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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9503732 No.9503732 [Reply] [Original]

Goys, should I play GBA games on my 2DS XL or on a wii CRT at 240p

>> No.9503793

it is up to you and you only my friend

I've personally always thought GBA games looked real incorrect scaled up though, I don't know what it is. like I love my super game boy, gb and gbc games look cool to me on a crt, but GBA is just ugly as sin in my eyes. might be just me!

>> No.9503825

I'd go with the 2DS personally.
It's you and a few other people, myself included. I still use a Game Boy Player to play Game Boy stuff on a CRT but use Game Boy Interface instead of the original boot disc since I can tweak the scaling and resolution with it. Games legitimately look like ass on the Game Boy Player compared to how they do on the Super Game Boy otherwise.

>> No.9503835

Appreciate the input
Forgot to mention I’d be running it through mGBA, don’t know if that effects the way it’ll look tho

>> No.9503859

Both have input lag, but the 2DS should be better

>> No.9503863

2DS should have minimum input lag due to it having GBA hardware correct? Just the 2DS’s shitty display triggers me

>> No.9503868

It's probably been like ten years since I emulated GBA on a Wii, but I remember it looking good back then. I can't imagine it's gonna take anything away from the experience.
The display sucks? That's a shame. I have a regular 2DS and although the singular screen is kinda chintzy I actually thought it looked fine for Game Boy stuff.

>> No.9503890

Wii CRT is kino

>> No.9503910

Thanks bro, and yeah 2DS is kino for GBA but it looks like ass on the XL
Thanks boss, am excited

>> No.9503967

Gba just has a weird resolution that doesn't scale to conventional tv resolutions. So all normal ways to play on other hardware look like shit. Stuff like Gameboy player and Nintendo's emulators. They could have done better and made sure it looked fantastic but you know

>> No.9504457

Emulate on your pc

>> No.9504628

Retroarch on phone is the best non-gba non-DS experience I've had, visually. Played plenty of gba on wii, somehow it just looks disgusting to me... may be the odd resolution scaled up.

3DS is good, but i always have to hold down select to get the original resolution. GBA may be the best vidya library of all time

>> No.9504632

The the aspect ratio is 3:2 so you will get letterboxing, but a CRT is still kino

>> No.9504639

they are both 240p but I think the 2DS is the only one of the two that's not emulation, but only do that if you want to play handheld I guess

>> No.9504645

240p is a bad thing for gba games

>> No.9504648

I said they are both 240p anon, can you read?

>> No.9505885

I really wish the GBA didn't have an autistic resolution that doesn't scale to anything. Don't you have to scale it to like 1440 or something ridiculous until you can finally get rid of the the borders (you still get vertical pars of course)

>> No.9505968
File: 184 KB, 1500x1000, DSC03886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd recommend getting a digiretro boy or Revo k101 they're GBA hardware clones have full link cable support, can play games from and SD card and can do composite out, I'll post some photos of mine connected to my crt tomorrow. Only bad thing about them is they can't play GB/GBC

>> No.9506137

mate, what's half of 1440p

>> No.9506158

that's a cute little form factor. screen being flush with the top edge makes me strangely nervous for some reason though

>> No.9506190 [DELETED] 

Shame on everyone replying to this thread despite it being antisemitic. This isn't /v/. Any post that didn't call out the OP needs to go back.

>> No.9506221 [DELETED] 

How do you know OP didn’t misspell? You need to go back to reddt where you’ll be congratulated fo your virtue signalling efforts. Fucking fag

>> No.9506223 [DELETED] 

You're not fooling anyone. Go back before I start filing reports to the ADL and have this site shut down.

>> No.9506226 [DELETED] 

Cringe bait, kys

>> No.9506228 [DELETED] 

I'm serious. Keep your antisemitic dog whistles in your containment boards zoomer.

>> No.9506230


>> No.9506291

The revo k101 is ass. I got it when it came out . The screen isn't the proper resolution so it squishes the game resolution down to fit the screen.

>> No.9506364 [DELETED] 

I know you're the janitor who deleted my post and filed a ban request. If you do not delete this thread within 24 hours I will not only report this thread to the ADL but your abuse of power to the BBB. I will not be bullied into silence.

>> No.9506368 [DELETED] 

Fuck you’re are a fag. Lose some weight and cut ur dick off

>> No.9506369 [DELETED] 

Go back kid.

>> No.9506373 [DELETED] 

Go back to tumblr. No one cares about your retarded Jewish aplolgist bullshit

>> No.9506403 [DELETED] 

Piss off gary

>> No.9506459

If you hold down the start button while the game is booting it will display in its native resolution. The 2ds/3ds is perfect for gba games for this reason and also because it has gba hardware making it possible to play gba games natively.
The only downside are the annoying black bars surrounding the screen when set in native resolution mode

>> No.9506565
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I wish the DSXL hypervisor worked better
The screen on that looks really nice for GBA

>> No.9507034

Yeah I didn't say to get it for handheld mode

>> No.9507083
File: 1.81 MB, 2048x1536, IMG_20221221_085245976_small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

digiretroboy composite

>> No.9507089

This burns the eyes.

>> No.9507092


>> No.9507102

>wii CRT at 240p
wii CRT at 240p DOESNT DO FULLSCREEN or am I retarded? I cant get fullscreen resolution in retroarch on wii.

>> No.9507104

It does but why would you want too stretch the image to full screen anyway?

>> No.9507106

for GBA specifically. Mednafen mgba at least centers the 240p image.

>> No.9507107

GBA is 160p so if you want it full 240p you have to stretch it

>> No.9507108

because black boarders are annoying.

>> No.9507109

You can with the standalone mGBA. Change the setting from Pixel Perfect to Stretched or something like that

>> No.9507185

2DS is emulation too.
The original DS series are the ones that play GBA natively, not the 2DS/3DS series.

>> No.9507189

No retard

>> No.9507192

Yes, you dumb fuck.

>> No.9507195

Google before saying shit you are clueless about you ape brained simpleton. https://github.com/profi200/open_agb_firm

>> No.9507196

I don’t think the 3DS GBA is emulation

>> No.9507202

It is.

>someone on a github used the word native so it must be true
GBA used an ARM7 processor. The 3DS has an ARM9 coprocessor for original DS shit, which is capable of similar instructions as the GBA, but it isn't native. It's emulation.
The original DS series has both an ARM9 for its own software and an ARM7 in addition, for native GBA backwards compatibility. It wouldn't need the extra processor if it could natively run GBA on the ARM9 alone.

>> No.9507207

Source? Can’t see anything that says that the 3DS does not have a ARM7. Sounds like theorising to me.

>> No.9507213

Ok I’ve dived a little deeper. Seems like the ARM9 contains a ARM7 and they are part of the same chip. Nothing like emulation.

>> No.9508127

I play on my PSP :)

>> No.9508216
File: 811 KB, 1861x1396, 20221221_105124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would ANYONE want to play gba at fullscreen on a CRT at 480i instead of proper letterbox 240p?