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9576472 No.9576472 [Reply] [Original]

Why did classic RE fans hate RE4?

>> No.9576476
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>> No.9576479

Didn't even try to be horror

>> No.9576484

>Why did classic RE fans hate RE4?
they wanted another box pushing simulator

>> No.9576492

I liked it but admittedly I was just 12. When you are 12 you are like an average 30 year old modern vidya consumer nowadays, enjoy literally every game you play without thinking much. Replayed it recently and it was pretty fun, doesn't give you the same feeling as its predecessors but still feels like a RE game surprisingly. People give it too much shit for being 'different' but to me it's like when Zelda jumped to 3D. Does anyone say that OoT is not a real Zelda game? No. For me it's the same situation with RE4

>> No.9576498

RE was never horror. Silent Hill is horror, RE is slasher action.

>> No.9576504

Because it was very different from the preceding games. That's it. It went from a slow, survival horror experience with puzzles, inventory management, and limited resources to a full fledged action game that cranked the cheesy levels to 11. I love both the classics and RE4 though and I don't understand how somebody could get a raging hate boner for what is objectively a good game. Yeah it sent the series into a dark age after it but we've been out of that mess since RE7 came out in 2017.
That is false. Silent Hill and Resident Evil approach horror from different angles. Silent Hill tries to freak you out with its unsettling atmosphere and soundtrack while Resident Evil relies a lot more on creating tense scenarios through limiting your resources and throwing the unexpected at you. Its not as freaky as SH from an atmosphere perspective but it makes up for it in other aspects.

>> No.9576517

What makes you think they didn't when it's one of the most popular games of all time and has a 90% user score?

>> No.9576519

They are autist that hate change despite RE4 being the natural progression for the series. RE2 is considered to be the best game to a lot of classic RE fans, and yet when Kamiya was making it, he explicitly said he was influenced by Hollywood Action movies and he even stated he hates horror. RE was also an action game at heart, so RE4 went for a different type of fear, the fear of being isolated in a foreign country.

>> No.9576521

QTE focus and self-adjusting difficulty for cube kids.

>> No.9576526
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It's one of these shitpost threads where OP has an opinion but is too dishonest to just say it and instead just presupposes it's true and asks a loaded question. Sadly these threads always reach bump limit people jannies suck and people don't know how to sage

>> No.9576535

RE4 if it had never come out on PS2 would be universally considered the second GOAT after Ocarina. It's only because the PS2 came out with the 8 models on-screen, starchyass scarecrows, and bright daylight, and watered down Merchant shop pricing that there is any reason to complain. Capcom shot themselves in the foot and to this day don't know what to do with the series.

Doesn't that tell you something?

>> No.9576541

All lies btw, the versions are basically the same, PS2 fixes balance.

>> No.9576548

K. Ignorance is its own punishment.

>> No.9576550
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>> No.9576553

Every time.

>> No.9576562
File: 1.07 MB, 1066x600, RE4 PS2 GCN.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9576563

>considered the second GOAT after Ocarina
yes thats how nintendo fans work on their exclusives

>> No.9576564
File: 2.94 MB, 640x334, re4gc1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad emulation. There's differences, just graphical, nothing interesting. PS2 has more content so it's better.

>> No.9576567

IDK, they love code veronica, one of the worst games I've played.

>> No.9576570
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>> No.9576571
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The core RE audience heading into the 00s were snoy boys and a smattering of PC gaimers. Capcom bit the hand that fed them thrice in one generation by putting the first and best versions Code Veronica on the Dreamcast, morphing the original RE4 in Devil May Cry, then signing the exclusive deal with Nintendo. So a lot of it was the fox and the grapes as most people thought buying a GC for those games was not worth it. REmake and RE0 didn't come until 12 year later, and the PS2 and original PC RE4 ports were grossly inferior to the cube versions.

Hardcore RE fans hated the rejection of the classic formula and being denied the opportunity to take down umbrella. They were seething that RE4 did its own thing exceptionally well while they had some classic formula bread crumbs in the form of Outbreak 1+2 and built a cult around the brilliant, if flawed send off the Raccoon City arc.

>> No.9576575

>There's differences, just graphical, nothing interesting
Massively downgraded graphics and sound are pretty "interesting". Longer loading times and all the cutscenes being FMVs are even more interesting. What's not interesting is Separate Ways.

>> No.9576584

>Massively downgraded graphics
Looks fine, just fewer twigs:

>> No.9576585

>downgraded sound
Gamecube has downgraded sound.

>> No.9576586

>considered the second GOAT after Ocarina
This game literally IS considered the second Ocarina though. I can't think of any other game that's considered 'the greatest' aside from these except for maybe Dark Souls nowadays, people often say it's the greatest too. And it all checks out honestly, games still copy RE4 and Souls

>> No.9576587

Also more discs. LMAO!

>> No.9576591
File: 1.53 MB, 2200x900, RE4 GCN vs PS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sound effects are noticeably more compressed on PS2.

