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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9537740 No.9537740 [Reply] [Original]


2023 will be the year of Saturnchads

>> No.9537754
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based saturn enjoyer

>> No.9537758
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Saturn has no must-plays but no one wants to admit it and everyone gets salty when someone has the balls to call it out.

It's not a bad console and you should still play it but there is a harsh reality to face here.

>> No.9537762

its true, its got some neat jrpg titles tho, most of the action games are shit

>> No.9537768
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False, all good games are must plays and saturn has more than n64

>> No.9537792
File: 2.17 MB, 960x672, Bulk Slash.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, looks like without graphics Unreal is soulless.

>> No.9537812

Pretty game

>> No.9537820

Why must I play a 6/10 game

>> No.9537830

cool, looks worse than Quake 2 64 that came out 24 years ago.

>> No.9537835
File: 20 KB, 267x261, behind every picture PAYNE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't be determined if a game is a 6/10 until played. Ocarina of Time for example? 6/10.

>> No.9537906

that's amazing? how does this work?
would it be possible to do on ps1?

>> No.9538032

>Saturn has no must-plays
retard, like always

>> No.9538037

>cares about reviews

>> No.9538040

>that's amazing
>how does this work
>would it be possible to do on ps1
yes, ps1 and saturn are almost the same so it would work

>> No.9538402

>Anti-Saturn post has an image of Sonic.
>Anti-N64 and pro-Saturn post has an image of Mario.
2023 is wild. We truly are in the future.

>> No.9538481

Whenever I ask for a good Saturn game people recommend me an Arcade port that is better off played on MAME. Saturn has zero good original games. Meanwhile PS1 has about 100 original titles (not ports) that are must play games.

>> No.9538483

n64 was better

>> No.9538525

saturn rent free Lmao

>> No.9538528

>Saturn has zero good original games.
tell me ur retarded without telling me ur retarded

>> No.9538531

>n64 was better
at running a game at 2fps and with the lowest resolution possible. yes, quite a capable machine for that

>> No.9538534

Name 1

>> No.9538541

bulk slash

>> No.9538546

>gay weeb shit no one heard of or cares about
Good joke dude. Next you're gonna list some faggy jarpig or a mahjong game to prove me wrong. Yawn

>> No.9538565
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>asks for good game
>gives good game

here, now do ur work retard

>> No.9538569

also wing arms, pal and us version with better draw distance

>> No.9538574

>posts a infograph full of ports and gaybweeb shit
Yawn. It's all so tiring bros. I guess there was never a good original game

>> No.9538578

Honestly I can only see one worthwhile game in there and it's Saturn Bomberman.

>> No.9538580

sorry if you can't read and do basic research, must be hard being this retarded, I assume ur an americunt

>> No.9538583

look closer

>> No.9538584

It must be hard being a gay brown weeb. Your life must be full of suffering

>> No.9538595

>It must be hard being a gay brown weeb. Your life must be full of suffering
I'm a white european, whiter than ull ever be, anyways what type of game do you like so I can recomend you a good one on saturn so you can stfu

>> No.9538598

Kek youre probably some moorish med shitter

>> No.9538603

ok so what kind of game do you like

>> No.9538612

The lengths people will go through to validate a shitty platform is amazing, but it looks pretty nifty. I'm happy for you, fanbro.

>> No.9538614

>shitty platform
back go

>> No.9538616

Any games that had better versions on Saturn than PS1? I've heard Grandia and Mega Man 8

>> No.9538632

It had good games but you have to go through hell and 30 years of autistic research to make something like this for it. Sorry, fanfag! Sorry.

>> No.9538638

I like games that aren't on Saturn because I'm an irredeemable ignoramus

>> No.9538642

>making games on old platforms only needs light reading
lol, lmao even

>> No.9538643

>this butthurt
Games that are good

>> No.9538653

Can't be mad about the truth homieless

>> No.9538657

>recommends Daytona on Saturn
Did you even look at your own list?

>> No.9538662

>Games that are good
I gave you one you said it was weeb shit, I can't help with ur retardation

>> No.9538665
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>i-it wasn't an obtuse piece of shit that needs sperg dedication to squeeze kind-of-okay 3D graphics out of 30 years after the fact it was the BEST! People just didn't understand it, though they were able to effortlessly shit out better graphics out of the competing platforms. They just should have developed well into the 6th gen, then people would have seen the GLORY of Saturn!
Dude this guy made a neat thing but get a grip. It blew? Okay. It blew.

>> No.9538667

It's fun; What's your point?

>> No.9538669

let me guess, you got filtered by it?

>> No.9538671

Sega Rally, Panzer Dragoon, Xmen vs SF.

>> No.9538675

Not only that, he also recs the Saturn version of D, which is the absolute worse port. All they can rec is ports that are best played elsewhere

>> No.9538679

It's fucking shit especially if you were coming from the arcade experience.

>> No.9538680

I mean, I just recommended Aega Rally and Xmen vs SF which are worse ports. Still very playable games.

>> No.9538682
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This board is for the appreciation of antiquated hardware, apparently you disparage fans that dedicate themselves to things they care about. It's telling, really

>> No.9538683

I just said it was neat. It's an achievement. It's just not good hardware. That's what makes what he did impressive.

>> No.9538695

filtered zoomers my god

>> No.9538696

Not only did you not "just" say it was neat, you said it's a shitty platform. Why would you say it's a shitty platform if you also said it has good games?

Fuck it, I've never seen a thread here that didn't have a bunch of contrarianism simply because of how polarizing the system is. I'm gonna go play Saturn with my girl and you can have fun with whatever you're doing here.

>> No.9538698

It would be, and probably better. They'd do it differently though, and it would have its own platform specific drawbacks. Probably more warping, but probably more detail and less hacky alpha/mesh stuff overall. There wouldn't be that blocky tile by tile Saturn lighting. An N64 version with this amount of autism would be something to see.

