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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 945 KB, 1400x1400, VampireSavior_Saturn_JP_Box_Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9508396 No.9508396 [Reply] [Original]

This game is a weeb Killer Instinct. Literally the same kind of vibe, but plays much less stiff and clunky.

>> No.9508402

It's a tard masher game that is a joke to people who play fighting games. Of course Shiturn posers think it's le best

>> No.9508412

this game at least doesnt have a visual style that makes me want to puke

>> No.9508419
File: 2.59 MB, 1440x2724, 1997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, you know better

>> No.9508420
File: 204 KB, 921x688, tumblr_loywxnHGUc1qd9g7oo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felicia was better in Darkstalkers 1 where she was fierce and muscled rather than the purity waifu she turned into by Darkstalkers 3.

>> No.9508448

>Killer Instinct
I remember sering that game at the arcade back then. I've been laughing tears for several minutes just watching the attract loop. Havent laughed so hard since the first Mortal Kombat. Fun times. I miss the arcades.

>> No.9508520

This doesn't play ANYTHING like KI, m8. Combo breakers alone change the flow of gameplay.

>> No.9509278
File: 76 KB, 433x650, c1a52431df51b91a5d48e99937d4d1e198d23495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New game/revival never ever, terrible timeline we live in.

>> No.9509305


lmao, FG opinions in /vr/ are fun as fuck

>> No.9509801

See me on fightcade. You mash your retarded little dick off and see how far that gets you.

>> No.9509806

I could be sad, but the games are just so good that I'm just glad they existed at all to begin with. I'm so grateful that Fightcade exists, too.

>> No.9509983

Almost all capcum fighters require mashing.

>> No.9509989

For executing certain moves, sure.

>> No.9510056

Meh it's still pretty much Street Fighter with horror/dark fantasy characters in it

>> No.9510064

>This game is a weeb Killer Instinct
in theme I guess, but Capcom are huge Westaboos, look up most of their games

>> No.9510071

I hate people who take fighting games way too seriously so much it's unreal. It's impossible to have a discussion about fighting games without resorting to autistic wankery about combos/balance and all that other shit because of them. Fighting games are soulless trash now precisely because of this too, no bonus modes, nothing, everything is made to appeal to FGC now. But when you actually decide to play these garbage modern fighters, you go online to have a good time and stumble upon some tryhard like LowTierGod who plays like his life is on the line

>> No.9510075

The well of the fighting game community got poisoned a long time ago and they're probably on the more tedious end of the spectrum.

>> No.9510080

Taking fighter games seriously is not required to enjoy them at all. But deeper fighting games are way more fun and rewarding in the long run.

>> No.9510152

>everything is made to appeal to FGC now
You are on to something here. FGC and narcissism destroyed fighting games. A lot of these people only play to dominate others. And not because they actually like the game(s). FGC was a mistake.

>> No.9510158

Australia kun is a lol cow of this board. He will not fight you. And if you actually manage to bait him into doing that. Be sure to stream the matches for the entertainment factor.

>> No.9510236
File: 10 KB, 480x360, 1662274128017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You remind me of the dudes that would get mad that I played "too hard" defense playing basketball against them in PE.

>> No.9510248

That's australia-kun, the most retarded person on 4chan, doesn't represent /vr/

>> No.9510280

lmao ok

>> No.9510283

Bizarre take. It’s using most of the same gameplay as Street Fighter 2 series. Why compare it to killer instinct. Clearly a dumb OP.

>> No.9510284

VSAV is my favorite fighting game

>> No.9510293 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 640x618, tfo6qtcf5lt81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me, is this Australia-kun here with us right now?

>> No.9510294
File: 81 KB, 640x618, tfo6qtcf5lt81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me, is this Australia-kun here with us right now?

>> No.9510310

For getting more hits on throws, for escaping throws/moves, for extra damage on piano input moves. Pad and keyboard players SUCK because they can't mash as good.

>> No.9510315

It was a necessary change.

>> No.9510331

I was talking to my mate about street fighter earlier today. Generally we talk about other players and their style and gossip in our scene. We almost never talk about balance as it's a pointless topic. Ltg and other try hards as you put it are just experienced players. You do know you can come up with your own style of play and beat them too if you grind enough so you learn match ups.