>> No.9576595

GC textures are more compressed due to the console not supporting palletized textures.

>> No.9576596

>RE was never horror
Yeah it was, you fucking idiot.

>> No.9576597

>Why did classic RE fans hate RE4?
Because classic RE fans don't exist and people who hate RE4 also don't exist.

>> No.9576601

I'm seeing better lighting on the PS2 version.

>> No.9576606

because it was fuck all like the previous three.

>> No.9576610

Wowee a zombie.

>> No.9576612
File: 747 KB, 1023x655, RE4 Textures.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nonsense. I've never seen 512x512 textures in a PS2 game before.
Get your eyes checked.

>> No.9576617

How are the HD project textures?

>> No.9576618

ingame right looks better, and less green too. GC makes everything look green and ugly.

>> No.9576620 [DELETED] 
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Haters gonna hate

>> No.9576627

The PS2 definitely looks worse in game too. If you're seeing green you should get your eyes checked as well.

>> No.9576632 [DELETED] 

>people are falling for this shit again
There's a mentally ill poster who's obsessed with the GC, especially when it comes to RE4 and he'll say literally anything to shit on the GC. When he's cornered he usually claims that RE4 looks like shit on PS2 because it was developed for the GC and it was hard to port. Watch

>> No.9576636

greenness is due to the cubes texture compression, you need to get your eyes checked. See: >>9576570
GC is greener because it is greener, simply.

>> No.9576639

>greenness is due to the cubes texture compression
Verifiably false. Please stop posting about things you know absolutely nothing about.

>> No.9576642

Demonstrably true:
Don't deny it, you've already exposed it in your weird attempt to frame time splitters 2 textures as worse on PS2 with your emulator asset pulls.

>> No.9576643

He looks like my uncle

>> No.9576648

The direct comparison says otherwise.

>> No.9576649

the direct comparison says otherwise:

>> No.9576650

You're really keen on showing me your terrible gameplay for some reason.

>> No.9576653

Yes, RE4 is a bad game but that's beyond the point. It's more green on gamecube due to texture compression. It's a fact of the cube.

>> No.9576657

>It's more green on gamecube due to texture compression
That has been proven false. Your pathetic webms aren't proof of anything except that you're horrible at playing video games.

>> No.9576658

>That has been proven false
This is a lie, as it's proven true here:

>> No.9576662

because it was actually fun

>> No.9576664 [DELETED] 

The only difference is that you don't play as Leon on PS2

>> No.9576667

The point is that even if that were true, those same devs are basing their design on a crap version because that's what they grew up on too. Which actually explains a lot.

>> No.9576795

Those trees look like shit on PS2 and the forest and its atmosphere is literally the most important part of RE4

Stop being a console fanboy. You are not a child anymore

>> No.9576805 [DELETED] 
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Only the lowest IQ cattle cares about that cash grab demake. Go back

>> No.9576813
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>> No.9576824

Not a resident evil game, and never will be. It ruined the series and pretty much ruined AAA action games ever since it's success by showing how much the casual normalfags love scripted action set piece and context sensitive QTE garbage.

>> No.9576831

its actually fun

>> No.9576852
File: 2.14 MB, 2184x900, RE4 family texture comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PS2 greatly reduced the color due to compression. Also I just noticed the first four enemies are all clearly related.

>> No.9576854

Still looks like a forest. Keep obsessing over twigs, it's a great look for gamecube fanboys.

cubes always greener

>> No.9576867

Cube has more color, not just green. The textures in some cases look greyscale on PS2.

>> No.9576868

Imagine coming out with a shooter with tank controls and no jump button in two thousand fucking five. I know cubekiddies will claim any exclusive they had is a masterpiece but i can't help but laugh when they say it's revolutionary lmfao

>> No.9576869

>they are still at it

>> No.9576871

>cubes always greener
like the neighbour's grass

>> No.9576876

Jumping has no place in a shooter, waste of a button

>> No.9576878

RE fans hate literally everything except the original 3. It's THE most obnoxious fanbase.

>> No.9576898

>except the original 3
Oh you think so?
>RE2 improved on RE1 gameplay-wise
>but at the same time it's action shit and not real survival horror
Then there's also
>RE3 is shit and not the real RE3, CV is
>CV is shit because... reasons?
They don't like any of the games. Like Sonic fans

>> No.9576903

>Have to walk around a line of obstacles that are only slightly higher than your ankles
Nah dude.

>> No.9576908

More just S3TC making things look greener, it's an inherent trait of the compression.

>> No.9576909

No, you press the interact button to vault over like a badass

>> No.9576918
File: 806 KB, 1275x480, RE4 comp2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because the PS2 version is the one where the colors suffered due to compression. On GCN they're perfectly fine and on PS2 everything has a brown tint.

>> No.9576929

gc is a lot greener, ps2 has no texture compression. leons green hair on the cube.

