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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9561538 No.9561538 [Reply] [Original]

>"In this game we don't allow you to hurt any innocent NPCs. If you attack NPCs, you will lose the mission and start from the beginning."
>Protagonist VA says Cold of Juarez instead of Gold of Juarez literally in the first 20 seconds
>can't run
>mouse controls completely fucked and worse than in Counter Strike 5 years ago
>game is literally made by half a dozen Pawels, without memeing
There is no good cowboy game

>> No.9561601 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 1024x1024, 8180B639-5AD0-49D7-ABB7-A4E397E9668C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not retro but the first RDR is an amazing cowboy game, and people reporting the strange glitched creatures they found was fun and exciting. That’s still the best cowboy game ever made to this day.

RDR2 is an incredibly slow, bloated mess that looks nice. I was pretty disappointed with it.

As for decent retro cowboy:
Read Dead Revolver
Outlaws (which will be playable on force engine soon)
Wild Gunman (best zapper game next to duck hunt)
Sunset Riders (if you want to count that)
Those are the only ones that comes to mind.

Tons of great retro games are Wild West themed or influenced.

I agree though, you’d think Wild West + Video Games would be a no brainer and we’d have tons of amazing cowboy games, but we don’t. We have a decent few middling ones. It’s strange really, I never understood it.

During the survival game boom, I’m shocked nobody did a Wild West frontier one, literally the perfect setting for such a thing.

>> No.9561621 [DELETED] 

When was the last time you played RDR? It's all the worst aspects of nuGTAs and the only good part is the world/map is more memorable and better designed. Otherwise it's the same hold x to ride a autopilot horse while listening to characters talk, a boring shootout starts, rinse, repeat. Truth be told I haven't played RDR2 and I don't really care if they managed to turn garbage into shit.

>> No.9561627 [DELETED] 

I only ever played RDR at a buddy's house back then, and pretty much all I would do was tie nuns to railroad tracks and abuse the bullet time mechanic to fling heat-seeking sticks of dynamite at birds in the distance. Lots of fun.

>> No.9561631

It's very overrated but fun if you get past beginning levels. Devs didn't know how to make games and it shows. It gets better as you progress. Wouldn't say it's amazing or anything. Maybe try CoJ 2 or 4 they are much better.
>There is no good cowboy game
Sunset Riders, RDR and so on. There are good cowboy games.

>> No.9561632

Gun.Smoke is really fun

>> No.9561637 [DELETED] 

Best part of RDR is the zombie expansion. Outside of that it's as bad as any Rockstar game, with very rigid mission structure and lots of horse riding through empty spaces (which can be nice but it gets old around Mexico).

>> No.9561638 [DELETED] 

I had a lot of fun with RDR back when it was new. Haven’t played it since it released which was like what, 2010?
It let me ride a horse, it let me hog tie a woman and leave her on train tracks, the shooting was excellent, graphics were good (even though I had the much much shittier ps3 version). Story was good too, and it had a minimum of slogness. I’d love to play it again but I’m not about to buy a 360/NuBox to do so.
I think the auto-horse was for when you just wanted to follow a trail, it’s optional. I think you’re being a nigger on this one.

RDR2 does everything you listed much worse to the point where it’s unplayably boring.

Also try an actual retro cowboy game.
Cowboys of Moo Mesa is one nobody talks about and works good on mame.

>> No.9561643 [DELETED] 

Damn wow I forgot about the zombie expansion. That shit was fucking awesome and made it a totally different game. Yeah RDR1 is amazing. So fucking gay it will never ever get a PC release. I’m suddenly remembering the zombie trend of the late 2000’s.

>> No.9561689 [DELETED] 

>RDR2 is an incredibly slow, bloated mess that looks nice. I was pretty disappointed with it.
It literally feels like a (bad) interactive movie, it's DESIGNED around auto aim with cinematic shootouts, looting takes hours because realism = slow, even the horse can auto ride and the best thing is you can't stray from the current mission's path or else you fail--literally for what purpose the open world?

>> No.9561694

>Sunset Riders (if you want to count that)
Why wouldn't you count that? It's the only good game you mentioned too

>> No.9561718 [DELETED] 

>first person/third person shooter with a controller
Refer to OP's title field
Also a pretty generic shooter with repetitive levels, unfunny Rockstar randomness like midget clowns and a tiny hub you can explore arbitrarily. Then for some reason the game literally has no music most of the time so there is hardly even any western atmosphere

>> No.9561794 [DELETED] 

>can't switch between normal/reversed camera
There are a lot of things I can put up with but fuck that

>> No.9561869
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Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive

>> No.9561941 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 1000x1147, COJBB_PS3_BXSHT_RETAIL-589739685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Refer to OP's title field
OP says there is no good cowboy game
Thread is full of examples of great cowboy games.
Your point?

>> No.9561945

>has to resort to non-retro

>> No.9561969

Fuck you, the game is cool even if janky as hell, and if you want more polished experience, you should have played 2 and Gunslinger.
>There is no good cowboy game
Double fuck you.
>Oddworld: Stranger's Wrath
>Hard West

>> No.9561973

I don't have to Desperados is one reply before mine.
I posted it because sequel is better than the first one. First one also isn't retro. It was ported to 360 and is a good game despite it's issues.

>> No.9562064 [DELETED] 

>OP says there's no good cowboy game
>anon points out a non retro game
>jannie deletes all the posts so OP is not butthurt
>waifus thread still up

>> No.9562147

more like dead thread redemption

>> No.9562452

>this game is bad because i dont know what mouse polling rates are

>> No.9563161

I kekd

>> No.9563271

Is this better than 3? Played 3 recently and it was boring

>> No.9563342

Dead Thread Redaction

>> No.9563442


>> No.9564374

3 is an example of a new developer attempting to revive an IP that had been dormant for a really long time and missing the mark.

>> No.9564375

>There is no good cowboy game
There are some but they're not retro, and they're not rockstar of david games.

>> No.9564393

we can't have decent conversations anymore. censorship infected every website by now. there was supposed to be 26 posts, but 10 were deleted

>> No.9564594

Full of Pawel