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9506348 No.9506348 [Reply] [Original]

PS2 FAT VS PS2 SLIM, which system is more reliable and the overall better choice? Thank you for the help.

>> No.9506353

The only way to make either system last is through modding.

>> No.9506358

SLIM, don’t listen to the echo chamber fags who say the only way to use OPL is via a HDD when they haven’t tried it any other way.

>> No.9506363

I'll take the dreamcast thank you

>> No.9506372

all fats exploded mid 2011
go for slim if you want to play disks
fat for piracy on hdd

>> No.9506385

This. I thought it was just me but every single fat ps2 I've owned died idk why

>> No.9506389

Slim is more reliable. Use SMB.

>> No.9506409

The "other way"s are fine, SMB is certainly good, but nothing's anywhere near as convinient as a hard drive full of games you can jump straight into. As I understand the sd-memory card and USB solutions are hampered by lacking a fast enough read speed too.

>> No.9506416

Scph-39001 the superior ps2

>> No.9506417

Fat is more reliable. Slim is made out of cheaper parts which are more prone to failure such as the laser. And you can slap a hard drive into the flat models.
>t. had my slim fail on me, but fat still works perfectly fine with 0 hiccups

>> No.9506425

I mean I’ve only used it a bit but actually had more issues with BAKA than with USB. SMB gave me a read disc error with all the GTA games after playing for more than 10 min. I’ve yet to encounter a single issue with USB. I feel like USB being bad is a bit of a meme. Although I haven’t played FMV heavy games yet.

>> No.9506426

Xbox Series S through emulation. It's no meme.

>> No.9506440

PS2 Slim + Raspberry Pi 3B+ running 'psx-pi' attached to each other via the Ethernet cable.

Problem solved.

>> No.9506443

Just use OPL with a slim PS2 + Raspberry Pi running psx-pi you stupid fuck.

Why on earth would you ever want to use discs when that laser might not work one day? It's better to swap to an HDD setup to avoid any hassle.

>> No.9506446

>Why on earth would you ever want to use discs when that laser might not work one day?
Why would you use original hardware period when it might not work one day?

>> No.9506467

>Although I haven’t played FMV heavy games yet.
Yeah that's why you haven't noticed lol, FMVs are unbearable with it. There's other things that hiccup too but it's case by case, you can certainly play some games fine.

>> No.9506471

Check the newer releases of OPL
Got some free time to twinkle with m slim; Justice League Heroes was a saddening sttuter mess through USB back then, but now it runs pretty fine. I noticed even reduced loading times, they did some fantastic job on OPL
Unrelated friendly reminder: Do not forget that some versions of your favourite homebrews may output 240p video or change to it without warning! If you ever face a sudden black screen, your TV likely does not support it!

>> No.9506504

*to tinker with my slim
Apologies, forgot to change to English as primary language

>> No.9506546

Me and a half-dozen people I knew when I was a teenager all started encountering disc read errors with our fats by the mid-2000s.
The slim I got in 2006 is still going strong. The only issue I've had with that is the laser ribbon coming up, but that was easily fixed by sticking something behind the laser to keep pushing down as it travels.

>> No.9506616

2022. You don't need this shit anymore to play ps2.

>> No.9506625

The laser is more likely to fail than the rest of the hardware bro

>> No.9506671

Skill issue.

>> No.9506689

Much as with women, when it comes to PS2s, fat is the only reliable choice
Slims are unreliable and prone to leaving (breaking) but that fattie will be yours til you die if you take good care of it. Plus fatties give better head

>> No.9506726

Fat PS2s will literally die faster than their Slim counterparts you stupid fuck.

You clearly have not had the laser break before.

>> No.9506729

No faggot. Any fat PS2 is a ticking time bomb.

>> No.9506834

You clearly don't take care of your consoles, anon. That's a you problem, not the consoles fault.

>> No.9506838

my laser still kicking its 3001

>> No.9506840

unopned too oops

>> No.9506849

My original fat US PS2 died, guessing the drive failed. My US PS2 Slim, Japanese PS2 fat, and PS2 TEST fat all work fine though, so I maybe my US fat dying was just a fluke.

>> No.9506953
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>> No.9507081

>laughs in HDD + OPL

>> No.9507123

Don't games load slower though?

