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File: 2.33 MB, 3760x2110, GameCube-Set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9570932 No.9570932 [Reply] [Original]

Would it have outsold the original Xbox if it used DVDs?

>> No.9570984 [DELETED] 

That and if it didn't look like a lunchbox for homosexuals or have a terrible controller.

>> No.9570990

Without GTA? Halo? Online multiplayer? Lol no

>> No.9571065 [DELETED] 

It looks like a classic game console instead of black generic ewaste media rectangle.

>> No.9571081

I don't think it would have, no.

>> No.9571114

What if they made a Twilight Princess-like Zelda game first instead of Wind Waker, and if they made Mario Sunshine like GTA/Jak 2? Would that make it more successful?

>> No.9571124

I was always under the assumption that the issue was poor marketing, not the media format.

>> No.9571145

Yes. I wish it would have outsold the PS2.

>> No.9571157

>no online
>less good exclusives than Xbox somehow

Nah, as a SNES fanboy the GCN deserves third place.

>> No.9571159

It was more powerful than a PS2, it's just that no one really took advantage of that fact

>> No.9571506 [DELETED] 

I'll never get the hate for the gamecube's design. To me it's a beutifull console and the logo is one of the the best. The controller thought sucks and choosing purple as the main color the gamecube was advertised maybe wasn't the best idea.

>> No.9571512

Pretty much this. GameCube was losing the changing demographic of video games, which was getting “older” and more “mature”.
It definitely has amazing games, but it’s objectively the third placer for a reason.

>> No.9571546 [DELETED] 


>> No.9571576 [DELETED] 

Because the jannies on /vr/ have extreme bias. There isn’t a single board where you have to walk on eggshells more than /vr/, and I’m going to get a week ban for saying this because they are mad with power. We literally can not have a community here, no memes, no shitposts, nothing. It’s the antithesis to 4chan and we might as well go to fucking reddit because you can get away with more there.
Dude potentially got banned for having an opinion on a retro console’s design. My god.

>> No.9571587 [DELETED] 

try the video game board if you want to shit post

>> No.9571593 [DELETED] 

Go fuck yourself. It’s illegal to be funny on /vr/. It’s illegal to GENUINELY NOT LIKE SOMETHING LOL.
I could get away with more on resetera, how pathetic.

>> No.9571597 [DELETED] 

I’m serious, I don’t even think resetera would prune and ban his post. All he said was that he didn’t like the GameCube design and why. That’s a disgusting abuse of power.

>> No.9571603 [DELETED] 

well your idea of funny seems to be spamming garbage so i'm not really bothered by your seethe

>> No.9571607 [DELETED] 

You don't know shit. For all you know that guy was spamming off topic/pol/shit/nsfwimages/loliporn whatever the fuck else you can come up with somewhere else on the website.

>> No.9571608 [DELETED] 

Spamming garbage? I’m not even that anon. He said the GameCube was stupid looking and that’s his opinion. You want him BANNED/WARNED him for that? Holy shit that is pathetic.

>> No.9571612 [DELETED] 

Now you're being intentionally obtuse which tells me all I need to know.

>> No.9571614 [DELETED] 

He fucking didn’t. Literally all he said was something along the lines of that the GameCube was gay looking. Who fucking cares? That’s his opinion on 4CHAN.

>> No.9571617 [DELETED] 

>he fucking didn't
prove it

Like you're whining that you can't shit post, are you upset that you can't post frogs and wojaks and dishonest threads?

>> No.9571619 [DELETED] 

Intentionally obtuse? Are you on fucking drugs? His shit got pruned and he’s potentially banned for STATING HIS OPINION in a way the janny didn’t like. It was fucking harmless.

>> No.9571621

>no online
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9571623 [DELETED] 

You're pretending like you didn't just say you are mad because you can't shit post on this board.

>> No.9571624

The only GC I recall having online was Phantasy Star Online. Multiplats that had online modes always had them stripped from the GC version.

>> No.9571630

Yes, probably. A lot of people that only bought one console went for the PS2 because of the DVD player, the Gamecube would've definitely nabbed some of those sales had it had one as well. And those would've pushed it past the Xbox, which only barely beat it.

>> No.9571669

>no online
>the only game I recall
So which is it then?

>> No.9571706


>> No.9571735

>noooo it has online, just get the separate adapter

Ok, I’ll correct it to “no online out of the box, and even then an extremely limited library of online capable titles with zero support from Nintendo”, is that better?

>> No.9571824

I think most people would agree the GameCube didn't have any online support besides a handful of games. I know wiki isn't the best source, but it says four games total and three of them are PSO. I am not sure why they even made the online adulator to be honest.

