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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 207 KB, 1200x1200, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9493483 No.9493483 [Reply] [Original]

>Nintendo 64 games run at high resolution
Majority of N64 games run at standard 320x240 resolution. Some games support higher resolution with the expansion pack but less than a dozen reach 640x480. For the rest it's some weird resolution like 400×440 or 480x360.
>Nintendo 64 games have higher polygon count than PS1 games
N64 supports 160000 polygons per second with standard microcode. If you switch off some hardware features like Z-buffering, N64 theoretically can reach 500000-600000 polygons per second but these would be very basic unfiltered and untextured polygons.
PS1 has 180000 for textured polygons and 360000 polygons per second for untextured polygons. Most games use a combination of two.
In practice, no N64 game has a polycount outside of PS1 capabilities.
>Nintendo 64 games have bad textures because of cart size limitations
Only partially true. The most significant bottleneck is 4kb texture cache which takes CPU cycles to be updated. In short, the bigger textures you use, the worse framerate you have.

>> No.9493487

if you want impressive tech go play modern games
if you want fun and influential games play them on n64

>> No.9493494

Nice source for your claims, but every developer knows N64 is technically capable of more polygons on screen and bigger rooms without nasty drawbacks. Not to mention games don't wobble like shit

>> No.9493497 [DELETED] 
File: 2.64 MB, 1280x720, n64.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A PSX would probably just melt when trying to run conker

>> No.9493502 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 1254x902, n64_6.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9493506 [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1080, perfect dark clean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9493507 [DELETED] 
File: 275 KB, 1911x1067, conker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9493512 [DELETED] 

Nice emulation retard.

>> No.9493514 [DELETED] 

I played WDC months ago, it's nothing ground-breaking gameplay-wise but the graphics and good-enough controls and track-design made it a fun experience.

>> No.9493515 [DELETED] 
File: 1.19 MB, 1244x930, water screen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9493517 [DELETED] 

Nice emulator usage. Actual N64 would melt at this resolution.

>> No.9493519 [DELETED] 

Is this supposed to look good?

>> No.9493524 [DELETED] 


>> No.9493529 [DELETED] 

It's quite impressive when you aren't a zoomer and know there are NPCs and enemies running around there and how open that level is with fast action and explosions

>> No.9493537
File: 3.81 MB, 1920x1080, paper comfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

64 comfy thread? luv me paper

>> No.9493583 [DELETED] 

Shame the game is an intentional slog

>> No.9493589 [DELETED] 

It's basically just a movie.

>> No.9493593 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 720x917, 1669856186773115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love it when spergs try and prove their vidya is better than yours by autistically typing out technobabble as if its going to prove something

>> No.9493847 [DELETED] 
File: 412 KB, 1920x1080, tof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*completely and utterly mindbreaks 64drones for decades*
nothin peronnell kid...

>> No.9493902

>but every developer knows N64 is technically capable of more polygons on screen and bigger rooms without nasty drawbacks.
Then where are they?

>> No.9493924 [DELETED] 

i don't even know what game is that

>> No.9493935
File: 1003 KB, 1280x960, THPS2 Comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rogue Squadron is really wacky with resolutions. Its "hi-res" mode is something like 391x442, and the main menu is 500x442 or something like that.

Also, N64 really got the short end of the stick with some multiplatforms. Just look at this shit.

>> No.9493946
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, Texture filtering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9494563


>> No.9494571
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>> No.9494640

64 bits my ass

>> No.9494693 [DELETED] 
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, 1666797489033187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the games. 64 already realized serviceable fantasy 3D worlds that didn't just look like primitive uniform planes and shapes á la Spyro

>> No.9494740 [DELETED] 

>emulator screenshot with 5x the resolution of the N64

>> No.9494752 [DELETED] 

To be fair that scene runs at a spry 10fps or so on hardware. I agree though. The PS1 could not have rendered a game like Conker. Not without serious compromises.

>> No.9494756 [DELETED] 

>runs in 15 fps

>> No.9494757

>a port handled by 3rd party burgers
Not playing completely fair here.

