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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9501317 No.9501317 [Reply] [Original]

Mine are

1. Super Metroid
2. A Link to the past
3. Final Fantasy 3 (6)
4. Chrono Trigger
5. Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

>> No.9501321

Good list

>> No.9501327

Super Metroid
Mega Man X
A Link To The Past
Soul Blazer

>> No.9501334 [DELETED] 

1. Nigger Simulator 5: Cracked out on Chicken
2. Nigger Simulator 6: Donkey Kong Country
3. Phalanx
4. Star Fox
5. Nigger Simulator 7: The Legend of Zelda - A Link to the Past

>> No.9501354
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1. Super Metroid
3. Actraiser
4. Castlevania IV
5. Prince of Persia (best version of the original game IMO)

>> No.9501356

1. Super Metroid
2. Demon's Crest
3. A Link to the Past
4. Super Mario World
5. Kirby Super Star

>> No.9501386

1. Super Metroid
2. Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
3. Super Smash TV
4. Gundam Wing: Endless Duel
5. Fzero+BSFZero

>> No.9501440

Yoshis island
Dkc 2

>> No.9501452

Super Mario Kart
Goof troop
And I guess their shitty ports like all stars and SF2 World Warrior.

>> No.9501476
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Super Metroid
Super Castlevania IV
Umihara Kawase
R-Type III
Pocky & Rocky

>> No.9501509


>> No.9501512

1. Shin Megami Tensei II
2. Final Fantasy III
3. Super Metroid
4. Mega Man X
5. Super Mario World

>> No.9501645

Pretty based anon.
For me it's

1. A Link to the Past
2. Secret of Mana
3. Super Metroid
4. Final Fantasy 2 (IV)
5. Castlevania IV

>> No.9501675

Super Metroid
Donkey Kong Country 2
Demon's Crest
Yoshi's Island
Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts

>> No.9501756

1. Mega Man X
2. Earthbound
3. Yoshi's Island
4. Super Mario World
5. Castlevania: Dracula X
honorary mentions: Kirby's DL3, Cybernator

>> No.9501790

1. Donkey Kong Country 2
2. Mega Man X
3. Super Mario World
4. Kirby's Dream Course
5. A Link to the Past

>not including big names
1. Metal Warriors
2. Zombies Ate My Neighbours
3. Firepower 2000
4. Spider-Man: The Animated Series
5. Home Alone 2

>> No.9501803

1. Rocket Knight Adventure
2. Phantasy Star IV
3. Streets of Rage 2
4. Langrisser II
5. Contra Hard Corps

>> No.9501812

I'm glad at least someone mentioned metal warriors.

Metal Warriors
Demon's Crest
The Humans

>> No.9501828


>> No.9501830

I was drinking with my friend last week, he goes "You remember that mech game with the little dudes we played at your house?" It's cool, I didn't even remember he got in on it with me at the time. Probably gonna do that up next year.

>> No.9501834
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Chrono trigger
Final Fantasy III (VI)
Magical Pop'n (lookl it up , it's amazing, one of the few SNES games with voices)

Lots of megaman X, i always like X3 a bit more cause you actually used Zero

>> No.9501853

>call Zero
>Zero dies
>can't use Zero anymore
thanks Capcom

>> No.9501858

How about Whirl-no

>> No.9501873

1. A Link to the Past
2. Super Metroid
3. Yoshi's Island
4. Donkey Kong Country 3
5. Super Bomberman 5

>> No.9502012

Terranigma would be up there for me.

>> No.9502028

>With Nintendo
Super Mario World
A Link to the Past
Donkey Kong Country
StarFox 2

>Without Nintendo
Dragon Quest V
Dragon Quest III
Final Fantasy V
Super Castlevania IV
Mega Man X

>> No.9502057

1. Earthworm Jim
2. Aladdin
3. Mortal Kombat
4. NBA Jam
5. Sparkster

>> No.9502059

You guys are all the same on here aren't you?

1. Zombies Ate My Neighbours
2. Jurassic Park: The Chaos Continues
3. Super Smash Tv
4. Killer Instinct
5. NHL 94

>> No.9502064

1. Final Fantasy IV
2. Mega Man X
3. Mega Man X3
4. Castlevania IV
5. Lufia 2

>> No.9502070

1. DKC2
2. DKC
3. Ganbare Goemon 2
4. Mega Man X
5. Super Mario RPG

>> No.9502161

in no order:

Donkey Kong Country
Killer Instinct
A Link to the Past
Super Mario World
Super Street Fighter 2

>> No.9502162

Be reasonable, if you want interesting answers you should ask people not to include Nintendo, Capcom, or Squaresoft games.

