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File: 64 KB, 1280x720, gimmick sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9514548 No.9514548 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone explain to a gaijin what the name Yumetaro is supposed to mean? Were they trying to write troll? He looks like an oni.

>> No.9514552

It's just "dream" + generic modifier to make it a boy's name. He's a toy come to life so it sort of makes sense.

>> No.9514559

It's basically a meme. Taro (太郎) is a very very very very common name like John or Bob so in Japanese we add other words to it for meme characters like Momotaro or - in this case - Yumetaro. Yume (夢) just means 'dream'.

Our version of John Smith is Yamada Taro (山田太郎)

>> No.9514573

More important, what's the girl name?
And what did Anakin Skywalker wanted from her

>> No.9514576
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The girl's name is never stated.

>> No.9514578
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>> No.9514591
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Not entirely true, Scandinavian gaming mag named her Mary (if you can count this as a canon). Her name is also can be Sophia.
It's weird that they never gave her an official name, despite her being a major character.

>> No.9514594

Sophia is one of the OST names in the secret sound test. I assume it's supposed to be the girl's name, but Sunsoft did use the name Sophia previously in Blaster Master as well, so it's not really clear.

>> No.9514601

Oh and the "Sophia" music plays during the ending when she's on-screen.

>> No.9514606

Not quite. "Sophia" is the song from Stage 7 itself
The music that plays in the ending is "Good Night"

>> No.9514685

>if you can count this as a canon
Gaijin localized garbage is never canon. This includes NoA garbage and SoA garbage.

>> No.9514689

Wait. Hamtaro's a dude?

>> No.9514704


>> No.9514707

What if game made in USA gets localized in Japan?

>> No.9514718

Then it's probably not worth playing.

>> No.9514762

Mario and all the koopaling names were created by Nintendo of America by the way.

>> No.9515586

>we will get a kinda cheapass port of the nes original.

>the EXAct Mix is not only japan only but its only available on the EXA arcades. not even the actual IP holders can release it outside the EXA.

well, fuck you too!

>> No.9515718

Worst instance of this for the protag of the The Guardian Legend, because she DOES have a canon name ("System D.P.: Miria") listed in the Japanese manual, the omission in the US one led to a small group of people adopting "Alyssa" for the character. But looking into it, this name has no official basis at all and just originates from a shitty gag fanfic from the turn of the century internet. And yet somehow it endures on, even when AT THAT TIME IT WAS WRITTEN people were aware of her Japanese name.

>> No.9517105

This entire time I thought his name was literally Mr. Gimmick and now I feel stupid

>> No.9517143

Is "Maru" also a modifier for Japanese male names? I see that one a lot.

>> No.9517161

alright pvt. gomez settle down

>> No.9517364

Doesn't the girl take her clothes off now

>> No.9517436

I always thought Tanaka was the most hyper generic name.

>> No.9517513

Well he is called Mr. Gimmick in the Swedish version obviously.

>> No.9518047

the arcade game had split-second views of her underwear when she's teleported in the opening and the good ending
but i think they censored it after one update

>> No.9518119

i really doubt anyone outside the fakeoutragefags from here would be crying for a millisecond-long flashing effect. i dont think they did removed that.

>> No.9518130

Mario was named by the Japanese guy who was overseeing NOA. Luigi was a random name someone working at NOA's marketing division came up with, though (in Japan, he was just Mario player 2 in the original arcade game).

>> No.9518134

Its an archaic one. Most modern Japanese names don't use it. More -taro, -o, or rarely -hiko.

>> No.9518136
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>> No.9518148
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>japan only
What? No. It's available everywhere. It even has English language instructions for Western regions. There just aren't a whole lot of Western arcades that give a shit about EXA-Arcadia. I only know of a handful of arcades that bothered to buy the system and only ONE that actually has Gimmick. (Arcade Galactic in Utah)

>> No.9518608

is there way to emulate that?

>> No.9518629
File: 445 KB, 1856x1291, Mario_Bros._Japanese_flyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(in Japan, he was just Mario player 2 in the original arcade game)
Why do you lie, anon?

