its own thing and has no relation to the rest of megaman. With makes sense as it's less megaman and Inafune wanting to make a Yatterman game

>> No.9629102

It does have ties to the X series.

>> No.9629106

>Really? This isn't Shakespeare, man. A character can have a simple-ass name alluding to his motive. It isn't like people in universe are gonna suspect him because he has a funny name
You know, I'd agree if the X series didn't make a habit of a reploid's name being indicative of their nature and powers.

>> No.9629132

Nonetheless, it's part of the main timeline, the Zero and ZX games borrowed design cues from Legends because Legends is supposed to be the end of the timeline.

>> No.9629135

Did the world get flooded at the end of the ZX games?

>> No.9629136

Double is also a number reference, and some Reploids just have names related to math and computers

>> No.9629141

i like Battle Network even if I've never played any of the games past 1, but I'm told that outside of one game they just keep getting better

>> No.9629142

I haven't beaten ZX Advent but apparently that game ends on a cliff hanger but leads into the lore that humans and Reploids becoming a mixed singular species called carbons.

>> No.9629154

>but leads into the lore that humans and Reploids becoming a mixed singular species called carbons.
That already happened in ZX, that's literally the whole plot. Also not everyone in Legends is a Carbon. There are plenty of just pure robots in that world but afaik no more pure humans.

>> No.9629168

Humans and Reploids do not become one species yet in ZX. Humans just get robot augmentations and Reploids get an expiration date.

>> No.9629692

Carbons are just genetically engineered humans. They are still carbon-based lifeforms.

>> No.9629732

FloodMan flooded the world with his flood energy

>> No.9629750

>Light creates X, a robot so advanced in every way it revolutionizes the world all over again centuries later
>Wily creates Zero, who despite jobbing repeatedly during X proves to be the strongest robot ever created like 10k years into the future
How the fuck did they do it

>> No.9630014

>Imprecise floating-point format
Hunter HQ cut the budget and paid the price. They should have hired Decimal instead.

>> No.9631114


>> No.9631125

Spark Man looks unironically cool as fuck on that cover.

>> No.9631224

I'd imagine the night General met Sigma, his fate was sealed. He probably subtly spread his viral influence while letting him believe everything was his idea.

>> No.9631234

Doesn't the Ultimate Armor make him violent in the manga? Like the whole thing with Spider-Man and his black suit.

>> No.9631245

Colonel's sense of pride is directly programmed into him. He's physically incapable of doing something he believes would dishonor Repliforce.

>> No.9631258

I like how when we finally meet a human village in Zero 4, they're just fucking done with Reploids because they keep causing wars.

>> No.9631265

I wonder if an animal reploid was ever built and thought to themselves "oh, fuck" because they knew they'd inevitably be infected and be fodder for X to blow up.

>> No.9631287

When I was a kid I thought he was named Double because he was twice as fat as everyone else

>> No.9631957
File: 1.33 MB, 897x1284, Ultimate armor X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Listen, and understand. Ultimate armor X is out there. He can’t be bargained with. He can’t be reasoned with. He doesn’t feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And he absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

>> No.9631972

there were reploid dogs that you rescue in X6

>> No.9631986
File: 42 KB, 272x428, Knock knock open up the door it's X.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah the Ultimate Armor is designed to fully unlock his potential, but it makes him into a Terminator due to the excess of power pushing him to his emotional breaking point.
He literally turns Slash Beast into shredded cheese. Zero shits his diapers when he finds X surrounded by the Maverick's remains.
This isn't the only moment where X loses his patience. His fight against Vile in the X3 manga is one of the best battle sequences I've ever seen in a manga, and it's fucking brutal.

>> No.9632248


>> No.9632271

>His fight against Vile in the X3 manga is one of the best battle sequences i've ever seen in a manga
Alright I need to finally get around to reading these, i've been procrastinating it far too long.

>> No.9632276
File: 1.06 MB, 1134x1134, Vile Mk. II (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to put Breis' remix of Vile's X3 theme on loop when you get around to it.

>> No.9632303

link to menga?

>> No.9632305
File: 987 KB, 837x820, WolfSigmaMMX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why was Sigma turning himself into a giant wolf at the end of X1?

>> No.9632309
File: 220 KB, 800x550, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why was Sigma turning himself into a giant wolf at the end of X1?

>> No.9632313

It's been translated a while ago. Check it on Mangadex or something.

>> No.9632368

A tribute to his dog.

