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/vr/ - Retro Games

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950072 No.950072[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why did so many japanese devs use pseudonyms in their credits?

I heard something about how they weren't allowed to use their name, but why couldn't they?

>> No.950082

I've never read anything on the matter, but I always thought it was the whole JAPUNEESRU HONNORU and they didn't want to be associated with something as juvenile as video games.

It seems to mostly be in older titles.

>> No.950093

Companies sometimes forbid the use of real names in their games because of the fear that other companies might try to steal away talented employees.

>> No.950109

considering how they are now where they throw hot coffee in your face and demand you beg in order to keep your job it really wouldn't surprise me if they did shit like that.

>> No.950148


This is not the case. Back in the 80s and 90s, videogame programming was considered a very lowly job, above something like working at a convenience store but below working in an 'office' (even though it's an office job). Programmers and designers for games were not considered salarymen, which is a very desirable position because it means you have high job security-- you're not like to be let go even if you're not a particularly good employee. Anyway, people were not proud of their position, and some were afraid their families (like cousins, etc) would find out they work in these jobs. They were afraid they'd be looked down upon by their peers in society in the off-chance that someone they knew played their game and recognized them, so they used pseudonyms to prevent that.

Game company employees were usually considered 'a dime a dozen' except for a select few who showed true potential like Gunpei Yokoi and Satoshi Taijiri. Even very successful people in the business like Keiji Inafune used pseudonyms (in his case Inafking) because despite their success they were considered 'not all that valuable'.

>> No.950162


Interesting. I wonder how Reggie's salary compares to Miyamoto and Iwata's.

>> No.950919

Is there any article about these things?

>> No.950937

Seconding this.

>> No.950968

>because of the fear that other companies might try to steal away talented employees.

Companies just don't want to have star developers. They would like people to like, say, Capcom and not Shinji Mikami, Keiji Inafune and Shu Takumi, because those people revolt and leave and badmoutht he company whenever it does somehting shitty.

It's not good for Konami to associate Metal Gear Solid with Kojima, because if Kojima leaves, fans will also leave, and Metal Gear: Not Directed by Kojima won't sell at all. They wish people wouldn't say things like "it's not Silent Hill if music isn't by Akira Yamaoka" or "it's not Final Fantasy without Yoshitaka Amano, so I quit", or "Resident Evil without Mikami is laughable, better let RE6 tank and pretend RE5 doesn't even exist".

For example, even though Viewtiful Joe and Okami were left at Capcom, fans followed switched to Platinum, because the developers were all famous people. You can own IP, but you can't own people. You can't hoard talented developers, it's costly, they're hard to control, and if your shitty business decisions don't impress them, they start to badmoutht heir own company on Twitter unless you pay them a bazillion.

That's why they always try to not popularize actual authors. For example, do you know who the character designers for Team Fortress 2 or Portal are? Or who's directing DotA 2? You don't, and for a reason. You only know "Valve", even though there's actual, named talent behind all their work.

>> No.950972

Valve's a game example considering that everybody does a bit of everything over there.

>> No.950973

>Valve's a game example considering that everybody does a bit of everything over there.
SImply put, it's a lie.

>> No.950985


It's the same shit corporations have been doing since copyright was invented. Officially, Mickey Mouse was created by the legal entity known as Walt Disney. That is, the Walt Disney CORPORATION, not the person. But it's awfully convenient that the corporation has the same name as its founder, because it means Disney Corp legally gets to say "Walt Disney created Mickey Mouse." Ub Iwerks? lol, who's that?

>> No.951012

> Criticizing free markets defence measures
You start like this and end voting to Mao, son

>> No.951024

but without the corporation Mickey Mouse would have staid on the drawing board of its designer forever.

You make it sound like they didn't take part in the creation of it, but they did. The same way publishers if video games do take part in the creation of games, without Capcom, there would be no worldwide Mega Man, whether Inafking had the idea or not. It goes both ways.

>> No.951036

I like the free market, but let's not pretend it's a flawless system.

Case in point, Capcom. I got just four words for you: "Call of Duty audience."

>> No.951105


Shut up, tripfag.

>liking the free market


>> No.951114


>> No.951116

>but without the corporation Mickey Mouse would have staid on the drawing board of its designer forever.
citation needed

>> No.951284

What is not to like? In this world of opportunities, where everybody starts the same and only your work marks the difference with the other people, the free market offers a way for individuals to express their personal wishes, creating a long-term stability which benefits everybody.

Or would you prefer to go back to the times of unemployment and homeless? Parasite.

>> No.951296

>where everybody starts the same
nice assumption you got there

>> No.951313

Bioshock is from 2007.

>> No.951715

Do you remember the days that every thread didn't devolve into an argument within 10 posts?

So do I. Those were nice days.

>> No.951735

>He thinks the free market exists

Enjoy your perverse mixed economy

>> No.951806
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Remember when this board was about retro games?

