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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 37 KB, 313x445, kh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9524382 No.9524382 [Reply] [Original]

Oh my god... this really is a masterpiece.

>> No.9524384

Most feel good franchise to date.

>> No.9524390

Simple and clean is the way that that game's making me feel tonight... It's hard to let it go...

>> No.9524419

pretty mid desu

>> No.9524423

If you liked Simple and Clean, you're going to love Sanctuary, it's pure, pure magic, not even kh3's song could top it after all this time.
It's a shame these songs have been memed to death, they're unironically really nice songs.
Idk how Square hit it out of the park on the first try, everything about KH1 really.

>> No.9524434

I thought it was an alright game at the start but when this song played https://youtu.be/XHp_g84MtWM during the flying segment i felt like a little kid and thought that this game was special.
This game mogs KH2 in the soul department, it's janky af but it's part of it's charm.
Final mix fixes most issues but doesn't feel retro for me.

>> No.9524435

>some game at the video store called Kingdom Hearts 2
>hey I think I've heard of Kingdom Hearts, something about Disney meeting Final Fantasy?
>rent it
>pop the disc into my PS2
> https://youtu.be/_kVnJ52R-F0
>what the fuck
>this is the greatest shit I've ever seen but I have no idea what's going on

>> No.9524449

KH1 is for soaking in the atmosphere, the music, looking around the environments and interacting with people. KH1 is for you to have a few really meaningful playthroughs throughout the course of your life
KH2 is for pure fun and satisfying streamlined combat to make the game as much of a joy to replay the fiftieth time as the second, a game you can just take off the shelf anytime and blaze through

>> No.9524513

KH1 is one of the best JRPGs of all time. It's a shame that the sequels overpower Sora to such an extent that your party members don't matter. They can't even contribute to fights once the entire game becomes about juggling enemies into the sky.

>> No.9524515

I hate disney

>> No.9524769

They don't make games like this anymore. Kingdom Hearts 1 is the embodiment the soul that could be found in the best games of the early 2000s.
>Great combat, grounded and simple at first but flashy and exciting the more you progress
>Simple but compelling story with emotional highs and lows and comfy humor
>Has that true epic adventure feeling from beginning to end
>10/10 OST
>10/10 artstyle
I 100% this game every time I play it.

>> No.9524789

KH really is that good. Beat Kurt Zusa?

>> No.9524802

Oh my god... it's really not.

>> No.9524813

I agree with you there. KH1's combat may be a little clunky, but it's still fun and even offers a challenge. I didn't find KH2 challenging at all.

>> No.9524815
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I can't stand the story. I can't stand the atmosphere or style.

>> No.9524823
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Imagine if there were only like 5 games in the series that would come out every 5-6 years or so (sort of like 3D Zelda) and each entry would be like KH1. No organization XIII, no convoluted bullshit, just Disney worlds and characters designed by Nomura from various Square games. And self-contained story every game of course

>> No.9524825


>> No.9524828

It's not bad but got ruined through its association with Hot Topic.

>> No.9524836

I played a part of KH1 as a kid and played through the whole game a couple weeks ago. I had a good enough time, though I found it pretty easy once you got Second Chance. Then I played KH2 which I had never played. I dropped 2. I think a little bit of the jank worked for the first game, prevented you from being too much of a god and gave you reason to use your other abilities. I've seen people insist 2 isn't just mash X to win and your magic is good, but it felt like they streamlined melee attacks but not magic so you either mash X and do a ton of damage or you entirely break your flow to cast a couple spells that do next to nothing. It didn't help that it felt like 2 was dripfeeding you spells, too. I ended up dropping 2 because the combat just wasn't very interesting to me and the amount of cutscenes was just frustrating with how often it took control away from you. And that Roxas intro was so dull.

Overall, I think KH1 was the better game, even though it had its annoyances; I found that I probably didn't finish the game as a retarded child because I kept thinking "where the fuck do I go" and it'd be things like climbable vines that didn't stand out well enough against a tree and things like that.

>> No.9524851

It's because KH1 at least somewhat feels like an action RPG. Don't know if you've played Souls games but KH1 and KH2 are like Demon's Souls/Dark Souls and Bloodborne. The latter has stats, leveling up and other regular RPG stuff just like the former but it feels like a hack n slash game

>> No.9524871

I haven't played the Souls games (somehow) but I understand your point. I think that makes sense. I guess as the more modern game, KH2 was following the trend/evolution that lead to many modern games being a homogenized genre where action RPG means "action game, but we'll let you see the variables." Compared to earlier games where there seemed to be some attempt at actually mixing the genres. Speaking generally, here.

>> No.9524881

>homogenized genre where action RPG means "action game, but we'll let you see the variables."
Yeah, exactly. Some people claim that KH1 falls into this category too but I disagree

>> No.9524920

It's a difficult line to draw. The combat system between 1 and 2 isn't that much different at first glance, but in practice which things were streamlined, the abilities you get on level up, etc really makes the feel of the game differ enough that you could draw a line between them.

>> No.9525010
File: 29 KB, 326x452, e54bdd178e8d53e64ef05b45a1e7046a--final-fantasy-kingdom-hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I feel like you have to suffer from hardcore manchild syndrome to love the game. The gameplay and playability is objectively quite shit, so what's left is arbitrary Disney rehashing

At least 1 isn't edgy like the sequels and Mickey still looks like Mickey and not a trenchcoat wearing edgelord, though. Definitely the cringiest video game franchises ever created all things considered

>> No.9525020

1 is also the only one with Tarzan, the only very good Disney universe since Toy Story

>> No.9525192

I love the org13 and convoluted stuff, the disney stuff is just background noise for most fans. There's already a bunch of disney games that do what you want without nomura characters.

>> No.9525197

I wouldn't pin this on Hot Topic, Hot Topic was ruined by tumblr like retards. Same goes for people that made Simple and Clean a meme. There's always that extra autistic group that takes it too far and ruins it for everyone else.

>> No.9525204

Why even bother playing them if you don't like the edgyness? It's nomura, that's all he does in every game, and that's one of main appeals to the franchise. KH1 is full of it as well.

>> No.9525249


>> No.9525250
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hard to believe this is official

>> No.9525267

A lot of people will say this was the turning point for Square, but if you ask me, it was X-2.

>> No.9525276

It'd be a shame if the writer of this series was chosen to pull his pants down and release a giant stinky turd on the greatest JRPG ever made, wouldn't it?

>> No.9525371

>main appeal
I can’t imagine being masochistic enough to actually enjoy Nomura’s bizarre blend of pop and edge, even ironically. I wouldn’t be surprised if young kids even find most of it to be embarrassingly juvenile. I don’t deny that it’s pretty astounding just how deep the rabbit hole of cringe can go when Nomura is given free reign to do as he pleases, but it’s only interesting in the same way that a car wreck is interesting.

>> No.9525408

God just hearing this fucking song is enough to well me up:


>> No.9525443

No one cares what some soulless gen Z dipshit thinks.

>> No.9525464

I’m 31. Not that it matters, seeing as how teenagers both back then and today would probably agree with me.

KH1 was great and comfy. Everything after that is full-blown, chuuni derangement.

>> No.9525478

Millenials say 'cringeworthy' at the least, because they aren't soulless negrified automatons like yourself.