>> No.9538701
File: 32 KB, 361x375, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be Sega
>release competitor to NES, it fails
>try to get leg up by releasing another console to compete with the NES, except this time with better graphics hinged on a meaningless tagline called "blast processing"
>forget Nintendo can do that too. they release an even better console and BTFO you again
>bright idea occurs
>do the same thing again, except this time don't even tell retailers and developers you're releasing a new console
>also give it multiple processors and a shit retarded design so you can say can use the blast processing ploy again and tell everyone it has "three 32 bit processors"
>release platform
>nobody even knows it exists because you didn't tell anybody
>nobody can develop games for it because you made it shit and also retarded as previously mentioned
>see other consoles leading the industry in 3D and innovative game experiences
>rebrand your super triple-processor god console as an arcade port machine for introverted nips that still go to arcades
>sell barely any units before dying a cuckold death and being replaced by yet another console 3 years later
>fast forward to the future
>one of of the 10 people who bought the console and can't let go of the past because they never had sex and still wears adult diapers decides to retroactively BTFO the competition by porting games to the platform so the other 9 people can play it
>it's less impressive than games which came out on the system 25 years earlier
>y-year of the Saturnchads bro

>> No.9538702

>It's just not good hardware
saturn is very capable

>> No.9538705

It is, though. It's a shitty hardware platform with good games. It was a pain to deal with and anyone who got good presentation out of it fucking STRAINED to do it. I don't know why this is hard to admit. People make amazing ZX stuff to this day but I'd hardly say it was good.

>> No.9538707

>rent free autist made a huge greentext
2023 is the best year ever

>> No.9538709

Yes, if you fucking marry it and lovingly craft something on the shoulders of decades of other autistic work, it can shine. Would you call that efficient?

>> No.9538715

thats why sega rally looks and plays good and vf2 runs at 60fps, just fuck off

>> No.9538717
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>another rent free autist reads the entire thing and posts salty reply

>> No.9538719

why do saturn homebrews make you so mad kek

>> No.9538720

Still fun, same framerate as wave race 64 and the best game of all time ocarina of all time.

>> No.9538724

Wowow 2 competitive games. Racing and one-on-one fighting, genres that are very easy to graphics-max on, especially the latter. Yes VF2 looked nice so what? So did Tekken 3. God I HATE FANS. Why can't you like something and admit its flaws you turd?

>> No.9538726

if you thought I was gonna read that shit

>> No.9538731

They don't, I'm just saying it's a shitty platform. I think that's why they choose it. It's a challenge to get impressive works out of. This wouldn't be nearly as impressive on N64 or PS1, but this guy can really say something on the Saturn.

>> No.9538734

y so mad, saturn is gud and tekken 3 doesn't run at 60fps

>> No.9538737

Why do you swear so much anon video games are supposed to be fun you gotta relax

>> No.9538738

idk why its a shitty platform but ok, rent free and good year

>> No.9538741
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God I love segapede threads, peak entertainment seeing turboautists screaming at eachother.

>> No.9538742

Mad doesn't equal wrong, I'm waiting for this stupid site to grow out of that fallacy. I'm not mad at the Saturn or this impressive work, I'm just saying what things are and frustrated that people can't accept that.

>> No.9538743
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>if you thought I was gonna read that shit
and you did

>> No.9538750

just read top and bottom text, and from that I knew the guy was retarded

>> No.9538753

maybe you are the retarded one, ever thought about that?

>> No.9538770
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All hardware is good because it all requires the struggle of creation. Again, the fact that hardware is antiquated is not a mark against it. The fact we're all here proves the exact opposite.

I really fail to see the point you're making. All hardware has its quirks, why do you need random online people to admit it's not perfect as if if you'd ever accept anyone else's testimony in the first place? Just play games and quit hassling people over nothing.

>> No.9538772

saturncunts are the misterfags of original hardware. Same delusional retardation, same insufferable douchebaggery

>> No.9538775
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lol nah you're just mad man. l8r.

>> No.9538782

Filtered at what? D on Saturn is the objectively worst port by every metric. Play some games

>> No.9538805

>talk about Daytona
>switch to D
Make up your mind. FMV games look like shit, the system makes no substantial difference. Just play what you like you insufferable egomaniac

>> No.9538808

Is this an actual port of the Unreal engine onto the Saturn or just a remake of it's content?

>> No.9538818

Everything on Saturn has to be custom built for it. This is a total conversion on a homebrew Saturn specific game engine.

>> No.9538820

You quoted someone talking about D you shiteating cuntrag. Fuckin retard

>> No.9538824

I see.
Still pretty impressive to be fair, wasn't trying to take any merit from it, was just curious about the technical aspects of it. I like Unreal a lot but I'm not very familiar with the Saturn.

>> No.9538838

Yeah because he switched to it. Nice reading comprehension buddy

>> No.9538858

>yuros in charge of reading comprehension and failing to follow threaded replies
This is always a great laff. Nice try Christos Papidildododos

>> No.9538861

came crying ona saturn thread, the sad state of /vr/

>> No.9538879

That's a funny way of admitting the topic shifted for no reason.

>> No.9538880

Two different anons. I loved my Saturn but I swapped my copy of daytona for Sega Rally. At the arcades I always chose daytona over Sega Rally. How this makes me filtered I will never know.

>> No.9538898

That's nice. Sega Rally on Saturn was great, but Daytona was still good. It's not the arcade version, sure, but that doesn't make the Saturn version any less playable.

I believe what he meant was, "the fact you couldn't enjoy it would indicate your inability to enjoy retro games". Which I agree. Filtered

>> No.9538909

>but Daytona was still good

>> No.9538976

>but Daytona was still good
So good they released it 3 separate times with each rerelease having other issues.

Do you also think PSX Xmen vs SF is a good game? Was I fiktered for not enjoying that as much as the arcade too?

>> No.9538990

You can't appreciate things for what they are, got it.

>> No.9539180 [DELETED] 

Nintendo won

>> No.9539285

>can't let go of the past
/vr/ - Retro Games

>> No.9539290

Not him but I’m a y2k zoomer and I used to bring a burnt cdr copy of Daytona USA for PC to school and play it during yearbook class. It’s great.

>> No.9540186

Why are you even here? Shouldn't you be accusing black people of raping your mom or something?

>> No.9540209

Are you speaking from life experience?

>> No.9540248
File: 70 KB, 780x470, sonic-2-movie-now-highest-grossing-domestic-video-game-film-adaptation-780x470-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went in fully expecting it to be better than PS1 and was surprised at how small the library is. Even the "good" games are just okay.

