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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 118 KB, 640x480, RADIO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9527476 No.9527476 [Reply] [Original]

After many years I decided to finally beat Future on my OG Xbox. Now I'm wanting to play the original on my CRT but I don't have my Dreamcast anymore, so I tried the PS3 version. For some reason the picture is zoomed out when you play at 4:3? This "remaster" is outputting a lower resolution than the original lol, and the framerate is dog shit too (the latter might be a faulty hard drive, idk). SEGA y u do dis. Remaster Future too kthx

>> No.9527508

I've played it in 4:3 on 360 and it was fine. Guess it could be a PS3 problem. I usually just let them display normally 16:9 so I dunno

>> No.9527520

do you understand the concept of love, OP?

>> No.9527525
File: 268 KB, 1000x562, JSR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play it on PC, it looks gorgeous.

>> No.9527529
File: 226 KB, 2045x1257, 1573895076808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, it's my favorite video game of all time. Based.
Release the proto already anon. I know you're reading this.

>> No.9527604

Shame about the gameplay
>b-but it was released before Tony Hawk
only helps so much when actually playing it

>> No.9527643

>>b-but it was released before Tony Hawk
I don't think it even was

>> No.9527752

Might pull out the 360 then. I replaced the power supply fan years ago but the one in there rn is super loud
I want CRT autism

>> No.9527779

PC+ CRT emudriver?

>> No.9527797

I know hardcore JSR fans hate Future's gameplay changes, but I'd kill to play JSR with Future physics(even though it'd break the game)

>> No.9528624

Lots of expensive cables, might even be cheaper to get a Dreamcast lol

>> No.9528886

TH: September 29, 1999
JSR: June 29, 2000
It wasn't I think Sega had another skate boarding arcade game, but it was basic. There was also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP8bFww04WU.. I think they started as snowboarding games and evolved into skateboarding genre, but not sure whether only I have this opinion.

>> No.9529553

Anybody else feel Future has a lot of empty space? The original feels much livelier

>> No.9530107

I legitimately didn't know this game was supposed to have 'bad gameplay' I swear. I started hearing this from various people a couple years ago. I thought it was fun as hell when I played it

>> No.9530129

It's a fun game, but I can see how people might get frustrated with it at certain parts. I'm also not a huge fan of the time limit, but I get why it's there.

>> No.9530151

>It's a shame Daytona USA isn't Gran Turismo.

>> No.9530178

Its two fundamentally different playstyles. JSR is closer to older skating games where skating was something you had to learn to control. Where as THPS just makes it easier to control since its meant to make you feel like an expert off the bat.
It is, but I found it really cozy in a way. Reminds me of urban exploration and finding big, empty areas that are long abandoned and dilapidated. The emptier JSRF spots are basically an elaborated versions of the outskirts of the JSR maps
Ultimately, JSR is a game taking place where the environment isn't built for skating; the skill comes in maximizing how well you can skate in environments actively working against you.
JSRF is a world built like a giant skate park. Both have their merits.

>> No.9531795

Why was the game renamed Jet Grind Radio but Processor K's station wasn't

>> No.9532921


>> No.9533216

Something about the copyright for Jet set not being available.

>> No.9533249

Name-dropping Jet Set in the game itself tho is fine?

>> No.9533308

Yes. They just care about what the customer sees on the cover. Dialogue is harder to chase down, especially since "jet set" is a general phrase

>> No.9533314

>since "jet set" is a general phrase
How can there be a copyright infringement then

>> No.9533513

You can trademark terms in relation to a product.
Its all very headache inducing. At any rate they sorted it out fairly quick since Future was named with the original name.

>> No.9533591


>> No.9534184


>> No.9534747

I love Cube

>> No.9534812
File: 104 KB, 600x600, JSR_TYPE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JSR inspired playlist. What are your thots and onions

>> No.9535734


>> No.9536741

Are you running your PS3 through component/composite into an SD-CRT, or an HDMI cable into an HD-CRT?

If it is the later and your PS3 is set to 4:3, you may have to just use the "zoom" function on your TV.
Sucks, but it is what it is.

t. HD-CRT Haver

>> No.9537352

Composite into an SD-CRT
I've ordered a HDMI to RCA converter, gonna just run the game from my PC lol

>> No.9537809


>> No.9538343

can you share with me what you bought because i haven't decided on what i want to run from my PC to my CRT

>> No.9538397

>on my CRT
just play it on a vga flat screen faggot

>> No.9538427

got bored of the first one on PC
got filtered on Future by the part where you have to find all things before the other team. the level that has a giant tower in the middle and neon lights
I love the OST, remixes, fan inspired games and aesthetic though. peak 2000s takes me back
I remember being a kid and playing Future on a display unit while my mom went shopping. couldn't find what the game was for years, and was pretty happy when I did

>> No.9538648

>ot filtered on Future by the part where you have to find all things before the other team. the level that has a giant tower in the middle and neon lights
The flags? Thats easy as shit. You can literally just camp by the tower and get the flags that manifest there before you the other team gets back. They always spawn in the same spots, same order.
Future is easy as hell.

>> No.9538959

Any progress on ripping every medleys on stages in JSR?