>> No.9494763

I mean, gameplay-wise there's nothing wrong with it. It's the audio and visuals that suffered. The audio was pretty much a given because lol cartridges, but the game overall runs at a lower resolution than the PS1 original. Guess they couldn't get it running in pseudo-hires without compromising its performance.

>> No.9494770 [DELETED] 

I actually owned this game. I possibly beat the first level then returned it for credit on some dreamcast game. It was horrible compared to GE and horribly outdated when it was released. Had it kept the Bond ip it may have been salvaged.

>> No.9494773

I'm sure the Edge of Reality literally whos tasked with making it good-enough couldn't, no. Porting something to/from different rendering techs isn't trivial. Lead platform was almost always best by far those days, unless the port was competent or the machine had enough power to brute force the difference. The few ports from N64 to PS1 were also sad.

>> No.9494791

Well, at least the Dreamcast port was great. Shame it didn't get THPS3, though.

>> No.9494798

I wonder if THPS3DC would be based on renderware or the old neversoft engine. Could it have been a high quality version of the game that ended up on PS1/N64?

>> No.9494809

I was thinking this as well. It might be able to handle the new engine, but who knows, maybe they might've stuck with the old one just out of familiarity.

>> No.9494938

Nice copy paste job from the internet

But no, the n64 could do more than the psx (see WDC) but usually didn't because Nintendo was Nintendo and let most other developers just rot away by providing the shittiest if shit support.

I think Sega wasn't much better?

Sony really nailed it with ease of development for their system

>> No.9494950

To add on that, the default microcode delivered by Nintendo wasn't that great (even their fast version was too accurate than it needed to be)
Developing your own microcode was a pain, and only very few managed to do so. But when they did it was really nice. I think factor 5, boss studios and rare are the best examples of that.

>> No.9494970 [DELETED] 

Isn't that what op is doing? Also nice /v meme

>> No.9495005

I also see this brought up several times, but why not post examples of e.g. shadowman? The psx version looks like dicks and runs at shit framerates.the n64 even runs much better at higher res when the expansion pack is inserted

Real reason the psx is so poor is because if bad optimizations for the platform (probably a low effort rush job)

Same is true for MM64 and shows the priority/budget of Capcom when doing their port.

>> No.9495008

WDC looks worse than RRT4 though

>> No.9495025
File: 81 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. Gran Turismo 1 level at best, but with filtered textures.

>> No.9495427 [DELETED] 

Not an argument

>> No.9495482

the n64 in real life:
>bad frames per second
>shitty res
>shitty sound
>shitty fog
>puke textures
>most of the "best" games have flat textures
>no cd
>shitty games
>only 5 "good" games
>shitty controller
>all joysticks are broken
>still uses batteries has a storage system

my lord why do people still like the n64

>> No.9495601
File: 2.99 MB, 854x576, 20 fps wobble.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's another we pretend random third-party game designed for PS1 first is a good N64 representative episode
And even those games often aren't as cut and dried as you would think, see Tony Hawk which has better FPS on average, some effects the PS1 doesn't have and no wobble shit

N64 simply wasn't the lead platform for most third-party games and barely even pushed to its limits by Nintendo themselves. If you have a brain you can still tell it's capable of shit the PS1 wasn't capable of and vice versa

>> No.9495936

Yeah, n64 was gimped.

>> No.9495960

>Sony really nailed it with ease of development for their system
Considering PS2, 3 They most likely got lucky.

>> No.9495971
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault-2427640776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta love Krazy Ken.

>> No.9496008 [DELETED] 

while dinosaur planet looks awesome for n64 game, it was never released and outside of that one room it runs much worse on real hardware, although to be fair not as bad as some other n64 games.

>> No.9496021 [DELETED] 

>zoomer misconceptions
>we get our opinions from the youtube

>> No.9496052

>Nintendo 64 games run at high resolution
they run at 720p when I play them

>> No.9496134


Space Station Silicon Valley may be one of the worst port involving the ps1 and n64

>> No.9496214

Check the df retro video of shadowman, the psx version is really something, glitchy shit running at 10fps.