>Anti-Saturn post has an image of Sonic.
Maybe because Saturn has no real Sonic game, also I don't think that anon is anti-Saturn, it's just not as good as other SEGA consoles imo

>> No.9540582

That's not Unreal it's some recreation that has nothing to do with the groundbreaking Unreal engine.

>> No.9540586 [DELETED] 

ok tranny

>> No.9540587

its still groundbreaking

>> No.9540679

How did this place go from a board about playing video games to a board about finding reasons to not play video games? What's fun about that?

>> No.9540750

I played the demo by burning a disc and using a Pseudo Saturn not bad,lag a bit in places and had figure out how to switch things, crash like twice or just too lazy wait on it to load but overall awesome stuff and was fun to mess around with.

>> No.9540752

ask the seethers

>> No.9540775

How is this even possible? Didn't Saturn have shit specs?

>> No.9540782

/vr/ is filled with ignorant tards, thus the misconception, the saturn is pretty powerful compared to other 32bit consoles

>> No.9540796

Jesus Christ this thread, can we just appreciate there's impressive homebrew being made for an almost 30 year old console that is known for being hard to code on?

>> No.9540803

>Jesus Christ this thread, can we just appreciate there's impressive homebrew being made for an almost 30 year old console that is known for being hard to code on?

>> No.9540813

Aight fair enough, I haven't seen this much seetheposting on vr, not as bad v I suppose...

>> No.9540819

It looks so Saturn-y.

>> No.9540828

EGM would have given this a 7 out of 10.
They would have called it "grainy" and bitched about the downgrade.

>> No.9541442

And that's a good thing

>> No.9541460

Well I think it's pretty neat. I also enjoy playing Unreal on my Dreamcast though.

>> No.9541486

Panzer Dragoon 2 Zwei
Dragon Force
Shining Force III
Darius Gaiden

Fuck you, white boy

>> No.9541493

>name one good saturn game
>anon gives one
>well I've never heard of it so it must be shit
It's SO fucking tiring.

>> No.9541540

Crimewave, mk3, road rage, crusader, all the arcade imports

>> No.9541547

You can hdmi mod it now

Still only has those 5 ok and 3 fun games though

>> No.9541728
File: 201 KB, 256x356, Sonic_the_Hedgehog_Chaos_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, I wasn't really that impressed with Zwei. Saga is probably the better game but I haven't played it yet. Dragon Force and Shining Force III I've heard good things about but then they're also irrelevant if you don't care for (or don't have the time to invest in) the Strategy RPG genre. Darius Gaiden I guess but there are better shmups on it like Hyper Duel, and even then PS1 has Cotton 100%, Harmful Park, and Einhander.

>> No.9541756

I watched a video of this show from the UK called GamesMasters "reviewing" Sonic CD and they complained that there was nothing new in it and that the only exciting thing about it were the special stages which they called a Super Mario Kart ripoff.

These shitheads didn't even play the game enough to note that it literally had time travel gameplay mechanics and they complained that there was nothing new.

Reviewers have always been garbage.

>> No.9542146


it's why saturn fanboys fight with n64 fags but they don't dare call out the playstation

don't forget the whole "saturn was popular in japan" meme, when the system stopped getting any real games in japan after 1998

>> No.9542150

/v/ found the place and steadily corrupted it.

>> No.9542662

So this is /vr/'s Saturn thread?
Never had one and decided to just buy one with a supposedly dead CD drive. What ODE should I use? From what the serial number says, it's supposedly a 21 pin.

>> No.9542665

Fenrir and satiator stinks

>> No.9542669


>> No.9542692

Why? That shit was on TGFX16 too and I never saw the appeal of it there either. Go play the paper-rock-scissors porn game instead on Saturn.

>> No.9542749
File: 83 KB, 1199x1200, IMG_20191215_124725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard can't enjoy the simplicity of Bomberman
Must be hard being disabled.

>> No.9542751

>doesn't even appear in the archive
lol what was it

>> No.9542836

Fenrir duo, they're pretty cheap but take forever to ship out

>> No.9542907

>don't forget the whole "saturn was popular in japan" meme, when the system stopped getting any real games in japan after 1998
That's because they dropped support for it immediately after the Dreamcast came out, much to the annoyance of a lot of developers and consumers. It's part of why the Dreamcast didn't really take off in Japan and why it didn't really get the same level of third party support that the Saturn got in Japan.

The truth of the matter is that the Saturn actually was doing well in Japan. The system had outsold the N64 in both hardware and software. While the N64 had more first party titles breaking 1 million, it's sales fell off a cliff once you got outside of that. While on the Saturn third party titles were actually selling fairly well in Japan. It was enough that it was turning heads of companies like Konami to start testing the waters with ports of big name PS1 games like Suikoden, Vandal Hearts, and Symphony of the Night, with Metal Gear Solid apparently being looked into. But then Sega abruptly pulled the plug on it once the Dreamcast came out.

>> No.9542914

>vasectomy software
uhh saturn bros?

>> No.9542934

What are some Saturn games I should try out?

>> No.9542957

>The truth of the matter is that the Saturn actually was doing well in Japan.

No, it wasn't. They were losing billions of yen on making the console, and the only title that sold good was Virtua Fighter and maybe Sakura Taisen. Saturn had too poor of a software attach rate to do well. It outsold the N64 for one quarter in a 4 year period, while the PS1 outsold both consoles combined five times over.

Saturn was doing shit in all markets, it was just doing slightly less shit in Japan (where they didn't have Bernie Stolar and consequently actually released more than five games for it).

>> No.9543008

Come on now, the Saturn might not be the best but it's definitely better than the Master System, Game Gear, 32X and Sega CD.

>> No.9543009

>They were losing billions of yen on making the console
No they weren't. The losses on hardware pretty much stopped by around 1996 when the Model 2 system came out. At launch they were losing about $100 per system, which is the same loss Sony was taking on the PS1. But as RAM prices fell and the hardware was more consolidated it got a lot cheaper to produce. The massive loss people post graphs showing is from the fact that Sega of Japan wrote off a bunch of unsold Genesis inventory that was sitting at Sega of America which lowered the perceived value of the US Branch as that inventory was being marked on financials as assets.
>the only title that sold good was Virtua Fighter and maybe Sakura Taisen.
You think that having 5 games selling over 1 Million means N64 sold more software? You're not looking at the big picture. When you look at the actual sales data you see that Saturn had a lot more games selling well and charting in the weekly sales charts. This site documents all the Famitsu sales charts of the era. And it shows that Saturn had a lot more games charting over it's run than the N64 did.

