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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9563186 No.9563186 [Reply] [Original]

I live in Japan and I go to thrift stores occasionally to pick up games to play. Over the past few years I've watched the prices steadily climb and it's really sad to see. But it's not all games. Mostly it's the stuff that importers want, like Pokemon and Chrono Trigger.

A few years ago you could get all of the old Pokemon games CIB for under $10, but now they sell for much more and they get locked in a case with the rare games now. The other day I saw a CIB copy of Pokemon Blue for over $100, that was insane. A lot of old RPGs that used to be like $3 CIB have also climbed in price for CIB versions (but loose versions are pretty cheap still).

I'm not really affected by it since I already have a lot of the games that I care about, but I have this attitude that games are for playing so I'm bothered by this the same way I'm bothered by graded games. Ok let this isn't Mario or whatever, you can't play an RPG if you don't know Japanese and the majority of import fags don't. These guys are buying these just to put on a shelf and collect dust as a display piece because they can't afford a copy in their own language and they need it as an excuse to justify emulation. Meanwhile Japanese gamers who largely rely on buying/reselling to thrift shops (a lot of people don't have space for large collections) are stuck with the higher prices.

You ruined your own game market already. Don't ruin other game markets.

>> No.9563201

Yeah it sucks ass. What's your point?

>> No.9563209

Damn, I didn't know it influences other countries too. Sorry man, I'll tell the guys to stop buying these games, won't happen again I promise.

>> No.9563215

Damn, I better buy Japanese games up while I can still afford them.

>> No.9563229

Just that. It sucks ass, and I wish they were being bought by people who are actually going to play them.

>> No.9563239
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>You ruined your own game market already
I'm not on youtube overhyping old games. But hey I noticed the same thing about the used guitar pedal market. Stuff that you could buy at a pawn shop for 20$ 15 years ago is now collectible and sell for 200 and up thanks to ebay and faggots on Youtube.

It could be worse, imagine being into Neo Geo.

>> No.9563246

Not true. Sega saturn arcade sticks on ebay shipped to the usa. Don't cost that much.

>> No.9563248

>I noticed the same thing about the used guitar pedal market
That's true, it's not just games. Cameras and watches and shit too.

>> No.9563251

Learn how to read

>> No.9563258

>Meanwhile Japanese gamers who largely rely on buying/reselling to thrift shops (a lot of people don't have space for large collections) are stuck with the higher prices.
Games are nothing but ones and zeros. Are Japanese gamers unaware of emulators and flashcarts?

>> No.9563262 [DELETED] 
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You know if people would start finding "game collectors", breaking into their apartments/houses, stealing every game and smashing valuable memorabilia, and leaving the richfag collector tied up in his own bedroom covered in shit, piss, and cum, these horrors would end.
Also, break their fingers. With a hammer. Because why not? Do it on Twitch for views!
Do this to some jackass living in Frisco or LA and you can basically get away with it because the cops in those cities won't even show up for a minor incident like that. He voted for it after all. It's diverse!

People feeding a bullshit system should be made to suffer. Truly suffer. Karma is not being doled and dished hot these days.
Now I await my ban for being 100% right. I know the dude scoping threads here on /vr/ lately bans for any little infraction, so I'll give that homosexual a HUGE dick in his asshole to ban me with.

>> No.9563265
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>A few years ago you could get all of the old Pokemon games CIB for under $10, but now they sell for much more and they get locked in a case with the rare games now.
This isn't just happening to games. It's happening to anything "retro" or old.

YuGiOh/Pokemon/Magic cards that were old (but not used in the current game because better cards came out) suddenly costing hundreds of dollars. A Blue Eyes White Dragon that was like $10 dollars back in the late 2000s? Now it's a few hundred dollars.

YouTube hypes up retro items, and grading companies jump on this and start grading random crap. Then when you sell your graded item via auction, the auction house takes a cut (like 8%) of the total sale. So the auction house loves high prices.

It's all one big self jerking off racket. I mean come on they've even started grading VHS tapes now. Wtf is this man.

>> No.9563267

Are Western gamers unaware of emulators and flash carts? Why should Japanese gamers have to emulate so that Western gamers can put something on the shelf to collect dust?

>> No.9563270 [DELETED] 

>I know the dude scoping threads here on /vr/ lately bans for any little infraction
He bans even when you don't break the rules. I made a thread asking for games about dreams and he deleted my thread and banned me.
>This isn't just happening to games. It's happening to anything "retro" or old
Lmao I guy I used to watch on YouTube who collected games is into VHS tapes now. Is this an America-centric thing? I honestly wonder if it's a side effect of their failed society.

>> No.9563273

Sorry it’s not your secret club anymore, these store owners should have to cater to your “honor” system when they can actually make money marking up prices for retard collectors to buy.

>> No.9563279

Funny you mention guitar pedals. About a decade ago I bought 3 guitar pedals just at random at a junk shop, roughly $20 a piece. Gave them to friends, who play metal. I probably paid the Gaijen city slicker price but my friends were happy. I think they were US products anyway, funny concept though go to Japan give friends gifts Made in America, that I found in Japan.

>> No.9563284
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>> No.9563289

It is kinda like any pawn shop. The point isn't to horde shit, it is to commit transactions and earn a premium on every transaction. A pawn shop owner is happy if shit is moving not so much if they are sitting on a heap of shit that is rated valuable but there are few buyers at a profitable rate.

>> No.9563292 [DELETED] 

I have always wanted to go into a retro games convention and set fire to the most expensive thing in the convention with gasoline, just because I hate collectorfags that much.
But WORSE, are these auctions with sealed games.
Find me the dickhead selling a $1M copy of a sealed game and I will personally go to his house, break the case open, tear the cellophane off, and scratch the label. Good luck with your standard copy of Mario 64 you cockfuck.

>> No.9563295

Those prices aren't crazy. What is the $200 thing? I can't read moon runes.

>> No.9563303

In box grey saturn and a dozen games including princess crown and mega man x4 special edition and assault suit leynos 2 and other stuff I forgot cuz it was a few months ago

>> No.9563304 [DELETED] 

It certainly is not a uniquely american phenomena. Retards collect all types of old shit here, although it's generally more niche.

>> No.9563305

I only buy directly from jap exporters, so blame your own countrymen selling to dirty foreigners.

Also i take your rpgs because it helps motivate to keep struggling with the runes when you can use what you learned on something.

>> No.9563306

Except that's not what's happening. The price goes up because supply lessons as the number of copies in the domestic market lessens. These store owners aren't raising their prices to cash in on importers, rather people with Mickey mouse jobs like English "teachers" buy them up and sell them in order to bring their income level above the poverty line.

