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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 656 KB, 583x700, warbirds atari lynx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9555074 No.9555074 [Reply] [Original]

So an "update" on Nintendo Switch deleted an Atari Lynx game on the 50th Anniversary steelbook edition cartridge. Neat.
So that it's for me, no more buying games, even old games for old systems that are emulated on new consoles.
This is retro related because this is all about them deleting a retro game that I physically owned. This is such bullshit. I hate Nintendo and Atari both for this.
Pic related is the game. If you have a Switch and the collection in question, the game disappears if you dared let your system update. I got burned by this hard since I bought the collection specifically to play that game officially.
Yet again gamers are punished for *not* pirating.
*sigh* If anyone can help me restore the game or has any solutions, I'd be grateful.

>> No.9555081

You will now apologize to emulation and thank it for keeping your fucking board alive.

>> No.9555086

Can you just delete the update? I can't imagine that the cart is actually writable.

>> No.9555103

>Can you just delete the update?
Nope. Once it's done it's done it seems. I've deleted all the save information for the Atari 50th collection and cloud data, and then when I put the cartridge backn, the game refuses to launch without an "update", the same one that deleted the game. Nintendo has zero answers for me and was extremely rude.
Maybe they are writing to the cart, or maybe they simply gimped it.
BONUS: they left the large advertisement for the game intact, so as to mock and tease guys like me that paid for it.

I never spoke against it, but am sincerely sorry for believing and saying physical purchases was any type of hedge against this nonsense.

>> No.9555125

Why would you buy a shitty Switch port of an old game lmao. Just emulate you moron

>> No.9555130

Try booting it in offline mode so it can't force an update. I doubt it overwrote a cart, because the carts aren't writeable. If they are, your solution is to pirate a vanilla version and rewrite your own cart.

I completely understand you being pissed off though.

>> No.9555132

>has any solutions
The solution was to just emulate for free and not pay for ROMs that can apparently just be taken away from you at any time for any reason with no recourse. That was the solution then, and it's the solution going forward.

>> No.9555159

>Try booting it in offline mode
If you mean without Internet, I did that and gives the same two options which are to cancel or to download the update and refuses to launch the cart. I've looked for a "offline mode" and can't find it, maybe they deleted that too.
I do appreciate the help, though.
>I completely understand you being pissed off though.
That means a lot. Sympathy is in short supply these days. Fucking fuckers. Deleting games....on physical media...that you paid for.

>> No.9555182

It's possible to force your switch to use the 1.0.0 version of Atari 50 that has Warbirds still in it. The issue is, you need to do a factory reset on your switch. As long as you've let a physical game update, you can't run that game ever in the future without having at least that update. There's some sort of data that remains after you delete data that tells the switch you NEED to update before you can play. Factory reset is the only way to clear that data. Factory reset your switch, then take it offline and put the cartridge in and install the game and disable auto-updates for that game, then your switch should have Atari 50 with Warbirds and can be safely taken back online.
I know your anger, I felt it the day I brought home a PS2 and MGS3 Substance and was all excited to play Metal Gear Online, only to find out they shut the servers down a few months prior.

>> No.9555187

What do you expect? Did you really think that you own the data on that cartridge? Those times are long past. Physical doesn't get you jack shit anymore.

>> No.9555230

Delete the update, go into offline mode, reboot into maintenance mode (hold volume up+down then press and hold power). Once you're in that menu you don't need to do anything further, just reset the Switch. This should remove any pending update nags.

>> No.9555236

>Did you really think that you own the data on that cartridge?
Yes, he did, despite repeated warnings to the contrary. You only own the data that's sitting dumped on your hard drive, unfettered by any console, storefront, or DRM. Yes, it's "illegal" but who the fuck cares? Especially if you've paid for the ROM like an idiot already.

>> No.9555274

Buying games is for retards if they can be deleted. And if you can buy it online, through an online service, it’s likely that it can be deleted that way too.

>> No.9555281

why did they do that

>> No.9555350

>go into offline mode
How? I can't find anywhere to go into "offline mode", or do you just mean kill my Internet connection?

Greed probably.

>> No.9555352

>hold volume up+down then press and hold power).
Am I being fucked with?

>> No.9555360

*ok, found out how to get into maintenance mode, but your directions were incomplete.
That's the problem, most help directions are written in a way for people who already been through it.

>> No.9555379

You're right, I am an idiot for following the rules because again and again the truth imprisons, not frees, at least when it comes to video games in the 21st century.

>> No.9555390

Why would you buy an Atari game anyway?

>> No.9555405

Many of them are fun?

>> No.9555416

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA that's a good joke! Atari games are trash. They're so bad that they literally killed the entire industry.

>> No.9555429

>They're so bad that they literally killed the entire industry.
That's just untrue and the "crash" wasn't really a crash. Yes lots of arcades closed and tons of crappy games were made, but most of those were due to shitty Pong clones and other bad practices, none of which had anything to do with Atari that had long past moved on from Pong. In fact, Atari paved the way for Nintendo to even get a chance to be a part of the video game world.

>> No.9555447

>I brought home a PS2 and MGS3 Substance and was all excited to play Metal Gear Online, only to find out they shut the servers down a few months prior.
Incredible that they shut them down so soon, yeah that's pretty bad. Without warning too I bet.
And a relieved thank you for the patient help, anon, you answered many of my questions and finally made some sense of it. (Nintendo was of no help)
I don't have the game back yet, but I think I can hack it. Heh hack it...something I probably should have done in the first place. Thnx fer readin me blog

>> No.9555448

Next you're going to try and say that they didn't actually bury a bunch of games out in the desert.

>Atari paved the way for Nintendo to even get a chance to be a part of the video game world
Nintendo had to invent a robot peripheral in order to get their console stocked in toy stores because retailers didn't want to stock avideo game system due to what Atari did.

>> No.9555449

>Buying a Switch game.
But in all seriousness, I'm sorry OP. I'm giving you a hug from all the way here. Thats just unfair.

>> No.9555451

>Next you're going to try and say that they didn't actually bury a bunch of games out in the desert.
Whataboutism on /vr/?, also you're wrong, I always knew it was true.

>due to what Atari did.
No, due to what the Atari competitors did.
Anon, tell me what year the games industry collapsed. Tell me the year that it all came crashing down.

>> No.9555452

>I'm giving you a hug from all the way here.
thank you I need it.

>> No.9555456

That's the truth dipshit. The "crash" was primarily in North America and only relegated to its console market. Conversely, computer games did fine, especially in Europe with Speccy and C64. The "industry crash" is a meme and Nintendo gets way too much credit for "reviving" it.

>> No.9555459

At least they can't physically delete my old Sega Genesis cartridges, time will do that instead.