And from official shipped numbers from Nintendo, and Sega's FY98 report we know that N64 sold about 39 Million games in Japan, and Saturn sold close to around 54 Million games in Japan. It outsold the N64 in both hardware and software.

>Saturn had too poor of a software attach rate to do well.
From Sega's FY98 report they had sold 8.8 Million Saturn's worldwide, and 80 Million Saturn games worldwide. That would put the worldwide attach rate at ~9:1. The Japanese attach rate was probably higher than that as that average is being pulled down by the systems poor western performance. N64's attach rate by comparison was about 6-7:1.

>It outsold the N64 for one quarter in a 4 year period
It outsold the N64 while it was actively being supported.

>> No.9543019


>> No.9543103

>source: my ass

>> No.9543126

The source was actual sales data, fiscal year reports, interviews from the hardware engineers, etc. But keep telling yourself it's made up if that helps you stay in your delusion longer.

>> No.9543139

>The source was actual sales data, fiscal year reports, interviews from the hardware engineers, etc

and not one link to either that could support your claim.

>> No.9543160

>based on Quake engine, long avaliable on Saturn, no original code used

>> No.9543173

The link is here:

Actually use the tool to search each console's Famitsu chart data. Yes N64 has some heavy hitters at the top, but once you get out of the top 20 or so it falls off a cliff in sales. Compare major third parties directly and it's comical how much the same companies games sold better on Saturn.

Sega's FY98 report is a simple google search away for you. Same with the interviews with Sega and Sony's hardware engineers that talk about how much the system's cost to produce.

It's not based on the Quake Engine. It's a brand new custom engine the homebrew developer made.

>> No.9543217

>Sega of Japan was posting massive home consumer losses because Sega of America had surplus inventory
Please don't talk about business dealings and financial reports until you've done something in your life besides play video games and watch anime. I'll just ignore that the surplus inventory wasn't even written off but sold to Majesco to be rebranded as a Genesis 3, and that it outsold the Saturn the same year worldwide.

>> No.9543228

It’s still dumb though but I have better Saturn games to play like:
- those Gundam side-story series
- Metal Black
- Resident Evil
- Ogre Battle
- The Yakyuuken Special: Konya wa 12-kaisen; the previously mentioned paper-rock-scissor porn game (those girls are in their mid-40s now!)
- Quovadis 2
- SoTN
- Bulk Slash - Corpse Killer (so I can jerk off to that blonde)
- Daytona USA
- Deep Fear
- Gungriffon
- Galactic Attack
- Herc’s Adventures
- Real Bout Garou Densetsu Special

>yes, I’m a loser doomer coomer but at least I have the SATURN

>> No.9543231

Amerifag opinion.

>> No.9543254

>Please don't talk about business dealings and financial reports until you've done something in your life besides play video games and watch anime.
I didn't say the loss was due to surplus inventory, I said the loss was because Sega of America's value was re-evaluated after Kalinske stepped down and excess inventory was liquidated. Basically Sega of America was doing shit that made them look like they were doing better than they actually were, and the shit finally hit the fan after Kalinske stepped down.

It's all mentioned in interviews, newspaper articles, and the FY98 report.
> I'll just ignore that the surplus inventory wasn't even written off but sold to Majesco to be rebranded as a Genesis 3
Unsold Genesis 2 systems couldn't have been rebranded as a Genesis 3, the boards are completely different and don't fit in the other case. And Majesco produced carts are significantly lower quality than the original carts produced. So no, it wasn't sold to Majesco. That deal came about in 1998, this write off happened in 1997. If you were alive back then you'd remember when suddenly a bunch of Genesis games started hitting the market dirt cheap. It's also why some games that were overproduced were really common to find cases of sealed on places like eBay back in the late 90s and early 2000s.

This has been well documented for years on the Japanese side in newspaper articles, interviews, etc. from the time. It wasn't really known by those who didn't read them outside of Japan due to obvious reasons. Lately they've been translated.

> that it outsold the Saturn the same year worldwide.
The Genesis 3 came out in 1998 when the Saturn was being discontinued and production halted for the Dreamcast. It wouldn't be that hard to outsell it hardware wise across 3 regions combined. But we were talking about Saturn vs N64 in Japan. But I guess you have to move the goal posts when the sales data doesn't back up your original claims.

>> No.9543287

>I didn't say the loss was due to surplus inventory, I said the loss was because Sega of America's value was re-evaluated after Kalinske stepped down and excess inventory was liquidated.
Are you mentally retarded? I'm not even going to waste my time reading past this.

>> No.9543309

I thought Homebrews were nearly impossible for the Saturn because of the nature of its hardware?
Good lord this is insane.

>> No.9543323

>The link is here:
That's just a sign-in form.

Yeah and the CD32 was the best selling CD based console in 1993 in the UK, but it still didn't matter because it sold like dog shit worldwide. Just like the Saturn. Commodore folded shortly after. Just like Sega.

>> No.9543336

>Are you mentally retarded?
Are you? Do you not understand the key factor here? Sega of America was producing Genesis games and Systems like it was still 1992 well into 1996. And on top of it they were including that unsold inventory that was piling up in warehouses as assets in their financials. When Shoichiro Irimajiri took over as CEO of Sega of America after Kalinske he quickly realized how mismananged the US branch was and how much the financials were being misrepresented. One of the first things he did was fix all that. That resulted in things that were being included as assets in Sega of America's financials to suddenly no longer be there as they were written off as what they actually were, losses. This is what caused the large loss that was reported in the FY98 report. It's all there in the first 2 pages:

>> No.9543352
File: 1.63 MB, 360x270, 1619899243311.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the shiturn apologists cope on this thread.

>> No.9543353

You don't report assets as profit in financial reports. You have literally no idea how finances, profit margins, or even basic income reporting for businesses work, and you act like it's a tax return. Please just shut up and try to save what little face you can.

>> No.9543361
File: 160 KB, 987x919, FamitsuDataSearch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's just a sign-in form.
I'm sorry your browser is broken? If you let it load you should get a page like pic related.
>Yeah and the CD32 was the best selling CD based console in 1993 in the UK, but it still didn't matter because it sold like dog shit worldwide. Just like the Saturn. Commodore folded shortly after. Just like Sega.