It's not a matter of it being "an exclusive club". The point is that games should be played. If you want to import a copy of Mario or whatever then go for it; I have my copy, I couldn't care less. But why also import a game that you will never be able to play?

>> No.9563309
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>You ruined your own game market already. Don't ruin other game markets.

>> No.9563312

You don't need to know Japanese to play shit like Klonoa, Rockman or Panzer Dragoon. Learn how to read.

>> No.9563313

this shit has been going on for years. If you go back and watch Luke Morse's Hard Off videos from 2010 the prices/selection are insane. Metal Jesus and many others have made videos when in Japan that include Hard Off so it's absolutely fucked now. They've essentially become visiting spots for retro gaymers on holiday in Japan. Foreigners wanted to show how cool they were because they had access to great stuff but just gave everybody directions to their stash.

>> No.9563315

Sounds like a good way to get shot in the face.

>> No.9563317

Damn, i should grade my still sealed cib jurassic park vhs.

>> No.9563318

Completely reasonable price.

>> No.9563323

>I only buy directly from jap exporters, so blame your own countrymen selling to dirty foreigners
The majority of exporters are literally English "teachers" and military guys. I've seen them in the thrift shops before, it's disgusting. They're all fat and nasty and take up the whole aisle and they always walk out with multiple copies of the same few games.

>> No.9563326


>> No.9563328

Yes, but there are also actual Japanese companies selling this stuff to foreigners. And for prices that are not the white people mark up prices you see on ebay.

>> No.9563332

Very few, but yeah fuck those guys too. I heard one of the overpriced tourist shops in Akiba opened a store in California and they ship tons of games over there to sell. Fuck those guys too.

>> No.9563336 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah. Collectorfags are know for their ballsy gun ownership and manly defense skills.
I'll rape them and take their seal copies of Magical Chase. Take their valuables and leave a bleeding asshole behind.

>> No.9563349 [DELETED] 

Take it a step further: rape their copy of Magical Chase too. You could probably fit.

>> No.9563356
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imagine paying money for dying retro video game cartridges when you could just download them in 1 second from a number of safe websites lmao.
all that old plastic just rotting on a shelf, taking up space when anything up to the sixth gen consoles can be reliably emulated on a micro pc.
I really don't understand physical collectors crying over price increases:
>when supply is lower than demand, prices go up, what a strange and infuriating concept

>> No.9563365 [DELETED] 

Probably. I'll also rape their cat(s), because all game collectorfags have fucking cats. That cat brain parasite? That's what causes people who spend thousands on games and ruins used game markets, to act like dickfucks.
My excuse? Meth. Hence my smol dik.

>> No.9563378

Yeah they're doing it because of you, baka gaijin.

>> No.9563382 [DELETED] 

Let me be clear here I don't mind collectors that do so because they love and play the games.
You're cool and the ones this hobby is made for.
I HATE speculators and people that turn an affordable hobby into a ridiculous "investment". It's disgusting, vile, uncouth, nasty, revolting, kiked, and downright rude.
So if you play your copy of Magical Chase, you're welcome to its value.

>> No.9563385

>physical copies are expensive

No shit. The post recession era "retro boom" never ended.

>> No.9563390

>dying retro video game cartridges
This is such a poorfag meme. Cartridges will be fine for decades and won't start breaking down until long after you and I have both parted from this earth.
>Reliably emulated
Reliably, but not accurately. And there's still a lot of old games that can't be reliably emulated.

>> No.9563392

Not a gaijin.
That didn't happen in Japan.

>> No.9563395 [DELETED] 

>naturally mentally unstable

Go for it, bro.

>> No.9563397 [DELETED] 

Actually, voltage spikes and dirty power from consoles with failing capacitors/etc can readily damage the ROM chips on carts, especially if the power filtering/smoothing on those carts is damaged/non-existent.

>> No.9563401 [DELETED] 


Its their fault and they should fix it

>> No.9563402

kek foreign buyers jack up the prices for X68000 and CAVE board sales because the yen is so weak

>> No.9563403

>Shit breaks if you don't take care of it
Color me surprised! Damaged ROM chips can also be easily repaired.

>> No.9563405
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So what you're saying is there's no end in sight for these scalper prices until the supply runs out?

>Don't ruin other game markets.
Such as? Everything retro is going up in price not just video games. 80s and 90s kids are big adults now and they have money to spend on plastic garbage instead of buying homes.

>> No.9563406

Question, do you live in a car or something? Like its not just games, but anything someone collects, someone always whines "waste of space". Like wtf do i need space for? To leave it empty? Why the fuck wouldn't you keep stuff you like in it? Is this just homeless cope? Hoarding is one thing, but this minimalist shit is so faggy, like no thank you i dont want to live in a doctors waiting room.

>> No.9563409 [DELETED] 

Might as well just use a flashcart then.

>> No.9563416
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Thank god for archive.org, donate today.

>> No.9563437

>i dont want to live in a doctors waiting room
Speak for yourself, faggot

>> No.9563443

im glad these fucking dorks are thus far failing in actually inflating the vhs market. the stuff that's expensive and rare is still the stuff that was always expensive and rare, like good horror and anime, otherwise tapes are still cheap and plentiful, and i can amass a nice collection for next to nothing compared to other hobbies.

>> No.9563454

well its not like instead of buying homes, in a lot of places that wall is like one mortgage payment

>> No.9563473

Very few American millennials are actually home owners.

>> No.9563475

whatever dude, just post the cool japan pictures and be useful will ya?

>> No.9563492 [DELETED] 
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i larp in reddit. and now the 4chin

>> No.9563536

>noooo it's the baka gaijin's fault!!!!

Don't forget you're a baka gaijin yourself, OP. Blaming other baka gaijin like yourself for doing the exact same thing you're doing will never make you more Japanese.

>> No.9563547

I'm not a gaijin though

>> No.9563609

Gaijins couldn't enter the country for two years and that didn't do shit, most Japs just moved their shit online. It's over, you had plenty of time to buy the shit you wanted.

>> No.9563620

ok everytime i buy from japan i get a handwritten note saying shit like:
>t-t-thank you customer-san! pleasa email me direfctly & i will buy\list whatever you want for cheaper than the othersL: fank u bery much! ^___^ - hanimakasonnaasANICHAN

>> No.9563621 [DELETED] 

The people who were 12 when this shit came out are now adults with no families and lots of disposable income. I'm glad I bought the shit I wanted back when it was cheap, and I'm really, really fucking glad that I'm not mentally ill enough to think physical media is a good thing.

Enjoy your shelf of carts, I'll put them all on an SD card the size of my fingernail. Thank god for the tireless work of autists aiming to actually preserve these things, and fuck anyone who buys this garbage because you are all mentally ill freaks.