>> No.9507157

mine still works

>> No.9507182

The fat is the better choice because it has a hdd slot and it makes an excellent Dreamcast stand.
You can still play burned games with freedvdboot on a slim ps2 so it is not much of a downgrade but back in the day you needed a modchip to do that

>> No.9507227
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i dont think one is better than the other i have 3 fats and a slim and have needed to replace a laser in my slim and one of the fats, fats do have more space inside if you ever want to isntall a modchip which is a bit nicer but i don't think it matters what version you get

>> No.9507230

>The fat is the better choice because it has a hdd slot and it makes an excellent Dreamcast stand.
kek my dc is also ontop of my fat

>> No.9507252

I have tried it the other way, FMCB doesn’t work with slim and waiting for everything to start up for SMB is another minute

>> No.9507267

FMCB dosent work with slim? Wat. Just use usb.

>> No.9507272

FMCB doesn't work with most SCPH-9000x superslim consoles but they were manufactured after like 2008

>> No.9507274

Use FreeDVDboot then

>> No.9507282

Couldn't play FFXI on the slim

>> No.9507390

You need to use Fortuna
It just takes too long to boot everything
Fat PS2 not only has everything built in, it doesn’t waste your time

>> No.9507410

you could also just get a regular slim...

>> No.9507430

Or I could just use my fat and have everything contained and not have to power multiple things

>> No.9507450

Fat. Sure there are other methods to use OPL on slim, but with a fat you literally just pop the HDD in. Also the fat is more pleasing aesthetically.

>> No.9507462

I recently bought a PS2 slim model SCPH-9000x and really love it. It's amazing how they managed to cram the power supply back into the unit. I own several fat PS2 systems but now the super slim just might be my favorite model, along the PSOne.

>> No.9507630
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>> No.9507683

I prefer using a fat since I have a hard drive in mine, but I think if you care about reading discs that the slim is probably a better choice. You just have to keep an eye on that ribbon cable attached to the laser in early models of slims since it can and will eat your discs when it comes unglued.
SMB on a slim is also really nice, probably even nicer with a travel router and an external hard drive instead of connecting to your PC.

Nnot really in my experience. I haven't exhaustively tested this or anything, but MGS2 plays exactly the same from a disc and from my HDD. A few games still have some minor issues in OPL like audio or graphical issues, but load times haven't been an issue with anything I've played over SMB or from my hard drive. I've really only run into that when trying to play games via USB.

>> No.9507872

I'd like to get a 90k to replace my 75k but fmcb is too convenient and compatible models are rare.

>> No.9507965

>which system is more reliable
I've been playing pretty much exclusively on a 90001 slim since 2009. Still works great.

>> No.9508307

guys. a bit off topic but i don't want to start a new threat for it. Has playing PS1 games (fom disc) on a PS2 fat any downsides aside a few games that dont work?

>> No.9508347

SMB can be made easy depending on your setup. I just have an old netbook running Linux that I've dedicated as a server. I've just gotta wait for it to boot and it's good to go from there.
Depending on your OPL version, you may need mode 2 or 6 for the GTA games. Check the OPL Compatibility List for more info. USB is bad because it's USB 1.1 which is slooooooooooow.
It's about on par with loading from the disc. SMB is slightly slower than HDD but it's not a massive gamechanger.

>> No.9508354

the games have input lag, run like and shit and look weird. just buy a psone or a dc with bleemcast

>> No.9508372

There's actually a bit of homebrew for PS1 games on PS2 you might want to look into. It adds a lot of extra options and other QoL tweaks.


>> No.9508375


>> No.9508393

The motor for the disc tray crapped out on my fat ps2 back in the day.

>> No.9508408

I recently bought a brand new slim 9000x and it's giving me an issue where it thinks the disc drive lid is open on occasion. I'll be playing a game, it'll lock up and message appears on-screen saying the lid is open - after a few seconds it goes away and the game continues. Is this a common issue with this model? Never had an issue with my original slim model, which is the launch slim.

>> No.9508534

Source nigga? The system literally simulates a PS1

>> No.9508553

I got a slim in 2013 or 2014 I forget exactly when I just know I paid less than $50 for a complete in box (never opened) unit that I found at one of those Cheap Buys places that sells super clearance stuff and overstock.