We were talking about the Japanese Market though, and looking at software sales the Saturn actually did have a healthy market going. Sure it was 2nd place, but it was a solid 2nd place. It only really dies off abruptly due to Sega rushing out the Dreamcast due to Sega of America completely failing to sell the Saturn. According to Famitsu chart data the Saturn software sales per year were as follows:

1994: 396,667
1995: 10,155,416
1996: 11,409,935
1997: 8,042,930
1998: 5,002,771

That's not bad at all and was actually on par with the PS1 for the first few years until FF7 came out. N64's best year in Japan on the other hand only saw about 7 Million games sold. Going off of just the Famitsu chart data Saturn sold about 35 Million games, N64 sold about 24 Million.

>> No.9543373
File: 21 KB, 397x285, FY98Losses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You don't report assets as profit in financial reports.
I didn't say they were reported as profits. I said the assets were written off and Sega of America's value was re-evaluated as significantly lower than it was. That resulted in Sega's net worth going down significantly that year, which resulted in an overall loss. It's again right there in the first 2 pages of the FY98 report.

>> No.9543374

>This has been well documented for years on the Japanese side in newspaper articles, interviews, etc. from the time. It wasn't really known by those who didn't read them outside of Japan due to obvious reasons. Lately they've been translated.
Damn pretty insane that Sega was able to openly report on how the Saturn was actually a huge success and they were losing money to the point of near bankruptcy during those years only because America, and yet no one anywhere in the world who covers the financial side of this multi-billion dollar company ever found out about it until some weeb translated a near 35 year old video game magazine article.

>> No.9543375

>Damn pretty insane that Sega was able to openly report on how the Saturn was actually a huge success and they were losing money to the point of near bankruptcy during those years only because America, and yet no one anywhere in the world who covers the financial side of this multi-billion dollar company ever found out about it until some weeb translated a near 35 year old video game magazine article.
It do be like that sometimes.

>> No.9543384

You'd be surprised how much people will cling to old interviews on Sega-16 that don't hold up to scrutiny over the years.

>> No.9543385

>I didn't say they were reported as profits. I said the assets were written off and Sega of America's value was re-evaluated as significantly lower than it was.
Literal mental retardation.
Also your picture literally says nothing except they have dead inventory they're clearing for the Dreamcast launch. i.e. Saturn back stock that isn't being moved

>> No.9543397
File: 61 KB, 428x442, TooMuchEmphasisOnGenesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They later go on to mention that they loss was due to them putting to much emphasis on the Genesis and not transitioning to the Saturn effectively. The excess inventory was Genesis related. Go read the report.

>> No.9543413

Where in this image is anything about excess Genesis inventory mentioned? It simply states they had a successful product, and counted on the Saturn continuing that, but did not understand what made the Genesis successful and failed to transition the fanbase to the new console.
Are you an actual schizo?

>> No.9543428

>We placed too much emphasis on the then existing market and formulated what turned out to be an ineffective strategy.
The existing market they are talking about was the Genesis market in 1994. They put too much emphasis on that thinking it would still keep going and didn't effectively transition to the Saturn in the US.

>> No.9543439

>formulated what turned out to be an ineffective strategy for making the transition from the Genesis to the Saturn
This is directly from the image you posted. Nothing about phantom back stock, nothing about riding the Genesis too long. They're just admitting they fucked up making anyone want a Saturn, and that it failed. Stop making things up in your head

>> No.9543465

The ineffective strategy was putting too much emphasis on the existing market (Genesis) instead of transitioning to the Saturn. Remember, part of this emphasis on the Genesis also includes shit like the 32X.

Do you not remember the massive dump of Genesis, 32X, and Sega CD games into bargain retailers that happened around this time? Did you ever wonder why for the longest time it was really easy to get new old stock of Genesis, Sega CD, and 32X stuff for the longest time online? You used to be able to hop on ebay and get sealed copies of late Genesis releases like Shining Force II really easily because Sega printed way too many of them.

It wasn't Saturn inventory being dumped and liquidated in the US at this time, that wouldn't come until the following year when they were getting ready for the US Dreamcast launch in fall of 1999.

>> No.9543468

>We were talking about the Japanese Market though

Whatever fits your narrative, retard.

Here's the reality: in the USA the N64 outsold the Saturn 20 to 1 though. Worldwide, 10 to 1. Playstation 1 outsold both if them combined on every region.

>> No.9543476

>Do you not remember the massive dump of Genesis, 32X, and Sega CD games into bargain retailers that happened around this time?

snes carts were in bargain bins a few years later too, doesn't mean they were written off.

>> No.9543478

>Whatever fits your narrative, retard.
It wasn't my narrative. I was replying to the person who said it was a meme that Saturn did well in Japan. Which it's not a meme, it did legitimately do well in Japan and sold a lot of software for both first and third party devs. I wasn't denying it did poorly outside of Japan.

>> No.9543479

>snes carts were in bargain bins a few years later too, doesn't mean they were written off.
But not to this kind of massive extent, and not for major big name titles that were still available as new old stock for years later on online retailers.

>> No.9543490

>The ineffective strategy was putting too much emphasis on the existing market (Genesis) instead of transitioning to the Saturn.
No, this is just what you pulled out your ass, just like the phantom back inventory that you also have no source for. What you posted outright says they failed at making people want to transition from the Genesis to Saturn
Saturn inventory was in every bargain bin for YEARS at the few retailers who stocked it because no one wanted it. You could walk into EB Games and get Saturn games for $5-10 all the way up into the early 2000s. And Sega themselves was giving away games, massively slashing prices, and doing 3for1 bundles just to clear stock for the Dreamcast. This is how they finally moved a million units of the console in NA

>> No.9543492

It's an arcade port wonderland. Any PlayStation counterparts are usually better on Saturn as well.

>> No.9543770

>No, this is just what you pulled out your ass, just like the phantom back inventory that you also have no source for.
Here's a translated Japanese article from 1996 pointing out how the 16-bit market was imploding:


Hardware was selling, but games weren't. Sega isn't the only one mentioned to be expecting a loss, but they are expecting one of the biggest ones. Nakayama points out that they were able to sell off a good bit of 16-bit console inventory, but not the games. It then goes on to detail how the plan going forward in the next year is to try and get rid of that inventory, and continuing to reduce the size of Sega of America. The next year was FY98. Connect the dots.