5th gen was difficult to develop cross platform for. Systems differed too greatly to easily reuse assets between them

>> No.9496225

nice emulation retard

>> No.9496423

both consoles can show pretty graphics in the correct hands
now excuse me, I'm going to fap

>> No.9496429


>> No.9496442

>my lord why do people still like the n64

the multiplayer
and mario 64

>> No.9496521

Just embarrassing

>> No.9496560
File: 482 KB, 750x1000, 1663203105620502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are all fags. Both systems have games worth playing.

>> No.9496593 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 320x240, majora's mask.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes it is, that image is completely unrepresentative of what Majora's Mask actually looks like. Pic related is far more accurate.

>> No.9497372 [DELETED] 

Even if you don't think they're fun you're absolutely delusional of you think they weren't influential. The industry still sees lasting impacts from OoT, Banjo, Smash, Mario Party, etc

>> No.9497537 [DELETED] 

Is also amazing what a big leap the 6th gen was when you see the n64 and star fox adventures next to each other.

>> No.9497621

Not pictured: stable 30fps and solid geometry that's not shaking with psrkinsons

>> No.9497726

>i r rite cause gay
Just embarrassing

>> No.9498005 [DELETED] 

kek imagine being this delusional

>> No.9498040

Also not pictured: censored blood and no FMVs.

>> No.9498048

fucking bisexual faggot ass

>> No.9498193 [DELETED] 
File: 1 KB, 116x137, idortlosslessdb2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9498750 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 736x485, E-k9xa4UcAYLbRm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mods on /vr/ will usually temp ban you for the tamest shit
>Console war threads like these, which are literally just shit flinging and repeating the same 5 things, are fine

>> No.9498758 [DELETED] 

jannies are getting based

>> No.9498773 [DELETED] 

First of all, Moderators are NOT jannies. Jannies are users who do it FOR FREE. The actual site mods are the ones who get to have the purple clover on their respective posts, also the moderators, as well as the site devs (who have blue clovers marked on their posts instead of purple) actually GET PAID
Also, how is this based at all? If you want console war shit with this level shit-flinging like monkeys and baboons galore, go to >>>/v/ >>>/b/, or >>>/bant/

>> No.9498782 [DELETED] 


>> No.9498791 [DELETED] 

I can't post on /v/ though so I have to come here.

>> No.9498793

nintendo 64 was more powerful

>> No.9498798 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 360x261, 1431475938628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You damn

>> No.9498805

Graphics-wise yes. But totally different story in terms of sound.

>> No.9498810

None of this explains why so many N64 games look better than anything on the PS1 and 99% of Saturn games. Specifically imagine quality wise

>> No.9498820 [DELETED] 

Cope harder please

>> No.9498824 [DELETED] 

>None of this explains why so many N64 games look better than anything on the PS1
n64 games run and looks like shit compared to ps1 games
>99% of Saturn games
this proves that you are a dumb zoomy and should kys because emulation=/=realhardware

>> No.9498825 [DELETED] 

>Specifically imagine quality wise
low quality bait

>> No.9498830 [DELETED] 

>muh cope
nice argument retard

>> No.9499094 [DELETED] 

t. 3rd worlder ps1 fan

>> No.9499104 [DELETED] 

t. no arguments

>> No.9499218 [DELETED] 

Basendo 64 rent free in this schizo's tiny head

>> No.9499263

>shitty sound
Excuse me?


>> No.9499295

>imagine quality wise
Yep, you can only imagine quality graphics on N64

>> No.9499387

I keep seeing you guys say this but all the examples show the opposite, N64 games tend to have lower draw distances, smaller textures, and lower framerates. Spyro and Crash runs at a constant 30 FPS, while Zelda runs at 20 FPS. This isn't even getting into the storage limitations. What's weirder is the Playstation is objectively inferior on paper, and yet their games are often times better performant.