>> No.9563638

>you had plenty of time to buy the shit you wanted
I already did, and I literally said so in my post. Please learn how to read.
>believing that gaijin are incapable at catfishing for sales

>> No.9563641

>Enjoy your shelf of carts
Enjoy your inaccurate emulators.

>> No.9563652

I have all the consoles and all the controllers I could ever want. What's funny is I don't even plug in half the consoles because MiSTer is just as good and faster when it comes to game selection, no need to wait for the flashcart to move shit into RAM.

>> No.9563664

Waaa waaa gaijins are the root of all my problems. You japs are insufferable, both in person and online.

>> No.9563671

Mister is an emulator

>> No.9563674

do you seriously believe that op is japanese? on 4chan? when most nips can't even understand basic english?

>> No.9563676


I believe this Jap learned English just so he could complain online.

>> No.9563679 [DELETED] 

He's just doing the same thing you're doing with "furries/jews/trannies/zoomers/trendyscapegoatoftheyear"

except the Japanese don't succomb to the trendyscapegoatoftheyear, it's always just gaijins

>> No.9563687 [DELETED] 
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>ugh gaijins ruined my hobby

>> No.9563701 [DELETED] 

The tranny thing is legit though

>> No.9563704

>Find me the dickhead selling a $1M copy of a sealed game and I will personally go to his house, break the case open, tear the cellophane off, and scratch the label. Good luck with your standard copy of Mario 64 you cockfuck.
Not that I condone anyone doing that, but in principle that's based as fuck. Mass produced video games have no business being worth anything over maybe a thousand IF it was rare. Mario 64 is not rare.

>> No.9563706


lol you wouldn't do shit faggot

>> No.9563715
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kekked at the name
the markup for japan items is marginal if you choose NEW releases/rereleases

>> No.9563737

Are those phone cards?

>> No.9563739

I’m going to make sure to buy a ton of japenese games now ty OP!

>> No.9563909

The disgusting Japanese weather rots thousands of rare old Japanese games every year. Thank God for westerners who save them for preservation.

>> No.9563919
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>35 bids

>> No.9563923

>importfags always praise Japanese games for being in such pristine condition
Cope harder

>> No.9563932

Ok guy who doesn't import old Japanese games. It took me years to find a copy of Monster World 4 without rusted staples

>> No.9563937

That's a good game. Did your copy come from Okinawa or something? I'm in Tokyo and none of my manuals have rusted staples.

>> No.9563950 [DELETED] 

>I'm not mentally ill enough to think physical media is a good thing.

Thats a good goy. Dont forget to renew your subscription next month.

>> No.9563969

The US dollar is worth less than 50 percent what it was in the year 2000. Yeah no kidding prices are going up. I’m sure it’s people buying stuff that’s the problem though, all of a sudden.

>> No.9563974


>> No.9563976 [DELETED] 

Why don’t you try and break in my house and smash up my fingers and video game collection, own nothing and be happy ;).

>> No.9563979 [DELETED] 


>> No.9564057

comes with the taito arcade selection memories vol 1 for the egret mini
they're supposed to be little marquee stickers but my autism wont allow me to peel or stick them on anything

cheapest way to get a running copy of gekirindan though

>> No.9564061
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its both
people are panic buying "investing"
people are hoarding instead of actually playing (fags)
people are doing stupid shit, which they always have, but now theyre dumber than ever and loaded with chemicals in the food\water\meds

the USD spending power dropping went from being a slow-boil to getting shitted on in less that 30 months

>> No.9564154

Glad I managed to buy an cheap Dreamcast PSO copy before the turds.

>> No.9564170
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I went to Japan the year before covid with some guys and was able to buy some things cheap. But videogame shops where already very expensive. Bought mostly all in a big mall in tokyo, had a whole floor for anime/videogames.

>> No.9564175

I live in Japan and I play all the games I want on an emulator. The rest of your blog post doesn't affect me.

>> No.9564189
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Yooo, that's awesome. How much commission are you asking for? I've been looking for the whitest PC-Engine turbo pad.

>> No.9564227

Oh I have those. They're not stickers, they're just paper cards that you slide into the plastic header piece that came with the unit.

>> No.9564258 [DELETED] 

Go back to twitter and be mean over there.

>> No.9564268


>> No.9564276

I swear I read a similar OP years ago.

>> No.9565104

I sure hope you're native Japanese. Because if not you're part of the problem yourself.
If there's anything I hate more than people who pay this much for mass produced plastic, it's the people who insist that they're somehow special and not part of the problem they complain about.
Whether it be "oh, I actually play the games" or "I actually speak the language", or "I was a fan before X YouTuber talked about it", don't want to hear it. Best thing you can do is not contribute to it in the first place by using emulation/flash carts/ODEs. Then you can start calling people fags for paying out the nose for this shit.

>> No.9565121
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If you don't want to collect old video games then don't collect old video games. You're free to pirate all of these games and play them on a software emulator all you like.
Complaining about a market you don't understand does nothing. Whether you want to admit it or not. Vintage games is an invest type market. Don't like it? Don't buy into it. Sell all that you have that doesn't have emotional appeal to you.
Simple as.

>> No.9565497

I always thought the used game market in Japan wouldn't get too jewey, since most people can't keep a big physical collection due not having floor space. There's only so many people in Japan who are rich enough to own a house, and passionate enough to collect. But auctions ruined things there too?

>> No.9565519

>imagine being into Neo Geo
I am(ulate)
The og hardware was always for the rich. I had a couple of arcade cabs back in the day and even SF2T was 1/4 the price of an MVS

>> No.9565538

Really? I assumed it was more correctly a simulator.

>> No.9565540

I came to terms with that many years ago, I was always fine with Little Samson and shit being expensive collectibles because some things actually ARE rare and desirable for collecting. The thing I take issue with is the more recent and incredibly underhanded speculative shit and the suckers who fall for it, which artificially tilts the entire fucking market.

Someone demands a million dollars for the most mundane items in the world, complete with shillbidding and rich scammers rigging auctions to 'buy' items for these massive prices to create the illusion that one of the most popular and successful games of its day is worth a minor fortune, because it's a mint and complete example and the seller's totally unaffiliated not-friend said that it's totes valuable, and then puts it in a retarded plastic slab.
10 years ago, a mint Super Mario 64 still wrapped in plastic was only somewhat more valuable than other examples, I even saw people rip that plastic, because though they did desire a nice box for a game they really liked, they also wanted to play the fucking game.
You didn't have some sleazy con artist like Deniz Kahn trying to convince retards that a game which has a million copies in circulation was secretly as valuable as a nice sports car, this is bordering on some goddamn De Beers style shit but for videogames.