>> No.9571851

Nintendo has thinking/working on an online infrastructure since the N64 days, so they add a serial port dedicated to network adapter to the Gamecube. Then they partnered with Sega and released the network adapters of them in hope to get all PSO Dreamcast users.

BTW, 16 players Mario Kart LAN parties would be wild...

>> No.9571858

why do autists always have to be pedantic about this? yeah everybody knows it had one online multiplayer game which nobody gave a shit about. gamecube had virtually no online multiplayer games, nintendo didnt make any online games so nobody owned the adapter. it was completely unsupported. third parties didnt bother including mutiplayer because nobody owned the network adapter, so gamecube always had the worst versions of any third party games that had multiplayer. at the time the gamecube having no online multiplayer was a big talking point and one of the reasons it was considered a shit console. you must have been literally 6 years old at the time to even be arguing this

>> No.9571864

>BTW, 16 players Mario Kart LAN parties would be wild...

Except you don't get to pick your characters

>> No.9571865

The ps2 also needed a separate adapter to play online

>> No.9571883

Not him, but I think you are missing the point that 99% of GameCube games didn't support online functionality. The PS2 slim model also had ethernet built in.

>> No.9571895

What? Why?

>> No.9571896

It would help. heaps of parents got scammed by you filthy brats into buying a ps2 for da deveedee.

>> No.9571912

Small indie company, coding vely hald

>> No.9571913

True enough. I don't associate that generation with online play in general, but you're right. Nintendo did it worst.

>> No.9572125 [DELETED] 

I thought it sold more in Europe and Japan?
It would have definitely helped for third party support. That and 1-2 extra buttons would make a huge difference. It was hard porting games to GC.

>> No.9572129

I thought it sold more in Europe and Japan?
It would have definitely helped for third party support. That and 1-2 extra buttons would make a huge difference. It was hard porting games to GC because of both of those issues.

>> No.9572138

Halo had a massive impact on the entire industry.
If you look at what the gamecube was offering it stood no chance. It makes sense that the PS2 did what it did, it was a pure console.

So was the gamecube but it had a library that makes it seem like Nintendo didn't know what it was doing in that gen. The deals they made are puzzling unless you consider them a bit like lego in that they insisted on sticking to a formula in the hopes that it would eventually pan out. Seems it did in both cases.

>> No.9572341

>Halo had a massive impact on the entire industry.
It literally had 0 impact not even on itself given all its sequels fail to capture what made 1 good
>PS2 did what it did, it was a pure console.
What a weird thing to say when it literally wasn't and half the people used it as a DVD player

>> No.9572345
File: 32 KB, 634x768, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why you care about Nintendo's finances? If you are worried, you can find in 10 sec that they made crazy money with GC and GBA games at the time

>> No.9572347

Also this. Game cube literally had twice as many games selling over 500k than the Xbox did and most of those were Nintendo's at that

>> No.9572404

No, the PS2 was more powerful but hard to develop for. The GC had a generic IBM RISC chip and ATi GPU, it wasn't capable of the visual effects and sophisticated multitasking the PS2 had.

>> No.9572447

Probably not, they were pretty close, anyway. The xbox flunked out of the race early to make room for the 360, though.

>> No.9572448

Fucking hate this piece of shit opinion so much, everything about Wind Waker was so much better than Twilight Princess it's not even funny.

>> No.9572501

No, target market for the console was a younger audience. Xbox was an edgier console targeting older people.

>> No.9572520

>everything about Wind Waker was so much better than Twilight Princess it's not even funny.

Except for being marketable

>> No.9572527

The Gamecube had a better processor, clocking at 0.49 GHz compared to the PS2's 0.3.

>> No.9572542

>the PS2 was more powerful but hard to develop for.
fucking lol

>> No.9572583

No PS2 was inferior. Even when used properly. It's design was stupid. Only advantage it had over Xbox and GC was things like particle effects.

>> No.9572606
File: 836 KB, 3000x2000, CircuitCity2000Holidays.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>half the people used it as a DVD player
A lie repeated no matter how many times will never become true.

>> No.9572628

My copy of gc pso came with a sticker saying "no online"

>> No.9572630
File: 138 KB, 1050x550, 00epgates1-facebookJumbo-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know zoomers can't know how scummy they are and i know this is just the daily nintendo hate thread made by auster but it's safe to assume 50% of Xbox sales were indians
literally no one owned it and the few million sellers Xbox has (somehow way fewer than the cube) can be accounted for with indians as well

even today only a special kind of pc illiterate owns a microsoft console

>> No.9572632

>3rd place
It was worse than dreamcast too.