>What you posted outright says they failed at making people want to transition from the Genesis to Saturn
Because they put too much emphasis on the Genesis market. That too much emphasis was in things like the 32X, printing too many games, etc.

> And Sega themselves was giving away games, massively slashing prices, and doing 3for1 bundles just to clear stock for the Dreamcast.

The 3 Free Games deal happened in 1996, Dreamcast prep started in late 1997 and early 1998 for Japan, and 1998 into 1999 for the US. So that deal wasn't related to the Dreamcast. It was Nakayama's last ditch effort to get the console to sell in the US.

>> No.9543957

>Any PlayStation counterparts are usually better on Saturn as well

the differences were usual extremely minor, saturnfags overrate most of the ports

it's not like comparing arcade ports on the genesis vs the pc engine, where there were definitive preferred ports on one system over the other

>> No.9543970

The differences can be significant (thunder force 5, street fighter vs xmen) or minimal (mega man x4, 8) but it usually leans on saturn versions of 2D games being better overall. In the significant differences category it can change how much you enjoy it, in the minimal category it's usually neat differences. Sometimes it's really worth hunting down the better version in say the case of PowerSlave, it's outright superior on Saturn. As is Mass Destruction which runs at 60fps on Saturn but 30 on PS1. Other cases it can be down to preference or playstation being the clear winner.

>> No.9543986

>thunder force 5
This one is actually significantly better on playstation. The framerate is way more stable. On top of that, the Saturn version also gets sprite flickering on the highest difficulties when too much is on screen.

Plus it also has more cutscenes that tie together the levels a lot better.

>> No.9543995

>This one is actually significantly better on playstation
It's significantly uglier too, it's a little insane how much worse it looks.

>> No.9544057

>It's significantly uglier too, it's a little insane how much worse it looks.
No it's not. It's basically just losing a bit of fidelity in the backgrounds, and like two levels are missing a semi-hidden scroll field. During the action, all you notice is that some colors are different. And the better framerate makes up for that a lot.

>> No.9544324

What's even the best Saturn game? Super Tempo? Pansy Fagoon? Name one neurotypical person that claims the Saturd is worth a shit.

>> No.9544331


>> No.9544339

Psx thunderforce 5 looks like a dog turd

>> No.9546042

another saturn thread, another pissing contest.

>> No.9546071


>> No.9546214

What's even the point of posts like these?

Lots of people enjoy all the early 3d systems and yet here you are just posting diarrhea.

>> No.9546382
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I find this to be true as well

The 2D rule doesn't even work because then you have games like Symphony of the Night and Rayman which are a bit better on PS1.

Saturn cost them a lot more money and damaged consumer trust more than the optional add-ons. More Genesis is exactly what we wanted in the west, Saturn is what we got. They should've just left it in Japan and continued to make great Sonic and SEGA games on the Genesis and SEGA CD.

>> No.9546415

Better than 32X I suppose, but I can find more solid titles in SEGA CD's small library than Saturn's, which is mostly populated by arcade ports and mahjong games anyway. It's not a bad system but by no means my favorite or second favorite SEGA console.

>> No.9546504

>The 2D rule doesn't even work because then you have games like Symphony of the Night and Rayman which are a bit better on PS1.
Why respond with this pointless statement

>> No.9546586

>Rayman which are a bit better on PS1.
they are the same you retard, just minore level changes

>> No.9546616

the 2d rule only works for two type of games:
- they use a ton of animation frames, Saturn is better because more RAM
- they heavily use 2d background effects, which Saturn has a specific chip for (also saving some RAM)

Anything else, and the Saturn does not have an advantage in 2D. If a game abuses sprite effects and sprite transparency, the Saturn even has a disadvantage, because it can't mix those effects with the backgrounds.

So the Saturn does archaic stuff like CPS2 and MVS ports better due to memory, Taito F3 ports better due to hardware scroll effects. But more advanced games like Castlevania or even Disney's Hercules or Skullmonkeys would be significantly worse on Saturn.

>> No.9547971

literally looks like a gameboy game and you know saturnkeks will worship it as the second coming of christ

>> No.9547973 [DELETED] 

yeah because it looks like fucking shit and has been downgraded in conceivable every way.

>> No.9547975

yeah because it looks like fucking shit and has been downgraded in every conceivable way.

>> No.9548094

cry more while saturnchads get new games

>> No.9548101

They’re so pathetic.

>> No.9548110

That’s really cool if you’re a Saturn user. Playing through Gold right now, so not much point for me but if you love Saturn, that would be an awesome port.

>> No.9548141

>Saturn cost them a lot more money and damaged consumer trust more than the optional add-ons.
The 32X did far more damage to consumer trust. It went from design to on store shelves in under a year after Saturn was pretty much finalized (it's design phase started the week Saturn was announced at CES in the west). It was a complete waste of time and resources and came at the cost of taking those same resources away from prepping the Saturn for a US launch.

As for cost, Saturn only cost maybe $40 more than the PS1 to produce at launch. The cost argument is completely overblown when you look at the actual facts.
> More Genesis is exactly what we wanted in the west
Except the sales data doesn't back that up at all. The 16-bit market was collapsing rapidly and was being reported as such in 1995 and 1996. Just about every major Japanese developer was reporting losses in the west on 16-bit software sales because it was drying up. Pointing to a few outliers doesn't change this fact.

>They should've just left it in Japan and continued to make great Sonic and SEGA games on the Genesis and SEGA CD.
That's exactly what they tried at first only they also included the 32X as their next gen system. That failed miserably out the gate and resulted in them panic launching the Saturn in May to try and sweep 32X under the rug.

>> No.9548145
File: 1.21 MB, 310x314, 1623456465611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fucking Saturn thread you got here fags. Even after so many years you're still as bad as /v/.

>> No.9548148

The other 32bit consoles being the 3do, jaguar, cd32...

>> No.9548157

>Except the sales data doesn't back that up at all. The 16-bit market was collapsing rapidly and was being reported as such in 1995 and 1996.

