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9607106 No.9607106 [Reply] [Original]

Finally bought one m30. What are some good Genesis and Saturn games that made good use of 6 face buttons.

>> No.9607113

Zombies ate my Neighbors becomes playable with a 6 button controller.

>> No.9607131

street fighter
mortal kombat

honestly im not sure
i always had the 3 button controllers

>> No.9607169

Comix Zone item management is way better with 6.
Zero Tolerance I think also uses 6 buttons.

>> No.9607174


Story of Thor/Beyond Oasis uses the extra buttons as menu shortcuts for the map, items and weapons. Same with the Saturn sequel.

>> No.9607178

Almost every Saturn game make "good use" of 6 face buttons. The Saturn controller had 6 face buttons...

>> No.9607183

Why do most controllers today have 4 buttons?

>> No.9607196

Because it’s better
6 buttons only benefit is fighters
With 6 buttons your thumb has to travel a lot more

>> No.9607198

Did you get the 2.4ghz or BT one?

>> No.9607216

I tried Megaman X 4 and A shoot, B jump and C dash. So, you can't charge shoot and dash at the same time. It's not what I call a good use.


>> No.9607218

is there a wired option?

>> No.9607245

You can using your index finger to reach the third finger. You’re better off using dash on a shoulder button though.

>> No.9607249

Sony combined 4 face buttons, 4 shoulder buttons, and 2 analog sticks and sold a gorillion consoles. After some gen 6 experimentation, Microsoft and Nintendo fell in line as it became the de facto setup that the majority of people preferred.
Personally I prefer 6 face buttons in a line like Sega had, but companies had to cater to the lazy, the disabled, and also newcomers who would be put off if there were too many buttons.

You can change the button config in Saturn X4

>> No.9607253

BT huh?
I prefer the 2.4ghz coz you can use it on the original hardware as well and it’s no latency
As for games that benefit, arcade games for sure, try Radiant Silvergun for Saturn as well

>> No.9607257

6 buttons is just counter intuitive for your thumb, it only really works well for overhand grip

>> No.9607268

For my thumb, it's grand.
Maybe if you're less dextrous or coordinated, I could see how you have a problem with two extra face buttons than normal.
It doesn't matter anyway as you can use pretty much any controller with most systems thanks to adapters, so you can use whatever you're most comfortable with.

>> No.9607281

You can use it with a usb c.

Thanks, I'll change de config.

I'll use it only on pc.

>> No.9607305

Nothing to do with whatever you think
It is physically more movement for your thumb over six buttons, over four it can just rock between them with speed and no travel distance

>> No.9607326

Really, it's okay, buddy.
You can manage just the four buttons, and that's perfectly fine. It's the standard design now because most people prefer it too so there's no shame in it.

>> No.9607341

why six?
why not eight for that matter

>> No.9607356

Dunno, I've never used a controller with eight face buttons. At some point facilitating too many face buttons probably compromises the shape of the controller, or requires smaller buttons, which wouldn't be as pleasant to use.
Six worked great on Saturn though. Plenty of buttons immediately at your thumbs, and the dual triggers for when you needed some simultaneous inputs.

>> No.9607358

>plays using his right thumb

>> No.9607361


but why?
I can tell you I have a Saturn and majority of games only used 2-3 face buttons and the shoulders, only a few use 6 that aren't fighters

>> No.9607397

I'm not going to list off every game, but Tomb Raider, Die Hard Trilogy, Alien Trilogy, and Croc came straight to mind for example.
Sure there's a lot of games with fewer inputs considering it was so recent after the move from simpler 16-bit systems and arcades were still relevant and getting home ports, but devs were quickly moving towards more complex console games that would make use of all the inputs at their disposal.

>> No.9607443

>Zombies ate my Neighbors becomes playable with a 6 button controller.
WHAT??? It uses the xyz buttons? I never knew. What for?

>> No.9607467

Nah. You're retarded.

>> No.9607471
File: 897 KB, 1880x920, Consoles Atari 2600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why 4? Why not just 1?

Using more than 1 button requires me to move my finger off the button. This obviously a flaw because moving is bad.

>> No.9607479

Exept arcade sticks I've never seen a 8 face button controller...

