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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 619 KB, 1080x1060, 9dUbPkr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9490375 No.9490375 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best controller for emulation? Trying to find something like pic related, which doesn't seem to have released yet.

>> No.9490376

Also ideally with 2 sets of triggers...

>> No.9490398
File: 49 KB, 500x500, mFC7om-AMcQ3zWxff9YlTQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't mind wired controllers you could just get a set like this one, though you're probably better off buying them individually. Just start with whichever console you play the most, for me it was Genesis and Saturn. Though if you need the triggers and analogs probably go with the DualShock.

>> No.9490532

>glossy, cheap looking d-pad
>needlessly small face buttons
>two shoulder buttons
>sticks so close together it makes the dualshock blush
This looks like trash.

>> No.9490630

Cant lie I rather take that instead of retrobit sega saturn controller. Now thats trash

>> No.9490637

pump it up arcade dance pads

>> No.9490640

>What's the best controller for emulation?
The one designed to play the game you're emulating. Simple as.

>> No.9490647

Why take either?

>> No.9490660
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>What's the best controller for emulation?
There never is a best just preference. It all depends on the game for me, I like my left thumb to rest comfortably on the main control method so for 2D games a Dpad but 3D a joystick. I pretty well swap between an Xbox and Genesis style controller for that.

>> No.9490721

>the best
this depends on which system you play the most. for me ill say 8bitdo pro 2 is a good middle ground but you’ll probably hate it because youre a sega fag

>> No.9490736

not a "sega fag" that seems to be pretty good. i was looking for 6 face buttons but honestly having buttons on the back is pretty smart. something i had been thinking about for a long time actually, glad that they have it.

Is this large enough for a man's hands? seems every controller is made for a jap child

>> No.9490758
File: 100 KB, 1456x806, xbox-series-x-blue-controller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better ergonomics all around.

>> No.9490864
File: 163 KB, 1726x1652, wii u pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this one out. It's a bit of a pain to connect to PC but I'm working on getting DS4Windows to recognize it in the future instead of using Wii U Soft. The ergonomics, dpad, face buttons and shoulders are perfect.

>> No.9490904

Yeah, I find it a nice well balanced controller that suits the widest array of uses.
It of course does still feel weird to use with some specific consoles but I find it’s the most comfortable with the largest number of them

>> No.9490930

The dpad is great, i have their normal saturn controller.

The bottom buttons are bigger than Playstation, the top are only slightly smaller.


>> No.9490932

The retrobit saturn controller is great. The one without the sticks (stick one isn't even out).

>> No.9491069

I also use the Wii u pro controller but I use the 8bitdo wireless usb adapter, syncs up hassle free (and has support for a large number of controllers)
Was worth it for me

>> No.9491093
File: 59 KB, 1500x1500, 8bitdo wireless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sounds interesting. Is it pic related? I'm always confused with their adapters since they have this one and they gray one I think

>> No.9491105 [DELETED] 

>reddit spacing
>mindlessly defending a product that isn't out yet
>"y-you're just poor!"
Damn you showed him.

>> No.9491106

How about the Wii Classic Controller?

>> No.9491109

That's the one. I got the grey one, the USB adapter 2. (Latest model)
PC just sees it as a standard Xbox (like) controller. Also works on playstation controllers if you like those too

>> No.9491171

we already have a thread

>> No.9491268
File: 22 KB, 569x446, 71vLSRJRCSL._AC_SX569_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it any good bros?

>> No.9491329

The parts you criticized are the same as the other controller they made, fucking idiot. Learn to read.

>> No.9491496

The wired retrobit Saturn controllers are excellent.
The only people complaining about them are spastics trying to use them to retrofit new parts into their decaying plastic from the 90s

>> No.9491550

what causes a disproportionate amount of discussion around 6 button controllers?

Do people actually play nothing but 3/6 button games or is it just that there's such a severe lack of 6 button controllers that current options can even meet the niche demand?

>> No.9491580

Putting two joysticks on a Saturn pad remains one of the dumbest ideas I've ever seen.

Everyone that has ever played video games already owns a pile of 4 button controllers and every Playstation controller ever made makes a passable stand-in for a SNES layout if you aren't picky.

>> No.9491809
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>> No.9491836
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>> No.9491840
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nice buttons lol

>> No.9491873
File: 30 KB, 400x300, s-l400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish 8bitdo or one of the better off branded controller market made these again, they were just slightly larger than the M30 and worked fantastically, back side let you switch between both joysticks and the dpad for input

>> No.9492014

>sticks so close together it makes the dualshock blush
I'd much prefer that to the shitty tiny Nintendo switch style sticks we're getting. It's actually a dealbreaker imo

>> No.9492016

a first party xbox controller for analog games and a ds4 for 2d.

>> No.9492017
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>> No.9492146

Looks fine to me. Wouldn't use it to play FPS.