Weren't those going for thousands of dollars even a decade back? They were expensive and uncommon even when they were still being made, probably never went down in value. I've heard of someone getting prison time for fraud because they tried to con someone with a counterfeit NeoGeo game, simply because those actually are so valuable that there's criminals who would risk it.

>> No.9565564

>jerking off racket
Absolutely. The only one that really loses is the collector though. Otherwise it is economic growth in action.

Unfortunately grading companies become necessary for insurance purposes as soon as junk someone owns is "agreed" to be worth some obscene amount.

>> No.9565569

I agree it's a shame. I own some Japanese games that I bought online though so I am probably part of the problem but I don't have much. If it wasn't for speculators and youtube we could all have all the games we want for cheap.

>> No.9565572

cont. I especially hate the people on youtube who would specifically point out "by the way, if you get the Japanese version it's way cheaper!!!!!!!!!!!"

>> No.9565581

Yes, thousands. The MVS cabinet prices here grew slowly for a while but seem to have picked up again. I wouldn't call them uncommon though, just (perceived?) to be a premium item.

Wow prison time! Game piracy can improve your sex life then?

>> No.9565586

OP was written by Loser Back Home hands

if he was native JP, he'd be complaining about white ppl on 5ch instead of posting here

>> No.9565603


>> No.9565750

Don't justify morons lol. Adults are pirating now. Manchildren are the one that are getting taken advantage of

>> No.9565797

I mean, it was a poorfag hobby that was absolutely ruined by eCeleb fags and now speculation fags. Thats not even arguable. Its like the weirdo collecting bottle caps then some hypeface rallies people who had zero interest into scooping them up and now that weirdo no longer has a hobby to enjoy.

>> No.9565807

Wouldn't the cheapest official way be in Taito Legends?

>> No.9565812


NeoGeo was always expensive, you need to remember that the carts included the system RAM in addition to the ROM, the largest games had almost 3 times the RAM of a PS1 and more than 11 times the ROM of the largest N64 games.

t. Arcade repairman

>> No.9565826

>No Doom

>> No.9565840

Absolutely. OP is assuredly a Loser Back Home who probably picked up a Japanese citizenship after staying in Japan for the minimum 5 years on an English teaching (or maybe student) visa, now thinks he’s better than all the “gaijin” that weren’t such terminally weeby losers they wanted to give up their own citizenship just to finally feel like they belong to an in-group.

>> No.9565850

I like J-Pan, but unless i was living in some small country town or more rural suburb, id probably want to blow my brains out after a year. Just feels like it would be smuthering. Nice to visit, not to live.

>> No.9565868

Being a "collector" has become a popular replacement for having a personality these days. It's fucking annoying.
I like video games, I like comics, and I like toys. These three markets can be absolute nightmares to just have something you like.

>> No.9565947
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>> No.9565949
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>> No.9565951
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>> No.9565953
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>> No.9565954
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>> No.9565957
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>> No.9565963
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>> No.9565970
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>> No.9565996

English teachers can't get citizenship because their income is below the minimum required level and their work contract's aren't the correct type. If OP acquired Japanese citizenship then that means he has to have a real job so the loser thing doesn't check out.

>> No.9566008

What if they married a Japanese person?

>> No.9566023

How is the market for Digimon lcd stuff over there? Do they have buckets filled with the things or has that market been fucked as well?

>> No.9566027

That doesn't grant citizenship, or have anything to do with citizenship. We're talking about Japan, not Iran.

>> No.9566028
File: 47 KB, 600x600, 42326746_119887275640791_3191204616968601600_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only Japanese thing i want and still dont have is an Orange Gamecube, before covid i was waiting for them to come down the 40 dollars mark, that was the regular price theyw ent for directly from Japan, now they are almost $100 and the infuriating thing is i see a few guys in the US with a dozen consoles each, selling them for 150 or even 200... im sure those guys are fat ugly mouthbreathers and i hope they die of a heart attack due to the vaccine so their relatives sell this stuff for cheap online... fucking pieces of shit.

>> No.9566071 [DELETED] 

I see them too, always the same pasty reddit soiboy neckbeards with shelves filled to the brim with games and consoles that they never play, but god forbid you want a dumb console to experience a game from your childhood that'll be 700 dollars + tip + shipping.

>> No.9566105

Grey Sega Saturn with box and manual. Comes with fifteen games including Princess crown, Assault Suits Leynos, Rockman X 4 and fantasy zone

>> No.9566261

What is that?

>> No.9566323

Youtubers have only gotten worse. They at least used to try and hide it with showing off internet prices to show "what a deal they got." Now I keep getting recommended newer Retro youtubers that straight up in the videos talk about how excited they are to resell what they get to make money. Less passion for the hobby and more about profit now. I don't even watch retro content anymore because of it. We can get mad all we want though but at the end of the day someone is paying them and that keeps it all going.

>> No.9566351
File: 642 KB, 1280x1529, 1651451985402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a dumb book of 130 pages with Y2K 3D babes by an artist called sonehati. It's a pretty rare book and worth some money for people into the Y2K memorabilia since it's long been out of print. Copies in Japan can go for 300 dollars, outside Japan dunno but apparently it was selling for 1k on Amazon and it's now gone.

Though I can't seem to grab it:

There's also

Goes to show how dumb collector shit can get. If there's interest or something gets popular you'll see speculators and scalpers instantly get their grubby hands on it.

>> No.9566559

I used to watch videos of these guys who went to swap meets and stuff looking for games. But in every video they were always buy games that they already owned, and then more recently they started doing auction live streams on whatnot and shilling it in every single video. And every single time the guy was like "we're not sponsored by whatnot, we just really like the app!" Nobody cares if you're sponsored, what we care about is you being a fucking reseller.

>> No.9566562

That reminds me, I have a Pocky and Rocky book with all kinds of developer interview's and photos of cancelled games and stuff in it. It's really neat to look through but it's a doujin book so it's been out of print for a long time and never had a wide release. I paid like $70 for it.

>> No.9566646

That red SNES cart might be Doom, though it's not the most graceful port. Potentially he's got Doom 64 on the shelves to the right though, so there's still hope.

>> No.9566658

I agree, because I used to buy older games when I was a kid because thats what I could afford. But unfortunately that time has gone, 20 y/o games that sold tens of millions of copies now go for above MSRP, and there's nothing you can do about it except not support the market at all. Best you can hope for is all the coomlector fags simultaneously die from blood clots via sitting for 16 h/day, and their relatives flood the market.
Or maybe we could convince people that retro game collecting is "x"-phobic lmao.

>> No.9566673

People are selling broken pentium 2 laptops for 150 dollars.
Parts/repair, no hdd, no battery, no cable, throws bios error
But if you pay 150 plus shipping you can fix it maybe.
Lol no.