>> No.9510440

Alright, who's your favorite fighter design-wise and gameplay-wise?
>Design: Tutankhamun
>Gameplay: Talbain

>> No.9510463

No one cares

>> No.9510465

>A lot of these people only play to dominate others.
Why are you playing inherently competitive games if you don't want to compete?

>> No.9510476

Maybe you're new here but yeah that's Australia Kun and his forced "shitturn" meme

>> No.9510724

The influence of American movies, comics and cartoons is dripping from every single pixel, how is it weeb?

>> No.9510728

Everybody knows Japan is chock full of weeaboos. They invented weeaboos.

>> No.9510748

It's a weeb take on American movies, comics and cartoons

>> No.9510892

Being weeb isn't even a bad thing in 2022.
Only people who think so are old khvs stuck in 2010 /b/ mentality

>> No.9510918

wtf is a "gamest award" and why would anyone care?

>> No.9510923

NTA but gamest is a famous arcade-focused magazine in Japan.
Old /vr/ used to have threads about it with scans and stuff.

>> No.9510936

man, fuck you.

>> No.9510954


>> No.9511062

>health bars don't reset and fights carry on without a transition after knock-down
Welp you nailed it, hoss, it's just like KI because of this one mechanic. No differences at all. Truly a match in all fields.

>> No.9511257

Akiman (char desginer of Darkstalkers) likes Killer Instinct.
Pretty sure the KI devs like Darkstalkers too though I know Ken Lobby is more of a SNK fan

>> No.9511592

Yes, this is totally exactly what op has said.

>> No.9511610
File: 33 KB, 640x480, 1616823698804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those G Darius picks
Patrician taste.

>> No.9511612

>some tryhard like LowTierGod who plays like his life is on the line
I like fighting games, but years ago when I became aware of the competitive scene and started looking into it a bit and learning of the various prevalent personalities in it, I have to admit I became uber cringed.

>you see...we are the modern warriors, these games are the way we express ourselves, fighting is a spiritual experience, we as fighters are fierce combatants, we live for the challenge of the fight and to train to be the best we can be and live the code of the warrior and
It's all a bunch of autsits using fighting games to LARP

>> No.9511616

The best fighting scene is local gaming sessions with your bros anyway.

>> No.9511680

>Being weeb isn't even a bad thing in 2022.
Yes it is, just because it's more common/mainstream in 2022 doesn't make it any less cringe. It's just that more people are cringe now.

>> No.9511757

Westaboos are the cringiest anons ever. Imagine only playing cheesy western games because your internet induced doctrine forbids playing japanese video games. Millennials cant die out soon enough. That whole generation was a fucking mistake.

>> No.9511762

That is the only worthwhile comparison between the two games. They are nothing alike otherwise.

>> No.9511804

It was a hugely popular and influential arcade gaming magazine in Japan, and Vampire Savior won its Game of the Year award for 1997.

>> No.9511809

t. old khv

>> No.9511826

SNES American port green light or Samsh Bro

>> No.9511861

Simping for a culture other than your own will always be cringe and cuckold behavior. Has nothing to do with what games you play and you clearly have no idea what "weeaboo" and "westaboo" even mean, zoomer tard.

>> No.9511864

Simping for modern western culture is the cuckest of all

>> No.9511904
File: 1.06 MB, 1862x1099, feli&huitzil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally can't really separate the design and the gameplay, I feel that Darkstalkers really was great about the synergy between form and function. This is something that Akiman has specifically talked about, where his game design philosophy is very big on how visuals and mechanics work together, as opposed to some pother designers who see them as completely separate and interchangeable. And that's all the more reason why it just boggles my mind when some people go on about how they only like the character designs and not the games themselves, or how they have "surpassed" their source material or whatever. It's not seeing the whole picture. But at any rate my two favorites are Huitzil and Felicia.

>> No.9511916

I would say thats fair. It's like Killer Instinct but not for niggers.

>> No.9511981

What are you talking about? Darkstalkers isn't on SNES.