>> No.9508563

>The system literally simulates a PS1
Simulation can only accomplish so much. You need to understand that backwards compatability is just a fancy way of saying "emulation".
Here's some issues listed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_PlayStation_games_incompatible_with_PlayStation_2

>> No.9508571

Yeah ok like 1 game that anyone cares about has issues. Still don’t understand why a PS2 would have added input lag? Especially over Bleem???

>> No.9508578

>Super Slim
>Weighs more

>> No.9508587

No idea. Point is, don't expect the games to look, perform, and play identically to the PSX. Minor graphical/performance issues aren't a major concern for most people, regardless.

>> No.9508595

Well, it only weighs more by a few grams if I remember correctly. While on paper it does, does is weigh more if you take in account the external power supply for the normal slim model? No

>> No.9508615

>Source nigga?
actually playing ps1 games on a ps2, how about that

>> No.9508626

Nice, even if there was input lag, why the fuck would you recommend bleem kek you sound like a sega fanboy fag

>> No.9508665

Knock on wood but my fat is still running

>> No.9508676

>why the fuck would you recommend bleem
oh gee idk, maybe because the graphics are better

>> No.9508681

>sega fanboy
yes I am but I would say the psone is also nice if you just want to play ps1 games, its cheap and small and mine never broke unlike my 3 other playstations, so its good, but dreamcast is the best way to play ps1 games

>> No.9508687

Bro idk what ur playing but literally 10% of PS1 games actually work. Plus more input lag than a ps2 due to emulation.

>> No.9508690

for me it's the opposite
t. owns two dead slims and a working fat

>> No.9508694

That's because just about every model of fat is made poorly. AFAIK there's only one particular fat model that's actually reliable. 390001 I think?

>> No.9508708

sorry if you like shitty emulation and never played on a real playstation


now fuck off

>> No.9508719 [DELETED] 

>I'm so different and unique my opinion isn't like all those OTHER people, I'm not a dumb sheep! Heh... Bet you think I look really cool because I'm so against the grain, eh?

>> No.9508726

I've owned 8 fats (I'm not joking) and 2 slims the fats are all dead but the 2 slims are still working

>> No.9508731

Kek you need your head checked buddy

>> No.9508735

I bet it’s just the laser assembly

>> No.9508739

Slims can kill your discs, found the hard way

>> No.9508746
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nice cope, now fuck off

>> No.9508749

Top looks better.

>> No.9508750

some couldn't read dics, some had the disc trap broken and one had a corrupted bio
>muh don't use fake memory cards
I didn't

>> No.9508753
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>> No.9508756

>the pixalated one is better
copium hitting hard

>> No.9508757

so much coping right now

>> No.9508786

Assuming it's displayed on a CRT. Lower image may be preferred for LCD.

>> No.9508810

So what happened to that new ODE for the slims?
I saw a video of some guy playing a game from usb but with actual good speeds

>> No.9508823

who the fuck cares about crts, nobody plays the dreamcast on a crt

>> No.9508830


>> No.9508832

lol you don't have one do you?

>> No.9508835

? Nigga you stupid

>> No.9508841

something called vga my retarded frens

>> No.9508850

Who's gonna tell him?

>> No.9508854


>> No.9508865

Ignore this baiting sega fag. I like the Dreamcast and Saturn but this guy is being a faggot and trying to derail the thread

>> No.9508875

cope more

>> No.9509062

It's pretty fun bait admittedly, it's like a dude jumped here from the parallel universe Bleemcast finished development.

>> No.9509130

>Bleemcast finished development.
so thats why you retards are screeching, theres a list of all the ps1 games that are compatible and how well they run with bleemcast

>> No.9509170

adding games to HDD to play on fat is so freaking unpractical, or maybe im missing something??

on slim via smb i have access to the whole catalog in two mouse clicks

>> No.9509190

Only the Mega Drive is good

>> No.9509220

I can't believe someone here unironically recommended bleemcast...or at the very least was this committed to their trolling bit.

>> No.9509239

idk whats the issue about it, all I see is cope and nothing much. retards could've just stop replying but no, the cope was to much

>> No.9509292

don't touch me

>> No.9509387


the song is based tho

>> No.9509431

I literally played my fat an hour ago

>> No.9509494

What are you having issues with

>> No.9509909


>> No.9510215

still private and unreleased

>> No.9510316


The PS2 USB port is USB1.1, it's slow and there's nothing you can do about it