>> No.9525491
File: 6 KB, 182x277, eldritch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Burn Down Burn Down Hot Topic!"
-Theodoric the Goth, 538 AD

>> No.9525494
File: 14 KB, 347x286, Santino_corleone_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using the word "cringe" unironically


>> No.9525519

Just the kind of low quality post I’d expect from someone who unabashedly enjoys Nomura’s cringe. That’s the last reply you’re getting out of me, anon; wouldn’t want you to trip over your trench coat when you come at me with your full-scale replica of Master Xehanort’s keyblade.

>> No.9525527

Don't care, didn't read, plus you're a nigger.

>> No.9525541

Kingdom Hearts is fucking horrendous.
I understand liking it if you played it as a child, but please stop pretending it was ever good.

>> No.9525545

It's challenging because it's clunky
KH2 mogs KH1 in every way

>> No.9525551

KH2 has some way, way harder fights than 1, even taking the improved movement into account. That guy doesn't know shit.

>> No.9525552

You're both faggots for letting the behavior of people you will never meet affect your enjoyment of a piece of media.

>> No.9525554

Quit larping, zoomie. Everyone back then liked Kingdom Hearts, which you would have known if you had been there

>> No.9525560

If you ported the polish of KH2's combat into KH, there would be zero challenge in the main story, even without Sora's crazy leap up in ability
Meanwhile there are definitely fights near the end of KH2 where I barely pulled a win out of my ass somehow

>> No.9525572
File: 56 KB, 484x600, tumblr_mm7cqadxn61qzn70jo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy gets it

>> No.9525627

Yeah, I remember. KH2 was hyped as fuck, tons of people played it and it got positively raving reviews. I still have the issue of EGM that has their review of it (they gave it like 10, 9.5, and 9.0) despite them also pointing out that some of the levels were completely lame (like the Atlantis one).

I’m not saying the game is bad, I’m saying the entire “Organization XIII” plot is embarrassingly childish and actually serves to make the game worse. Not even the FF games manage to alienate Westerners as much as KH2 does. Or did Japs also find the story to be completely ludicrous as well?

>> No.9525639

Compared to game plots of the time it was fine. Above average even. Which, again, you would know if you were there

>> No.9525651


>> No.9525674

Lol what’s your standard for “average” back then? KH did the 2deep4U thing better than KH2 because it was at least (comparatively) subtle and grounded within the context of it being an FF + Disney collaboration. KH2 goes completely off the fucking rails with tons and tons of exposition that forcibly railroads you into an ADHD-ridden plotline that basically tosses the Disney X Square schtick right out the window.

Admittedly, I’m not sure if there was any other way for them to proceed with the franchise. Having to come up with a plot to tie in the seemingly random mishmash of characters isn’t easy. But goddamn— what they decided to roll with sure does suck.

>> No.9525698

Zoom harder

>> No.9525703 [DELETED] 
File: 947 KB, 900x1200, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being cringe unironically


>> No.9525713 [DELETED] 

>having that saved on your hdd

>> No.9525721 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry, I didn't realize I was dealing with the underprivileged. Though I suppose the signs were there.

>> No.9525735

Honestly Kingdom Hearts is such a comfy game, i always feels relaxed when playing it.
Also, even if it's a shit game completely BTFO by the manga counterpart 358/2 Days still has a lot of interaction with Twilight Town which has this OST:

>> No.9525773
File: 63 KB, 625x469, 68c14e5772e50be95b43261f98872aa5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

edgified cartoons are PEAK aesthetic, faggot

>> No.9525780 [DELETED] 

>implying i dont have an SSD for the OS and HDD for media storage
retard alert

>> No.9525781

negrified != edgified

>> No.9525782

I've never seen a white man wearing a shirt like this.

>> No.9525797 [DELETED] 

whatever you say, noxan

>> No.9525807

Yeah, when they’re done well.

Inserting cartoon characters into an already well-established and popular aesthetic (in this case basketball/hip hop) works because it doesn’t break the layer of irony that comes with it. In the case of those Looney Tunes, it’s “cool” because it’s kind of funny.

Whereas with this shit >>9525010, it’s Mickey Mouse trying WAY too hard to look cute in an edgy, almost emo sort of way. The aesthetic itself is NOT well-established so we as the viewer have no idea what he’s trying to pull off with that pose and that outfit. It actually, literally begs the question
>what the fuck did he mean by this?

We can’t feasibly see this as funny, because it’s evident that Mickey is 100% serious about looking like he belongs in a fucking boyband. There is no layer of irony to it, and that is what makes it awkward and uncool.

>> No.9525819

KH1 has got the most perfect pacing when it comes to gameplay progression and powercreep

Sora starts with very simple movement and his attacks are very simple, by the end once you face off the extra bosses you really feel like you have grown as a character specially if you craft all end game weapons for all 3, many games fail at recreating this feel and it's very rewarding

Also I do agree with posts above, end game Sora in KH1 feels very balanced compared to end game Sora in KH2

Having said that though I think I like KH2 for completely different reasons, it being a pseudo Devil May Cry with JRPG elements being one of them, also KH2 is more "anime" than KH1 because of all the 1v1 fights and all the cool shit Nomura included in many of the bosses and general gameplay

Really wished the gameplay would have remained good because Square had something great going on before they killed the franchise with BBS (I also like this entry though but modern KH is nothing like what KH1 and KH2 used to be)

>> No.9525825

>it’s Mickey Mouse trying WAY too hard to look cute in an edgy, almost emo sort of way
Game came out in the mid 2000s what do you expect lol
It made sense at the time

>> No.9525835

A lot of games from the 2000s hold up.
And Nomura arguably popularized that trope anyway, so there's really no excuse.

>> No.9525837

If he popularized it, then it was successful and a good idea.

>> No.9525842

Good thing that's what's being argued.

>> No.9525846 [DELETED] 

Why does everyone keep saying BBS killed the series or made it worse? What did it do mechanically?

>> No.9525849

Having to see this commercial every five minutes but not even having a PS2 yet was suffering. I got to play a bit of it at my friend's house, but I only had time to make it to Traverse Town if I was lucky. The game felt so mysterious.
Then that Christmas came, and I got a couple of PS2 games and news that my parents got me a PS2 at CompUSA, but for some reason it was delayed. Were there shortages or something? The last gift I opened was a card from my cousin in another state with the money to buy Kingdom Hearts. I think he heard too late to send the actual game.
Goddamn did it feel good to finally get that PS2 after whatever length of time it was (it felt like an eternity as a kid), spent reading the manual to .hack Infection and Kingdom Hearts, and set that bitch up and play some games.

>> No.9525850 [DELETED] 

Not retro, fuck off.

>> No.9525853 [DELETED] 

Who cares? PSP isn't retro.

>> No.9525868


>> No.9525872

>made sense at the time
I’m not entirely convinced that this is true. I was definitely in high school during the peak of the emo fad and it was definitely more of an underground fashion movement than anything genuinely mainstream. Seems more like Nomura just thought that shit was super cool and tried his damndest to apply it to a character that could never pull it off in a million years, and everybody beneath him was a yes-man who agreed unconditionally. The fact that the design has aged so poorly is clear evidence of this.

>> No.9525905


>> No.9525930

Sanctuary > Simple and Clean

>> No.9526004
File: 231 KB, 480x360, 1669957910430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thread chock full to the brim of revisionist cope
Everyone knew Kingdom Hearts was the shit back in the day.
Simple as.

