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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 359 KB, 2560x2560, arcade game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9531718 No.9531718 [Reply] [Original]

Arcade games thread. I just managed to beat ESP.RA.DE with 9 continues, which is the best I've done so far. That last boss is so fucked up.
Going to play Cadillacs n' Dinosaurs now.
What are you playing, /vr/?

>> No.9531729

is esp.ra.de one of those shoot em ups where your hit box is tiny so it only looks impressive that you dodge bullet patterns even thought most the placements would have killed you in normal none bullet spam shooters? cave games suck ass and anyone with a brain can dodge their bullet patterns because your hit box is so small.

>> No.9531735

I can't really tell, but it feels bigger than the usual tiny bullet hell game hitbox to me. Give it a try and see how you like it, imo.

>> No.9531761

>What are you playing, /vr/?

samurai shodown ii and fatal fury special with my brother

we aren't great, but we love playing neo geo together

>> No.9531770

Samsho is great, I used to play 5 SP with a friend all the time. Thought Zankuro was the coolest shit.

>> No.9531775

Sick in bed with an annoying bout of sinusitis. Playing Metal Slug X on switch which I got yesterday to entertain myself alongside Shiren. I finished a 4d2CC earlier today, it's a great game.

>> No.9531776

Goddamn it. *4CC. I need to sleep now

>> No.9531934

>ESP.RA.DE with 9 continues,
Sounds like you t levels are too high. What version/how are you playing? Never tried any of the ports myself.

>> No.9531956


also Majestic Twelve

>> No.9531967

Playing the arcade version with mame ui. I think my monitor might have a few frames of latency (there have been many occasions where i swear to god i pressed bomb, and literally heard the button click, and yet i die after pressing it) so it might not be the best, but also, I'm not that good at shmups.

>> No.9531970

I just cleared Rayforce this month.


>> No.9532064

If CAVE shooters are so piss easy, why doesn't everyone have a superplay for proof?

>> No.9532067

Start here
DoDonPachi (not on Steam)

>> No.9532069

Mushihimesama is WAY too high level for me, and I have around 20 hours on Dodonpachi but I think the furthest level I got without credit dumping was 3 or 4. That game's way fucking hard.

>> No.9532113

Unless you're playing on a decent setup with a CRT you're going to get at least a frame of lag. Not the end of the world, but can make a difference.

>> No.9532118

I recall Mushihimesama having an actual novice mode, but if that or DDP is too difficult, then for sure Deathsmile is right up your alley.

>> No.9532135

>anyone with a brain can dodge their bullet patterns because your hit box is so small.
Post your Ketsui Ura 2-ALL and DOJWL 2-ALL if it's so easy

>> No.9532145

Thing with cave games is their more of a test of dedication and your ability to make and or follow routes. Nearly all stages can be done safely if you make a safe route because there isn't much RNG to the stage devices. Most of the RNG is in a few particular boss shots but even that can be mitigated by either safe spots or knowing how to dodge them with a swift movement or even bombing. They get far harder when pushing for score.

>> No.9532618

Reminder that Mame 0.251 just got released.
Delete your old rom collection and get the new one because the old roms will not work anymore.

>> No.9532707

I've been getting filtered by the first coin collecting mission in Sexy Parodius. Fun game though

>> No.9532778

If it's too complicated for you you can always ask your grandpa for help

>> No.9532798

unless you care about the fruit machines regular games still work

>> No.9532829

I dunno about MameUI, but in base Mame you can use a -lowlatency flag on the shortcut to make it a bit less laggy with the input. Still not perfect, but it's an improvement.

>> No.9532895

>he doesnt know how to use clrmamepro

>> No.9533605
File: 146 KB, 497x847, kitchenBST1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

esprade is fun
the original pcb is out of my price range though

i have dai ou jou, ketsui, and espgaluda
strikers 1945, time pilot 1984, blazing star, etc

the monitor has to be VERY laggy for me to notice honestly, i feel like i do better on original hardware and crt than on steam\switch\pc
but it could just be a placebo effect

i dont have any shitty monitors anymore
i just picked up, nebulas ray (namco) its in the mail i cant wait

>> No.9533609

that seems like standard advice

I played those for a while and then I decided I guess I just don't like Cave, Progear is still pretty cool though

>> No.9533616
File: 27 KB, 240x320, Viper_Phase_1_(Seibu_SPI_System).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this one is free and from the x68000
incredible for the time, still fun today
not a lot of depth but still i find myself launching it often

