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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 156 KB, 902x770, 3725D4DD-A373-488C-A7CD-C375E867D7DE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9529512 No.9529512 [Reply] [Original]

>the only retro pc with games worth playing is the PC98
Further proof that only the Japanese know how to make good games.

>> No.9529524

Sneed sucks btw.

>> No.9529526

List them.

>> No.9529543

Monkey Island Gaiden
Leisure Suit Larry no Densetsu

>> No.9529576
File: 61 KB, 640x400, steam-hearts-de-pc-98-traducido-al-ingles-english-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I must admit that the OST of some PC-98 games is surprisingly good

>> No.9529606

It has the best chip for chiptune music (OPNA) out of all the old systems in my opinion. Listen to some of the stuff Ryu Umemoto did with it and you'll never listen to chiptune the same way again.


>> No.9529656

No need. If you download five random roms there's most likely a few enjoyable games within those 5. That's how much better Japanese devs are than Western devs.

>> No.9529668
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I like Western DOS/Win and Japanese PC98 games.

>> No.9529670

What are you favorites?

>> No.9529678

Ultima Underworld
Leisure Suit Larry
Day of the Tentacle
Full Throttle
AD&D Gold Box games
Dragon Knight
Steam Heart's

>> No.9529684

Ryu Umemoto is undoubtably amazing. I find it especially interesting that his collaboration with Hiroyuki Kanno resulted in a run of the best visual novels of all time from Desire to YU-NO. Considering Kanno's previous and later works weren't as well received it stands to reason that the duo was much more than the sum of the two parts, ala Carmack and Romero. Music and writing at its best with those two.

>> No.9529778

Leisure Suit Larry is my favorite PC98 game

>> No.9529787

nice bait
consneedering japs always ripped off american values and media. games including. the whole concept of jrpg was ripped off from ultima and wizardry

>> No.9529843


>> No.9529875

>ripped off american values
That statement doesn't mean what you seem to think it means, and it's also completely wrong.

But sure, tell me more about how Rusty and Touhou are ripoffs of American media.

>> No.9529880

YM2608 was such a powerhouse it's almost sad it wasn't more widely used. I guess it was just too high-end and therefore expensive compared to other Yamaha chips of the time.
Posting some favorites

>> No.9529898

Can it run Half-Life?

>> No.9529909


>> No.9529929

Some one is blind if they can't figure out how Rusty is an amalgamation of a dozen other things of the time. I still like Rusty just not delusional faggots.

>> No.9530001

ripping off american values is end result of american occupation of japan to this very day. it only makes sense why everything japan did was thanks to america

>> No.9530018

>Further proof that only the Japanese know how to make good games.

>PC98 games
>copy paste the same 2 types of game 200 times but with different anime girls
Come on now.

>> No.9530040 [DELETED] 
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>muh japanese good western bad retard

PC98 is for fapping to anime girls, definitely not a retro pc with """games""" faggot.

>> No.9530160

idc post more PC98 games with cute anime girls

>> No.9530189
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>> No.9530202

>tfw you played these when they came out
have you played wizardry games?

>> No.9530225


>> No.9530298
File: 58 KB, 800x529, Cannon Fodder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>90% percent of titles on the platform are non-games like visual novels and JRPGs.

Nah i'm good, i'd rather play some 'migger.

>> No.9530405

Weird that you'd cite Touhou when ZUN is known for stealing both art and code for his first few games and tried to shamelessly hide it to the extent where he edited the hex of his program to remove the names of those who had done hard programming work. While obviously he stole from Japanese stuff, mentioning a well known thief is strange to do when trying to argue for originality.

>> No.9530410

It gets so tiring seeing threads from delusional weebs.

>> No.9530547

I get tired of pretty much any thread now.

Same shit every day + more and more people shitting on old games everyone likes for (you)'s.

>> No.9530561
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>90% percent of titles on the platform are amateurish hot garbage
>10% percent of titles ported on anything without losing artstyle

>> No.9530569
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I don't know about that

>> No.9530582
File: 433 KB, 640x4320, 1672430352871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh hey is thay toshin toshi 2

>> No.9530649

I never played the original, I only played the 3DS remake. I should fix that.

>> No.9530673

>the only retro pc with games worth playing is the PC98
Only if you’re a coomer

>> No.9530695

Stop trying to make fetch happen.

>> No.9530707
File: 272 KB, 1080x1333, Screenshot_20221230_123742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's hilarious because the creator of wizardry is a fucking weeb and even put NINJAS and KATANAS in his gay game. Dude was proto ken-sama. His current job is professional weeb

>> No.9530716

>current job
He's been running that business since he founded it in 1988.

>> No.9530887

>non-games like visual novels
You mean adventure games?
>and JRPGs
oh I see, you're just retarded.

>> No.9530923

AnimEgo has been a thing with him since forever, he was basically one of the first companies to dub and bring over OVAs to the US.

>> No.9531013
File: 14 KB, 640x400, Implying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dungeon crawlers are JRPGs genius.

>> No.9531031

The retarded part was saying that JRPGs aren't games. Though now that you mention it the scope of "non-games" in that sentence is ambiguous.

>> No.9531164
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>the mad overlord of CRPGs is a jaypee neckbeard wizardchan alum

>> No.9531170

Small world, isn't it?

>> No.9531174

I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Japanese values and American values are completely different. I live in Japan and I lived in America for nearly 20 years. The difference is like night and day.

>> No.9531181

What game is that?

>> No.9531835

What game?

>> No.9531837

There's no such thing as American values you dumb ass. People in Ohio don't have anything in common with people in California.

>> No.9531851

>american values
Your country is a modern day Sodom/Gomorrah. You have no values
Every facet of your media revolves around black culture.

>> No.9531906

The literal definition of NPCs. This is the most widespread and often parroted opinion on earth, you need to lack any self awareness to repeat it. What other top hits are you allowed to respond with?

>> No.9531941

>regurgitating the reddit npc meme
>completely ignoring the irony of your own low-iq parroting of it as a /pol/eddit automatic self defense shielding retort
One day you will learn to use your words to discuss, in detail, your disagreement with others. There is still some hope for you yet my young, simple-minded burger.

>> No.9532068
File: 17 KB, 640x400, NP2_0017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brandish 2

>> No.9532078

Didn't that have a porno anime adaptation? The name sounds familiar.

>> No.9532289
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Brandish has been on lots of other consoles, with ports and sequels abound.

>> No.9532296

The one with the demon girl I stumbled upon while looking for info on Brandish? Same name but the manga and anime are completely unrelated to the games.

>> No.9532335

>ZUN is known for stealing both art and code for his first few games and tried to shamelessly hide it
are you talking about the mouse code talked about here? https://rec98.nmlgc.net/blog

if not, please tell me more. i love behind the scenes shit that causes asshurt.

>> No.9532342

check out track 3:

>> No.9532391

Debunk it faggot.
Whites and blacks have absolutely zero in common.

Whites of different political affiliations have zero in common, and then even within those.

You're probably a christ cuck. Well guess what? I love abortion, because abortion keeps the rape ape population down. I support eugenics. I think materialism is cancer and that football is fucking gay.

Do what are americas values fag? It's not real. We're just random strangers who all fucking hate eachother. Nothing more. Diversity is the dumbest thing any civilization has ever attempted in all of history.