>> No.9632376

>delta after gamma
Embarrassing. I mean normal idiots put delta after gamma by default because they think gamma is "ancient C", but this goes beyond that.

>> No.9632381

lol I didn't even notice that. it's more cringe than I thought.

>> No.9632385

The normalfagsphere is like a miasma sometimes.

>> No.9632429

It's his fursona

>> No.9632448

Nta but thanks for the info. Looks like it is on Mangadex and it's split by each game adaptation since they were released that way.

>> No.9632579

they didn't fuck like in the BN timeline

>> No.9632825

Double getting bullied for being a fat retard is my favorite part

>> No.9634216

What i am gathering here is that zero is and was always brain-damaged. LOL

>> No.9634912

There's an interview or two where it's suggested that the character of Omega from the MMZ games is actually this original violent, berserker mind of Zero.

>> No.9634971

>The thing is we're never given any indication as to how big of an organization the Hunters are, it's implied they're actually a very small police force
That's what I always thought too. If they were a bigger organization they probably would've stopped these incidents before they happened in the first place, and Repliforce going rogue wouldn't have been as big a deal. The games act like the Hunters are a perpetually understaffed, underfunded organization.

>> No.9634973

The game itself drops like 50 hints that Omega is "Zero, but evil"

>> No.9634987


>> No.9634993

They also kinda suck at their job if they aren't a named character.

>> No.9635308

It's supposed to be related, but it might as well not be. Capcom still has yet to make a straight 3D Mega Man, for seemingly no reason. Maybe in 1998 doing a 3D platform shooter was tricky, but it's been solved for over a decade.

>> No.9635328

Outside of Command Mission, are there really any chapters of MH we're aware of that isn't the main one?
Apparently, X stepping down alone is enough to cripple the Hunters enough to create a vacuum according to X7.

>> No.9635495

I mean Sigma mentions "garma's unit" being wiped out by Zero so at the very least it works in squads.

>> No.9635813

X and Zero are the only ones that can decommission actual threats. The others are grunts who can only run errands.

>> No.9636348

there are some competent ones, the only problem is that they go maverick and its up to x and zero to beat'em up

>> No.9637438

i think we should consider that everyone is being infected by the maverick virus, X, Zero and Axl are all resistant to the virus and we see they going on more extreme missions

>> No.9637445

DNA SOULS are just their name, they aren't nothing similar to souls as spirits. Those the data from the body and mind of a reploid stored in the cyberspace. I have no idea why they didn't come with a better name for this, but whatever.

>> No.9637447

And they're always animal-based. Curious...

>> No.9637449

aside from what >>9620694 said, they did figure out something to counteract the virus. New-gen reploids DNA SOULs are immune to the virus because it has a mutant (ever-changing) layer that doesn't allow the virus to reach the SOUL of a reploid

>> No.9637452

i wonder why there are lines of reploids with animal designs (aside from roserade that is just a mutant, a plant mutant lol), maybe cultural reasons? They have cities and buildings named after blibical stuff.

>> No.9637529

X7, X8 and CM are not canon.

>> No.9637586

Maybe Dr. Cain was secretly a furry

>> No.9637639

X7 and X8 are canon. The X6 zero ending happens in the ending of the X series. The only timesplit in the X series happens in X7 with an alt timeline leading to Command Mission.

>> No.9637650

I should've said only time-splited games, there are the x5 endings time-splits too, although one might say they aren't canon.

>> No.9637693

Some reploids have animal designs to inherit said animals' physical abilities and thus operate better in the environments they're stationed in.

>> No.9637694
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>The only timesplit in the X series happens in X7 with an alt timeline leading to Command Mission.

Or maybe its just a non-canon spinoff? I have no idea why people get so hung up as to how/where a single spinoff game adheres to numbered games in the series. What sort of headcanon are you gonna conjure up to justify where DiVE and X-over fit into canon?

>> No.9637714

No one will care about X6 onwards once Corrupted comes out since it's made as an alternate branching off from X5's ending
Haha, actually coming out...

>> No.9637761

time-splits doesn't need to be canon. I believe CM isn't a canon time-split but i don't know much about that game since i never played it.

But spin-off series and games can be canon, the X series is a spinoff of the classic series and in the canon is just one of the future timelines. The word spinoff isn't the same as "not canon".

>> No.9637764

I'll do. X7 aside post X5 games are really fun for challenge running

>> No.9637805
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>I have no idea why people get so hung up as to how/where a single spinoff game adheres to numbered games in the series.

It's because Inti Creates shared a timeline once and now the community thinks that that timeline is a sacred cow and -the- standard for MM storytelling.

