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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9591378 No.9591378 [Reply] [Original]

What is your favorite JRPG(s)?

>> No.9591385

Dragon Warrior 4

>> No.9591389

You posted it. It does story and characters without forgetting gameplay/game design focus, like the way it immediately establishes that you must go to x number of dungeons and do y. It's very compact and fast, the dungeons are fun and don't overstay their welcome, the combat is much better than turn-based shit but not too chaotic, no random encounters, etc. And then the story, characters and locations are just great

>> No.9591397

Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, FFVI, Tales of Symphonia, Baten Kaitos, Xenogears, Valkyrie Profile, Crystal Chronicles, Paper Mario 1 and 2, Suikoden 2, Earthbound

>> No.9591538

Panzer Dragoon Saga
Skies of Arcadia

>> No.9591559

Lunar sss, grandia

>> No.9591572


>> No.9591576

Play Star Ocean the Second Story

>> No.9591579

am I weird for thinking that fans of this series is on par if not worse than the small but very vocal minority of sonic fans being obnoxious? up until vesperia came out on x360 na namco put most minimal effort marketing and localizing the franchise even during late 90s jrpg craze yet they defend every shitty business practice company comes up with, guess reason is that like some anon on the chrono trigger thread mentiond about how alot of these games gets a pass for being *an anime adventure where you self insert* kinda deal since most actual anime tie ins are just shitty kusoge, I enjoyed symphonia all way through mind you.

>> No.9591650
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I’m sorry, it just is. I won’t pretend it’s perfect or that I’m not nostalgic as hell for playing it on release but damn, nothing ever matched the vibes on this one. Earthbound, Super Mario RPG, Trials of Mana and FFV are in a similar class. For later titles, DQ8, Star Ocean 3, Xenosaga trilogy.

>> No.9591659

Suikoden 1&2 as one combined game is my favorite, special mention goes to Legend of the Dragoon.

>> No.9591683

Yes, because I literally never hear from or about fans of this series vs something like Sonic which has CWC tier lolcows

>> No.9591697
File: 49 KB, 800x600, cdrpgs_plunareb_2-800x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose this one

>> No.9591819

Seiken Densetsu 3
Legend of Dragoon
Tales of Destiny II
OgreBattle 64
Grandia 2

>> No.9591895

You may have had a point if you posted this 14 years ago. Every fan that still remains (outside of those attracted by recent games) hates Bamco. The fanbase on 4chan is literally empty, all that's left are "people" who claim the entire series is shit except for [insert Team Symphonia game(s) here].

>> No.9591948
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ff1 is definitely my most replayed... sometimes its just nice to pick some random classes and grind some dungeons

>lunar 2
I gotta play this. loved the first one on ps1. just having games be voice acted blew my mind as a kid

>> No.9591990

I never see other people post Raine. She was my first waifu to the point where I was pretty pissed off by how shitty the ending with her was in ToS; I bought the PSP spin-off game to get more content with her; I was bothered by how little she was in ToS2.

Being a teenager was weird.

>> No.9592175


Yeah that is a glorious Raine picture, aside from her awful shoes which the artist can't be blamed for since they're part of the original design.

>> No.9592320

Ocarina of Time, it actually has fun turn based combat

>> No.9592324
File: 166 KB, 768x1440, Metal Max.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Outside of the usual Dragon Quests, I'm gonna have to say Metal Max 1 and 2

>> No.9592327

Wild Arms.

>> No.9592414

Can someone please explain all the versions to me? Apparently there is a remaster that's on PC. But then there is another version that's coming out soon? What will be the difference?
And are those actually better than playing it on Dolphin? Do they have bug-free 16:9 and 60 frames?

I don't necessarily care about the skits having autistiv voices and shitty extra content

>> No.9592882

The gamecube is the only version that runs at 60 FPS, so if that's what you want then that's what you should play.

>> No.9592982

I only played the GBA entry for this series and it surprised me.

Someday I'd love to go back and do the psx games.

>> No.9593086

So what's the upcoming remaster (or is it out already?) for then?

>> No.9593094

Free money for Bamco

>> No.9594572

Reminder not a single person who worked on the retro Tales of games is still working for Namco aside from two code monkeys

>> No.9594575

Dragon Warrior IV

>> No.9594629

I know of at least Tatsurou Udou, who joined during Phantasia PSX and was responsible for most Team Destiny battle systems is still with them even if he is tucked away in a corner working on The Rays.

>> No.9595345
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>> No.9595348
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>> No.9595640

Gameplay-wise? Dragon Quest/Warrior 3 and Final Fantasy 5. Both give CRPG levels of freedom in how you setup your party. Most JRPGs are pretty bad about giving you freedom when it comes to your party. Both DQ3/DW3 and FF5 let you make any party you want.