>> No.9526007

Pretty much. The hype for KH2 was borderline unmatched back then, I remember spending hours sperging about theories with the other young autists on gameFAQs every time they'd give us a tiny crumb of new info about KH2.

>> No.9526018

in all actuality it's just toxic masculinity. something feminine or gay comes off the anime vibes therefore it's bad. no retard you've just been conditioned from birth to hate anything genuine out of fear of seeming like a pussy

>> No.9526081


>> No.9526085

>If you ported the polish of KH2's combat into KH, there would be zero challenge in the main story, even without Sora's crazy leap up in ability

But the polish you're referring to IS Sora's leap up in ability. Sora is a faster, more agile, more airborne character in KH2. He's a killing machine. Movement is snappier, you're rewarded more from hitting enemies, multiple evasive options come out very quickly, etc.

>> No.9526101

>toxic masculinity

Oh shut up, moron.

>> No.9526142
File: 3.93 MB, 640x356, 1656803730179.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh goofy...

>> No.9526216

>noooo there cant be any explanation for why i think the way i do nooooo society doesnt condition me nooooooo i dont internalize how im supposed to behave to properly exemplify my gender nooooooooo im not listening lalalalalala

>> No.9526227

Shut the fuck up, tranny.

>> No.9526256

>But the polish you're referring to IS Sora's leap up in ability
No, the polish is the polish. Roxas in the prologue of KH2 feels far less clunky than Sora in KH, because the battle system overall has been polished.

>> No.9526264

>stop telling me the truth!

>> No.9526276

>the truth
>a bunch of histrionic moans
You're a gay retard. Final (You).

>> No.9526304

Run away if you must. I accept your concession

>> No.9526357

It has nothing to do with Hot Topic, it’s shibuya-chic

>> No.9526365
File: 45 KB, 667x466, 1660692650850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh cringe
>posts on the retro section of a tibetian basket-weaving forum

>> No.9526381

cring post

>> No.9526384

>kingdom hearts fan
>all or nothing
>no nuance to be found
Yeah, that checks out.

>> No.9526527

Great game, perhaps it should have ended here considering the massive autism that is the rest of this franchise.

>> No.9526535

I'm gonna say it.
KH lore?
It's pretty cool.
Yeah, it's LIGHT and DARKNESS and then the DARKNESS falls into the HEART and so on but when you zoom out, I think the mechanics of how the world works is 1. neat and 2. thematically sweet as it all kind of centers around the Chain of Memories that make it so a soul is never truly lost so long as they have made strong connections with people. The whole universe is working under saturday morning cartoon logic and I think it's fun. Kingdom Hearts is really just a shounen battle manga in the form of a series of video games. The universe of Dragon Ball or Naruto got just as ridiculous and mockable by the end of its run to an outsider

>> No.9526537

>KH lore?
>It's pretty cool.
You sat by yourself at lunch, huh?

>> No.9526539

No, actually. I was the funny fat kid the popular kids let sit at their table for occasional one liners

>> No.9526546

christ what a faggy post. yeah dude you're real cool and grown up. you sure did tell that other adult on 4chan's "really old toys" board what for. gottem!

>> No.9526551

Damn, you still sit alone. lmao

>> No.9526556

and you're still a cum slurping subhuman, point?

>> No.9526561

>kh fan
>sex is LE BAD
fucking lol

>> No.9526569

simple and clean is the way that you're making my pussy feel tonight, anon... <3

>> No.9526593

Kingdom Hearts was cool. It was a time when every kid with a real childhood was raised on Disney and Disney wasn't total garbage yet, and animu/weebshit was cool because it had only JUST become pretty mainstream so you still felt kind of counter culture for liking it unlike today where NPCs all love it and it's cringe

It was a weird blend of things that worked, and it had soul

>I was definitely in high school during the peak of the emo fad and it was definitely more of an underground fashion movement than anything genuinely mainstream.
Brah if you think My Chemical Romance wasn't genuinely mainstream I don't know what you're smoking

>> No.9526819

This, game was perfect until 2, organization should be just in the gba and other handhelds chapters for those who wanted to get knee deep in that
Stuff in first episode was blended good, thanks to the new character look

>> No.9526846

I still enjoy simple and clean though, i'm talking about the perception, which has been shown in this thread, and every time KH1 or the song is brought up.

>> No.9526849

I was 10 when this came out. This shit was mindblowing to a kid. I grew up with Disney cartoons and FF7 was one of the first games I had on PS1. The commercial with simple and clean would play all the time. Yeah this shit was dope, what a time to be alive.
Thankfully I wasn’t super autistic, but the wave of autism this caused at some kids in school was immense (I am thinking about one annoying retard in particular).
Sequel was good too but wasn’t nearly as magical, mostly liked it for Tron world.

My favorite thing about this game was how it starts you off on this ethereal comfy island with all your friends (who are kid versions of characters from final fantasy games you already played) and then it transports you to fucking Disney animated universe with movies you already watched. It was so weird and interesting, and I really like how they did the 2D Disney cartoons in 3D without losing much in translation.
Embarrassing to admit to liking something so autistic but holy shit this was a drug to a child in 2002.
It lives and dies by its incredible opening, that tropical island as your door to a new universe was expertly done.

>> No.9526856

The story was always nonsensical garbage and a paper-thin excuse to go romping through Disney settings.

The gameplay itself is simply but satisfying and there's a great sense of discovery.

>> No.9526869
File: 39 KB, 187x184, Sprite_Sora_Dive_1_KH3D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember taking forever to load the trailer for kh2 with my shitty internet, rewatching what little bit it had loaded over, and over, and over until it was finished.
this song got stuck in my head forever

>> No.9526872

stop replying to bait

>> No.9526874

Still the best Ansem voice

>> No.9526880

>so you still felt kind of counter culture for liking it
a kid wasn't thinking like this in 2002

>> No.9526889

Uh I was, I legit thought I was smarter than other kids and "in the know" and "more mature" because I liked anime and that attitude was kind of prevalent among the other anime dorks at my school (and still is honestly which is more ridiculous since it's a bigger trend than it's ever been). I was a moron of course and I was wrong, but it is what it is.

>> No.9526891

ok sure

>> No.9527081

MCR was mainstream. 99% of emo bands weren't. Dressing and acting like a faggot scene kid wasn't

>> No.9527084

You're a faggot for letting the opinions of others dictate your own behavior in any way. No justification you can give changes this.

>> No.9527087

Yes we were

>> No.9527124

Never got into this game 'cuz it gave off major gay vibes.

>scrawny emo kid anime characters, couldn't even be inspired by cool anime like DBZ
>main weapon is a fucking KEY lmao, I guess a sword isn't kiddy friendly
>Disney characters; only women, children, and fags like Disney

You're forgiven if you have nostalgia for the game 'cuz you played it as a child, but if you were a male above age 12 and still liked this on release then you probably suck cock in women's dresses today.

>> No.9527125

And you’re delusional if you don’t think other peoples’ opinions have played an integral role in shaping your own behaviors and preferences.

You’re free to be as socially unsophisticated as you like, but don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re somehow smart or special for doing it. That’s a textbook example of what it means to be an archetypal Fool.

>> No.9527167

>n-no actually it's s-s-somehow a g-good thing to let other p-people's opinions dictate your own
>you're d-d-delusional
Better luck next time, anon

>> No.9527179
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>> No.9527189

Not playing a game because you think you might start sucking cock after… well that’s isn’t the game at that point bucko if that’s all that’s holding you back.

