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/vr/ - Retro Games

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955641 No.955641[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what old rpg are not so grindy

>> No.955660

most western rpgs arn't grindy because level ups tend to suck and your characters more power is decided more by equipment

final fantasy (at 5 and up) can be beaten with your characters in the single digits of levels if you use the right tactics

srpg's are usually not grindy

>> No.955997

suikoden 1/2, valkyrie profile, star ocean 2

>> No.956008

what about super ninja boy?

>> No.956049

"RPGs are grindy" is just a generic thing people without a lot of familiarity with the genre say to try to look knowledgeable.

>> No.956053

Chrono Trigger

>> No.956061


Super Ninja Boy is great for Beat 'Em Up fans.

>> No.956080

Great, overlooked RPG/ Beat 'em up hybrid. Way better with a buddy. Happy to see it getting some love here.

There actually are a decent amount of random battles, though.

>> No.956086

Earthbound isn't bad.

>> No.956202

This. Chrono Trigger doesn't really require all that much. It's not a terribly long game overall, even with all of the side quests near the end.

>> No.956250

If you do decide to do mother (aka earthbound zero) look for the patch with the easy ring to cut down on grinding..

And I'm not sure if this counts, but phantasy star 2 technically isn't something I ever had to grind in. Most likely not something you would want to play, it's kind of like tying your dick in a knot if you don't like exploration at it's core. I'd say it's a must play if you are into that sort of thing, but it's not for everyone.

>> No.956256

Phantasy Star 4

>> No.956272

Dragon Quest from 3 onwards

>> No.956304

shin megami tensei 1/2.

your main characters level up but demons you've recruited do not. if you do decide to grind the main purpose would be to level up MC to recruit a stronger demon, but the pace of the game is almost perfect as-is if you're just smart about building your team and choosing your alignment. they're still hard as balls in my opinion though.

final fantasy legend 2 (SaGa 2) also comes to mind, in that game you have 4 party members and get to select a different class for each of them- human, mutant, robot, and monster. humans and mutants gain stats from fighting battles, but robots only gain stats from getting better equipment, and monsters only by transforming into other, stronger monsters. therefore grinding is not really effective, and it's not really necessary anyway because the game is well-paced.

>> No.956391
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Earthbound, Legend of Mana, Legend of Dragoon, Chrono Cross, Xenogears, Mystic Ark, 7th Saga (but only with the patch that restores it back to being fair), Terranigma, Treasure of the Rudra.

Agreed with SMT1 and 2. Status bullets are great.

>> No.956394

Any Zelda game.

>> No.956509

Was going to mention Final Fantasy Legend II as well. It is a short game and the stat cap for HP is 999 and other stats at around 99 for about a 10 hour game. It is paced very well in which you are constantly doing something in a world or exploring a new world along with continually finding new items.

>> No.956751

super mario rpg, it's possible to beat the entire game while avoiding all random encounters + negating boss exp gained through (un)lucky boost.

>> No.956772

It's really easy and completely charming. The Grandia Redux patch was even made to make it harder since it's so easy, and even that isn't grindy.

>> No.956780

>If you do decide to do mother (aka earthbound zero) look for the patch with the easy ring to cut down on grinding..
He doesn't state that he has ADHD, why do you suggest him to make this kids game twice easier? There is level wall only on early stage of the game, later if you don't rush through it with walkthrough guide, you should have enough level to overcome any enemy without any grinding.

>> No.956783

>implying grinding is difficult

>> No.956841
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You want this game, OP

>> No.956850

Super Mario RPG
Lunar Silver Star Story Complete

>> No.956852


Ultimas 6,7 (both parts) and the Underworlds. Combat just isn't that big of a deal in them to begin with.

And you could try Dark Sun, Shattered lands. Combat's fairly easy overall.

>> No.956887
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house of brown now sit down

>> No.957082

Sierra games really hated you. They didn't allow to solve puzzles in any sensible way, but any way of killing yourself you can imagine during the game actually works and is well implemented.

>> No.957231

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

>> No.957279

FFV, just remember to get AP in the right spots and use freelancer after mastering a few.

>> No.957282

>no one mentions Pokemon
Especially RBY with the fucking hilarious enemy movesets.

>> No.957291

>Pokemon RBY
>not grindy
I see you're a grassfag

>> No.957308

Nope, but all I needed to do to get to Brock with Charmander was
>Butterfree used Confusion

The remakes don't even have them knowing a rocktype move that they use, so just harden through Bide.

>> No.957310

*The originals
I'm retarded.