>> No.9518741
File: 94 KB, 1200x800, arcade_archives_mario_bros_mario_luigi_960.0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He also revealed his zoomerness because Mario and Luigi are only unnamed in the NES port of the arcade game. In the actual original, they're labeled both in the attract mode but also their score bars have the names (the NES port would reduce that to just I and II for space constraints)

>> No.9518772
File: 606 KB, 406x672, 406full-blaster-master-worlds-of-power-cover[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sophia being the name of the tank is the most adorable retcon to Blaster Master lore and to think it happened because of a goddamn 3rd grade reading level tie-in book you'd buy at a school book fair.

>> No.9518776
File: 128 KB, 1564x1192, Blaster Master - Manual (Searchable)_0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but what about the manual?
you might ask. Turns out in the English instruction manual the tank is only ever referred to as "vehicle", and consistently at that. They never even say the word tank.

>> No.9520752
File: 255 KB, 567x738, 87434098_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry your waifu won't tell you her name bro

>> No.9520772

JP dude I knew once told me Suzuki Kensuke was the most generic Japanese name. Or is that just the most common name while Yamada Taro is a common idea of a generic name?

>> No.9520775

well then the opposite would be true, ignore the JP localization.

>> No.9520785

the EXA-Arcadia is much like Taito TypeX or NesicaXLive. its just a Windows/Linux PC running specially encrypted exes.

the problem is that nobody has bothered to buy boards and games to study, much less to hack. and if people actually have done it, probably they dont want to release yet because piracy or something.

>> No.9520839

I don't really blame them, since EXA-Arcadia is still very current hardware fighting an uphill battle to carve a niche in the industry. But it would probably do a LOT better in the west if it switched to a NesicaxLive-style online subscription system instead of insisting on expensive carts. The US doesn't really have anything like that available to our arcades.

>> No.9520847

Basically Dreambob

>> No.9520919

I don't really care so much, but I did feel the EXA game came off more as otaku media than the original. Gimmick is like a kids fairytale adventure, so what's up with the nudity and the direct to video OVA villain replacement? It's like if the next kirby game gave him fat tits. It's not the right environment.

>> No.9521152

I had this shit. I had a couple of them. Found my copy of gimmick a couple months ago, kinda wanna sell it.

>> No.9521916

it is weird, but at the end, the 'nudity' is just a millisecond long flashing image. no one should be able to find it or see it unless they were explicitely looking for it, and even then you would still need to pause the footage somehow. i could understand them changing that in an update if it is a order from CERO who didnt noticed that until later, but not for public outrage, much less from the faggots from here.

now, about the final boss? that is debatable, at the end, the idea is that all the bosses and enemies Tarou/Gimmick fight are the girl's toys, and so making the last boss a Licca-Chan/barbie doll instead of a starwars ripoff darth vader-luke makes more sense. but that is more an opinion thing.

>> No.9522076

I wish Sunsoft kept being good into the SNES. It's such a shame.

>> No.9524048
File: 33 KB, 390x532, abd5abc36adf8dd1ec670af348287088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last boss is Tesse from Wakuwaku 7 now. Before, it was Jay from Journey to Silius. Yes.

>> No.9524052

But Jay doesn't use a lightsaber.

>> No.9524090
File: 42 KB, 818x252, jaycray.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not 1:1 to either. More like their appearances were heavily based on them. Original final boss was basically a combo of Jay's proto/US & final/JP sprites.
The last boss isn't one of the girl's dolls though, that much is nearly certain. The third main boss, Yadokame, is mentioned in the Japanese manual as having been cared for by someone else, which is why it was missing in the intro. What do we see in the true final level? A room full of harmless miniature versions of it, hinting we're about to meet the owner of that toy. (That line can also be meta-humor that it replaced the level's mini-boss later in development, but this makes sense as an in-universe explanation.)

>> No.9524115

Yes but it's old fashioned.
Marui also means round, so far characters in comedies might have the Maru suffix.

>> No.9524226

Why has everyone read this? I read it and I've never even played the game. Nobody even talks about the other Worlds of Power books.

>> No.9524319
File: 91 KB, 640x900, 6d8bd4ec78fa0200f39b307600d48e0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because weirdly enough, a lot of elements it introduces like the name of the tank and Jason's alien partner Eve later became canon (although some details don't line up like her hair color).