>> No.951876

Corporate economics is relevant to the topic, derailer

>> No.951909

It's relevant to your mother when she works out how much I pay her for for my weekly hand shandy. Now fuck off.

>> No.951923

>whether Inafking had the idea or not
He didn't. Akira Kitamura did.

>> No.951928

It's funny that Street Foghter 4 managed to sell considering that pretty much everyone who was involved with the old Street Fighter games had already jumped ship long ago. Nishitani, Funamizu, Akiman, Bengus...

>> No.952025

no Its straight up fascism in America.

>> No.952045

The right thing to do is to give most of the money to the company, some of the money to the authors and all of publicity ot the authors.

For their money, the company deserves more money, but nothing else, period.

>> No.952048

Street Fighter IV was a great game, though. If anything, it was superior to the old ones, including 3.

>> No.952056


3's only problem is balance. 4 has a lot of problems with its actual systems, so I don't think it's really fair to say it's a better game.

>> No.952057

>including 3
>as if SF3 was good

>> No.952061

What problems?

>> No.952067 [DELETED] 

3 kicks the shit out of super casual 4. 4 sucks

>> No.952069

3 kicks the shit out of super casual 4. 4 sucks, seriously get good kid

>> No.952129

And SSF2T kicks the shit out of 3.

>> No.952146



Yeah 2T kicks the shit out of 3S, for real

>> No.952176

no its more like
2T is one of my favorite games of all time but there isn't any real depth to it of course. O Sagat or O ken or die.

I dont know why all these fucking kids think thats better than 3rd strike. I suck ass at 3s but I still know its the god damn best fighter

>> No.952213

Not an article but there was a similar topic at HG101 forum:

>> No.952221

Easy. He gets paid in USD and they get paid in Yen. TAH-DAH

>> No.952432

The thing I hate most about this is I spend a lot of time on mobygames searching different developers to see what games they worked on in order to learn more about video game history but after a certain point it becomes impossible. The original Castlevania, for example, is probably one of the most influential games of all time but good luck finding out how it was thought up, who worked on it and what became of them. I mean, anyone who wants to know about animation history can find tons of material on Ub Iwerks but I fear the history of classic video games may become lost. These people may be dead and their stories lost for all we know.

>> No.952465

but it was made by Christopher Bee and Boris Karloffice

>> No.952489

Well NOW we have the internet, so things like producers and record companies will soon be a thing of the past

>> No.954161

>things like producers and record companies will soon be a thing of the past
So said personal recorders.

>> No.955043

I bet you're one of those faggots who report threads because the OP mentioned a modern sequel to a classic series.

>> No.956151

Based HG101 always delivers.

>> No.956195
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>I suck ass at 3s but I still know its the god damn best fighter
Best Street Fighter, maybe.

>mfw Capkiddies talk about their CPS crap near me

>> No.956234

>Companies just don't want to have star developers.

So basically, this is the exact opposite mindset of WayForward.

What about companies who leave literally NO trace of who made the game? And no credits either? For the life of GDRI, no one knows for certain who made X-Men for LJN.

>> No.956368
File: 1.46 MB, 1341x3741, en.wikipedia.org screen capture 2013-8-2-3-44-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would any sane programmer/developer/designer/artist want their name attatched to an NES-era LJN game?

>> No.956405
File: 25 KB, 500x398, LJNlogo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost forgot: Although it is mentioned in the wiki article I posted above, here's a direct, concise answer: Although many of LJN's titles (particularly the pre-Acclaim ones) did not disclose the developer, there is no video game that has been developed in-house by LJN. All of LJN's video games were developed by external developers. They were only publishers.

In other words, the endless stream of shittyy movie/cartoon/toy licensed games that LJN seemed to shit out weekly wasn't directly from their own bowels. It was more of a secondhand shitfest.

>> No.956418

And my final LJN-related post: Would you people please form your own opinions and notions and stop watching AVGN? It's ridiculous. Just because you saw it on a crappy Youtube podcast, doesn't mean you should take it as fact, and then parrot it on every website you come across.

>> No.956442


Would you please quit fucking shitting your fucking pants over someone who happens to have the same opinion as someone else?

I've hated LJN years before AVGN even existed so I'd thank you not to come and project thoughts onto people who haven't said anything. Typical autist

>> No.956470
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Thank you for fanting. Most of us knew LJN was a crappy publisher, but the only time topics like this pop up on /vr/ is when someone just watched an AVGN webcast. No need to get so sensitive.

>> No.956475
File: 44 KB, 322x450, videogames1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.957070

My LJN loathing came from the fact that damn near every game I played that they had published was the antithesis of amusement. They were like "Ha ha, not only did you waste your money, you are now not even bored, you are IRRITATED, which will ruin your whole day!"

Knowing that they were merely a publisher does little to ameliorate this, though. Remember, Activision and EA are publsihers.

>> No.957926