>pic unrelated, but still somewhat fuckin related

>> No.9533630

If you're taking the horizontal pill then start here:
https://store.steampowered.com/app/1556729/Capcom_Arcade_StadiumProgear/ (you are here)

>> No.9533639

>not starting with fuckin spriggan mark 2
anon i.....

check out dragon breed also, god tier

>> No.9533923

>i have dai ou jou, ketsui, and espgaluda
pgm bootlegs dont count

>> No.9534187

yes they do faggot
its functionally identical to real hardware

no faggy slowdown/speedup issues that plague emulation

>> No.9534195

>yes they do faggot
>its functionally identical to real hardware
they're hacked roms on a pgm cart
you dont own any of those you have bootlegs

>> No.9534215


>> No.9534290

what part is wrong? they're literally hacked roms bypassing the PGM security to not use the special CAVE firmware from the cave PGM boards

you dont own shit except a fucking bootleg poorfag

>> No.9534335
File: 33 KB, 302x351, i frew up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that """setup"""

>What did he mean by this?

You sure about all that? My understanding is that the original ROMs are encrypted and can be run without modification once decrypted. And that it's the CAVE BIOS that's a "hacked" version of the PGM bios.
Not disputing that bootlegs/"repros" aren't originals. But then again, no one but the voices in your head has made that claim here. Just not convinced your technical details are accurate.

>> No.9534349

is Pac-Man actually a good game?

>> No.9534364

I'm glad I hoarded arcade PCBs ~10 years ago. Shit's stupidly expensive now.

>> No.9534459

It's fun.

>> No.9534509

>You sure about all that?

>> No.9534515


>> No.9534554

Cool. Can you post a link to the youtube so the rest of the class can be as well?

>> No.9534559

>Needs a Youtube video

>> No.9534560

It's fun to play casually but going for the killscreen seems to be a miserable experience

>> No.9534704

Can also be a reddit. Whatever your source is.

>> No.9534734
File: 422 KB, 1280x960, 17010EBF-F153-4B8D-BCA7-7E1DB81F29FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of my favorites

>> No.9534739
File: 272 KB, 960x1280, 929B3AAC-8A38-479F-AF6A-9647AD2E332C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was just a test bench anon
I don't play arcade games on my kitchen table kek

collecting pcb is fun

>> No.9534820

Did you use a floral wallpaper as a poster?

>> No.9534826

its a sheet
the blank wall looks ugly otherwise

>> No.9534831

it really really is

going for the killscreen in any game seems miserable. I'd be happy if I could play a perfect game up to the first key, if that's 'casual' I'll live with it

>> No.9534869

I'm trying to 1cc Xexex but stage 7 is pretty hard and I always have some dumb death at either stage 5 or 6

>> No.9535583
File: 52 KB, 223x272, 6435F0A3-85BA-4BFA-B255-5EB9A48596FC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's good but some of the later Pac-Man games are better like Arrangement '96 and Adventures in Time.

>> No.9535863

sheepnova does the converts
i hope he does beestorm next

he doesnt have a source
nor does he know the details of how they work
nor does he understand that 100% accurate to original hardware doesn't mean coomlecting 1K rare circuitboards
nor does he understand that it doesn't make you a poorfag as the pgm boards themselves are finnicky\failure prone and expensive to get into as they usually arrive defective from overseas

>> No.9535869
File: 1.21 MB, 1187x795, igs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>collecting pcb is fun
it can be v rewarding
dead or alive++
soul calibur

there are often differences on the arcade boards themselves, sometimes better, sometimes worse

>> No.9535947
File: 922 KB, 915x523, bbbutWHICHONE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not disputing that bootlegs/"repros" aren't originals

does it really fucking matter? to literally ANYONE? mvs converts are 1:1 and on original hardware

you are playing a game of semantics
these carts are meant for PLAYING not coomlecting
>pic rel
i do see an issue with passing them off for ridiculous prices when they arent original
but the dickswinging\gatekeeping is v cringe

i wish i had room back then

>> No.9535954

i collect mvs carts
and i DO care if the snk green pcb is there
but the idea of opening all my shells and inspecting which rom chips are there with a magnifier is silly to me
>m-m-muh authentic
>y-y-y-you dont have REAL GAYEMS

>> No.9536371
File: 549 KB, 2455x3234, file cabinet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These little filing cabinets are the perfect height to put your arcade stick on top of. 25" + the 3" of your stick case is about the same height as on a sit-down arcade cabinet like a Sega Astro City or Taito Egret.
Fill them with books or other heavy objects and they are very stable.

