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9567727 No.9567727 [Reply] [Original]

This game put me off Zelda forever

>> No.9567738
File: 39 KB, 357x500, 51W8C95QDDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game put me off Zelda
for a month, and then I played TP

>> No.9567745

This faggot put me off 4chan forever

>> No.9567751

>finally stop making faggot looking Zelda games and give people the followup to OoT they asked for
>cock it up with furfaggotry and 20 hours of padding
had a good art style, great music, best rendition of Hyruel Field that was legitimately beautiful, and even a few decent dungeons. but that wasn't good enough. they needed to make sure you couldn't have too much fun.

>> No.9567765

> they needed to make sure you couldn't have too much fun
That's literally every 3D Zelda except OoT, it's like they are doing this on purpose. I don't know who the fuck is responsible for this but I imagine Aonuma saying every time they are almost finished with developing a game
>the game turned out too good, we need to make it worse

>> No.9567783

Both amazing games that have more level design in two dungeons than 99% other series in their entire game

Not surprising it's the franchise with the most jealous haters

>> No.9567790

Zelda as a series doesn't really have any haters, it's usually just people flicking shit at each other over which one is the best and trash entries they didn't like as much as the other ones

>> No.9567812

>Zelda as a series doesn't really have any haters
4chan archives beg to differ. It has one of the most autistic haters ever

>> No.9567816

Skyward Sword was the one for me, though this was fairly far down the path of realizing I didn't like Nintendo games as much as people said I should.

>> No.9567821

post the webm

>> No.9567827

TP is the one Zelda game they were sort of reluctant to make and was basically created as a reaction to TWW's relatively lackluster sales. You can also tell from the way the story progresses that there was a point where they wanted to take it in a different direction and give the game some much-needed identity of its own, before pivoting into just rehashing OoT some more, for better or worse. Yes, the original bits (the wolf segments) were among the most boring and they were right to largely pivot away from them past the midpoint of the game, but there were a lot of cool things they could've done with the regular human Link segments that end up feeling like wasted potential. And let's not even get into how the story outright shits the bed past Midna's Desperate Hour.

>> No.9567831

>Publicly admitting you have been filtered by the best game of the series
lmao even

>> No.9567845
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Too much gameplay and interactivity with fun items and not enough sub shonen anime dialogues and cutscenes like in your JRPGs?

>> No.9567854

>Too much gameplay and interactivity with fun items
things that literally do not exist in TP

>> No.9567858
File: 132 KB, 1391x1086, Settling_for_me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game turned me on forever.

>> No.9567863

>literally 0 explanation
>probably would be just the same hurr wolf and hurr slow start when games like Gun start much slower with forced mini games and no one cares
>can't even muster that though
The all so important post quality on /vr/

>> No.9567869
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Here, I've heard autists like these things

>> No.9567872

True all the dungeons where you constantly interact with and change things or diagonally yeet yourself across rooms just happened in people's minds. Go play Final Fantasy X if you want to see what no interactivity looks like, we both know that's the kinda trash you worship because you are gay

>> No.9567874

Man the boss of that dungeon is one of the best. Actually, OoT may have better dungeons but I think this game has the best set of bosses in the entire series

>> No.9567875

>an item you can only use in one dungeon and in 2 places in the overworld that guides you along a pre-defined oath and has no utility in combat
>this is gameplay and interactivity

>> No.9567881
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It's unironically a huge filter, takes high IQ to appreciate its atmosphere and diverse content

>> No.9567883

useless items are ok when wind waker does it

>> No.9567887

it's impossible to have a good faith discussion about tp's flaws because 90% of the zelda fans who don't like it are just butthurt it wasn't wind waker 2.

>> No.9567894
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filler openings are ok when wind waker does it

>> No.9567898
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and when majora's mask does it

>> No.9567905

Zelda has such a classic adventure game formula that it's like hating fucking Pac-Man or Tetris at this point. It's basic but not in a bad way. Like Dragon Quest, here, it's like being a JRPG fan but shitting on DQ

>> No.9567908

What the fuck, that section was fun and atmospheric as hell

>> No.9567909

Same. I couldnt even finish it. After collecting the mirror pieces (?) I just got tired of it. Never touched a Zelda game since that.

>> No.9567912

Sorry you’re retarded I guess?

>> No.9567916
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so is every location in every other 3d zelda

>> No.9567920

But it was kind of fun. The definition of 0/10 fun and 10/10 atmosphere is the entirety of Majora's Mask

>> No.9567934
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hyrule field is too big!!!!!