>> No.9527435
File: 246 KB, 600x615, npczoomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no

>> No.9527524

Want to know how I know you didn't spend a second living in the 90s

>> No.9527760
File: 56 KB, 498x334, pepe-cringe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you played this game as a kid you get a pass but holy shit ive seen some of the cutscenes on youtube and its literally the most cringe thing ive ever seen in gaming. physically painful to watch. worse than any modern day woke shit

>> No.9528118
File: 49 KB, 600x600, E4527B01-F411-45DE-BB84-7A15F24B1DED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simply Clean is the way that you’re making me feel tonight

>> No.9528413
File: 41 KB, 532x709, WDC92286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the door to darkness

>> No.9528534

I loved this game.
Honestly, the best parts of this game were the non-Disney ones, just amazing atmosphere and design. The very tutorial area or the ending area are some of my favorite levels in all vidya history, I just love that kind of bizarro shit.

Sequels just can't compete.

>> No.9528625

Calling KH1 cringe is cringe. KH1 literally stars child actors. It's for kids. It only becomes cringe after it becomes adults reading anime shit.

>> No.9528689

thats why i said you get a pass if you played it as a kid. thats the only valid reason for an adult to play this game. any grown ass man who plays it for the first time now needs to be put on a watch list.

>> No.9528708

>anyone who plays one of the most acclaimed games of all time to see what all the fuss is about is dangerous and fucked in the head
Lmfao quit projecting anon

>> No.9528714

I don't like KH either anon, but you sound exactly like the dudebros I knew from back in the early 2000s.

>> No.9528827

I'm neither of those anons, but my chances of ever giving these games a try were absolutely obliterated because I knew too many superfans of the series in high school who would never shut the fuck about it. They talked about the games, they had the manga, wore the clothes, flaunted the merch, drew the characters and made OCs, they shipped the characters together. They fucking lived and breathed KH. By the end of HS I was just happy I'd be free of seeing and hearing about it. I don't understand what it is about KH fans, but they are actual zealots. I don't care about whether I'd be "associated" with them, but the insane bombardment I was subjected to made me sick of these games before I ever even tried them. It's okay to love something, but excessive, rabid enthusiasm like that can't be healthy and it's definitely fucking irritating.

>> No.9528849

Nobody gives a fuck, this isn't your faggot blog

>> No.9528857

>t. KH superfan
Get some taste, brand loyalist

>> No.9528859

I care, thanks for sharing.

>> No.9528861

Weird how no one brings up its predecessors, Dewprism/Threads of Fate and the Bouncer.

>> No.9528867

I pretty much agree with this. Though I think most of the stuff was fine as it was added in and it wasn't until you get to the end and look back you realize how off the rails it got.

You could tell they wanted the story to be less about Disney, which I always assumed it was because Disney was a pain to deal with. But looking back on it, if it had stayed a nice simple game about saving Disney Princesses to save some place called Kingdom Hearts from evil, it would have been charming enough. Everything after one reminds me of OC fanfiction stuff from that era.

>> No.9528878

Kingdom Hearts is for faggots. You should try it. You would probably love it, being a massive faggot and all

>> No.9528881 [DELETED] 

>any grown ass man who plays it for the first time now needs to be put on a watch list.
This little bitch NIGGER thinks he can tell other men what to do.

>> No.9528884

>other people loved this game so much that it convinced me to never try it
Idk anon, seems kinda retarded

>> No.9528889

There's such a thing as overexposure. You can definitely get burnt out on something before you ever get into it if you are exposed to it too much.

>> No.9528891

Whatever you gotta tell yourself anon, seems pretty retarded tho

>> No.9528892

Keep coping fanboy

>> No.9528913

I don't even like Kingdom Hearts
Thing is, I know for sure I don't like it, because I tried it, instead of letting how random people act influence my life choices
Honestly I can't imagine being so weak-willed. Totally foreign concept to me

>> No.9528921

Good post.

>> No.9528928

You sound like a predditor who is projecting.

>> No.9529043

I played it for the first time this year. It felt like a nostalgia trip because I grew up with most of the disney films.

>> No.9529679

I never struggled in KH2 and was really upset when I found out dying on certain bosses actually can unlock mickey.

>> No.9529682

Japanese writers are afraid of the less is more approach. When given a bigger budget and creative control, they go hard into lore and characters and away from editing. KH1 is fairly concise. Multiple worlds, they collapsed, there's evil, some worlds still exist, some people jumped worlds.

KH2 is retconny and overbloated. It did give us Pete and Maleficent tho.

>> No.9529689

>It did give us Pete and Maleficent tho
Disney gave us both of those characters over 60 years ago.

>> No.9529823

No shit, I meant KH2 sucked but they were a good part of it.

>> No.9530430

if your brain is rotten. it just rehashes disney shit to manipulate you and its gameplay sucks

>> No.9530448

You never played it

>> No.9530457


>> No.9531102

FM is retro, it originally released I'm pretty sure before even the GBA version of CoM came out

>> No.9531156

I think KH1 is a better overall experience, but I have more fun playing KH2. When you fully "come online" in KH2 and have all the necessary abilities, combat feels amazing in a way that most action games even to this day have a hard time keeping up with. The issue is since it's all tied to beating bosses, you don't come online until 80% of the way into the game.

>> No.9531160

Wait, is that fucking mark hamill as the voiceover in the commercial?

>> No.9531165

For me
Slow version of S&C > Slow version of Hikari > Sanctuary > Fast version of S&C > Passion > Fast version of Hikari

>> No.9531172

It is but Richard Epcar did a perfectly fine job in the stuff released after KH2, it's just 2 itself where he sounds bad because he only gets like 3 lines. He sounds great in the PS2 remake of CoM, to keep it retro.

>> No.9531182

It's honestly kinda wierd that people have a hard time following KH2's plot and I have to assume these people either started with KH2, or they played it after games released after KH2 came out because if you just play the games in the release order of KH1 > CoM > KH2, nothing happens in the game that either isn't explained or doesn't make sense in context. KH2 is an internally consistent game, there's like 1, arguably 2 retcons of previous games in KH2 and both are relatively minor in the grand scheme of things. It's later games that complicate everything in 2.

>> No.9531194

>I don't have to play it, I can just tell!
You're retarded

>> No.9531205

The problem is the Disney worlds are the worst part of literally every game. They give us some cool boss fights but in pretty much every KH game except for Days which isn't retro, the Disney worlds are just a rushed, halfassed recreation of the story beats of the movies. Yeah sometimes they mix shit up a little in KH1 by tying it to the evil council of disney villains but unless it's KH1's Monstro (which has a wholly original story) or Olympus (which effectively has no plot and is just the arena world), you're there to see the movie play out with some variation because SDG are there.
Hell as much as people deride the non-Timeless River Disney Worlds in 2 for being filler despite being 80% of the game, and don't get me wrong they are absolutely filler, at least when you go back to all the worlds on revisit they're doing shit that isn't just taken from the movies. There's a reason people care about the dumb OC plot, because at least it's plot that fucking matters in the overall narrative.

>> No.9531217

Very little in the disney worlds is plot-relevant but they're all thematically-relevant because they're all asking the question "what is a heart?"

>> No.9531219

I much preferred KH1's slower-paced block-and-dodge combat compared to KH2's frantic crowd control, combo, and revenge counter management. Each game just gave you more and more tools but outside of a couple of post-game bosses or a low-level speedrun there's no point mastering any of them as spamming random bullshit will get you through. I know at this point "over-the-top" is embedded in the brand, but that's why I have no interest in the series any more.

