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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9502343 No.9502343 [Reply] [Original]

Which game need english translation?

>> No.9502348

Ladystalker is a very eop friendly by the way.
Just pull by the bootstraps and do it.

>> No.9502358

Biing! 2: Sonne, Strand und heiße Nächte

>> No.9502360

i think there's a japanese only bomberman out there, but i dont remember which

>> No.9502383

There is a couple bomberman rpgs on gameboy and they all double as pokemon catching games. Lots of fun.

>> No.9502384

The entire Bomberman Land trilogy is text heavy and untranslated.

>> No.9502386

River king 2 for super famicom
I guess that translation project /vr/ started is completely dead

>> No.9502393

Not that one, at least.
Anything without kanji is baby mode that anyone can read if they apply themselves and have enough patience, kanji heavy stuff is what's really worth translating.

>> No.9502409

By that logic everything which is written in other languages in Latin script is baby mode and is not worth translating to English.

>> No.9502480

You forgot the first River King for the Famicom. I don't think that's been translated either.



So that's where they ripped Psyduck from. Nuts to you Gamefreak stealing character designs from obscure RPGs no gaijin has ever heard of.

>> No.9502489

romhacking does have a translation patch for this one

>> No.9502492

That's a mole...

>> No.9502506

Especially when you consider the fishing stuff in Poggemanz I'd be willing to guess GF were quite big fans of the River King series.

>> No.9502514

at least we did get the GBC port

>> No.9502518

There's also that full fledged Bomberman game for the wii which they only shipped the battle mode out for the west.

>> No.9502523

>Lady Stalker
This so much, I'm surprised no one has finished it since it was supposedly started over a decade ago but they seem to have dropped it because they haven't updated about it in years.

>> No.9502529

didn't they like not finish translating Tom Sawyer for the Famicom?

>but that game isn't PC it's...

big deal. just do a sprite hack and redesign "that" character to be more PC. if they'd done an official localization back in the day they almost certainly would have done that anyway.

>> No.9502536
File: 388 KB, 994x1032, Princesscrown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever :(

>> No.9502538

Swordcraft Story Hajimari no Ishi translation patch was 100% finished, only waiting beta testing. Never released.
Samurai Spirits RPG, 99.9% finished only waiting menus. Never came out.
Princess Crown. Halfway done. Never ever.

>> No.9502541

I don't think any of the Hokuto no Ken RPGs have been translated.

>> No.9502554

Marl Kingdom 2 (Rhapsody sequel) has an expertly fan translated english script that keeps the tone of the Atlus writing. It's worth following a youtube playthrough at least if you're a language learner or a fan of these sort of anime.

>> No.9502570

Stuff with kanji is way easier to read though

>> No.9502581

Linda cube please

>> No.9502587
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>Which game need english translation?

>> No.9502616

this is like the SNES Final Fantasies where the official localizations chopped up and mangled a bunch of stuff either out of content censorship or saving on ROM space or both

>> No.9502627
File: 31 KB, 298x403, Waiting-Skeleton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Coming Soon, guys. Only a few more things!"

>> No.9502639
File: 101 KB, 800x450, boku-no-natsuyasumi-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9502827

oh...this is a FDS game no wonder it wasn't on Bootgod's site. doesn't appear to use the FDS sound though.

>> No.9502859

Dragon Quest 4 for PS1. If you go by remakes the first five games still follow a logical technological progression.
>1 and 2 on SNES look like basic early SNES games
>3 is a gorgeous late SNES game
>4 is on PS1 and mixes 2D and 3D, arranged MIDI soundtrack
>5 is full 3D on PS2 with orchestral music
Currently the main options to play DQ4 in America are the NES version (NES RPGs never feel good, don't even bother with the reply) or the DS version (made for two handheld screens instead of one screen, gimped audio quality compared to PS1).

>> No.9502870

what makes retro vidya only released in jap part of the *holy grail* of eng translation?

>> No.9502879

I suppose they could always translate Spanish adventure games for the Amstrad CPC if you prefer that instead.

>> No.9502921

pretty much

>> No.9502926
File: 29 KB, 567x425, D34tprsX4AAL3Kk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(NES RPGs never feel good, don't even bother with the reply)
funny that, until browsing /vr/ the idea had never occurred to me that i wasn't having any fun playing NES RPGs and was actually suffering

>> No.9502930

At least with some, like Lagrange Point, you can jam out to the catchy tunes while you suffer.

>> No.9502931
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Okay, there's no reason to translate Turkish RPG about medieval vampires, it is written in Latin script anyway, who cares if it is not in an Indo-European language, just stop being lazy and pick up a dictionary.

>> No.9502952

Just ocr the words on screen
You're being ironic but it's really that simple

>> No.9502965

People used to say chip enhanced stuff like Star Ocean and Tengai Makyou Zero were holy grails of rom translation due to difficulty of spaghetti programming.

>> No.9502972

Tengai Makyō series
Monster Maker series

>> No.9502979

sir please do the needful sir

>> No.9503016

I see that you did not grow up with pirated PC games which had their text "translated" by throwing them into PROMT and pressing whatever it threw up onto CD.

>> No.9503028

Recommend some baby level japanese games
I suck at katakana so pls be kind

>> No.9503123

it's just like...idk man, RPGs don't get good at all until SNES. NES ones are just too fucking primitive. SNES RPGs actually feel like you're on an epic adventure. NES RPGs are just like...move some pixelated 3 color cardboard cutouts around a static background like a slideshow over bleepy music.

>> No.9503681

NES RPGs are more cute than powerful.

>> No.9503704

This game is really good!

>> No.9503709

Just learn Japanese. In the time that it takes for. Single game ti be translated you could easily reach a level in Japanese where you can play whatever you want and you don't have to worry about shit like tranny translators who change stuff that they don't like.

>> No.9503725

more Super Robot Wars

>> No.9504136
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I'd like to see that weird KOF Kyo rpg get english. There's a spanish one but no habla.

>> No.9504464

The Hybrid Front.
At this point is easier to just learn nip, though.

>> No.9504791


PCE stuff has barely been touched because not many Westerners have access to hardware to play it on (you'd have to emulate in most cases) and CD games have voice acting so you'd need to redub all of that in English and have friends/co-workers willing to record dialog.