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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.93 MB, 3820x2881, 20230129_163306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9613714 No.9613714 [Reply] [Original]

$150 off craigslist, how did I do?

>> No.9613725

Lose weight.

>> No.9613727

No. Answer my question, faggot.

>> No.9613731 [DELETED] 

Try reddit if you want to post shit like this, who knows, you might get some upvotes

>> No.9613734 [DELETED] 

Every (you) is an upboat to me. Thanks, faggot.

>> No.9613738

youre too fat for video games.

>> No.9613745

aside from the shitty mgs remake (how much did you pay for that?) and maybe the disco game (but idk, could be really fun), pretty good it seems
now for my question, why do ya need jagoff randos to validate your purchases? i get your mother would just say they're all a waste but no reason to buy cheap shit (which admittedly is relative to me) then feel bad about it, especially if you can return it

>> No.9613749

You guys are my only friends.

>> No.9613752

i mean same, but also not same because you guys are more like the older brothers i never had
which is to say, annoying dipshit faggots 85% of the time, but 15% of the time there's actually decent conversations.

>> No.9613758

>You guys are my only friends
Nice feet faggot! Didn't know the Shire had electricity. Jk kek but seriously... you are here forever.

>> No.9613759

You did shit, and if you aren't trolling you know you did shit because you had to attention seek on the internet to try and get validation. Also, lose weight fatty

>> No.9613760

I paid $0 for the entire library, pretty sure I win.

>> No.9613761

I bought a Gamecube and 3 games in 2012 for like $20. Did the prices increase that much?

>> No.9613762 [DELETED] 

I think >>>/Reddit/ would be a better place for you to post collection hauls.

A 150 seems like a lot for 5 games, I don't think any of those are that rare, is modern gamecube collecting that bad.

>> No.9613764

>Did the prices increase that much?
Out of the loop for the most part but when it comes to GC it seems yes it did. Saw some used GC games the other day at a local brick n mortar that were $20 more than I paid new. Guess that Nintendo Tax finally kicked in.

>> No.9613765

you should hack a wii instead of buying gc games. that said, super monkey ball is GOAT
what's up with the disco game?

>> No.9613769

>$30 on average for gaycube games
oh and lose weight fatty

>> No.9613781

That's a lot of money for only two good games.

>> No.9613791

Pretty shitty senpai, should have bought an used Wii for a fraction of the overall cost, softmod it to play GC games through Nintendont, download everything you need for free and invest the rest of the money into healthy snacks and Weight Watcher meals.

>> No.9613806

I wouldn't give 30 for all that shit let alone 150, how did you do? with the help of your retardation

>> No.9613829


nice, you did good anon. 200+ on ebay easy

>> No.9613851

I second this, OP stop being a cuck and just download the games for free for the wii, after all you did get these games so you could play them right?

>> No.9613897

damn nigga I'd give you $150 for just that left big toe alone. ya got a damn good deal

>> No.9613912

You overpaid for each title you fatass dumbazs.

You got ripped off.

>> No.9613926

>Collector mentality
>Seems validation for purchases
>Sucks at every game he claims to "play"
Is this a new trend?

>> No.9613970

nigga u sittin on a toilet baka

>> No.9613975

disgusting fat fuck

>> No.9613978
File: 185 KB, 668x667, gbc_grid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if sunshine is CiB you basically got all the other games for free
v nice

i snagged a few titles too but realistically youre gonna wanna run swiss adapter via serialport anokun

>> No.9613998
File: 2.65 MB, 4080x3072, 1675043983571377170611737127177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty good actually.
I got picrel for $59 at a local yard sale today!

>> No.9614012

iirc I got my copy free from pre-ordering wind waker.

>> No.9614047 [DELETED] 

ok boomer

>> No.9614124

at leas you have less money for food now

>> No.9614126

My brotha from another motha.
Remember when pre-orders netted you good stuff?

>> No.9614187

Oh now that's just sad.

>> No.9614204

Get these nasty feet out of here. Why buy MC Groovz Dance Craze when in reality you would run out of breath after trying to dance for two minutes? Compensating?

>> No.9614238

Basically to buy a game for anything over $5 is not a score.

>> No.9614256

You'd have to pay me $150 to play Mario Sunshine again.

>> No.9614257

LOL I got my gamecube, 2 controllers, a mint copy of smash and luigis mansion for 20 bucks total in 2011 at gamestop. Then bought sunshine prime and metal gear later for 5 bucks at a garage sale. Best part is that I threw it all away in the trash when I went to college. don't regret it, games are for children

>> No.9614265

why do you post here then? could you perchance just be larping out of boredom, to get rage bait comments? maybe play an rpg and cosplay as the main protag to larp instead and don't shit up the board, fagsama.