>> No.9576932

>ps2 has no texture compression
Why lie like this after being so thoroughly BTFO? Even their shoes are all the same shade of brown due to the heavy compression used on PS2.

>> No.9576937 [DELETED] 


>> No.9576956

Do you know what texture compression is anon?

>> No.9576960
File: 503 KB, 2176x375, RE4 pants comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that when the game's textures look like they went through a sepia filter that means they are more compressed than the ones with more distinct color.

>> No.9576962

>get re4
>put it on
>hmmm well I guess it's gonna be like Code veronica ok
>score bar
>oh no

>> No.9576965

The green in GC's S3TC is really apparent here. PS2's 8bpp textures don't have this problem.

>> No.9576972

I think it's time to just admit you were wrong.

>> No.9576983

You should have been played the classic REs when they came out to appreciate them really and feel what a disappointment RE4 was.
It's like trying to explain someone what seeing the moon landing felt for the first time.

There was nowhere else to go after RE3 really, that magic period of 96-99 where CAPCOM started grabbing every horror fan's imagination and putting it into games was pretty much over.

>> No.9576984

You aren't very literate when it comes to these subjects, so read this material so you can catch up to what I'm talking about.

compression isn't a bad thing by the way, it's not an insult to the cube, it just has some inherent traits. It's apparent in grey textures like concrete which look more green, but it's in every texture on cube simply because of how it works. It is indeed a loss of color information so can be a drawback, but it's not a bad thing.


You can use this information to familiarize yourself with what I'm talking about, it makes the GC textures appear more green than they should be, PS2 has a way around this with palletized textures which has its own limitations but many advantages too.

>> No.9576991

gamecube was more powerful than ps2

>> No.9576993

>it makes the GC textures appear more green than they should be
No it does not. If you genuinely think this you are schizophrenic and are seeing things.
>PS2 has a way around this with palletized textures which has its own limitations but many advantages too
Everything looking brown is not an advantage.

>> No.9577009

I didn't, it was awesome. But it's true that the series went downhill afterwards. RE5 was very meh and RE6 was a disaster. The only game I liked after RE4 was RE2make

>> No.9577012
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I'm not that guy, but do you really not see the greening on the left here? Or are you saying that was how it was originally made to look and the PS2 is wrong for losing that?

>> No.9577016

That was obviously how it was meant to look. As evidenced by the different tone pants on the other enemies.

>> No.9577023
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>As evidenced by the different tone pants on the other enemies.
The tone that they're all tinged green because that's what S3TC does. Like you're demonstrating with every post you just don't know what this is or that gamecube does it.
You're either willfully obtuse, console wars have rotted your brain that your immediate reaction is to double down on your "side" or are just genuinely stupid.
Which is it?

>> No.9577037
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>The tone that they're all tinged green because that's what S3TC does
If this looks green to you then you are legitimately blind.

>> No.9577061

console wars have rotted your brain that your immediate reaction is to double down on your "side"

>> No.9577063
File: 37 KB, 1242x428, 1650050145385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not saying it IS green, he's saying it's greenER than the non-gamecube version. You can see it empirically in pic related.

>> No.9577071

It's not hard to have more green than the sepia PS2 textures. It isn't enough to be considered tinted green in the same way the PS2 textures are tinted brown.

>> No.9577075

What would you need to be shown to make you believe you're wrong here?

>> No.9577080

i'm convinced that one guy is arguing with himself in these threads. it's always been common knowledge that the GCN version is the best 6th gen version of the game and that the PS2 version was severely downgraded. now you have spergs arguing about "there's too much green", i mean come on lmao what the fuck even is this? bro, the PS2 version doesn't even have tree branches. it's time to stop.

>> No.9577094

I'm not even the original guy I just think it's impressive that this guy is so invested in the gamecube version being THE BEST that he'll reject reality like this. I have no idea about the differences between different RE4 versions, but it's just undeniable that the GC textures are greener. That doesn't make one version better than the other, but if you can't admit that it just makes you look insane. I imagine the original guy thinks the same.

>> No.9577103
File: 172 KB, 518x256, RE4 shirt comp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but it's just undeniable that the GC textures are greener
Like that's difficult to achieve when the comparison looks like this. The fact of the matter is it isn't a "green tinge" no matter how hard you try and force it.

>> No.9577119

Because of many valid reasons...

1) It wasn't a true RE game, it was more action and less horror. There were no zombies.
2) It was just a reskinned Devil May Cry game.
3) QTE's were added. Fucking dreadful.
4) Ashley was annoying as fuck, I hate escort missions.
5) The monsters in this game talk and they use weapons. Definitely not a true RE game.

They still had you pushing boxes in RE4.

>> No.9577159

GC->Resident Evil 4 1,600,000
PS2 Resident Evil 4 2,300,000 + 50,000,000 piracy copies

>> No.9577175

Imagine not liking all of them.