>> No.9566675

Same. 10 cents at a thrift store near me. 1 dollar at goodwill and most others.

>> No.9566681

It's like this with any hobby now, you could be into something pretty niche for years then all of a sudden there's a big wind of it on various platforms and all of a sudden the thing you've been investing incrementally for 5+ years suddenly goes up in price.

>> No.9566685 [DELETED] 

I would fucking love if retro games were given a aura of being unpopular or somehow racist. Would absolutely filter out a big chunk of those actually interested and those who keep their noses up the assholes of the general trends thinktank.

>> No.9566687 [DELETED] 

Be the change you want to see and start being racist.

The reality is though retro games then just made illegal lol.

>> No.9566702
File: 24 KB, 750x918, 1669759339630987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I do own 25 copies of Sakura Wars 1-5, as well as the special edition Sega Dreamcast, and multiple promotional posters,
And no, I will never sell.
Speak Japanese? Why would I learn to do that?

>> No.9566735 [DELETED] 

This is unironically a great idea though. You could say that the people who like retro games are old people stuck in their ways, or zoomie soibois who are secretly misogynists and admire the past for how fucked up it was and that's why their drawn to old games filled with disgusting racist and sexist depictions like the black guy in Punch Out or Lara Croft in Tomb Raider. Say that retro gamers are all ultra conservative "maggots" who watch shit like Info Wars and Louder With Crowder.

Honestly if all of us in this board were to adopt this narrative and repeat it a few times each on places like r*ddit and twitter then it would quickly spread.

>> No.9566751

I remember back in 2010 or so someone had a story about bringing a laptop with emulators to a bar in Japan and everyone panicking if it was illegal.

>> No.9566764

They emulate over there too.

>> No.9566770

As repairman then I presume you know that is not a Neo Geo thing.
Most if not all vr arcade pcbs have their own ram. Many Neo games of course use a lot more than their contemporaries but also... Neo Geo tax!

>> No.9566774

U sure of that? Sounds more sub-human.

>> No.9566778 [DELETED] 

Revisionism is such a curse... #thereweregunsinET

>> No.9566802

Emulation isn't illegal. Piracy is. Just because you emulate something doesn't mean you're breaking the law. They sell cart dumpers on Amazon. If I buy a card dumper and back up my Gameboy games or I pull data from my old PC-9801 floppies and I run those games in an emulator then I haven't broken any laws. If it were illegal then products like the Retro Freak wouldn't be sold here.

>> No.9566804 [DELETED] 

Sure but that doesn't mean you can't use the Left's own tactics against them.

>> No.9566958

>plastic just rotting
I wonder what this guys IQ is. Probably somewhere around 90. Or less?

>> No.9567061

Probably a third worlder. Just ignore them.

>> No.9567064

Roomtemperature IQ

>> No.9567074

the bubble will burst eventually

>wait for the bubble to burst
>wait for the bubble to burst
>wait for the bubble to burst

>> No.9567116
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damn man, that sucks...

still going to continue importing jap exclusives tho

>> No.9567125

Everything has become commodified over the past decade or so. Tons of people looking to flip shit for cash, every jew looking for the next untapped market, etc

>> No.9567126

I see a red cart in the SNES section.
Also I will never understand this type of collector who basically turns their living room into a gamestop replica. is that supposed to feel comfy? Like you're living inside a retail shop?

>> No.9567180

>Also I will never understand this type of collector who basically turns their living room into a gamestop replica
It's weird for sure, but I also like to pick up my boxed games and check out the artwork and the info in the book or open them up and read the manual, so I can at least understand having your collection set up in a way that makes it convenient to do so like with display shelves instead of book cases. But making your room exactly like a retail store just sounds uncomfortable. I saw a video of a VHS collector who made his basement into a replica of a 1980s movie rental shop (complete with a porn section) and I can't imagine having that in my house.

Then again, I'm jealous of that YouTuber John's Arcade, his basement is like any old arcade and I would love to have the shit in my house.

>> No.9567249

alphabetically it aligns with spider-man maximum carnage, doom would be toward the top. he is either missing doom or maximum carnage, more likely doom - how else would you organize loose snes games?

>> No.9567375 [DELETED] 

Fuck, il do it.

>> No.9567548

The good news for video games is that you miss little to nothing by pirating or emulating. You'd have to just be really into physical manuals and putting the game itself into the system every time (I'm a big fan of manuals, it's part of my love for physical books and comics). But with comics and books, I much prefer the feeling of holding a physical book; plus, it's very different looking at a screen than a printed page. And obviously with toys, holding it is the whole experience.
The world has gotten pretty gay, if I'm to be honest with you.

>> No.9567657

Keep it safe for another decade, then make a YT video about how rare and awesome it is. After that, profit ???

>> No.9567736

I would rather just read it and keep all of the knowledge of it to myself so that it doesn't become a didyouknowgaming video.

>> No.9567853

I noticed it the most during the so-called "everything bubble" back in 2021, especially when one of the Paul twins started peddling Pokemon cards on YouTube. Basically everything's a grift now, including old vidya which people just hoard for flipping as if they're graphics cards or something. Everything is about "flexing" and "hustling", your worth as a human being is your net worth to most of the public. You'd think it's mainly the poorfags doing it too since the middle class is basically dead and everyone's trying to get whatever extra scraps they can to live off of, but it's mainly richfags getting richer to "flex", I guess.

I should have done this; I went the same year as you, but we didn't really get to go to Akiba properly because one of the friends I went with was a normie that didn't care, so I didn't get to buyfag plastic from places like Super Potato as much as I was hoping to. We might go again this year (one of the goals this time is to properly crawl through Akiba), but I bet half the places that sold the good stuff didn't survive through the covid lockdowns.

I haven't seen such high prices for destroyed old PC's myself, and I'm somewhat in that scene since I know a few people that hoard old computers (myself included lel, though I've never paid more than $50 for boomer boxes). The LGR types looking to play DOS games on original hardware usually go for some IBM or HP desktop that was in an office at some point, or get a laptop that actually works, the rest of the hardware you get is usually written off as e-waste unless it was something unique like eMachines or old Macs. Look into CRT monitors if you want to see some REAL shit with regard to prices.

Any community that gets its goals by pretending to be /pol/tards will eventually be flooded by actual /pol/tards who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.

>> No.9567860

Welcome to money laundering 101

>> No.9567871

the japs who buy cib aren't gonna be playing them either its the same type of people who buy them

>> No.9567987
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Good post. Agree with everything.