>> No.9531223

Yeah but to me, nothing in KH1 tops the satisfaction you get when you actually beat LW for the first time.

>> No.9531241
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>the great filter of childhoods

>> No.9531250

>it's actually one of the easier fights in the game if you just learn to fucking parry and have Counterattack equipped
I mean I'm not gonna front, it took me hours to beat when I first played, but the fight is a legit joke if you know how the game's mechanics work.

>> No.9531278

Most of the fight is just gliding around the arena as he randomly spergs out at you. And for some reason that works.

>> No.9531283

It was tough but it took me 2 tries. Did people really get stuck here?

>> No.9531284

>eats shit just to make sure it tastes bad
Sometimes believing another person’s testimony is a good idea.

>> No.9531290

no he didn't, all his recordings are inferior and generic, thankfully he's not the main bad guy in 2 so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.9531292

It's the unskipable cutscene that made it a filter/annoying, the fight itself is rather easy.

>> No.9531307

You can knock back everything he throws at you except Dark Aura because he doesn't have a hitbox during that sequence. You just need to be good at timing your swings.

>> No.9531350

I know this is a retro board but DON'T THINK TWICE BABY, DON'T THINK TWICEEEEEE

>> No.9531512

Masterpiece of shit

>> No.9531574

Most people's testimony is that it's a great game lmfao

>> No.9531618

>It's the unskipable cutscene
Oh NOW I remember that fight. Yeah, I don't know how hard the fight is I just remember being pissed off at the fact that there is no feasible reason to put it after an unskipable cutscene other than "if I annoy players enough, they'll remember it." Well jokes on you, I only remember it when someone else tells me to!

>> No.9531621

I've always hated its opening hours cause they feel like they just go on and on before you actually get to the actual game.

>> No.9531629

This is even worse with KH2.

>> No.9531638

Yeah the Roxas and Friends Power Hour goes on *way* too long.

>> No.9531674

So was it ever explained why Sora had a house and mom in the first game with Destiny Island across from a beach near his house? I'm guessing these days it's pretty much a dropped plot thread.

>> No.9531676

>explaining anything
It's like you never played these games.

>> No.9531679

I’m not talking about the game, I’m talking about your delusions of grandeur.

>> No.9531680

Roxas' summer vacation can't end fast enough

>> No.9531681

KH1 is great
KH2 is not as good in several areas, but still good
Chain of Memories is a 7.5 out of 10 at best, I have an official physical copy for the GBA that I've played umerous times. The story of Chain of memories is quite interesting, and the sprites for each character fits them well. The card system used in Chain of Memories is neat on paper, but it's overall implementation gets a mixed response from me. Makes want to pick up 2. Say what you want about 2, it's still more playable than 3!

>> No.9531698

I always thought it was kind of weird that he didn’t seem to have any qualms about being isekai’d without his parents having any idea where the fuck he went.

>> No.9531726

kingdom hearts overexplains literally everything it's why the series is confusing to adults but makes sense to 10 year olds

>> No.9531727

it says a lot of words but explains very little.

>> No.9531730

But it never explained where Sora's mom and house went.

>> No.9531747
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it's implied all of the kids in kingdom hearts 1 have parents and relatively normal lives, because they were being written as relatable children and not just anime characters. after the kh2 timeskip the characters stopped being "children" and nomura dropped everything about them that wasn't explicitly related to the ongoing plot.

>> No.9531751

presumably sora's parents both still exist and had their memories of him altered when everyone else's did. Riku has parents too, mentioned just before he left the island, and presumably they had to deal with the fact that their son disappeared to go be in blackface for a year.

>> No.9531806

>We can’t feasibly see this as funny, because it’s evident that Mickey is 100% serious about looking like he belongs in a fucking boyband. There is no layer of irony to it, and that is what makes it awkward and uncool
The sincerity and lack of self-consciousness IS what makes it funny, you irony-poisoned dork.

>> No.9531867

I have no idea what the fuck you're on about lol
It might be time for your meds, anon

>> No.9531896

Same experience except EB Games gave it to me as an apology for giving me the wrong DBZ game that I bought.

>> No.9531905

>>main weapon is a fucking KEY lmao, I guess a sword isn't kiddy friendly

This shit is so fucking retarded. I remember my retarded friends in school having the same complaint.
>hurrr durr you use key that's GAY

Mario jumps on niggas, doesn't use a sword/gun. How does that make his games any worse off? Fucking idiots.

>> No.9531910

So in hindsight what was the story of KH?

Give me the basic gestalt

>> No.9531913

Nobody plays KH for the Disney shit, it's all about the Nomura OCs and the gameplay.

>> No.9531915

Roxas' section is the best part of the game and one of the best crafted experiences in video games.

As a kid I WISHED for an entire game about Roxas and his friends solving mysteries Persona style.

>> No.9531916

Kid's homeworld is destroyed and he has to team up with Donald and Goofy to find them and restore order to the worlds by killing the Heartless.

>> No.9531928
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toss in some disney shit

>> No.9531936

heart heartless darkness dark ad nauseum

>> No.9531938

Sounds like a you problem.

>> No.9531943

Everyone is Xehanort. Everyone else is Sora.

>> No.9531945

It's not even a problem, you meme-spouting retard. I'm praising it, not complaining about it.

>> No.9531946

yeah, it's still a problem whether you like it or not.

>> No.9531951
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>thing that I really love is....a problem

>> No.9531958

>So was it ever explained why Sora had a house and mom in the first game with Destiny Island across from a beach near his house?
Are you genuinely asking if it was ever explained why Sora has parents? This is the most bizarre shit I've ever read. It's not a fucking dropped plot point for a character to have a parent
>well they dont show Sora visiting his mom and taking her out to brunch
Who the christ cares it's not a dropped plot point

>> No.9531959

I used to feel that way, but in hindsight that entire sequence with Roxas is 1 of like 3 parts in the entire game that actually matter for the overall narrative and I just feel bad for him because Roxas got FUCKED by everyone else's ambitions clashing around him. And that's just his character in 2, Days elevates him from "a guy who got dealt shitty hands in life" to "his existence is some kind of cruel, sick joke to see what anime Job would be like"

>> No.9531960

I have played it. It's shit.
That other anon knew without the time investment. You're retarded.

>> No.9531965

Why lie?

>> No.9531969

Lie about what? It's bad.

>> No.9531972
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Actually one of the best games ever made.

>> No.9531996

It's peak i-was-abused-as-a-child-core.

>> No.9532257
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what the fuck were they thinking with changing the enemy colors in final mix

>> No.9532373

Was meant to just be a cool exclusive thing, the issue was really that they kept it for the re-releases.

>> No.9532512

Why lie about having played it? You know you haven't

>> No.9532516

>no! you can't just not like trash!
>y-you didn't play it!
KH fans really are genuinely retarded.

>> No.9532530

Big freeze!
Big freeze!
See ya!

>> No.9532531

You didn't play it though

>> No.9532535

I also don't like the new special enemies they added that you have to kill a certain way to get their synthesis drop to create the ultima weapon.

>> No.9532542

You read a doujin.
You didn't like the game, you're just a pedophile.

>> No.9532546

This is a really weird way to cope with getting called out for not having played the game but hey man whatever works for you

>> No.9532551

See how the pedophile shrinks back when exposed.
>Ack! I have been found out!