>> No.9555461

>The "industry crash" is a meme and Nintendo gets way too much credit for "reviving" it.
that's where I was leading with my trick question to that other anon, the industry never fucking crashed, it simply cut the useless fat and no one missed it not even today.
Show me one collector the console seen in National Lampoon's Vacation here. I can't even recall the name of it right now it was so inconsequential.

>> No.9555463

>At least they can't physically delete my old Sega Genesis cartridges
Well...they can't, but "they" can.

>> No.9555465

Presumably they were still arguing the license when the game got shipped off, and the agreement fell through at the last second. The digital release of the game was missing Warbirds since day 1, since it was easy to just remove it before release there.

>> No.9555476

OP here, that is so ass backward the way they did that. By putting the game in the collection and then removing by way of a deceptive "update", they have committed fraud and burglary I'm fairly certain.
They should have just never advertised a game they hadn't locked down. What fucking retards.

>> No.9555491 [DELETED] 

>nintoddler starts to grow up

>> No.9555493 [DELETED] 

>posts on video game board
>somehow feels above particular brands

>> No.9555534

I got these cartridges when they were new; short of them kicking the door down and smashing them with a hammer, there's nothing stopping me from cleaning them, hooking it up to my TV, and playing up a game of Battletech or Ooze.

>> No.9555620

>Yet again conszoomer are punished for being paying for emulation tards
Many such cases

>> No.9555673

>Atari finally manages to squeeze into that sweet Nintendo area
>Already fucks up on day one.

Hope you get Warbirds back man, its a great game. (used to deathmatch it with a buddy via link cable)

>> No.9555716

My question is why the fuck was this particular game pulled in the first place? Is the ownership of the 'Warbirds' IP hotly contested? Somehow I doubt it.

>> No.9556191

>Is the ownership of the 'Warbirds' IP hotly contested? Somehow I doubt it.
Someone probably saw an iron cross and had a fit over it, conflating it with nazzys, or maybe the game mentions Richhtofen in which case Nintendo peed their tiny pants and imagined that they'd have to give the Baron's family money, or perhaps Atari felt that way.
Either way it's wrong to sell a game, then sneak in under the guise of an update to steal back the game. Modern gaming can eat my ass.

>> No.9556209

>Hope you get Warbirds back man, its a great game.
Thanks, anon, and yes it is. It shows off the early 3D that beat the game consoles of the time by several years and it's got lots of soul. Definitely one of the best Lynx titles.
Before I dare reset my Switch, I need to tediously ensure that all of the games are backed up, as in, hopefully they didn't remove some of them from their shop without notice like they did in the Wii's Virtual Console days; I'd hate do this to get back Warbirds only to sacrifice a dozen games.
Yup, modern gaming sure is so fun and convenient. :|

>> No.9556242

I've learned my lesson, anon. The next time a cool retro game is being offered on the new shiny system, I'll remember this and just pirate. I am done buying "new" shit. Thanks for curing me of that, Nintendo and Atari, you incompetent fucks.

>> No.9556252

>I got these cartridges when they were new; short of them kicking the door down and smashing them with a hammer, there's nothing stopping me from cleaning them, hooking it up to my TV
Oh I am quite sure they are scheming a way to do just that, give them time...give them time.
What did with Warbirds was literally a ridiculous joke on what game companies would do if they got too insane before they did it.

>> No.9556263

>first they came for the 40 year old roms, and I said nothing
everything will work like this soon enough, if it doesn't already.

>um just pirate EVERYTHING dummy
well onto the terrorist watchlist you go, fascist

>> No.9556271 [DELETED] 

>everything will work like this soon enough
I fully believe that now. Somehow, game companies in the future will do this, but how will they start? Maybe they'll start suing arcade owners for 40 years of back profits, or they'll try to enforce the laws on the books already which state that Nintendo sells you a temporary license, not the game itself and will, in some case, use police to confiscate (steal) back their games from us.
Sure, some anons will laugh, but just give them time.

>> No.9556275
File: 1.65 MB, 1643x2171, atariadventure2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The atari lynx was truly insane. I'm not sure what the fuck nintendo and sega were doing, how did their home consoles get mogged by a $99 handheld at 3D graphics?

>> No.9556279

>everything will work like this soon enough
I fully believe that now. Somehow, game companies in the future will do this, but how will they start? Maybe they'll start suing arcade owners for 40 years of back profits, or they'll try to enforce the laws on the books already which state that Nintendo sells you a temporary license, not the game itself and will, in some cases, use police to confiscate (steal) back their games from us, probably under the guise of enforcing copyright law, i.e., outright accusing gamers of pirating games, then without a hint being aware of the irony.
Sure, some anons will laugh, but just give them time.

>> No.9556289
File: 4 KB, 320x204, steeltalons_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nintendo was and still is obsessed with playing it safe, and SEGA had all of its intelligence and balls put into arcades.

>> No.9556306 [DELETED] 

Nintendies will defend this shit as usual lol

>> No.9556308

No one is defending this crap.

>> No.9556313

How old is your Switch anon? If you bought it within a couple years of launch you should still be able to hack it which will give you more options to ignore update messages. It used to be a hassle, but now it’s extremely easy to set up an EmuNAND for piracy so you don’t have to reset your Switch, keeping all your legit titles and still allowing for online play depending on which NAND you decide to boot into.

>> No.9556314

Realistically the only online service worthy of buying games from would be GOG and only because they allow you to download and archive the installers easily
Of course, the moment they stop doing this is the moment they will no longer merit a single cent

>> No.9556323

I do have a launch one.
>now it’s extremely easy to set up an EmuNAND for piracy so you don’t have to reset your Switch, keeping all your legit titles and still allowing for online play depending on which NAND you decide to boot into.
Oh really? Hadn't hacked it for a couple of reasons, one, I naively believed they were going to play fair, and two, it was a hassle like you say and I didn't and still don't want Nintendo to remotely brick my stuff.

>> No.9556331

I bought Rebel Assault I and II for some extremely reasonable price and they work almost perfectly, so I'm happy with GoG indeed. And yes, if they stop, it's over.

>> No.9556457

I paid for these games damnit, they're mine. Just as yours are yours, its time for those stupid corps to respect that.

>> No.9556469

They made me so angry I missed the typo in my post you just replied to.
But truly the ROM Wars will rise.

>> No.9556470

Nah, can’t see even them defending this shit, but I cam see putting the blame into Atari completely

>> No.9556472

Nintendo has blamed Atari for this.

>> No.9556473

I personally don't like Emulation because I'm a Computerized retard sometimes, I only just barely got DOSBOX to run my ancient copy of Lemmings. But I'm beginning to see it in more of a better light every day.

>> No.9556486

Yeah I'm a huge 'tard there could never run shit, but I blame shitty directions mostly since I was bootstrapping games on an Apple II which was at least as complicated in term of inputs, if I'm making sense.