>> No.9499501

I think the biggest misconception about the Nintendo 64 is that it's a good console. It's not, it's a piece of shit.

>> No.9499529

Your not telling the whole story. Ocarina renders graphics at 20 fps but the games logic is at 60 fps it makes it play way better then it would if it was actually running at 20 fps

>> No.9499559


>> No.9499564

I'm just talking about graphics, I have no complaints on the way the game plays, I actually like N64 games a lot.

>> No.9499586 [DELETED] 

Unless you're talking about multiplayer that's a Yikes from me.

>> No.9499591

Based Crom.

>> No.9499609

>Can't tell the difference between 'then' and 'than'
>Expects us to trust him
Not happening.

>> No.9499654

Each visual frame is repeated three times. And it accepts inputs at 60 fps. I know its weird to wrap your head around.

>> No.9499661

I am not asking how it's done because this isn't anything special. I am asking for a source that confirms OoT doing this.

>> No.9499665 [DELETED] 

Pissex games graphics wobbles like crazy it can barely render 3d. N64 freakin ownz it

>> No.9499667 [DELETED] 

Ah yes, 1080p widescreen and straight textures with stable polygons
Very accurate to the PlayStation

>> No.9499670

This is correct
Idort is the one true path for /vr/

>> No.9499672 [DELETED] 

Not even
It looks better at 240p on real hardware as well

>> No.9499673 [DELETED] 

This is the power of P.S.X.
n63 with its postage stamp 160p myopic blurry picture gets utterly mogged.

>> No.9499679


>> No.9499681

>Assuming there is no lag present

>> No.9499753 [DELETED] 

Kek, but the real problem here are the fanboys on this board that behave much worse than actual kids in the 90s.

We were glad if we got the opperunity to play a competing system at a friends house just to get access to different stuff

>> No.9499767 [DELETED] 

> nintendo.fandom
hard cringe.

> posts hd remake screenshot
> just resizes the hd screenshot into 320x240
the absolute state of ASSBLASTED nintendtoddlers trying to defend a trash console. post screencap from actual output of a real console, you fucking idiots.

>> No.9499772 [DELETED] 

Durr cringe, durr bringe, cringe. Is that all you shitposting fucks can say? Durr based based based, cringe cringe, based based cringe cringe cringe based cringe. I feel like I'm in a fucking asylum full of dementia-ridden old people, who can do nothing but repeat the same fucking 3 words on loop like a fucking broken record. Cringe cringe cringe cringe. cringe based based, onions onions snoy, onions LOL onions, cringe Boomer, le Zoomer I am Boomer, no zoom zoom zoomies, zoomer going zoomies-ARRRAGH I fucking hate the internet so god damn much. Fuck. Shitposting honest to god fucking hope your mother chokes on her own feces in hell. You cocksucker. But ohhh, I know my post is cringe, isn't it? Cringe cringe cringey cringe based cringe based Reddit cringe based cringe zoom cringe onions Reddit based based AAAAAAAA

>> No.9499775 [DELETED] 

> no screenshots
> can't cope
nintentoddlers are literally the most disgraceful vr users. has to use fake screenshots. embarrassing.

>> No.9499778 [DELETED] 

> 1280x720
what a fucking idiot.

>> No.9499787

>Each visual frame is repeated three times
that's not how it works, dickhead. it reads inputs three times per frame. it's not drawing three times. that makes no fucking sense to repeat drawing frames.
>"there are 30 frames per second displayed to the screen, and during the title screen there are 60 visual frame"
yikes. 30fps. you need to stop injecting meth or at least learn how to use a search engine before mashing your hotdog sized fingers on your ipad to write such insufferable garbage.

>> No.9499954

With n64 each time you drew a poly you had to copy the texture into the 4kb of cache through the bus but if you if you were doing tiling like on a big floor or doing lots of polys with the same texture you could do a heap of them like you see in zelda, goldeneye and san franciso rush since the texture is already in the cache.

I think n64 may have been unbalanced with the 100 mhz cpu that overloaded the gpu.