That's how you end up with X8's redesigns being "technological progress" towards the Zero series rather than being done in service to the theme of aging in the story.

>> No.9637854

I always found that such a hipocrisy from their part. Humans have been in conflict longer than reploids exist.

>> No.9638239

No human conflict has ever obliterated the world

>> No.9638470

imo technological progress falls under the aging theme, but i don't think Its specifically towards the Zero series, the gap is too big and between those series many other design changes could've happened before what we see in the elf wars picture

>> No.9638487

might be, but its makes sense to hate a group that lee them to so much pain

>> No.9638507

yes, makes sense, following that logic it also means there were also cultural/popular reasons for this since they wouldnt need to resemble the animal to have their skills like, for example, the tentacles of an octopus. They could be just a normal reploid with tentacles but he also has the appearance of an octopus

>> No.9638769

proof like the X-buster real name being Mega buster M.K.17?

>> No.9638783

Auto isn't a robot master, if i can remember correctly he doesn't even have a line of production (correct me if i'm wrong) like the support units (rush, tango, beat, etc)

>> No.9638801

yes all the canon spinoff series aren't directly connected except for Z-ZX for that exact reason

>> No.9639618
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The broader point was that X does not need classic to come to any conclusion for the backstory of X to take place. Classic can go on as long as it wants and not a peep needs to be said about X or Zero being built.

Likewise, X does not need to conclude for Zero (series) to begin. Zero even has it's own conclusion to the X series that presumably takes place whenever the X series 'ends'. Inti's timelines IMO only include elements they drew from for their story, rather than intending to serve as a definitive timeline for the entire franchise. Otherwise, Inti is saying that whole chunks of X5 just aren't canon.

>> No.9639978

Yeah, like I've played X7 and X8 and they feel like an incredibly soulless retread to pad out the series
During X5 it was said Sigma unleashing his virus so widely ended up greatly diminishing his ability to regenerate, so when you see him in X6 he is like a half-disintegrated, demented living corpse.
Then suddenly in X7 he is 100% good to go again and back to his regular hijinx. Then in X8 he has some weird space rock golem form that is never explained at all.

It's just stuff like this where the Axl games just feel like some bonus timeline

>> No.9640170

You forgot Zero's ending in X5 where he literally sees Wily in his memories during his final moments.

>> No.9640241

>>9639618 explained that he was talking about the classic series, and every other antecedent series not linking directly to their spinoff series, aside from mmz-mmzx and mmbn-mmsf (those aren't spinoffs though)

>> No.9640908

I thought every humanoid robot in the classic series was a robot master, it's just their classification like reploid

>> No.9640936

Funny to think that Zero is technically a robot master

>> No.9641064

robot masters are a line of production, like the sniper joe, and all of them are mechaniloids. The difference between mechaniloids and X/reploids is the ability of free will and the division between these two kind of robots might be social reasons (since reploids are a lot more human-alike)

>> No.9641072

he is indeed the last robot created from the robot master series (that we know of) but he gains the ability of free will over time because of his ability of learning from experience that is also seen in gameplay (x4 onwards, zero series) and the wily/other modifications he receive over his lifespan

>> No.9641081

Mechanaloids are the basic non-thinking robots like the basic small enemies you encounter in levels. The Robot Masters are the ones with more advanced ai in the classic series. Mega Man, Proto Man, and Roll are also robot masters. Bass is a robot master. The main bosses you fight are robot masters.
Reploids are a step above robot masters because they don't actually have to follow orders and can totally think for themselves.
I don't remember it ever being specified in canon that robot masters are exclusively a line of production.

>> No.9641097

mechaniloid is a term from The X-series onwards, in the classic series robot master is just a distinct line of robots

>> No.9641225

He is the most advanced robot master ever created

>> No.9642358

>That is a legit thing that happened in history many times before, especially in Japan.
Reminds me of a story of a judge who refused to eat smuggled rice post WW2 and died of malnutrition.
He died for his honor and values essentially.

>> No.9643346
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Depends. Some of them definitely need the body design for the job, like Sing Chameleon climbing trees with adherent toes for stealth operations.

>> No.9643359

yes, what i meant is that they dont need to have a face or a colorscheme that resembles the animal in question

>> No.9643364

I find it interesting that there's some reploids that doesn't resembles humans at all, some of them acts exactly like a mechaniloid (oregion)

>> No.9644893

so omega is basically a new zero "mind" made by the original body?

