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File: 30 KB, 300x351, 300px-S-skull-woods.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9581735 No.9581735 [Reply] [Original]

>replaying A Link to the Past
This game is a lot more morbid than I remember, almost Beksinskiesque

>> No.9581736
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>> No.9581752

My god learn about another artist already.

>> No.9581820

No one cares about your furry Twitter

>> No.9581826

Took me a while to enter that one when I first played it back in the day

>> No.9581858

There should be more maturer Zelda entries like TP so we (meaning I) can have the best of both worlds

>> No.9581914

How do you open it? Don't wanna get stuck the next time

>> No.9581925

zelda is always weird

>> No.9582006
File: 34 KB, 480x168, lumberjackerinos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9582181

I'd call that a stretch.

Be less presumptuous.

>> No.9582276

>I'd call that a stretch.
Really? Feels like a good way to describe it. Horror would be a bit much

>> No.9582339

This place was pretty terrifying to play as a kid. That damn floormaster

Fire rod

>> No.9582342

I've never heard of him until today. Where do you find the Beksisikssidiisisissisisi circlejerks?

>> No.9582559

ALttP's art style is its biggest detractor. the color palette is absolutely hideous -- bright neon greens, blues and pinks in one world, poop brown and piss yellow in another world. i also hate the thick outline that everything has, and whoever worked on a lot of the environmental sprites was fucking retarded; those green rocks with a number 8 on top are dumb as fuck, same with the skulls that have weird buck tooth fangs for some reason. just insultingly bad across the board.

>> No.9582660
File: 84 KB, 960x960, 1569336975803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone, please join me in hating this man.

>> No.9582668

Be more knowledgeable.

>> No.9582683

you should be beaten for liking something so ugly and stupid

>> No.9582752
File: 108 KB, 640x480, 34521-Marvelous_-_Mouhitotsu_no_Takarajima_(Japan)-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't the shitty opinions thread. ATTP has amazing visuals, it.'s one of the few games that don't even need a CRT to look good almost like proto cel shading at times whereas even games like Terranigna, FFVI or Mana look bleak as fuck

I also recommend Marvelous, same engine

>> No.9582760

Miss those niggas like you wouldn't believe

>> No.9582770
File: 73 KB, 360x270, I wonder who is behind this post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I also recommend Marvelous

>> No.9582782 [DELETED] 

>*adjusts glasses*
>uhh actually the game has amazing visuals, proto cel shading you might even say
holy shit, please get hit by a bus you queer

>> No.9582786

Didn't know Aonuma did anything meme worthy. He seems to just make good games without much PR cringe or politics

>> No.9582795 [DELETED] 

No I in fact won't get hit by a bus because you have a contrarian opinion I disagree with

>> No.9582805

>Everyone, please join me in hating this man.
leave ALttP-kun alone, hating on it is the last thing that gives him some peace

>> No.9582808 [DELETED] 

>No I won't
yes you will. die faggot.

>> No.9582825

The only thing I dislike about it is how the music in the forest and village get replaced 1 hour in. But I suppose that gives it more replayability

>> No.9582956

It would be awesome if a future Zelda boss were a living version of that thing.

>> No.9584664
File: 690 KB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way to get the GBA QoL improvements in the SNES version? Should I just play the GBA one?

>> No.9584874

They look the same on real hardware.

>> No.9585294

>Is there any way to get the GBA QoL improvements in the SNES version?
geniunely cannot think of any "qol" the snes version is missing other than 1 or 2 more item slots

>> No.9585326

I was always under the impression that it was two things.

>> No.9586307
File: 853 KB, 969x3434, Link%27s_Awakening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing will ever top Link's Awakening in morbidness.

>> No.9586320

>geniunely cannot think of any "qol" the snes version is missing other than 1 or 2 more item slots

they nerfed *that* Ice Palace puzzle. when I played through the GBA version, I dreaded the upcoming multi-level block-pushing puzzle in the Ice Palace and was almost disappointed that it was gone. Almost.

>> No.9586329

Take the stick out yo ass nigga

>> No.9586334

Imagine being this ass-blasted about a 30 year old game

>> No.9586340

I'm so tired of these perpetually negative faggots on every thread.

I swear that infest every corner of the internet with their constant negative faggotry

>> No.9586350

People will remember, Beksinski, they won't remember you.

>> No.9586450

He's not wrong though. It's always the same stuff getting namechecked. Giger, Dali, Beksinski, Klimt, Mucha.

>> No.9586519

The GBA version has link screaming in every hit, which is annoying as fuck. There might be a patch to disable that though

>> No.9586837


>> No.9587087

Looks like your mom’s dick lmao

>> No.9587102

such as?