>But I'm beginning to see it in more of a better light every day.
Uh yeah. Until yesterday I was fully against anyone pirating new games on new systems, that's where I drew the line, but from now on my policy is that it's all good. Just don't break into a server or into a physical store, don't cross those lines and other than that it's fine.
There will always be anons who will pay, just as there will be ones who don't.

>> No.9556521

If I could fix my Amiga I wouldn't need to emulate it.

I'm fully onboard with pirating games if they deserved it, like EA, Activision, things like that. Or Online Games that are going down that you can never play again.
>I will always remember you March of War.
I don't condone pirating from Indie Developers they actually need that revenue.

I buy old games specifically because they can't be taken away. They can't take my Soul Reaver away, my Murakumo, or my Mechwarrior 3. But when it gets to the Seventh Gen? I'd happily emulate.

>> No.9556731 [DELETED] 

All I know is there's definitely at least one Jew involved

>> No.9556810

According to some dude on atariage.com
>I finally got a response over on Facebook direct from DE saying there was apparently a last minute permission request that was denied on warbirds so it isn’t part of the collection.

So yeah, some dickhead rightsholder said no at the last second.

>> No.9556837

>So yeah, some dickhead rightsholder said no at the last second.
What a fuckhead deluxe. Can't believe I'm having to format this shit, but before I do I need to make extra sure it's all truly backed up. So anyway, the rights holder wanted more money or just said no? Did the Aa thread say anything else? Thanks for updating regardless, anon.

>> No.9556841
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Was just a forum post, so no.

>> No.9556845

Better than nothing.

>> No.9556850

OP, does the unupdated version include Yoomp? People are saying that game was apparently included in place of Warbirds, so it's possible the update patch deletes Warbirds but adds Yoomp.

>> No.9556858

>So yeah, some dickhead rightsholder said no at the last second.
Unfortunate and very gay, but that is their prerogative and right. OTOH selling a game that you don't have the rights to, then preventing the people who buy it from being able to play it, constitutes double-jewry of the highest order. So I put 1000% of the blame on Atari/Digital Eclipse.

>> No.9556862

Emulation chads...

>> No.9556867

Yoomp was always on my physical copy for Switch.

>> No.9556871

This is 100% on Atari then, because they own the rights lock and stock. Someone at Atari must have thought "hur, this might hurt our chances of a kid-friendly rating, better leave it out", and told DE they couldn't use it.

>> No.9556872

>OTOH selling a game that you don't have the rights to, then preventing the people who buy it from being able to play it, constitutes double-jewry of the highest order.
They even left in the advertisement for it to rub salt into the wound. Many of the icons like it say press x to play or something, yet not that one lawl.

>> No.9556875

>Someone at Atari must have thought "hur, this might hurt our chances of a kid-friendly rating, better leave it out", and told DE they couldn't use it.
If that's the case they're being capricious with their censoring powers because one of their video interviews has a programmer saying "goddamn" which is usually a no-no, but who knows these days.

>> No.9556882

Those times are still here as long as you are not retarded and realize that you should never be taking your consoles online to begin with and do research to weed out the shit from hack companies.

>> No.9556897

>and do research to weed out the shit from hack companies.
There was no warning on this, anon.

>> No.9556904

>the cart is actually writable
Of course it isn't. Why would you even consider that?

>> No.9556910

Not them, but tech advances.

>> No.9556914

You don't know what you are saying.

>> No.9556920

Are you suggesting that it happened?

>> No.9556924

Well, just dont be playing online then with this stuff. Be aware most companies are scum and unlike 7th gen, most "download games" are getting physical releases anyway on the switch so you dont even need to be going online with the system anyway, same if you just hack it. Then its just a matter of weeding out the shit companies that release incomplete games that would force you to update to make their shitty product work. Sucks this happened to this one, but short of them recalling every physical copy, you will always be able to play it if you remove the internet dependent aids from your system that it gets when you start updating. Major firmware is included on the carts anyway so you can still use it completely offline like a normal sane era console.

>> No.9556925

emulation is gay, get a job poorfag

>> No.9556937

No, but I am saying that in light of technical advances that sometimes happen without our knowledge, that anon's question wasn't out of realm of possibility.

>> No.9556962
File: 11 KB, 254x198, cheap boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most "download games" are getting physical releases anyway on the switch so you dont even need to be going online with the system
This is my game cartridge we're talking about, so I was extra mad for actually thinking ahead and getting the physical release, then they pull this bullshit. So, anon, there was no way for me to know that they would do this.
This could effect all games on all consoles btw. What's to stop them from sending updates like this to all other collections or standalones? The future looks grim.

>> No.9556969

is that hank?

>> No.9556970

*affect (not deleting other post)
Yes I do expect this type of thing to increase, but now I am wondering if this has ever happened in the past, that is, a game being deleted from a collection on a physical cart.

>> No.9556972

Lou Bega has had a rough time after Mambo number 5.

>> No.9557025

The EverCade carts are, you can actually apply a fix to one of them that will make it run on the console and not just on the handheld.

>> No.9557029

Just double confirmed that Yoomp was always on the collection and has not been swapped with Warbirds.

>> No.9558074

>i will not own nothing. i will not eat bugs
Welcome to the resistance new friend

>> No.9558123

That seems really strange, maybe call up nintendo and ask them if that is supposed to happen? I'm serious this might be a legit bug.

>> No.9558146

Been confirmed to not be a bug >>9556810

>> No.9558163
File: 1.45 MB, 1920x1060, Warbirds (USA, Europe)-230110-014355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some dickhead rightsholder said no
I'm sorry, he said what? I can't hear him. It's all muffled. Sounds like he's trying to talk around a dick in his mouth.

>> No.9558245
File: 36 KB, 600x600, ftf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This could effect all games on all consoles btw. What's to stop them from sending updates like this to all other collections or standalones? The future looks grim.

It's actually much worse than that. When it becomes sufficiently practical, and eventually it will, mainstream single-player games will not only be online-only but streaming-only. The general public will embrace the convenience of paying a subscription to access all the games in a provider's library, without having to worry about disk space, let alone shelf space. This all-you-can-play model will take the edge off how they don't actually *own* anything in that library, whose contents are subject to change without notice.

There will be nothing for us to back up, unpatch, crack, pirate, or preserve, because all the code and assets will be out of reach on some corporate cloud server. You will have no recourse when they change a game, retire it, or revoke your access for whatever reason.

No matter how digitally locked down they are, movies, music, and ebooks can at least be recorded through the analog hole (i.e. filming the screen), but games will be at the absolute mercy of rightsholders.

t. Cassandra

>> No.9558264

This is pretty much how gacha games already work.

>> No.9558349

I know you're pissed so I don't want to annoy you, but I have to ask cause I just don't get it.
Did you put an Atari Lynx game in your Switch in the first place? Or is it just a rerelease for the Switch, so your game was stolen, but it wasn't something old and collectible?