Collector-types have always existed but what I think is new here is the commodification of it towards the masses through YT and social media, this mixes in with two phenomena:
First, weird late-stage capitalism precariousness where people live in precarious conditions but are materially wealthy: they have enough money to buy comparatively cheap materials that hold sentimental value but not enough money to make big purchases such as homes, cars, healthcare etc so their disposable income goes towards this, e.g. 30-something hikkineets living in their mother's basement have just enough to collect vidya but not enough to move out and start a family and it becomes a vicious circle.

Secondly, but it's also linked to the first is that the current generation of young adults isn't growing out of childhood. They want to keep consuming the same things they consumed in the 80/90/00s, it's not unusual to see these types making 5 hour essays on Pokemon Yellow or Tokimeki Memorial like they're some grand cultural achievements.

Of course like you said there's all these richfags flexing their collection online and this makes others want to emulate them. Everything is a hustle, everything is an opportunity to make money.

>> No.9567995


>> No.9568007

I think a major contributing aspect is the fact that getting a decent career has become next to impossible. Most decent-paying jobs require a degree. But at the same time college is a joke/scam and even with a degree you're more likely to end up worse off than you started since any of those decent jobs still aren't a sure-thing. It's becoming more and more impossible to actually eek out a decent living the way you're 'supposed to'. Thus people end up turning to this "side hustle" bullshit out of desperation or the simple fact that they can't even get a real job at all in the first place beyond some McWagie bullshit.

>> No.9568056

It's basically why the freebie culture online from the inception of the internet in terms of games, piracy, translation, etc. has died online circa the 2010s. Free flash games are now put up on Steam for $5-10 a pop, piracy and translation is dead unless you pay someone a commission, etc. The only thing that still somewhat lives on is free software and it's only because the marginal cost is unpaid software engineering that builds upon itself and there's a bunch of competition going on for a lot of things.

>> No.9568110

>Everything is about "flexing" and "hustling"
I'm interested to know what generation this phenomena is most prominent in. I was just talking to someone about the shift from wanting to move up the corporate latter and amass wealth to valuing a work/life balance and making a livable wage while spending as much time as you can with those you love and doing what you enjoy, which I understand as largely being a millennial or late millennial thing; but I would assume they'd be the ones peddling nostalgia goods to other youthsick millennials. Is it zoomies and gen alphas out there hustling? They definitely seem like they'd be jaded to traditional jobs, coming to age during a "gig economy" and internet fame, at the very least.

Anyway, speculation markets in media goods are so fucking gay it's unreal.

>> No.9568156

>weird late-stage capitalism precariousness
Not to get too /pol/ here, but if you think late-stage capitalism is so bad, you're completely unprepared for the horrors of late-stage communism, or even the post-communism being experienced in what will probably be known in a few years as the "warring states" section of Europe. It's such a meme to use a term like "late-stage capitalism" when the "early-stage" capitalism of the industrial revolution was much worse. Real late-stage capitalism is capitalism augmented by socialism which is what they have in Europe, what is distressing us in the US is crony capitalism, not the "late-stage capitalism" that Twitter made up.

As far as the rest of your point goes, I think it's less that people live in precarious conditions and more that they're just retarded; yes, there are certainly a lot of destitute people that live off of handouts and actual scraps (usually victims of workplace industrial accidents that end up homeless in the end), but your average "gamer" kidult should be able to "buy" a new car by just saving money for a down payment instead of blowing every paycheck on vidya and drugs. Even back in the day boomers bought all their luxuries on credit, but most millennials have no idea how to get started with that stuff and don't want to know.

>the current generation of young adults isn't growing out of childhood
I don't really think this is a generational thing as I've met many people older than me that act like high schoolers, the difference now is that we've had The Big Bang Theory (or whatever scapegoat you prefer) normalize the consumer part of being a nerd (buying shit), so there's less stigma against (some!) nerdy activities. Also people like that tend to be on the techy side of things since they're still nerds somewhat, so employers put up with them due to there being a shortage of IT specialists, so you end up with these people wanting to buy nerdy kids' toys being empowered by high salaries.

>> No.9568198

I don't think it's impossible so much as there's a specific meta to it now that's not really discussed. When it comes to uni, I don't know what it is for the other majors but for computer science the meta was to get at least one internship in before graduating, and just being smart about on-campus resources like career fairs. You know who told me that? Not someone at my high school during senior year, not someone at my university, it was anons on /g/ discussing degrees, and I happened to pick up that information from them during senior year of high school. But most people perceive uni as "I went here for four years, give me a job", they don't understand that you're supposed to use your campus's career resources and go to parties/hangouts to network with your classmates. Metas like that aren't taught in US schools.

>the shift from wanting to move up the corporate latter and amass wealth to valuing a work/life balance
Corporate jobs just used to be way more fun back in the day; there'd be a lot of drinking parties, plus holiday parties were really extravagant instead of just the boring buffets we get now, not to mention all the various proper benefits your job would give you. There were proper incentives to try hard at the office because your company would take care of you. But most of that went away during the 2008 crash, and due to the recent inflation it is now more profitable to work casually for two to three years at a place before moving elsewhere for a higher paycheck instead of sweating at a place for five for a CHANCE, not a guarantee, of a promotion. And when your place of work doesn't provide you with all these nice things people would get twenty years ago, of course people would prioritize their life over their work.

>> No.9568238

>saved up money for years because tired of minimum wage jobs
>went to college to get a IT degree finally because I wasn't having much luck with "I can do that and prove it if you let me" on my resume
>talk to college job resources to try to get in workforce as soon as possible
>they say "hey, you need to do a internship somewhere for your degree, if you work at the tech department here you might be able to turn it into a job"
>do so
>get hired on by the college shortly after graduation since the tech team liked my work
>get laid off after a few months because college board decided to cut tech team budget to save money for the football team and I was the most recent hire with the least experience
>can't get a job anywhere else doing the same thing since everyone looks at that short work history and thinks "Gee, they must have dropped him quickly for a reason", even though I have recommendations from the entire fucking tech team attached to my resume
>back to working minimum wage again, only now I have to hide my degree when looking for jobs or I get filtered out for being overqualified
>tech skills now so out of date that it's almost like I never went to college in the first place, or wasted years getting a degree that means piss-all
I must disagree with your "use the college's resources" advice. The biggest mistake I made was seeking out advice from the college job counselors. They pushed me into a dead-end and the ones responsible still have their well-paid office job of giving more bad advice to other students. They get paid to give you the same generic advice you can google up and has been out of date for 20 years, written and shared by people who haven't had to seek out a new job in two decades.

>> No.9568250

>suckers who fall for it, which artificially tilts the entire fucking market.
For loose carts. It really doesn't. If you wanted to buy sealed games. Sure, but then what are you? How are you any different from anybody that has their shit wrapped in iWATA plastic?