>> No.957312

world of xeen

>> No.957315

>Nope, but all I needed to do to get to Brock with Charmander was

>> No.957350

>Butterfree used Confusion
But you need to grind it several levels to be able to even use that.

>> No.957357

but that is kind of grindy if you want it by the first gym

>> No.957360

>getting Mankey prior to Brock

>> No.957369

>not playing superior Yellow version
I feel bad for you man.

>> No.957379

other than getting all the starters in one game yellow is inferior brah

>> No.957372

Yellow's still Grundy as fuck

>> No.957376

The first time you get Mankey in Yellow is right after Pewter city.

>> No.957381

Fuck, I meant grindy.

>> No.957386

Even the least grindy needs a couple levels.

>> No.957385

Your rang br-

>> No.957392

>Not buying two copies of Red specifically for that purpose.

>> No.957393

Thanks for repeating my point for me.

>> No.957409

>Buying two reds instead of on of each
Maximum plebeian tier

>> No.957412

>not buying 1 copy of Red and 1 of Blue
anon pls...

>> No.957420

You'll do all of your grinding searching for the goddamn Sword of Kings.

>> No.957423

>buying 2 games to play 1 game
And I thought people were joking when they called you Pokefags stupid

>> No.957425

My brother had Blue, but was a huge Jew and wouldn't trade, so I got a 2nd Red, got all starters, then sold it to a friend of mine for $5 off store price.

>> No.957428
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>> No.957434

I thought this board was better than devolving an old rpg thread into degenerate pokemon discussion

>> No.957436

>you don't have the right to criticize my stupid monetary decisions

>> No.957437

That's what you get for thinking.

>> No.957440

At least they discuss an old RPG, unlike you whiny "/v/ 2.0" idiots. If you want a conversation about a specific old RPG, then why don't you fucking start it first.

>> No.957445

Really? Were the constant "WICH FF IS DA BEST" threads plastered all over the board not a clear enough indicator of the general populace?
There are some pretty knowledgeable people here that are enjoyable to discuss things with, but they're in the minority just like every other board on 4chan.

>> No.957447


What about Zelda makes it an RPG?

>> No.957450

The fact that it's not.

>> No.957454


So it its an RPG becuase it isn't an RPG. THanks for clearing that one up.

>> No.957460

Happy to oblige.

>> No.957461

Pretty much stay away from DQ games, and you should be fine. I can't think of any games outside of that where I felt like I was being bombarded with a walk through random battle infested sludge.

>> No.957463

You haven't played many RPGs then.

>> No.957470

Be glad you haven't played most of FF, Pokemon, Skies of Arcadia, and Persona

>> No.957471

Final Fantasy IV and up, Chrono, Front Mission, Bahamut Lagoon, generally anything squaresoft from 4th gen up.

Actually, generally every fucking decent RPG from 4th gen and up. Non grindy greatly outnumbers grindy at that point.

>> No.957485

I probably blotted them out of my mind, to be honest.
The old school turn based combat that I slogged through 20 years ago has become a little bit repulsive to me.

>> No.957587

Related to this, I know there are people who actually specifically enjoy grind in rpgs and seek out those games, but I've never seen an explanation of why they enjoy that and I personally can't understand it. Is there anyone like that looking at this thread who could explain why they like grind?

>> No.957598

I enjoy grind when there is a decent payoff for it. Decent payoff being a fun character customization system that allows me to tinker with my dudes with every new level.

>> No.957603

you can catch mankey in the fields where you find gary, on the initial path to the elite 4.

>> No.957690

Isn't that place inaccessible unless you beat Gary, which wipes the floor with you at that point?

>> No.957716

Some people find monotony soothing, sort of like a mindfulness meditation.


1:10. Boober gets it.

>> No.957769

Ember kills Geodude and Onix in like 2 hits. You don't need anything but the starter to get past the first gym in Red or Blue.

>> No.957775

I used to beat him pretty handidly in the original gen 1s, if I remember correctly. I don't remember if I used to overtrain for him though.

>> No.957776

Except you need to grind that starter in the first place.

>> No.957779

brock's pokemon were only 11/13, and i'm pretty sure you get your 'type' moves like 11 for all of the starters

>> No.957781

Walking to the second town while fighting trainers doesn't constitute grinding in my mind.

>> No.957789

Except that's not nearly enough, that gets you to level 7 or so.

>> No.957812

I meant third town. I didn't realize that I forgot to include Pallet.

>> No.957813

Which should have been obvious because I mentioned fighting trainers and there are no trainers on the route from Pallet to Viridian.

>> No.957828
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what old skateing games are not so grindy?

>> No.957930
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Oh you

>> No.958021


just use the run command