>> No.9577176

>enjoyed spooky village
>enjoyed spooky castle
>enjoyed spooky prison
You can't change my mind

>> No.9577185

Not everyone is going to like every single game from a franchise they love. You either love RE4 or you hate it. I hate it because of the 5 reasons I stated earlier. There's nothing wrong with not liking every single game from a franchise. For example, I only liked the first three Silent Hill games, everything else after that became bland.

>> No.9577189
File: 3.00 MB, 540x380, Nemesis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The monsters in this game talk and they use weapons. Definitely not a true RE game.

>> No.9577216

I will hate 6 and rev 2 until the heat death of the universe, and there is nothing you can do to stop me. They're shit.

>> No.9577227

>It was just a reskinned Devil May Cry game.
DMC was reskinned RE4

>> No.9577301

because gamecube owners who bought the re1 remake on launch day all collectively got beat up by dudebros who liked gears of war and they all blame re4 because nobody bought the remake.

>> No.9577309

this didn't happen

>> No.9577528
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Here, have this infographic.

>> No.9577530

That ammo comparison can literally have only been made by someone who has never actually played the games.

>> No.9577532

gamecube won we had the best resident evil games

>> No.9577536
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>mexican pinata

>> No.9577542

3 is my fave classic Resi but only a faggot poser could defend keys taking up the same inventory space as a shotgun

>> No.9577557

Maybe they should have bought gamecubes and copies of remake and 0 if they wanted more games like that.

>> No.9577562

Would have made more sense to have a keyring item that takes up 1 space that they all get added to. I could swear one of the AITD games had that, but I must have misremembered. Maybe it was another similar game.

>> No.9577569

In RE 1-3 each slot represents a strategical decision. In RE 4 they pretend to be more realistic but utterly fail, because they completely ignore the third dimension, making their attempt look pathetic and laughable.

>> No.9577572

>each slot represents a strategical decision
yes this is exactly the type of faggot poser bullshit I was talking about

>> No.9577576

>keys don't take up slots
only based thing going for RE4 in that image

>> No.9577584
File: 1.63 MB, 1355x997, caw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggot poser bullshit
aka making your items 2D and pretending you've made the inventory realistic

>> No.9577624

>item slots
RE4's item management is weapon-focused; there's still just as much strategizing, but the items being managed are different. i'd argue there's more strategy because you not only choose what to hold but how you organize it. if you're going to criticize this, then tell me how realistic the fucking magic stash box in classic RE is.
that's literally one of the first puzzles in RE4. come on dude. this is retarded even if we ignore the fact that RE4's puzzles are the gameplay; the way you approach each encounter, not just some fucking riddle with a pre-defined answer.
>risk of dying
why is classic RE more of a survival horror game just because it inconveniences you for 5 minutes instead of 5 seconds? unlike the other games, RE4 actually records your deaths. try beating RE4 with no deaths on pro and then we can talk about survival horror.
>health and ammo
there is nothing inherently wrong with having more ammo if there are more enemies. this argument comes down to believability, in which case you're forced to reconcile the believability of classic RE's item management with the fact you're playing a series about a zombie outbreak with mutated spiders. what matters is the gameplay.
>complexity and backtracking
that image is literally one tiny area, there are tons of non-linear environments. RE4 has plenty of areas where you'll be running back through the same routes a few times; it also has large areas like the village where you can explore multiple buildings in whatever order you want. it has multiple sections with branching paths and permanent missibiles. it even has shortcuts and backtracking routes, like how you can go back to the castle to get the broken butterfly, or go back across the river to find a hidden merchant and fight dogs before you'd normally first find them. you can't even see all of the game on one playthrough.
RE4 will always be the best.

>> No.9577851

Because they took away from us the great Umbrella conspiracy story without EVER closing it properly. RE2, 3 and CV were all promising and teasing us with this great grand finale, where Umbrella would be brought down for good. When RE4 hit the shelves, they had thrown everything out. Zombies, hunters, Tyrants and lickers were all gone, so was the T-virus and instead here I am, shooting some slug infested beaners and spics in some European Mexico. It was a literal slap in the face, when during the opening I'm told that the major grand finale against Umbrella actually took place behind the scenes during the interim of two games, and all it really involved was crashing their stocks. I was robbed closure. Capcom staff can't write worth a shit.

Also, nearly every enemy dropping ammo and loot was a bit too much. Part of the appeal of the oldies was that you had to scavenge and put effort into finding that shit. That was part of the challenge. RE4 abandoned its roots to cater to the dumb masses. It was a decent shooter as a stand-alone, don't get me wrong on that, but my god it was a fucking shitty Resident Evil-entry.

>> No.9578616

>people will pay money for this

>> No.9578639

RE3 shat out ammo like crazy.

>> No.9578883

And yet RE4 is a much harder game than any of the classic resident evils.

>> No.9578906

Its hilarious how this image fails to recognize that Classic RE has an infinite storage space while RE4 has no storage space, Classic RE gives out more than enough ammo to kill every enemy in the games, and Classic RE after 1 gives out so many ink ribbons that its impossible to run out of saves.
Puzzles have also never been difficult in RE.