Because they never bothered doing big games on it by that time, I think the only notable titles were Yoshi's Island. Chrono Trigger too but that was very early in 1995. Genesis had... Comix Zone and Vectorman and the complete joke that was Sonic 3D?
Well, the Ultimate MK3 16-bit ports were pretty decent for what it is worth, they added a lot of extra content (Rain was playable for the first time, Noob Saibot got a complete move list, etc).

>> No.9548165

...the ps the n64. the jaguar isnt 32 btw

>> No.9548170

>Even after so many years you're still as bad as /v/.
you mean the n64 coping faggot sperging in every thread?

>> No.9548175

it wasn't stronger than the ps1 and n64, and the jaguar was technically 32-bit (marketed as 64-bit, but so was the Saturn).

>> No.9548176

Source: my ass.

Please name these 100 must play titles for the psx

>> No.9548184

>Because they never bothered doing big games on it by that time.
But they were. They pumped out just as many Genesis games in 1995 as they did in 1994. They weren't selling. Even in 1994 things were starting to dry up. Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles combined didn't even come to a 1/3 of what Sonic 2 sold.
>I think the only notable titles were Yoshi's Island.
Which didn't sell well at all. Yoshi's Island sold about 4 Million total over it's entire lifespan world wide. About 2 Million of that was in Japan. Those are not good numbers to justify sticking with the Genesis.People love to point to Donkey Kong Country, but when you look at the sequels in 1995 and 1996 the sales nose dive dramatically. The 16-bit market was done by late 1995.

The only reason Nintendo didn't ditch the SNES for the N64 in 1995 as well was because their hands were tied by SGI being unable to meet demand for chips.

>> No.9548198

>it wasn't stronger than the ps1
yes it was retard, go learn more about consoles

>> No.9548253

>They weren't selling.
they were multiplatform shit. of course they didn't sell.

>Sonic 3 and Sonic and Knuckles combined didn't even come to a 1/3 of what Sonic 2 sold.
Sonic 2 was bundled with the console.

>Which didn't sell well at all. Yoshi's Island sold about 4 Million total over it's entire lifespan world wide

4 million was considered "not selling well", ok...

>> No.9548434

>they were multiplatform shit. of course they didn't sell.
I said Sega themselves put out the same amount of Genesis games in 1995 as they did in 1994. That's not third party devs, that's first party releases from Sega. That's exclusives, not multi-platform shit.
>Sonic 2 was bundled with the console.
So was Sonic 3 and so was Sonic and Knuckles. Both barely broke over a million sold. That's not even a quarter of what it's predecessor sold and not even close to what Donkey Kong Country sold on the SNES the same year. The 16-bit market was drying up, and it was happening faster on the Genesis.
>4 million was considered "not selling well", ok...
For the entire world those aren't good numbers. Especially when you consider that half of that was Japan. Meaning the remaining half was split between the US and all other regions. That's really bad especially when you're trying to make the argument that the 16-bit market was still alive and kicking in the west.

>> No.9548582

>I said Sega themselves put out the same amount of Genesis games in 1995 as they did in 1994. That's not third party devs, that's first party releases from Sega. That's exclusives, not multi-platform shit.
first party releases are only a drop in total sales, it's why the Saturn and Dreamcast both failed, because third parties dropped it fast.

>So was Sonic 3 and so was Sonic and Knuckles. Both barely broke over a million sold.
because they both fucking sucked. they were both worse than sonic 2 on their own, you had to buy BOTH games to get a title as big as / good as sonic 2 was.
I'm surprised Knuckles even managed to sell that much, after the travesty that sonic 3 was.

>The 16-bit market was drying up, and it was happening faster on the Genesis.
sega was not releasing any good games by that time. look at any gaming magazine, they all agree that the genesis isn't getting any good shit while the SNES is getting better and better titles.

>For the entire world those aren't good numbers.
no, they are great numbers, especially for 1995. Final Fantasy VII in 1998 was considered top of the world tier with 7 million in sales (AT THE TIME). Yoshi's Island selling 4 million, as a non pack-in game, on an older system, on a more expensive cartridge, is a fucking great number.

this whole "the entire 16-bit market was dying" is just another retarded narrative sega fans thought up to explain why sega started fucking failing. here's the reality: they failed because they were never any good. they had some brief success with Kalinske at the helm, and they became has-beens directly afterwards.

>> No.9548629

>makes saturn thread
>all is good
>seethers come
>shit up the thread
>they go back to /v/
>its all good again
>they come back
and so on, didn't know the saturn was a coping machine

>> No.9548636

saturn has the biggest shitposters from insecure n64 fanboys to autistic MAMEseethers to cubekiddie whatifers

>> No.9548667

>first party releases are only a drop in total sales, it's why the Saturn and Dreamcast both failed, because third parties dropped it fast.
The third party stuff wasn't selling either. Companies like Konami, Capcom, EA, Acclaim, etc. were all pumping out 16-bit titles, yet they were all posting losses on software sales because the software wasn't selling at the numbers they previously were selling at.
>because they both fucking sucked.
Not according to reviews and fan opinion. Why do you think there was so much fuss about it not being included in compilations for so long?
>sega was not releasing any good games by that time.
Then explain why Capcom, Konami, and even Nintendo were all reporting losses due to the same situation:
>no, they are great numbers, especially for 1995. Final Fantasy VII in 1998 was considered top of the world tier with 7 million in sales (AT THE TIME)
Ok so we're going to compare Yoshi's Island's entire life time sales to a snapshot of FF7's sales now? That 4 Million number is the total life time sales number. And half of that is Japan. If we're going to do the same comparison for FF7 then we should compare it's total lifetime sales which is close to 14 Million, with about 3-4 million or so being in Japan. The rest was the US and Europe. We can even compare to SNES titles from a year prior and see they also sold significantly more than Yoshi's island.
>this whole "the entire 16-bit market was dying" is just another retarded narrative sega fans thought up to explain why sega started fucking failing
No, it's the actual reality when we look at actual data from the time period.

>> No.9548674

It's almost always the insecure N64 fanboys. For some reason they just can't stand the idea of people liking the Saturn.

>> No.9548879

this, wtf is wrong with them

>> No.9548889

you can't debate N64 vs PS1 because even if the N64 was better, PS1 fags can just pull the sales card and BTFO any argument. the Saturn however, is the retarded kid that the slightly less retarded kid can pick on.