>> No.9614280

Twin Snakes goes for like $120 these days so you probably got a decent deal unless if those other games are worthless. Also you should consider exercising.

>> No.9614290

MGS2 is always a solid choice.
Mario sunshine I never played but it had a lot of love back then so if you're a mario fan then enjoy
Super Monkey ball doesn't appeal to me but again if you enjoy it....
I've heard a lot of good about Pikmin too: I mean they've made four of them now right?
Can't say anything about the disco game....got a dance pad? Maybe it will help with losing the weight others have claimed you need to lose.

I was thinking today how there's a ton of shit at the local swap meet and betting that I could do some reselling online for some extra scratch.

>> No.9614303

It bothers me how every common fucking nintendo game that sells millions of dollars still goes for ridiculously high prices, especially on gamecube, and meanwhile Super Monkeyball 1+2 are chilling there still relatively dirt cheap and way fucking better than so many of those games.

>> No.9614335 [DELETED] 

My middle toe is as long if not slightly longer than my big toe whereas yours is not. Race theory chads what does this mean?

>> No.9614337

thats a good deal in my book saw just sunshine selling for 100$ up here in Ontario


never mention getting a good deal on games here it drives the spergs here off the wall insane as you can see from all the comments here.

>> No.9614352 [DELETED] 

I just checked it’s actually noticeably larger than my big toe. OP whats your lineage? I’m German/Feather Indian.

>> No.9614364

Wow. All stuff you can play for free with the intended control methods with a modded Wii for $150. Bravo.

>> No.9614374 [DELETED] 

I'm half-Polish and my mom is a british isles mutt, i don't know all the various percentages are chopped up on her side.

>> No.9614438 [DELETED] 

Very interesting indeed. Thanks for the reply.
If anyone else wants to post/talk about their feet this would be a good place to do it btw.

>> No.9614463

You wot? Sunshine is like 20 quid / 30 bucks cib

>> No.9614917

I just downloaded all these iso's for 0 dollars. How did I do? Maybe because I'm efficient I'm not a fat fucking tub of lard.

>> No.9614927

Maybe in a store but I’ve picked up multiple copies of CiB from yard sales this past year of Sunshine, one for a buck and one for 5 dollars. I think OP got ripped off.

>> No.9614975

Why are you wasting your money? You know you can get these games for free online right?
You stupid or something?

>> No.9615002


>> No.9615094 [DELETED] 

No you're Americans.

>> No.9615140

always has been

>> No.9615215

I can see your feet.

>> No.9615225

Bargain, nice one anon - bonus points as you don't feel the need to show off your purchases

>> No.9615230

In a week he'll make a thread on why Super Mario Sunshine sucks because he got filtered by the second 'secret' level.

>> No.9615387

but how much would he have after paying ebay fee.

>> No.9615430

>MGS2 is always a solid choice.
thats not mgs2 thats just a shittier mgs1.

>> No.9615843

oh; I didn't even know, belay my last.

>> No.9615868

I bought it disc only at a yard sale for 2€ ten years ago.

>> No.9615878

Source for bottom left girl?

>> No.9615881


>> No.9615885

It's less than what those games are going for now but today's Gamecube prices are very inflated. Real value of that is like $80. I suggest playing the games and then reselling them before prices normalize.
You should have haggled that faggot down to ten bucks. What kind of yard sale sells anything for $60? You're paying them to haul their garbage away

>> No.9615904

>Paid $150 for one feet pic
What is wrong with you?

>> No.9615912

You can get all these for free on the emulator, domt waste your money

>> No.9616534

Why don't you just pirate the entire library and emulate?

>> No.9616540
File: 151 KB, 1280x973, sd2sp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 dollars off Amazon

>> No.9616561
File: 3.00 MB, 3957x2981, I’m mocking OP if you still don’t get it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I just spent $420.69 gorillion dollarydoos on Ebay. How did I do?

>> No.9616571

fucking aussies always a fucking riot

>> No.9616586

Hahaha what the fuck. Nice fur bro.

>> No.9616619
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>> No.9616641
File: 1.86 MB, 400x260, tumblr_oo74dygqU11qjztgpo1_r1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fork over the games and get back to monkey park specter

>> No.9616847

Greatt games monkeeh, you did good.