>> No.9532564

Some of them are just a giant middle finger like the pirate ship juggling, but conditional drops are peak JRPG gameplay and it should be done more.

>> No.9532632

I think you missed a dose, anon.

>> No.9532679

kh3 theme fits with the game...dissapointment, playing 2 again for me thats the end

>> No.9532686

if we discuss plot, 1 wins hands down feels like innocent kid like fun of beating disney villains,. is after COM and 2 that it became weird animu shit to the living parody that the series is today

>> No.9532694

glad to be replaying it until today, sorry kh3 you just failed

>> No.9532696

single parent is a very disney thing, makes sense.
surprise nomura hasn't made her Sora' stepmother and he's actually from some destined bloodline from the keyblade era like ventus.
that stuff is overused, but i think KH could benefit from it unlike other stories that over use it.

>> No.9532701

enjoyable unlike modern western stuff.

>> No.9532704

read that in his voice

>> No.9532724

He says deep freeze.

>> No.9532861


>> No.9532864

imo, absolutely not. the ONLY THING that has not been ruined about the series is sora. nomura even went and ruined riku's genuine desires for freedom by making terra his keyblade daddy. but sora is wholly untainted by retcons or bullshit. he's just a good kid who was in the right place at the right time to change people's lives.

>> No.9532883

Yes. He was easier than Ansem possessed and wielding a black keybladee Riku, in the chamber, where that heart shaped door to darkness was in Hollow Bastion. Oh how I fucking hated him. Not just him being hard, but having to restart and endure that fucking cutscene after getting killed.
My best friend managed to beat him though. And it was that boss fight that made me never want to replay KH1 ever again.

>> No.9532912

Fuck that unskippable cutscene

>> No.9532964

It's not just the cutscene, it's also the hardest mandatory fight in the game so the two compound each other. Again it's actually not that hard of a fight, but most of us suck at these games as kids. Clayton filtered me for a while as a kid. That fucking Ursula cauldron filtered a lot of people.

Just say Riku 3, it's an easier way to say which Riku fight you're referring to.

>> No.9532986

I was going to call you crazy, but after listening to it again, it does actually sound quite a bit like him.

>> No.9532995

I looked it up later anyway, it's him.

>> No.9533003
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I just saw your erroneously reply to the other thread I'm actively looking at. Small world, small board.

>> No.9533021

Yeah that's what happens when you have multiple tabs up at once, sometimes you post in the wrong thread

>> No.9533223

It's a shame the main theme of the world isn't that great and honestly kinda complements how mundane navigating the inside of the ship is. Battle theme is great though

>> No.9533269

Ok guise the Key to understanding Kingdom Hearts is...Mathew 13:44 and Luke 17:21

Enough said. Will not say any further on these matters.

>> No.9533508
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I've been meaning to get into the series, since I think Kairi is pretty cute. The games feel like they require quite a substantial amount of time commitment. What would I be missing out on if I choose a later edition to start on the series?

>> No.9533579

You're going to have to play the games and find out.

>> No.9533584

i was going to say that before i realized who it was but yes he would need to actually play a video game

>> No.9533626

He just collects games? oh

>> No.9533665

There's no real reason to play the originals over the remasters beyond the fact that they're the originals. But I will say that you'll want to play the PS4/PC versions of the remasters over the PS3 because the PS3 remasters of KH2 and BBS have some pretty bad load times due to no installation on the system. The PC version by far is the definitive way to play the games but a lot of people don't like buying games on Epic and that's the one place to buy them right now.

>> No.9533671

Oh also while the Final Mix of KH1 only brings some minor additions and doesn't do much to improve the original game, FM of 2 overhauls so much and in every way it's a big improvement, that non-FM KH2 is just obsolete now.

>> No.9533678

>Final Mix of KH1 only brings some minor additions and doesn't do much to improve the original game
It completely reorders all of the skills to make for a significant difference between sword/staff/shield. Are you only judging this based on added content and not rebalance?

>> No.9533697

Both. The added content is the most minimal shit ever and the rebalancing, while significant, doesn't make the original game obsolete like 2FM's rebalancing does to 2.

>> No.9533919

That's great OP. You're so smart, you're a Big boy now. Tomorrow we'll try putting your pants on one leg at a time. The brain injury will get better over time.

>> No.9534571
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I've only started, as you can see I did open up the PS3 1.5 and only got through the tutorial, but it does already feel like this will be a huge timesink. Just trying to recapture that cool east-west crossover games I loved like Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 back then. https://youtu.be/kT-YtuzNqIY

Thanks. This was the answer I was looking for. I don't have EGS, but I can wait for it to release on GOG. I just fear that the publisher may have a proclivity to include some performance robbing DRM. I remember someone pointing out some minor visual issues with FF10, and was hoping that wouldn't be the case with newer releases of the series.

>> No.9534579

>I don't have EGS, but I can wait for it to release on GOG.
Hahahahaha....that's not happening. Maybe we'll get it on steam one day but I doubt that either. PS4 version is only very slightly worse than the PC version for the 2.5 games though. Also you'll have to emulate Days and Re:Coded since they didn't actually remake the games in the remaster, they just made the cutscenes into HD. Though Days really isn't all that fun to play. Re:Coded is actually really fun but its story is completely inconsequential.

>> No.9534595

I get what you mean but you know what the true filler is? The FF characters. Even in 1, like who the fuck remembers that they are from Hollow Bastion and supposed to play a major role? They do nothing throughout the games. I enjoyed the coliseum fights and still think that KH1 Cloud is best Cloud but man they are irrelevant to the story
Good argument actually

>> No.9534598

Anon I lost all respect for you. I thought you played all of the damn games you posted. Turns out you are one of 'those'

>> No.9534604

Well at least now he has the games to play them. Sadly he bought the worse versions of the remasters alongside the good versions, and doesn't even have the excuse that only the PS3 versions existed at the time.

>> No.9535223

>but it does already feel like this will be a huge timesink.
It's really not that bad, they range from 25-35 hours which is pretty brisk for a jrpg, and 358/2 and coded are so skippable that they got made into movies. that just means you only need to play 1, COM, 2, BBS, DDD, 3 if you want to catch up on absolutely everything, and personally speaking I think you can just play 1, COM, and 2 and get the absolute best of the series.

>> No.9536910

Before there was homestuck, there was kingdom hearts

>> No.9537054
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This. 1 and 2 are perfect examples of fully optimized action rpg gameplay. The coming of age story and themes of darkness eating the hearts of the worlds are perfectly designed to age well and become more meaningful each time you return (org xiii and nobodies suck though). The graphical design, particle effects, animations, speed of traversal, balance of exploration and combat are all exceptional; I really don't think many games can come close to the all around quality and spirit of these 2 games.

>> No.9537063

>org xiii and nobodies suck though
But that's practically the entire plot of 2.

>> No.9537074

That's true but there are still plenty of good moments to experience. The mechanics and art are so good that it makes up for it. 1 had better levels and story

>> No.9537239

how bad of a idea is it to play KH1 FM on the highest difficulty setting? i played 1, 2 and BBS when i was younger, but it was on the normal difficulty

>> No.9537246

You'll be fine, get good at blocking.

>> No.9537251

Go with the green thing to get leaf bracer and that other second wind bullshit earlier, I don't know it's been years.