>> No.9558425

He purchased this.
The current IP holder of the Warbirds game decided that they didn't like something about the deal and rescinded it. A patch got pushed. OP got his money stolen. Many such cases.

>> No.9558441

It doesn't even make sense, "The current IP holder of the Warbirds game" is Atari. They're the IP holder of everything else in the collection too.

>> No.9558579

What's funny is that atari has so many good games from atari 2600, atari st, atari lynx, and atari jaguar. Seriously, shut the fuck up nintendrone piece of shit. Atari pioneered the video game industry and you guys just ride on what atari already created. Even atari st mogs your stupid nes back in the 80s

>> No.9558957

Don't give up hope, where theres a will there is a way. It just hasn't been invented yet.

>> No.9558974

A PC that's powerful enough to emulate games without slowdowns from their original consoles is more expensive than your plastic will ever be, you dumb nigger.

>> No.9559231

If they own Warbirds, then what was the issue? It's looking like they don't actually own it, and likely just published it at one point.

>> No.9559271

OP here, and while you're not wrong, you should be joyous that the best real games will be preserved by a great many men and women. But yeah, the mainstream will be totally fugged in the next 20-30 years unless trends change.

>> No.9559276

As an afterthought I should acknowledge my earlier dismal tone, but I was in a bad mood. Now after some rest I am still displeased, but not everything over...not yet anyway.

>> No.9559282

Wait until you realise that streaming games will make all older titles obsolete. Thanks to AI design, you can tell the google cloud to just remake FF7 for you, only this time with total player autonomy so you can save Aerith or have sex with Tifa or whatever, and then it'll just make up the rest of the game as it goes.

It's not the fear of never being able to play pong that's the problem, it's the fact nobody will ever want to play it when they can play AI pong that perfectly adjusts to their own proficiency and offers an enjoyable challenge without being too much. This new field of minimum frustration soulless AI shit will consume the industry.

>> No.9559284

>If they own Warbirds, then what was the issue?
Not them (OP again), but another anon had an idea that they may have removed the game because something about it could have endangered the rating they were aiming for.
If that's the case, and this is my specific theory, then maybe someone at Atari dislikes the iron cross and is confusing with something that has something to do with the nazis, when it in fact does not. Or perhaps someone is afraid that they owe the estate of Manfred von Richthofen monies (is he even mentioned by name in the game?).

>> No.9559292

>so you can save Aerith
That can be done now and I've seen it. Best to dig on that one. Not a FF expert, but I used to know one.

>> No.9559421

I'm not trying to make anyone feel shitty because I agree with what you are all saying, but why would anyone try to collect anything from ps4 gen and later? How did anyone not see this shit when you had to start downloading crap even with the disc. And really we should have all seen it coming with game licensing on ps3 and 360. They made games a service without calling it that and they gave us a cart or bluray in a box as a souvenir. Stop giving them money.

>> No.9559429

>but why would anyone try to collect anything from ps4 gen and later?
Because the presentations are pretty sweet.
>Stop giving them money.
I'm there now. I shouldn't have to be greatly inconvenienced to play a game that I paid for. Will report back if I can restore the game, which I can in theory.

>> No.9559565

Collecting on newer systems is perfectly feasible if you know what to avoid. My switch and ps4 have never been online and i research the obvious shit to avoid. Both are very comfy indie game consoles with the occasional bigger budget release il pick up when they drop below 20 monies.

Wont touch xbox though. Would never buy a console i need to register online to use.

>> No.9559568

>My switch and ps4 have never been online and i research the obvious shit to avoid
Then why would you want those systems?

>> No.9559578
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>he thinks companies owning the ips will let this happen, through google even

>> No.9559584

Because there are still fun games coming out i want to play? Believe it or not, there are still lots of games coming out that are not broken pieces of annual release puke. I also have nothing id even want to play online, but lots of fun couch coop stuff. If you are looking at these as fortnite, call of dookie, yearly sports boxes, then yeah id get it, but i have hundreds of games by this point on both systems that all play perfectly fine. No different then weeding out the broken shit from yesteryear and doing surface level research into what you are buying.

>> No.9559867

The 7800 mogged the NES, you mean. Even Atari 800 from 1979 mogged the NEZzzz though, the nezzz couldn't even do 3D without hardware and coding fuckery.

>> No.9560002

Could Warbirds run on the 7800? probably not since the Lynx had some dedicated scaling hardware on board right? its been a while.

>> No.9560031

The Lynx has a custom 16 bit 16Mhz CMOS handling the sprites and rendering the graphics, and a 4Mhz 65C02 (clocked faster than the SNES CPU) handling the general game logic. It also has a dedicated math ASIC that could transform the sprites quickly or something like that. Not even the SNES or Genesis could match the Lynx's performance, let alone the 7800. It's a low res amiga on steroids.

>> No.9560190

I wish they had released a home version of the Lynx as a budget console.

>> No.9560529

Without the expensive color LCD they could squeeze down the production cost significantly. I would rather have them invest the money in giving it a 68000 CPU and upgrading the sprite renderer and math ASIC. Add another 64KB of RAM for more complex sprites. With higher clock speed and resolution it would easily crush the other consoles back in the day and fill the role of the cancelled Panther system. I still think Atari needed a handheld console on the side to compete with the gameboy. Should've been a handheld version of Atari 7800 with a power efficient monochrome LCD screen.

>> No.9560532

>ctrl-f 'refund'
>0 results
OP. GET. A. REFUND. Advertising a game that is on a collection and then PULLING that game from the collection is STRAIGHT UP ILLEGAL. GET A REFUND.

>> No.9560539

Collecting is gay. Romhusks are just as stupid and pointless as funkopops.

>> No.9560541

Hoowee wow, a scummy Digital Eclipse move why I never

>> No.9560584

Yeah fuck all those cunts who uploaded these roms in the first place.

>> No.9560834

>Advertising a game that is on a collection and then PULLING that game from the collection is STRAIGHT UP ILLEGAL
I mentioned that to Nintendo on the phone and they "cautioned me" and then hung up.
No one cares about laws pertaining to video games, no exceptions.

>Hoowee wow, a scummy Digital Eclipse move why I never
Not sure it's their fault, but you act like it's typical, is there something about DE I need to know?

>> No.9560836

You know you can delete updates right

>> No.9560837

>I mentioned that to Nintendo on the phone and they "cautioned me" and then hung up.
No one cares about laws pertaining to video games, no exceptions.

This shit pisses me THE FUCK OFF and is why my country is so strict about this shit. I don't know where you're from, but certainly there is some business ombudsman who would be willing to look into this for you. I also tweeted Atari directly in one of their tweets about it but they haven't replied.

>> No.9560839


Looks like it was the day 1 patch that removes it. It is technically still on your cart op, but you need to delete the update. Not sure how but it's definitely possible.