>> No.9548954

heres the retard i was talking about

>> No.9549003

look man, humans like rivalries. countries, sports teams, Team Damon vs Team Stefan, you know how it is. people like to wave flags and yell at each other. video games are no exception. you can pretend you don't like arguing about it, but you'd be lying. you like shitflinging as much as anybody else. you just don't like when the shit is flying in your direction, and let's face it, the Saturn is a really easy target to throw shit at because it's a piece of fucking diarrhea that only sold 9m units. so yeah, i'm gonna make fun of it.

>> No.9549008

>Ok so we're going to compare Yoshi's Island's entire life time sales to a snapshot of FF7's sales now?

no, I don't give a shit how much FF7 sold, I was trying to illustrate that 7 million sales in 1998 was considered a "worldwide phenomenon" category. Which would make 4 million sales in 1995 an extremely good result.

>> No.9549017

look retard, this is a saturn thread, about a saturn game, for the saturn, its not a UH THIZ BETTER THAN THIZ thread, its not even a BEST GAME EVER thread, so why don't you go back, try to cure ur saturn rent free and leave us alone

>> No.9549061

>4 million sales worldwide is bad
>Saturn has 1 (one) game that sold even a million, and it spent the last year and a half as a pack in game
lmao. I literally don't understand these threads. There's always some weeb in them trying desperately to pretend the Saturn wasnt a total failure. "it was old genesis stock! it was americas fault! it was only losing 1 to 4 in Japan as opposed to Nintendo's 1 to 5!"
The console is a failure. It bankrupted the company, it had terrible public and critical reception, and no one has ever given a shit about it even to this day except scalpers and weeb contrarians. It's an arcade port machine that has no applicable use in 2023 when any shitbox PC can run MAME perfectly, and a dumping ground for a bunch of extremely niche C tier and lower jap games that have better in genre releases on the PS1. It's been almost 30 years since the console came out, stop trying to convince everyone the delusional reality you live in is real, it won't happen.

>> No.9549075

I mean it has its flaws...but at least it has more games and variety than the Nintendo 64.

>> No.9549097

9m units lol

>> No.9549105

I still like it, its a neat little console, has a lot of fun arcade games that look great through proper cables and has the better steet fighter ports of the generation. I don't get the adamant hate of the console on this thread, just seems out of spite.

>> No.9549119

Only sane poster itt

>> No.9549125

>No must plays
Burning Rangers
Radiant Silvergun
Panzer dragoon

>> No.9549205

Sonic 2 was also better than s3&k.

>> No.9549212

sega saturn sux

>> No.9549296

>Sonic 2 was also better than s3&k.

Well yeah, obviously.

>> No.9549310

To be fair, the N64 is a piece of dogshit with a single digit amount of games. It's literally the biggest joke of the 3D era, not only did Nintendo make some big fucking turds (lmao pokemon cash ins and mario shovelware) but the games are impossible to go back to due to how shitty they are when removed from nostalgia.

Problem is mods pick a side in these arguments and it's not on the side of good games (saturn, playstation.)

>> No.9549346
File: 486 KB, 280x220, 1673033479616218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very interesting... very intersting. so basically, what you're saying here is that the N64, despite having half as many games as the Saturn... outsold it 3:1? almost as if to suggest that the N64's games were so much better that having half as many of them didn't matter. almost as if... the Saturn, was a piece of diarrhea? please note that while diarrhea may not normally be divisible into "pieces", this is still an accurate representation of the Saturn and its place in the mid-late 90s console market.

>> No.9549360

Nice selfie, didn't read the post btw

>> No.9549368

Didn't have to exterminate him like this, anon.

>> No.9549389

she mad

>> No.9550218

There has to be less than 10 people that own the Shiturn because I seriously refuse to accept the idea there's more than 10 samefags over 20 years of this site's existence shitting themselves every attosecond whenever people call out what the Shaturn for what it was and had to its name. This happens every damn thread pertaining Saturn in it, no matter the time or place.

>> No.9550301

what the fuck are you even complaining about?
you can play saturn games you like the look of and play ps1 games you like the look of, you arent limited to buying one console like its fucking 1996
and if you dont like the look of any saturn games dont play them you retard, do you not have a brain?

>> No.9550316

but there are no saturn exclusive games worth playing. Unlike the n64, we had dozens of 10/10 GOAT exclusives

>> No.9550542

saturn is still getting new games, and this makes them mad

>> No.9550612

I know this is bait but dozens is a huge stretch, there only like 12-16 must plays on the n64. And If I want to be really fickle, telling someone to name non Nintendo or rare games on N64 leaves people at a huge blank for games. I can only name sin and punishment, mischief makers and I guess the Bomberman platformers if you like that genre

>> No.9550752

i wouldnt call it a stretch. there are easily 24-36 really, really good games on the 64 and several others of differing quality. the nintendo, rare, id and midway games alone comprise a 2 dozen or so.

>> No.9550764

I like this chunky fuzziness. Makes me feel warm inside looking at it.

>> No.9551491

>would it be possible to do on ps1?
It would be, but noone would bother because only the SNES and Saturn seem to have these hardcore fans

>> No.9551532

Thunder Force V, Power Slave, Layer Section, Strikers 1945, Resident Evil, Wolf Fang, Donpachi, Policenauts, Mass Destruction, Duke Nukem 3D, Ogre Battle, Vandal Hearts, every Capcom fighter and SotN patched

>> No.9553161
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, unreal waterfall easteregg.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a new easter egg has just been found 25 years after release

>> No.9553662
File: 52 KB, 592x673, FQCafiWWUAISM0m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturn has more 3D homebrew games than the Dreamcast

>More Genesis is exactly what we wanted in the west, Saturn is what we got. They should've just left it in Japan and continued to make great Sonic and SEGA games on the Genesis and SEGA CD.
Honest question, what causes mutts in particular to be like this?

>> No.9553676

The Dreamcast is extremely overrated and no one actually likes it.

>> No.9553715

if you dont think any of the games are worth playing then dont play them, jesus christ anon its not hard

>> No.9553719

kek i wish this was real

>> No.9553884

Nights is a must play

>> No.9553903

>The Dreamcast is extremely overrated and no one actually likes it.
maybe ur the one whos retarded