>> No.9537284

anti kh fags can never, never, never provide real arguments. when 0ressed it always just boils doen to "le robes and zippers and disney are cringe, i hate anime xD, look at this terra in disneytown screenshot"

newsflash, the ones who are childish are not the ones who dont care what others think amd xan enjoy disney novies with well written and executed themes or games with excellent gameplay, people with arrested development and who obsessed with the notion of being so adult are the real children who need to grow up.

we all had our high achool "im too old and cool for X" phases, so if you are olderthan 17 or 18 you are a pathetic human being.

>> No.9537390

It's the best way to play it.

>> No.9537394

>shit controls
>shit gameplay
>tons of fucking goddamn shit story
Holy fuck, children. This is why PShit2 "games" shouldn't be on /vr/.

>> No.9537461

>shit contrarianism

>> No.9537478

>using the word "pathetic" unironically

>> No.9538132

it’s gap moe you don’t get it

>> No.9538307

Not at all, KH1 is a well designed game. The only thing that will fuck is if you pick mage build you DO NOT get second chance and will have to play more carefully, which makes the postgame stuff nightmarish unless you grind. Other than that I only play KH1 on Proud.

>> No.9538365

*that will fuck you

>> No.9538418

it’s easy

>> No.9538441

I wouldn't skip Re:Coded though since it is by far the best implementation of the command deck system and it's a shame it wasn't remade in its entirely because at pointless as the story is, it's really fun to play.

>> No.9538443

No it's the plot of like 10% of 2. It's just that that's 100% of the plot that matters.

>> No.9538448

Unlike KH2 where Critical is the only correct way to play because anything lower is a joke and Critical gives a bunch of exclusive cool shit for your kit, Proud on KH1 is basically just hard mode but a little harder. That being said it only is an issue until you get heal.

>> No.9538451

Yeah but picking staff, dropping sword also in the end gives you the strongest character so it balances out.

>> No.9538456

>if you pick mage build you DO NOT get second chance
You do, it's just not until level 90. But the reality is the game gives you enough defensive options and nothing hits hard enough to oneshot you anyway.

>> No.9538462

Always thought KH1 was the best one and that every entry in the series afterwards just got worse. The only thing that KH2 improved on slightly was the gameplay but the overall story direction veering deep into convoluted garbage that clashes hard with the Disney stuff really dragged it down for me.

>> No.9538608

I'll agree but I put KH1 on such a pedestal that 2's reduction in non-gameplay quality only brings it down to "really really good" for me. Also it didn't improve slightly on the gameplay, it improved massively on the gameplay.

>> No.9538613

>best implementation of the command deck system
Ah, the "nicest guy in prison" award

>> No.9538617

Command deck system is the best system in KH

>> No.9538618

What, they finally made it work as they intended it too. It's fast and snappy in a way BBS isn't and you very rarely feel like you're just waiting on cooldowns. If anything DDD was a step down from it. And it's entirely because of how it works in tandem with the second screen.

>> No.9538736

Yea, it's kind of getting better for me with age.
As I look back on it I keep remembering it fondly, even in comparison to other similar games from the time.

>> No.9538813

Yeah I picked mage one time so I could use good late game spells, but I didn't realize it would nerf my health and combo abilities

>> No.9538892

It's still ass

>> No.9538918

God I wanted to look like riku so bad, I still think he's cool as fuck. I did grow my hair out when I was 20 and look pretty cool, yup that's all over at 26. God being old sucks.

>> No.9538921 [DELETED] 

such fuckable cunny

>> No.9538924

I like Riku as a character because he's a sick cunt, not enough sick cunts in gaming

>> No.9538931

I was one of the people who had completely written off the game as "the single dumbest idea anyone has ever come up with" but bought it when it showed up in the $5 bargain bin. I was quite impressed, but still could never get past the Disney crap. Don't get me wrong, Donald, Goofy, and Merlin, add to the surreal charm, but all the worlds and Disney plot summaries, no thank you.

>> No.9538937

I seem to have the ability to numb my mind enough to tolerate the fact there are disney characters in that world. Oh god and I love roxas so fucking much, his entire story.

>> No.9539184

Ripple Drive will carry you through the first half of the game once you get it.

>> No.9539194

I think the smartest thing they did was stick to classic disney films as long as they did (PotC was a wierd exception and I'm not even mad because they used that graphics tech later for FFXII). Because the old and renaissance-era movies are kinda timeless, in KH1 the most recent thing in it was Tarzan and that's based on decades-old pulp novels. It unironically would've dated the game more to have something like Jungle Book or Robin Hood than it did using Hercules and Aladdin.

>> No.9540386
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I play as much as I could when I have time. Unfortunately, I did quit video games a bit after the Dreamcast was no longer relevant and became a casual player then. So games like the Kingdom Hearts series has been left in the backburner, but I do want to experience this beloved series.

It is a concern, since sometimes I do value the original release for better pacing since sometimes all the extra content may rob the focus away from the imagination. For me, sometimes I don't want a sequel or prequel because it may dilute and ruin series, but I'll take it one game at a time and start with the original KH and see how I feel as time goes on.

Knowing how I played other games, in a somewhat obsessive maybe optimized way to get a "complete" experience. I have a feeling however long it takes the average player, it is typically triple for me. I appreciate the curated path you recommend for me, and will start at 1 and go from there.

>> No.9540878

Jesus this game was comfy and easy until i got to that fucking Rikku fight after that dragon, I'm getting filtered hard by that faggot

>> No.9540908

Been playing these for the first time. Got through 1 and com (both stories) and now I'm backtracking the worlds in 2. I've had fun but they're all very flawed games. And I feel like these remix releases missed obvious opportunities to improve on the gameplay. Tbh I don't think these games are as good as plenty of other rpgs from that time. 1 and com both have some serious groan inducing issues in my experience. 2 mostly suffers from the dumbass minigames, press triangle to win, and the plot and lore are kind of a mess

>> No.9540924

Which RPGs are your favorites? I'm looking for games to play

>> No.9540942

From this era tales of symphonia, knights of the old republic, and skies of arcadia all smoke. They're also among the most famous rpgs from those consoles so maybe it's not news, but plenty of fun times to be had there

>> No.9540950

Skies of Arcadia is the only good game in that list

>> No.9540993

>It is a concern, since sometimes I do value the original release for better pacing since sometimes all the extra content may rob the focus away from the imagination. For me, sometimes I don't want a sequel or prequel because it may dilute and ruin series, but I'll take it one game at a time and start with the original KH and see how I feel as time goes on.
Trust me when I say that you do not want to play the original 2 over Final Mix. Even ignoring the added content, the original 2 is a fucking snoozefest in terms of difficulty which honestly just makes it feel tedious.

>press triangle to win
Are you playing on Critical?

>> No.9541001

Okay lol what are a few games you like

>> No.9541003

I don't know which mode critical is, I'm just picking the normal game mode

>> No.9541035

Critical is the final difficulty. It's also the only fun way to play 2, but it's really fucking fun
>HP and MP increases gained from boss rewards is halfed
>you take double damage
>but you also deal 1.25x damage
>You start with Reaction Boost, Finishing Plus, Draw, 2x Lucky Lucky, MP Hastera and EXP Zero in your ability list to use
>you start with 50 AP
>EXP gained is 75% of the normal amount.
It turns the game from a kinda boring joke into a genuinely really fun action game. Critical Mode is entirely the reason people praise KH2's combat, because it finally shines under those parameters

>> No.9541047

Okay thanks I'll switch to it if I can for the rest of the game and check it out. Kinda sounds like you need to do it from the start to get the full experience though. Is this true of the other games in the series? Going to play them all

>> No.9541073

You can only pick your difficulty at the game's start

>> No.9541134

>Is this true of the other games in the series? Going to play them all
No, sadly. Critical Mode is only fun in KH2 and KH3, where it's the most fun mode in the game. Critical Mode (and in my opinion, even Proud Mode) is not fun at all in BBS and DDD due to the combat design of those games.