>> No.9560841

At the very least, news outlets need to know about this to cast some light on this anti-consumer horseshit.

>> No.9560860
File: 6 KB, 640x408, s_Warbirds_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how Warbirds might actually be the game that starts a big "wait, they can do this?" debate.
good game.

>> No.9560961

The update cannot be deleted, it persists on the Switch in a hidden state and renders any cart, even a new Atari 50th blah blah to demand an update and will not launch, so the Switch must be formatted.
This is because I wanted to play a game that was advertised on a physical cartridge. :)

>> No.9560963

It is funny and it's probably a good thing it's an excellent game that pioneered 3D for the home because if it was say "Basic Math" for the Atari 2600 no one would care. I mean, this thread would not have gotten made for that small bit of nothing, even if in principle them hypothetically stealing (deleting) that would be equally as immoral.

>> No.9560965

>At the very least, news outlets need to know about this to cast some light on this anti-consumer horseshit.
I agree, but it's hard to compete with what they are planning to showcase. Don't want to get off topic, so you know, it all comes back to the media hating video games.
Still, far be it from me to stop you from contacting those bastards.

>> No.9560968

If you archive/delete the software it'll delete the update data. Then you can pop the cartridge in again and it will have the original cart firmware again.

>> No.9560969

>This shit pisses me THE FUCK OFF and is why my country is so strict about this shit.
What country are you from if you don't mind me asking?
>I don't know where you're from
United States.
>I also tweeted Atari directly in one of their tweets about it but they haven't replied.
I appreciate you, anon. Atari would be remiss to ignore you, but if they do, then they need not be taken too seriously. I mean, "Atari" just is not the same people they were decades ago, same for the rest of them.

>> No.9560971

If they put the game on and then realise they don't have the rights to it or some shit then why shouldn't they remove it? If it was accidentally put there then they could be legally fucked for keeping it.

Blame Jews and copyright.

>> No.9560973

This is only true is a Switch is also formatted before or after.

>> No.9560975

Atari owns the copyright, it wasn't a mistake. It's a case of someone dislike something in the game, simple as.

>> No.9560978

Australia. IIRC we were one of (if not the) first countries to force Steam to offer refunds. Do you have Twitter? Try sending a message through it to Destructoid, Kotaku, Gamespot, Nintendolife, whatever is out there, to see if anyone's willing to look into it. This is a significant thing, and would probably be a good news story for whoever "breaks" it first.

>> No.9560980

If they put the game on there then the onus is on them to alert the consumer and offer refunds instead of doing the absolutely scummy thing of just stealth deleting the fucking game.

>> No.9560981

Hear hear.

>> No.9560990

I'll have to get on that, then. Been wanting to make a video on this. Nothing to it but to do it.
And no, don't have a Twitter account, but it shouldn't be hard to make one, right? To be frank, I'd rather not make a twatter account, but I am willing to do it in this case if that's the sole way to get help for this issue pertaining to video games going forward.

>> No.9560995

Do it. If you use gmail you can just quickly throw together an alternate email to use just for Twitter and then ignore it forever after you're done. You're doing god's work Anon.

>> No.9561002

Let's hope it gets some views. I will try to be as positive as I can be in a sense, meaning if I make a video of me screaming my head off, it'd just make us look bad, so wish me luck. Thinking a fairly short to the point video will suffice.
Will have to hide a shout out to /vr/ in the video.

>> No.9561332
File: 1.02 MB, 1012x900, 1671500891643246.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit like this is explicitly why I refuse to buy retro re-releases.

>> No.9561368

It was a collaborative effort or certain people did it so we didn't have to. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about you needing your hecking decorative consumer shelf after the fact, stupid.

>> No.9561374

Frank Cifaldi is a cunt in both words and actions. He, that company, and his journo cronies hate you and are the self appointed arbiters of game 'preservation'. Elitist and gay. An aside but just LOOK at the fucking guy. He was one of those sanpaku eyes mask picture profiles during the pandemic.

>> No.9561376

>needing a reason
Fuck'em. I download what I want . It's one of the few powers we have in this gay jewed world. Download everything that isn't nailed down.

>> No.9561406

I'd never pay for a re-release because it's completely pointless. Nobody is going to see the sales for this and go "hey, maybe we should get all the guys who made Warbirds back and give them a bunch of money to make a new game". You're just burning your money so the suits who wound up with the IP can take an extra vacation this year.

>> No.9561471

Ask yourself this: which company is a massive household name in gaming and which has been passed around like a cheap hooker and barely even exists anymore. Nintendo was better anon, no matter how good Atari's hardware was, their games, their marketing, and their business model sucked.

>> No.9561489

Nintendo won by playing it completely safe and pandering to toddlers and the toddler brained. Atari aimed for the stars with the budget of NASA's lunch money for a month. It's obvious who's the chad and who's the sissy here.
Why are tendies so attached to their multi billion dollar corporation anyway? Is it helsinki syndrome? As in helsinki, sweden, the BBC loving nation.

>> No.9561502

Nintendo is essentially a cult, and any attempt to point out the basic fact that they tried to utterly control the market is brushed off by these fucking retarded manchildren because one day they played Mario or Pokemon when they were 7 and it was the best thing ever. They will spend the rest of their lives talking about how great Mario 64 was. This kind of brand loyalty is only seen in the mentally unstable.

>> No.9561506 [DELETED] 

>If you think emulation is gay you must be a heckin consoomer
Or I just hack my console like a sane person. No compatibility issues, no begging trannies on discord for bug fixes and I can play all the games I own legally.

>> No.9561510 [DELETED] 

I'm a zoomer and I play some atari stuff but this seems like a zoom zoom post. Missile command is great. Especially the arcade

>> No.9561520

the absolute state of buyfags

>> No.9561530

Let this be a lesson to you. Never ever ever be a consumercuck.

>> No.9561534

Lol I know. Even back when you bought the games on physical media, it was plainly stated in either the manual or the loading screen that “buying” the game actually meant you only bought a license to play said game, implication being they could revoke that license for a variety of reasons.

>> No.9561542
File: 687 KB, 1280x720, 1671977409436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When it becomes sufficiently practical, and eventually it will, mainstream single-player games will not only be online-only but streaming-only

>> No.9561606

You're 100% correct and morally in the right- however you are an insufferable faggot, standing head and shoulders above the average retards on an already awful board so you'll get nothing but a fuck you from me and hopefully everyone else you annoy about this. Eat shit.

>> No.9561656

It's not explicitly about Warbirds, but in general, paying money for roms in a low-effort wrapper with the same dogshit 2xSaI or scanline filters is fucking stupid.