Because nintendo makes a lot more profit if their own games sell well. Sega did the same thing too.

There are games on n64 that would never work on ps1 but also same thing goes for saturn and ps1 to the n64. N64 could not run virtua cop 2 on saturn or rage racer on ps1. I don't see how ps1 and saturn could run cruisin usa or the big open world games like buck bumble, rainbow 6 even runs way better than expected.

The early previews like on the tv show bad influence acted like it was going to make the ps1 obsolete.

>> No.9499968

>With n64 each time you drew a poly you had to copy the texture into the 4kb of cache through the bus but if you if you were doing tiling like on a big floor or doing lots of polys with the same texture you could do a heap of them like you see in zelda, goldeneye and san franciso rush since the texture is already in the cache.
Playstation is heavily reliant on its own 2KB texture cache too, this is just good practice for optimization in general.

>> No.9499998

Ah yes, I recall playing Dinosaur Planet protype with my brother when I was 7. At 720p 30fps, too. Just like I remember it.

>> No.9500005 [DELETED] 

I hope your family doesn’t visit you in the hospital when you’re dying.

>> No.9500336 [DELETED] 

How is it fucking not? If the subject is the actual hardware of two machines compared, what goddamn example is a screenshot from an emulator of an infinitely more powerful (and unrelated) machine from decades later? It's like comparing VHS and Beta-Max, but then using stills or clips from LaserDisc or HD-DVD to argue why one is better than others.
Are you some kind of sophist, or are you retarded for real?

>> No.9500342 [DELETED] 

>compressed af
>cringe music



ps and saturn are still the best

>> No.9500345 [DELETED] 


>> No.9500346 [DELETED] 

>Pissex games graphics wobbles like crazy it can barely render 3d. N64 freakin ownz it
playstation may have wobbles (in some games) but on the saturn its not very noticable, but in both console the image/fps/sound quality are better unlike the n64 which is a piece of shit of a console. also you can play duke nukem online on the saturn with solid frame rate

>> No.9500353

>I don't see how ps1 and saturn could run cruisin usa or the big open world games like buck bumble, rainbow 6 even runs way better than expected.
they could just look at driver2 and pd saga. and they can also run 2d games which the n64 can't run properly. Idk if you realize that the ps1 and specially the saturn were total beasts in terms 3d and 2d

>> No.9500359 [DELETED] 

>compressed af
>cringe music



playstation and saturn are still the best of that gen

>> No.9500378 [DELETED] 

Here goes half of the thread

>> No.9500383 [DELETED] 

>compressed af
>cringe music
kys, the playstation and saturn are still the best of that gen



>> No.9500436
File: 355 KB, 240x240, 1658616533720545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The N64 was achtually weaker than the playstation!
Kaze emanuar alone disproves this. The shit he is doing on real hardware is more than the playstation could even dream of pulling off.

>> No.9500438

>real hardware
>video is in hd
its called emulation

>> No.9500451
File: 57 KB, 622x344, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Literally labels it for you
>Zoomer is still too retarded to notice or LISTEN to whats being explained.
Thank fucking god I wasn't born in your generation, you guys are a lost cause.

>> No.9500456

>what is a time stamp
you really think I'm gonna watch a full mario video? fucking boomer

>> No.9500473

I know you're young but its not my job to spoon feed you.

>> No.9500574

Not him but to be fair, if you don't want to watch the video then don't react with a braindead wrong response.

>> No.9500603

>is more than playstation could even dream of pulling off
Why is your example the most God awful looking shit?

>> No.9500696

cope more and learn to time stamp instead of wasting my time

>> No.9500897

Okay boomer

>> No.9500913

Well, to sum up, the N64 was a technical beast, but Nintendo was stupid and shoot itself in the foot by acting poorly with their third party developpers and cheapping out on the VRAM bus.
The SP1 was a botchered console, but an awesome CD player.
And as everything, talented people managed to extract the most out of it (like Spiro or crash bandicoot).
The opposite of Nintendo, really. Cheap hardware with okay graphics, but high on third party developpers.
It paid off because of huge game selection (even if most are shit) and piracy too.