>> No.9502231
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Donkey Kong Country 2
Donkey Kong Country 3
Mega Man X
Mega Man X2
Yoshi's Island

Boring list but w/e.

>> No.9502246



>> No.9502267
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>> No.9502279

Honestly any top 5 here unless it's bait is valid, but here's mine anyway:
>Mega Man X
>Super Metroid
>Donkey Kong Country 2
>Super Mario RPG
>Super Bomberman 3

>> No.9502435

I have a hard time narrowing it down to 5, not because there are so many great games, but because I really don't feel all that strongly about most of them. For whatever reason even though I played a ton of SNES games as a kid they didn't hook me as much as some of you.

It's easier for me to pick my top two of all time:
Super Mario World (I could replay this endlessly.)
Mega Man X (Near perfect game design.)

I still haven't played through the entirety of DKC2. I could see that game moving to my top three eventually. However, I was quite underwhelmed by DKC1 when I replayed it as an adult.

>> No.9502450

Very typical list but also very based.

>> No.9502464
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>this thread

>> No.9502669

Chrono Trigger
Super Mario World
Goof Troop

>> No.9503080


3. Super Metroid
4. Chrono Trigger
5. Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World

>> No.9503117

I'll just put one DKC in the list but any of them would make the top 5.
1. Super Metroid
2. DKC2
3. Megaman X
4. Final Fantasy 6
5. Chrono Trigger

>> No.9503129

Not in order :
Super Metroid
Chrono Trigger
Donkey Kong Country 2
Yoshi's Island
Super Mario RPG

>> No.9503143

Chrono Trigger
Megaman X
A Link to the Past
Panel De Pon
Kirby Super Star

>> No.9503158

i'll try to make my list interesting

fatal fury special
super bonk 2
ninja warriors again
mystical ninja (goemon 1)
parodius da

>> No.9503170

1. Zelda Link to the Past
2. Kirby’s Super Star
3. Super Mario Kart
4. Mega Man X2
5. Super Mario World

>> No.9503536

I still haven't played OP's Top 3 aka Super Metroid, LTTP or FF3(6)
1. DKC2
2. Super Mario RPG
3. Mega Man X
4. Super Mario World
5. TMNT Turtles In Time

>> No.9503539

For me personally it's
1. Super Metroid
2. Super Mario World
3. EarthBound
4. Donkey Kong Country
5. F-Zero

I generally hate RPGs though, so I know I am missing out on some great games.

>> No.9503542

Megaman X
Bomberman 4
Donkey Kong 2
Gun Force
Yoshi island

>> No.9503563

Wild Guns
Donkey Kong Country 3

>> No.9503901
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1. Michael Jordan in Chaos in the Wind City
2. Flubber
3. James Bond Jr
4. Xardyon
5. Nigel Mansel F1 Challenge (Ayrton Senna Hack).

>> No.9503993

My top 4 is easy:

1- Mega Man X
2- Super Metroid
3- Final Fantasy 3 (VI)
4- Killer Instinct

Picking a #5 is harder; almost every game listed in this thread is a contender for it. The slot would either be filled with Castlevania 4, Earthbound, or Super smash TV depending on my mood that day

>> No.9504012

Tetris Attack needs to be on someone's list

>> No.9504349

I liked booba as a kid but I always thought there was something desperately wrong with those. That just isn't how they work.

>> No.9504393

damn that's cool. you're really mature for your age. can I get your icq

>> No.9504705

> Soul Blazer
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.9504754

Pokemon puzzle league does it better. It has better AI.

>> No.9504867

Its in mine >>9503143 but I prefer the jap version.

>> No.9506532

1. Super Metroid
2. FF6
3. Super Mario World
4. Earthbound
5. Super Ghouls n Ghosts

>> No.9506552
File: 225 KB, 512x446, Rock_N'_Roll_Racing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turtles in Time
Metal Warriors
Rock n'Roll Racing
Adventures of Batman & Robin
Power Rangers: Fighting Edition

>> No.9506856

PPL has much better AI than TA/PdP, but is mechanically looser (albeit with some minor bug fixes) and has mostly terrible pokemon wallpaper with grating sound effects.
since VS against the CPU becomes boring, I don't play PPL very much these days.

word, both versions are great

>> No.9507407

Mega Man X
Mega Man X2
Mega Man X3
Super Metroid
FF6 I guess.