>> No.9567957

Why is the WiiU remaster considered shit if they made the world way less tedious to navigate and fixed the triforce shards quest? You faggots always cry about how gameplay is what matters the most and then get upset over small artistic changes

>> No.9567962

Most of the folks who get super into this are people who use it as a means to feel better than others. They likely don't care, and almost certainly don't notice it much. People produce side-by-sides and analysis videos and then others jump on it to it as a replacement for developing taste themselves.

>> No.9567968

ok schizoid nobody mentioned the remaster

>> No.9567969

filtered on the first cycle? sad

>> No.9567980

i can't comprehend someone who'd struggle so hard with deku link finding forsaken fortress stealth fun

>> No.9568006

No, the Deku section is actually fine. I beat the game but the entire second half sucked so bad it's unreal. I thought that it wouldn't get any worse than Great Bay but it actually did during the final 1/4 of the game. It was a pure shitshow

>> No.9568017

it's funny because the great bay section was the only part where majora's mask really clicked for me. helped that you could get epona back and the world opened up a bit. the game immediately becomes tedious again once you get to ikana.

>> No.9568057

It has the best story and atmosphere out of them all but fuck is it painful to play through. And that dungeon was probably worse than the water temple

>> No.9568062


>> No.9568068

Why? Its just OoT except that every story beat takes like 2 hours longer to complete. Just play OoT, a 2d zelda, or BotW if that's not your style.

I played it once and liked it well enough, but I don't think I have the patience to ever play it again.

>> No.9568078

I'm convinced that TP would be just as beloved as the N64 games if they just made the colors 10%-20% more saturated and cut the number of tears of light you have to collect in half. Colors affect people's moods a lot. There are some people, mentally sound and otherwise normal people, who can't even sleep in rooms where the walls are painted a certain color. When they put you in a bad mood, it makes everything you do feel worse.
Twilight Princess, when viewed in terms of everything but aesthetics, was everything everyone wanted from a Zelda game at the time and I say this as someone who's not even a big fan of it or 3D Zeldas in general.

>> No.9568184

Fans are dumb though. Bigger and better OoT ended up translating to bloated, overly drawn out OoT. It's exactly what I wanted at the time and I came away from it not really loving back in 2006-7

>> No.9568232
File: 103 KB, 474x712, th(4).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>set up villain to be basically Sosuke Aizen. Set up mysterious past and powers.
>final battle with Zant
This game fucked itself.

>> No.9568269

Same. Haven't bought a single new Nintendo game since December 2006.

>> No.9568289

skill issue

>> No.9568334

>skill issue for a game you beat in its entirety hurrrrr
nobody likes majora's mask for the gameplay. the only distinctly fun thing about it that isn't done better in other zeldas is zora link

>> No.9568339
File: 84 KB, 920x790, 1355571931367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't ride this thing around in Hyrule Field
I will never not be upset. At least the ball and chain kicks ass.

>> No.9568341

zant is thematically a good villain with how twilight princess focuses on fear and its consequences. the real blunder is the "twist" of him being a typical puppet of ganon like aganhim etc.

>> No.9568346

Aonuma Zelda games have two main problems
>make huge world and barely put anything in it
>design the game around one boneheaded gimmick and then spend the rest of development trying to make it fit
Shit like having to explore every area as a wolf, in the dark, so they had to have an intro where nothing happens just so you know Link is even in it. Amazingly, he doubled down in Skyward Sword and added in stealth. No stealth mechanics, mind, it's literally the same game, but you have no weapons, and die in one hit.
Don't get me started on the "let's make the overworld one big dungeon" nonsense. How do you fix that? Have an overoverworld, and then don't put anything in it. Add in weapons that break and you've got yourself a masterpiece.

>> No.9568368

if i liked TLOZ and was bored by OoT, would i like WW?

>> No.9568374

WW feels like someone looked at OoT and said "woah this game is WAY too hard, tone that difficulty the fuck down".

>> No.9568379

sounds like a pass. thanks

>> No.9568381

No, if you don't like OoT you won't like any other 3D Zelda except BoTW

>> No.9568382

i remember talking my mom into bouing the platinum hit of this for $20 and i played it for hours and she swore up and down she would never just buy me a game out of the blue again because i wouldn't pace myself.
i remember getting the Wii on christmas morning and playing this. it was so fucking good, it was like experiencing Ocarina of Time for the first time, AGAIN. i tried to use two candles to interface with the infrared in my wiimotes and i burnt myself, LOL

>> No.9568389

>i tried to use two candles to interface with the infrared in my wiimotes and i burnt myself, LOL
Why though? Did you get your Wii without the sensor bar or something?