>> No.9561693

I dunno why people call it the videogames crash of 1983-1985 or 1984. Consoles and arcades were in a decline starting in 1980. Computer gaming was on the rise during the same period. All thanks to the new cheap micro-computers like the Apple II, Atari ST, C64, etc. Computer gaming hit a slump in 1985 until 1988-89 when VGA started getting widespread and not just cutting edge. Consoles hit a slump themselves in 1993 and didn't recover until 1996, and arcades were going down in profits during the same time. Never hear anyone talk about the computer videogames crash of 1985-1988 or the videogames crash of 1993-1996.
The only difference is there was a major recession in the early 1980's. So somehow the recession-related cutback on customer spending is a major videogames crash event, but all the other times the industry has seen their market get cut in half is business as normal. And Nintendo is somehow the savior of videogames for launching the NES at the start of an economic boom period. Never hear anyone say Sid Meier, Jordan Mechner, or Al Lowe saved computer gaming for the growth in PC gaming in 1989.

>> No.9562170

Warbirds was made by one person, Robert Zdybel, and he's currently working for EA anyway.

>> No.9562183

I dont have a "decorative shelf", i have a collection of games i buy to play because i dont trust faggy companies to maintain their own software. People act like the switch is as gay as the new xbox when it works just as easily to play offline and not give attention to the faggy state of modern gaming using it like a snes or 64. If people want to collect every broken piece of software on it, thats on them.

>> No.9562192

I have strong criticisms of Nintendo because i do like them and it sucks when they do act shitty. I wish more of their fans would be mad at their decisions because they want them to be the "gold standard" rather then opening their mouths wide for the shit to slide down. In the modern day landscape, at the very least they are the less evil of multiple evils.

>> No.9562196

And how exactly the fuck were they going to do that? Send goons to your house?

>> No.9562381

Don't forget to contact the news outlets. It's one thing to hope for an audience on YouTube, but actively reaching out directly for support is far more likely to get exposure. Also, Atari ended up ignoring my tweet entirely.

>> No.9562479

>In the modern day landscape, at the very least they are the less evil of multiple evils.
>$60 indie games with no price cuts
Nah man, they're the Apple of video games.

>> No.9562519
File: 996 KB, 498x280, avgn-angry-video-game-nerd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9562531

Still better than Sony, EA, and post merger Blizzard.

>> No.9562537

Depends on the developer of said games.

>> No.9562549

I'd still much rather buy from sony, at least ps4 games are now dirt cheap and they look and play way better than switch games.

>> No.9563483

>you're in the right but fuck you
You sound mentally fine..
>Don't forget to contact the news outlets.
I don't think they care, anon. yt and twatter will have to be enough. Yes, it's anti-consumer and maybe even illegal, but news media people haven't cared about those things for a couple of decades.

>> No.9563490

>Frank Cifaldi
Never heard of him (*checks) ok, the usual poor sources (wiki) mentions Digital Eclipse, so is it likely his fault that the game was deleted/stolen from gamers?

>> No.9563491

This but unironically.

>> No.9563494

OP, here, why? I've done nothing wrong. Explain or fuck off.

>> No.9563551
File: 335 KB, 673x680, a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a drone. A puppet. The whole world of retro is completely open to you for free without any repercussions but you insist on playing it "officially" because you are either afraid of doing something wrong like some retarded 10 year old, or you feel the need that you "owe" something to the current IP owners that just happen to own the rights.

What makes it so official to you?
The real hardware with the cartridge that has the same exact rom as you would download it? Does it stop being real hardware when you copy the rom onto your own disk? What is the difference? Does make the low quality packaging with cheap printing or stickers on it "official" to you?

Or is it that you pay the current owner of the IP your money, so you can play the "current version" of a game with is the same exact rom it has always fucking been? You know that Atari doesn't give a flying fuck about this game, right? They don't give a fuck about the developers of this game, they don't care about any video games at all anymore, they don't care about retro, they don't care about quality, they don't care about your nostalgia, they don't care about your sentimental value of their IPs, and they sure as fuck don't care about you or your loyalty. All Atari cares about is making money off of mentally ill people like you. They are suit people. They don't play any video games. They just milk what they can. They laugh at you. You are a laughing stock to them. If you would kill yourself on the spot with them watching, they wouldn't even bat an eye.

You are a mindless consuming, boot licking, cum gobbling pay piggy faggot that would pay for literally anything with just an logo on it that you identify with. You are the bottom of the barrel lowest common denominator of consumer trash.

>> No.9563556

I emulate too.
What now? But thanks for your input, shill that wishes to spread negativity for its own sake.

>> No.9563576

>I don't think they care
Not an excuse not to try.

>> No.9563587

Right I agree. It's just that reaching out to scummy media people is last on the list and the more I think about it the more I don't want to talk to the diarrhea media. Can you really blame anyone for feeling that way?

>Also, Atari ended up ignoring my tweet entirely.
This needs more attention^

>> No.9563589

>They are deleting(stealing) physical games now
(((THEY))) have been doing this since the gamecube era anon GBA as well

this is why i buy used and pirate things
warbirds will run on your lynx emulator or elcheapoSD flashcart

>atari still pissing off its consumer base and racing to the mother fucking bottom
some things never change

>> No.9563602

>(((THEY))) have been doing this since the gamecube era anon GBA as well
Do tell, this is the first I've heard of that.

>>atari still pissing off its consumer base
Before this is was them lying that the Jaguar was 64 bits.

>> No.9563610

my teenage angst sniffed the bullshit immediately

>> No.9563616
File: 36 KB, 540x436, 1523807029780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for those who dont know
>content behind 3rd party reseller paywall
>coomlectors hoarding sealed items
>zero rereleases or remasters
>wiiU got the ereader mario3 maps
>nuked the eshop shortly afterwards

another example is the donkeykong rom from the wii 25th anniversary collection
they added a missing map
it was never seen or playable again

>nintendo: good luck asswipes kek

>> No.9563629

>ereader mario3 maps
>donkeykong rom from the wii 25th anniversary collection
>they added a missing map
Do you mean missing levels?

>> No.9563867
File: 25 KB, 650x400, cbg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst. Copypasta. evar

>> No.9564279


>> No.9564469

Nope, just the threat of legal action. Ironically, pirating is in many cases the only way to truly own a game/film/song.

>> No.9564471


>> No.9564509

They hated him because he spoke the truth.

>> No.9564532

At first I thought this thread was an elaborate joke, but I guess you fuckers are serious. Talking about resetting your switch and never connecting to the internet. Going through all this shit over one game on a collection that you never owned in the first place. You're going to be sixty years old wrapping your shit in plastic to preserve it like your grandmother did with her sofa. You'll be on your deathbed before you realize you spent your life trying to preserve shit that can't be preserved. You can't take it with you. Your kids, if you have any, won't want this shit because they won't grow up in the world that you did. Learn to let go and enjoy the few days on this earth that you may be lucky to have. Or don't. Continue living in the fever dream nightmare you've made for yourselves repeating the same tedious acts. Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.9564568

>UGH, you are all wasting your time!
>said anon long after the subject had already been settled

>> No.9564836

Nice cope pajeet, but im not buying an xbox.