>> No.9492160

I can relate to that. Wii U controller has been serving me fine but now I find myself wanting something more n64 shaped to play n64 because using a stick for the c buttons just doesn't feel right.

>> No.9492178

This. The logical conclusion is to get the correct controller for each of the consoles you plan to emulate. Because of the gulf in quality between first party controllers and third party USB clones, you're going to want first party original controllers and of course because there is no way to connect them to a PC, high quality adapters for them so for every emulator you'll have to drop around $25-50 + $25-45 for controllers and adapters. Before you know it you'll be knee deep in a bin full of controllers with different dongles. Hope you got high quality ones, chink ones don't even last 5 cycles.

So the cost of free emulation after a $1000 + PC is pretty high. That's about $80 for each console you want to emulate. Now you just have to spend time configuring every game for every emulator, setting up hacks so they actually run, pining for fixes in nightly releases and tweaking CRT shaders.

Will it be worth it?

>> No.9492195

dogshit dpad

>> No.9492228 [DELETED] 

have sex, touch grass, and take meds, freak

>> No.9492292

Why didn't they go all out and give it triggers? Might as well make it an all-purpose controller.

>> No.9492536

I know the answer to this. It's objectively the PS3 controller and I'll tell you why. Xbox controllers don't have the gyroscope or whatever it's called (six axis motion?) and the PS4 controller comes close, but it doesn't have pressure sensitive face buttons. Most controllers have pressure sensitive triggers, but that's it. Basically, this is the only controller that allows you to lightly press any button and also registers tilt. Why does this matter you ask? Because there are a few games where this is absolutely needed. If I remember correctly, the Metal Gear solid games from the ps2 needed this and when they were ported to xbox they needed to redo these mechanics. Also you can emulate the ps3 nowdays so there's Heavely Sword, etc. The only downside is that it doesn't use a micro usb like the PS4 controller, it uses a mini usb. But get the cable and you're set.

>> No.9492549

just use a separate controller for 3d games ffs

>> No.9492592
File: 89 KB, 1500x1500, horifightingcommander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hori Fighting Commander is pretty good.


>> No.9492608

I have both the wired retrobit Saturn and N64 controller just for this reason.
Never had an issue with them and they are fairly cheap. Especially n64 games benefit from a dedicated controller.

>> No.9492627

6 button controllers work nicer with genesis/Saturn games. Yes it works with a modern controller too but it's not 1 to 1.

>> No.9494080

>muh 6 button meme
do these retards not understand how thumbs work? diamond layout became the standard for a reason.

>> No.9494174

Just because a creature as opposable thumbs doesn't mean it has a brain capable of understanding how they work.
And they'd never use those thumbs without first asking strangers on the internet if it was worth it.

>> No.9494864

>not pressing buttons with your index

>> No.9494871
File: 1.12 MB, 4096x4468, Controllers Dreamcast 2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6 buttons works just fine.

Duamond became standard because sony copied snes, then everyone copied sony.

> open world became standard for a reason
> day 1 patches and dlc became standard for a reason
> gatcha games became standard for a reason

>> No.9494881

Do this, but then buy an corresponding original controller on eBay, and swap out the parts.
Then you have pretty much perfect isn controllers.

>> No.9494916
File: 396 KB, 1170x1488, 167088906716489256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RetroBit is making a better one but unfortunately Sega faggots forced them to gimp it with tiny “”aesthetic”” joysticks and tiny “”aesthetic”” secondary triggers

>> No.9494965
File: 6 KB, 266x189, disgusted-eastwood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is my brain on youtube

>> No.9494978
File: 62 KB, 1100x900, 51h40UG1yuL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That depends on what you're playing, honestly. I tend to get a separate controller for each main console I emulate, but that's not realistic for everyone, and it also takes up a shit ton of space.

But for example, if you wanna emulate the N64, there's this really excellent "Retro Fighter Brawler64". It has the layout of an XBOX controller, but it also has the C buttons of an N64 controller and whatnot. Good stuff.

I'm specifically mentioning this controller because I think trying to emulate the C buttons with a right analog stick is not an excellent experience.

>> No.9494992

It's preference more than anything. I can say from experience that something like the SNES layout or even a modern controller is just fine for fighting games anyways.

>> No.9495004

The secondary triggers are just fine.
Useva racing wheel to play racing games you fucking idiot.

>> No.9495054

Having two buttons where the right joystick cuts off on all modern controllers is okay as long as you don't use the same button assignments and make me reach down constantly.

>> No.9495067

>he doesn't emulate his controllers too
lol, faggit

>> No.9495241
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>> No.9495510
File: 72 KB, 680x412, DxYv-z5UwAEOpMl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind the secondary triggers but those tiny sticks are only suitable for handheld consoles. I'm sure it functions but lots of people (myself included) were intending it to be a perfect all-rounder, 1-size fits all controller for all platforms. Not anymore, those sticks will be way to sensitive for a lot of analog games and are going to cramp peoples thumbs way quicker than proper sized sticks would. I was one of the loudest hypers for the dual analog controller back when we were expecting something more like picrel, but now it feels pointless.

