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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 54 KB, 876x721, madomonagatari1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9611942 No.9611942 [Reply] [Original]

It's crazy how those first person dungeon crawlers are so immersive, taking notes with pen and paper really does it.
I've recently finished the 2nd Madou Monogatari on the Game Gear and it was ok, I prefered the remake of the first one on the Turbografx. Is the third installment also a grindfest?

Feel free to recommend your favourite blobbers/Dungeon crawlers to other Anons!

>> No.9611957


>> No.9611960
File: 54 KB, 876x721, madomonagatari1_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9611964
File: 49 KB, 160x180, 1551644518764.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The obvious choice would be the first MT/SMT and Wizardry (except Wizardry games aren't fun at all).

>> No.9612293
File: 35 KB, 480x360, CB11383F-5A35-4EFA-BE17-7CC3AB8B88CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I picked up pic related today. I've never played a dungeon RPG before. Do you have any tips for drawing maps?

>> No.9612382

mind-boggling effects

>> No.9612464

>Do you have any tips for drawing maps?
I just use an A4 graphed sheet. Never played Phantasy Star though, I don't know if it would apply to it.

>> No.9612471

why did they make a dungeon crawler about a little girl?

>> No.9612626

Because it was a interesting concept that got fleshed out into a successful game franchise.

>> No.9613260

Megami Tensei 1 isn't fun at all either, the fun starts with Megami Tensei II and the Shin Megami Tensei series.

>> No.9613263

ironic this was the final 3rd party megadrive game in japan as well as one of the absolute last pc engine games, although the two versions have big gameplay differences

>> No.9613419

Because why not? She's adorable.

The funniest part is that a spinoff puzzle game of this dungeon crawler series taking off like a fucking rocket and eclipsing the original series.

>> No.9613550
File: 159 KB, 768x1440, Digital Devil Story - Megami Tensei.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoyed it a lot but one probably has to be into Famicom RPGs to like it

I'm planning on playing Shadow Brain next time I'm the mood for a dungeon crawler (mapping shit up usually wears me out to the point I won't play another one for months)

>> No.9613592

You the same guy who said that in the sword fighting thread? I appreciate the reference, anyway

>> No.9613605

oh, this weekly thread again?

>Shining The Holy Ark
>Might & Magic World of Xeen
>Wizardry 5 or 7
>Etrian Odyssey III
>Lands of Lore

Real Time
>Ultima Underworld
>King's Field IV
>Grimrock II
>Anvil of Dawn

>Shiren 2

>Wizardry 8
>Might & Magic VI

>> No.9613614

The third installment of Madou Monogatari is not a grindfest, but it does require a good bit of exploring and grinding. It's actually quite a memorable game because it has some nice puzzle elements and humorous dialogue. I'd definitely recommend it to other fans of first-person dungeon crawlers.

Some other great blobbers/dungeon crawlers include the Legend of Grimrock series, the Etrian Odyssey series, and the Binding of Isaac. Happy crawling, everyone!

>> No.9613774

I like to take a zip tie and cut off the head with just a little of the tie part attached. It's the perfect size to put on graph paper to keep track of your location, and you can use the little tie part to indicate which direction you're facing.

>> No.9613915

PC Dungeon crawlers can reach a level of complexity that only half a dozen, if any at all, console dungeon crawlers reach.

So while the console one's tend to have very nice aesthetic and tight design I feel like veterans should look more towards PC games.

>> No.9613938

Recommend some

>> No.9614001

You are better off going on youtube and finding a decent list. It would be made by someone who is far more experienced and knowledgable then me. As long as you stay away from big names like gamestop and IGN the youtube lists of old games are not bad.

I would recommend going with one of the games they recommend that is from a more recent year, at least mid 90s. Since before the mid 90s controls and interface on PC dungeon crawlers were not as well laid out. You can adjust to them fine but if you are jumping from console to PC dungeon crawlers you are already going to be adjusting to an explosion of new mechanics or takes on old mechanics which are not common on consoles that you probably do not also want to be figuring out the quirks of the interface at the same time.

>> No.9614034
File: 19 KB, 250x250, 1664128138343508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PC Dungeon crawlers can reach a level of complexity that only half a dozen, if any at all, console dungeon crawlers reach.
Please stop pretending to be an expert, when it comes to first person dungeon crawlers to play the best you'll play PC, console and handheld systems.

>> No.9614109

I like Might and Magic 6 a lot, know of any more games like that?

>> No.9614670

You just blown my mind Anon

Cool, I was a little disappointed about the second one after playing the Turbografx version of the first one.