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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 2.85 MB, 4032x3024, 3E100684-09E9-4B51-9979-B1452BE93EED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9596824 No.9596824 [Reply] [Original]

Retro Battlestation Thread?
Retro Battlestation Thread.

>> No.9596860
File: 678 KB, 1492x2344, 20210502_115424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sick 80s trinny

>> No.9596875
File: 73 KB, 421x84, Screenshot_18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that a load bearing book?

>> No.9597027
File: 1.09 MB, 2656x1494, trin_20210624_093650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kinda, it just helps disperse the weight a bit. i was a bit worried about that cabinet actually, so i put a reinforcement beam under it, damn trinitron is nearly 100 pounds, and only a 27" one. i'm kinda glad i don't have a bigger one honestly.
i've had it like this for almost 2 years so i'm not that worried about it anymore.

>> No.9597052 [DELETED] 

kek nice profile pic fag

>> No.9597057
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>> No.9597060

pretty fucking based but toss out the toy bro

>> No.9597061
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>> No.9597063

fuck I had that LaCie monitor. I miss it so much.

>> No.9597064
File: 440 KB, 1536x2048, crt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah its already long gone, just was there on the desk when i took the photo so I propped it up

>> No.9597217
File: 188 KB, 1641x378, rooom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yessir... what more does a man need in life

>> No.9597269

Is that the party of Dragon Quest VIII? What a far off memory that game is for me.

>> No.9597316
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>> No.9597319

worst so far

>> No.9597351

what's in the GBA SP?

>> No.9597419
File: 607 KB, 792x524, warcraft_II_64.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is starcraft on CRT monitor a thing?

>> No.9597491

to each their own
at least i got all three monitors for free

>> No.9597545

is that a heckin danelectro electric sitar on the tapestry in the background?

>> No.9597597
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>> No.9597993
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>> No.9598038
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Boring setup. Moving, so need it small.

>> No.9598302
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>> No.9598323
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This old image makes me want to buy a Dreamcast every time I see it. Then I unfortunately remember I don't really like it's library all that much except for PSO which I just play on PC.

>> No.9598465

Looks like a visual novel

>> No.9598467

>This old image makes me want to buy a Dreamcast every time I see it
I did that. Got the console, a controller, and one VMU for 40 USD. At first I kind of regretted it, but then I discovered the less popular games on the console and ended up enjoying it a lot. I pretty much played and completed Napple Tale in two sittings.

>> No.9599695

sacred cards

>> No.9599705

they had to edit the white balance to make the different shades of plastic match each other
white plastic is never a good idea

>> No.9599752

>16:9 monitor

>> No.9600134

This one makes me feel happy.

>> No.9600630

>DQVIII figures
Excellent choice, Anon.

>> No.9600640
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All the consoles are ready to play via Gscart and Gcomp switches, the PC is a WIn10/XP dual boot and via a KVM I have a Win98 machine also plugged in.

>> No.9600645

Why would you play in RGB instead of composite like a man?

>> No.9600670

8 Bit consoles are the only ones that have a benefit from composite hookups and even then i'd rather the sharper picture. Had S Video on my snes back in the 90s.

>> No.9600691

a garage?

>> No.9600709

See this is just comfy to me. Might not be a personal fan of the extra clutter on the shelves or on top of the television, but I can't argue with it being comfy and yoi seem to have made great use of the space.
Good move or bad move? Either way, best of luck in the move.
Whatcha playing, bro? Also, is that in your garage? If so where abouts do you live? Does extreme heat or cold keep you from playing or do you keep the garage temp regulated as well?

>> No.9601516
File: 1.11 MB, 1179x1515, 8AF31745-EA91-4F48-BA82-7DFB0D2CEF47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i use blankets bc i play sitting on the ground

>> No.9601831

I used to do the same, but now it just hurts my back.

>> No.9601879
File: 1.04 MB, 600x600, 1234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Good move or bad move?
From rent to no rent, with gf, shared game room - so mostly good?
>Either way, best of luck in the move.

>> No.9602165
File: 1.64 MB, 1080x797, Screenshot_20230125-123322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I've got room for in my tiny space.

