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File: 371 KB, 1600x900, FarCry1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9618516 No.9618516 [Reply] [Original]

For some games it makes more sense to use default numbers but I started to remap if possible using:
1) Assault Rifle
2) Pistol/SMG/Secondary Weapons/Required Weapon/Rocket?
3) Shotgun/Flamethrower/Close combat weapon/Rocket?
4) Sniper Rifle/Bow/Rocket?
5,6) Other weapons

Using keys up to 5 is very easy 6 is also quite usable. From that point on you have remap them to make use them quickly. In the past for UT2004 I was using Q, E, R, F, V, Z, X, C and so on. This depends on the game because for some games you have other actions for those buttons. At that point I tried using F1-F4 but not sure whether that's a good idea.
I also started to remap grenade to middle mouse and melee V or F button. Despite older FPSes treating them as a different weapons instead of actions this still feels better.
HUD in games like Half-Life doesn't work as intended like this but it's fine.

If you can't carry more than 4 weapons and have to use something like Rocket for a section I generally change 2's weapon given that does have an alternative with 1. Although this depends on which weapons you want to carry. I generally go for the first options of my list.

>> No.9618529 [SPOILER] 
File: 525 KB, 854x480, 1653935132039.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only use the shotgun

>> No.9618554

1 for something I like to use a lot.
2 for the backup.
3 is the OH SHIT EMERGENCY KILL button
4 for the backup to the backup
I'd just limit my repertoire to 4 things, even in games with a wide variety of weapons.

>> No.9618678

I use a controller with gyro + software weapon wheels in steam input

So hold R1, then flick stick in a radial menu for weapon selection. Can have 10 weapons all on the same easily accessible input, works great

Maybe not the answer you were looking for, but I've never personally like keyboards as an input device for video games

>> No.9618864

1. Sniper Rifle
2. Swap ammo
3. Shotgun
4. Semi-auto mid-range rifle
5. Rocket/Missile/BFG 9000
6. Whatever useless crap I have lying around

>> No.9618902

This is inferior to both Crysis and Far Cry 3, right? Mostly small areas and IIRC it turns into some dumb zombie thing later

>> No.9619081
File: 205 KB, 256x362, Far_Cry_Instincts_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is closer to Crysis rather than Far Cry. There were other console Far Crys. Ubi's Far Cry series is continuation of those rather than Original Far Cry.
This one had an issue with it's latest patch. I believe GOG version is updated so it's no longer an issue on that.
There is also a 64bit patch released by AMD (works fine on Intel/Nvidia). But it's not a finished patch. Some areas look better. Some areas have not finished Red texture. Wouldn't recommend you use it.

As far as game goes just like Crysis as soon as monsters appear game becomes shit. I don't like both of them as a game but it has interesting graphics and concept. Far Cry 3 would be the way it's done right I guess but it's not like that's a master piece.
It also screams Win XP era for me. Much more than Doom 3 and HL 2. I think it's because given the island it seem like Frutiger Aero.

>This is inferior to both Crysis and Far Cry 3, right?
Yes. Far Cry 3 is the best amongs them.
Crysis has more interesting stuff as far as engine and gameplay goes. Far Cry 1 had some advantages compared to Crysis but overall worse.

>So hold R1, then flick stick in a radial menu for weapon selection. Can have 10 weapons all on the same easily accessible input, works great
Great will try it sometime.
>Maybe not the answer you were looking for, but I've never personally like keyboards as an input device for video games
Nah I like using controllers as well. I have started preferring controller with 360. Only in recent years I came back to using kb+m.

>> No.9619370

I actually never got the hate for the aliens in Crysis. It feels like Lost but actually delivering at the end. Also the human enemies already got boring by the time the aliens appear and the whole presentation was neat

>> No.9619410 [DELETED] 

Problem I believe is that they run out of budget both times. They had to rush those parts. Which apparently happened again with Crysis development.
It's not about story. None of Far Cry or Crysis games had any good story to begin with.

>> No.9619434

Problem I believe is that they run out of budget both times. They had to rush those parts. Which apparently happened again with Crysis development.
It's not about story. None of Far Cry or Crysis games had any good story to begin with. People aren't complaining for the story. I also agree that alien stuff like that is actually a good addition

>> No.9619729

Q for Flak Cannon.
Left Shift for Translocator.
That's all I need.

>> No.9619746

Rocket launchers on R, railguns and precision weapons on F

>> No.9619976
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x jump
[] shoot
o special

or just a shortcut to uninstall.exe if it ain't JF

>> No.9620259


>> No.9620329

I wonder why source ports don't treat chaingun and pistol similar to double barrel and regular shotgun. There is more reason to use regular shotgun compared to pistol

>> No.9620612

X - Gauntlet, V - Machine Gun, R - Shotgun, Z - Grenade Launcher, E - Rocket Launcher, F - Lightning Gun, Q - Railgun, Mouse2 - Plasma Gun, 1 - BFG.

>> No.9620630
File: 115 KB, 246x238, 1621908279762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using keys up to 5 is very easy 6 is also quite usable. From that point on you have remap them to make use them quickly.
Take the TFGH pill my dude. All number keys are now within your grasp and you also have access to 13 more keys on the left with your pinky. Map frequently used controls to those 13 keys to build up your muscle memory over a week or two and you will never go back.

>> No.9620640
File: 512 KB, 445x649, 1666969902817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1) Assault Rifle
>lack of iront sight bolts
I want SMLE's to be in games set in exotic places.

>> No.9620945

Having to remap all the buttons in every game is the main issue. I used ESDF in the past. In MMORPGs having Ctrl+ buttons or shift+buttons were another advantage of WASD but nowadays not that many key are needed in MMOs.