>> No.9568313

Sure these things are up for sale. You put *nearly anything up for sale. Doesn't mean anybody is going to buy it. How does any of this effect you? Personally I'm saddened that I never had the chance to get a PVM or BVM becuase of where I live. It's the one thing I missed out on. However that doesn't mean I shit up entire an entire community because I'm butt hurt about that. I'm satisfied with what I have and keep hopes that maybe one day I'll find one of these things I'm looking for. Came close a few times. No dice yet.

>> No.9568314

>we've had The Big Bang Theory
Lmao people are still blaming that stupid show, me and billions of other people have never seen a single episode of it, its importance is overstated by a mainly American-centric point of view.

>> No.9568317

I don't think it's impossible so much as there's a specific meta to it now that's not really discussed.
Sure, but the fact that we're talking about a 'meta' speaks to the fact that you have to game the system to claw your way up, meaning it's by definition not something that most people can do. There are certain things you can do to make yourself more attractive to employers, but it's still a rat race and you're still competing for a limited pool of jobs that you can actually have a decent quality of life with.

A larger and larger proportion of the population is getting cut out of anything beyond mcwagie jobs, and thus they're turning to flipping trinkets and doodads and other garbage on ebay/craigslist/etc.

>> No.9568318

It already burst. It's started building up again. The floor isn't very low on this stuff.

>> No.9568329

I wish you weren't so spot on correct. The IT field with computers is a thing of the past. It's awful. Truly awful unless you somehow enjoy networking and server crap. I do not.

>> No.9568402

I'd gladly work it if anyone would fucking hire me. Been working minimum wage since I first left high-school, and the few months working at the college was the only time in my life I ever made more. Now I'm back where I started with a worthless technology degree and all savings gone. I wish I could go back to my childhood and kill every asshole who said "Dude, get into computer repair/tech support, everyone will need computer repair/tech support in the future", since the same generation who kept repeating it outsourced all their tech support to India, and decided they would rather just buy a new computer than repair their current machine.
I'll stop blogging about my failure at living now.

>> No.9568430

No, I hear you. I've been working in Computer Repair off and on for the past 18 years. Wish I could have worked it during the 90's. I only do it now because I own the shop, but I'm really starting to get sick of it. If I had normal overhead I would have been done years ago. Now I'm just torturing my self with this crap.

>> No.9568446

OP the place to post this isn't here, it's on the social diseases where people obsess about image. The ones buying for a shelf design are on youtube, twitch, and other corporate sites. You need to get them convinced that they don't need 400 widely popular games on their shelf before they can make a shitty video stream.

>> No.9568584
File: 2.02 MB, 408x229, 1652818289179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I collect in the way that "I don't sell the things I've bought" and "I bought the things I wanted to play or enjoyed". I don't seek out every single copy of SNES games because I just have no interest in 80% of the games. It's enough to have Aladdin and Mario Paint and Super Mario World because they're games I actually enjoy.

I imagine lots of people here are the same, the fact collectors are price gouging each other doesn't really affect me though it is sad and pathetic.

>> No.9568809

Not him but Unis ultimately sell a product/service that the student does have a responsibility to apply. Can't blame the grocer for getting no vitamins from carrots if you just butt-bury them.

Jobs most easily come via having a friend in the business around here. It isn't too late to start meeting new people

>> No.9568909

This is clearly a money laundering scheme.

>> No.9568919

And where do you meet computer repair techs interested in making friends with people who work long hours in the middle of nowhere with very little disposable income? I have plenty of friends, but nobody I know is involved in tech, and none of the people I meet in my day to day life are in tech either. The only person I know who is in tech is a brother-in-law, and his business has no interest in hiring tech support, only senior developers. Where do you find these people?

>> No.9568920

God that outdated knowledge bit hits hard. Took a tech course alternative at a trade school during high school that ended up being all networking shit instead of a programming course like the materials hyped it up to be. Wish i would have just taken the electrical 3 year course, could have atleast used the knowledge to dick with old stuff.

>> No.9569016

It's called networking. I'm a software engineer. I don't have any friends who are software engineers (and I really don't want any), but if I need to look for a job then I'm going to walk the walk, talk the talk, and hit up every single networking event under the sun.

As for computer repair techs, that's a dead job. Everyone who knows how will just repair it themselves. Those who can't will think it's dead and buy a new one. Tech companies are going to be full of people who know how to do it themselves.

Regarding college, it's a scam. The piece of paper they give you doesn't guarantee a job, and it also doesn't guarantee more pay. It also doesn't mean you have some sort of valuable skill set either, as most grads get passed over simply because they lack the required skillset for the job. The only thing college guarantees is setting you back in life due to debt. I'm fully self taught and I'm paid more than my coworkers who went to college, I don't have any debt, and I'm a home owner. College is nothing more than a bad investment.

>> No.9569042

Not really sure why you responded to tell me that college is a scam when I already said the degree is worthless. Why do you think I'm telling people to NOT listen to college employment counselors? For fun?

>> No.9569052

I didn't realize you were the same anon who said that. I thought you were crying about networking.

>> No.9569115

The post you were responding to was responding to a post saying that "Unis ultimately sell a product/service that the student does have a responsibility to apply. Can't blame the grocer for getting no vitamins from carrots if you just butt-bury them." in response to a post specifically about tech support. That response was specifically because that anon was saying it was my fault for not networking enough to get a job in a dead career where there are no jobs. The post you responded to specifically asks about computer techs, which you yourself say is a dead job. Even if I wasn't the same anon, you would be saying that anon can't get into tech support because he doesn't network enough. How is it different now?

>> No.9569120

We can shit all over the usual youtubers but at least the ones everyone bitches about will capture game play at least. A lot of these new kids just show them walking around flea markets, thrift stores, and conventions looking for shit to resell. I never understood the appeal of that kind of show.

>> No.9569146
File: 111 KB, 1024x640, screenshot_20221009_225736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn bro that sucks, I honestly can't relate

>> No.9569225

Geez volunteer somewhere, join a club or interest group, meet your neighbours. Are you seriously not trolling here?
More importantly, and this is where you missed the bigger picture, meet someone who can get you out of IT.

>> No.9569415

You WILL be tried in tribunal court one day for this. Do you know how many jewish kids didn't get an extra lamborghini because of people like you??!

Your day will come Nazi

>> No.9569464

1) it's a dead job. Find a new path.
2) networking is important no matter what the job is. Candidates who know someone in the company often get picked over more qualified candidates simply because the person they know puts in a good word for them. This is standard practice basically everywhere.

I bet you didn't expect to receive good career advice in /vr/ of all places.