>> No.9511987

What exactly are Vampire Hunter 2 and Vampire Savior 2? Are they sequels or just minor revisions?

>> No.9511996

They're gimmicky revisions of Vampire Savior. Vampire Hunter 2 is Night Warriors/Vampire Hunter using the Vampire Savior engine. Vampire Savior 2 is Vampire Savior with some characters swapped out.

>> No.9512012
File: 1.29 MB, 884x1599, 2h7l82f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theyr'e a minor revision of VSAV. And they're basically just two halves of the same game, the only difference is which characters are missing (this is because the CPS2 board didn't have enough ROM capacity for the graphics for all 18 characters; same reason 3 characters were cut going into VSAV in the first place.) Most of the changes were considered to be for the worse, so they were generally passed in favor of the original VSAV. You can still find a very, very small playerbase for them, but VSAV is where the majority of the series' players go.

>> No.9512472

Capcom greatly expanded and defined her character and personality in later games.

>> No.9512796

I know, go read again

>> No.9512817

>Despise nu-version


>> No.9513094

People forget that Darkstalkers is an M rated game and that causes problems when you stick it on a compilation with Street Fighter. You then have to pick which game rating to prioritize when its time to submit to the ESRB.

>> No.9513150

>forget that Darkstalkers is an M rated game
>PSX and PSP rated T
Which more excuse censored bs?

>> No.9513370

Is that image even in those ports? It's from the arcade.

>> No.9513404

Yes, pic ending had in game

>> No.9513413

Interesting. Maybe the ESRB changed it's standards like happened with the MPAA and ET. Or maybe Capcom just got cold feet since it was technically a Street Fighter game and they didn't want it paired with that pic.

>> No.9513487

idk wtf FGC is
I just like whuppin' all y'all asses

>> No.9513504

I knew a guy who would tell me all the fucking stories for all the characters in Tekken and Street Fighter and other shit and be surprised that I can whoop anybody's ass in them, especially Tekken 2, when I not only don't know this shit but also dgaf about any of it.
Nyigguh, i just wanna bomb some dodongos. Keep your storyfaggotry out of my games. You ruined Zelda, Metroid, Sonic, Castlevania and so many fucking others and now, you pricks are even ruining fighting games. Stop that shit.

>> No.9513532

Oh shit we've summoned LTG

>> No.9513602

I was talking about gameplay, not lore, you retard

>> No.9514724

stuff I've read on /vr/ today :
- what is Gamest?
- VSav is a button smasher
- King of Dragons is a weeb game and never got realeased outside Japan
- the Battletoads beat'em up game doesn't exist

All these by only clicking on 3 threads. /vr/ is so full of fucking clueless zoomers

>> No.9515304

I always thought every Battletoads game was a beat em up. Then recently I discovered that the NES one was actually a weird gimmick game, and the beat em up was an arcade game that few know about.

>> No.9515852

only saturn fags care about this game, because saturn got no games

darkstalkers was only a drop in the bucket in the playstation library

>> No.9515925
File: 2.87 MB, 1280x720, 1587774847717.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk fighting games rarely had side content outside of arcade mode. not every game was soul calibur.
even vampire savior was barebones with a focus on arcade/versus, and didn't even have a training mode on saturn.

I understand that current gen devs use "esports" as an excuse to half-ass certain aspects of games and that can be disappointing, but its silly to attack players who actually play the games competitively.
people who only care about story or pretend to play games are really looked down on the fgc.
guilty gear and vampire are full of these fake fans.

>> No.9516176

>being a console warrior on christmas eve
Sad virgin

>> No.9516193

Killer Instinct is a fucking abysmal game and to this day I can't believe people unironically claim it's good. It's hideous, it looks like shit. The characters are shit. The animations are stiff and awkward. The gameplay is atrocious.

It's basically one small step above Rise of the Robots tier. Fuck you if you like KI.

>> No.9516196


>> No.9518390

You have terrible taste.

>> No.9518397
File: 70 KB, 614x642, 20221005_143529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man who enjoys thing wants to bond with other man clearly enjoying thing
>2nd man acts hostile and dickish towards other trying to form a friendship

>> No.9518442

KI is far more like SF2 than VSav is.