Looks comfy, I like it
Very messy. I have that guitar blanket too lol
Honestly really tacky. If you're gonna use a crt, get a dedicated space for it. There's no way that screen is at a comfortable angle for gaming.
Figures are a bit much, but nice.
EXTREMELY comfy. I'd get rid of a lot of the junk though.
Wtf is the point of hoarding all those TVs?
I'd be mad if this didn't look so sleek
This is the ideal battle station. Not too cluttered or try hard. Love it.
So much misused space and junk in this photo damn

>> No.9602992

>battlestation thread
>It's just anons showing off their CRT tvs

>> No.9603000

Do you live in a shoebox? Sell your junk and declutter your space.

>> No.9603001

There isn't a single image in this thread that doesn't include systems, computers, arcade machines, controllers, games, etc. Take your meds.

>> No.9603009

>telling other people they have too much 'junk'
>owns pokemon stuffed animals
Not even worth a (you). Do better.

>> No.9603062

Just got a room for my wife, baby, and I, but it's rent-free while we save for a house.
>being this triggered over a single plush
You just have way too much and it looks cluttered, anon. Don't know what else to tell ya.

>> No.9603147

>poorfag with the pvm while living in a matchbox
Every time.

>> No.9603461
File: 132 KB, 600x400, shut-the-fuck-2d7e40369e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a pvm

>> No.9603542
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It's not so bad, a little warm in summer but the fans are nice and the roof is insulated. One pro is when the lights are off it's zero dark, pretty ideal for game playing.
Cold as fuck in winter, but a blanket helps.
I'm playing gng on the nes.
All of those tv's you see are dump/ewaste finds, didnt cost me a cent, including my Grundig. 7-8 i've managed to scart rgb mod. It's a fun cheap hobby and i knew next to nothing about electronics/soldering when starting.
It is getting out of hand i admit, 27 is a bit much. 3-4 are DOA, the rest are backups or modded ones i need to find a home for.
pic related, inb4 socket mounted on side of tv, this was one of my first mods, i know rear mount them, though it is harder, and you need to be careful of electrical interference and allow slack if you need to remove the rear cover.

>> No.9603562

Yo, this one looks exactly like mine
27 inches?

>> No.9603571
File: 593 KB, 1356x1248, BD3B3B68-A213-41EC-9FE3-731CEE39BA45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to put the pic in

>> No.9603584
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junk? ;_;

>> No.9603590
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>> No.9603596
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>> No.9603656

Mines a ST70-700.

Great tv right?

I sourced a remote from the UK and found the service manual so the geometery is all dialled in. Some minor convergence issues on mine right at the edges, but otherwise top notch. The colours are extremely vivid and the blacks are *emperors new groove meme*

>> No.9603701

Is that a Panasonic cube?

>> No.9603703

no, retard

>> No.9603705


>> No.9603735

they only made 200 bulbasaur ones

>> No.9603805

platinum with skins
I think it's a pikmin skin?

>> No.9603820

ST70-703 Nictop or something
yeah man, really like it
RGB looks pretty great on it as well as composite

>> No.9603840

>I sourced a remote from the UK
you an Aussie as well?
mine luckily came with a remote
Currently playing Master Quest OoT on the 64 and it looks fantastic
had to do some minor repairs on it when I bought it though, caps were completely fucked

>> No.9603906
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Yeah NSW. I got lucky on a dump taking some lawn clippings to the tip and saw it outside the ewaste container, in the dirt. Thankfully it was sitting upright and they hadn't just yeeted it from the back of the ute.
Lucky as shit as later that night it pissed down too, it would have been fucked out in the rain.
It's the nicest set i have, better than my wega, better than the trini's (flat and curved).
The only one that comes close is this old 80cm Sanyo i have, but it just shit the bed, some resistor smokes when i turn it on and just a black screen. Replaced the resistor but no dice, some other component upstream has failed, now overloading the resistor. fucked if i know what.