>> No.9568452
File: 234 KB, 586x480, IN-credible_Chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*sigh* the tears just RUINED the game for me

>> No.9568454

I still haven't played it. I really should at some point

>> No.9568465

fuck, i think you're right

>> No.9568475

if you like just cause 2 you'll probably like botw otherwise ymmv

>> No.9568483

botf shouldnt be classified as 3d

>> No.9568485

what do you mean why, it's cool
do i really need to explain that it's neat that two candles can be used to play Wii

>> No.9568487

People get so anal over Zelda games for some retarded reason.
The only ones that are genuinely not interesting are the two on DS. Namely because they should have been more top-down classic style like ALBW.
WW, TP, and SS are all great games with flaws. Nothing's perfect though. Not Even Sid Meier's Civilization.

To me the only bad part of Twilight is that wolf howling shit when trying to learn new sword techniques. The howling is ear-killing. I always mute the TV.

>> No.9568496
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Odd, for me it's the best Zelda I've ever played.
To each their own I suppose.

>> No.9568501
File: 36 KB, 349x499, ww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game put me off Zelda forever...but I still have Phantom Hourglass and Skyward Sword to play so I will brace myself.

I should have tried the Wii U version.

>> No.9568508

Yeah, this is what I'm talking about with the game's story shitting itself past Midna's Desperate Hour. You can see this is precisely the point where they had a sudden shift in direction and opted to downplay what originality it had (again, for better or worse) in favor of just playing it safe and pandering to OoT nostalgia. I don't know if Miyamoto had something to do with it, though I heard the game's development hit a bit of a snag in 2005 where they didn't know what the fuck to do with it and he had to come in and upend some shit, all of which resulted in the year-long delay.

>> No.9568515

>The only ones that are genuinely not interesting are the two on DS
Spirit Tracks is unique as fuck though. There wasn't anything quite like it on the DS/PSP. The multiplayer games are the only boring ones

>> No.9568516

i loved botw, completely forgot to mention it earlier. guess ill just play through alttp then and move on to another series.

>> No.9568528

Four Swords Adventures was fun as fuck with three or four players. Hell, it's still passable in single player, though nothing special.

>> No.9568534

Nah, not like this. You need to try Zelda 2 and Link's Awakening too before you move on

>> No.9568542

lttp is way more appropriate for someone on the fence about zelda than either of those. zelda 2 is barely a zelda game and la is a kwerky lttp remake.

>> No.9568547

LA should be played after ALttP, yeah. As for Zelda 2 though, I dunno, either way is okay

>> No.9568549

i own 2 and didn't like it when it came out. as far as LA i only played the remake but it was pretty good. thanks for the civil engagement, friendo

>> No.9568858

Unironically what happened to me:

>First time my young self felt got burned by a preorder, never pre ordered any game ever again
>pretty much stopped caring for Zelda afterwards
>Had a raging hate boner for the game for so long. It's calmed down as I see a bit of merit to it now but still generally my least favorite 3D Zelda

This game was beyond disappointing to me.

>> No.9568984

>two candles can be used to play Wii
Literally first time I'm hearing this wtf

>> No.9568994

Such a cool item, too bad you can't ride around it unless it's on rails.

>> No.9568998

it's fucking rad

>> No.9569013

The "sensor bar" is just two infrared LEDs; that's why other sources of light near the TV could screw up your aim in Wii games.
The Wii U Gamepad also has two IR-LEDs in it, so you could play Wii games on it without even having it connected to a TV after the initial setup.

>> No.9569093

>The "TP is le bad" thread . . . again . . .

>> No.9569108

It's the worst /vr/ Zelda, anon.

>> No.9569410

>5 hr tutorial
>bug hunting
>wolf sections
>Terrible pacing
>Ganondorf was behind it all!
>Just as easy as Wind Waker
>Dull ugly version of OoT
>Terrible Anime story
>Useless items
>Terrible side characters except for Midna

>> No.9569459

i need a 3d zelda with oot adult link's gameplay, mm's difficulty, ww's interconnectedness, and twilight princess's graphical detail

>> No.9569468

So you want Breath of the Wild without a jump button?

>> No.9569482

scuse me motherfucker how does botw have ocarina of time's gameplay

>> No.9569494
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TOP kek

>> No.9569506

i recommend oracle of seasons if you end up enjoying lttp

>> No.9569516

that part made me stop playing the game on 3 separate occasions
not fun at all, stealth in zelda is a hell no

>> No.9569529

What do you think "without a jump button" was meant to imply?