>> No.9524412

I had infiltrator also. I’m sure I read others. They came in some reading catalog handed out at tons of elementary schools.

>> No.9524413

Sofia is the name of the planet or something it’s left over on the menu screen next to the tank. Everyone just assumed it’s the tank but it wasn’t

>> No.9524465
File: 1.07 MB, 1207x773, SunSoftGameTimeNewsVol1No3Pgs2-3.png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They call it "Metal Attacker" in other supplemental material, matching the Japanese version.
Fun fact: The boss names were different too. When Blaster Master Zero is set to English, it uses boss names from an old Japanese guide; when set to other languages, it changes them (despite them being in English) to, believe it or not, fan-names originally from a GameFAQs walkthrough by one Dingo Jellybean, causing a continuity error in the third game where GOEZ's name should've been in the tank's database and it's poorly explained as the name it had on planet Sophia even though that's where the namesake tank is from.

>> No.9524518

Such a cool game. I’m gonna play it again someday

>> No.9525231

I didn't even know there was a Blast Master novel. This is the most surprising info from this thread for me.

>> No.9525346

I thought it might be the other way around: they made the novel canon because it was popular. But I dunno.

I read a few of them, but Blaster Master is the only one that I remember at all.

>> No.9525626
File: 183 KB, 1415x710, Blaster_Master_Blasting_Again_English_0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this garbage zoomer shit?

>> No.9525632
File: 168 KB, 1418x710, Blaster_Master_Blasting_Again_English_0014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9527037

The best Blaster Master games since the original 1988 game, anon third game was underwhelming though but still better than most of the series.

>> No.9527194
File: 411 KB, 1080x609, 1672322644701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, the EXA remake is over-romanticized. It's supposed to be "widescreen" but in actuality it cuts off the top and bottom of the screen, which is distracting, plus it spoils some surprise bosses in the new level title cards. Level select mode was neat but I think Sunsoft made the right call going back to basics for the Special Edition. Besides, I think it may actually be an improved version of the EXA remake since the preview shows off "Normal Mode" (as opposed to -what- exactly?), they're just not revealing all the features yet.

>> No.9528875
File: 352 KB, 600x370, blastereve7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blaster Master: Blasting Again was such a strange game, I have a theory on that.
>BA was initially planned to be a legit Metafight sequel in Japan.
>Sunsoft realizes they should rewrite the game for the west to fit the old BM canon.
>As a cost-saving measure, Sunsoft decides mid-development to make one script so they don't have to worry about regional differences too much and pay voice actors twice (note Jap BA uses Eng voices with subs).
>Older Kane becomes older Jason but they don't want any existing assets to go to waste and scramble with what to do about the older Jennifer they designed.
>Someone (probably from the American branch) chimes in that there is an equivalent usable female character in the BM continuity that they can use in her place.
>Older Jennifer is rewritten as an older Eve.
>By the time younger Eve was designed for BMZero Sunsoft had completely forgotten that she was ever supposed to be a redhead.
No particular evidence of this, just gut feeling.

>> No.9528917

There are a small number of Japanese users on this board

>> No.9529061


>> No.9529173

Alright, I guess I better go give my passport back to the government

>> No.9529712

>my passport makes me japanese
See >>9529061

>> No.9529881

He literally looks like Kirby but green

Makes even more sense considering

>> No.9529885

My passport doesn't make me Japanese. My 戸籍 does. What are you jealous or something? Go back to your containment board.

>> No.9529902

tarou is pretty rare these days too.

>> No.9530174

>He literally looks like Kirby but green
It wouldn't surprise me that Nintendo would copy this game. The fact that it had such a low distribution and wasn't released in the US is very suspicious. Also there's supposedly a comment Shigeru Miyamoto said that people are allowed to play the game during work.

>> No.9530339

The lesson to learn here: always ignore the existing "localization" when making a new game.

>> No.9530352

lol dreambob

>> No.9531154

Yeah. Like I said, it's a meme name. Kinda like Jimbob or Johnboy.

>> No.9531364

Mario names are a mixed bag, some of them made it back to the JP version of SMW, and some were rejected during its development.