>> No.9607502

Just add two above X and Y
Because most retro games use more buttons
Hence why we had the shoulder buttons added

>> No.9607518

>Hence why we had the shoulder buttons added
who's we?

>> No.9607520
File: 125 KB, 1920x1222, Radiant-Silvergun-Sega-Saturn-Weapons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Radiant Silvergun has 7 different weapons. In most games you'd have some sort of menu, or button to cycle through them etc. In RS, each weapon has it's own dedicated button - your six guns each on a face button, and R for your sword. It's very nice

On the switch port, using a controller with only four face buttons you start having to make more intensive use of the shoulder buttons and it doesn't work nearly as well IMO. You have to use 3 of the four shoulders, where as on the saturn controller you can dedicate your left hand entirely for movement and do everything else with your right

>> No.9607838
File: 35 KB, 640x480, filthycasuals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9607841

Oh please don't be grumpy, avatarfag, I said it's okay.

>> No.9607854

(P.S don't @ me!)

>> No.9608378

>it doesn't work nearly as well IMO
It works the same, wtf are you on about and it’s technically still a 3 button game as shown in your pic

>> No.9608403

Item switching. Without it, you need to do button combos to item switch, making it extremely annoying to accidentally use an item in a game where they are very limited and necessary to win.
Zombies Ate My Neighbors with a 6 button on genesis makes it the best one imo because you get one button item switching plus increased resolution compared to the snes version.

>> No.9608441

holy shit i always disregarded the genesis version because i didn't think it even supported the 6-button controller.
time to give it another go.

>> No.9608518

Can I play Doom on this thing?

>> No.9608519

there's 32X and Saturn ports of Doom, so yes

>> No.9608541

I don't recommend playing doom without a mouse or a dedicated look stick, otherwise you're stuck with using L and R to either turn or strafe

>> No.9608545

radiant silvergun

>> No.9608728

are you retarded?

>> No.9608798

Good response anon, really thought out
The person incapable of using shoulder buttons in the same way as a six button controller is calling someone else retarded

>> No.9608814

>it's technically a 3 button game
why would anyone give a well thought out response to a retarded post

>> No.9608832

>not the officially licensed Retrobit version

>> No.9608834

I have both, definitely prefer the m30. Better ergo and the build quality feels loads better

>> No.9608896
File: 51 KB, 480x640, 20110907034720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is though
the other buttons are just combinations of the three

>> No.9608932

whether the arcade release is or not isn't the argument at hand here, which is why I called your post retarded. Tons of games could be made "three button games" if you worked everything down to modifiers

The point is that a game like Radiant Silvergun made very good use of the 6 button pad as it happened to have 6 different guns, and the natural fit on the layout is overall more intuitive than mixing some of those guns on shoulder buttons

>> No.9609040

>another 8bit do shill thread

>> No.9609094

What do you think the phrase “it’s technically a 3 button game” means
I swear the amount of goal post movers here is going up in the recent weeks

>> No.9609332
File: 1.80 MB, 4096x7227, Controllers Saturn 2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zoom zoom you shit eating peasant

>> No.9609389
File: 562 KB, 940x794, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda like this one

>> No.9609398

please stop

>> No.9610536

You can't use 2.4ghz on PC iirc.
Yeah BT is gross but I use it wired most of the time anyway.

>> No.9610654

Of course you can
Provided you use the dongle
2.4ghz essentially works the same way as wired controllers

>> No.9610735

So what's the best way to emulate Sega Saturn?

>> No.9610813
File: 108 KB, 600x600, 1649988278229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can you get the 2.4Ghz versions with the DB9 receivers these days? 8bitdo site is sold out and so is practically everywhere that ships to bongland.

Same. Every Retro-Bit MD and Saturn controller I tried had various different issues; being able to fully push down the D-pad in the middle (all except 1 6B USB pad), can't press Start+A at the same time (6B and 8B wired USBs), C and Z not working in several games (DB9 wired), battery drain and not being able to use it wired (2.4G), misaligned silicone contacts meaning the A and C buttons fail to register (BT).
Never had an issue with the 8bitdo M30 or Retroflag M.

PC and Linux: Mednafen
Xbox Series: Beetle Saturn (Retroarch)
Android: YabaSanshiro 2