>> No.9587161

I can't really remember anything creepy in the game besides like that *one* dungeon entrance. I'm struggling to think of any other examples of even mildly morbid imagery...uhhh, the gloom mire entrance maybe?

>> No.9587170


>> No.9587220

The ability to pick up dropped items with sword swings, something that became standard in later top-down Zelda titles.

>> No.9587305


>> No.9587363

this. i'm waiting for ArtistMEF to get some love.

>> No.9587375

>The ability to pick up dropped items with sword swings
mate, you could do that from the original game on NES

>> No.9587468

If you have better frames of reference for a particular style than name the artist other wise accept that people will name the most prominent examples.

>> No.9587502

Yeah and you could even use the boomerang too, which I thought seemed really smart for it's time.

>> No.9587528
File: 56 KB, 512x448, LttP_zeldavanish.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can understand having the opinion that ALTTP looks like ass. I disagree with that - broadly I like it - but I do think the sprites are kind of...sloppy?

I remember as a kid being confused about a few. Aghanim is a famous example. I beat the game multiple times before reading that the '8' mushrooms and the weird heavy cyan bushes were supposed to be rocks. The soldiers and giants are awkward looking to me. To this day Im bemused about link's pink hair - I would kill for a direct explanation from someone who worked on the game on how they came to that decision.

>> No.9587564
File: 728 KB, 2752x1080, statuarygrounds-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wondered the implications of those weird statues.
Not just the ones at Skull Woods, but pretty much every single one in ALttP.
Like yeah, I get it, "early installment", and all that jazz, but I can't help but wonder who made them, and what do they simbolize.
This is Zelda, after all.
There's always a conection via symbols, architecture, etc.

>> No.9587674
File: 5 KB, 256x224, 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this cherrypicking
>hating on the pink hair
>thinks picrel is a plant, even after hitting it and hearing the cling sound
i hope samefag

>> No.9587682

tbf he could've said Heironymous Bosch or Giger if he wanted to be even more cliche

>> No.9587703

Uh, ok. Yes, I picked the best examples I could think of to illustrate what I was trying to get across. I'm not 'hating' anything. I dont think I've ever tried hitting the rocks with a charged sword - the sound they make would not have any effect on the sprite. That was my first post in this thread.

>> No.9587712


They are all previous incarnations of Demise.

>> No.9587723

Are you fucking 12 years old saving this shit?

>> No.9587754

Wow it never clicked that the upper-left was just aghanim. I always saw it was a piglike head bust surrounded by a frilly collar.
3rd one bottom row is super weird. I'm seeing a man with a mustache with a tektite on his head peeking from a well?

>> No.9587917

get a life

>> No.9587926 [DELETED] 

Put me in the screencap

>> No.9588515

I always thought what happened to the flute boy was fucked.

>> No.9589572

Been meaning to replay this for years. Thanks for the extra motivation

>> No.9589740
File: 4 KB, 196x257, link crucifix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a very vocal ALttP shitposter here lately. I can't think of a sane reason to be obsessed with ALttP, so all sane options excluded it wouldn't surprise me if it's because of picrel and a recent thread

>> No.9589827

ALTTP has the best kind of graphics for SNES, it understood that it's too early for super detailed graphics so it has the uniform clean grasslands and big sprites
A bunch of games have a similar look and they're all among the best looking SNES games:

>> No.9589901

Both of you are single digit IQ level of retarded

>> No.9589934

Some look like Agahnim and Ganon's followers did it because well one is Agahnim and a pig. Some might be the Royal family because of the triforce and others might be unknown ancient civilizations?

I love when this stuff gets your imagination and wonder going it reminds me of being a kid

>> No.9590114

LttP is like the babiest most inoffensive game in the series

>> No.9590150

How? In typical Zelda fashion you just use the item you just got.
Man even as a wee lad who didn't know a lick of english (I'm from SA) I just figured out you had to burn this thing with the item you just got.

Due to the same thing, I had no idea you had to get the boots from the old man after the first dungeon so I spent a good couple of weeks having no idea you needed the book for the second dungeon.

>> No.9590153

What QoL? Also this was the time Nintendo was OBSSESED with adding voice clips to every remake and they were annoying as fuck because they played ALL THE TIME.

>> No.9590170

Fuck me, cant remember why I failed that one initially.
Kids are kids I guess

>> No.9590409
File: 2 KB, 256x240, 75987-241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16-bit versions of these things. i think they're just supposed to be gargoyles there to scare away any explorer.

>> No.9590425
File: 696 KB, 1024x1024, latest_92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

skull woods does have an oddly lovecraftian vibe, doesn't it? like you're exploring the husk of a long-dead massive creature, that "door" being what's left of its head.