>the ones everyone bitches about will capture game play at least
I don't think Metal Jesus has ever done that.

>> No.9571138

Oh the plastic hoarders setup. What a wonder world or leaking caps all over those precious pcbs. It's a good thing the majority of those will never get played. Seems legit. What a bland, soulless, non-aesthetically pleasing display. Typical consoomer that prefers their toast with no butter. Or toast with no jelly. Obnoxious.

>> No.9571273

ever notice the japan sellers on ebay that list used pedals for $100 more than brand new listings? what's wrong with those people?

>> No.9571683

You can't gain Japanese citizenship anyway unless you relinquish your other one. Marrying a nip gets you residency though, just ask the niggers in Roppongi

>> No.9571689

Because otaku are poor losers lol

>> No.9571692

>You ruined your own game market already.
Fuck you, faggot. I'll do whatever I want and there's nothing you can do to stop me, queer.

>> No.9572202

>what's wrong with those people?
English teaching doesn't pay above the poverty line so they're desperate to make ends meet.
The Nigerian actually came on a special visa program in the 90s.
Western or Japanese otaku? Japanese otaku spend quite a bit lol.

>> No.9572451

So why didn't you do so when you had the chance?

>> No.9572479

This is one of the most retarded yet pervasive notions whenever this topic comes up. Can't believe how many times I've seen someone say this.

>> No.9572496

It's a valid question. You saw all those games could be bought for a song and you chose not to. That's fine.

But don't bitch that prices should stay low, waiting for your to get your head out of your ass.

I hope you take this wisdom to heart and get a mortgage and buy a house while it's still possible.

>> No.9572529

>be normal dude
>want to get rid of my plastic garbage
>go online to put it up for sale
>check how much similar items are selling for
>guess I'll just put up my PS2 for sale at 80 dollars and my copy of Madden 04 for 30 dollars
This is what's happening.

>> No.9572618 [DELETED] 





>> No.9572620
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>> No.9572625

>just enter debug mode to spawn infinite money to purchase every single item you have interest in immediately

>> No.9572642
File: 97 KB, 828x180, 271C297A-5919-4A37-A3F5-FCF54DB56FAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You saw all those games could be bought for a song and you chose not to
No, I bought them when prices were low just like everyone else did. That doesn't mean I'm not allowed to be upset about it.

>> No.9572669

The generation that wanted this stuff back in the day are now old enough to buy it all without mommy and daddy's permission.

>> No.9572671

This. That's why Gamecube games shot up in price.

>> No.9572681

Holy shit this is literally me

>> No.9572689

All me

>> No.9572698
File: 352 KB, 1280x960, 1648573032188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, to me that VHS is worth zero. If I had it in my possession I'd probably throw it away not knowing some retards would shell out 8.5k for it.

But do you own the Hello Kitty Dreamcast and associated peripherals?

>> No.9572769

That VHS you would have gotten for £5 at most.

>> No.9572862

This would make sense on reddit where retro games are seen as decoration pieces and meant to get upvotes. Meanwhile /vr/ actually gives a shit enough about the games to play them and enjoy, or at least discuss, them. So it's not our fault game prices keep going up. It's a bunch of neckbeard fags that onions face when they seen Link to the Past at a garage sale and charge $150 for it on ebay just because they know they can.
If retards would STOP PAYING THESE PRICES then it's possible they'd start going down but NOPE.

>> No.9572874

Whenever I see these collections, I already know the faggots never actually play the games. I don't mind buying old games to play but doing this shit is so fucking retarded and I wish they'd get robbed.

>> No.9572878

Cool haul there anon.
Do you actually play those games?

>> No.9572986

>Whenever I see these collections, I already know the faggots never actually play the games
I have a large collection and play every day and I sometimes wonder if people have this same reaction when they see my collection. I have around 500 games currently.

>> No.9573063

I can't even find this on archive.org, do you have a link? It's just the cd

>> No.9573096
File: 1.36 MB, 3434x1762, 20230115_203731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You ruined your own game market already. Don't ruin other game markets.
No. Just went out and got this today. Doing it again soon.

>> No.9573097

>I live in Japan and I go to thrift stores occasionally to pick up games to play.
god i wish that was me

>> No.9573098

Nope, that CD is the only thing I managed to find. There's currently someone selling a copy on ebay:

There are some pics here and there floating around on tumblr.

>> No.9573126

>7000 yen for a ps1
You got ripped off, faggot.

>> No.9573135

Oh man wish we had those kinds of prices over here. Those don't seem like genuine cases for those games though, am I wrong?

>> No.9573179

>Meanwhile Japanese gamers who largely rely on buying/reselling to thrift shops (a lot of people don't have space for large collections) are stuck with the higher prices.
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.9573247

It's a scam to steal money from impressionable retards. Like everything else in this world.

Don't be mad at the scammers, be mad at the retards.

>> No.9573257

Japs went through the USA in organized fashion from the 60s-2000s buying up any and all kinds of Americana collectibles. This is payback.
Want some old Levis? Too bad they were all bought up by Mitoshi in the 1980s for nothing.

>> No.9573357

famicom shit is still pretty cheap honestly. really glad people get filtered by most of the library and seem to prefer to collect for nes anyway. can actually still buy & play fucking games if you go famicom or colecovision

>> No.9573363

nigga you can get a ps1 in the us for 20 bucks or less

>> No.9573531

Or, get a job. If they are cheap as shit you should have everything you want after a week or two of work. Go ask the Wizard for some gumption.
If you have already acquired those games, what's there to be upset about?

>> No.9573542

>$50 for psx

>> No.9573614

>If you have already acquired those games, what's there to be upset about?
You guys are RUINING Japan!

>> No.9573714

Japan is ruining Japan by letting outsiders like op stay

>> No.9574070

Do you really think it's just the gaijins inflating the price? Buy yourself a brain before you can't afford it.

>> No.9574079

Your OP post was stupid and you have yet to defend it from anyone calling it out as being stupid. Still waiting to hear your "point".

>> No.9574084

I don't own any of this stupid plastic crap anymore because you can just emulate it and I'm not an pathetic fucking autistic loser.

>> No.9574606

No reason to lie on the internet.

>> No.9574689

Hey, I also have a Japanese copy of Clock Tower 2. Love that game.

>> No.9575748

I've noticed basically the same thing. Meme games and systems, CIB, in particular have gotten expensive but most stuff can be found for cheap. Often about the same price you could find them at the dawn of the bandwagoning age.
What I find particularly odd is how many of the newfriends on /vr/ who are totally Japanese and live in Japan don't see this and vehemently deny it.

>> No.9575951
File: 321 KB, 2736x1824, 1666301987827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're selling Pokemon Minis for 200 dollars now.