>> No.9578913
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>> No.9578954


>> No.9578971

I wouldn't if it played like Evil Within. They've tried to go away from the usual controls and failed miserably. Anyone who defends RE4 gameplay is retarded.

>> No.9579225

it's just a cope, classic RE games are shit and boring. Half of the game is backtracking, no one likes them. RE4 is the first good RE game

>> No.9579278

>PS2 shit filter
Why so many old console games have entirely different color tone and light?
Is it to mask differences in picture quality and graphics?>>9576591

>> No.9579293

>Le darker = scarier

>> No.9579320

The fixed camera angles and tank controls forced the games into NOT being action games, which necessitated emphasizing the survival aspects of survival horror. RE4 is a good game and I enjoyed it, but it doesn't have the same feel. It's no coincidence the series went off the rails at that point, complete with super powered ninja gunkata.

>> No.9579365

The decline of videogames, pictured.
You're an hypocrite if you think gaming got worse and casual overtime yet praise RE4.
It's literally the game that started this shit

>> No.9579370

You're delusional, how is RE4 hard at all?

>> No.9579376

On professional mode you can die pretty easily if I remember right. It doesn't really matter though, because the original PSX trilogy is piss easy, so pretty much any game is harder than them. The only really difficult classic resi game is Outbreak File 2, and that's only until you really learn to play it.

>> No.9579382

Taking the storage space WITH you in RE would break the gameplay, the point is that it's not with you as you go through dangerous areas. but in RE4 it basically is.
Ammo availability doesn't matter, the point is that RE4 reward the killing with even more ammo/health/money drops, while in classic RE you gain nothing from using up ammo

>> No.9579384

escort mission and qtes for me
village part was nice

>> No.9579396

Classic RE on normal is way harder than RE4 Pro though.
RE4 is hard like an action game, get killed by a mechanical mistakes, die and retry
while classic RE is easy in the moment to moment gameplay, until you realize wrong decisions made 2 hours ago leaves you with too little resources to get past some bosses or though areas, which happens to way more people than you're going to admit, I bet.

>> No.9579405

Most people I see play RE1 just shoot everything, and while you do feel like resources are scarce they never REALLY are unless you're really wasteful. I think it actually does a good job of creating the illusion of scarcity and I think that's what makes it a great game. I can't speak as much for RE2 and 3 though, I've played them much less because I find them really boring.

>> No.9579423
File: 26 KB, 265x375, Residentevildeadaim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember the RE Survivor spin-off? What if we put it in the mainline instead.

>> No.9580625

You're still really limited on your storage space depending on how many guns you're carrying in RE4. Its not until you get the final case upgrade that you can pretty safely have breathing room in there for the rest of the game.
>the point is that RE4 reward the killing with even more ammo/health/money drops, while in classic RE you gain nothing from using up ammo
Except classic RE does reward you for spending ammo, you make that room or hallway safe and easy to travel through.

>> No.9580629

Fog looks better on PS2 but everything else is heaps better on GC

>> No.9580635

Horror games always have the most facefuckable females. RE4 Remake is continuing this trend.

>> No.9580637

we didnt
i had played most of them when 4dropped

i was ok w/ them trying something different. directors cut & zero are my all time favorites still

>> No.9580674

>What if we put it in the mainline instead.

As it should've been. A fantastic game.

>> No.9580679

It's simple. It's another game, not a RE one. The formula is completely different. Nobody would have complained if it had another name but was is the same universe as RE.

>> No.9580692

>Except classic RE does reward you for spending ammo,
Tyrant and Nemesis also drop goodies if you knock them out. Tyrant usually gives you back more ammo than it takes to drop him.

>> No.9580735

This game had so much going for it. It had body part specific damage, like shooting zombies purposely in the head hurt them more. Shooting Pluto's brain (the fat Tyrant) was the only way to hurt it, and with the silenced pistol you were actually able to make the fight really easy, because Pluto, being blind, then couldn't hear where your attacks came from, making him unable to attack you. And all of this is easy to exploit, because the game has built-in support for USB mouse aiming. There was a wealth of opportunity for tactical play.

Bruce and Fong Ling were excellent characters with great chemistry, and more importantly, they were something new, blank slates. They left with a lot of untapped potential for sequels. Morpheus Duvall was a kickass boss. The Umbrella ship was a very exciting location that was used well, and the story finally properly started exploring Umbrella's other dealings outside of Raccoon City, while also showing how desperate the Umbrella bosses were getting now that government agencies around the world are hunting them after the Raccoon fuck up.

Dead Aim was totally taking the series to the correct direction, and then it was just completely ignored. That is the true tragedy here.

>> No.9580896

That was their jump-the-shark moment, not as good as RE1, RE2, and RE Code Veronica.

>> No.9580902

Fake news.