>> No.9565067

Shit, this is pretty nice. No wonder op is especially irritated, just the idea of what they've done is infuriating. They can just alter and remove whatever they want now, on my game! Imma start checking any updates when I do actually update, which oddly enough is only when I use the eShop. Pure baloney on ataris part, I'll still buy this but I'll only play it on lite I guess.

>> No.9565346

Well if you physically own the game play it on your LYNX. Oh what's that. You don't and never did own a physical copy of that game? You thought buying some Anniversary collection granted you owning the game physically to other collectors?

>> No.9565362

I wonder if the PS4 and Steam versions have this issue...

>> No.9565364
File: 2.83 MB, 4032x3024, Eg-X26fX0AEu1L1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Shit, this is pretty nice.
it was the shit in the early 90s via comlynx!

>me and a buddy dueling it out
>I decide to land and repair
>he's like "wait where did you go?"
>Me "I landed"
>him "you can land?"
>me "yep!"

Then he started firing on me where I landed and I could actually hear it on my side.

Miss ya John..

>> No.9565608

>mainstream single-player games will not only be online-only but streaming-only.
Google attempted EXACTLY this and it fucking died. Running games from centralized machines and streaming them as footage which the player interacts with remotely is a pipedream bordering on a perpetual motion machine. As harsh as gaming can be in the 2020s, we're actually evading that fate.

It's simply physically impossible to consistently get the performance and latency necessary without completely unrealistic global infrastructure which would not be worth financing, maintaining, nor running. Assuming you just told everyone else to go fuck themselves, it would still be a ludicrous and exorbitant undertaking to reliably cover only major metropols to get a game which doesn't consistently feel shit even to normalfags with bad taste and poor frame of reference, and for preciously slim financial returns.

>> No.9566712

With the Nintendo Switch, once you update a game, they keep some sort of data on your OS to keep track of what version a game should be on, and won't let you play that game below that version again without completely reformatting the switch.
Yes, it's that insane.

>> No.9567076

...I didn't know you could land.

>> No.9567124

Or simply delete game upon exiting.

>> No.9567167

An example of that is how, for over a year, he hoarded the SimCity NES prototype that someone else bought for $30,000 and had entrusted him to dump and release it for free just to promote his then-new (and completely pointless) website that no one visited or even knew existed, "The Video Game History Foundation." Yes, anon was not exaggerating about his pretentiousness nor about his sliminess.

Wouldn't surprise me if he something to do with this, rhen. He also recently was part of an outrage mob against this even called MAGFest because they made a joke about Kotaku being shit and corrupt. A genuine faggot.

>> No.9567171

*just to use it to promote

>> No.9567178

You can! Even shows you a little 2D sideview animation of your plane landing I think.

>> No.9567623

People said the same thing about music over 20 years ago during Napster's heyday (though moreso during Limewire's heyday when mainstream music piracy was at its peak), and what ended up happening instead was largely the opposite: vinyl and cassettes making a major comeback. Same with movies; physical libraries were expected to die after Blu-ray got curbstomped by streaming services, and yet we're still getting new movies released on both Blu-ray as well as DVD, the format that Blu-ray was supposed to kill. As of the current gen of vidya, people are still demanding physical releases even from indies, which is how services like Limited Run became a thing (with all of their flaws). Maybe the mainstream will be fugged as you say, but physical will still remain an option as the past two decades have proven against all odds.

>> No.9567627

AFAIK, gacha games are games as a service like MMO's, but the actual game is still something you run locally instead of stream to your phone, which is how people are able to rip the galleries from these games onto sad panda and whatnot.

>> No.9567646

>Kotaku being shit and corrupt.

>> No.9567724

most dramatic fag shit I've ever read

>> No.9568054

>have to wait to download and install a 10gb to 100gb game every time you want to play it
Not even the biggest suckers in the world are going to fall for that one.

>> No.9568214

Not sure what the anon you're replying to meant, but the way streaming games worked was basically Twitch but with inputs. The concern is that streaming a lot of video data like that is taxing, but also you'd need extremely low latency for inputs to work properly without some workaround like rollback (which itself isn't perfect, but moreso if it was applied to other genres besides fighting games).

>> No.9568254
File: 10 KB, 950x633, 2021C -1673641425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every day we prove emulation more right.

>> No.9568486

>but the way streaming games worked was basically Twitch but with inputs
I basically said as such in my other post.

>The concern is that streaming a lot of video data like that is taxing,
>but also you'd need extremely low latency for inputs to work properly without some workaround like rollback (which itself isn't perfect, but moreso if it was applied to other genres besides fighting games).
Yes, again, it would be a venture so exorbitant and demanding as to border on wanting to build a Dyson Sphere or the Death Star (only it's theoretically possible, if beyond absurd from a practical point of view), all for the merely hypothetical return of prettier graphics.

Running a game from a far distance and relaying it as footage to the player is a ridiculously inefficient concept even before you get into the bandwidth costs.

>> No.9568679

You aren't using this word properly.

>> No.9568685

you DO realize
that looks completely atrocious and nothing like the real screen

atleast make your window comparable to the original size kek
its like reading a book but blowing the pages up to be the size of a billboard

>> No.9568692

Most of this thread is.

>> No.9568698 [DELETED] 

>you have to use the proper aspect ratio and shaders!!!
He's just posting an image in a shit thread. You collector fags are more mentally ill than trannies. I'm going to go trash all of my game cases in your honor.

>> No.9568737 [DELETED] 

Man I really hope someone sues nintendy for this just to be petty. Too bad anyone that actually cares is poor and doesn't want to get fucked by a massive company.

>> No.9568802

It didn't work for google because people had the option not to use it. But eventually you won't have that option, and the choice will be to get on board with streaming your games or get left behind. The ability to play a disc or a downloaded copy will no longer be offered.

>> No.9568818
File: 646 KB, 803x788, 1672015997448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It didn't work for google because people had the option not to use it
Also because the US internet infrastructure is shit and will remain shit because ISPs are mega shits.
Even Google gave up trying to do their own fibre service and just said "oh the ISPs will adapt to Stadia"

>> No.9568821

If you factory reset the console it won't ask for the update to play

>> No.9568836

Pirating is for commies thank you.

>> No.9568869

>"Buy the Playstation 8, it's not an unresponsive hunk of shit because you aren't on average over 25 miles away from the machine you're actually interacting with, and it doesn't rack up massive bills from constantly streaming live high quality video!"
That one move alone would let Sony (or anyone else) pull out the fucking rug from underneath any competitor trying to do Stadia 2: Electric Jiggaboo, and all the cost and effort required by them would be to do what has always worked very well for them in the past.