>> No.9645346

I wonder what it'd be like if they mixed things up for a game and threw some human-looking Reploids into the 8 Maverick roster, while someone like "Blistering Orangutan" or "Stonecold Lobster" wound up getting their own fortress as the villain Sigma hides behind.

>> No.9646681

>I wonder what it'd be like if they mixed things up for a game and threw some human-looking Reploids into the 8 Maverick roster, while someone like "Blistering Orangutan" or "Stonecold Lobster" wound up getting their own fortress as the villain Sigma hides behind.

Can we also get some animal based reploids that stay on the good guy's side while we're at it?

>> No.9646840

what would you guys expect from a playable animal based reploid?

>> No.9647178

A separate campaign where you play as him "going Maverick."

>> No.9647714

fair enough

>> No.9648737

I rewatched the Day of Sigma today and I really think Sigma is an interesting character. It's too bad half of his character disappeared once he became le evil hacker virus. I get they needed to explain how he kept coming back, but really, they just used it as an excuse to never explain anything about Sigma again.

>> No.9649038

He should've asked Negroid Housecat for help

>> No.9649230

They really should have used a different final boss for at least X2, X3, X4 and X6.
In no way I think the Zero series is better but a different final boss for each game is something I think they did a lot better than their predecesors.

>> No.9649362

yo, sauce of image?

>> No.9649394

Hey if anyones still lurking, how many of the X manga are translated? And know where to read them please?

>> No.9649403

Most if not all of them were translated in the past few years. There's two main manga series - one by Yoshihiro Iwamoto and another by Ikehara Shigeto.

>> No.9649406

not him, but thanks anon. This thread got me interested in reading the mangas.

>> No.9649407

thank you, i get not sharing specific sites and all that on here, but any good downloads or places to check easily for them?

>> No.9649605

they all on mangadex?

>> No.9649608
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>I rewatched the Day of Sigma today and I really think Sigma is an interesting character. It's too bad half of his character disappeared once he became le evil hacker virus.

I liked MHX Sigma because on the surface he appeared to go maverick for his beliefs, as opposed to how he was retconned into doing so because of "le zero virus" made him do it

>I get they needed to explain how he kept coming back, but really, they just used it as an excuse to never explain anything about Sigma again.

He's a robot, why do robots even need an overcooked explanation for how they change bodies/be rebuilt/come back to life? This has been a commonly accepted thing that robots can do across various media, ESPECIALLY in the megaman franchise.

>> No.9649683


>> No.9649712

You can read them online pretty much anywhere that has them. Mainly Mangadex.

>> No.9650545

He actually doesn't look evil at all in the flashback cutscenes in x4 mostly due to not having the "evil eye scars" yet that evil zero gives him in their fight and when he becomes infected. He even acts and talks like standard cool commander that everyone looks up stereotype.

>> No.9650603

>In no way I think the Zero series is better
But the Zero series IS better

>> No.9650660

Key word: I think.

>> No.9650678

No it isn't idiot
That's two words idiot

>> No.9650761

I is a letter, not a word.

>> No.9650772

It is. The X series' bests are great games, but the Zero series is even better. Every X game that isn't the first 4 is shit.

>> No.9651246

X8 is great if you're not a sodomite. Look at you, putting your dick in a boy's shitter

>> No.9651308

I second this. The fatass jewtube critics have besmirched X8 and I will not stand for it. The only bad parts of X8 were the shit Primrose "midboss" spike block room and Gigabolt Man-o-war's stage as a whole.

>> No.9651317

Wonky translation, it's not meant to be a question. It's right after this that Sigma tells Zero about how they first met, when Sigma was sent to kill the "red maverick" that was Zero.

>> No.9651324

Wily created the original Zero virus in the pre-X era, which infected Sigma. Wily really didn't care about the implications of anything, he just wanted to be superior to Dr.Light. I personally think that Wily was always better at hardware, but in terms of software he was severely lacking; this unintentionally resulted in Zero's madness in addition to the Zero virus.

>> No.9651330

I think it's neat. X's intelligence was literally lost technology, and Dr.Cain haphazardly created an entire generation of jury-rigged copies. Dr. Light was the only one who understood how X's mind worked, but even then he had to run tests on him for 100+ years to be sure he wouldn't be dangerous.

>> No.9651714

I wouldn't choose it over any Zero game, that's for sure.

>> No.9651757

X8 is absolute garbage full of crippling flaws and the only reason people give it a pass is because it came after fucking X7.