>> No.9580903

Code Veronica is a truly terrible game and significantly more stupid than all three previous RE games combined.

>> No.9580989

>Code Veronica
So you're a nu-classicfag, got it

>> No.9581045

>1) It wasn't a true RE game, it was more action and less horror.
RE2 did all that too, and you fags never shut the fuck up about it
>There were no zombies.
First, the series is called BIOHAZARD, and the parasites are a form of infection organism
Second, Zombies were the lamest enemies in classic RE. That's like being mad that Mario has moved past Goobas
>It was just a reskinned Devil May Cry game.
Other way around, Jackass
>QTE's were added. Fucking dreadful.
Most of the time, they are used for defensive moves, so like the RE3 dodge mechanics, but actually good.
>Ashley was annoying as fuck, I hate escort missions.
Now I know you never played the fucking game. Ashley is barely in it, She is glued to Leon's back unless told otherwise and be told to hide somewhere safe. RE4 is the only game to ever get an AI partner right
>The monsters in this game talk and they use weapons
Not only did Nemesis do both, but so did William. And while Alexia didn't use a weapons, she sure did talk, same with Marcus.
It's good to know that the people that don't think RE4 is a real RE game never actually played the series.

>> No.9581062

I love this fucking image because it was clearly made by someone whom has never played a RE game in their life.
>Inventory Slots
Both RE2 and RE3 give the player inventory expansions in the game, and in the case of RE3, you don't have to share it. Not to mention, you will have a storage box always near by to store shit
In the case of RE4, that ALL you got. If you run out of space in RE4, you have to get rid of things since there's no box to save things for you.
RE4 actually has more puzzles than RE2 and more complex ones at that. Also, puzzles in RE has always been baby tier. If you're looking for real puzzles, play SH
>Risk of dying
There's always a typewriter like 5 or 6 rooms apart from one another, and the games give you so many ink ribbons that you have to actively use them on nothing to run out.
RE4 risk of dying is having to clear a room again, and that is far more difficult than having to walk a few rooms from where you died.
>Health and Ammo
Here is the biggest tell that someone didn't play Classic RE. Those games can't stop fucking giving the player ammo. You probably have more than enough to kill every twice.
>Map Complexity
Backtracking isn't complex at all, not to mention most open areas in RE4 shit all over most of classic areas.
God I hate Nu-REfags more than anything.

>> No.9581538

Saying "who" when you mean "whom" is silly, but saying the reverse is just fart-sniffing retardation. Do you know it's not just a posh version of who?

>> No.9581561

I could stomach everything upto krauser fight. Guy jumps 10 feet high as if it's an anime game.
Character and enemy design sucked ass.
Controls sucked ass. In fact, it added difficulty dimension to a barely controllable game.
The game felt arcadey rather than a story telling with gun ammo buying system.
The story itself sucked.
It should not have been named resident evil.
RE games died with Code V.

>> No.9581570

>They are autist that hate change despite RE4 being the natural progression for the series

Imbecile autist. Natrual progression would be 0 to 1. Not 0 to 1,000,000.

>> No.9581595

Simply because it's not RE. It doesn't have the same gameplay, it doesn't have the same type of enemies, it doesn't have the kind of puzzles, it has nothing in common with the old RE-games except some characters. I never liked "las plagas" as a concept, and the round-house kicking was just plain silly.

>> No.9581696

>Not 0 to 1,000,000.
Do you REALLY think RE went from slow burn horror into an action horror in just one game, you retard? Are the only games you played in the series just RE1 and RE4? Did you miss the 9 years of games that added on to the action and silly shit.

>> No.9581707

Resident evil 4 isn't even the best TPS Resident evil game

>> No.9581720

Exactly. People are missing the obvious here. It's a good game, just not a RE game.

>> No.9581737

>Games aren't allowed to change things up
>Every game in the series should be the same with very few improvements
If fags like you actually mattered, we wouldn't have amazing games like Super Mario 64, GTA3, Sands of Time, Metroid Prime ect. By the time of RE4, there were already 5 mainline games, a remake, and a bunch of spinoff games. The series became stale and needed a rework.

>> No.9581769

Shit sellout game. It marks the beginning of the end for resident evil.

>> No.9581776

>sellout game
>PS2+GC versions sold less combined than the PS1 version of RE2

>> No.9581808

We didnt. Anyone who says otherwise is underage b&.

The game was a great, especially since Capcom had been releasing mostly mediocre games for a while in the series until 4 was released.

REmake was great, and I liked Zero and CV. But everything had gotten stale, and everything new was disappointing.

>> No.9581827

>they wanted another box pushing simulator

They could just play OoT then

>> No.9583164

RE5 was definitely like a crude and hurried cashgrab to try to redo RE4s success, and it's just not anywhere near as good. With the terrible AI partner, it's actually almost like RE4's own counterpart to REmake's RE0, but worse.

>not middling
>not as retarded as RE4, if not even more so

>> No.9583175

If you don't like Contra or Quake you don't like fun.