>> No.9572635

>According to a survey conducted in Japan, more than 60 percent of the participants said they are using the PS2 primarily as a DVD player.
DVD players were needlessly expensive for the riffraff when the FIFA/Madden machine comes with it 'for free'. Same thing with the PS3 which was literally one of the most dominant Blue-ray players

>> No.9572636

I literally bought my ps2 with a DVD and waited for gta3 to launch. Why would anyone who owned a dreamcast which had a strong library at that point waste their money on ps2s shovelware launch titles?

>> No.9572638

I don't think that anon was talking about quality games, which is subjective (though you have to be retared to think the Xbox or DC have more essentials than the GC)

>> No.9572639

/vr/ is kinda like a Sega fanboy/Snoy hugbox today where the same five people just regurgitate the same cope nonsense 24/7, no idea how this happened

>> No.9572747

>the PS2 was more powerful but hard to develop for
yeah i also saw that my life in gaming video

>> No.9572770

I doubt it. Games sell consoles, and the GC's library felt especially confined to stuff developed by Nintendo. The only big draw I remember was Smash Bros, otherwise it was a pretty boring system with a bizarre controller.

>> No.9572949
File: 2.81 MB, 1142x839, ngc library april 2003 europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NGC library was weak in april 2003. By then PS2 and Xbox were the main thing along PC and GBA.

>> No.9573651

>queer hardware aesthetic
>shitty controller design
>Nintendo being anti-online
>no hard-drive + lack of good peripherals
>library is mostly crap for (man)children

Gamecube had way more problems than just no DVD functionality. Even the Dreamcast was better than this flaming fuck-up of a system.

>> No.9573926

Except people didn't want wind waker. They wanted adult Link from OoT. I don't like the whole wolf thing though. I'll never understand the insistence that Link must transform somehow in almost every game

>> No.9573936

Was online multiplayer really a big thing in the 6th gen? I hardly knew the PS2 could get online and the xbox was hardly talked about in my europoor country.

>> No.9573941

Gamecube only sold more in Japan iirc xbox beat it in europe

>> No.9574032

Probably, the GCN and Xbox sold basically the same as it was so it wouldn't have taken much. Not that it would have helped the GameCube be more than a rounding error compared to the PS2.

>> No.9574050

It basically has Smash Melee, a decent enough Mario Kart, a decent enough Zelda (TP) and Metroid Prime.
The console's so shit that it didn't even get a good Mario game for fuck's sake

>> No.9574394
File: 377 KB, 1600x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They made a version that did in Japan but nobody bought the thing

>> No.9574459

Cause they all had ps2's

>> No.9574496

People are forgetting a HUGE point about DVD


And maybe in Europe Gamecube chould have outsold xbox thanks to DVD piracy.

>> No.9574548

Ps2 and Dreamcast had some but XBox really started the whole online multiplayer as a main feature for a console

>> No.9574559

Piracy was only a problem for Dreamcast in 6th gen

>> No.9574635

I need to emulate that fucker. Does Dolphin run well on Linux these days? Or is it better to emulate Windows?

>> No.9574654

Yeah but it wasn't really all that popular besides in the US

>> No.9574658

Piracy actually helped the PS2 sell a ton of units in poor countries

>> No.9574695

read this>>9574658
Piracy is a key thing in south american and south europe countries. It helps to sell your system

>> No.9575053

I think nobody bought it because you would pay for DVD. It's generally a bad idea to mix DVD player with game console. It was a good idea for PS2/3 because it was already part of the console. You didn't paid extra for it.
Oh sorry then, I didn't know Xbox beat Gamecube in Europe.

>> No.9575058

It DID use DVDs, just tiny ones.

>> No.9575060

'cause they made like 12 and they were expensive as shit.

>> No.9575061

Yeah but shut the fuck up

>> No.9575089

>NGC library was weak in april 2003
That was the company at their nadir. Their E3 conference was just as sad.

>> No.9575293

They do and even the ports of dreamcast games were always worse on gamecube. Xbox often had the best versions of games too like Outrun coast to coast.

>> No.9575341

>It literally had 0 impact
I love when zoomers try to talk about shit like they were there. Yeah the massive giant that Halo became had literally 0 impact. That makes sense.

>> No.9575380

no but it would have had a few more ports

>> No.9575396

No anon, that's the image you use to correct the "PS2 was cheaper than DVD players at the time" claim. It doesn't work for the "most people bought them for the DVD player" claim.