>> No.9536407

i really enjoy the theming of esp.ra.de. are there any other shmups like this, where you control a human flying around and blasting stuff? other than touhou.

>> No.9536416

>but the idea of opening all my shells and inspecting which rom chips are there with a magnifier is silly to me
ya it's called not getting ripped off buying a bootleg for a legitimate cart price, you're retarded if you dont

>> No.9536417

espgaluda and espgaluda 2

>> No.9536441

obv you dont pay top dollar
but 50-60 is reasonable anon
the experience is identical
whether or not you pay 50 for pulstar or 500+
trouble shooter

>> No.9536471

>obv you dont pay top dollar
>but 50-60 is reasonable anon
>the experience is identical
>whether or not you pay 50 for pulstar or 500+
no one is arguing that stupid, but if you dont check to see you got what you paid for you're an idiot

>> No.9536480

my protocol:
shine light in airvent and verify its an SNK pcb
test cart and beat game to test functionality
remove from my mvs-1b and play something else

try not to overthink it anon
the path is the middle way
no sense in being autistic about rom chips
hell even SNK themselves did repairs\converts blipping those UV erasable chips in sometimes

its sad how things are now
mvs used to be the path but now even that is hitting aes coomlector prices

>> No.9536851

Anyone who makes "repros" that way has a source. And it's gonna be a youtube (or in this case some china shit) showing how to clip ROMs off the PCB using mommy's nail clippers. But they probably do know how they work. I was trying to establish whether coomlectanon does.

It matters to someone if it maters to someone. You're playing a game a cope. Sorry to hear you're a poor bandwagoner who can't afford original games. But you're not going to convince anyone who isn't that they should burn all their original PCBs just because you can't afford them. You'd do better you spend your time PLAYING your bootlegs instead of coping on the 4chan.

>> No.9536931

>telling other people they're coping when you spent 4x the price for the exact same thing

>> No.9537010

>he started buying these post 2010 so he thinks they were always priced high

>> No.9537023

I don't know what goes for what these days, but I think I got my original ESPgaluda PCB for 25,000 yen, or maybe 20,000, I don't remember. It was from Fujita Communications, back when she sold used PCBs.

>> No.9537176

i DO have original carts anon
my point is in a blind test you would be unable to guess which ones were conversions

>> No.9537330

Sounds like I spent less for my PCB than you did for your bootleg. lmao
And riddle me this coper. And if it's the exact same thing then why is it different with people willing to pay 4x as much?

>i DO have original carts anon
Game being discussed isn't a cart champ
>my point is
Your point is to cope to make yourself feel like less a poorfag loser. You're literally so insecure you can't go an entire thread without coping about that shit. Just embarrassing.

>> No.9538431

>then why is it different with people willing to pay 4x as much
difference between people who just want to play the game vs people who just want something cool to gather dust on their shelf, i guess! maybe you're an exception but that's generally the case.

>> No.9539513

>difference between people who just want to play the game vs people who just want something cool to gather dust on their shelf, i guess! maybe you're an exception but that's generally the case.

if they just wanted to play the game they would emulate retard

>> No.9539538

You're not playing an arcade game if it isn't in an arcade cabinet. The experience is totally different due to the hardware.

>> No.9539770

A cabinet is just a cabinet. The hardware can be whatever you want it to be inside.

>> No.9539804

lol nerds buying bootleg CAVE pgm carts when I can play the same game s on my ps2 via SMB hahahhahahha

>> No.9539825

>ask people to talk about fucking video games
>they do anything but
i'm so mad. i'm gonna play guardians 2 so i won't be so mad anymore.

>> No.9540935

I failed my latest VSMB 1cc attempt because I forgot the solution to the 7-4 maze.

>> No.9540939

Playing long sessions on a cabinet hurts my back and neck. I prefer my arcade stick leaned back in my chair.

>> No.9540940

nu-/vr/ is /v/-tier
allowing ps2 was a mistake

>> No.9542121

I got to 7-1 on a single life tonight on hard mode fastest timer 250 coins in VSMB but died to a double bullet bill hammer bros. scenario that was almost no-win. I quit because my back was hurting after a previous long session of Life Force.
I need to look up the solution to the 7-4 puzzle.
I have 1cc'd the game on hard before but I used a pause to get up to go eat and then came back later so there is an asterisk next to it imo.