>> No.9591486

Agree. Lttp is very easy on the eyes.

>> No.9591887

Scornfagging made it a thing. Nobody really cared before, nobody really does now.

>> No.9592176

So he's some kind of crossboarding retard, who's angry that people express fondness for the art direction of an unrelated NOT RETRO game, which everyone is already in the process of forgetting anyway as said game turned out to not be very good?

Hey kid, you're gonna be SO pissed when you find out how much retro games just blatantly ripped off H.R Giger.

>> No.9592296

>Nintendo game
>Something happens that's not Care Bears level fluff

>> No.9592308

lookout guys "Mature Gamer" right here

>> No.9592336

Nope. Just don't think an NPC looking at you with a sad face means that the game is an exploration on the nature of melancholy within the human condition.

>> No.9592350

Yeah because the market square turning into Racoon City or the entire torture chamber right under Kakariko with all its lore wouldn't be weird in Mega Man Legends, right anon? You certainly aren't just having an autistic melty, right?

>> No.9592379

Creepypasta damaged a whole generation of horror fans. Remember, these chickenshits have nightmares about empty rooms.

>> No.9592406

as I said, clearly you're a "Mature Gamer"
you too, big boy pants on here, no Mario's for you

>> No.9592542

No one plays Shinobi 3 delves in to what it means for the final level to have no enemies because you've killed the entire enemy army. Phantasy Star games have Pure Evil as a literal force and no one talks about dualism or shit.

It's only Nintendo games were people have this massive need to make them more "mature" or "dark" than they actually are.

>> No.9592629

wow, he asked about QoL and you pointed out something terrible changed for the worse

>> No.9592636

I thought it was a Xenomorph tongue type thing

>> No.9592667

It's only Nintendo games that get you triggered when people point out such themes because "Nintendo = babby :D" is an important cope mechanism for you. Maybe don't tell people Nintendo is for toddlers every day of your miserable life if you don't want them to be surprised to find such themes. Literally cognitive dissonance: the post lol
>No one plays Shinobi 3 delves in to what it means for the final level to have no enemies because you've killed the entire enemy army.
No one gets triggered when you do that even if it sounds a lot more like fart sniffing than saying you think something looks weird like OP did

>> No.9592732

There's a difference between thinking something looks mildly somber or spooky and losing your mind. Don't read so much into things.

>> No.9592743

liminal spaces in SM64 are so spoopy!!!!

>> No.9592749

The point is that no one feels the need to comment on it, or at least make such a massive deal out of it. It's a need to try and make the games in to something more than they are. It's the same as when /co/ lose their minds over some cartoon having something "dark" when it's literally fairy tale shit.

>> No.9593134

Then maybe take my advice and stop feeding into that causal nexus

>> No.9593395

Highly recommend this romhack. Adds a lot of useful features.

>> No.9593789

It's layout makes it really memorable but I fucking hate fighting that moth.

>> No.9593891

Thanks! I will try to make a VC install.

>> No.9593945

what is this?

>> No.9593949

a mushroom is not a plant you fucking retard

>> No.9593958

>too early for super detailed graphics
Actually, Nint imposed restrictions to the artists in order to achieve better compressions, and thus fit the game on a smaller ROM.
Nintendo has always been cheap when it comes to hardware.

>> No.9594239

zoomer detected

>> No.9595114

it's weird how confident everyone responsible in adding that was about it. like no option to even turn it off because Nintendo

>> No.9595214

I never thought it looked great. first played the GBA version in the mid-2000s. The color pallets are indeed weird and sprites meh. Compared to LA especially, which I played long before.

The “8 rock” is supposed to portray depth. Notice how the top is smaller than bottom.

His hair is pink to provide contrast to the hat I imagine

>> No.9595220

>legend of smelda, a stink to the ass!

>> No.9595403

Dunno how I never heard of this till now

>> No.9595415
File: 3.06 MB, 3673x1504, 0BA38C11-29B7-4321-A635-3212990F1013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hair is pink so you can see the character at all times
Colours on majority of games aren’t really accurate through emulation on modern screens

>> No.9595448

Yes but how Kafka-esque is it?

>> No.9595886

>I never thought it looked great.
Same but your face

>> No.9597526
File: 1.45 MB, 1085x635, 2c77956de0df6db4f61d5d4db86fff48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using an author/artists name as an adjective is retarded.

>> No.9597575

I played that for the first time last year finally and liked it a lot, they should have localized it.