>inb4 "but the alternative is a controller that has sticks too close together or enlarging the base"
Both of those are preferable to me, particularly the latter. The main draw of the saturn controller is the dpad and six face buttons, so itd still retain that. If they make the base a little larger to accommodate full-sized sticks at a better distance apart then that's not a problem for me.

>> No.9495525
File: 9 KB, 449x522, DUDE WISPS LMAO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't use the original controller via adapter
the duke came close to being perfect but the black and white button size/placement was retarded.
i just use a 6btn md pad for all 2d and some 3d (resi) games, and a cheap 360 knock-off for anything needing two sticks/triggers

>> No.9495572

The small sticks are only a issue for fps. Won't effect action games at all.

The switch joycon sticks are also just fine for all non FPS

>> No.9496501

What do you use for smartphones?

>> No.9496525

the switch pro controller is okay, i use it for pcsx2, tho i can never tell if there is some drift on the left analog

>> No.9496595
File: 673 KB, 1800x1200, ps1classic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ps1 classic controller.

>> No.9496616

How's the input lag compared to other controllers?

>> No.9496634
File: 223 KB, 1920x1080, brawler64-bt-hero-banner-1920x1080-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks compelling but the usb model seems to be out of stock and expensive to get.
Anyone have any thoughts on the current wireless model?
Sounds like it's intended for the switch but can still connect to PC via cable.

>> No.9496645


>> No.9496652

Why would you play games on your phone?

>> No.9496674
File: 45 KB, 1000x1000, pro2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got one of these. Works pretty well. Bluetooth and USB.

>> No.9496808

sorry buddy, it's not too bad i'd say. i play on a 120 hz monitor, not knowledgeable to know if that makes such a difference, but i have no problem beating very challenging end-game tournaments in gran turismo, had no issues playing through perfect dark/100 percent pilotwings 64, played thru pocky , castlevania IV, etc, all using the switch pro controller and it was never a noticeable issue for me

>> No.9496826

i should say, people will probably sperg over this, but i dont care, i use the switch pro controller cause its comfy has good weight and also I can plug it right in with usb-c. adding your emulators to steam as a non-steam game and just launching them through there will allow you to plug-and-play switch pro controller without having to do any headache driver stuff .so much fooling around with x360ce in the past before i just settled on this route

>> No.9497527

Nah, it's actually pretty ok. Decently clicky and doesn't feel like it rubs anywhere. Sure it's not as good as, say, a DSlite, but it's not as bad a Sega Genesis.

>> No.9497597

Hey anyone here knows a durable
usb c controller that connects directly to the phone.

>> No.9497727

WTF? Why?

>> No.9497769

Maybe they want to play the widescreen Sonics

>> No.9497775
File: 64 KB, 1000x1000, 51g0jNOpSkS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rather expensive but it was fantastic before i got a steam deck
mostly did pso gamecube and ps2 dot hack on my phone

>> No.9497919

I don't understand why everyone wants an "all-in-one" controller. There is no design yet that can do both 2d and 3d well.
You should have two minimum. One for 2d games and one for 3d.
And even then every game you're emulating should have a responding system controller. Ever tried playing SNES games with a Sega pad? doesn't work and vice versa.

>> No.9497926

Nope. It's pretty good and slightly clicky like the other anon said. I destroy people on tekken 7 online with it.

>> No.9497981

>And even then every game you're emulating should have a responding system controller
Why? Controller design hardly changed that much. Ergonomics are better all around in modern controllers. None of the controllers with 6 buttons use all those 6 buttons for main functions. Mapping things like equipment, map and so on to shoulder buttons or triggers work nice. Yes remapping them is an issue, but after you've done it, it works fine.

>> No.9498603

I have the ps5 version, it has switch on back to switch between ps5/ps4/pc, but I only used on PC. It works alright, but the weird layout has some issues, as shoulder buttons are L3/R3, and L1/L2, some emulators and games just straight out refuses to work with it or dont let map buttons to them. On PC you can remap buttons, but only in ps5/4 mode, the software doesn't work in XINPUT mode, and so doesn't touchpad. audio output works on PC but it sounds super tinny so its useless.

D-pad is small and mushy, its mediocre, but not bad. face buttons are micro-switched, like mouse buttons, personally I dont like them as when wearing headphones they dont feel like anything. Shoulder buttons are typical, some people have complained about them breaking easily, but mine has worked fine, I think ps4 variation of this controller had some QA problems. The controller is super light and feels cheap.

Its pretty good, and good option for emulating n64 games as there isn't much options for modern controllers with six-button layout and having analog-stick. I bought it on whim but I'll stick with 8bitdo diy saturn controller + xbone elite v2 controller.