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File: 10 KB, 271x241, Konami_finished.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9574734 No.9574734 [Reply] [Original]

What happened?

>> No.9574736


>> No.9574748

All of their soul was contained in the old logo which they have threw away by mistake

>> No.9574753

They made so many good SNES games...

>> No.9574768

Konami's bread and butter was always gambling. Video games were a side hustle they decided was no longer worth it.

>> No.9575247

Kojima progressively got more power, started cannibalizing other internal studios and demanding more budget for his personal auteur projects starring garbage TV actors and ran their finances into the ground, until the stockholders stopped him dead in his tracks and sacked his pretentious ass.

>> No.9575448

New CEO that firmly believed mobile games were the future so they stopped caring about console releases.

>> No.9575453

Mobile games are the future in Japan, or maybe the present. Genshin makes big bucks as well.

>> No.9575560
File: 218 KB, 280x342, zombies_ate_my_neighbors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a pink stripe representing a CRT scanline drew near the top of the screen, the konami logo appeared, and a wonderful jingle from the heavens gave light to this wonderful logo

>> No.9576274

I love the old Konami and Capcom logos and jingles. Aesthetically pleasing and clean.

>> No.9576285
File: 119 KB, 1280x694, konami.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened.

>> No.9576290

MGS3 was made under that logo

>> No.9576301

It was a gradual end. MGS3 was great, but it was part of the trend towards video games as movies which ultimately led to the current state of gaming where you spend equal parts in cutscenes and equal parts playing. You can't pin down a date that Konami "died", but it's easy to see that the passion for development is different between the Rocket Knight Adventures era, against the Castlevania Lords of Shadow era.

>> No.9576303

Silent Hill 3 too, and they were both fucking horrible nostalgia pandering remakes that ruined their series

>> No.9576308

> where you spend equal parts in cutscenes
I'll gladly spend time watching cutscenes if the gameplay is nearly as good as in MGS3. It's just that modern movie games fucking suck gameplay-wise, that's why they are called movie games. I don't consider MGS3 to be one, it has really unique gameplay with tons of mechanics, it's the best MGS game in that regard, it simply wouldn't work as a movie

>> No.9576310

MGS3's gameplay is about as good as any free to play survival games on steam, a bloated mess of additions that don't work with the MGS2 gameplay at it's core.

>> No.9576318

Wow man I have to disagree, I think your mom is a bloated mess

>> No.9576329
File: 48 KB, 500x438, KONAMI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like, ok, I guess, in a minimalist way, but the classic logo is far more pretty and recognizable.

I'll have to agree with anon, I also think your mom is a bloated mess. 2 / 10, would not revisit.

>> No.9576374

this, and the 90s. Also their Graphic engine was a too dark

>> No.9576379

Schizo posting.

>> No.9576971
File: 933 KB, 800x600, 1651498101638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9577048
File: 3 KB, 180x173, treasure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their son surpassing them made them lose all their spaghetti.

>> No.9577947


>> No.9579572

>What happened?
The arcade market crashed in the early 2000s.

Xbox live and online play was the final nail in the Coffin to the "Golden Era of arcades".

Konami still makes the best Dancing and Rhythm game cabinets. So much so that Dance Dance Revolutoon Clones keep popping up and Konami has to sue them for copying DDR's design

*cough* In the Groove *cough*

>> No.9579628

>laser has a different color depending on console
pretty soulful

>> No.9579926
File: 2.13 MB, 2016x1512, You_know_the_code.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They used to have master programmers for all sorts of platforms like the Ricoh chips for MSX/NES, Motorola's 68000, etc. That experience served them well, but I am guessing the talent has been eroded by rising costs so they cannot keep up with the complications of x86 nor x64 and it is just more cost effective to outsource.

>> No.9580354
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, dR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This happened
.......and pachinko machines

>> No.9580367

Stop avatarfagging you boring piece of shit, no one cares about your plastic collection

>> No.9580515

When MGSV was realeased vidya was only like 5% of their total profit margins, funny enough their gyms was something like 25% or something like that.
It wasn't until chink flu and Momoden on switch that they started slowly crawling back into gaming again.

>> No.9580945

The problems, just like all these shitty service multiplayer games is that you could sink millions into these games and they could be easily dying immediately
And perhaps even worse than Sega, Konami has shitloads of IP, and they're also sitting their asses on Hudson's IPs, and they're more or less doing jackshit with them. Can't make a gatcha out of a beloved IP if it isn't maintained. Sega and Capcom already learned that the hard way
Meanwhile Igarashi went and made a good Igavania without their asses
Konami should just sell their IPs at this point

>> No.9580956

>son, I am disappoint

>> No.9580986

>the color of the konami laser logo is different depending on the console
>blue for pce and x68k
>green for genesis
>purple for snes

pretty cool