>> No.9651771

>full of crippling flaws
Like what?
>give it a pass because
I "give it a pass" because I like the game

>> No.9652243

mmx7 aside, i have fun with all the x series titles that i played (i dont like rpgs)

>> No.9652634

You have crippling flaws but don't pass. What's your excuse?

>> No.9653189

hey anon, be nice

>> No.9653194


>> No.9653451

have you seen humans build reploids after the first x games?, they dont is all reploids themselves, thyeare at the robots mercy moreso on the z series

>> No.9653485
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Can you blame em?
Astro Boy is good shit

>> No.9653490

Hyper-Advanced Power Adapter

>> No.9653502

>Beta that high

>> No.9653507

Counterpoint: X6 is not canon, timeline split happens in X5 instead

>> No.9653512

X8 sucks but looks good compared to X7 because it is functioning mechanically
X5 is actually a great game and X6 is bad but has a lot of soul

>> No.9653520

>X8 sucks
>Nobody has said why
That's a cute opinion. Did ScrewAttack give it to you?

>> No.9653563


read >>9637650 >>9637761

>> No.9653610

It has flaws, but it also has some stuff going for it.
>No extraneous overarching gimmick like rescuing reploids, timelimits, etc.
>Axl retooled to have his own quirks and be fun in his own right
>Tons of secrets
>Upgrade system is somewhat questionable but avoids situations where you pile all the upgrades on one character
>Keeps X7's partner mechanic
The biggest thing that holds X8 back is that its stages are gimmicky.

>> No.9654176


>> No.9655949

i never played the game but i really like the OST, rip my playstation

>> No.9656706

>its stages are gimmicky
Oh no, the levels are differentiated

>> No.9656858
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This was on the Twitch stream.

>> No.9657080

>No extraneous overarching gimmick
>"there's not one fully developed gimmick, there's instead lots of cheap gimmicks instead"
I'd pick one overarching passive gimmick instead of everything being its own kind of gimmick
Also Axl is annoying as hell. Awful idea thinking he is an asset to the game

>> No.9657096

He's bringing Rainy Turtloid back?

>> No.9657154

And Infinity Mijinion.
I think you unlock classic armors by beating those bosses, this would explain why X5 and X6 have 2 bosses representation each.

>> No.9657293

Corrupted had an hour of gameplay released on the YouTube channel recently, so we're probably getting close. It's been like 7 years though.

>> No.9657297

Axl is the best character in the game. What are you on?

>> No.9657404

Why are "gimmicks" bad?

>> No.9657414

So what are X8's gimmicks besides the bike stage?

>> No.9657421

>the bike stage?
More like stages. There are 2 of them.
Dark Mantis' stage is a sneak mission.
Optic Sunflower's stage is time trial mission.
Earthrock Trilobyte and Burn Rooster's stages are auto-scrollers.
Gravity Antonion's stage is a bunch of gravity "puzzles".

Bamboo Pandamonium's stage is pretty much the only one with the traditional shooter/platform action, if you get to shoot at all, since you're likely to play the whole stage in a ride armor.

>> No.9657428

>Dark Mantis' stage is a sneak mission
This is not a bad thing
>Optic Sunflower's stage is time trial mission
This is not a bad thing
>Earthrock Trilobyte and Burn Rooster's stages are auto-scrollers
Earthrock's stage is lame but Burn Rooster's is good

>> No.9657443

Unfortunately, outside of the gimmicks those stages still suck

>> No.9657448


>> No.9657450

I fully believe Roboenza fits in there somewhere.

>> No.9657482

It's from Megaman 10 which is admittedly way too long after the heyday of the franchise.

>> No.9657863

Heyday? What? I'm pretty sure Megaman 9 and 10 are canon, and since it was made by Inti Creates the roboenza virus probably (or obviously) links the evil energy to the wily virus

>> No.9658020

Agree to disagree I guess.
Overall it comes down to if you feel that the stage gimmicks are too drastic despite you never truly being "locked out" of stuff like X5/6 could potentially be.
> Axl is annoying as hell.
Axl is fun.
>Bass-style shooting
>Guns for weapons if you want a simple, but slower way of beating bosses
>Since you hate him, you can hear the new-gens and Sigma shit-talk him

>> No.9658813

that's just what punchin will do to a nigga

>> No.9659974

Burn rooster's stage highlights the problematic platforming physics the game has.

>> No.9659989

>problematic platforming physics the game has
You're just bad at the game, the physics are as tight as the SNES/PSX games

>> No.9660021

>You're just bad at the game


>the physics are as tight as the SNES/PSX games