>> No.9569539

that you have a superficial understanding of oot's gameplay

>> No.9569576

I don't think you've played either BOTW or OOT.

>> No.9569676
File: 83 KB, 600x1200, brigadier_betty___cmm_by_maniacpaint_d7s7dmu-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? It's like the 20th game in the series, the last ALTTP/OoT style Zelda and the last retro Zelda game

Is the joke of your thread that it's fucking retarded and the equivalence of saying 'stopped reading' at the final word?

>> No.9569680

Zelda fans are masochistic retards and don't know how to sage so they always bump these garbage quality threads to bump limit while letting positive or informative Zelda threads die. Actually funny to behold

>> No.9569852

I know about this because when I was getting a used Wii for cheap it didn't come with the bar so I googled if it's possible to use the WiiMote without it

>> No.9569859

>It's like the 20th game in the series
Well ACKHCHTUALLY, let's count.
>Zelda 1
>Zelda 2
>Four Swords
>Wind Waker
>Minish Cap
>Four Swords Adventures
>Twilight Princess
The long awaited sequel, Zelda 13: Twilight Princess

>> No.9569887
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You missed three.

>> No.9569995

>b-but... I GREW UP WITH IT!!!!

>> No.9570028

The tears aren't even bad, I don't even remember them taking long at all.

No idea what people bitch about with this shit.

>> No.9570161

Damn only 13 with only 2 big main games since TP both of which are nothing like Ocarina and not even retro

Nonsensical shit thread

>> No.9570163

For some reason people had much higher standards for TP than for any other game, noticed that too. Probably the hype

>> No.9570171

Also missed the Satellaview games.

>> No.9570173

This game turned me on.

>> No.9570212

With the CDI, Satellaview, and MQ games it's 20

>> No.9570238
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>it 3d game with link in it so same as oot
just look at the keys you stupid baby

>> No.9570254

No one has played those except for MQ which is less of a new game than the second quest of Zelda 1

>> No.9570793

Exactly the same for me. Was a huge Zelda fanboy and this game disappointed me like no other.

>> No.9570830

>it's like they are doing this on purpose
Hey, you're not the first person to notice this - it applies across the board with Nintendo games. They weren't always like this, but it really crept in and took over during the cube era but the smell started rearing its head during the n64 era. Yeah Nintendo games are designed to hold the player back from pushing them too hard. Why they do it? No clue. It's what makes games from others so much more appealing, past and present.

Why Wind Waker and Twilight Princess felt like too little too late? Honestly it was what was going on other platforms. DMC, Ico/SotC, Onimusha, games of that caliber. They do *some* similar things to Zelda, but do them far better. Onimusha's lock on-strafe combat? WAY beyond what Zelda ever did in its history as a series, let alone the middling GC titles. Ico? The best dungeon ever put in a game. SotC? Far greater sense of adventure. DMC? Shit, 3D combat didn't need to suck after all.

Suddenly Zelda felt like it didn't have much of a place any more, and it wasn't until botw did it recover a bit from that.

>> No.9570839

I started replaying this game some time last year but haven't touched it in months. I love the setting, tone and the core gameplay, but the tedium and pointless busywork is on full display. I can only hope that some day we have mods that cut out all the parts that suck in the padded-out late-retro games.

>> No.9570848

I sort of agree but as an overall package Zelda is still the best
> SotC? Far greater sense of adventure
Ico and SoTC are perhaps my favorite games of all time but man I didn't get any great sense of adventure from the latter and that's the point. It's bigger than OoT and MM combined but I felt fucking trapped in the Forbidden Lands like it was a cage and again I think that was the point

>> No.9570949
File: 55 KB, 550x309, barrier_jpg_92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was a zelda fan until they released yet another zelda with exactly all of the same problems as the previous one b-but without muh wholesome chonkerino graphics

>> No.9570964
File: 107 KB, 1000x1000, latest_92.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuugh...i like my zeldas with CUTE graphics and NO pointless busywork k sweaty thanx (◕ᴗ◕)

>> No.9571034

The first two aren't that bad, since for the most part they'll be right on your path, though they're still not exactly fun. The third one can get fucked with a rake, though. They're all over the fucking place, force you to do a minigame-esque segment where you fly a twilight bird through a long boring tunnel, and then they make you fight a shitty boss battle for the last one. Probably the worst part of the game for me.

>> No.9571039

It's a shitpost but it's not wrong. I could see OoT was a well made game but I didn't have any fun with it, so when I played Wind Waker and all it was OoT But Easier I just knew the series was no longer what Zelda used to be.