I don't know what amaze me the most.
What this sorcerer of Kaze manage to pull out, or ow fucking low tech Mario 64 was.

>> No.9501510

I don't get it. Am I suppposed to be impressed by 8000 polygons per scene or what?

>> No.9501712

Thats over double of what the psx (and typical n64) did in the 90s, so yes.
I think WDC is the only game pulling close to those numbers. Tooie also had high geometry count but rare added so many effects that the framerate suffers from it on average.

Also dont post counter points on spyro level geometry, the point here is what is visible on screen at the same time, spyro didnt render the whole level in a single go
The guy fixed so many issues in the mario64 source that the vanilla game can even run at 50-60fps on real hardware

Also makes me think that nintendo was really fucking around on the software department. They had bext to zero experience with 3d ( besides starfox and stuntrace fx, was want even programmed by them) and had huge issues in that transition.
I also feel there is no reason that OOT cannot run at 30fps on an actual console.

Indiana jones still amazes me that they did a fairly stable 30fps at higer res even.

>> No.9501729

Looking at the framerate in geometry-heavy scenes, 8000 triangles is not outside of PS1 capabilities at similar framerate. You will have to make around third of them untextured but this is roughly what this dude does on N64.

>> No.9502678


>> No.9502679


>> No.9502780

>Nintendo 64 games run at high resolution
Nobody believes this, though on actual hardware it's disguised slightly better via the anti-aliasing filter. But like with everything PS1 vs N64 it's a case of sharper but more pixelated vs blurrier but more smooth. I tend to prefer the more smoothed-out look.

>> No.9502790

thank you crom, i've been neglecting my exercise lately

>> No.9502826 [DELETED] 

>redit spacing

>> No.9502985

That's impressive, but to be fair, do we really know this? AFAIK close to no one is doing shit like this for PS1, whereas the N64 (hell, Nintendo consoles in general) has no shortage of wizard-tier autists that are prodding games left and right. Even Saturn has people trying to push it with all kinds of shit. Unless I'm missing something, I don't see anything like that on the Sony side.

>> No.9503084

The demo here is fully textured, no (clever) distance tricks like spyro did

Good point, Im also not aware of any.
The amount of dedication from some of these people ( decompiling mario64 for instance, and make sure that it can be recompiled giving the exact same binary requires some next level of autism)

Would be interesting to see what people could squeeze out of the psx hardware in the present.

>> No.9503097

Yeah, Sony never gathered an audience of autistic manchildren that would grow up into becoming programmers and hackers the way Nintendo and Sega did. A side effect of it having few memorable first-party exclusive games with recognizable mascots, I guess. Crash and Spyro were the closest thing, and while they're rightfully beloved, they never inspired obsession the way Mario, Zelda and Sonic did.

>> No.9503108

>Sony never gathered an audience of autistic manchildren

>> No.9503139

I mean things like that portal 64 demake would literally be impossible on the ps1 yes, the dev goes in to a lot of detail with it and makes liberal use of the z buffer.
Sonys issue is they were never able to settle on one mascot, apparently now its "astro bot" who I had literally never heard of until I googled it.

>> No.9503204

No need for that.
PS1 had lot of third party developpers and a somewhat good docs, allowing pro autisms to exploit the hardware (Like Psygonosis, or title like Spiro or Crash bandicoot).
N64 on the other hand had nothing like this.
Rare is the only studio to had turbo autists to make custom "Micro code" and push the N64 further than ever (have a look at Conker's bad fur day, it pushes the N64 really far).

>> No.9503786


>> No.9504949

Nice toonshading effect on the real hardware.

>> No.9505079

>Nintendo 64 misconceptions
You forgot the biggest one
Yes, being bereft of entire genres that even the Saturn had sure is something to be proud of.

>> No.9505180

a big misconception is that it has any good games

>> No.9505639

The N64 only has slightly more games than the 3DO, and a large chunk of them are shitty ports of PS1 games.