>> No.9616915

what is the last one? never heard of it

>> No.9616960

Simple 1500, bunch of these released, basically PSX showelvare series from Japan. Vast majority of them are Net Yaroze tier, so nothing to write home about, I meant the other games he bought. Think that one is kinda like Buzz! before Buzz! was a thing. Either monkheeh's super into collecting obscure shit on the side other than genuinely good titles, he got it in a bulk sale from some Japanese dude or he's trying to learn the language and is experimenting with vidya to memorize their alphabet(s).

>> No.9617182

>10 dollars off Amazon
You mean $10 on scamazon. Off scamazon it costs less than a buck.

>> No.9617201

I would rather have it come to my house in a day than it taking three lifetimes coming from Shanghai. It's only 10 dollars

>> No.9617206

post cock

>> No.9617576

One of my cousins also had IA. A very debilitating disorder.

>> No.9617590

get the right-angle one or else you'll hate yourself every time you have to remove the SD card, especially if you have a gameboy player.

>> No.9617610

You subverted my expectations by being white.

>> No.9618079
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>> No.9618681 [SPOILER] 
File: 964 KB, 397x658, 6201FD01-B66D-404D-8C9A-44479931F706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should try bloodletting. Could be a good way to lose all those LDL’s you consumed at McDonald’s. you fat fuck

>> No.9618729

1. This isn't twitter, no one wants to see you
2. You're a grade A tard for buying shit you could either emulate or load up on original hardware. TTS especially isn't worth plastic its mastered on
3. Hit the gym fatass.

>> No.9618738
File: 34 KB, 297x331, foreskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, am I old and out of touch? Are we really at the point where we're paying $150 for a fucking handful of GC games?

>> No.9618747

You need to lose weight and get a different hobby. Or kill yourself for being so pathetic to think modern day 4cuck is a substitute for friendship.

Frankly, the latter is a better option because combined with your poor spending habits you sound like a stupid friend.
>Wait, am I old and out of touch? Are we really at the point where we're paying $150 for a fucking handful of GC games?
lol nigger GC games have been at meme prices for years now. I remember by 2009 games like PSO 1 and 2 Plus were going for like 60 bucks used.

>> No.9618757

Yeah, it's nuts. I only have one of my old GameCube games left but it's apparently worth around $100 already.

>> No.9618996

Ur a Dumass who just lost 150, I just finished emulating those exact 5 copies on my Steam Deck the other week

>> No.9619306

Got all that shit 10 years ago got 5 at the thrift

>> No.9619596

Top kek anon, a turd on the floor would have been the cherry on top

>> No.9620081

idk i'm young and out of touch, i don't see the point really when the wii is there to run em all well even if your computer can't. like sure the starting ui is comfy and all, but it's not a big deal.

>> No.9620091

>the starting UI
You mean the boot logo? You can still have that on the Wii, just need to transfer GC bios to the SD card and change one setting in Nintendont. Gets annoying after a while though, it's pointless and forces the games to load longer, if only for a few seconds. I guess if you're really nostalgic about it, but other than that what's the point? Still, it's doable and not hard to set up at all.

>> No.9620113
File: 45 KB, 350x263, 1673357996910.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well that partially but i mostly meant this. didn't know you could do that though, that's cool but yeah agreed no real point to it.

>> No.9620115

Looks like you wasted your money period.

>> No.9620697

How much you payed for Xenogears monke?

>> No.9621013

Same, anon. Its gonna be alright

>> No.9622209

You got ripped

>> No.9622329

I'm not your friend, loser.

>> No.9624461

oink oink

>> No.9624481

overpaid by $105

And keep ur feet to urself fegot

>> No.9625356

Collectors are Idiots and are easily scammed

>> No.9626894

>gross feet
>buying what you could have emulated or HDD loaded on to a Wii
Zooms like collecting things because they can't figure softmods and emulators out.

>> No.9627081
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>> No.9627102

> I remember by 2009 games like PSO 1 and 2 Plus were going for like 60 bucks used.
maybe if you were a fucking chump

>> No.9627160

Buying GCN games right now is retarded period. You overpay by paying the market rate

>> No.9627164

35 yo here
No one is too stupid to use an emulator they are plug and fucking play, please find another “skill” to be proud of

>> No.9627184

Lose weight so I can jack off to your feet, faggot

>> No.9627240

Just go to >>>/hm/ if you want conventionally attractive men

>> No.9627274

What is wrong with your toes.

>> No.9627957
File: 40 KB, 445x394, ai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stable diffusion
there is no source
she is Ai generated and in the archives on \fit\ and \g\

i took the photos myself with real hardware anon
hope this helps

>> No.9627961

can you hairy fucks buy a beard trimmer?? huh!??!