>> No.9603926
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Reposting my setup.
I'm currently making some changes, i want to add a small desk where the lamp is and make a small workplace to tinker with CRTs and consoles.
Got a few broken ones I got for free and I want to try and fix them before trashing them.
I also plan on adding some sort of retro print to fit into the picture frame instead of that shitty cork pannel (anyone got any ideas what I might add?)
And I need a bigger TV stand to fit all my consoles into and a Scart adapter since the TV only has 2.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.9604058
File: 176 KB, 640x795, 1670004053546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty comfy but I always ask myself what happens with all of plastic that stuff eventually. Will someone care and cherish them like I did? That's why I no longer keep figs.

Looks cool, are those "real" arcade machines or just DIY ones?

>> No.9604262

Aren’t they those arcade1ups?

>> No.9604270
File: 233 KB, 1080x1080, 7FC37607-56BA-4418-A965-916A040F60A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well what do you like?
If you want a CRT related picture there’s old ads or you can use the 240p suite art prints

>> No.9604273
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>> No.9604297

Really wish I could find one of those AV rack mount cabinets. Would be perfect for my consoles, other AV equipment, extron crosspoint, etc

>> No.9604369
File: 60 KB, 640x420, 1659193305850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anime female Bill Gates is so fucking hot.

>> No.9604380

i have that same pink tv kek

as for the arcades
i got them for cheap on craigslist
they are all supergun setups
vertical pcbs @ space invaders
horizontal pcbs @ soul edge
4-way stick/60in1 pcb @ pacman
all have sanwa/seimitsu sticks/button
SF is unmodified but i liked the gamelist
& the legacy mortal kombat pcb is hot-swappable

>> No.9604416 [DELETED] 
File: 3.77 MB, 4096x3072, 3tormy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish i had more space for my consoles i have them stored and have to get one out when i wanna use it

whats on the gameboy?

>> No.9604423
File: 2.78 MB, 2736x3892, setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wish i had more space for my consoles i have them stored and have to get one out when i wanna use it

whats on the gameboy?

>> No.9604943

lmao @ fucking me, you know the best fucking part bud? I got that pvm for 1/5 of what it's going for now. HAHAHAHAHAH

>> No.9605069

Very convincing.

>> No.9605106

That TV needs some help. It's beautiful, but it needs some help.

>> No.9605197

Literally anything goes.
But some medieval official artworks from retro games would be preffered, something that looks like it would belong in such a frame.

>> No.9605209

big deal, I got my PVM for free

>> No.9605314
File: 1.32 MB, 3120x4160, 4496fcr6jzj21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9605685


>> No.9605697

lookin good

>> No.9605801

>that face down crt
>forgotten by time

>> No.9605835

I have an old mattress like that i need to throw out, but need to figure a way to discreetly do it so my neighbors dont see all of the horrible stains on it.

>> No.9605846

yeah cover it with a cheap sheet you're gonna buy ya goof.

>> No.9605860

I was thinking of chainsawing it to pieces and stuffing it in trashbags.

>> No.9605871

even better

>> No.9605878
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>> No.9605893
File: 33 KB, 640x640, 3993A0B9-D498-4074-9C6F-0EDB6C4D0E09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like tourettes guys bedroom
Damn fine idea

>> No.9606403

>Pretty comfy but I always ask myself what happens with all of plastic that stuff eventually. Will someone care and cherish them like I did?

I kept a lot of my grandparents' small ceramics. Things like ceramic cats, doves, etc. It's all tchotchke but they really liked them, I like having it and I couldn't bear to give it away after they died. I kept a lot of their stuff, actually. My Trinitron belonged to my grandfather, it was the "guest room TV" and I doubt it had more than 2,000 hours when I inherited it. Also got some sick mid century furniture from them. My house is some weird schizophrenic cross between millenial shit that my wife buys and the 1960s. I hope that some day, my kids will keep the things of value.

Only way to play in my opinion. I have a Sony G500 which I keep in the corner of my Galant desk. After I switched to Mac I no longer had a way to drive it, so I bought a Panasonic Let's Note with VGA out for the sole purpose of playing Brood War and Rise of Nations.

>> No.9607727

>feel free to sit wherever

>> No.9608165

"Anywhere on the floor is fine really."

>> No.9608306


>> No.9609367