It plays fucking nothing like Devil May Cry, you fucking spastic, there's no super jumping or swordfighting, there's no infinite ammo or transforming into a demon. Goddamn, what an obnoxiously retarded and aggressively incorrect observation.

>> No.9583206

That part is true, Devil May Cry started life as a proposed Resident Evil 4 by Hideki Kamija, one which strayed dramatically from the Resident Evil trappings and formulas, to the point Shinji Mikami thought that it really wasn't fit for the series and that they should instead retool the game into its own thing.
Some smartass fag will reply "Strayed from Resident Evil? Like 4 lmao?!" but the way it strayed was that it was, well, much like the Devil May Cry that we got, lots of jumping and wild acrobatics, juggling enemies in the air with swords and guns, evil cyborg marionettes, etc. What Devil May Cry and Resident Evil have in common is that DMC and RE4 feature a castle, both depict firearms and monsters (in wildly differing manners), with Dante and Leon having similar hairstyles.

You're calling the apple an orange.

>> No.9583215

Yeah they had absolutely no idea what to do with the series at that point and were just throwing shit at the wall. Biohazard Sengoku was another failed pitch that became Onimusha.

>> No.9583219

They were gonna make a Resident Evil game set in Japan during the Sengoku era? Shit, that sounds like it could really have worked.

>> No.9583273


I told you before and I'll tell you again, I didn't care that the graphics weren't as pretty (and it didn't show that easily on my shitty cheap CRT with RGB input), I had never played or seen the Gamecube version, and it still looked like spooky forests with rundown farmhouses and smatterings of old dead industry. I was looking for the gameplay anyway.

If I couldn't cope with a lack of pretty graphics then I wouldn't have been able to enjoy the 3D trilogy of Grand Theft Auto, and those games were fairly hideous by the standards of their time.

That part makes sense though, they're an absurd murder cult so way out in the sticks of Spain that they still fucking trade in golden pesetas, almost none of them have indoor plumbing, running water, or electricity, and they're greatly isolated from the rest of the world.
There's just no fucking way that there hasn't been a lot of inbreeding there through the ages.

>> No.9583293

Worst RE game in the entire franchise. It felt very out of place.

>> No.9583354

Never played 6 or ORC, huh?

>> No.9583384

I was done with the RE franchise when I played RE4. Never cared to give RE5, RE6 or any other future RE titles a try.

>> No.9583403
File: 65 KB, 866x634, jeeeeeeeeeel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"classic" REfags hate everything that isn't the second game
One day the boogeyman is Code Veronica
The other day they witchhunt 0
Or no actually RE3 is fault for being too-action and starting the whole mess.
Matter of fact is: they are just chasing after that nostalgic trip and yearn for days that are long over. There is not even a single gameplay-related reason why they prefer 2 over the others. Because these people (majority, normalfags, the plebs and scrubs in the community) don't want to "play" games. They are chasing "experiences" and feelings to get a temporary dopamine kick.
That's really it. And before you start seething at me ask this yourself: when was the last time you actually played any of these games? Your favorite RE i mean. You don't need to tell me. Just ask that yourself and be real with yourself. Did you like the game OR the time you spent with it?

>> No.9583475

>"classic" REfags hate everything that isn't the second game
>One day the boogeyman is Code Veronica
>The other day they witchhunt 0
>Or no actually RE3 is fault for being too-action and starting the whole mess.
I like RE4, but maybe you're talking to different people with different opinions.

>> No.9584474

Nah, I'm pretty sure the classic RE fans only hate RE4 because it's the only game in the entire series that does look or feel like a Resident Evil. Just a dumb action game that the nu-RE fans seem to have a boner for.

>> No.9584834 [DELETED] 

Nice divide and conquer attempt, kike. I like all classic RE games and I hate 4 only.

>> No.9584926 [DELETED] 

You fucking zoomers and your need to change shit every single second of the day. No, they didn't need to change so much for it to be a good game. reddit is that way you retard.

>> No.9585001 [DELETED] 


>> No.9585024 [DELETED] 


>> No.9585082
File: 307 KB, 1920x1080, 1674071182090526 1630053815426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>God, I hate how Resident Evil 4 turned the series into an action game to casualized the series to appeal to more people
>My favorite RE game? Obviously, it is RE2
Every fucking time.

>> No.9585553

I wish more shooters had platforming desu. I just played Nightdive's remaster of Turok and had a blast.

>> No.9585810

>Thinks RE2 is all action.
>Forgets there are puzzles just like in RE1.
I love bursting bubbles of RE4fags who have never played the original games.

>> No.9585831

RE4 has more puzzles than RE2

>> No.9585854

There's only 3 real puzzles in RE2. The library bookshelves, the power box in the basement, and the lamps you have to light in order.

>> No.9585861

And RE4 has 5
>Chief's Door
>Church cemetery
>Church lights
>Ashley's Push puzzle

>> No.9585863

I wasn't there, but it just reeks of autism since every 30-something or older RE fan I've met in real life loved the fourth game.