This isn't like some DRM scheme or other bullshit where you can kinda hide it away or get people to not think about it too much because it isn't actually fucking enough with their experience at all times, or shitty potentiometer sticks which only last through about a year of use. The bandwidth costs and extreme latency the overwhelming majority of customers would regularly experience trying to use the product are WAY too tangible.
Thus, as a console maker, you have two options:
>A: Do a normal console like usual, and then smugly gloat in all your marketing about how your console is objectively and provably superior, do as well as you always have and watch as the idiots lose all their investments
>B: Set out on the quest to build the massive global infrastructure required to even barely support your competing Suckotron 5000, only to get sidelined by the other parties who weren't retarded enough to do this

It can only ever be dead in the water because you're leaving yourself open to any competitor to trivially have a massive and tangible edge against you which you can never overcome, option A is too profitable to not be your choice. The only way videogames would ever come the point of not having any other option would be if there was some sort of international Video-Hitler enforcing a Stadia cartel at gunpoint.

>> No.9568916

It isn't viable even with better internet.

>> No.9568918


>> No.9568945

The big boys aren't competitors. They work together. Google famously told Apple "our vision is that we work as if we are one company". Sony and MS don't want to be in the hardware business, they would much rather have their system be an app that you stream games from. People will get used to latency if everyone is doing it, and eventually come to think "that's just how games are".

>> No.9568952

I kinda doubt Nintendo will, or drag their heels. Infact they will likely be the last ones doing physical releases because they know they can essentially sell them as collectibles or toys beyond just the game on them. They have much less incentive to make something all digital or streaming since they just keep constantly shitting out profit with anything with their logo on it. Why deal with streaming tech headache when you can just do an HD release of an old Zelda that is guaranteed to sell?

>> No.9568967

Yeah, look at how none of the streaming games on Switch have released any sales figures

>> No.9568971

I saw it in advertisements back in the day and I somehow had the impression that it would be like red barron on msdos so I was super hyped when I got my lynx flash cart. Its just basic 2 vs 2 combat and the screenshots are carefully crafted to make you think its more 3d than it actually is. I expected missions and being able to land.

No way, all that hassle instead of just sticking in a switch cartridge. He doesn't want to deal with retro arch bullshit while on the bus.

You are in 1991, you can only choose either a Genesis, a Snes or a Lynx, they all cost the same.

Seems pretty worth it to me. 50 games in a nice package that you can put on your shelf instead of having to search through a bunch of folders every time you want to play your rom or get a new emulator when a new os comes out.

You gotta think that the cost to host these things would be more expensive than just letter everyone have a cartridge or download after 5 years. I mean these servers cost money 24/7.

>> No.9568973
File: 406 KB, 1024x731, 1667711342025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the gaming companies working together won't mean shit if they can't convince the ISPs to improve coverage and data caps
People may be able to "get used to latency" but they won't be able to get used to having their internet access cut off after they stream too much

>> No.9568986

Nintendo definitely wants to keep making hardware, cause they make a good profit on it. But they're not fully occupying the same space as sony and ms these days. Microsoft buying all these AAA studios is their way of forcing their netflix-type service on the masses. If you want to play a big AAA game, it'll be on their terms. And if they say streaming only, that's that.

>> No.9568990

so you're saying the first step to streaming-only will be game pass exclusive titles?

>> No.9568991

You're right, but just like they can't take criticism, much less accept blame for anything, they can't even laugh at themselves. They are keepers (creators) of all knowledge and standards.

Technically I'm not, but would you rather "withheld"? It wasn't his and he was refusing his responsibility he agreed to have to dump and distribute the game, and it was well-known on the Internet when all this began to happen (sometime in 2017, can't remember the exact date, but he released it exclusively on his gay website in 2018). He had nothing to do with this prototype, yet he believes he deserves the credit for it.

>> No.9569008

Yeah, get people subscribing, get them in the system, get them used to the idea, and then slowly over the generations make the change. They're a trillion dollar company, they can take their time. But they want out of the hardware game, they haven't been shy about that.

>> No.9569201

>Technically I'm not
Yes you are. A hoard is a lot of something. This was one game. Withheld would be the correct word.

>> No.9569203

Why does it need to look like the real screen?

>> No.9569232
File: 1.99 MB, 2000x1668, YGWYFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giving money to Cuckfaldi
>buying roms
>surprised roms aren't in your control

>> No.9569306

Your logic doesn't fucking work, because they aren't going to eradicate their profitable industry to own le goyim.

>> No.9569324 [DELETED] 
File: 1.46 MB, 334x236, 1673537970882020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most reddit thread I have ever seen on any board of 4chan.

>> No.9569372 [DELETED] 

How do you know so much about Reddit?

>> No.9569394

>Become curious
>Look up anon's claim
>Cifaldi mentioned in special thanks
Rent cifree

>> No.9570114

Fair enough, I guess. Hopefully this is the only actual example and there aren't more games he's doing with this in an actual hoard.

>anon's claim is justified by (You) about Cifaldi being involved with this garbage product
>anon is randomly blaming Cifaldi
Pick one

>> No.9570967

>This is retro related because this is all about them deleting a retro game that I physically owned.
Nothing in this thread is retro. If you had bought the retro cart and played it on a retro console you would be disgussing a retro game.
This entire thread is you bitching about a modern collection bought for a modern console getting a modern update. There is nothing retro in this thread. You don't even talk about the very game you are crying for. Take this shit to /v/.

>> No.9571041

>cautioned me
Cautioned you how? What did they say?

>> No.9571045

They did it for the very reason of this thread.

>> No.9571070

Why would they care about this?

>> No.9571547

Can't you just uninstall it, disconnect from the internet, and reinstall it? I don't have a Switch so I'm not sure if they somehow wrote over the original game-on-chip/cartridge/disc or whatever it uses.

>> No.9572567

> Google famously told Apple "our vision is that we work as if we are one company"
They then tried to force Apple to start collecting data on users that Google wanted, only to gimp Google Maps in retaliation when Steve Jobs said no, leading to the “privacy” fight we’re still seeing to this day

>> No.9572608
File: 12 KB, 240x196, 1617720719280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>said the fag who bumped the thread that soon would have been gone from the retro board

>> No.9572613

Very retarded post.

>> No.9572629

DOSBOX huh, well I remember someone posting a guide to make that shit portable. I completely forgot where to find it though but once you set that up it becomes a lot less of a hassle to deal with when you forget what all your drives were.

>> No.9573349

how are you plugging a cartridge into your switch?

>> No.9574098

>an actual hoard
Probably not, cause he's just a talking piece. His Discord handle is GameHistoryOrg#5588 and is in the Bootleg Games Wiki Discord. He doesn't really say anything interesting, and most dumps over there are posted by other people on the forum.