>> No.9539128

Something like this, and get some male-male cables from an old DVD player

>> No.9539185

>that manifest there before you
what? they are through the map around the tower and one is on top of the tower

>> No.9539657

I fucked up the writing; I'm basically saying you can just stay by the center and get the flags that spawn around there and win. You just need 3.
>The first two flags always spawn at the wings of the stage. You can get the first one by the double bridge easy, but if you don't want to rush leave it behind. Let rapid 99 chase the other flag.
>Get the flag at the street entrance to the stage,
>Get the flag at the base of the dragon tower
>Get the final flag at the top of the tower where the match began

>> No.9539785

i bought one of these years ago and it would always emit a buzzing sound. was i unlucky or are these just super cheap?

>> No.9539789


>> No.9539849

all-in-all Jet Set/Grind Radio is the better game. it has its own flaws, but once I adjusted for them I happily plowed through the entire game over and over for months.

Future is a sprawling mess, but it definitely has its merits. The sheer size and lonely corners is both a good and bad thing. It feels a bit unfinished, but it also creates a really creepy atmosphere. I'd compare it to Castlevania 2. You could call it environmental storytelling the way bright entertainment and shopping districts you encounter early on give way to sewers, shantytowns, and whatever the fuck is going on with the "Fortified Residential Zone"

>> No.9540093

the game says find all, not find 3

>> No.9540639

In the capture the flag competition? You only need more than the opposing team.

>> No.9540862

Ya cause you wanna do a good job

>> No.9541667


>> No.9541740

You are goddamn filtered niggers
JSR isn't a skating game

>> No.9542157

It's a platformer yea, but so is Tony Hawk

>> No.9542507

Agreed. I played future for the first time recently and while JSR was one of the most strangely frustrating games I've played in recent memory, I found myself missing how the original game handled while playing its sequel. The difficult controls give you a real sense of friction. It's like actually trying to learn something difficult. You fail over and over until you start to figure out the tricks and pretty soon you're cruising. It's a much more rewarding game. I also think the aesthetics just pop more. Future is oddly dreary. Tagging was downgraded too. The original tagging was an odd fit but I don't think making it mindless was the solution.

That said, the enemies in JSR can fuck off. That's my only real complaint. They aren't fun to deal with, they are purely nuisances and when you get hit it feels like bullshit most of the time. Especially with those flying fuckers near the end of the game.

>> No.9542586


I had fun tagging the Apache helis and watch them drop to the ground like flies.

>> No.9543018

>Future is oddly dreary.

I think its because you spend so much time on the Kogane-cho equivalent, which is in permanent dusk. You breeze through the Shibuya segments fairly quick since they're generally starter areas, or have segments in dingy little backalleys. Like Hikage street is in the shibuya area, but because its covered in a massive walkways and narrow alleys its in a permanent shadow. And then the Benten areas all have a bunch of segments in shady little back alleys

>> No.9543048

The HD version revamps the camera, so it's pretty much a straight upgrade anyway. Most importantly, it allows you to toggle that thing where the camera changes angles for a second whenever you tag anything. That shit was super disorienting in the construction level.

>> No.9543101

Hey /vr/ How do I get rid of all these nasty roaches?

>> No.9544202

Easy, burn your server down!

>> No.9544217

the jetpack guys in Benten-Cho during the final chapter? yeah that's the hardest level of the game on subsequent playthroughs (the hardest level the first time is the race as Combo, especially the chain link door at the end of the sewer)

>> No.9544224

I mean Kogane-Cho. the shantytowns

>> No.9544481

>yeah that's the hardest level of the game on subsequent playthroughs
Didn't know the difficulty increases when you beat the game

>> No.9545841

Bump for the funk

>> No.9546140

>That said, the enemies in JSR can fuck off. That's my only real complaint. They aren't fun to deal with, they are purely nuisances
I don't get how people play so much JSR and then turn around and go "by the way, I don't understand the game like on a fundamental level"
It's like if someone played Pac-Man for a long time and went 'well what the fuck is the point of the ghosts, that's my only big complaint'

JSR gameflow
>the player learns the layout of the levels, where useful grinds and jumps are, where the sprays are, and learns how the police will move and how to avoid them
>player begins level and maps out how they'll hit the tags while keeping in mind the numbers of tags that will make harder enemies appear and keeping in mind strategies for luring away enemies or avoiding them
>player goes from tag to tag tricking as much as possible, stylishly flowing through the level following the guide they've set for themselves

JSRF gameflow
>go here and tag some stuff in this area and platform around
>ok now you gotta run into the cops and spray their backs
>go over here tag this stuff then you gotta like jump on these things and spray them
>ok run into the cops again
>alright spend five minutes skating over to the next area where you'll be tasked with spraying some stuff around
>there might be a race to unlock a character
>go over here, then spray stuff that's around like jump to the next place then spray over there
>wow this music is nice
>alright looks like you gotta do some light platforming then spray this thing then you can move on to spraying some stuff in this general area

>> No.9547581

60fps patch when?

even SA1 did not tie game speed with framerates

>> No.9547605

any reason sega did that? Shenmue also had its fps tied to game speed.

>> No.9549290

This is why I wish we could get a third game to refine it; Future's speed with JSR's more complex design

>> No.9549638

You can probably do frame interpolation with Xenia or RPCS3

>> No.9550678

bumping for the funking

>> No.9552370

There's nothing to discuss, sadly.

>> No.9552824
File: 433 KB, 800x961, JSR Piranha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post JSR fanart (no coomer bait pls)