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9567440 No.9567440 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.9567445

yep, balloons filled with pee
and then mario gets filled with pee. he floats because of his disgusting it is

>> No.9567449

I always felt like this was an underutilized power-up in SMW. I can only think of one or two levels where it appears.

>> No.9567463

Probably because the mechanics are way too annoying. Its slow as shit and when you get one you drop like a stone for a second before inflating. Its probably a good thing they didn't use it more. It seems like they wanted it to be World's equivalent of kuribo's shoe but then noticed the shoe was actually fun while the balloon was a pain in the ass. Most of what makes Tubular so hard is that you can't get out of the way of things fast enough.

>> No.9567910
File: 112 KB, 1095x730, p_balloon_trophy_by_plasticextreme_dfefq79-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9567923

NO, its POWER Balloons

>> No.9567953


>> No.9567989

Oh my God.

>> No.9568015
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>> No.9568532

Go home, Dobson.

>> No.9568656
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What was a p-wing, /vr/?

>> No.9568853

Also, what's a P-Switch?

>> No.9569305

Peach has not once ever used a P-Balloon

>> No.9569354

It would be hard for a girl to fill a balloon with p

>> No.9569361
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>> No.9569392
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>> No.9569872

In my book this ranks below scat fetish, and that's saying something

>> No.9570653


>> No.9570970

It's saying you've got literal shit taste.

>> No.9571259

This makes sense the more I think about it
They're even yellow

>> No.9571281


You are too stupid to post.

>> No.9571372

>because of his disgusting it is
Seems legit

>> No.9571380

Reminds me of some of the women from work. Avoid medical IT. Plenty of P-Balloon Peaches.

>> No.9571384

I mean not really. Assuming you have a way to hold the balloon open, so one could easily pee in it. Not a difficult thing to figure out.

>> No.9571478
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I was in the pen for a little bit some time back, and the librarian was P-Balloon-tier for sure. She was based as fuck, though. She was the only one in that godforsaken compound that actually did her job and helped you out with what she could, and she was a massive (lel) weeb to boot, so she would hook us up with manga, sometimes even ecchi shit that technically shouldn't have flown in that kind of place. One time I returned a bunch of voulmes of some ecchi battle manga (forgot the name) and joked that no pages were stuck together. Another teacher happened to overhear and gasped, and the librarian turns to her and goes "it's ok, he only reads it for the plot".

>> No.9572386

The equivalent to Kuribo's shoe in SMW is Lakitu's cloud.
I don't hate the Balloon, it was fun in some bonus rooms throughout the game. Tubular was a bit too much though.

>> No.9572446

Didn't this idiot turn into a sell out
