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9483251 No.9483251 [Reply] [Original]

>Note outside of Shadow's Cell in SA2 mentions the Black Arms
>Explains why Gerald built the eclipse cannon whereas it doesn't make sense in SA2.
>Shadow doesn't remember Maria at all in Heroes.
I've heard complaints about this game messing up Shadow's lore but all of it seems consistent with the other games.

>> No.9483259

Take your sonic autismo elsewhere.

>> No.9483260

Aren't all Sonic games kinda caca? Why so many threads? You'd expect /vr/ of all places to be filled with autist video game experts

>> No.9483262

It’s just youtuber/journo-aligned retards going ”serious sonic bad, characterization bad, give me eternal solo sonic vs ’robotnik’ with green hill everywhere”. Shadow was always fine other than the 4Kids voices.

>> No.9483264

The only non shit Sonic is the first 5 minutes of Adventure 2 and just because of Taxi Driver assets and music

>> No.9483306

The only crime was that it ends on a callback to Maria's last words, but they localized it differently than they did in SA2 so the callback is lost.

>> No.9483394

Turn your thinking around
If /vr/ is filled with autist video game experts, and there are so many threads about it... maybe Sonic games are... decent on average??

>> No.9483401

why does shadow have black arms

>> No.9483403

>Aren't all Sonic games kinda caca?
no, you should play some sonic games sometimes

>> No.9483463

alien blood

>> No.9483574

Dunno, most things are speaking against that
>I tested all of them thoroughly and found them awful
>all people criticizing the same things, like lack of difficulty, polishing and literally the fundamental concept that doesn't know if it wants to go fast or be a classic platformer, not ever being very good at either as going fast is usually just braindead with occasional frustrating obstacles you can't do shit about if you don't know the game inside out and classic platforming that's entirely devoid of difficulty
>people behind it are all hacks
>one just exposed himself with Balan Wonderworld
>consistently churn out 60%-70% games because the formula has no legs

>> No.9483583

"Oh no it's Sonic with guns" obsessors will say anything about the game in order to find more reasons to hate it, including saying that Shadow's character is 100% completely different. I on the other hand actually think the game expanded on it pretty well. Could've done it better but I liked it for what it was.

>> No.9484443 [DELETED] 

>lack of difficulity
Most people who complain about Sonic complain about it being too hard for them to react to things.
Depends entirely on the installment. 1, CD, and 3/3&K are mostly pretty polished. 2 is rushed but still a great game. Advance and Rush games do not feel rushed. SA2 is not particularly unpolished. SA1 is but they patched it up for the international release.
>that doesn't know if it wants to go fast or be a classic platformer,
Retarded complaint from dimwits who don't understand video games. It's not about going fast alone, it's a momentum-based platformer that rewards you with top speed/beating the levels faster if you aren't dogshit. Looks like most people would agree with my stance given the love for the original games. The Dimps games are more purely speed with less emphasis on tight platforming, whereas the Adventure games are similar to the speed-based platforming but with less of an emphasis on the ramps and pinball physics outside of the casino levels. They're more action-adventure platformers with Sonic elements.
>t if you don't know the game inside out
Most people who aren't doggy doo can beat Sonic or be good at it.
>>consistently churn out 60%-70% games because the formula has no legs
Most of the top Sonic games that people love are consistently 9 or 8 out of 10. The original platformers are definitely each at least 9/10. Most of the decent/average titles are the spinoffs.

>> No.9484463 [DELETED] 


>> No.9484482

>lack of difficulty
>occasional frustrating obstacles you can't do shit about if you don't know the game inside out

you can only pick one, retard. if your #1 complaint about a game is I TAKE TOO MUCH DAMAGE then you're making difficulty complaints.

Just because you can't die doesn't mean you aren't complaining about difficulty. They literally implemented the ring system BECAUSE the game is too hard to go fast in for most players.

>> No.9484503

Shower, mariotranny.

>> No.9484867

>>Note outside of Shadow's Cell in SA2 mentions the Black Arms
Wait, what?

>> No.9484870

>Turn your thinking around
This is really something that people in general need to do more often to quash the mental cancer that is essentialism.

>> No.9485089

>>Note outside of Shadow's Cell in SA2 mentions the Black Arms
Where did you see this?
>>Explains why Gerald built the eclipse cannon whereas it doesn't make sense in SA2.
It already made sense. He snapped and wanted revenge after the government (accidentally) killed his granddaughter, whose well-being was his entire reason for his involvement in Project Shadow. Between the Eclipse Cannon, the ARK's programmed collision course, and the Biolizard, he had failsafes to ensure that his plan would work.
>>Shadow doesn't remember Maria at all in Heroes.
He was suffering from amnesia again. Evidently it was worse than the previous time, which probably had something to do with him falling from fucking space.

>> No.9485538

In one of the cutscenes, there's an inscription on one of the ARK's walls that says "Astronomers are warning of black monsters."

