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File: 420 KB, 1200x1200, ninjagaiden2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9604998 No.9604998 [Reply] [Original]

I give up... I can't beat this game, just gonna play a rom hack that makes it easier. I love it so much too, feel bad.

>> No.9605001

What level are you stuck on?

>> No.9605010

Kind of a shit game so whatever?

>> No.9605021
File: 43 KB, 544x339, git gud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9605034

Play however you like, no need to be a faggot announcing that you're gonna cheat

>> No.9605038

Shinobi 3 is better desu...

>> No.9605041


>> No.9605045

Oh, nevermind then, just git gud. I thought you were getting filter'd by the final boss or something

>> No.9606183

same with battletoads

>> No.9606369

Battletoads is not a good game though.

>> No.9606372


>> No.9606904

Battletoads is legitimate bullshit unlike Ninja Gaiden

>> No.9606925

by playing a hack that removes the "sent back to 6-1" bullshit the game immediately becomes way nore accessible and fair like castlevania 1. definite best way to experience ng1

>> No.9606937

Going into 3-2, you should have double ninjas from 3-1. It becomes a non-issue at that point.

>> No.9606991

You know this is gonna come as a big surprise but it's actually okay to NOT beat the game. You can just play it for fun, see how far you can get and you'll get better over time. Half the problem people have at getting good at these games is because they're beating them just to beat them. You're not playing it because it's a source of genuine enjoyment so you're not slowly getting used to it's vibe. You probably just rush through every level like a maniac or get too scare and play too defensively.

>> No.9606994

This might be fun to you

It basically replaces the lives system with a death counter. So you get infinite lives, but each time you die the death counter is increased turning th challenge around to beat it with the lowest amount of deaths.

>> No.9607071

Thank you so much! I have another rom hack of that where you can do a double jump and sort of level up Hayabusa! Here is the link if you wish to check it out:


>> No.9607103

I love how when it comes to beating NES games, people start coming up with all kinds of philosophy on how to get better at them, or that buddhist "enjoy the path" stuff. Not criticising, I actually like it.
Shows how motherfucking merciless a 40 minute game can be when you have to spend years dedicating yourself to it to even stand a chance.
Kids these days will never understand.

>Ninja Gaiden
The only actual hard part for me is the last stage. Having to go through all the stages then three bosses on a single life was cruel as fuck

>> No.9607176
File: 247 KB, 1179x661, B3DF40D0-C2B5-4074-8D44-6F6ECC83F435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dunno if its autism or what
i never cared about "beating" a game as a kid

i just played for fun
i liked seeing how far i could get
as i grew older, of course i was able to complete many

but my philosophy of just have fun still holds true- how much time would i waste if i forced myself to beat every neogeo rom i checked out? every title i rented in the 90s? wtf its not realistic whatsoever

i only attempt to "beat" games i love

>> No.9607181

also ninja gaiden sucks balls
i hated it in 1995 and i hate it now

>> No.9607186

>i just played for fun
>i liked seeing how far i could get
Same, my 'I HAVE TO BEAT EVERYTHING" autism kicked in when I got older and discovered emulation though

>> No.9607240

How do I run this ROM? It seems I need a IPS Patcher. Any emulator where I can run NES ROMs out of the box?

>> No.9607276
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, ninjagaidennes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Download the patch,

download the rom:

and then use this:


>> No.9607307

I did it and tried it with Mesen, Nestopia and Punes and it did not work. Created the patch with the rom and the hack zipped and also unzipped, both didn't work. My Emulators are at my SSD (C:) and my ROMs at HD (D:). Maybe it's related to it? I can't run games with Nestopia and Punes but with Mesen I do.

>> No.9607460

NES or arcade?

>> No.9607465
File: 205 KB, 250x360, ninjagaidensms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Make sure it is the exact rom, and region for that rom

2. Don't create it with it zipped. Just download the files unzip them and then load them into the rom patacher.


If that doesn't work, watch this:


>> No.9607469

Yeah, or just use gamegenie cheats and be done with it.

>> No.9607492


>> No.9607795

Oh wow man. That's rough.
How long have you been playing it, what's your setup?

>> No.9608154

I believe you can do it. A lot of people who weren't particularly special at games managed to beat it and it's not a long game either.

>> No.9608217

damn ryu there is jacked
it sure doesn't feel that way in the game frankly but ig it's different when you can memorize all the enemies
personally i stopped at the last level of world 5, right before ultimate despair. it was painful enough gettin there but if ya think that's hard, just wait to you have to fight fellow ninjas with jetpacks

>> No.9608234

I beat this just recently, the game is super hard, but quite fun.
I basically just played a little bit each day, and I only had to look up a tip on avoiding one of two tough bits in 6-2, 6-3 and the final bosses.
Probably the toughest game I've finished, but i definitely needed to segment it out into small sessions.

>> No.9608252

the reason you're struggling(outside of stage 6 where the game goes full bullshit) is that you're either not taking into account enemy spawn behavior or you haven't figured out the boss's trick.
>birds will not hit you on first overhead pass, crouch and wait to kill them on their second pass back or run to the right to despawn them
>wait and jump over the leopard, then time the machete leader to not land on him, air slash bird
>keep track of when boss will attack and do a quick standing slash then crouch slash