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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 480x360, ConkerCash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9595041 No.9595041 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone wants to brag about the most expensive game they own, but what about the opposite?
What's the CHEAPEST game you own on any retro system?
Quality/condition does not matter as long as the game functions, in fact it would probably be better to be deteriorated as that lowers the value.

>> No.9595043

Probably something like Super Mario World or Super Mario 64. A billion of them exist, they can't be very valuable.

>> No.9595045

Panzer Dragoon, Sega Rally and Shinobi on Saturn. $5 in Aussie bucks back in1998.

>> No.9595046

SuperCross for the ps1

>> No.9595049

yeah SMB duck hunt combo or super mario world is the easy answer

>> No.9595052

Razor Freestyle Scooter PS1

>> No.9595072

Probably the Greatest Hits copy of FF7

>> No.9595079

I have a ps2 copy of madden, probably that.

>> No.9595098

gyromite for nes
ncaa basketball for snes

>> No.9595110

SMB/DH. Don't know what they go for now, but they used to be worth literal pennies.

>> No.9595154

FIFA 2003

>> No.9595182

Omega Boost, got it for $5

>> No.9595186
File: 17 KB, 313x235, NA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a Megajoy 3 from 1999. Can't imagine this is worth anything (yet).

>> No.9595206

Probably my old C64 tapes, do they even have any value at all?

>> No.9595235

Probably Cool Spot on Genesis and all the sports games I have. I think Live 97 or someting on SNES

>> No.9595240

Actually I take that back, I found some sports games for dirt cheap on PS1 and PS2 recently. And of course nothing beats Gekioh Shooting King for two bucks lol

>> No.9595374

I have Luigi's Mansion on gamecube. I thought it would be worth like $2 because it was so common, but it's actually like $100 AUD.
Goldeneye on N64 is only about $30, i have that one, might be the cheapest

>> No.9595492

I have some madden game for the N64 that I got when I bought a school-mate's N64 + 3 games for 10 USD in 2006. Basically got it for free.

>> No.9595514

I've got PS2 FIFA games, they go for 50 cents (any currency) if they go for any money at all.

>> No.9595517

ET for Atari 2600

literally given it from a store.

>> No.9595529

Alex Rider: Stormbreaker for the GBA
It's a fucking awful licensed game that noone cares about. This shit wouldn't sell even if I gave it away for free.
GBA and DS shovelware in general has negative value. Ain't nobody on this planet that's willing to pay for Let's Ride! Sunshine Stables.

>> No.9595546

criticom was probably 7 when it was still in its first year

>> No.9595571


>> No.9595578

PS2 Viewtiful Joe for 5.90€ (even found the receipt from FUCKING GAMESTOP)
I don't remember why I bought it since I've never had a PS2, but I suppose I was thinking of buying one back in 2010.

>> No.9595698
File: 30 KB, 209x299, bandai_golf_pebble_beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bandai Golf: Pebble Beach Challenge for NES
it was my uncles, and it's not a bad game at all honestly, just kinda short, and uh ...you know ...golf
it was worth less than a dollar for the longest time, even $0.01 at one point, but i think it's up to 2 bucks now. WOOOOOOOO

>> No.9595758

Those burger king games on Xbox. (They work with the OG Xbox so it counts.)
I paid $6 total for all three on ebay, and I've since swapped the cases with games that needed replacement cases.

>> No.9595762

Probably Sonic R on the PC. Still worth pennies to this day, just as it was when I got it.

>> No.9596171
File: 711 KB, 1536x1536, IMG_3824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FIFA 13 on ps2

>> No.9596236

I think missile command on atari vcs is like 50 cents

>> No.9596240
File: 94 KB, 307x300, 1663177155222463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the CHEAPEST game you own on any retro system?
My collection of burned isos.

>> No.9596276

>on any retro system?
How old pc then?

>> No.9596305

Copied dos floppies.

>> No.9597195

monaco gp on sms, its in ok condition with manual and all, paid 0.79e, its the cheapest game I've bought in my life

>> No.9597343

Tony Hawk 2 for the Gameboy Color. Got it for 50 cents years ago at a garage sale and looking at it now it hasn't changed much.

>> No.9597405
File: 1.47 MB, 1125x1201, SC2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheapest I own is either a Genesis T2 Arcade with no label and markings on it, or a Secret of Evermore some chucklefuck spilled soda on ruining the pcb. I jumped the broken traces with some wire, so the game works, the the board is a mess. Cheapest I've seen priced was a copy of SC2 at a Salvation Army type place for a nickle on sale.