>> No.9571424

>>Just as easy as Wind Waker
It's actually even easier since the enemy AI is even more braindead and all the advanced moves you are given leaves them with no chance to do shit to you whatsoever.

It came a point where I just stopped using advanced moves and even STOPPED LOCKING ON and the enemies still couldn't do shit

>> No.9571460

Dark Nuts were the most fun enemy in Wind Waker and become even more fun in Twilight Princess because they extract the most out of the combat system. A shame the rest of TP is so braindead.

>> No.9571464

All 3D Zeldas have equally shit combat. Every enemy dies with just sword spams, but outside of combat WW is still the easiest.

>> No.9571618

See you tomorrow

>> No.9571785
File: 405 KB, 600x434, 1673743448812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 hr tutorial
Which was as cozy and atmospheric as you possibly can get
>bug hunting
Also cozy
>wolf sections
Good change of pace, you must be a moron to dislike this
>Terrible pacing
Yep, a moron
>Ganondorf was behind it all!
So? It's a Zelda game
>Just as easy as Wind Waker
So? There are no difficult 3d Zeldas
>Dull ugly version of OoT
Metal illness
>Terrible Anime story
Mental illness
>Useless items
Grasping at straws
>Terrible side characters except for Midna
I agree the other npcs couldve had more dialog and fleshed out backstories

Anyways, objectively speaking Twilight Princess is tied with Majoras Mask as the 2 best Zelda games ever created and that's not up to debate.

>> No.9571948

That part was probably better than the rest of the game lol

>> No.9571950

>make huge world and barely put anything in it
I never understand this complaint because the first time I played Ocarina recently that was my exact complaint. It felt emptier than Twilight Princess.

>> No.9571974

why do you like standing there in a barrel watching moblin jowels flap

>> No.9571989

There's about the same amount of stuff to do in the field in both games, but TP's field is 4x as big.

>> No.9572168

Except OoT's field was a central hub that led to all other areas, whereas TP's field was divided into several smaller fields connected by hallways that went around in a circle, so it just felt weird and non-cohesive. I remember the first time I stepped out into TP's Hyrule Field, in a way that's meant to remind you of when you first step out into OoT's, and being excited to see what there was to explore in it, only to be immediately disappointed to find out that it was just one small segment with exactly nothing to do that only led straight to the next Twilight area.

>> No.9572183

>Terrible Anime story
this is every zelda

>> No.9572381

So the series entertained you till it's very last retro game. Not bad

>> No.9572494
File: 161 KB, 291x350, Yang all up in your tang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Even Sid Meier's Civilization.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo.

>> No.9572552

MM is only good as creepypasta fuel

>> No.9572842

Understandable since Twilight Princess sucks shit.
Not even the QoL changes of the Wii U version could salvage it.

>> No.9572845

Glad it filtered you and other apemen in the thread.

>> No.9572885

You have shittaste in video games then. TP has the highest highs you can wish for, just also a few lows, see

>> No.9572898

It's weird how people think bitch threads are owning anyone
>DUUUH did you know I did not enjoy this? Like, I didn't have any fun at all. Meanwhile YOU? You had fun for 60 hours
>take that!

>> No.9573240

>It's weird how people think bitch threads are owning anyone
You're projecting, anon. Some people simply like to communicate their opinions on games whether positive or negative, not everything is born from some obscure desire to make people mad.

>> No.9573394
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The MQ games were packaged as separate discs, the BS games are available in English on every rom site on the planet (if you haven't played them yet you should), the only ones I haven't played are the CDI games, but I watched a playthrough of all 3. My God the horror...

>> No.9574708

Yeah the Dark Nuts are the only enemies in TP worth a salt and there's only like, 2 or 3 in the entire game.

Wind Waker combat is easy but to make up for it they would throw waves of them at you. TP doesn't even really do this until Hyrule Castle and by then it's too late,

>> No.9575163
File: 281 KB, 305x526, ReDead_%28Twilight_Princess%29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TP fucked up ReDeads, too. They went from creepy-ass rape zombies to whatever the fuck this is. Says something when even the supposed "kiddy" TWW did them better.

>> No.9575201

Technically they're Gibdos and Redead is just a localization choice, but your point stands.

>> No.9576098

I played WW as a kid and liked it.
Then I played TP and I remember nothing from it other than everything being boring and brown.

>> No.9576107

Has been a while since I replayed any of the 3D Zeldas but I remember that if you burn Gibdos in one of the games they turn into Redeads