>> No.9541145

No, Critical Mode isn't fun in those games because unlike KH2/3, it doesn't give you any cool shit to counterbalance against your nerfs. It's fun in 2/3 because it turns you into a glass cannon that can equip every ability at once and rip enemies apart as long as you don't get hit, BBS/DDD it just makes you weaker but with...extra command deck slots. That you get later in the story anyway.

>> No.9541151

I remember completing BBS and doing all superbosses with Terra on Critical made me wanna punch a wall. What a terribly designed videogame. "Uuuuuuuuuuh they got shotlocks, we can program the game with out buttcheeks and they'll still be able to win by spamming those". I did 100% the game, but it soured me so hard I didn't bother with DDD or 3, even though I own them.

>> No.9541161

DDD is tedious just in entirely different ways, but the secret superboss isn't even a fraction as bullshit as the BBS ones. 3 is fine now that it has a proper critical mode and the expansion content.

>> No.9542021
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It's nice to finally be able to play 1&2 anywhere. SE dropped the ball by not having at least 1&2 run fully on the Switch. I get why 3 would need to be in the cloud, but 1&2 have no excuse.

>> No.9542036

Who is worse than that big Pete Frankenstein monster in BBS?

>> No.9542220

Have you fought No Heart?

>> No.9542231

You never played 2 on Critical mode.

>> No.9542238

I would find your explanation reasonable if it weren't for the fact that despite all that you still wilfully entered and replied to a KH thread.

>> No.9542876
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You know what? I'm gonna embrace the chuuniness, and give Kingdom Hearts a play.

>> No.9542905
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>Reach Neverland
>actually you're in Hook's ship the entire time

>> No.9543059

That is technically in Neverland. But yeah, we never get to see the actual land part proper until BBS, much like how we don't see any non-Monstro parts of Pinocchio until DDD. Though it should be noted, Prankster's Paradise WAS originally planned for KH1 but they scrapped it.

>> No.9543065

>Though it should be noted, Prankster's Paradise WAS originally planned for KH1 but they scrapped it.
No it was going to be in Days but was scrapped, KH1 was always just Monstro.

Good for you anon, and yes that is the right mindset.

>> No.9543289
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>> No.9543378


>> No.9543495

So why does the silver haired boy have the same name as Rikku?

>> No.9543760

gameplay is fine, but I agree on the hardcore manchild syndrome with the story

>> No.9543762

Coincidence. He's called Riku because Sora Kairi Riku is Sky Sea Earth. Much like how Ventus Aqua Terra is the same thing but in latin.

>> No.9545352

It badly needed the Final Mix and even then its not polished enough.

>> No.9545364

Lol what???

>> No.9546149

Riku and Rikku are objectively not the same thing

>> No.9546565

Riku = リク. Named after nip for land to complete a theme with Sora and Kairi
Rikku = リュック. There are some nip terms for backpacks and stuff that have リュック in them. I like to think it's a nod to the fact she can mix and combine items.

>> No.9547640

>free reign

do you know what a rein is anon

>> No.9548000

Is it just me, or is Yuffie’s outfit skimpier than ever in this game?

>> No.9549020

Nah. Lacking the unbuttoned pants and tits desperate to escape her tight top

>> No.9549907

KH1 was one of the worst games I've ever played. Ridiculous story and character design (par for the course with Nomura), mindless combat, and that damn level where you basically play the Scooby-Doo door chase with Goofy and Donald. I cannot understand why people like this series, and yet I always find its fans not very eager to defend it.

>> No.9549972

Some of us where barely leaving single digit age when we played this game.

Fetuses suck at video games. I remember being stuck on this boss.

>> No.9549984


May your hearts...be your guiding key

>> No.9550474

Her clothes were originally planned for Rikku (FFX) but they didn't want two characters with hugely similar names in the same game.
Even in 2 where she appears as a fairy they don't say her name out loud.

>> No.9550660

1 was pretty good
I dropped 2 because of the story, I just couldn't take it anymore. I don't think I've ever dropped a game because of the story before this

>> No.9550716

what is ridiculous about the story of kingdom hearts 1?

>> No.9550861 [DELETED] 

You sure proved him wrong

>> No.9551234

Phantom looks better in Final Mix

>> No.9551486

For the most part 2FM did the alternate colors better, aside from the chinese centaur

>> No.9551510
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She doesn't have that weird arm shield, so maybe that's why it seemed like she shows more skin.

>> No.9551526

>weird arm shield
It's basically a piece of thick canvas reinforced with slats of wood. It won't stop much but it was a real thing and it's better than nothing.

>> No.9551559

Are you 14?

>> No.9551628

i remember playing these games as a kid, but i didnt play 1 but instead i played 2, days, and CoM concurrently with no clue as to their relation to eachother (especially chonologically), so my attachments to the characters were weird

in days, i wanted roxas and xion to fug, got stuck at some alladin level so i never saw her resolution or whatever. totally sympathized with the organization and thought sora was a cunt for killing them in 2

in CoM i had no clue who the fuck kairi was so i was totally for sora opting to ditch the bitch and date the cute white haired chick instead (was very frustrated that he didnt). also got stuck somewhere (probably also aladin cuz lol bad card drops cant open door)

in 2 i was attached to roxas and namine cuz of the aforementioned 2 games and wanted to stop playing as this happy-go-lucky sora chump so i could play as who really mattered. never got to the second visit of twilight town, so i never got to anything that involved roxas

im just now playing through 3 and im actually excited to hear that all those characters come back somehow or another for happy endings (i think , idunno) cuz they were all the ones i cared about during my childhood, when i really liked these games

>> No.9551687

i'm sure a lot of the kids that played KH1 might not have had any idea about stuff like using guard or aero to mitigate damage.

>> No.9551704

to be fair, when sora casts aero he shouts DEFENSE

>> No.9552038

>Her clothes were originally planned for Rikku (FFX) but they didn't want two characters with hugely similar names in the same game.

Rikku was in KH2.

>> No.9552067

Read my post again. Slowly.

>> No.9553640
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Why is Cloud wearing Vincent's scarf?

>> No.9555113

Even Hikki was in on the joke. The MV was simple with Hikki cleaning.

>> No.9555138

Find out in KHV, which ties into FF7 Restart, anon

>> No.9556489

yea, but not on Destiny Island and only as YRP

>> No.9556874

this is like refusing to play mario and sonic solely because moviebob and chris chan exist

>> No.9556959

They probably originally planned to have it be Vincent instead of Cloud but changed it late for some reason

>> No.9557335

Best Cloud design Nomura ever conceived. Fighting him for the first time ever in vidya was such a fucking rush for a 15 year-old teen who was a huge fan of FFVII from when it was released.

Such a great game. It's such a shame Squaresoft will never make anything like this again.

>> No.9557605
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lol you fucking idiot

>> No.9557612

I prefer this cloud over any other version of cloud