>> No.9586121

What is the best way to play RE4 these days?

>> No.9586282

And typing GUEST into the computer.

>> No.9586303

Realizing that every RE game that came before it is better, and playing them instead.

>> No.9586325
File: 281 KB, 512x448, image_2023-01-19_183300550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the hype of 'taking down umbrella' taken completely out of the hands of the players and just left to 'stock collapse'.
All the moody slow paced horror atmosphere replaced with near constant action. And this happened while the horrible live action RE movies were also being pushed. Felt like the entire formula for the entire franchise was forcibly changed to appeal to hollywood and the masses.
Inventory management changed massively, even if it was for the better.
The struggles of item limits are gone. Game throws plenty of health at you throughout and ammo can be grabbed from lots of downed enemies.
Only one serious puzzle in the game, and while RE never went as brain-teasing as SH they were still a large part of the charm that was removed.
Soundtrack isn't good, especially when compared to the games that came before it. There's no music in RE4 that makes me want to go back and re-experience it compared to every prior game. The constant action always overtakes the soundtrack, I think the only musical pieces I can remember are from water room (because you spend so much time there), robot salazar, and the starting cue for the final boss theme.
Also RE4 dragged QTE's from being a stupid Shenmuetard gimmick into the mainstream and fucked over all games for years. And I like some of RE4's QTEs.

RE4 is still god danm fantastic though. But it ignored the entire formula. Outside of silly minor things like a hidden fixed camera option for a DLC, old fans were treated like we didn't exist until 2017, and even with RE7 on it's debatable if it's a respectable evolution of the old formula or not.
Also on a more personal level, RE4's locations are ways less interesting in looks and design. Only RE4's Castle stands out. Every prior game's setting(s) were significantly more interesting.

>> No.9586327


>> No.9586331

I hated spending most of my time running from room I've already been to to room I've already been to in order to swap out items in my absurdly gimped inventory space. I like re4 more.

Opposite of your q though

>> No.9586335

It wasn't survival horror, it was action horror.
For fucks sake they said that at the time. Even people who praised it.

>> No.9586341


>> No.9586348

>All the moody slow paced horror atmosphere replaced with near constant action
This has been a thing since RE2. It's like everyone has this perfect picture of what RE is, but they only end up describing RE1.

>> No.9586472
File: 309 KB, 640x480, image_2023-01-19_201032499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the type that thinks masturbation is exercise, aren't you?
What fundamentally changed in the slow paced horror atmosphere from 1 to 'near constant action' in 2/CV? The control scheme is the same. The music is done with many of the same hallmarks. The design is the same backtracking to unlock the next bits and pieces of the environment you're in.
Is it because mathematically there is enough ammunition to kill everything with, even if most of that ammunition isn't available until the closing minutes of the game?
Watching a speedrunner leave the majority of enemies untouched doesn't mean it's got some special extra horror going on.

>> No.9586478

yeah, I remember suplexing dudes and having cartoony banter with tiny napoleon before buying an rpg from a funny merchant and blowing him up in re2. the writing was on the wall really.

>> No.9586647

>What fundamentally changed in the slow paced horror atmosphere from 1 to 'near constant action' in 2/CV?
>Opening cutscene is Chris and Co searching a crashed helicopter before getting attacked by dogs and thrn hiding in a mysterious mansion
>Game starts with Leon stumbling into a city of zombies before saving Claire and then getting into a fiery car accident and being separated
>The first fucking cutscene is Jill jumping out of a burning surrounded by zombies
>Opening cutscene has Claire running from a fucking attack helicopter
>Opening cutscene shows the train getting fucked by Marcus, no suspense at all.
Kamiya himself said he went into RE2 with a Hollywood action movie mindset. You have to be fucking retarded not to see it.

>Wacky things never happened in RE before RE4
>Let's forget about the Tyrant walking around in a suit
>Or the Tyrant walking around with a fucking rocket launcher
>Or the entire opening to CV
>Or Wesker and Alexia having a matrix fight
>Or Wesker being back in general
>Or Alfred being a cross dressing freak with his gay fucking laugh
>Or the weird incest relationship between Alfred and Alexia
>Or the Gay leech Oprah singer
>Nope, all of those are super serious
Hell, not even RE1 is spared from it because of its awful dub and that's one of the reasons why it's beloved.

>> No.9586704

PC or Wii.

>> No.9587119

Thats told to you in a document.

>> No.9587246

I think there was a nice texture mod released for PC recently, is it possible to use those textures in Dolphin?

>> No.9587248

>Outside of silly minor things like a hidden fixed camera option for a DLC
What's this

>> No.9587891

he's probably talking about RE5

>> No.9589872

What earned my hate was forcing 4:3 letterboxed aspect ratio, with no options for normal 4:3 or 16:9. Playing RE4 for GV on a 14" tv was not a great experience.