>> No.9485580

>you can only pick one, retard.
No you can't. A game can be piss easy and still have a frustratingly shit camera for example

>your brain on Sonic

>> No.9485589
File: 33 KB, 570x221, 20 points sega bonus (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most people who complain about Sonic complain about it being too hard for them to react to things.
That doesn't make it hard, just retarded. You essentially have unlimited health
>it's a momentum-based platformer that rewards you with top speed/beating the levels faster if you aren't dogshit.
The problem with that is that most (normal) people don't want to replay a braindead easy level a million times or let alone speedrun it
>Most of the top Sonic games that people love are consistently 9 or 8 out of 10
That's 90s Sega moneyhatting. Only retarded people take those review scores seriously. The franchise gets trashed and is a meme today

Post someone's blind playthrough to prove the games are fun on a first playthrough and you don't get stuck all the time with shit pacing

>> No.9485664

The only bad part about the lore of this game is that Shadow being a alien is retarded (although when expanded with the battle and chronicles lore it adds a bit more)

People hate the story of this game more because of the presentation + dialogue + the fact that the game has a shit ton of routes and none of them are reaaally canon

>> No.9485681

>"i don't like these facts therefore i choose to create my own reality"

>> No.9485735

>>Explains why Gerald built the eclipse cannon whereas it doesn't make sense in SA2.
wasn't it because GUN men killed Maria and that drove Gerald nuts? maybe they added more in the Shadow game but in the context of SA2 it makes enough sense

>> No.9485749

Im pretty sure Gerald was immediately arrested after the Space Colony ARK raid
He wouldn't be able to do that while under GUN vigilance

>> No.9485998

It is nice to see him finally get some closure on his past and decide it no longer matters and he doesn't need to be edgy for any other reason besides he enjoys it.

>> No.9486107

This is a Sonic board

>> No.9486114

But Sonic doesn't have a controllable camera, dummy. The only threats are what is onscreen. If you can't react to those threats, then the game is too hard for you.

>> No.9486637
File: 72 KB, 322x154, 1645852293101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So a truncated piece of Engrish is where people are getting this? That's speculative at best, and doesn't address any of the discrepancies that ShTH has with SA2's telling of events.

>> No.9487239

>That's speculative at best, and doesn't address any of the discrepancies that ShTH has with SA2's telling of events
Such as...?

>> No.9487307

For one, the moon is intact.

>> No.9487392

That was explained by Iizuka as the moon's unblown up side because it had rotated. That's not how the moon works, I know, but that's the official explanation as to why it looks like that in Shadow.

>> No.9487467

Shadow The Hedgehog is an ok game actually
but just ok
why so much recycled level design
even westopolis has an area that repeats like three times

>> No.9487559

>*epic bass riff*

>> No.9488061

>>Explains why Gerald built the eclipse cannon whereas it doesn't make sense in SA2.
he wanted revenge for Maria's dead it makes perfect sense and doesn't need an aliens plot.

>> No.9488063

i hate how slow paced it is, could've been as fast as SA2.

>> No.9490148

>Black Sonic with a Gun
Whose ideas was this?

>> No.9490185

Same one who thought of putting him on a bike. Makes no sense but teenage me and my cousins loved the idea.

>> No.9490748

10 year olds in 2004

>> No.9490760
File: 133 KB, 1200x675, Zw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This era of Sonic is, but they wont listen.
>Taxi Driver assets

>> No.9492507
File: 522 KB, 1200x1294, image_2022-12-15_001642254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've spent probably 30 hours in the last three months playing this game after having not really messed with it since 2015. And I realized...
I truly love this game. The story and pacing is the perfect kind of jank that can fuel hours of silly stupid headcanons. I have nothing but fun with the gunplay and the ridiculousness of a military or alien force being mowed down by a four foot edgie hedgie with a twenty-foot long gatling gun screams COOL, RIDICULOUS, and BADASS all at the same time. Shooting down giant flying craft by just endlessly spamming dakka while rushing to find more ammo fires off the synapses in my brain that give me joy. And it's so buttery slick to control, but doesn't suffer the same SA1 problem where you can set yourself back 20-30 seconds five times over because the speed overwhelms the controls, it's just death or a light punishment for being a retard. And the meters letting you spam extra dakka, or just randomly delete entire sections of the level with some well placed jumps? Wonderful
And oh the set pieces! It's so awesome to revisit the corridors of the ARK and even see entirely new sections from the far past, I love the grim-derp take on the Sonic highway gimmick, the gaudy colors of the light rail sections. Do you want some moderately-difficult platforming? We got that. You want some piss-easy platforming? We got that. You want no platforming and just want to blow up bombs or mow down enemies? We got that also! And above all, it's not trying to be a Sonic game, it commits to being it's own thing.

I don't care if everyone else hates it for a thousand reasons. This game brings me childlike joy even in my late twenties. The *only* thing I don't like is the opening level, the first 30 seconds are fantastic for setpiecing but you spend the rest of it going down a dull single street for a silly enemy hunt, could have at least split the path at least once like what Air Fleet did.

>> No.9492516
File: 1.50 MB, 789x798, chadow the edgehog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this game bros

>> No.9492521

If you ask people to explain why they think Shadow's character was ruined they always give a generic response. It feels like most people can't think for themselves

>> No.9492561

>That was explained by Iizuka as the moon's unblown up side because it had rotated.
That was just an off the cuff response he gave when asked about the moon at a fan convention, which he then laughed about. He was basically telling people not to think about it too seriously, it's not supposed to be considered "official lore", just like how there's no serious reason why the world map in Shadow's game is different from the one in Unleashed, or why Eggman looked more realistic in 06. Sonic Team just does whatever the fuck they want from game to game.

>> No.9492565

The eclipse cannon already existed by the time of Maria's death. He didn't have it built after GUN captured him and killed Maria.