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File: 563 KB, 920x1209, insufferable brat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9588713 No.9588713 [Reply] [Original]

Is THAT supposed to HURT?

>> No.9588714

She's very flexible.

>> No.9588716

for you

>> No.9588717

>giving a redesign thigh-highs to make it Worse
wow, nomura was giving us the signs years and years before ff7r

>> No.9588728
File: 143 KB, 237x499, yuffremake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her Remake design is pretty much a 1:1 though

>> No.9588769

I was thinking of remake Tifa

>> No.9588775

Idk what version of Yuffie this is, but it looks like SHIT

Nomura is the biggest hack in videogames, worse than Kojima

>> No.9588925

That's her Kingdom Hearts design.

>> No.9589592


bad taste

>> No.9591294

This is one of my favorite boss fights in any video game.
Every Square Enix game should have a boss fight against a protagonist of a previous game. Hell, every video game should do that.

How many other games are there that do this? Off the top of my head I can think of Kirby, Pokemon, and Rance.

>> No.9591348
File: 189 KB, 396x897, 7846565846543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Idk what version of Yuffie this is, but it looks like SHIT
oh, brother, it can get worse

>> No.9591369

That's pretty sexy too

>> No.9591371

She cute

>> No.9591518 [DELETED] 

>Is THAT supposed to HRT?

>> No.9592684

Damn Nomura, putting zippers in the right places

>> No.9592690

I'd say it's better.
Would bang

>> No.9592851

Would correct.

>> No.9592860


>> No.9593093 [DELETED] 

hebe sex

>> No.9593102


>> No.9593473
File: 192 KB, 500x310, yuffie-adventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9593480

>those shoes

is it true that guys with big feet have big keyblades?

>> No.9593532

Anon she's 18 there

>> No.9594173

ew gross

>> No.9594335

never played a final fantasy game but from the moment i saw her in KH1, i was smitten.

>> No.9594913
File: 50 KB, 596x448, yuffie kinky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a problem for me.

>> No.9594940

Dark Souls
Max Payne 3 (you play an undercover agent who switched faces with the villain who is actually Max Payne Face/Off style)
Super Mario RPG
Mother 3

>> No.9595541

what a slut

>> No.9595687
File: 176 KB, 379x812, Yuffie_KH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give up, it'll be easier!

>> No.9595849

>tries to seduce a teenager
send yuffie to prison

>> No.9595938

He's only 2 years younger than her and they're both underage

>> No.9595998

in KH1 I thought Sora was like 13 at the most. Maybe I'm just retarded.

>> No.9596364

He's 14 but the characters all act like 12 year olds and soras voice hasn't even dropped yet, so you're forgiven.

>> No.9596423

this is the epitome of bad character design

>> No.9596631

The KH1 trio are all 14, 15 in KH2

>> No.9597876

That was the SQUARE ENIX ETHICS COMMITEE that did that.
I wish I was joking.

>> No.9597926

You may not be joking, but you're still mistaken. The entire "ethics committee" thing was a mistranslation.

>> No.9598215

So what was it?

>> No.9598235
File: 234 KB, 480x767, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought she had a wooden leg and arm
>wow cool secret maimed child soldier ninja
>it's just a dickass materia thief

>> No.9598905

How does she walk around with her shorts unbuttoned?

>> No.9598909

her cooch gets way too busy to be bothered zipping it.

>> No.9599016

wow, is this how erotic roleplay starts

>> No.9599024

Her section in ff7 is pretty cool man, you should check it out.

>> No.9599098

They gave her a sports bra because they felt it was too stupidly unrealistic for her to do all those athletic stunts with her tits flying wild.

>> No.9599106

It's some kind of like thick canvas reinforced with wood slats. It'll stop a normal-sized shuriken but basically nothing else, barely even a knife

>> No.9599223

The net, not the arm thing

>> No.9599225

>Mother 3

What? This doesn't happen in that game???

>> No.9599236
File: 1.71 MB, 2736x3648, Japanese_kusari_armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh that, yeah Japan has a really poor time drawing it because it always comes out looking like fishnet but it's Kusari. Japanese chainmail.

>> No.9599248

can't believe she got into Kingdom Sharts, over actually GOOD Final Fantasy characters

>> No.9599271

I can't believe Laguna was going to get in but they passed that up so that he'd be in Dissidia. Which don't get me wrong, if I have to choose between a cameo and getting to play as him I'll easily pick the latter, but why was there a fucking rule in the first place that he could only be in one?

>> No.9599334

She’s Nomura’s favorite, same reason she got in the Remake so early.

>> No.9599881
File: 287 KB, 491x892, KH2-Setzer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposedly Nomura only wanted to include characters that he designed or some shit, which is why he chose Setzer out of the entire cast of FFVI to be that game's representative, but then he put Vivi in, who I'm pretty sure he had nothing to do with, and surprise surprise, he butchered them both. I'd have preferred he put Shadow in since he also came up with him IIRC, but given how dirty he did Setzer, it's probably for the best.

>> No.9599886

really anon? All they did was fight in the tournament, how could you even call that butchery. its so inoffensive

>> No.9599892

He was basically a groomer in a kids tourney.

>> No.9599920

Because nothing remains of their characters AT ALL. Setzer goes from a free spirit and gambler to a matchfixer in a stupid kid's game. Vivi isn't even anything, period. How is that not butchery? If they at least had their personalities intact, even if they did fuck all I'd just say they were wasted, but they went beyond that.

>> No.9599968

Why keep pushing this lie?

>激しいアクションでも不自然にならないように胸部を締める必要がありました" was translated into "we make sure her top wasn't loose so that her chest wouldn't come off as unnatural during heavy action sequences" though, the original Japanese clearly said "胸部を締める必要がありました" so the literal and authentic translation is "in order for it not to appear unnatural in heavy action sequences, we needed to tighten her chest" It's a big mystery why this translator perfectly omitted the part "胸部を締める必要がありました" and really euphemistically translated it.

>And, an another really dubious point is as for "指示" which was translated into "Our ethics department had asked". in Japanese, "指示" is really a strong word, unlike just "asking", that give a sense of "must" to listeners, so I will not translate "指示" to "ask" as in this translation, but translate it to "direction" which have a more strong implication of obligation. It is obvious that in the original Japanese they had no choice but to accept an offer from the ethic department.

Even more bizarre when even Japs themselves meme about the ethics committee. Clear cut and dry.

>> No.9600575

No, what did "ethics committee" actually translate as?

>> No.9600636

In fairness, they aren't even the real characters in-game.