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/vr/ - Retro Games

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9488968 No.9488968 [Reply] [Original]

What are some games you never played until you were an adult but feel like they're part of your childhood?

>> No.9489026

Strangely enough despite absolutely loving Phantasy Star 2 and 3 on Genesis, I didn't buy or play PS4 until nearly 20 years later. I played Phantasy Star Online before PS4.

Having played PS4 via emulation, it sort of slotted into my memory next to the other titles and triggers the same childhood nostalgia despite that I played it as an adult.

Oddly. FFTA also feels like a childhood memory even though i played it just a few years ago for the first time.

>> No.9489195

>played FF9 as an adult
And you're not a pedophile...how?

>> No.9489202

Ocarina of Time and 3D Zelda in general because they remind me of Tomba and Mega Man Legends games

>> No.9489207

I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're just severely mentally ill.

>> No.9489246

I'm not the guy who plays games full of toddlers.

>> No.9489765

Yeah mate when I play an FPS it's cause I want to fuck sweaty military blokes

>> No.9489787

how did square get away with making a literal pedophilia game. it makes sense that it's not talked about

>> No.9489789
File: 178 KB, 800x1341, 169236-nights-into-dreams-sega-saturn-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played on a real SEGA Saturn one time in my life, decades ago at my cousin's house one summer. He had the NiGHTS Sampler and I think Street FIghter Alpha 1 or 2. Anyway. as the story goes, we played NiGHTS that evening and none of us could be Gillwing, but I remember hitting him in the eye somehow and it looked cool. The next day I watched him play Street Fighter for a little bit. I never touched NiGHTS again until last year when I finally started emulating Saturn games and played both stories until the end to unlock the true ending. It's a fantastic game and makes me feel like I'm rediscovering a lost part of my childhood, since the most I ever played was up to Gillwing. There's also Game Boy in general, since I never owned a Game Boy growing up, but knew kids that had one. Harvest Moon I constantly heard about from Nintendo Power but never tried until I got a proper emulator handheld with GB form factor.

>> No.9489826
File: 195 KB, 1920x1200, vivi-ornitier-final-fantasy-final-fantasy-ix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9 sort of has a nice timeless fantasy quality to it. A lot of it's design elements really reinforce that sense of nostalgia for the previous games just enough to get that wistful feeling going but not step too hard where it's not without it's own ideas.

>> No.9489830

Learn how to punctuate properly, ESL.

>> No.9490158

Brave Fencer Musashi.

That's an oddly perfect way to describe the feeling too. Nice job OP.

>> No.9490189

really wish the switch version didn't crash literally every fucking time i tried to play it.

>> No.9490196

skill issue

>> No.9490205

i'm sure thats exactly what it is.

>> No.9490207


>> No.9491684

Oh, you say "bloke." I guess you had no choice but to be attracted to kids.

>> No.9491697


I'm currently downloading IX on my Vita. What am I in for exactly? I read it was a light-hearted throwback to the series before 7troons took over

>> No.9491707

I can't make it past the intro video without feeling like I'm going to be put on a list.

>> No.9491759

we warned you

>> No.9491784

You hate Australia or something, cunt? You even from Queensland?

>> No.9491787

I'm from a country that you think about even in your dreams.

>> No.9491825

Legend's 'Mission Critical', legit. I played it late in life but wish I'd found it at the time.

>> No.9491826

Ape Escape 3, came for the cunny and stayed for the gameplay.

>> No.9492072

Gunstar Heroes. Didn't play it til I was in college, but I played it enough after I found it that feels like a part of me.

>> No.9492809


Recently got Quake on PC and the only other time I playedd it was at a Sega Gameworks as a young lad. It was set up on a massive screen hanging from the ceiling and a comfy chair that only had room for one. Playing it on PC is not as grandiose but I get the same feeling as when I played it that one time all those years ago.

>> No.9492840

Why are zoomers like this, bros?

>> No.9492846

ffix is the most notorious pedophilia dogwhistle on 4chan, if you didn't know this than you're the one who's come a bit late to the party

>> No.9492854
File: 1.33 MB, 805x807, FfI8F3xWYAEmJX8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started playing Sonic Adventure for the first time. I really love it so far and it definitely gives me that childhood nostalgia feeling, despite never getting to play it when I was a kid

>> No.9492968

Deus Ex
Planescape: Torment
System Shock 2

>> No.9492975

You meant to say Twilight Princess.

>> No.9493751

All of the megaman games. Id read and look at nintendo power, so all the art and guides of megaman is in my head, but I didn't play the series till at least the PS3 was a thing.

>> No.9493769

how are the Alps this time of year?

>> No.9493880

Does this one hold up?
Also does the steam version offer any enhancement or should I just emulate?

>> No.9493915

Steam version lets you use Moguri mod which offers a few useful things. Look it up.

>> No.9493945

nice, now my next question is why those old as fuck games only get 50% discounts...

>> No.9493954

based austrian

>> No.9495502

They grew up thinking they are smarter than us.

>> No.9495573
File: 208 KB, 378x263, Donkey_Kong_Country_SNES_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game because I played Tak and the Power of JuJu a lot as a kid and I only learned now that nearly everything in those games is ripped off from DKC or DK64.

>> No.9495578

Endless exposure to twitter and tiktok where you get endless updoots for epicly dunking on people and generally being a bully

>> No.9495589

they dont get reality checked anymore since everyones just online and lack of modern bullying

>> No.9495665


>> No.9495671
File: 55 KB, 400x562, Shin-Megami-Tensei-Persona-3-FES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always gives me a warm nostalgic feeling, summer days with the sun shining outside

>> No.9495841

It starts off light hearted, but it has some pretty dark moments. A central theme of the game is death, like characters coming to terms with their mortality. It's a really really good game, the combat is incredibly slow though. And it's very comfy, it's my favourite ff

>> No.9496243

Porn addiction and growing up im a hypersexualized society

>> No.9497551

Why's it drawn like they're about to fight their Personas

>> No.9497751

SM64 feel so nostalgic even though I first played when I was like 20 years old, same with OoT and the DKC games on the SNES.

>> No.9498954

Pretty much every game I've played as an adult feels like they're part of my childhood because I still feel like I'm mentally and emotionally 14 despite being 29.

>> No.9498967

You are 14. Wake up, Anon-kun. Wake up! Your friends are coming over! Only 7 weeks left of summer, better make it count!

>> No.9498969

It's arguably the darkest game in the series, it just does it through its thematic elements instead of the stuff on the surface.

>> No.9498992
File: 30 KB, 286x400, 7F2C5167-9B0C-4E77-9926-4BDAEC690DC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played Super Metroid for the first time in October 2017. I really, really, really wish that I could play it for the first time again.

>> No.9501019

Streets of Rage 2 and 3 simply because me and my mom used to play 1 a ton back in the day.