>> No.9597654 [DELETED] 

Yeah respond to the poster that likely already left the thread by the 3rd reply! Respond to the post because it has lots of replies! It's treat it like Reddit YEEEEEEAH!

>> No.9597674

Not if you add -esque at the end, you donut.

>> No.9597720

Uncle dying..

>> No.9597806

idk if i'd call it creepy but the flute kid being sent to the dark world and turned into a tree while his father drinks away his sorrows is pretty somber

>> No.9597809

Good game

>> No.9598662
File: 2.95 MB, 708x1082, marrow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>here's your dungeon bro

>> No.9598724

Is this an actual location anywhere in the game?

>> No.9598747

i'm cringing hard
i know what that is, but it looks so unappetizing

>> No.9598760 [DELETED] 

you're a faggot, this looks delicious.

>> No.9599201


yeah nightmare fuel

>> No.9599224

>I fucking hate fighting that moth
just shoot at it with the fire rod until it dies

>> No.9599230

At the time I always thought Link's pink hair was some kind of trim on his cap

>> No.9599250

yeah that's the smart way, but what if you're foolish and go in with too low of a magic meter? then you need to dodge everything while hitting it with your sword.

>> No.9599252

no, they are all assets from the game but rearranged together, and i think some of them dont have that pallete shown in game

>> No.9599273

Its truly anonymouesque

>> No.9599650

Bone marrow is delicious

>> No.9600776

Damn I always forget about the Dark World stuff and then I'm happy to rediscover it

>> No.9600782

he playing a flute

>> No.9600826

I'm so tired of these perpetually shitty topics on every thread.

I swear they can't just come up with a unique discussion point without posting the 4chan equivalent of clickbait lest their unoriginal topic fall off the board for the 10,000th time.

>> No.9600831

NTA, but I find it telling that, when you failed to frame his argument as "babbies vs mature gamers," that you immediately used the word "casual" in the hopes of using it in a post or two to prop up yet another strawman. No doubt how this "discussion" would have played out had he been stupid enough to continue it.

>> No.9600865
File: 16 KB, 828x273, 1666443023272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta anon either, but he said causal not casual, learn english

>> No.9600870

Can confiirm, it also works on real hardware with the cheapest flashcarts (as in, without any added special chips, Link to the Past DX won't work on them due to FastROM and MSU-1), it's very, very good. Might just be the definite version of the game.

>> No.9601245

Link is a good guy so prays to God, Jesus Christ, and the Virgin Mary. He was over there with Din, Nayru, and Farore but he's now a disciple of Jesus Christ. Going around Hyrule spreading the word of God.

>> No.9601296

>magic meter just thrown in there with no rhyme or reason
>that disgustingly dull item menu
>random minor things changed just because they're different from the 3D games
Most of it is good, but some of those changes are just baffling.

>> No.9601339

>I don’t know in what world [an ocarina] is a flute
I wonder if this person realizes ocarinas are flutes
None of these changes are necessary anyway. For a first playthrough the original game is more than fine

>> No.9602421

Still my GOAT

>> No.9602935

First time I got to this place I got to play on the big living room TV in the middle of a real thunderstorm, was so spookykino

>> No.9602938 [DELETED] 

Get in a car, don't put the seatbelt on, hold down the gas.

>> No.9602941

The Zelda series has deep proto-indo-european aryan roots (not memeing, this is an actual thing), a lot of the imagery comes from that.

>> No.9602947

Looks like you're having a panic attackesque.

>> No.9602949

the NES games had Christian imagery though

>> No.9602954

based and anti nihilist pilled

>> No.9603782

Don't even try it, Zelda is shallow as a puddle.

>> No.9603850

Or you forget you just fall into the fight with little forewarning

>> No.9603853

then leave

>> No.9603871

based and same

>> No.9603957

Based, fuck perpetually cynical and detached doubleniggers who have this constant addiction to bitching and moaning about anything which could potentially rub them the wrong way.

In terms of template/catchphrase threads, this isn't one, or if it is, not one common on /vr/. Stop having your fucking period.

>> No.9606121

I eat meat but this is basically anti-vegan porn like that sevrig guy.

>> No.9606167

i mean that is an actual thing, but i really doubt the devs cared that much about that specifically in the visual design, they just researched old western history and picked out what looked cool, same reason his shield has a cross in the nes game and the bible makes your magical wand shoot fire despite christians historically being pretty anti-magic

>> No.9606319
File: 1002 KB, 3380x2804, bkesi78w0lc11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know man, I would rather appreciate an artist because I like them instead of worrying my taste isn't obscure enough like an oversocialized faggot. Everything is about hype and creator controversies and allegations of inauthenticity to you fucking hipsters, you always deflect from discussing the works themselves.