Nobody at the time really had a reason to own a DVD player unless they had a lot of money or were huge into movies. However, buying a 300 dollar video game console that comes with a FREE DVD player is a much different matter. It's like how a lot of people still haven't bothered to buy a Bluray player even though they're 15 bucks.

>> No.9575425

GC lost because it appealed to no one but Nintendo fans. N64 already had problems with this, but GC lost Goldeneye and a few of the 3rd parties N64 had. The crown of the multiplayer shooter console went to Xbox. For everything else, PS2 was outdoing it in every single way.
It also wasn't 1996 anymore, when Sony was literally who, and Sega was obviously fucking up in every imaginable way. It was 2001, when PlayStation was already a household name, and Xbox suddenly came as a 2nd strong rival in America, N64's biggest market.
GC also wasn't nearly as groundbreaking as N64, and basically in many ways was more of the same, while the competitors were improving. Every 6th gen console launched with analog controller. GTA3 and Halo left Nintendo lagging behind. They were no longer "ahead of their time".
Given this, GC sold as much as you'd expect. 20-something million units, which is about 60% of what N64 sold. Should have though before selling Rare and alienating all 3rd parties with their policies.

>> No.9575470
File: 4 KB, 222x227, smug english boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Noooo no one played on PS2! Everyone only ever played on Nintendo consoles! Only Nintendo was ever good! Nintendo invented every genre and the genres that it didn't invent don't matter because they're bad!
Imaging coping so hard because your console got outsold more than 7 times by PS2.
To dispel this myth once and for all:
GC sold ~22 million units total. PS2 did ~158.
PS2 had 162 games that sold over 1 million units, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_PlayStation_2_video_games
GC had just 35, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_GameCube_video_games
Combined, just those PS2 games sold 403 mln units, and GC ones did just 76, which is over 5 times more. And that's not counting the vast amount of other games that sold less than a million units, there's simply more of them on PS2.
Add to this the fact that PS2 also had a slim version, and in some regions was affected by piracy, so this would drive up the number of consoles sold relative to games.
So no, people bought just as many games on PS2 if not more. The whole meme about it being used for DVD came from an old article written in the very early days when PS2 had few games.
Nintendo lost hard. Everyone played on PS2. Cope.

>> No.9575479

It isn't retro, so why are we discussing it?

>> No.9575483

Super Mario Sunshine being weird and gay gave it a terrible start.

>> No.9575537

While what you say may be true why do you care who won or lost in sales?

>> No.9575554

First off, I just wanted to point out how this meme about PS2 only being used for DVD is just plain lie. Second, this thread is about console sales, so I don't know what your point is. Third, if you understand sales, you understand video game industry better. There was a reason why Yamauchi resigned, why GC was barely being supported in its late years, and why GTA influenced so many games, and it all has to do with sales.

>> No.9575587

If it was a DVD player like the other two, yeah easily.

>> No.9576463

good explanation. Good post. Kudos.

>> No.9576470

it's worse than I remembered

>> No.9576480

He meant that it didn’t have online.

>> No.9576505


Nintendo probably sacrificed its chances because they probably knew it would have sold more than their own with the ability to play music and DVDs.
So they made it expensive only for the rich to buy.

>> No.9576510
File: 189 KB, 1248x1600, Panasonic Q GameBoy Player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


To think this was discontinued early on they even made a GameBoy Player for the thing.

>> No.9576640

As a snesbaby and n64 guy the gc is where it all went downhill, it was old nintendo on life support before it became souless for good, except handheld games sometimes i guess

>> No.9576654

>I don't know what your point is
Why do you take in pride Sony's success? It's bizarre.

>> No.9576670

The hardest truth is that the Gamecube failed because the games weren't good or appealing. They were N64 sequels, not 6th gen games.

>> No.9576736

I honestly dont think lack of online was a critical point for 6th gen. Console online only really took off at all with Halo 2, and that released in late 2004 in the tail-end of the generation. PS2 online was more common than on GC, but it was still a very rarely used thing. Overall online just didnt matter much until the very end of the generation, after things had been set in stone. Its not something that caused the cube to flounder in the first place

>> No.9577113
File: 48 KB, 600x452, panasonic-q-gamecube-nintendo-e113033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gamecube looked like a cheap toy compared to PS2 and most of the early games were aimed at the kiddie audience. By the time they tried to shift gears with more mature titles it was already too late. Maybe if they designed something more like the version of gamecube that Panasonic put out they wouldn't have sharted up there marketshare as bad.
>Also being able to play movies with your machine that already has a fucking DVD-drive would of made sense if you ask me?